Hi everyone this is Tansy from Tansy Forrest Hypnotherapy and today i have for you a recording on Hypnosis for permanent weight loss and this will be perfect if you're looking for a tool to help improve your health and well-being now and in the future and also has suggestions about motivation for exercise and healthy eating too, which as you know is important for everyone. Many of you will know from my other YouTube videos that i just don't believe in diets, instead eating well and achieving and maintaining a healthy weight i believe is about balance moderation and
having a little treat every now and again so you don't feel deprived and this is a philosophy for life not just for a few weeks so i do hope you enjoy and find it useful and if you find this video beneficial then please like it and leave any suggestions for future recordings such as themes you would like to see on my channel and i will do my very best to create something especially for you and also remember to subscribe if you haven't already and then you'll get notified of new recordings as soon as they are
released because i like to make new things every week as often as i can, but for now you can take some time for you and to begin i'd like you to take some nice deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth in through the nose and out through the mouth and when you're ready closing your eyes gently and getting really comfortable wherever you are right now and i'd like you to focus your attention on your feet and toes there's an energy moving into the soles of your feet that energy is relaxing all
the muscles in your feet and days feel the muscles relax now that energy is moving up into your calves and as it moves both of your calf muscles become quite loose and relaxed feel your cough muscles relax now that energy is moving into your thigh muscle causing them to simply let go and become loose now let your thigh muscles just hang down off the bone now that relaxing energy is moving into your hips and grind and the muscles there also unwind become loose and relaxed now that energy flows into your buttocks and those muscles also
relax feel the energy moving now and it's moving into your abdominal muscles your waist and the small of your back and as it does all the muscles there are bathe in a relaxing energy which causes them to unwind like a rubber band letting go and if your mind is beginning to wander now then that's okay just means you're relaxing and feeling very languid and it's wonderful to know that your unconscious mind is listening very carefully to every word i say and with each word that i utter with each breath that you take you can feel
yourself relaxing more and more and now that energy is flowing up into your chest and upper back causing the muscles there to relax and just hang loose the energy is moving gently into your shoulders now and as the muscles relax you can feel your shoulders sinking down and now the energy moves into your arms your hands and fingers relaxing all those muscles you might even feel some tingling in your fingertips as the energy reaches them that relaxing energy is now moving into your neck and if you're holding any tension there it simply dissipates allowing the
neck muscles to become loose and free the energy is now moving into your head causing the muscles on your scalp and around your ears to unwind it may even feel like your scalp is sliding down now the energy is flowing around your face and as it moves all the tiny little muscles around your eyes your nose and your mouth let go your jaw relaxes as you allow a little space between the teeth even the tongue begins to relax your entire body now is totally relaxed and it feels its limp as a rag doll you're feeling
drowsy comfortable so safe and secure and i'd like you to visualize or imagine that you're standing in the stone corridor of a large scottish castle nestled in the highlands and as you walk down this corridor listening to the click of your shoes on the stones you notice what is hanging on the walls pictures perhaps all large colorful tapestries filled with exotic hunting scenes taking place in the wild of scotland at the end of this corridor is a large handsomely carved oak door i wonder if you can imagine what might be on the other side of
this beautiful door and you sense that when you open it and step through you will be stepping into a place of sanctuary a place of peace and safety opening the door and stepping through you realize that you have entered an ancient library gently closing the door behind you you feel enveloped by a warm blanket of tranquility and calm a deep quiet soothes you looking around you you admire the 20-foot walls lined in row after row of shelving each shelf containing beautiful old books lined in muted shades of green burgundy and indigo and they're all inscribed
in gold lettering towards the center of the room is a large overstuffed sofa and a huge antique globe on a mahogany stand but you aren't here just to admire the beauty and wisdom of the ages captured you are here on a journey for your health and well-being and as you drift deeper into hypnosis you are going to assist the curator in looking after the books and looking to your left you walk towards a row of empty shelves and stand before a group of dusty books stacked in a heap before you there is a large white
cloth in front of you and you pick it up and fold it into a mound that feels comfortable in your hand your task now is to pick up each individual book and wipe it clean before placing it on the shelf before you you pick up the first colorful leather book and begin to dust it slowly and carefully making sure to do the front back side and spine placing it carefully on the shelf now that's right each book cleaning softly and gently and placing it on the shelf such a calming task leading you down and down
into hypnosis that's right that's right your job is to keep wiping each and every book and by the time you finish this shelf of books you will be in a deep state of relaxation focusing on the task at hand slowly and deliberately every stroke of your cloth down and each stroke of the duster up causes you to relax more and more nothing to do but relax your body and your mind so important to feel this state of uttar calm the simple task completely absorbs you you're safe safe and secure the lighting is low yellow and
orange flames flicker in the fireplace it casts a warming glow as the night descends outside beautiful thick long curtains of a deep velvet red are drawn as you relax more and more relaxing onto the sofa as your task is complete and the normal everyday world drifts further away nestling into the comfort of this elegant room so peaceful so comforting so relaxing nothing to do but relax and listen to the sound of my voice whatever you are experiencing is perfectly natural just go with it and surrender yourself completely and the more you let go the better
you feel the more you let go the better you feel so wonderful to be like relaxing right here right now and as i continue to speak to you throughout this recording your body is going to become more and more relaxed with every breath you take just go with it and now i'd like you to imagine you sit up from the safe and imagine walking towards a full-length mirror on one of the walls to the right of the fireplace in the library gently walking across to a full length mirror just try to visualize that in your
mind's eye and the image that you see when you look into this mirror that's coming back to you is an image of you with slim and slender and healthy at the ideal size that you wish to achieve permanently and that you are going to attain through listening to this recording just imagine yourself standing in front of a full-length mirror and imagine you run your hands down over your slim waist your narrow hips thighs slender legs your shoulders defined and slender toned arms your midriff and your firm toned stomach just imagine that you can see your
beautiful slender firm toned body and you are so proud of your body so slim and so very slender and you will do whatever it takes providing it sensible and healthy to achieve your target size and then just imagine yourself in the future walking across the square wherever you like in the world with the most amazing air of confidence perhaps you might like to imagine yourself in a beautiful setting florence rome venice london paris anywhere in the world you would like to transport yourself to in your mind's eye and around the edge of the square there
are pavement cafes just imagine people sitting around relaxing having their coffee and they are watching you as you walk across the square with the most amazing air of confidence and you are enjoying them watching you you are enjoying their attention you are so confident very proud of your body and you will find yourself through this program being motivated to drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins in your body as it enables the metabolism to work more effectively and therefore breaking down the fatty tissues you will also find through this program you will develop
good healthy eating habits always having breakfast lunch and dinner automatically choosing foods that are healthy and nutritious and you will not want to eat between meals or after evening meals for most of the time and when you do require a snack you'll make healthy choices you will also have smaller portions and you're going to listen to the part of the mind it says i've had enough and so when you have had enough you'd leave food on your plate and you're happy to do so and the key to success is having smaller portions and also to
eat slowly and so you will have this discipline to eat slowly and to chew your food really well so you will have this discipline and desire to chew your food well and to eat really slowly when you eat slowly you break the food down in the mouth so you get more goodness at source and when you eat slowly the digestive system starts working sooner so that it registers quicker that you've had enough to eat and also when you eat slowly you extend the pleasure of eating food is a pleasure so you want to extend our
pleasure and i will help you to have a normal healthy relationship with food and you enjoy a lifetime of being in control of your eating habits so if on the rare occasion you do decide to eat something which would be forbidden on a diet with this method you can have it but you'll surprisingly want to do moderation can you begin to imagine how boring life would be if you really fancied something to eat and couldn't have it because you were on a diet and if you are denied something human nature dictates that you want it
all the more we all seem to be programmed to want what we cannot have so you are not denying anything with this program and for most of the time you will make healthy choices have portion control drink lots of water eat slowly and want to exercise this program provides mindful awareness to change your attitude towards food and exercise exercise food is just food it's enjoyable absolutely but it's just food and you begin to realize that food is just enjoyable fuel for your body you will also have a desire and a discipline to keep a food
diary and to be open and honest with the diary keeping notes of all you have to eat and drink how it makes you feel and if there are any emotions that trigger you to eat and also if your stomach feels bloated or why you fail tired for no apparent reason as this can indicate food intolerances you will see patterns developing that's right and as you progress through this philosophy you will quickly see how all these changes and the emotions will no longer trigger you to eat and you will no longer grace make a note in
your diary of the exercise you do each day and you will have a tremendous desire to exercise and to really embrace it rather than ever seeing it as a chore when you exercise you change the body shape as the muscles become firm and taut developing that long lean look and also when you exercise you release endorphins giving you a natural high which makes you feel happy so you associate exercising with feeling happy and all of these collectively enable you to achieve your target healthy size easily and to enjoy the journey along the way and to
maintain this on a permanent basis i never to have a weight issue in the future would have to go on a diet and you will have the confidence to take control of your eating habits and achieving a healthy weight is a byproduct of this you will listen to this recording on a regular basis to implant all of these healthy suggestions it is such a precious gift that you are giving to yourself now and the future and the very idea of eating for comfort eating because of boredom eating because of stress or tiredness eating if you
are not hungry this treatment is simplicity itself if you're hungry you will eat if you are not hungry you will not want to eat and by completing your diary and noticing any stressful moments you will begin to erase any emotional complexities that cause you to eat in an unhealthy way in the past that caused you to self-sabotage and thankfully that is all behind you now and you are moving forward into such a straightforward relationship with food and exercise it's a new way of dealing with food it's not just for now it's for life you can
move forward into a new start a new beginning of a normal healthy relationship with food a new you and it's not a new chapter in your book of life it's a new book entirely it lasts a lifetime healthy eating exercise feeling good and these philosophies enable you to break the connection between difficult emotions and food you will still feel the emotions but it won't need you to snack or overeat and also it is necessary to delete clutter associated with diets the clutter collected over the years of always being one step away from the next diet
battling with food a wall saying with food and the misconception that you will never achieve a healthy size that you are stuck in an unhealthy body this is simply not true you can do whatever you want to in life as long as it's realistic if you think you can a simply mind over matter a belief in yourself you can achieve a healthy size it's not debatable it's a fact enlist your will and your great determination to achieve whatever you want in life without fear of failure without unnecessary anxiety and taking control of your eating habits
and enjoying that control it does come from within now continue to rest when you were born you're born with self-confidence self-assurance self-esteem self-worth and all these amazing powerful emotions came with you and as you were growing up through childhood right through to now every situation all events relationships traumas dramas all of these attack the emotions just chip away around the edges they don't go anywhere there's nowhere for them to go because they're part of you so they just lie dormant within the stomach area the center of you the very core of you and what we
are doing here by listening to this recording is rediscovering those positive emotions that have been chipped away over the years helping you to rediscover your self-confidence your self-assurance self-esteem and self-worth and all these amazing and powerful emotions being rediscovered and every hour of every day you will become more and more confident self-assured and in a few moments time i am going to count from ten to one and when i say number one you will open your eyes and feel wide awake full of energy vigor you will begin to feel life and energy flowing through every
part of your body right now your arms your legs your whole body you begin to feel strong alive allowing your body systems to gently balance themselves now and i will begin counting ten nine eight getting lighter and lighter seven six five getting lighter and lighter still four three two one now open your eyes welcome back welcome back