FULL TOWN HALL: Elon Musk Takes Questions From Philly Voters As He Stumps For Trump

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Elon Musk speaks to voters and takes questions at an America PAC town hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylv...
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all right so uh let's see um what should I sayx SpaceX does Rock H indeed um actually I'm I'm pretty excited about the possibility of uh SpaceX uh you know and and just generally becoming a space bearing civilization uh going Beyond where we went in the past with the where we went to the moon it's it's crazy that we went to the moon uh over 50 years ago was the last time uh any anyone went to to the moon and a lot of people think we we didn't go to the moon but we did we
did uh yet the Soviets would have called us out on that one if uh we hadn't gone to the Moon they would be like they would have called they would have called on that one 100% um but yeah yeah we need to go back to we need we should not just go back to we we should have a moon base you know like Moonbase Alpha you know like an actual base with like a science station that would be sick you know and uh and like and and I I I think we want to become a
multiplanetary we want to make Starfleet real you know so that like I mean like like like you should be able to go to Mars if you want to go to I mean go to Mars it be like amazing you know well take take six months so Mars is far um but we can do it we can create a base on Mars that and and ultimately build a city on Mars and make life multiplanetary I think that would be super cool um yeah I mean I mean the you know life can't just be about like you
know solving one miserable problem after another there have to be things that inspire you that excite you about the future that you look forward to you're like wow that's going to be cool and I think being a space bearing civilization and and you know having a city on Mars and going out there exploring the the moons of Jupiter ultimately getting to other star systems would be incredibly exciting and something like wow look you could really look forward to that that'd be like I don't know incredible so you know go out there and find like maybe
alien civilizations um you know like in Star Trek you know go go where we've never gone before um so yeah let's make Star leet real um yeah you know meanwhile back here on Earth um we uh we we need to um I think we need we we definitely need to get uh president Trump reelected that is that is so uh that that is that is I think uh incredibly important um and um I mean I think we we we don't I think America is great but we want to be we want to be greater um
and we want to do we want we want to do amazing things um and we we don't want uh you like the Apollo program to be our high Watermark we we want you know do great things in America and and I think we also want to preserve what has made America great um you know so you know things like uh freedom of speech uh you know like you know the the right to bear arms these things in the Constitution that are actually you know important uh you have to say why did they why did they
why did they add these amendments to the Constitution was because in the places that people came from uh if you said what you want to say you'd be uh put in prison or or you'd be killed um and and uh and and they took everyone's guns away so that you know they couldn't rebel against the pressive government that's the whole that's the whole idea behind taking the guns away so um so I'm big believer in the Constitution um big believer in um you know what makes America great um and and then we also need like
some obvious things like we we need actual ual secure borders um you know it's like you know you you like you're you're not a country if you don't have like a border like it's like what does it even mean to be a country at that point you know um and and I went to the Border just to see for myself what it was like and it was like it's like World War Z at the border you know like this is crazy man um so obviously I'm you know in favor of of of of immigrants that
a you know the the insane government spending is is driving the country into bankruptcy um and uh you know just like a person if you spend too much you know eventually you go bankrupt the the federal debts growing by a trillion dollars every three months um I mean it's I mean our our defense budget is pretty gigantic it's a trillion dollars but our the interest that that we owe on the debt is now higher than the defense budget over a trillion dollars and growing this is not sustainable so we have to do something about that
or the country is going to go bankrupt so that that's an essential thing too we need the cab yeah so that's why we need the department of government [Applause] efficiency d o g e that's on an on a on a brass plaque on a desk it's going to be amazing so you know it's it's yeah like yeah exactly as as people were saying it's just like like it's Common Sense stuff and you know um you know it America really just needs it needs to remain the land of of of opportunity the land where where you
know you're your success is a function of of of how hard you work and and your talent like if you're talented and hardworking that should be the only thing that determines whether you are successful that's it you know and America is also supposed to be the land of Freedom that means personal freedom like the government should not be imposing all all these rules on on on on on people and and uh you know it's like you know yeah so go government overreach is is is not not cool um Twitter files freedom freedom yeah exactly Twitter
files I mean it was just nutty you know uh people don't realize just how much uh you know government involvement there is in in the media and like how much the government influences the media um I mean it's it's crazy how you know you'll see like when with that like in fact I I I think like whoever's manipulating the media should mix it up a bit because they're really not doing a great job um like you know when when the was a week before the debate uh with between Biden and Trump and like the everyone
was on the media was saying Biden was sharp as aack sharp as aack sharp as aack sharp as attack sharp as attack like like you should mix it up a little get at thesaurus um okay the the NBC media puppets would were just all saying exactly the same thing so um you know it's just it's just kind of strange that and like do they all just get the same memo at the same time I don't know where do it com in is on the I want to see the group text okay like is there like
an email copy list or what you know everyone say this the same thing at the same time um yeah just total puppets um you'll see it next yeah exactly yeah totally so well let's see like you know what what I think what I find is is really engaging is when people are able to uh ask questions or make comments and so uh if anybody wants to uh you know try try to keep try to keep the comments like reasonably short uh if any any monologue should be ideally kept to you know less than a minute
um um so but just far you far far away and I'll I'll try to answer questions and you know respond to comments Andes you well yeah sure so hi uh my question is what makes you so interested in politics now why is this so important to you yeah that's a great question um okay don't bring the mic that close whoa um yeah the question is why why politics now and and versus in in the past I really have not been meaningfully involved in politics so the reason is that I think we're at a Crossroads the
I think we're we're at a Crossroads um a folk in the road of of Destiny um you what I see happening under the sort of B and Kamala Administration is uh a level of sort of government overreach and manipulation that that is extremely troubling um and and I also see uh really uh a deliberate attempt to import as as many people as possible into swing States like Pennsylvania in order to ensure that there is a permanent one state that America becomes a permanent one party state if I mean the numbers are truly staggering and the
sort of sort of fake Legacy Media doesn't report on them um the only reason anyone knows about it is if if you're on the xplatform but like the it's it's not it's crazy but I mean I you're seeing like basically increases this is from the government website by the way which is run by democrats so like you're seeing like uh in some cases like 700% increases in the past three and a half years uh in in uh illegals in swing States what a coincidence um and when you're talking about elections that are won or lost
by 10 or 20,000 votes and then you you you you bring in 200,000 of people and then you uh put them on the fast track to citizenship this is without without considering any cheating um this is legalized um that if if if that if that is if that happens over the next four years there will be no swing States um the the the um they're importing voters that is my I think that's obvious to anyone who looks and we will have a situation like we have in California where it's it's it's a one party state
California is is a super maor majority Dem State um and so it's it's one party Rule and if you have one party rule that's not a democracy so I I think either action is taken now if if if if if if if if there was another four years uh for and it's it's really like pointless to even sort of toite Kamal Kamala is just a puppet of a larger machine if if the if the if the machine I'll call it the machine is is able to to run for another four years um there there there
will not be any any meaningful elections in the future just like they aren't in California and the hul the hul all of America will be Cali fornicated not in a good way yeah California kated ouch um so we don't want that that would be a bad situation in fact it will it will actually be worse than California the reason it'll be worse than California is the one thing that holds California back from being even worse than it is is that people can move out of California and still be in America now what happens when you
there's no place to move it'll it'll be way worse in California that's why I think yeah exactly well and and speaking of of Mars like the the what what we're seeing you know with with SpaceX um Tesla and what not is that the that that the the the sort of regulatory oppression year after year is worse and worse and there's more Regulatory Agencies created every year more rules and regulations every year until eventually everything is illegal you know we had our rocket sitting on the pad for two months ready to fly um how is it
possible that uh SpaceX could build a gigantic rocket faster than the government could move paper from one desk to another so this is so if if if that Trend continues which which it will do unless there's a conscious effort to um have have deregulation and have sensible regulation then Mars will be impossible we will we will be forever confined to Earth so you know that's that I definitely think that's that's a a major showstopper um is is being so so heavily regulated that that we are confined to Earth forever um and that would be a
sad eulogy if the future aliens see us you come back and they almost made it too bad they regulated themselves uh you know they had the rocket and everything you know so so you know so I I guess you know you know short short answer is I think this is this is incredibly important that uh ironically you know there's a lot lot of people on the demp side that that call Trump a threat to democracy I I think in fact they are the threat to democracy thank [Applause] you hi Elon I want to thank you
for coming um I'm from deep blue Northeast Philadelphia and I just want to say thank you for all you've been doing your contributions and my question is did you expect the impact that buying X would have on the world and the United States Free Speech even into the America pack movement um yeah well I mean the reason I I didn't realize it would have as big of an impact as as it has come to have um but the the reason I felt that it was important to acquire Twitter was because I could I could really
I could feel the walls closing in um you know it was outrageous that they that they uh suspended the account of a sitting president you know I I mean that's that's insane um and I think it was only a matter of time before they suspended my account frankly you know and I for sure given the stuff I've said lately they would have suspended me six weeks a Sunday um so you know I mean really Twitter and and and and well pretty much all the social media companies and Google and everyone are controlled by far left
activists that this is that's the truth of it you know and so then how do you well how do you know what's real uh when it's all filtered through a far-left San Francisco Berkeley lens you know they they just manipulate the truth constantly um you can't even find the truth if you Google it because Google's you know put it on page six and I I mean you know I don't want to pick on Google too much I mean I have a lot of friends there but uh you know it's it's very easy to tweak the
results because like you know the joke goes like what's the best place to hide a dead body well second place of Google search results because nobody ever goes there so you don't really have to in order to um you know hide information you don't have to delete it you just move it to the second page and it's just people don't go there my Google too yeah that would be tough I that's that's a tricky one um but hey at least this this this one there's one place where you can find out what's what's actually going
on what's real and that's the [Applause] xplatform and and and I want to say like you know we we're very rigorous at on the xplatform about being a fair playing field a Level Playing Field being fair to all sides there's not a single account on the left that's been suppressed not one no suspensions nothing I believe in being fair um you know and once in a while we do we do get like a request for something on the right that's you know we we would be slightly censorious and we're like nope we we we're not
going to do that so you know we're are rigorous about being fair unlike unlike the prior regime uh we we will we are actually Fair um and we want both sides to say their peace and and to let there be a free debate and let and let the marketplace of ideas uh you know work and let let the best ideas win and and that's the right thing to [Applause] do hello Elon as a IT guy of 26 years I think one of the smartest things you did was firing most of the Twitter staff yeah everyone's
talking about coruption in the election systems in the doj and judicial system I personally think a lot of that is because of blackmail data stored on government servers I've I strongly feel that if we can't control the information that is stored by the three-letter agencies we will never get control of the country what are your ideas on things Trump can do to drain the swamp without being overwhelmed by their dirty tricks well I I mean as the saying goes sunlight is the best disinfectant so I think think I think really just bringing making as much
information as possible public available to the public um so that you can see what's going on there's like you know I mean I do have a top secret clearance but I have to say like most of the stuff that I'm aware of a top secret like the most the reason to keep it top secret is because it's so boring um um yeah I mean so uh but I I think like the the the strong bias with respect to govern information should be um to make it available to the public like it should be let's let's
be as transparent as possible like fully transparent un unless it's like an like a massive risk to the country like it's like you know we you know we don't want to give like say exact instructions on how to make a nuclear bomb or something like that you know but but unless there's a a genuine risk to the country all information in the government should be public yeah [Applause] hi you over here I'm sorry hey I know I look like the same girl who just asked I am it's hard to tell because I just hear the
speaker so okay I am H Denise's twin who just asked a question I'm also from uh deep blue far Northeast Philadelphia in Parkwood what I would like to ask you is uh in applying the same efficiency that you did to removing 80% of the staff of Twitter to the Department of governmental efficiency would you consider um hiring Scott presler who is an amazing movement absolutely um for that efficiency yes um and and I I should say you know hopefully if this comes to pass then the department of government efficiency is able to take action uh
we will reduce a lot of head a lot of government headamp but but we're going to give I think like like very long sances like I mean like two years or something like that say look just just go do something else is and you'll get paid for two years you know and so you got a lot of time to go and figure out something else to do um you know it's like the point is not to be cruel or to you know you know have people not be able to pay their mortgage or anything it's
just we we got to move people that we just have too many people in the government sector and that they could be more productive [Applause] elsewhere hey it is a pleasure uh me and my best friend started a company when we're 21 years old we're going to be the next biggest beef jerky company in the US I promise that but what advice do you have for young entrepreneurs like us to conquer a challenge that seems almost impossible from the beginning well I mean generally I think you know try just try to make it a good
product or service um and uh and and I mean it's it's it's it's not it's it's really that you know it's like you have to say like what is a useful thing that you could do like maximize your usefulness what is the is is if there's like what is that product or service that you want you want to make beef jerky the best beef jerky okay great so you want to make the best beef jerky just go ahead and do it um and and then uh you know you have to sort of just explain to
people why it's well first of all you need to make sure it is in fact the best beef JY um and then you need just to need to then explain to people why it is and so if you have both the reality and the perception of something being the best beef JY or whatever the product may be then I think you'll find it will be very successful thank you's open check us out all right sounds good hey there Elon uh my name is Josh um I drove down from Lazer County today um which by the
way has flipped red by registration yes nice work everybody there excellent yeah um another fun fact about the Northeast part of Pennsylvania um July 3rd 1778 the largest Massacre that ever happened on American soil happened when the colonists the French and the natives all fought over that land um and I think it all circles back um it's now you know fracking Central there's a lot of resources there land um and just beautiful local communities yeah and something that is happening at a rate that is uh unconceivable really inconceivable the centralization of power to Global Elites
and uh far off abstracted places that we can't touch yeah um what are the ways that we bring that back to local people that can actually have an impact on the ground um speaking with some people here yeah do we I totally agree do we do we move the Departments around the United States so they're not all in DC how do we get people on the ground empowered to actually make everyday change everyday changes in people's lives well I I super agree with you so I I'm against globalist Power like I don't think I think
we should like the UN should not have a lot of power and these like these like you know me you it's like who voted for them I I don't vote for them you know and it's it's like we we want power to the people power the power should Max maximum power to the individual um and so like you know if if if if there like we should not have any sort of international treaties that restrict the freedom of Americans and we should minimize the the amount of federal interference uh at the state level so it
should be like so unless unless it's at the state level which is something you can influence then really agencies at the federal and the national level should have minimal to zero power over you yeah is there is there a way that we could decentralize uh data so that consumers own the data what is the next step towards that because I feel like that is what actually gives us our sovereignty back well I guess I'm not sure how to decentralize the data um if if the data is at least in multiple places at least you should
be able to like locally store the data uh I mean people OB I think individuals should own own their own data you know I think that's really important like if you want to separate yourself from a social media company you should be able to take everything with you um so I'm I'm basically I'm in favor of any any any action that maximizes your freedom and liberty so yeah [Applause] hey Lon uh Tesla shareholder owner since 2015 I own an S plaid thank you for making that thing because it's awesome it's my daily driver so much
fun uh my but my heart is is with SpaceX and so my question is how will you with Trump be able to deregulate so that we can get more launches and get to Mars well absolutely that that's that is a big a major factor for supporting um president Trump is that um you know if if if the if the sort of you know Cala puppet machine um ha happens it's going to be just more and more regulations um and and this this over you know slow strangulation by overregulation will continue um and but but Trump
is very enthusiastic about deregulation just which is not say we don't want any regul we just want sensible regulations um and I think if if president Trump is elected we we can actually take those actions and we can um we can cut cut the strings like I I feel like America is like like Gulliver you know tied down by a million little strings and and we need to cut those strings and free the [Applause] giant hey man um thank you so much for doing everything you're doing um welcome um this is going to be a
little long but I think you're going to get a kick out of it it's a sad story that turns into something funny you'll probably like right um so I was mostly a lifelong liberal sort of like yourself work in digital production and marketing stuff yeah I mean I believe in Freedom like I mean I believe in like empathy like you should care about your fellow human beings you know and um you know and and and that and I believe in like free speech which used to be a thing on the left and now the bizarrely
they want censorship I'm like what and thank you for buying Twitter and saving free speech and bble on being too yeah that's that was great man um anyway so I sort of have a case to plead to sorry it's a little long anyway I can't get into the details because they're legal isues and stuff but years ago I had my life destroyed by crazy woke people because I was injured I lived in Los Angeles for about 13 years yep and when I wanted to seek out you know like a court case and stuff I had
someone in the legal system look me straight in the face and tell me you know you're you're not the right kind of white guy this isn't going to play out well for you and I immediately was like what the you know yeah what what that doesn't make any sense I don't want to swear but sure yeah so and I was like is it because I'm from Pennsylvania or I'm also Ash Kazi and like Jewish or maybe both I I don't I don't know yeah but I was immediately like what is happening and so it put
me in a bad spiral and I like lost you know just went crazy so it's like what like I'm always been a egalitarian person and right I mean racism in any form is bad where it doesn't matter who it's directed towards yeah and so um and I started you know becoming more center right instead of liberal which is you know it's an identity crisis because yeah yeah it's a big change sure and working in an industry it's sort of like you understand in our Industries it's you feel like an outcast you don't really know who
to talk to and so it's awkward so anyway as a catharsist of sorts um I made this app called pooper okay and so it lets you put animated pooping animals on your text messages okay and it's been charting for years so like since I made it it sounds funny yeah so I think you'd like it just because you know sticking pooping animals un like Mark Cubans if you're talking to him you can like stick it on his face or his text message and stuff yeah right and so he gets like a gorilla pooping on his
text message and like yeah I mean I saw an interview with uh M Cuban and um what's her name again Rachel matow but I couldn't tell which was which [Applause] so my question is would you like I because this destroyed me I was really badly injured I'm not saying have to do I don't mean to put you in the spot would you consider implementing that kind of thing on the Twitter where you could you know use have a dinosaur monkey throwing poop and put it on top of Mark Cuban's you know like new stupid look
that he had has well Business Insider about about probably 5 million people have now heard about the pooper maybe 10 million uh there's a lot of people are going to watch this so U I think that's uh that's some solid Pro publicity right there thank you hello thanks for coming you're going to help us win Pennsylvania and the entire race well I mean I I should say like like like it's incredibly important uh that um everyone here and everyone listening um watching uh that you go and and and get make sure your friends family yourself
uh are registered to vote because the voting registration deadline in Pennsylvania uh ends at midnight on Monday so there's only a few days left um and uh so Hound you just got to be a pest and like Hound your Hound everyone you know to make sure they registered to vote and and the registration is good um because it's it's a sort of you know shot clock ends at midnight on Monday so H go now you're going to be the head of the Doge have you thought about whether Ai and blockchain can be used to track
every dollar that the government spends makes people accountable to the very last person and we know exactly who agreed to a $400 toilet let SE yeah can we do that is that in the actually possibilities no that's a good idea because actually trying to make sense of these incredibly complex laws and regulations where you know a law gets passed that's like longer than Lord of the Rings um and no one's actually read the thing like literally not there's not actually one one human who's read the whole the whole law and then that law gets Amplified
by you know 100 times by the regulations that that follow I think you the only thing that could comprehend that is an AI basically so I think that would that would actually be a good idea is like saying okay AI just tell us what's actually going on where where's the money getting spent what does this what does this law actually mean and um and and simplify it really um so yeah I mean the the the amount of government waste that happens is is truly staggering I mean if you've if you've been exposed to govern Contracting
it's it's it's pretty nutty um it's like Beyond so it's so crazy it's it's hard to believe um so yeah um so it's I think there's basically a lot of room for for for improvement there and and the net result will be a significant Improvement in and like I said in personal freedom and the standard of living in America so hi Mr musk it is such an honor to be here with you I am actually a former mainstream media journalist I now teach uh martial arts in the city of Philadelphia to kids and also in
Camden and I find that the character skills that they need they get through marshal arts not so much through uh the education they're getting and with my journalism background that's great I I did martial arts too it's it's great it is it is it is it is it is a very healthy thing for kids to do I think yeah adults too yeah I will Spar you anytime um my question is I have such like a strong desire for truth that I feel like looking at x but also coming to events like this is the only
way that I can truly feel that I confidently know what you're saying and how you're saying it which I appreciate what do we do for kids so that when they get older they can see through it because what they're learning now I think falls short of not just the character but also their ability to just discern their own opinion well yeah I that's a good point I I think teaching teaching kids critical thinking is very important they should be T critical thinking it's like a mental firewall uh you teach kids critical thinking at a young
age um and just you know teach them the types of fallacies that they're likely to encounter the sort of forms of trickery like you know straw man fallacy or you know sort of there there's like the various you know ways that um that that information that that like Media or or people will trick you and and just kind of immunizing kids effectively against that I think early on would be a very good thing to do basically just teach kids like don't be a little be skeptical about what you're told uh it may it may be
true it may not be true or it may be that that often it's there's a certain percentage chance that it is true and you want to consider the the evidence uh you know weigh the evidence to decide what is the probability that a certain thing is true or not true and then when obviously when when you hear more evidence then you change the probabilities um I mean generally like I I believe in the sort of physics approach to uh thinking um which is that you you you you're always like have you're always weighing the probabilities
that something is true or not true or that there may be a third explanation um and uh and be very open to new facts changing your mind so for free that helps to promote like true journalism through anything I'd be happy to do it would mean everything well thank you I well I I think I I actually think that that that what we want to move to is is really um systems like X and other social media platforms too if if uh hopefully uh where you really have the the sum of the voice of the
people um you know in times past we didn't have the technology for this so the only way to learn news was for it to be to be filtered through a small number of news organizations and then to be uh printed in newspapers or broadcast there wasn't really any way that people that that people could speak to each other or communicate with each other but now there is so if if because people can be online and and I'm a big believer in sort of Citizen journalism um and and actually being way better way better than because
see like um at First Citizen journalism may sound like well isn't that isn't that doesn't that mean just a whole bunch of amateurs are doing J journalism no actually it's way better because if you have actual experts in the field saying things um that's way better than a journalist um if you have people who are actually at the event live I mean look at say the the attempted assassination of President Trump where people are actually at the event live people are reporting it that that's the kind of thing that is actually far better information than
uh than filtering it through a a small number of Publications which ends up being controlled by maybe five editors and Chiefs there's like five people that control all you know the news um and uh even though there are multiple newspapers it's you know New York Times W Street Journal Washington Post you know a few others and uh and they decide what what what is newsworthy but that should not be what how how it works it should be the that the the voice of the people the cumulative voice of the people should decide what is newsworthy
thank you oh first off I want to thank Nicole here she's the one that's holding the mic um really awesome um I know you said you were a little uh Spectrum autistic I mean little sure yes so I the only reason I say that is I really out of every successful person I've ever seen you are the one person that I can relate to the most so I'm sorry if I'm over placed a little bit um I remember you had stated that you hate the fact that every single time you hire someone for their talent
instead of their passion so I want to be able to say the Galileo test I passed Xavier pass um Don Lemon pass dark test SpaceX test um a12 I passed that one um the 95 test that's the year 95 what you did um to be able to do zip 2 I've done that slave test jobs Steve Jobs test uh reality goodness test the reality actually doing something good instead of just talking out their ass exactly uh the Reed Hoffman test which he scoffed at you because you were going to be the first man to be
able to put Life on Mars but it was going to be a turtle so now he kind of is walking back on that but anyways you guys had were good friends um so I want to um I I would classify myself the easiest way is pns um Quantum engineer and my friend Brandon and my wife uh Foo and Brandon's over there um I I want to give you my business card if you have 5 Seconds 5 Seconds we we have to move on to to questions so it's either question it's it's the just to be
clear the the the goal of the goal of the questions is to ask questions that you think that the public would be interested in hearing the answer to to be clear that is the um that's what we're after okay so you know it's it's you want to ask like well you're you're interested in a particular question but probably um there's a lot of people in America and in Pennsylvania that that are also interested in that question and that that those are the kind of questions we're aiming for here so but but thank you is what
Built America I was wondering if you can bring instead of going to Pittsburgh to be able to bring to Bethlehem to Lehi Valley to be able to bring that up again steel Bethlehem Steel what built the the the US sure and I know you are looking between uh at Pittsburgh I was wondering if you can look at Lehi Valley to be able to grow what was what made America America great okay well I I mean I I think we do need um a lot more uh local production of Steel um uh it's there's not enough
steel made in America that that is for sure so yeah so what we let's move uh with the emergence of AI and Robotics you've talked a lot about an possible age of abundance uh what are some of the steps that you believe should be uh necessary to lay the foundation that it's a more of a Utopia for Humanity than a dystopia and why you answer that would you mind signing a unauthorized biography written by my six-year-old son and possibly a copy of my hitchiker's got galxy um sure if it's a per sixy old sure um
so uh the the biggest thing for development of AI is that it' be uh maximally truth seeking uh which sounds like an obvious thing but um what I what what I see being done with a lot of the major AI companies is is not not truth seeking um they're aiming to be politically correct which means lying essentially so um you know the I think this is absolutely fundamental um and uh I mean like an example being for example when Google came out with with Google Gemini and you know people asked which which is worse uh
global thermonuclear war or misgender misgendering Caitlyn Jenner and it said misgendering Caitlyn Jenner so which even Caitlyn Jenna said uh that is not correct uh so that is uh you know if that's an insane thing for an AI to say uh because um if you have some sort of omnipotent AI it could conclude uh Lo like logic logically that the best way to avoid misgender ing is for there to be no humans because if no humans equal probability of Mis jering equal zero so you could get like some very dystopian outcomes if you do not
have a maximally TR seeking AI I think that's very important that's the reason for xai [Applause] so you can't have an AI bolt on a throne of Lies hi Mr musk my name is Dave Cochran I am so ecstatic to be here I do have the uttermost respect for you sir thank you I'm going to try to keep I want to bring in my sketchbooks I'm an inventor they would have been stacked this high but I'm not here to pitch my ideas I really want to know are you going to play a part in the
office once we get Trump in there and yes do things and maybe incorporate the Space Program in other areas of the country I tried to move to Florida my mother's 90 I want to be part of it I want to do it right here and I want to bring manufacturing here and the space program yeah but I'd like to see you involved that's for sure um yes I I intend to um help I I tend to do a lot of work to improve government efficiency so I I believe this is a very do very achievable
so like I said it's it's it's really like we need we need senseful regulations but we can't have uh insane regulations I I mean when when I um looked it up I think there was something like 428 uh agencies that federal agencies that exist um that's almost two two agencies created per year since the founding of the country so yeah yeah exactly not to mention the ngos that uh that but what's weird about a lot of these NGS is they're actually funded by the government so it's like it's a government funded non-governmental organization which is
like it just ends up being a self-licking ice cream cone know it's like bizarre um then how do you shut it off you know um you have to shut it off at the government level um so yeah I think this I I do intend to um um if I'm assuming president Trump is willing and I think he is uh I intend to uh play a significant role in uh you know in in in making government efficient just I quite I tend to be quite literal you know so so it just and I think I think
it if it would it would free up I think it just it would allow for so many things to be done that that that are incredibly difficult to get done um you know uh like like the boring company you know was trying to dig a tunnel uh just a road tunnel uh under the Colorado River in in Texas and has been waiting two years for for a permit for a simple tunnel under a river because it's a federal River it takes two years and still no end in um yeah it's ridiculous can't get anything done
it's legal on the subject of transparency um January 6th there were two uh well there's a single act of attempted act of violence where the two pipe bombs at the Democrat and Republican headquarters the government released a picture of the pipe bomber sitting on a bench talking on his cell phone it was time stamped uh we know there's video cameras probably every 5T in DC why haven't they announced who the pipe armor is um well maybe he's a federal employee maybe maybe clear on Twitter some some detectives on Twitter I think were pretty clear that
it was obvious who it was can they just tell the truth yeah I mean the well I think if president Trump is elected we're going to get to the bottom of a lot of these things you know so I I think it's is going to be like ma massive data dump and uh and then have at it take a look at all the information you know so yeah so I I mean maybe there's an innocent maybe there's an innocent explanation maybe there isn't let's find out hi Elon I know you're a bit busy but would
you were you to start another company what would it be would it have anything to do with helping more schools be like astronova and what is the future of astronova um well I have to say I'm not chomping at the BT to start another company um I I have 17 jobs and uh and then another one I suppose with the the department of government efficiency um although I think improving government efficiency will be really helpful in advancing space and and a bunch of other things and and just freeing you know people around the country to
you know do what they want to do um I think from as far as education's going I I think actually AI is going to potentially be a very good uh educator you know because the AI basically will know all the facts and is infinitely patient and can move move as fast as you'd like um and I think it's there's lot lot of opportunity for for um AI teachers to to be extremely extremely good so thanks Elan thanks for all you do and congratulations on getting booster 12 back to the megazilla thank you this SPX team
is just is is an incredibly talented team I it's an honor to work with them uh very impressive and relating to X would it be possible to train xai on federal state and local regulations and financial data so that the citizen journalists can investigate and analyze all the finances and all the laws and regulations so that they can help identify the discrepancies that exist yeah absolutely I totally agree with that [Applause] so I mean there is this fundamental challenge that that happens at which is that laws and rules and regulations are Immortal and so every
year there's more rules regulations and laws and they don't die because they're Immortal but we are we are humans we're Immortal we do die so that you get this accumulation over time in the historically what has caused a reset of the laws and regulations has been War um now we'd like to idly avoid war um but we still need this this massive reset of regulations um and reduction of regulations ideally without the forcing function of War um but it but it is it is an interesting thing that um the the the longer that there is
peace and prosperity uh the more rules and regulations will accumulate until eventually everything's legal so that's why I think it is essential that we have um a very conscious effort to reduce the laws and regulations um or eventually no one will be allowed to do [Applause] anything hey I'm Lucas and uh I have a question for you what's the best advice for your [Music] children best advice for kids well um generally my advice is just to try to be as useful as possible to society um you know be a good person and and and and
just try to be try to you know give more than you take you know that's a big deal [Applause] hi el I'm uh Curious with the explosion of AI and ml um what your thoughts are on reforming the nuclear Regulatory Commission so that we can provide all the electricity needs not only for hyperscalers AI ml but also to make electricity more affordable for Citizens yeah in fact I I think that the dangers of of nuclear power are greatly overstated um you know so I I think that we should should you especially with the latest latest
Technologies I mean that you can you can actually make uh a nuclear reactor where it is literally impossible to melt it down if you tried to melt it down like if your goal was to melt down this nuclear reactor the new designs you can't you will not succeed you know you can go in there with a flamethrower and a whatever doesn't matter um and bomb bomb the place doesn't matter it's still not going to melt down so if you if you're in a situation like that with you know with Advanced nuclear reactors what then there
shouldn't be any regulatory uh issues with that because what really matters is the safety of the public um so I think that there should be significant reform in the nuclear front Mr musk my name is Dave excuse the patch I had Mo's surgery a couple days ago it's super embarrassing but it took a lot to get up here with that um I integrate AI into businesses and we have to use open AI right now because they're the only API and so we have to train it like crazy to get it not to do woke things
um hoping that grock has an an API soon it will actually we'll be releasing the API very soon oh awesome okay great my cyber truck drove me here this evening my son and I so thank you for that product and um my question is space force I'm assuming there's been some discussions with President Trump about space force and I'm just curious if he does win obviously Doge yes awesome but secondly what do you think space force might look like in 10 years well I I think space force should really aim aim higher um you know
I think when the public he of space force you sort of think Star Trek Starfleet Academy you don't you don't think let's make a slightly better spy satellite you know that's that that but but the way that space force is interpreted by the military current currently is Let's Make a slightly better spice spy satellite like that's like 5% better I'm like no that's not what people want people want Starfleet Academy you know yeah you know we want the Star Trek Enterprise you know um and uh that's the that's what people want the a real space
force where it's like we're actually in space you know um so that's what I mean like we want to aim to have like a permanently crude uh base on the moon we want to have build a city on Mars we want to be exploring the the moons of Jupiter the asteroid belt the entire solar system you know and you know if if if you if you decide that you want to go to Mars you should be able to go to Mars you know that's that that would be super exciting um be a real space bearing
civilization would be fantastic yeah hion you've spoken about the challenge of falling Global birth rates and American birth rates is that something you've spoken to Donald Trump about and uh it seems like the Richer we get the worse it gets and you can't really pay people to have more nothing seems to work what ideas do you have for that and is that something that you have spoken to him about thank you I I have mentioned it to him um and it is it is a quandry like as you you know if you look at the
sort of the rise and fall of civilizations you realize that actually what ended up what ended most civilizations was a birth rate um that is uh it just an an extended period of prosperity uh seems to cause birth rates to plummet um and somewhat it's somewhat counterintuitive when a society is under stress birth rates increase so if you look at say uh ancient Rome the birth rates were super high when they were fighting the carthaginians and and and Rome's very very life was at stake birth rates were alltime high after they defeated Carthage and and
ruled the Mediterranean uh the birth rates plummeted um and to such a degree that Julius Caesar even tried to pass you know laws like I think 50 BC or something like that to give an incentive for any Roman citizen that would have a second or third child so they were having birth rate issues in 50 BC which is pretty wild um and the and and that's that that was also true of of really basically every every civilization throughout history is so how do you avoid this uh birth rate collapse the Trap of it's a sort
of prosperity trap um I don't have a great answer for that except except I think if we can at least bring it to conscious awareness um that we need to continue as a civilization like no humans no Humanity um and at least it's a topic of conversation it's like hey it's something we should do something about um and and we definitely want to get rid of this ridiculous notion that there are too many humans on Earth um this is false yeah you know there's a lot of people who think that uh the environment can't sustain
this number of humans is totally untrue we could double the population of both and still not have a significant environmental impact so you know it's like if you could fit all of the humans um on one floor in the city of New York um so that's like 8 billion humans sounds like a lot but actually you know if you're say take if you're in an airplane and you're going from here to LA or wherever and you look down how often do you see a human you know if your goal was to drop a ball on
a human while flying from from here to La you'd have a hard time so the the actual density of humans is very low um and and and Earth is capable of of easily having far more humans and should in my opinion [Applause] hi Elon it's an honor to speak with you and I just want to personally thank you for buying uh Twitter and saving Free Speech you're welcome so a couple months ago uh I was tired of being a keyboard Warrior and I signed up to be a trump Force 47 Captain great and I've knocked
over 200 Doors for trying to get people to get out and vote for president Trump great thank you that's that's that's super important I mean you know as was was asked to me at the beginning of this talk you know why am I so involved in politics this time it's because I think this time it's a f in the road um and it's a I think I think frankly I think we're doomed if if Trump doesn't win I think we're doomed I we're it's we're in the Doom loop at that point so he's got to
win and and and I I think for those who are in uh areas that are you know sort of normally these like deep blue areas um I if if if you if you think you won't get assaulted to uh put put a trump Vance sign on your loan um I mean a lot of it is is like people are like this they need social proof they need they need evidence that that other that they're not alone and so probably a lot of people in these like nominally blue areas would actually vote for Trump if they
thought someone else was voting for Trump too um and so if you just put the the sign on the loan and and be sort of loud and proud then I think people like you know what I think I'll vote for Trump [Applause] too so uh I have a rhetorical question can you buy Disney and fire David [Laughter] mure now that's a real interesting idea so Dei has become a cancer in our corporations it really has uh and I was wondering if there's anything realistically that the federal government can do or the equal employment opportunity commission
to put a stop to this yeah I think they should the government should be actively saying that it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of of race gender or any anything else other than Merit it is illegal that's that's it's not right it's it's you know it's not morally right it's not legally right and it doesn't matter who you're discriminating against the point is not to have discrimination but a different type of discrimination the point is to not have discrimination that's the whole idea [Applause] yeah good even me Elan first of all thank you
for all you're doing and thank you for being you um well I appreciate the kind words thank you um in the book all the Glitters the mystery behind the glitter conspiracies is revealed and uh they details of mission X is exposed where SpaceX is utilized to deposit a layer of glitter above the atmosphere which deflects the red and infrared right away and cools the planet my understanding is that this is sort of being kept secret because you don't want environmentalists or other people to come in and regulate and stop it from happening why isn't the
public being made aware that it is essential that Donald Trump be elected for this to happen because Trump will not have to ask permission to save the planet who'll just do it and I'm just wondering if you build the same sentiment and then there's also been some rumors on the internet that you're going to not only do this but then you're going to use it and charge the other countries of the world world to support it you're going to lower the deficit and another source of income and there'll be no more Wars between electric vehicles
and oil fossil fuels so why won't you tell people elect Trump and this will happen because if it's anybody but Trump regulations or yeah you know it only takes one person to complain and it won't happen um well I I think it's it's for sure true that when we we've got so many regulatory agencies um and and there are so many rules and regulations I mean like basically Washington DC is like is like a sea of brake pedals like everyone's got a brake pedal but nobody's got an accelerator um we're going to add some accelerators
uh so because all all they want to do in DC is stop anything um you know so you know it's just a SE I I just call a c of brake pedals like it's brake pedals in all directions um and how can you make progress if you got a sea of brake pedals it's not possible so we we're going to get rid of some some bunch of the brake pedals and and add accelerators my question was uh how do we stop the steel and is there a way to have a database on X where we
can track all the votes we all send our votes to you to track it and then we can tell who wins or there so much even down in Georgia right now they're already flipping votes on the machines and how do we stop the steal well I recommend posting you know any evidence that you have for for voting uh fraud or irregularities or causes of for concern just post post it on the xplatform um and then people can you know support it or say well you either support it or debunk it one of the two um
but I mean I I do think there's there's generally an issue that we have a fundamental issue which is unless we have voter ID um and you know like I I my my my opinion is we should have no and I I say this as a technologist who likes technology and I like computers but we should not have computers do voting tabulation at all um it's it's it's far it's far too easy to hack a computer I know how to hack a computer um so uh you know in government software is the easiest thing to
hack so it's not the best software so uh we should in my opinion we should have paper ballots only it should be in person voting with ID and a [Applause] story hi thank you for everything you do feel free to answer this question in three words some people claim that you you Hing Tesla's brand and sales by sporting Trump what do you say to those people well uh I mean you know Tesla sales are actually doing great um and uh you know we we we're hitting all-time highs so I I think you know really people
care about the quality of a product uh and and as opposed to the you know whether they agree or disagree with the CEO views I mean the CEO of Any Given company is going to have political views um but you know at the end of the day what matters is Tesla makes a great product and people like buying great products um so that's it hello hi thanks for uh thanks for coming and being here uh I think I understand your vision for challenging the existing cell phone Syndicate but I want to know when the phone's
coming out man I sure hope we don't have to make a phone that's a real that's a big that's a lot of work um I mean if if you know if there's like I mean yeah well the idea of making a phone makes me want to die um so but if if if we have to make a phone we will but but we will Aspire not to make a phone um you know I I do think the that uh you you know the various companies and you know Apple and Google Android and what not you
know they need to make sure they don't have a heavy hand in like the App Store and whatnot or they will they will create a forcing function for there to be a competitor um so um but man I should the idea of I I dread the idea of making a phone um but if if if if that turns out to be necessary do it but hopefully it is not necessary um yeah so all right hey Elon uh first things first is that jcal is on my cap table all right um great and um my question
is I grew up in Spain right near where uh your brother got marri uh married oh cool and um in uus and comparing cities back home to cities here it's incomparable how does does one fix you know I go to the our great city of Philadelphia how does one fix the problem of people living on the streets um it's not talked about enough it isn't no I agree I go to Kensington a lot and that's just it is such a horrible site seeing these poor people at what point do you have the freedom to slowly
kill yourself like that on the streets um and how do you fix that well I think I think the there's not an easy answer to that um um but I think you cannot have open air drug bazaars um because obviously that's going to be a magnet um and and uh you know while you know I think most people can resist the lure of of uh you know drugs some people cannot and um you know they you just cannot have let let there be easy access to drugs and have it just be open they're on the
street the then there are also situations where somebody is like just fundamentally ill like not a little bit you know um like I mean mentally ill to in a dangerous way um dangerous to others and and and I think if if somebody is mentally like incurably mentally ill and a danger to others they they we need to have some kind of Asylum for them there there's no because other you know it has to be done the the the word homeless is a misnomer um like because homeless imply sounds like someone who God a little behind
on their mortgage payments and if they just got a jav offer they' be back on their feet that does not describe the people in Kensington okay at all um so if if if if if the issue is one like if if there basically if they're violent drug zombies um they must be taken off the streets um and they want to go willingly they there so there's no choice now and now I I I'm a big believer in empathy I think we should have empathy we should have empathy for for for our fellow human beings um
but but what I see on the left is what is is a lot of shallow empathy um sort of sort of empathy that's Skin Deep essentially uh very thin empathy they have empathy for what they term homeless people when they're actually violent drug zombies but they lack empathy for the victims of the violent drug zombies and so that it's they we we we should have deep empathy for for everyone not shallow empathy de have empathy have empathy for the victims of the criminals not just the criminals hi Leon my name is Hans moer I I
brought some plans here to solve all our problems I'm going to give them to this young lady here okay wow okay I have some good news the Washington Times the most conservative uh voice in our Capital endorsed uh pres president Trump for another another term so that's good news great my question today to you is when your children come to you and you know they ask you why why is so much war in our world uh what do you answer them as far as you know where does peace begin well I the the reality is
is actually if you say um War per capita it's actually quite low um so that it's not that there's no war it's just that you we we we now hear about war anywhere at all so um but if you compare where we are today versus say last century with World War II and World War I where millions of people were dying per year um we the we actually have on a global basis it's actually very peaceful um that that does not say there's there on some terrible things happening somewhere there are 8 billion people on
Earth so um and in fact what what the sort of Legacy mainstream media tends to do is try to answer the question what is the worst thing that happened on Earth today that's generally what like the newspaper tries to answer what's the worst thing that happen it's a big world there some pretty bad things so the so actually the reality is that that there is only a small amount of War occurring in the world um compared to the Past uh and um now now historically humans have had a lot of War of course um but
I I think actually for countries say like the United States the issue is that we've had peace for such a long time that we are a victim of prosperity um it's sort of and this when you have peace for such a long time you have this accumulation of rules and regulations that that binds Society that's why I call it the the slow strangulation by overregulation is what happens uh in peace time and and a dramatic decline in the birth rate and we you know the the decline in the birth rate is it's it's not something
we've ever evolved to react to like if you said um like that that there was like a Thanos situation where somebody would snap their fingers and half of people would be dead be like well that's terrible well that's actually what's happening with the birth rate yet there is no reaction why is there no reaction at the end of the day you still have half the people um I mean look at say um you know South Korea birth rate is onethird replacement one3 that means if you forward fast forward to the future 2/3 of South Korea
is gone poof gone more than Thanos why is there no reaction why are we not reacting to the absence of of children we should we we should have in my opinion just as strong a reaction to the absence of children as as to to the death of humans because in both cases the people are gone uh Hey Elon how you doing um great job saving Twitter from the woke mind virus um and I don't know if you're a gamer but what what gave it away I do Post frequently on the subject yeah nice I I
do actually love it people ask me what what are your haries I'm like well I hang I I you know I talk to my friends and family and I play video games um yeah I left my Diablo 4 to come here so yeah I made here um but the uh yeah exactly but the gaming industry uh is starting to see some U results to being a victim of the W virus I agree um and so I was was wondering uh with with reent flops like uh make video games great game yeah yeah exactly with the
recent flops like conquered and dustborne games are prioritizing pronouns and things like that instead of actual gameplay yeah um so I was wondering have you ever thought about making your own gaming studio and making an impact in the industry you know if there's one thing I can say that that would be a fun thing to do would be to uh start a gaming studio um because I do I do actually intrinsically love video games um and I think actually if you apply sort of AI to video games you could really make it just some incredible
makes make Incredible video games um so yeah I think just generally for for Content you know the the problem with like the sort of Dei and the W mind virus is that it kills the art you know it it's just a like as soon as when when you can see something that is forcibly imposed uh on the story and it's it's discordant it destroys the art and and and and and now you it's hard to enjoy the story it kicks you out of the story because you you can just feel that you're being lectured we're
seeing it in movies and TV and all that kind of stuff it's like let me just enjoy my video games exactly I know come on let not video games too all right hi Elon um as a child of Science Fiction and being raised on azimov and the Grandeur and the beauty that came through his stories I mean I'm teaching my daughter the same thing she's 6 years old yeah and we've had conversations watching all of your rocket launchers and she's asked me when can we go for a walk on the moon so I have to
ask what's a realistic timeline for me to take my wife and my daughter to the moon and go for a walk well that's a great great question um well with with our goal with Starship is to enable um anyone to go to the moon or Mars or elsewhere if they want to um and I think that is actually uh genuinely possible with a a fully reusable rocket you know the fundamental breakthrough that's needed to make life multiplanetary and for us to be a space fairing civilization uh is full and Rapid reusability which is what we
have for every other form of Transport we've got you know our cars are reusable are planes reusable bicycles horses they're all reusable um but but Rockets historically have not been reusable they've been single use um and and that means you got to BU have a whole new rocket every time you fly which obviously makes it extremely expensive um but with Starship we're close to achieving full and Rapid reusability um and and and that then uh drops the the the cost of of of space travel by literally 10,000% like no no exaggeration it's like 10,000% Improvement
it's insane well it's the difference between you know if if you have to refuel your car or get a new car what's that that's a really big cost difference you know and imagine and the current the situation historically with rockets is like if you you went on a journey if it was a car you'd have to have a you you'd have to get a car and then tow a smaller car behind you to leave the other car there and then come back in the little car that's which is insane you need you know second car
just for the return return 20y so that that that that made has made space insanely expensive but once you can once it's fully reusable now you it it the cost is simply whatever it takes to to refill the rocket that's it and that's that's a massive change so congratulations [Applause] thanks hi el um my name is Amanda I'm a single homeschooling mom of a beautiful daughter I chose to do this because of the inefficient education being provided through this country's Public School System yeah I think our education system is messed up I mean this like
they're just like indoctrinating kids with like crazy ideas California alone gets approximately 23 billion doll in federal funding which only accounts to six to 9% of funding for the state's K through 12 schools right yet they still have the lowest graduation rates of any state in the US yes how can we better use our funding federally to make sure our students in public school receive a proper education that prepares them for the workforce without the misallocation of taxpayer Federal funding that the students seem to not be benefiting from anyway well I mean if if we
may if we make the funding contingent on student performance then I think that would that would be a difference I mean right now now there's no feedback loop um so schools can be terrible uh teachers can be terrible and nothing happens and it doesn't matter if there there there's what what the results are um so there there if you have no feedback loop for improvement if there's no if there's neither punishment nor reward there's no there's no reward for excellence and there's no punishment for failure then you're going to have basically communism um and and
uh you know then it's bread lines and ugly shoes um so we don't want that um so yeah I mean I I met someone uh a few months ago who was telling me he how how he grew up and and he was his father was an ambassador and uh you he went to Hungary when it was still um under communism and he remembers going into a store and trying to buy something and and you had to basically beg the store Club to allow you to buy something okay he's like I was like um it's like
please do me a favor and allow me to buy this thing that's how crazy it gets but if you got no feedback loop essentially the S cloak knows that they'll never get fired doesn't matter what happens and they could be great or they could be terrible nothing happens um then you get you you get the outcome you should expect which is um terrible results um whatever you incent will happen and uh and so we need to have an incentive for excellence uh where there's reward for excellence and there's punishment for failure um that's [Applause] it
hi Elon my name is Finn and I actually go to your Alma moer the Wharton School of Finance all right um and I serve as Finance director of the upen college Republican shout out CRS that's good shout out pen CRS um and I just want to ask you um I know like this is the moment this is we're in Pennsylvania and we need to reelect Donald J Trump US president um how do you how do you recommend I do my part in going about that and being a fearless leader on the campus that you were
once a part of right but also navigating these layers and layers of just Communists that kind of control every institution in this country well I mean I think just um well with respect this selection like you said I think being uh loud and proud is is a good idea like where Trump t-shirt put a sign on the lawn you know where where the I mean like wear a mega hat you know type of thing I mean honestly it's like at this point it's just like yeah and then if people confront you say yeah that's [Laughter]
right that's that's how it goes so um yeah so yeah man but but like I said I think if this is this really is a pivotal election super big deal um you know it's it's it's really difference between freedom and opportunity or oppress oppression and uh you know communism essentially that that's what we're looking at so it I think this is this is if if Donald Trump Is Not Elected I think this is the last election yeah hey Elan uh this was not planned but uh I'm also a current undergraduate um studying business at the
University of P Pennsylvania Who as a young man really takes great inspiration uh in your work in story earlier you mentioned that the government deficit is growing at an unparalleled rate and needs to be stopped through a separate department for efficiency given the fact that government spending is increasing and taxes are unlikely to get cut in a meaningful manner how do you think the United States can best decrease our government deficit to increase or invest sorry in the future of Our Generation and secondly and more importantly what advice do you have for young men today
who are seeking to achieve their full potential thanks and go Quakers yeah um well I mean I really think we've got to cut govern spending this live this way that ultimately there will be no choice but to cut government spending um and and when the government runs a deficit that is a tax um and it's a tax on people who have who are saving money it's it's a tax on people who least deserve it really um you know because inflation it just so that everyone understands the only the only the only thing that causes inflation
is government overspending because the checks never bounce when the when the federal government writes them the checks never bounce so when so government overspending is taxation it's it's just a pernicious form of Taxation that shows up in the rising price of goods and services so the the only answer is to is to is to subst dramatically cut government spending and have it to be efficient you know spend on on what is only what is necessary and and spend it well um that that's that's that's the path to prosperity and and and any other path leads
to Doom so um it's got to be done yeah I mean in terms of general advice I'd say it's it's like try to be as useful and productive as possible you know um I I do think we have an over allocation of of really smart people in America in finance and uh law um so that I mean that's both a compliment and a criticism um that that we we have we should have more people more smart people in in sort of manufacturing um and basically producing goods and services um than than in finance and law
um I think we we over allocate to finance and law in the US um so you know like like a good test would be like you're on a desert island who do you want with you a lawyer probably not so it's not to say that we don't have we shouldn't have lawyers but just we should maybe not have as many lawyers um you know and so you you know I think if if you you want to say like what would be a useful skill to have if you're stranded on a desert island and uh aim
for that hey Elon uh thanks very much for coming and uh thanks for everything you're doing for the human species and I wanted to know what you think like where you see humans uh a thousand years from now assuming there isn't a nuclear situation and what you think about you know the nuclear situation currently and nonproliferation and you talk a lot about you know at these events and in your interviews you know going to Mars in order to safeguard Humanity but there's a lot of things that can occur that could affect the whole solar system
so what what do you plan to do about that as well the whole solar system I mean well look I think if if we can just if I I do think that there is an important threshold where if we're able to make uh life multiplanetary meaning like that you can get to the point on Mars where Mars can grow by itself even if the resupply shifts from Earth stop coming that's the critical threshold where where the probable lifespan of civilization is dramatically greater um so it's not enough just to go go to Mars and have
like a small base or something like that you've got to actually have a enough resources on Mars that if resupply ships stop coming for any reason and it could be that that things on earth ended with a bang or a whimper and and currently it's trending to end it's sort of tragic uh currently things are trending to end where a wimper in adult diapers because of the lack of birth rate so uh but as soon as we can make life multiplanetary sustainably multiplanetary the probable lifespan of of civilization is dramatically greater um and and and
I think that's really the fundamental test is is can we can we get to that point before civilization collapses can we make life multiplan sustainably multiplanetary before something happen on Earth to prevent that from occurring and if we do the future is exciting and bright and Mars may one day come back and save Earth just like America came back and saved Europe and saved the rest of the world three times last century three times three times America saved the world last century and and what what a what a disaster would have been if if if
America had not existed um and one day Mars may may play that same role on Earth good evening Mr musk I just wanted to um ask as a citizen of the United States and the United Kingdom if you could get Donald Trump to pressure the United Kingdom and the EU to get you into those Summits to get more American businesses into Europe and not to be so aggressive well I think there's there's some weird things going on in Europe um and uh there's there's a lot of I mean although you know we've got quite a
lot of bureaucracy here but in Europe they've got country level bureaucracy and then they've got EU bureaucracy on top of that you know I mean the EU headquarters and in Brussels is a monument to bureaucracy so really next level um you know and and they don't they unlike America they don't have a First Amendment you don't actually have uh freedom of speech in Europe um so you know but we're kind of like a pretty rare situation having freedom of speech so you like there's crazy stuff happening in in in the UK where um you know
people are getting like two three year prison sentences for Facebook posts yeah like I'm like I don't think I should go to you know visit visit Britain because I'm like they're gonna like drag out some you know tweet and say two years in prison for this tweet or something like that you know um so anyway I think I think that's you know with Trump elected we we can put a stop to that stuff and say like ah no way no no [Laughter] nope no throwing people in prison for for random social media posts that's crazy
yeah it's it's happened a lot no I mean it's so crazy in Britain that they were they they actually have released convicted pedophiles in order to imprison people for making social media posts that is a real thing that happened insane yeah hi youan I'm a medical student um unfortunately uh radical ideology including gender affirming surgery chestfeeding as they call it has uh infiltrated our curriculum um and fortunately if you speak out against this um they're great consequences I have to meet in private with like-minded individuals to discuss this I'm worried about the health of our
patients and our citizens and more importantly the general trust in the medical system yes um as a society how do we push out these ideologies but also um but also I guess prevent you know speak out and have freedom of speech without facing the fear of Retribution well elect Trump honestly um the the the problem is that that the government institutions um under the you know formerly liberal left um are pushing for censorship you know under the guise of of something being hate speech or being the their favorite word disinformation I I find it hilarious
when you know CNN was complaining and saying that I'm I'm pushing disinformation I'm like are you kidding CNN look in the mirror should rename himself DNN disinformation News Network it's non-stop um so you know but but it obviously it should be um okay to debate things um you know you know words are not violence uh there's a big difference um and and we need we need the sort of you need to be able to to speak your mind and say what you want without um you know severe repercussions but uh but there is there is
I mean it's it's wild but like prominent Democrats multiple times have said the Constitution is is an obstacle that they want to get rid of the First Amendment they and and they will if they can um so you know it's insane um you know I and I strongly believe you know with respect to you know any any kind of gender surgeries they should not there should not be any permanent changes to Children this is crazy um a a child cannot consent you know it's like if if you need to be 18 to have a tattoo
well then I think you need to be 18 to have you know to be you know sterilized at at least you 21 to have alcohol so there should it should be illegal to uh take actions of on on children that that permanently affect their future and they may they may subsequently come to regret like I believe in in maximizing people's happiness um but but allowing a a child to do something you know crazy during that their teenage years uh that per that affects them for the rest of their lives is not doing good for that
child at all you know so leave the kids alone so hi Mr musk uh I'll keep it as short as possible uh right now I'm also a student at pen uh and I was wondering what you think education in college in particular is the best and probably more importantly the worst at Preparing People for the real world thank you um well I I mean I do think it's important to study um I think it's good to study a wide range of things um I think you it is important to study uh I think engineering and
physics so you understand how reality Works um I think it's also important to study history um and uh you know literature I mean I so it's not purely a matter of studying you know engineering and maths and and physics but I think if if you don't I if somebody does not study Physics at all you then it's it's hard to tell the difference between what is a real technology and what is witchcraft so you know physics allows you to sort of distinguish between Witchcraft and and reality um and you know you sort of learn well
why does an airplane fly why does a microwave heat food um you know how how do why do these devices work um how is your phone able to receive uh information through the air invisibly um and uh you know if you study Physics and Engineering you get to understand these things but I think it's also important to study you know history and philosophy and literature I I so i' I'd go with a wide range of subjects but but but make sure that that uh physics is in there somewhere yeah well like I think if somebody
who's like the CEO of an airplane company they should know how airplanes fly yeah pull me crazy I mean I you hi Elon uh I'm in college right now studying computer science so I've taken a big interest in Ai and specifically your work in it you've talked a lot about AGI and how an omnipotent AI could make the decision to kill all humans to avoid misgendering them yes as you know the way llms work large language models is they just predict the next word that comes in a sequence so how do you see it going
from something like that to something that can think and make decisions with the power to do that well I think that's that's that's happening um pretty quickly so um yeah I mean I I I think one once when when you distill any given field down into its first principles it like essentially I think you can almost think of intelligence like a compression problem where if like for for any given field it can be physics or or any field you can distill things down to their most uh basic axiomatic elements um the things that are extremely
likely to be true and then you can reason up from there uh to reach a cogent conclusion um I think if you apply that that sort of uh first principles compression to a field and and then you decompress it and contest the results against reality then then AI is capable of innovation and discovering new physics but this this is a esoteric subject um that's that's how how humans have done it essentially is is you know pH physics has been about figuring out the formulas that Define reality um but you can also think of it as
the the compression or decompression the compression or decompression formulas for reality if you if you if you have a starting point and you run the physics formulas uh you will eventually get a reality like us economics is a simple subject hian my name is Li par and I am the designer of asteroid the Zerg indicator for the player s coup my question is when are we going to send kids under the age of 18 to space we need to have other generations to space to start a colony we do absolutely well I think it should
be if if Starship is ultimately successful which I I think will be if it's not stopped by the government um then we'll anyone who wants to go to the moon or Ms or elsewhere will be able to go which includes kids and and families and anyone who wants to go and um you know kind of Homestead on Mars essentially um which I think would be very very exciting um it it will not be it be to be clear going to Mars at first will be difficult and dangerous so not not a luxury Expedition um but
a difficult one uh much as the creation of America was thank you I think I think I could probably do a few more questions and and then we'll call in a night thank you this is such an honor thank you so much Mr MK I want to thank you for for everything you're doing and God bless you and your family thank you we're we're talking about such amazing things our future but to bring everybody back to reality in 18 days it's the decision on whether or not that future will happen so we're in Pennsylvania the
Battleground State and there's an anxiety because they're saying that we're not going to have a count for a couple days so we don't know exactly what to do you had suggest using Twitter to show what we're saying if you could elaborate on that part of it yeah I mean so so I mean really essentially if you have any concerns uh or you feel like there's anything inappropriate happening then you should po definitely post it on the xplatform um so people are aware of it yeah since you have all of our information I personally would volunteer
if who knows what's going to happen if you need bodies for chat counting whatever had happened in the past I would volunteer and I would think everybody else in here would be offering to help all right well thank you thank you all right just so I'll just do two two more questions so one more there and one more there okay hi Mr musk I'm not able to vote yet but I still enjoy educating myself about our political world my question is how can a young American prepare themselves and Inspire others for a rapidly evolving political
and social world well I guess you want to you want you want to what's the the future you want to build like like um you know like I guess a future where I don't know there's immense prosperity for all and uh and out there exploring the Stars I mean that's something that I I find you know really exciting um Reach for the Stars yeah that's what I think yeah so uh my name is Brody uh I'm a college Republican at JMU um today's actually my 19th birthday uh Happy Birthday a week ago I would not
have thought that I would have the opport to talk to you um I was just wondering what advice would you give to a college freshman and also why have why hasn't Tesa bought rivan um well I I wish them wish rivan the best I hope they they do well um they it I mean the car industry is a very difficult industry U you know there's there's only two car companies us car companies that haven't gone bankrupt and that's Ford and Tesla um and is going to have a hard time uh if they they have like
it's just insanely difficult to um compete in the in the car industry uh so um that is a hard problem I have to say um in fact if we're not for not just one but two technology discontinuities U one being electrification and the other being autonomy I think Tesla could not succeed without solving both not just one but both so all right well I'd like to thank everyone for coming uh it's been an honor uh it's been an honor talking and uh and I just like to encourage everyone out there uh to get you know
go to just get everyone registered we we the shot clock is running out we got until um midnight on Monday get every friend family memb Rangers on the street everyone you can find get them registered to vote and uh let's win this election let's go
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