The 2 Witnesses Of The End Times Are About To Speak

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the two witnesses of the end times are about to speak something big is about to happen something the world is not ready for but what if I told you the world has already been warned and yet no one is listening the Bible speaks of two mysterious figures two witnesses two men with Supernatural power two voices that will shake the Earth two Messengers sent by God himself and now the stage is being set for their arrival but where will they come from and more importantly what is the first thing they will say and I will give
power to my two witnesses and they will prophesy for 1,260 days clothed in sackcloth could we be living in the days when these two finally speak if so the world will never be the same again the Bible doesn't give their names but it does give us clues some believe the two witnesses are Moses and Elijah the two greatest prophets in Israel's history Enoch and Elijah the only two men in the Bible who never died whoever they are one thing is certain they will turn the the world upside down but with great power comes great danger
if the world fears them how far will it go to silence them the world has seen powerful leaders the world has seen Mighty prophets but what is coming will be unlike anything the world has ever witnessed before two men sent directly by God himself armed with Supernatural power Beyond human comprehension but what happens when power like this is Unleashed on a world that refuses to believe their power doesn't just defy science it will rewrite the laws of reality and when they speak the Earth will tremble that's only the beginning of the chaos they will unleash
their words will shake governments but history shows that when rulers feel threatened they strike first they will challenge Kings they will expose corruption and no one no one will be able to silence them but there's one person one terrifying figure who will stop them or so he thinks if anyone tries to harm them fire proceeds from their mouths and devours their enemies but what happens when the whole world turns against them when armies are sent let's stop right here fire will consume their enemies not weapons not an army not body guards fire straight from their
mouths try to attack them and you will be reduced to ashes but what if their fire isn't enough what if their enemies find a way to survive but how does this work is it literal fire or something even more terrifying this isn't a comic book this isn't fiction this is biblical prophecy and it will happen but their power doesn't stop there they will control the weather they will command the elements they will shut the heavens so that it will not rain but did you know there is one specific prophecy that suggests exactly when this will
happen these have power to shut heaven so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy Revelation 11 verse 6 the entire world will feel their wrath crops will fail Rivers will dry up famine will spread but that's nothing compared to what happens next and people will beg they will plead for Mercy but until their mission is complete there will be no no rain but the real question is who will be brave enough to stand against them water will become more valuable than gold and then it gets even worse the two witnesses will strike
the world with plagues they will bring disease they will unleash Devastation and no science no medicine no government will be able to stop it they have power over Waters to turn them to blood and to strike the Earth with all plagues as often as they desire Revelation 11 not just one city not just one nation this will be a crisis that the entire world will witness one that no government no technology no military can stop they will not ask permission they will not be under the control of Any Nation they will bring judgment upon the
world whenever they choose this is not some ancient myth this is exactly what happened in Egypt and it will happen again but this time it won't just be one nation that suffers it will be the entire world world leaders will gather they will debate but what if this debate turns into a war against them they will demand action but here's the terrifying truth no Army will defeat them no power on Earth will stop them until their mission is complete they are Untouchable 1,260 days that's how long they will prophesy that's how long the world will
have to listen and once the countdown ends something even more terrible Ying will happen but here's something almost no one realizes this timeline matches another critical prophecy the world will live in fear because the voice of God's judgment will be walking among them the Bible warns that before the two witnesses arrive the world will reach a point of spiritual Darkness a time when truth is hated a time when deception is everywhere a time like right now are we on the edge of seeing this prophecy come to life because if so then something even more terrifying
is about to happen next are the two witnesses about to step into history the big question everyone is asking when will the two witnesses finally appear are we close are we already seeing the signs or is this something far off in the future the Bible gives us clear markers on when these mysterious prophets will step onto the scene the two witnesses will appear sometime during the final s years of History also known as the tribulation period This is a time of chaos deception and judgment and the key event that kicks it all off the signing
of a 7-year peace treaty with Israel but did you know this peace won't last and when it breaks the world will be forever changed Daniel 9:27 says that a world leader will confirm a covenant with many for 7 years this Covenant likely some kind of peace agreement marks the start of the final countdown and when this happens that's when the two witnesses will step onto the seen their mission begins in one place but why Jerusalem and what hidden prophecy connects this to the final war Jerusalem specifically the area around the Temple mount the most contested
piece of land in the world why here because the Bible says the Antichrist will eventually enter the temple claiming to be God and the two witnesses they will stand in his way calling out his deception preaching the truth and warning the world 2 Thessalonians 2:4 he will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped so that he sets himself up in God's Temple proclaiming himself to be God this means a temple must exist before the Antichrist can take control of it and right now now there are active efforts to
rebuild that Temple organizations like the temple Institute have already recreated sacred Temple artifacts trained priests in biblical rituals even bred red heers for temple purification the pieces are being set and the moment a temple is rebuilt the clock starts ticking and the two witnesses will not be far behind when these two witnesses step onto the world stage they will Shock the World they will confront the most powerful leaders on Earth they will call out evil at the highest levels and they will speak with power but not everyone will listen some will hate them some may
try to silence them but no one will ignore them because these two men will change everything the world is Shifting right now we are witnessing unprecedented unrest in Jerusalem growing hostility toward Christianity could these be the final warnings before the two witnesses arrive because if so then something far worse is on the horizon are we on the verge of seeing them step onto the world stage one thing is for sure the countdown has begun and soon the world will hear them speak when the two witnesses arrive the world will not celebrate their presence instead the
world will hate them can you already picture it governments will call them dangerous Nations will label them a threat to World Peace the media will demand they be silenced but here's the thing they cannot be silenced they cannot be stopped they will stand in the heart of Jerusalem boldly speaking truth and the world it will be furious imagine this every major news station is talking about them but who controls the narrative and what happens when the world's most powerful voices declare them a threat their words are going viral their faces are all over the Internet
and people are divided some may say these men are lunatics arrest them they are terrorists causing destruction they must be stopped at all costs we can easily see this happening what makes them so dangerous is not just their miracles not just their power over nature but their message they will preach against sin they will call the world to repent they will warn of coming judgment and the world the world hates truth the world hates Christ and his followers for they are not of the world I have given to them your word the message you gave
me and the world has hated them because they are not of the world and do not belong to the world just as I am not of the world and do not belong to it I do not ask you to take them out of the world but that you keep them and protect them from the evil one they are not of the world just as I am not of the world John 17: 14-6 the phrase my kingdom is not of this world pertains to the source and character of Christ's Kingdom rather than its physical location the
influence and potten of Christ's kingdom are derived from a higher power outside of this world specifically from our Heavenly Father God Christ's leadership is not human-made but of divine origin Christ's kingdom is unlike any on this Earth for the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking what one likes but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit Romans chap 14 verse 17 while Earthly kingdoms are grounded in this world Christ's Kingdom distinguishes Itself by being spiritual in nature originating from Heaven it infuses life into the world although the Lord's
kingdom is not of this world it exercises authority over this world and has a significant impact on it Jesus Christ and his disciples follow orders from above rather than From Below as Believers we are to focus our minds on Heavenly things rather than Earthly things as followers of Jesus we are citizens of Christ's Kingdom this Earth is not our permanent Dwelling Place do not love the world of sin that opposes God and His precepts nor the things that are in the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in him
first John 2 as believers our primary loyalty lies with our ultimate Authority King Jesus and we belong to the Heavenly citizenship this is when things get serious World governments will be desperate to stop them imagine a meeting of world leaders they've tried but nothing works and then comes the shocking moment someone will try to arrest them someone will try to attack them and the Bible says what happens next the world's patience will run out but no one no one will be able to touch them until this is where the Antichrist steps in the beast from
revelation will rise and he will do what no one else could do he will kill them but what if this was part of the plan all along and when that happens the world will celebrate the world will believe they have won but what they don't know this is just the beginning because the real question is what happens after the two witnesses leave Revelation 11:10 tells us and those who dwell on the earth Will Rejoice over them make Merry and send gifts to one another because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth think
about that the entire world will cheer at the death of two holy men they will throw parties they will declare a new era of peace they will call them false prophets and claim that the world is finally free and the worst part they will leave their bodies unburied and their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great City where also our Lord was crucified then those from the peoples tribes tongues and Nations will see their dead bodies for 3 and A2 days and not allow their dead bodies to be put into Graves Revelation
11: 8 to9 this is not just about executing them this is about humiliation their bodies will be displayed for the world to see think about this two dead men left in the streets of Jerusalem brought casted on every News Channel every phone screen every social media platform it will be the ultimate insult and for 3 and A2 days the world will move on thinking the threat is over but here's where the world makes its biggest mistake because just as they believe the Witnesses are finished just as they turn their eyes away the unthinkable will happen
3 days will pass and then something no one expected will happen now after the 3 and 1 half days the Breath of Life from God entered them and they stood on their feet and great fear fell on those who saw them they will rise from the dead in front of the entire world people will watch in horror as they stand up as they look toward heav Revelation 11:1 they stand up alive strong and the world is Frozen in Terror you can hear the gasps the news cameras are still rolling Every Nation every home every person
is watching this unfold live this is not a trick not a hoax the world has just witnessed a resurrection by the hand of God himself and then a voice speaks from Heaven a voice so powerful it shakes the ground beneath them a voice that the entire world hears a voice that none can deny then they heard a loud voice from Heaven saying to them come up here and they ascended to heaven in a cloud and their enemies saw them Revelation 11:12 in front of billions of people the two witnesses begin to rise higher and higher
into the clouds straight into heaven and the world it watches in Terror but it's not over yet because at that exact moment the ground begins to split open buildings crumble a massive earthquake strikes Jerusalem at that very hour there was a great earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed 7,000 people were killed in the earthquake and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the god of Heaven Revelation 11:13 7,000 people will die instantly but why this number is there a hidden meaning behind this exact death toll the number 7,000 is likely not random
but carries significant biblical symbolism here are some possible interpretations seven represents Divine completeness in biblical numerology seven is the number of divine Perfection or completeness the destruction of 7,000 people may symbolize a perfect or complete judgment upon those who reject God's Witnesses in first Kings 19:18 God tells Elijah yet I have left me 7,000 in Israel all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal and every mouth which hath not kissed him this contrast is striking in Elijah's time 7,000 were preserved as the faithful Remnant in Revelation 11 7,000 are destroyed possibly representing those who
refuse to repent and are opposed opposed to God the entire city will be shaken to its core and for the first time those who survive will finally realize God is real wrath refers to the emotional reaction to perceived Injustice or wrongdoing it can be described as anger vexation indignation or irritation both humans and God can exhibit wrath but there is a significant difference between the two the wrath of God is distinct from the wrath of man the wrath of God is always holy and Justified but the wrath of man is rarely Justified and never holy
the Old Testament portrays the wrath of God as a Divine reaction to human sin and Disobedience most frequently idolatry triggers this Divine wrath for instance psalm 78: 56-66 recounts Israel's idolatry the Divine wrath is consistently aimed at those who fail to follow God's will the wrath of God against sin and disobedience is completely Justified because God's plan for Humanity is Holy and perfect just like God himself God has made a way to receive his Divine favor which is through repentance by repenting a sinner can turn God's Wrath away from themselves however if someone rejects this
perfect plan they reject God's love Mercy grace and favor and will incur his righteous wrath the New Testament supports the concept of a wrathful God who judges sin the story of the rich man and Lazarus illustrates the Judgment of God and the severe consequences for unrepentant sinners now while I was saying this story did any person come to mind or I will put it in a better way do the two witnesses remind you of anyone in particular before you hear my theories write yours in the comments you might just see a name that surprises you
now there are three primary theories on the identity of the two witnesses in Revelation the first theory is Moses and Elijah because John makes specific references to the Miracles that the witnesses would accomplish many people believe that Moses and Elijah could be the two witnesses Moses witnessed more miracles than Abraham Isaac and Jacob combined with several Miracles occurring one after another as God interceded on behalf of his people you remember the 10 plagues of Egypt right in Exodus 7:20 Moses lifted his staff and the Nile river turned into blood plagues of frogs locusts and darkness
followed bringing an Empire to its knees now compare that to Revelation 11:6 they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the Earth with every kind of plague as often as they want this isn't a coincidence the two witnesses will call down plagues just like Moses did in Egypt and just like Pharaoh resisted Moses the world will resist these two Messengers but in the end God's power will always win the witnesses will have the power to convert water into blood replicating one of Moses's most famous Miracles and the witnesses will have the
power to destroy their enemies with fire which corresponds to an event in Elijah's and Moses's life then there is Elijah this Prophet wasn't just a messenger he was a force of nature in First Kings 17 Elijah declared that there would be no reign in Israel for 3 and A2 years sound familiar that's the exact same ability given to the two witnesses then in First Kings 18 Elijah stood against 450 prophets of Baal in a showdown for the ages he called down fire from heaven to prove that Yahweh was the one true God now look back
at Revelation 11 the two witnesses have the same power if anyone tries to harm them fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies imagine that two figures walking through the streets of Jerusalem confronting the most powerful leaders on Earth calling down fire on those who try to silence them that's not just biblical it's cinematic but why do the two witnesses have the same Miracles as Elijah and Moses could it be because these two prophets actually return in the end times at the Transfiguration of Jesus in Matthew 17:3 who appeared alongside him Moses and Elijah
they weren't just figures of the past they were standing there alive talking with Jesus about his coming Mission some believe this is proof that Moses and Elijah are the two witnesses returning to finish their work others say the two witnesses will be entirely new figures but will be given the same prophetic Authority as these ancient men of God
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