Scary Stories For A Sleepless, Terrifying, And Unnerving Night (Compilation)

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Be. Busta
This video features true scary horror stories sure to scare you. The scary stories that feature on t...
Video Transcript:
this took place around 2 years ago I was driving to work a 5H hour drive it was already dark about 3 hours of driving and I started to get tired so I bought myself a coffee and some snacks at a gas station and I went on but snacks and coffee can only keep you awake for so long and I started to feel tired again this part of the road was nothing but thick dark Pinewood Forest around me no other cars on the road nothing only insects smashing my windshield now and then and an empty road
I was now extremely tired and at one point I even nearly drove off the road for almost falling asleep I thought to myself that I have to sleep now and I can't wait for a gas station I need to stop as soon as I see a place where I can park my car and just get something when I'm tired too I unfortunately fall asleep really fast if I'm tired enough I can fall asleep in the middle of a sentence even when I'm talking so it's a bit urgent for me to find a place where I
can stop now it felt like maybe an hour but probably just like 5 minutes go by and I spot this little pocket in the road it's like a parking space for quick stops like peeing switching drivers or stuff like that not even a real resting area but I stopped here turned down my windows to check if I heard any weird noises and there was total silence so I wind up my windows again I thought to myself that that nothing bad was going to happen I haven't seen a car for like 30 minutes in fact the
road is empty and if someone is checking out my car I bet it's the cops checking on me if I'm all right so I leave my keys in the ignition and I lock the doors just to be safe I adjust my seat belt to make it more comfortable to sleep in and I take off my shoes and I put them on the passenger seat on the right and let me tell you that it was so nice to close my eyes and instantly I fall asleep I don't know why but something wakes me up I can't
really see anything some kind of bright light hits me in the eyes at first I thought that it was a flashlight but then I realized it was the high beams from another car in my rearview mirror that was blinding me I look at my left mirror and I see a dude walking up beside my cup maybe he wants help with something should I make it clear to him that I'm in here he's right beside my left back door now should I step out and ask what he's doing I didn't have to in the end because
the Dude proceeds to jerk and pull on my left back door I almost crapped my pants when I realize that he's trying to force his way into my car my seat is adjusted for me to lay down and I push it back max I can't reach the pedals which makes it impossible for me to drive my car but I slam the car horn and it breaks the Silence with a Roar and the Duke jumps that gives me like 2 seconds to push my seat to reach the the pedals but it's still way out of adjustment
so I'm kind of pulling myself to the steering wheel because my seat is laying flat and isn't supporting my back but anyway I quickly start my car and I drive off with a cloud of smoke from my screeching tires it's actually quite surprising just how hard it is driving a car with nothing holding up your upper body but I managed and I got out of there as I leave though I look in the rearview mirror and I see how the dude stands there and just looks at me and then I see two more guys coming
up beside it what I can make out too from the silhouette of their beams was that one of them has something in his hand like a wrench or a crowbar or something after that I drove super fast way over the speed limit my whole body was trembling with adrenaline and fear and I drove like that for like 30 minutes then I stopped at the gas station to fix my seat and put my shoes on again I figured out too that I must have been only sleep sleeping for like 10 minutes max and well after that
I didn't have to sleep until I got to my destination which is surrounded by heavyduty fencing and the building has an alarm I told my boss the next day as well and he said that they actually have problems with what we call it in Sweden Road Pirates criminals that force you to stop on the road and Rob you of everything including a car sometimes and apparently that specific area is known for it I'm not saying that it was that I mean it could have just been three nice guys that wanted to check if I was
okay but then why didn't they just knock on my driver's window the thing in his hand could have just been a big flashlight I suppose but still I think I dodged a bullet with that one a few months back I went on a date with a guy who seemed familiar to me but but I just couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen him before I assumed that I might have met him on a night out or something it was a last minute thing though and I told him how I wasn't looking for anything but
it would be nice to hang out and that was a mistake when I met him at first he seemed like an all right guy but things quickly turned when we got to a restaurant he didn't order but I did and he started saying things about loving my curves and my body I laughed it off but I thought that he was being a bit too forward he could have put it nicely or kept that to himself while having my food he began telling me about how I was different from other girls because they don't give nice
guys like him a chance red flags were immediately going off so I came up with the story that I could only be out for a little bit because my parents wanted me to dogit and stuff like that he bought it but then proceeded to stare at my breast and say things about how he wish he could see me without cloth on even saying that I should send him a picture I told him that I don't do that and that he was making me uncomfortable he stopped but then told me how he brought me a gift
he pulled out of his bag a bouquet of roses which I did think was actually quite sweet and a bag of Tesco prawns that confused me and honestly I just kind of burst out laughing my asked why he got them and he said that he knew that I liked Tempur and prawns but the thing is is that I never once told him that I did so alarm Bells were definitely going off again my head was now telling me to run but I didn't want to be rude so I stayed until the time that I said
I would and after that I left so I had less than an hour left he kept talking too but he actually started to scare me because he started guessing aspects of my life like uncannily like the school that I went to what I was like as a kid what I'm current currently doing he just got every part right it scared me because well I haven't told him any of this and I haven't posted any of this online so I backed away and asked him how he knew all of that and it turns out that his
mother was actually one of my teachers in school and he asked her everything that she knew about me and looked online for anything about me currently I don't know when he asked her but at this point I definitely wanted to get out of there and thank God for my mom not long after I got a text from my mom asking how things were he didn't see the text but saw that it was my mom and I just said oh my goodness my mom and dad got the times wrong for the pictures so I have to
go home now for my dog I'm so sorry the guy just accepted that and then started to walk me home I said something about only going about halfway because I'm not comfortable with people knowing where I stay but he then started insisting and he then dropped the bombshell that he knew that I stayed on X road but didn't know which house was mine I told him that that was really weird and that it creeped me out that he knew that he claimed that I told him but I never tell people that so I started to
walk to the main road for my own safety but he then grabbed my hand and said that he knew a shortcut I was getting really scared when he stopped and shoved his tongue down my throat I shoved him away into told him to stop it and he apologized that's when I noticed a stranger walking a dog coming so I used that as an opportunity and said that I needed to go and I went to the main road I thought that I was safe honestly but I wasn't the guy kept walking with me and I stopped
and told him that I wanted to part ways here and how it was nice to meet him again he then looked confused and said that we had never met he said something about meeting on a night out just to get me to come with him and I then began saying look I have to go when he cut me off grabbed me and pulled me near some bushes saying before you go there's one more thing I told him that I needed to go and to let go of me but he just ignored me the guy then
pulled me in hurting my wrist and kissed me again he saw the bushes and said about having privacy and I managed to shove him off and tell him no he then grabbed me again and tried to take me to the bushes saying it'll only take take a second while I resisted some dog walkers came by and he stopped and pulled me to kiss me again but this time he grabbed my breast and I shoved and screamed I said no and just ran my heart was racing and I was terrified I thought that he might have
tried to do something to me I kept looking back but he was nowhere to be seen I ended up taking the long way home just in case that night and when I got in I just started to cry because I thought something bad was going to happen to me when I got a message from another account because it was him he said about how lovely it was meeting me and how it was the best date ever how I was the prettiest girl that he'd ever kissed and that he would love to see me again adding
how he hoped that I had a lovely time too and that he showed that he was a gentleman then adding that he was now on my road I just hit on the floor for the rest of the day after that and when I looked at his profile I actually remembered where I'd seen him before at that moment he used to message my old Facebook account years ago with weird messages and creepy edits saying how he liked me this whole event happened within an hour and a half but boy did it feel a lot longer than
that so I was vacuuming my house at 9:30 p.m. with my music playing when I get a knock on my door my boyfriend was at work and I was not expecting company especially so late at night so I turned my music down and realize that the door is actually not locked instantly I'm terrified I mean I'm only 410 so I had to prop myself up to the wall to look through the pee pole and my carefully lock the door more pounding and the man outside my door is no one that I recognize and looks kind
of disgruntled dirty and quite frightening he was short and stocky and looked angry he grew frustrated knowing that I'd just turned my music down he heard me lock the door and started calling out ma'am more knocking excuse me ma'am but how did he know that I was a woman I looked around the room and see my blinds were open and realized that he must have been watching me vacuum thankfully my neighbors right across from me open the doors and the husband asked hey excuse me who are you and what are you you doing startled now
the creep fumbles and says oh good evening sir I was just going to offer my carpet cleaning services to her the husband goes that's great buddy she doesn't want it you need to leave right now and the creep left promptly afterwards I called the police my boyfriend and closed up my blinds and texted the neighbors to thank them for scaring them away I paid extra to live on the top floor as well but it seems that this creep must have been watching Me From [Music] Below this story takes place during my senior year of high
school when I still lived at home with my mom it was a Saturday so I slept in as any teenager does and my mom she left for work early that morning so I spent my day at home alone I decided to do some cleaning around the house when I realized that we were out of paper towels so I went down to the garage to get them that's where we kept extra things my mom lives in a three-story townhouse where the main floor is actually on the second floor and the first floor is just a a
small entryway at the bottom of the stairs and two doors one of them is the front door and the other leads to the garage so I walk down the stairs and open the door to the garage going to flip on the lights but realizing that I didn't need to because the garage door was wide open and letting in a lot of daylight now maybe to some this would be no big deal but my mom lives in a not great part of town and is adamant about closing the garage door when she leaves I remember feeling
weird too about it since it was so unusual but chalked it up to my mom just not realizing it or maybe something had rolled under the door so the automatic senser kept it from closing completely and she drove away without realizing I looked over into the dark corner of the garage where the boxes were stacked and the paper towels were stored for some reason I couldn't get myself to walk over there and grab them I do have a slight fear of the dark so I figured that that was what was causing my sudden hesitation so
I just kind of stood there in the doorway and pressed the garage door button on the wall and watched it close completely I made sure nothing blocked it from closing and I waited a good 10 seconds before leaving to make sure that it was really shut this time I switched off the light walked back inside and locked the garage door it took maybe two steps up the stairs before I heard boxes trembling and scuffling of feet and the audible sound of someone hitting their hand against the garage door opener and then the mechanical sound of
the garage door opening and at that I kned it up the rest of the flight of stairs then just stood at the top step for probably 20 minutes just kind of shaking it wasn't until my mom got home asking me why the garage door was open that I went back down there and other than my mom's car now in the garage it was complet completely empty except for the boxes in the corner where we store extra things for the house I looked and saw that the boxes were toppled over I had to explain to my
mom the situation and I'm so glad that my gut told me not to go into that dark corner of my garage and to whoever decided to creep in there please never come back so when I was 13 I had not long broken up with this girl who supposedly had a psycho family but one of This Girl's family was a close friend who was supposedly obsessed with her I was invited out with my friends after school one day and this boy latched on everybody told me to come out and that he wanted to make amends and
he understood why I did what I did etc etc being the pushover that I am I went out and we hung out in the Parks and smoked and drank and whatnot as it started to get dark I decided to go home and I felt uneasy about being around him and he started acting all weird talking about fights that he'd been in and bragging about bashing some guy's face him with his fists in school and so because I didn't feel safe whatsoever I just left now the next day my best friend and all the other kids
that were out that night came into school and told me that it got worse after I left Apparently after they had drunk some more he he started waving this huge kitchen knife around it was telling everybody how he was going to stab me in the stomach for breaking that girl's heart let me point out too that I only know the details of this because I have a relative in the local police force in the end my dad made us move too because he actually knew where I lived I continued getting death threats on social media
though until about a year or two later when it was in the paper it was spread around town that he had broken into somebody's house and stabbed him to death and then slid his wrists in the man's bathtub they found high amounts of cocaine and cannabis in his system along with a a lot of alcohol the elderly neighbors phoned the police when they heard some commotion and they hadn't seen the man leave for work that day and they found him barely conscious and he's now in a psych W this was also supposedly over this girl
again anyway I think that I dodged a big bullet there I have a handful of little encounters that I just can't explain starting from when I was around 7even so the earliest one I could remember is waking up in the middle of the night and seeing a rapidly fading hand on my shoulder I remember feeling something heavy on my shoulder and when I turned around I saw the faint image of a hand resting on my shoulder as though someone was actually standing behind me me even though I was laying on my back I turned my
bedside lamp on and I sat up staring around my room for a long time before eventually just falling asleep with the light on the next one was a about a year or so later I think maybe more I can't be sure but I was lying in bed trying to sleep and I remember feeling something tugging at my blanket from the foot of my bed it was hard enough too that I kept sitting up and turning my lamp on to see if anyone was there I even looked under my bed at one point after I'd sat
up for about half an hour staring at the end of my bed I laid back down and as soon as I did as I turned the light off I felt the tug again I woke my dad up and he slept in my bed that night while I slept next to my mom and he said that he slept fine the next one nothing physically happened but for some reason I just couldn't shake the feeling like I felt like someone was in my room the room just seemed small and dense and crowded even though I was the
only one in it it bothered me enough too that I told my mom and she smudged my room and sat with me for a while the next was about a week after that it was a warm night so I had my window open and I woke up and there were just a lot of fers in my room so I got up and closed my window and when I sat back on my bed the window was a little bit open again I stared at it in case it moved again and it actually started to move open
again on its own it moved up another inch or so by itself and at that point I ran out of my room and slept next to my parents after that one too things started to pick up a little I had a big plush wolf that my brother actually wanted a fair at one point and it sat in my room against the wall farthest from my bed a good 6 ft or so away I woke up one morning at dawn and the Wolf was now at the foot of my bed when I was laying down too
I could just see its beady little eyes poking over the top of the quilt and I still don't know how it moved across my room like that but it scared me so bad that my mom gave it to Goodwill that afternoon because she just refused to have it in the house another time too I was sleeping on the couch in the living room while my mom was busy with something I slept there for 3 days and every night I would feel someone walking past me I pretended to be asleep but I narrowly opened my eyes
and could never see anymore even though I'm sure that I could feel someone there but one night the video recorder kept turning on by itself too and I turned it back off and it would turn back on again but the last thing I encountered was another sleep one and it was when I was about 19 I still remember the dream too because I was walking over from my elementary school and was being followed by someone but they were always just too far away to make out any features I made it back to my house and
nobody was home in my dream I laid down on the couch and then the whole house was just engulfed in flames and the guy who followed me home was standing in the fire I woke up really abruptly to this and I saw the head and shoulders of an oldish man standing over my bed it took maybe 15 seconds or so before it faded but it was vivid enough that I actually said who's there out loud I know that it wasn't sleep paralysis too because I could definitely move nothing ever happened after after that and I've
moved out now a few years after I moved out though they pulled up the carpet in my brother's room and found what looked like the ruins of a wine Celler under a trapo in the floor but it had a little box of curious things from the 50s and the 60s in it and some scraps of comic strips like it was used as a a cubby at some point anyway I never found any more information on it but I'll never forget those nights that I was living there [Music] so this happened when I was in high
school several decades ago at the time I had zero interest in anything paranormal I was heavy into science and all things logical really and anyway in the 11th grade I switched high schools to one closer to home on the second or third day there a student walked up to me that I didn't know and introduced himself I was new and he was called cool to me so we made friends right away so we started hanging out me and his other friend who was also a nice guy we were kids just doing normal teenager stuff but
one evening while hanging out at my friend's house and listening to some music he told me that he knew that I was coming to their school intrigued I asked how he knew that and he said that their Ouija board told him that I was coming I asked how long ago I told them that and even though I don't remember his exact reply I remember that it was longer than even I knew that I was going to change schools which was OD but naturally I'm in complete disbelief about any of this Ouija board nonsense and even
told him that so him and his friend pulled it out and started using it in front of me now understand that they're sitting on this bed using it I'm on the other side of the room sitting down and he asks me to ask it something so determined to show them just how silly this Ouija board nonsense was I began asking asking it questions that these two would absolutely have no way of knowing they were deeply specific things about my family dates names places Etc this was before the internet as well and these were just normal
teenagers like myself so I know that they didn't know this information since I wasn't even close to it and they were the ones touching it I thought that I would totally trip it up but to my astonishment it actually answered every single question that I posed to it with 100% accuracy which let me tell you was absolutely impossible my friends kept looking up at me when it would answer to gauge my reaction and I remember getting Goosebumps just all over my body I couldn't believe that this was actually happening but somehow there was something behind
that device that knew just all that stuff about me to this day I still wonder about it and what it was how it knew especially how it knew that I would change schools before even I did to this day I still won't allow one in my house I don't know what force is behind them but I think it's for the best to just leave them [Music] alone this happened about a week ago I was going to a Gothic fair in a place that I didn't really know well but it was in my city so I
thought that I was going to be okay now for context yes I'm a 20-year-old woman walking alone sounds like an easy target I know but this happened at 400 p.m. in the middle of summer it was broad daylight and even though it wasn't crowded there were definitely people around so I got out of the subway and I started checking my phone for directions but I quickly put it away in my bag so I don't look distracted or get it taken from my hands and stuff I had actually had had a phone stolen that way before
I started walking while checking the street names and numbers when a couple and they must have been around 35 years old approached me and asked for directions I told them that I was lost too and they said that they weren't from here either and asked where I lived I'm not stupid so I gave them some sort of a vague answer and then I left but 2 minutes after that they approached me again and told me where the fair that I was going to was located and I said thanks and I started walking that way as
I walk they followed me and tried to start a conversation I tried to walk faster and leave them behind because I don't trust strangers but they just kept going with me at some point too the conversation it was only the man talking to me shifted to jobs and occupations and the man said I do have a job but most of the time it isn't enough so I have to do what I do usually I'm not violent but I have a gun to use with dumb people who scream or make a scene and then said now
show me if you value more your life or material things he obviously expected me to hand my bag over but and I know that this is going to sound so edgy but I'm deeply depressed and my train of thought went straight to I either hand over my hard worked for money that I was excited to spend in nice things today or I finally die I acted calm although my heart was beating fast and I was sweating I didn't scream I didn't hand over my stuff either and instead I just took my bottle of water and
took a sip and then I just kept walking thinking that it wouldn't be all too bad to get shot and die there and they just kind of stood there confused and after a while they left in the end too I ended up going to the fair and I had a nice time so I used to live in the southwest corner of Missouri in an old railroad town that had quite a few missing people here and there mostly due to a high twea population I lived in what we called a holler at the bottom of the
tops of two enormous Hills a creek also ran through the holler but was mostly dry throughout the year despite it being dry though living in what was basically Ravine makes the land in the Hills damp and also Misty which meant that the woods surrounding a trailer were perpetually green year round and also thick you could walk in one direction for 10 minutes and get lost pretty easily generally speaking we kids used the creek bed for a path as there were Flat Rocks along it that were easier to navigate than the viny Lush forest floor now
one day in the middle of summer I decided to go for a walk in the woods as usual our Rednosed Pitbull fatty came along and the sun would be setting soon but I was home alone a lot of that time so there was no one around to tell me not to go I figured that I had enough time before Sunset to walk a certain point in back it was 7:30 and the sunset around 9 at that point in the summer but the minute that I started trkking it throughout the creek bed my pitball started whining
really weirdly he didn't leave my side once but was definitely reluctant to follow stopping here and there to smell the air looking behind us and I figured that maybe there was an animal in the area so I didn't worry too much there was a point in the creek bed though that I had to duck under two Fallen trees it made a sort of bridge in the middle of the creek and acted as a turnaround point for most of my walks my dog was still whining and I began to wonder if there was a cougar or
even a bear in the area but for some reason I wanted to just keep walking my ducked under the trees shushed fatty and stopped to listen to the woods surrounding us I heard nothing I mean I heard literally nothing no wind no snapping Twigs not even any birds which was kind of weird even on calm days with no wind those woods were usually teeming with sounds of life and I mean nothing was ever still but all of a sudden now it was it also made my stomach feel like I was dropping down into a pit
then I began to feel really weird I can't really describe it but it was kind of a gut feeling when suddenly my body felt very queasy and over sensitive and worse I had the distinct feeling that now I was being watched I have felt similar feelings when being watched by a bear at some point and it's always really weird but something just tells you to get the hell out of Dodge when there's a huge animal nearby humans are animals after all and we also get those instincts and every time that i' had experienced an animal
that could potentially hurt me in the woods I had immedi medely turned around and gone home but my dog had always alerted Me by barking or growling but for some reason not this time instead fatty was scared and trembling now I'd seen this dog get hit by a truck before and get up like nothing had happened and this time he was terrified all signs were pointing to leaving right but no another weird thing happened call it an edgy teenager or or anything you want but I felt this strange pull into the woods there was no
sound but I felt like something was calling me luring me deeper into the woods it was the worst part of that day and also the creepiest thing that's i' had ever felt but I was also curious so I wanted to know what the hell wanted me to wander further ahead I walked forward aware that my dog had firmly planted himself at the Fallen trees he was shaking all over and yeled at me as I walked away but he didn't come with me he also didn't leave which I believe potentially saved my ass that day but
I left fatty behind and eventually got to the part of the creek that I had never been to it was a clearing with a ring of tree surrounding it with the creek stretching far ahead and going around an unseen corner but the sun hadn't moved and it was still silent I stood in place for maybe a minute I think and considered turning around the clearing was creepy and felt kind of devoid of everything I can't really explain it well enough but I felt like if I walked around that corner which was about 100 ft away
that something terrible was about to happen it felt like something was just waiting for me to walk into it unsuspecting in the end I brushed it off as paranoia I mean I had plenty of sunlight left and I could explore alone for once and besides if something was drawing me f further in then it's also possible that I might find something amazing so I took a couple of more steps and suddenly I heard my dog yelping frantically behind me startled I turned around quickly my dog looking like a little white Speck far back into the
trees he was pacing back and forth at his spot and barking like it was going to kill him if he didn't take off running he kept lunging forward but wouldn't move any distance forward that was when I realized that some something was just very wrong I turned around again to look back at the clearing and all of a sudden it was Pitch Black outside like seconds ago the sun wasn't even close to going down below the Horizon and all of a sudden now the stars were out no sun no light I stared hard at the
trees around the corner seeing nothing but elongated Shadows I heard a twig snap when all of a sudden my ears just started to ring and panic flooded my entire body I whipped around and shot back towards the Fallen trees sprinting towards my dog he was snarling and barking like mad and when I ducked under the trees both of us sprinted back towards the house the entire time I honestly felt like death was on my heels and fatty never once ran ahead of me staying right at my side the entire way back when we eventually made
it back home I quickly checked the clock and during the walk that usually took about uh 10 minutes I would say I had been gone for 3 hours i' had left my home at 7:30 and now it was 10:30 which meant that my parents were Che home in an hour the next day I walked only partway back to where I could see the clearing the very farthest that I could walk was about 2 miles and so that meant that it took me 3 hours to walk there and back to this this day I have never
felt so proud upon in the woods as well these Woods weren't part of a national park or anything but if you walked about 10 miles or so you could reach Mark Twain National Park and people go missing there quite often seeing as the woods can be impossible to navigate after dark and it has large Hollows in the middle of the woods that people go rolling into and they get stuck as well I don't know what wanted me in that Woods that day I didn't see what it was and it didn't say anything but I ignored
everything Natural Instinct that I had to run until it was almost too late my dog being there may have just been the reason too that I didn't want to deeper into the woods of the Missouri and succumb to someone or something in that dark place I've never told anyone in my walking life about this and what do you guys think have any of you guys heard of the 411 cases involving Missouri woods and hollers and whatnot or do any of you guys have any similar experiences if you're from this area just down the road from
where a few years ago I had previously lived in southeast Australia is the opening into about 100 acres of Woodland and Bush that I frequently went into when I was younger to do the usual things like riding and camping now I was out driving and around 11:30 p.m. with my girlfriend and as we were in the area decided to show her the woodlands while we were in the area as she loves everything to do with nature and it was summer so an extremely warm night I left my car with the light shining into the trees
as we weren't going too far in and it was Pitch Black inside and the two of us just kind of sat chatting anyway having a smoke and generally relaxing she was sitting on a sort of map of the area that had been put into some plastic and I was keeping an eye on the trees as for some reason I had a feeling that something was just not quite right I've heard a few people say that they felt that they were in danger although nothing around them was off and it was kind of like that feeling
every sense was almost reaching out and my adrenaline was up but there wasn't really anything in my eyeline that seemed any different after lighting another cigarette to calm my nerves I scanned the tree line again and realized that it looked different to before it was only after staring in the dark that I saw that there was moonlight now lighting up the grass where it couldn't before as there was a a black shape blocking it that before I thought was a tree now the only way I can describe the next part is that all the sound
just kind of ceased and everything and I mean literally everything went dead silent and a few seconds later this disgusting feeling of dread just fell over me and I saw Motion in the dark of the path as this thing crawled toward us on all fors now I've seen nearly every animal in the outback here and I can assure you that we don't have any large Predators like in the US or Europe but somehow I knew that this thing was a predator and it wasn't hiding itself from us but was just kind of slowly crawling towards
us I don't know if my girlfriend saw it or not as I couldn't look away but just as it reached the line where my car lights were able to illuminate it reared up onto two legs and just sat there staring at us so I'm 6'4 but this thing was about another meter larger than me at least with arms that were just far too long that reached down near the ground and all I could make out was a sort of off-white almost yellowish fur on it and in the dim light could make out the silhouette of
its head as like a dog or wolf maybe I wasn't able to move as it stared at me but it was at this point that my girlfriend gasped which seemed to break whatever was stopping me from thinking logically I grabbed her by the arm and we sprinted to my car slammed the doors and tore out of there as fast as I could both of us too scared to speak until about a half an hour later we've both discussed it many times and the feeling that we had was what I imagine a rabbit sees when it
catches a wolf or a fox looking at it but this is something that would be able to end us with absolute ease if it chose to neither of us have been able to come up with any explanation for what it was but it's definitely changed the way that I view the woods and the bush here and when I go camping or hiking now I think back to that and wonder what it was and if I'll ever see anything like it [Music] again so it's been about a year since my last story I suppose and I
visit this place every now and then to listen to other people's stories but haven't had much interest in contributing any of my own the stories that I have shared were mainly for entertainment what I mean is that I could recount the events with ease because they virtually meant nothing to me just interesting stories to tell you know however what I'm about to share is not something many of my closest friends or even family know about the events that happened to me were well traumatic the effects have cemented in the way that I think view people
and my ability to trust or lack there off I'm afraid to admit that this is not a story in which I showed imense courage or resilience or anything instead I just kind of buried these memories deep until more recently this is a pretty messed up encounter story that is about a truly sick man the kind you hear about on TV or or podcast or something the kind of evil man who managed to build something of himself despite his unnatural desires only to use his wealth and resources to further manipulate and take advantage of kits so
a little bit of background I grew up in a very poor part of New England a Hispanic dominated area the city is pretty small and has always been a conundrum to me really but the city is known for its drugs use and violence it was once a a prospering Mill City one where immigrants came to work and secure their own slice of the American dream the city and much of its residents have since disintegrated like the stones that make up the massive factories that Loom over the city the conundrum I speak of is while this
city remains open to high criminal activity the surrounding towns are just doing great less than 10 mil North you men to New Hampshire where things are generally quiet and South you'll pass through multiple rich and thriving towns and the man that I'll introduce later would come down from New Hampshire to pray on the poor kids from my community so I was maybe uh 13 years old I think it was definitely summertime because I remember the heat it was a fun summer though my friends and I were outside all the time and while none of us
had a car we made the most of walking where we needed to go and I was a bit younger than the guys that I was hanging out with at the time so they were always able to kind of stay out later than me it's funny how everything that happens while you're not there feels like you've missed out on the best stuff anyway but one day while we're all just kind of hanging around a friend of M mentions hey um maybe we can get Ryan to come by and buy us some food always feeling left out
I acted as if I knew who Ryan was the whole time thinking that he was a teenager perhaps in his early 20s I suppose I led the conversation go on for a bit before I could not resist and I asked who's Ryan the respon respon I got drove me crazy because it only furthered my frustration of not totally feeling like I was a part of the game you don't know who Ryan is we've been working for him for a few weeks now he owns a junkyard and we go and strip cars log spare parts and
just mess around really we get him to buy our stuff and he lets us drive his cars I thought how could this be I felt so embarrassed and betrayed that all my friends apparently had a job and we going to eat and drive cars and I was just finding out about it so wanting to fit in I urged them to get me a job too my friend Eli a leading figure in our group pulls out his cell phone and gives this Ryan guy a call but the way Eli was talking to him made it seem
like Eli was in control like he was bullying Ryan or something he spoke to him aggressively and told him that we were hungry and for him to come and pick us up and buy us some food and Ryan agreed shortly after this the man pulls up in his red pickup with a toe in the back and his company logo on the side of the truck he was a white man mid-40s short and kind of chubby he had a high pit voice that screeched out when he would laugh and when he arrived he immediately turned to
Eli and started talking [ __ ] to him making fun of him letting out a bit of a laugh it weirdly made me feel at ease too because it just wasn't the way I expected an adult to act it was kind of like it was one of us and you were in if you were cool with him Eli introduced me to him and told him that I want to work he examined me and asked if I knew anything about carts I told him that I did and he agreed that we'd talk about it over lunch
he told us all to jump into his truck and asked me to sit in the front seat so that we could talk I remember that drive like it was yesterday we were listening to the radio and I could see that it was singing underneath his breath so I purposely started singing the song out loud acting as if I didn't know that he was also singing he noticed and turned the music up looked at me and started singing loudly we did this the whole ride until arriving in an Italian place and the food was amazing I
had only ever been out to eat a handful of times at this stage and none of them were with friends ordering whatever we wanted and goofing off the whole time it was a real treat and only really made me want to be in with Ryan even more it was clear that he played favorites and those who he liked received more gifts and at the end of lunch he agreed to give me a job and made Eli agree to let me know the next time that we had to work the next month or so felt like
I was having the best summer of my life Ryan owned a junkyard in New Hampshire and also had a car rental service he was expanding his business so there was a ton of construction going on his office was in a construction trailer outside the yard this is where you would find him if you needed anything he would pick us up in the morning and bring us to the yard and for 8 hours we would honestly just kind of mess around walk to the very end of the yard and hide out in cars we would take
naps and scavenge through the hundreds of cars hoping to find valuables and occasionally we would actually have to work but even then we would mess around a lot and all the while we were getting paid not a ton in retro respect but more than any of us had ever received but more than the pay what we really wanted was our own car he easily had 30 of them not including the cars that he rented each car was in Fair shape and each day he would throw Eli a different set of keys and it really made
the rest of us jealous you see Ryan didn't really care if you had a license or not and Eli didn't and he drove a different car pretty much every day I personally had my eye on a Mazda sedan I wanted the car so bad when I approached Ryan that I nearly begged him for it he agreed that we would talk about it at the end of the day and I spent the whole day just kind of imagining my life with that car how cool I would look pulling up to places getting girls attention and a
car at the time was like entering a new world and I just might have one at the end of the day the end of the day came and he threw Eli some keys and told him to bring everyone home except for me this wasn't alarming to anyone because all I could think about the whole day was how he was going to give me that car after everyone left and the sun was setting Ryan asked me to talk in his trailer he started with how kids are always coming and going trying to take advantage of him
stealing from him and explaining how ungrateful people are to his generosity and I strangely felt like he was speaking about me but kind of indirectly he asked me a lot of questions about drug use are you on drugs have you ever taken any how do I know that I can trust you how do I know if you'll pay me back and just not ruin my car and never give me a dime my response to all of it was no I would thoroughly work off what I owed for the car and he then asked if I
had anything in my pockets I said no and willingly turned them out and then he said do you really think that I'm that stupid like you would hide stuff in your pockets I know that you're hiding things in your clothes I had no warning bells ringing because a lot of what he was saying was true we all stole from him whatever we could whenever we could get away with it we all thought that we were in control and kind of using him it's a an amazing thing how someone can get you to do something and
to do it on your own accord we feel like it was your idea no matter what I said though he just kept repeating I know you have something I know you do ensuring him that I don't I would move my shirt around and pull on my waistband it wasn't taking he just kept repeating that he doesn't make deals with thieves and then I got the idea painfully in retrospect that I'll just take my stuff off show this guy that I don't have anything so standing there with most of my stuff off at this point I
took off my pants and I stood there in Triumph thinking huh you see I don't have anything with only my boxes on I started to kind of jokingly dance because I thought that I had one I don't have anything after all but then Ryan said take off your boxes I was really confused by this and I was like what I don't have anything why does this guy not believe me Ryan just sat behind his desk and told me again to take my boxes off and I was frozen and even though I hadn't said the words
I knew that I was alone at this point far away from home and confusion just took over my mind I didn't have any thoughts really just kind of Frozen and he leaned forward and said are you going to make me go over there and take them off for you it's weird how I still did not think that I was being taken advantage of honestly my brain still thought that this guy really thinks that I stole something and I actually remember thinking to myself what the [ __ ] could I hide in my boxes I said
to him again that I don't have anything and well he completely dropped the whole stealing bit and then just said straight out I want to see your dick pull it out at this point I didn't know what to do it really sucks that you don't have any options to freeze time actually think about what's happening and instead you're forced to make a choice as fast as you can choose the words while having a conversation my brain went into survival mode though and that mode was to not look at the situation for what it actually was
I did what he asked choosing to believe that it wasn't a big deal he just sat there and looked at me and honestly thank God that that's all that he did I began to shake and I grabbed my clothes and he snapped out of whatever world that he was in and started moving things around on his desk looking in drawers and I couldn't meet his eyes eyes because I was ashamed and confused he eventually spoke and said something like don't crash it as he threw the keys to the mazna I caught the keys and left
trying really hard not to think about what had just happened I didn't want to face it and that's why when I got home I just chose not to say anything my father who I sure would have killed him I was embarrassed to tell him knowing he would think why would you do that why didn't you fight I raised you to be tough why would you do that and so in the end I just showed up like any other night except this time I had my own car now I clearly did not think things through because
I was like 14 and I just came home with a car my parents were pissed and they told me to call one of my friends and have them pick the car up and they also said that I couldn't work there anymore to be honest though I wasn't upset the next day I told Eli that I was quitting and asked if he could pick up my last pay he tried to convince me not to quit but I stuck to my parents being adamant on my quitting and Eli would call me a few days later and tell
me that Ryan wouldn't give me what he owed me instead I had to get it myself I never tried to get the money because I just couldn't face it fast forward a few months though and I was with some of those guys and my friend Joe said something hey uh guys did Ryan ever ask you to show him your dick and to my surprise everyone said yes but they all said that they didn't do it I lied to them all and made up some story where I freaked out and threatened him and over the years
I found out that all of the kids did it there were eight of us one kid did it with his mom waiting outside in her car to pick him up in fact not sure if Ryan knew that she was outside but the kid just never said anything we all just kind of buried it we were tough guys or wanted to be and no one wanted to remember that fast forward again seven or eight years this time and I was 22 or 23 and I knew a friend who was struggling to get work tells me that
he landed a job at a junkyard in New Hampshire except the guy who owns it asked him to get naked and show him his dick and my mind nearly blew up by the then I had grappled a bit with it and developed anger and I freaked out asked him to tell me everything and he said that he's known to pick people up for work and after a couple of days of working he invited my friend Joe into his trailer and basically did something that he did to me what actually really disappointed me though was that
my friend who was in his 20s actually did it and even now I understand the craziness of the request and how he's able to get you to do it but I soad badly wish that Joe acted the way that I wish I did knocking this guy's teeth down his throat what's even crazier though is that while he was telling me this girlfriend that we both had overheard and says are you guys talking about Creepy Ryan and again my mind just blows up she tells us that he's apparently gotten multiple people over the years and he
can't be touched that people have tried but he does Tow work for the city and PD of that town and has since made connections now I don't know the details of these reports whether or not investigations were underway but people told the truth and he was still out there doing what he wanted and while hearing that he was still out there was truly shocking my thoughts on him ended with that drunk conversation fast forward another 3 or 4 years and I was 26 or so I was out after a night of bar hopping and a
couple and night decided to get chicken at a late night spot everyone goes to after the B clothes and while I was there I was approached by a guy who recognized me I didn't recognize him at first but then realized that it was an old friend Brandon we were friends at that time and we both worked for him last I heard he had a bad heroin addiction and the rumors were certainly true because I could barely recognize him he was happy to see me though and asked if I could spare a few bucks or a
cigarette then asked if I could give him him a ride to where he was staying Brandon said that he was abandoned and needed to get back up with his friend in NH and I really didn't want to but he was insistent and wouldn't stop asking despite my body language and what I assume was a distasteful look on my face as well but in the end I agreed I needed to get my car so I took his number down and told him that I would call him when I was outside he didn't believe me and kept
begging that I don't ditch him and honestly looking back I kind of wish that I did so while we were driving I was contemplating how Brandon was going to kill me trying to drive alert just in case he tried anything crazy I was aggravated because I didn't want to do this and realizing more and more that we were never really friends that I barely knew him years ago that he was pretty much a stranger I didn't like where this was going but on the road he tells me to take a left and I get a
really weird familiar sense of where we were and I asked hey where is your friend's place Brandon replies did you ever meet Ryan and honestly every time I heard that guy's name my mind just blew up I literally shouted out wait what you're staying with Ryan that guy's a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] pedophile who takes advantage of kids what the [ __ ] are you doing there I assume that guy I was in prison already Brandon just laughed and said but yeah I work with him he's weird but you just need
to smack him up a bit and he doesn't try that weird [ __ ] on you I was pissed and kept trying to explain to Brandon how severe this guy was and that it wasn't a small issue but Brandon just kept shrugging it off and said many people have paid him visits and put him in hospital a few times even and something about him being kidnapped at one stage and having to pay money to families threatening to kill him he also said that the cops have paid him multiple visits and there was a charge against
him at one stage but he paid his fees and maybe on some registry but he still has everything that he had before none of it was satisfying to hear and I wanted to hear that he was running in prison or even Deb after hearing this though I just refused to drive him all the way there and I dropped him off at the top of the street I said good luck and I just sped off out of there I was so angry driving home that he was still out there and even walking around eventually though I
got home and I just kind of passed out and slept in late when I woke up though I had a missed call and also a voicemail I listen and it was Ryan I'm assuming that Brandon told him that I gave him a ride and perhaps the things that I said he said that I needed to call him back so that we could talk that Brandon was in bad health and that he needed to talk to me I was shocked and honestly a little bit scared hearing his voice seriously gave me chills but I paced around
my apartment and eventually decided to call him back but when I called back I just completely lost it I screamed at him called him a pedophile and told him that I was actually going to kill him I reminded him of what he did all while swearing and describing how I wanted him dead he eventually hung up on me and I immediately blocked the number and started mentally preparing myself I honestly thought that I just started a war and told myself that I needed to get ready for him to come that this guy would try to
kill me because I wanted to expose it luckily no one ever came though and my paranoia eventually drifted off I would move a couple of years later and can say that my I've not heard anything on that name again I also pray that I never do please though the people who listen to this if you have kids watch out for them hey there are real psychos out there and even though you think that you're well put together things can happen to you or the ones that you know real quickly I was ashamed for a long
time for not coming forward and doing all that I could to stop this prick it was easiest to just kind of bury a deep and act as if it never Happ happened that unfortunately comes with consequences and it it does change you these days I really don't trust anyone and I make up the worst intentions for people right from the GetGo I'll never forgive him that's for sure and could care less if he died a painful death I'll admit that I've grown from it and have moved on but it still does sting a little knowing
that he never faced the punishment that he deserved [Music] I was reading a story that's reminded me of an event from over 20 years ago in the second half of 1998 I'd taken a job as a security guard at a plant that's made locks being a kid I usually worked one or three shifts 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. 12:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. the 7:30 to 3:30 shift was for extra coverage so there were always two of us there from 7:30 to midnight it was a routine boring job for the
most part we did our rounds logged anything out of the ordinary and watched a tiny monitor displaying the CCTV feed and things went by in an almost painfully normal manner for 6 months I worked saved bought a car and planned to move by late March of 99 I served my notice and prepared to head cross country a new hire was brought in to fill my spot a softspoken man named Calvin as part of his training Calvin spent time working at all hours at night he was a shadow working with myself and the other night guard
getting a feel for the plants nocturnal routines most nights he worked with myself and Amira a female guard who was around my age I was 18 at the time Calvin who was about a decade older than us was quiet and polite though something did seem to be missing there's a spark that genuinely nice people seem to have and he just didn't possess it whenever he went on rounds with me he'd asked questions about the job and make small talk I noticed that he was a little odd laughing at odd times and changing his tone mid
sentence at the time I just kind of chalked it up to him being awkward but that wouldn't last so one night near the end of his first week he went on rounds with a mirror when they returned to the office I knew something was wrong immediately normally talkative she would barely say a word now not sure what had occurred I waited until Cavin had gone to the restroom to ask so during their trip everything had been normal until they reached the Brass Mill a portion of the plant that shut down at 6: p.m. there were
usually no employees there after that time and no lights they were making their way to a checkpoint and a landing on top of a flight of stairs when the mood just shifted she told me that she turned around only to find that he was right on top of her startled she backed against the grading at the end of the landing and he leaned in towards her his face nearly touching hers he flirted in a low voice and when she mentioned his wedding band he said that it would all be over soon from then on I
did the rounds taking Calvin each time with me the night ended without further incident and I left a note for our supervisor detailing what had occurred the next night came in went though with no Calvin I did the rounds while Amir stayed in the locked office and the same thing after that night too then on my second to last shift I come in to find her freaking out because she found out why Calvin hadn't been at work he had been arrested for murdering his wife she had been dismembered and burned parts of her body placed
in a pond less than a mile from where we worked that night and next Amira called the jail to just make sure that they were still holding him and based on the time frame he had killed his wife months before he started the [Music] job soose to to 10 years ago my best mid and I scored the deal of the century Liv and her parents recently purchased and refurbished home for cheapest chips rent so that the property wasn't considered unoccupied and their insurance still covers it they were planning on selling their house in the country
and moving closer to town in a year but when they spotted this place it was perfect so they snapped it up they couldn't be bothered dealing with Rando tenants for a year so we were off at it and we took it it was a lovely old mid Victorian style house with a hallway running the majority of the length on the left side and three bedrooms and a bathroom coming off that hallway to the right at the back of the house was an open planned living room and kitchen and a backyard it was an inner melbour
suburb so was totally fenced in with 6ft fence on three sides and the front had a curtesy white picket fence on the right side of the property an outdoor gravel pathway was wedged beside the bedroom walls in the fence line it began with a gate in the front yard and ran the length of the property to the backyard this is important for later too so my mate obviously scored the master bedroom at the front with lovely vertical opening bay windows facing in the front garden in the street my had the next bedroom with a window
facing the gravel path and the fence and the third bedroom was our study we lived here for close to 10 months I think pretty much in total Bliss great great house great company and even though the area was considered a little bit dicey the location was just Stellar now one hot Summer's night we said our good night and I hit the hay and zoned out immediately my housemate stayed up in bed to read for a bit with just her bedside light she was doing that for just over an hour before she heard a a weird
kind of scrit scratch on the front window of her bedroom initially she put it down to an overhanging tree branch till she realized that there was no overhanging tree branch there she sat kind of Frozen in fear blankly staring at her book for what felt like an eternity till she heard the noise again and again slowly looking up now she saw a dude wearing a hoodie trying to open a window looking her dead in the eyes as she screamed jumped out of bed and ran right into my room I woke up super dazed as she
was pulling my hand and kind of whisper yelling you know the one that someone was trying to break in she had a tendency to be a little bit over dramatic sometimes but I swear to you that I've have never seen someone look so genuinely terrified I went to grab my phone to call the cops but we just went completely still and we heard the distinct crunching sound of someone walking down the side path of the house we both rolled off my bed onto the floor and went completely still the crunching continued getting closer to to
my bedroom window now I don't know what it is about distinct sounds at night when it's otherwise quiet but it sounded deafening and then I realized why it was so loud because my window was wide open I jumped up slid the window down and slammed the lock shut just as he reached that window he looked at me but he didn't react at all he just calmly tried to open the window but when he realized that he couldn't and he continued down the pathway to the backyard I was thoroughly [ __ ] myself now and my
housemate was sobbing in the floor looking up at me like a bunny about to be torn apart by a fox I sprinted to the back door to thankfully find it locked and ran back to my room and immediately called the cops I don't know what the cops knew that we didn't but they must have broken a land speed record to arrive all of 3 minutes later both lights and Sirens off we saw them go down the side path guns drawn straight to the backyard there were some noises from the yard then a knock at the
door a moment later and the police identified themselves turns out the dude had vaed The Back Fence and impressive feet and another patrol car was headed to the next street over to look for him the two cops at our place asked if we were okay then asked if they could come in and take a look around the cops were honestly amazing but they managed to calm us down while was making sure the place was safe and I was just really impressed with how they handled the situation I offered them a cup of tea which they
politely declined as they took our statements and they asked if there was anyone that we could stay with tonight my housemate and I stated at our boyfriend's place for a few nights after that and when we stayed in the house it was just never the same after that we felt completely violated and ended up moving out a few weeks after that we never found out if the dude was actually caught but strangely enough there was a random stabbing a few nights after the incident at the train station two streets open if it was related or
not I don't know but all I can think is that we were very lucky that it went the way that it [Music] did whenever I took the bus for school I was pretty alone on the bus rides most of the time I was always on one of those small buses we did have other kids but the highest amount of kids in the bus was probably around five or something including me I was the only one from my school on there but all the other kids went to the same school I should also mention too that
I've had about four different bus drivers in my time and the one that I'm about to talk about lost her husband about a year before and was out for a long time anyway this takes place place four or 5 years ago now I was pretty young still for morning rides we dropped off the other kids and we were heading to my school and we were the only ones on the road when the bus suddenly stops on the side of the road I was really confused and I thought the bus had broken down being the shy
kid that I was I didn't say anything and I just kind of waited my bus driver then randomly opened the door and I started to feel a bit uneasy for some reason we weren't at my school yet so why was she opening the door and she was just staring at the door for like 2 minutes when I finally asked her uh excuse me are you okay there's a man there she said in such a low voice that it gave me chills but when I looked there was no man there or no person at all she
just kept staring for a couple of seconds when she finally closed the door and and just continued driving down the road she wasn't my bus driver after that year and quite honestly I kind of miss her she was a very sweet lady but that moment I don't know what it was about it but it still freaks me out I sometimes think that the man that she was talking about was maybe her husband I don't know I don't know why she stopped the bus like that and opened the door for a stranger but it was weird
I attended a pretty awful University in the UK in fact it was so awful that Vice even published an article written by a student that attended at the same time as me titled the three years of Hell at the University of wolver Hampton I lived in a student building in the middle of the city of the three student buildings available it was the middle choice but literally it was situated in the middle of the three and also figuratively it was the middle not as fancy as the fancy one but not as unbearable as the worst
one most of my friends lived in the fancy building and to get there I had to walk a small track through a residential part of the city but somehow my friends found a shortcut you could actually cut through and climb up at the back of the garden behind this uh abandoned house I think to get there and less than half the time and so I started using this shortcut all the time and one morning I walked around towards the garden and down to my shortcut and found three grown men just standing there they all looked
for lack of a better word thuggish and quite large I added a small oh when I saw them and they looked up at me a pale 19-year-old gay country boy with a blonde mohawk I think that I apologized for barging in on what I was pretty sure was a drug deal and I turned to walk back the way that I came and take the long way around as I walked away one of them shouted to get my attention I ignored them and then I heard them coming after me so I started to run pretty quickly
I was much younger Slimmer and fitter back in those days so I managed to outrun them pretty easily and sprinted all the way around the long route to my friend's building where they let me in I explained what had happened and no one was surprised I mean this was wolver Hampton after all a few minutes later a friend of ours arrived he lived at a non-university student building off campus and had to walk a different way to get to where we were when he arrived he asked me Kyle what did you do man I asked
him why and he said that an enormous guy had come up to him and asked if he'd seen a guy with a blonde mohawk but my friend acted dumb even though he immediately knew who had been talking about my poor choice of hairstyle was fairly distinct the worst part though the guy was carrying a brick in his hand it still gives me shivers all these years later but it doesn't end there so me and my friends went out for a day out to Birmingham Bright Lights big city whatever and we didn't get home until late
we got back to their building and drank until way after midnight night I started to relax and forgot my horrible ordeal from earlier that morning at some point more than a little drunk I decided to head home I was now pretty sure that I would never take the shortcut again so I just took the Long Way Home Instead as I was walking through the residential area a car stopped on the opposite side of the road and there were two guys inside and the car was filled with smoke and just stank of weed when they rolled
down the window to speak to me I didn't have headphones in or anything and I was the only person on the street so I couldn't just ignore them or pretend that I couldn't hear them the driver said nice hair bud and his friends began to laugh wait mate do you know where we can get some food uh I don't know um in the city center I said I kept walking trying not to show them how unnerved I was they were facing the wrong way to drive alongside me so the driver put the car in Reverse
so that they could keep Pace with me do you know any places uh a few um there's a kebab place at the top of the road I think get in you can show us yeah listen man I'm drunk and I'm tired and I've got lectures in the morning dude I said trying to sound casual even though I was just about ready to piss my pants it really hadn't been a good day we're going to turn around and come back and pick you up wait there yeah the driver set as the car started towards the end
of the road which was a dead end to turn around I heard the passenger say it's him I know it's him the car was far enough away I broke into a Sprint and ran back towards my building I stumbled down the stairs and twisted my ankle pretty badly but eventually managed to limp the rest of the way and got through the front door just as the car drove past I really dread to think what could have happened that day and for the rest of my time at that God aful University I prayed to never meet
any of those guys again fortunately I never [Music] did when I was a junior in high school I was quite an OD kid I liked having colorful hair piercings and all that kind of stuff and the school that I went to was near Atlanta so there weren't many people like me I tried to find friends that like the same kind of music and other interests that I had and I could normally kind of push off any weird energy that people put off just ignore it because I just wanted some friends anyway I was in gym
one day hanging out with a group of weirdos and there was a guy that I hadn't seen before he was wearing a Guns and Roses t-shirt and jeans that were like a size too small his name was Earnest we immediately clicked with each other in a kind of platonic way because we laughed at a lot of the same things we started hanging out in the gym together every day people watching and making fun of people playing basketball and it wasn't too long until he started making fun of my appearance and making me feel absolutely terrible
about myself I actually had really bad acne like super bad in high school and he jok saying that I had meth skin first strike me being me though I kept hanging out with him and eventually it led to hanging out after school as well he would invite me over to his house and we only stayed in his room he refused to let me meet his family his parents didn't really speak English but I still wanted to meet them anyway plus I always thought that it was a little bit weird that nnest didn't know Spanish but
his siblings did and when he would speak words it sounded Russian he pretty much only played It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia on TV and rambled about superheroes and would always come up with these strange scenarios where he was an evil villain and how much power he could have and all this sort of stuff anyway fast forward a little bit and I get a job at a pizza place Ernest gets the same job at this pizza place too so inevitably we're always together like always he pretty much never let me out of his grasp and it
got to a point where he took me to school every day in his PT Cruiser which I still get chills every time that I see one of those damn shoe-shaped ass cars and it wasn't too long after this that we started skipping school a lot I mean we pretty much went to school about two or three times a week maybe this is where it starts to suck pretty bad too so he started pressuring me to do sexual things with him I don't really want to get into the details because it's pretty disturbing but he manipulated
the situation in such a way that I felt like we were in a relationship because I thought that I needed him he really convinced me that we were a couple but I was so repulsed by him that I never could fully accept that he started telling our other friends that he had sex with me and that we were in a relationship too I denied it all and to this day I deny it I've lied to therapists and I've lied to my friends but right now I'm admitting to all of that at one point though he
ended up living with me and my family in the same room as me he had convinced my entire family that he was gay so he could live with me he literally dressed up in pink and put a scarf around his neck and pranced around my aunt trying to win her over with his fake personality I was so used to living in chaos that this was barely a problem for me during all of this he was such a rude piece of [ __ ] to me though for instance I remember asking him for a ride one
day I can't remember to we but he said no but for no good reason I started getting really pissed off because he couldn't actually give me a reason and he just kept smirking at me he did this type of thing frequently too we were sitting in the living room one day and he silently got up and just drove off somewhere came back walked to the living room doorway stared at me for 15 seconds and then walked into to my room I hear a bunch of rustling so I storm in there thinking that he's up to
something sketchy and he's gotten completely dressed into his sleep pants with his hands in his pocket and he just wouldn't take his hand out of his pocket at this point I'm kind of scared so I forced my hand into his pocket and I pull out a knife and I don't remember how the night or the days continued after that but that was the first thing that really creeped me out fast forward again though and I'm at my best friend Kayla's birthday party and everyone's camping in the backyard Ernest hated Kayla because she was way out
for me in his perspective anyway she got in the way of us apparently and I'm sweating typing this out because this is probably one of the scariest things that's ever happened to me the sequence of events is a little bit blurry but I do remember most of it so I made it clear to nnest at this point in time that we were not a thing and that he needed to let go of this fantasy I had a crush on this boy named John and we slept in the same tent together morning comes and I hear
Earnest outside asking people if they knew where I was someone said she's in the tent with John I was scared immediately and I knew something bad was about to happen he begin screaming as loud as he can cussing all of us out and just pitching an absolute fit and then he just storms off he goes to his car and calls me and tells me to get in the car now everyone there was freaked out and Kayla advised me not to go into the car because she knew how scary Earnest was just as a person I
didn't want anyone to be uncomfortable so I figured that if I went to the car it would ease everyone just a little bit that he wasn't there so I went and as soon as the car door closed we bed off fast and I mean really fast I looked over at him white eyed and he screamed crying with absolutely no expression in his face tears streaming but completely emotionless it was really weird he says to me you were supposed to love me over and over again and he starts speeding faster and faster and said if I
can't love you then no one else can I'm actively having a straight panic attack in this passenger seat I can't hear because my ears are ringing and I can't see anything meanwhile Kayla has already called my mom and somehow my mom left the house fast enough to track us down in the PT Cruiser and he parks at a church and my mom is watching us and Ernest has a box cutter at his side I get a call from my mom and I can't really remember what she said but I know it was something along the
lines of I'm going to kill you Ernest he started coming to his senses after that if you can even call it that and drops me back off at Kayla's and tells me that he's going to end himself after he drops me off Kaylor and I are frantically trying to call his parents but they can't speak English in the end though he called the police on himself because he thought that he was going to harm himself or somebody else he was gone for a couple of weeks after that and when he came back he was parked
outside my school just waiting for me to come out he runs up to me and I noticed that he had on a a played button-up shirt and it was tucked into his pants which was just extremely odd to me and I knew immediately too that this was a completely fake personality he was speaking differently as well proper almost like a few weeks had turned him into a saint it wasn't long after that that I had admitted myself into a mental institution because I just kept breaking down everyone in the group talk told me to get
rid of him and I'd not realized just how serious this all was until I saw everyone's reactions to the stories there are so many other stories too of this psycho but I really don't have the time to type all of them out I will say that I did get rid of him and I found new friends and without them I really don't know how I would have gone I haven't seen or spoken to him in about 3 years and I'm hoping to keep it that way once when I was about 12 years old I woke
up in the middle of the night needing to take a leak I walked across the hall to the little bathroom Hit the lights and was about to reach for the toilet when I glanced up and saw a a face in the mirror and it wasn't mine it was as if someone was on the other side standing to the right with their face right next to the glass class staring at me I only saw it for the briefest moment but it's forever seed into my mind I screamed and ran out of there to find my dad
and of course my dad investigated and calm me down or tried to eventually we had a prayer session because I was so freaked out and I must have gone back to sleep at some stage fast forward to my 30s I'd forgotten all about the event one night while visiting my dad quietly brings it up and he says hey you remember that one time that you saw the face in the mirror it suddenly came back to me in a rush of memory sending a chill down my spine yeah I remember that well he said I sometimes
think about that night he looked down at the floor with a serious expression because I saw it too he went on to describe exactly what I'd seen and we still have no idea what it was apparently when he investigated he saw it and had a freak out of his own apparently the prayer session was as much for his own nerves as mine and I respect him for keeping that tidbit from me till my 30s but I kind of wish that he never had told [Music] me this happened within the last 24 hours so I live
in a large city in the US and like many people I've taken it on myself to try and get back in shape during the new year so I've recently got into running and lifting 5 days a week yesterday was a run day for me and I usually start at my apartment and cross over to this long Park that runs the river close to my apartment the park is filled with sports Fields tennis courts and many Runners along the pathway too might have been going two or three times a week for just over a month now
so I was on my run last night listening to a podcast mining my own business and decided to go a little further than I normally do to this kind of longer stretch where the park sort of ends for like a half mile before it picks back up again kind of uh an area where they Park equipment many people avoid this area due to it kind of being not Waterfront and kind of ugly but I decided to run to the end of this area before circling back home as I'm running see a man 200 or feet
so ahead of me kind of walking in my direction Not Unusual at all I've passed like 40 people already but this area is empty except him and I as most people Circle back still though I ride my bike here to commute for work and have never gotten weird Vibes I'm also an average built man and feel pretty secure most places in my relatively safe neighborhood so I keep running listening to my podcast when I noticed the man's path is directly in line with me as in if I continue 150 more ft I would Dead Set
run into him so I shift to the other side of the path 10 or so feet keep running not paying attention looking back up now and he's in my path again still no alarms because well maybe he shifted to get out of my way too and we did that thing where you kind of walk into each other almost so I shift back to the side that I st started on and this time I watch him and he shifts to my side I'm thinking this guy must be messing with me I'm 50 ft away now and
between there and 20 ft I keep shifting more and more quickly and he follows me exactly to the point that he's sidest stepping instead of moving forward waiting for me to reach him at this point I take his presence in he's 63 at the shortest in jeans and black hoodie with a hood up can't really make out his face due to a street light behind him casting a shadow but I begin to realize oh [ __ ] I come to a stop and go to pull my headphones out and begin the sentence what the hell's
up man I get to the what the hell part when he raises both arms above his head and begins to scream at me no legible words that I can hear over my podcast at least and I do notice that he has something long and white or beige in his hands and at this point I begin to backtrack keeping eyes on him all of a sudden he dashes towards me running with his arm stretched out to grab me I turn and hi tail it the other way it should be known too that I'm not in the
best shape at this point I've had numerous injuries requiring surgeries and I've just done about 75% of my intended Run for the night but I can tell you that I've never run faster he could Pace though and close much of the distance but when we started going slight uphill I continued to make ground we came to a fork in the path after about a minute of this the two paths circled around a fenc in area that contained a construction vehicle or mowers Etc and I made it look like I was going one way and at
the very last moment dashed the other way the paths kind of made a circle so I was able to get far enough ahead to where he couldn't see me via the fence and bushes and when I felt like it was my chance I dove into a bush clawed my way under the fence and crawled through the space and at the other side of the fence he kept looking for me in the bushes prowling back and forth and finally saw me on the other side of the enclosure and at this point I was already on the
phone with the police trying to get help as gulped down breaths of air were continuing I was also warning other Runners and he eventually just followed my Pace opposite side of the fence he kept ducking into darker areas around the enclosure and eventually I just lost sight of him I began getting worried again and kept wandering around warning people while I was waiting on the cops after about 15 minutes of not seeing him I just pieced the hell out of there as the cops said that they were close the J home was horrible and anytime
a runner past me I would have a mini panic attack I was kind of in shock I think and running off adrenaline the remainder of the night I'm not really sure what happened or what was going on it felt like it was something from a a movie today I checked the city Cen app and Twitter to see if anything had happened and I'm not sure if it's related it most likely isn't but 5 hours after I called the cops he pulled the body of a man out of the river a mile or two Down River
from where the attempted attack initially [Music] occurred this is something that I share with new people that I meet sometimes but obviously No One Believes Me my family moved to a new house in 2011 I was 17 or 18 years old at the time it's one of the first houses built in town and it's very old but we found newspapers in fact dating back to events of Russian Revolution and yes I live in Russia I must say that the house itself has different extensions built much later and basically the oldest wooden part of the house
is right in the middle and the part of the house that we own or rather I should say apartment we have only one wooden room on the first floor when we moved in I decided to choose that oldest said room and I remember feeling like I just wasn't welcome there from the very first day quite honestly too I really didn't put much thought into it at first but it very quickly got very spooky so I remember seeing objects move on their own a rope crawling on its own underneath my bed while I sat on it
footsteps at night weird buzzing sounds that I once recorded on a camera and once I witnessed a sheet of paper stealthily crawl from the top surface of the desk to drawers as I was sitting in it it was evening and the desk lamp was on but it didn't spook me too much but it kind of made me indignant like what the hell is this for real I grabbed that sheet of paper from whenever force was holding it and I just kind of chuckled in disbelief but each day it just got a a little more terrifying
and the two worst events that I remember go as follows so it's midnight and I'm in bed just trying to fall asleep and something's bothering me and I feel eyes on me but my own eyes are closed I decided to open them and I [ __ ] you not that there's a floating face of a man right above my bat with thick eyebrows angry expression just a head staring at me and no body we locked on for a minute in silence and I was too afraid to move eventually though I forced myself to rush out
of the room and that night I slept with my mom like I was 5 years old again and the second one I was actually having a dream and I can't recall all the details but all I remember is it was about a kid a kid around 8 years old I think skinny light blue top and dark blue shorts I remember drawing it at the time too because the dream just felt really sural and anyway I suddenly woke up and I thought to myself it must be around 3:00 a.m. and I decided to check my phone
to see if I was right and the moment that I flinched I heard loud and clear someone running away from my bed towards the hall luckily eventually I moved to the second floor but it was probably the scariest year of my life it seems like whatever it was it kind of deliberately avoids newer parts of the house and for some reason sticks with the old I don't know but nobody lives in that room anymore and it's just a bit of a guest room now so I guess that whatever's in there might be happy now about
3 years ago I went camping with my girlfriend now X as she had always expressed interest but never had been the spot that we went to is in the Huron national forest and here my go-to trail or Camp spot as it's hidden deep in the forest and the access to the trails is close and easy for ATVs my family has not been going to this spot for about 6 years now and my friends had introduced me about 10 or so years but we went for a weekend trip and I'm glad that we didn't go any
longer when we got there everything was going well except we did notice a group of people that were hanging out next to our campsite but they were just kind of stargazing and ended up leaving at some point then around midnight is when the weird stuff started to occur at first it sounded like someone was laughing at us but the laugh never ended and got very high pitched and sounded as it just kind of kept going after a while we both kind of got a little bit scared and went into the tent to try and sleep
and that was when the laugh of the noise moved up higher and then started to circle the campsite after a while of that happening it just all of a sudden stopped and then started again at around 3:00 a.m. when it started again the fire was going out so I went and stoked the fire with my shotgun in hand and turn on the flashlight to see if maybe I could see any coyotes or something around the campsite but when I did I didn't see anything or hear any movements below this all went on until 6:00 a.m.
and then stopped and that was finally when we were able to get some rest after we woke up we checked around the campsite and didn't see anything out of the ordinary so we just kind of packed up once we're all packed up and good to go I go to start my vehicle and it's just completely dead that really freaked me out as I'm always paranoid about leaving things plugged in that kill the battery and I made sure everything was closed properly and unplugged yet somehow the battery just still died I was able to get a
jump from a AAA and the phone call was hard to explain and the lady who took the call didn't believe me but at the end we both just laughed at it but after that happened I told my friend who had shown me the campsite and also has a cabin in the same Forest roughly 25 miles away from that campsite about what happened and he got freaked out he told me about two incidences which he has had one at the campsite and one at this cabin at the campsite he stated that one night after we had
all returned from trail riding and went to bed he stayed up to hang out by the fire and have a few drinks while he was hanging out he was just looking off into the distance and when he did he saw a pair of eyes up in the trees looking directly at him he described them as kind of bioluminescent eyes and he flashed his high-powered flashlight at them but when he did there was nothing there and as soon as the flashlight turned off they were there again looking right back at him so he just packed up
and went right to bed that night he didn't tell us because he didn't want to scare us plus he wasn't sure if we would believe him at the cabin though he was hanging out with his brother and they were both just chilling by the fire outside when they both saw a pair of eyes looking at them from a trail that leads into the woods they stated that at the height the eyes were looking at them whatever it was had to have been at least 7t tall tall if not taller they started shooting at it with
their rifles 2330s and the eyes disappeared but once they were done they reappeared and were closer this time at that point they both freaked out and went back into the cabin and they didn't leave until daylight we have no idea what this could have been but all of us have felt very scared when these events were happening after we all talked about it one of the brothers thinks that it's uh wendigo I really don't know what to believe about that and I don't know what it could be but I haven't felt that scared since that
[Music] night this is something that I didn't realize the severity of until I was much older so my mom had left me and my brother Home Alone one day it was Midday my brother was 12 maybe 13 or so I think so I must have been around 9 years old I was watching him play Xbox in that living room he had his headset on talking to his friends when there was a knock from the door in our carport I run and answer the door without looking and it's a grown man that I've never seen before
we're separated by the screen door which at the time was actually unlocked he asks Hey kid are your parents home and horror just immediately washes over me first of all he's knocking from the carport which is strange in and of itself a stranger would knock on our front door right plus our carport is empty but we only had one car and my mother had taken it and I have a feeling that this man knows that my parents aren't home I'm afraid I really don't know why but I was immediately scared my brother in the other
room comes to mind and while I've never had a father figure my brother has always been the one who has made me feel safe he was the strongest person in the world to me someone who could protect me in any situation how most people would regard their father I think anyway I feel as though I can barely speak and I'm wide-eyed and I managed to stutter out eventually uh no but um my big brother's here without even a moment's pause this man reaches for the screen door and starts to open it and like an act
of God or divine intervention of some sort an arm reaches out from behind me over my shoulder and grabs the door my brother pushes past me holding the door forcing the man back with his presence the man tells my brother that he was looking to buy some crappy old swing set that was in our front yard at the time and eventually my brother closes the door and just goes back to his headset and continues playing I sit down as well and I just continue watching him and I don't believe we ever told that mom for
some reason luckily I never encountered this person again and it pretty much Fades from my memory but as I got older it did become one of the scariest things that's ever happened to me creepy and not so much because of what happened but what could have it was just really unnerving how absolutely oblivious we were to the whole situation I like to think that the man was planning to lock me in a room Rob the place and leave but boyy people can be really evil sometimes so who [Music] knows this happened to me a couple
of years ago when my now husband and I were living in a townhouse in a pretty decent area my husband was working third shift as a corrections officer at our local Corrections Facility and I was working as a waitress or a bartender it was an unusually warm night for mid-march so I took advantage and decided to take my husband's 80 lb Alaskan malamut Siberian Husky mix on a quick walk around the neighborhood near our complex we get to the end of the street that leads into the complex that we live in and across the street
is a Marathon gas station I noticed as the dog Luke stops to relieve himself and there's a guy across the street at the gas station with a case of beer in his hands I have my phone out texting a friend and looked back up to notice the guy was near the stop sign also relieving himself from the sign I felt really awkward and instantly put my phone away and I led Luke down the street on our path at this point I think this guy noticed us too and he crossed the street to where Luke and
I had just been I hear him walking a few feet behind me and just keep my head down staring at my phone with Luke Glu to my hip after about 10 seconds I hear this guy's steps getting closer Luke realized too that there's someone behind us and he stops in his tracks mind you he is a big dog compared to my 52 self but I can handle him pretty easily and he's very well trained by my husband but I noticed his ears were perked up and his tail was straight up I was glad that he
was aware of the surroundings but I still wanted to keep moving and away from this guy I don't know I just got a weird feeling this guy finally catches up though so I tighten my grip on Luke's leash and pull him closer to me and step into the grass to allow this guy to pass us and keep Luke out of his way but does this guy keep going and pass us no when I thought that he was about to pass us I started out a small apology because Luke was pulling on his leash a little
to investigate this guy and most people did get intimidated by him just by his size like I said he's a pretty big dog in my opinion but the guy stops and just kind of stares at me for a minute long enough for me to smell the cigarettes and the booze rolling off of him and to notice that he's probably in his mid to late 20s dark hair scruffy looking and just kind of really dirty he smiles though and then finally seems to notice Luke trying to get to him and asks cute dog what's his name
instead of making up a name I just said Luke he then proceeds to ask me if he can pet my dog and before I can even give him an answer he leans down to start petting Luke's head and Luke did not like that one bit Luke jumped at him as a warning and the guy backed up kind of chuckling I apologized and mentioned that he was very protective and made up a lie that he was trained as my dad's former canine unit my dad is a software developer by the way but instantly I saw this
guy's face change I don't know what to call it but he looked a little bit put off by that he asked me what my name was and I gave him a fake one he then asked if I lived around here and I said that I was visiting a friend of mine for the weekend he then made a sudden step towards me and I'm not lying when I say that I have never heard my husband's dog growl in the 5 years that I've been with him but the sound that came from my dog sounded like something
straight out of a horror film Luke's hair was spiking on his spine now and he was throwing himself up on his back legs and kicking his front legs at this guy he had put himself completely between myself and the guy and was now snapping at him this freaked the dude out so much that he stumbled backward nearly dropping his beer he quickly said well have a nice night cutie and then just stumbled off down the road when I say my heart was pounding it was deafening and I grabbed Luke's leash so hard and sprinted between
the buildings until I go back to my townhouse and locked all the doors and collapsed by the front door Luke was in my face the whole time kissing me and whining this dog is the sweetest and most gentle creature that I've ever met and hearing him growl and seeing him react the way that he did made me realized that I needed to get out of that situation and fast back in the80s my parents bought a camping trailer and every summer my family mom dad and two brothers we would all go camping often a few of
my cousins and aunt would also tag along sometimes it would be a weekend trip and other times it would stay for a week at a time most camping trips were up in an age it was so much fun and for most of my childhood nothing really crazy happened at all but one morning I woke up and notice that my cousin or best friend was sleeping in the same bunk as me I didn't think much about it but as I pushed her to let her know that I was getting up she said are you really awake
this time I said yeah to her strange question and went to the front of the camper to get a drink my mom and aunt were sitting outside the camper having coffee and when I went out to say good morning they said come talk to us I walked outside and could tell that my mom looked upset like she'd been crying my aunt was a bit shaky as she asked do you remember what happened last night I shook my head no and listened as my aunt told me about the extremely strange night which I do not recall
whatsoever my unun explained that at about 2:00 a.m. she woke up to the door to the camper being wide open she quickly checked the bunks and noticed that I was nowhere to be found she woke up my mom and dad and then my mom and dad got flashlights and started frantically searching for me outside around the immediate area my aunt stayed behind because there were still four kids sleeping in the camper and after a scary 10-minute search my dad finally spotted me I walked out of the camper and into the trees about 30 ft away
it was far enough that I could not be seen unless he walked into the trees a bit and I was just standing out there in the dark with my eyes completely open but not responding to him at all I had no shoes no flashlight and was wearing just shorts and a t-shirt he said that he grabbed my hand and started walking me back to the camp and he remembers asking me hey what's going on why in the world would you come out here on your own like that then I finally spoke up and said I
need to wait here Dad let's just stay here my mom remembers that I then started crying as she and my dad let me go back to the camper whenever I think back to this story I I get a strange feeling too but thank God that my aunt woke up when she did it's important to note too that I've never been known to sleepwalk before or after that night since then it truly was an isolated incident which could have had a very different ending had I not been so lucky my mom was so upset too that
she decided to get rid of that trailer and we didn't do much camping after that night so I used to be naively helpful to all sorts of strangers and even often picked up hitchhikers solo ending groups and get them where they needed to go when I was 19 I had moved to Huntington a college town in West Virginia and I worked at a popular bar at the time my shifts would start around 9:00 p.m. and end at about 2:00 a.m. I didn't really know anybody in this town or state even and I'd been there on
my own for only a month or so at this stage so on one of these nights one of the customers had taken an interest in conversing with me while I was working my shift me being a good employee Converse pleasantly back he was in his 30s or 40s buzzed white hair with a group of other guys all of them tattooed with leather jackets nothing against leather or tattoos I have and wear both in fact just giving a visual detail now he'd been there going back and forth between them at their table and me at the
bar pretty much talking to me non stop for a good couple of hours around 1:30 a.m. he mentions that he doesn't know where his friends went I look up oblivious and see the whole bar had virtually cleared out he was right though not one of his buddies was in sight he says that they must have all gotten drunk and just forgot about him leaving him there the man is clearly bummed and quite concerned because as he tells me he lives almost an hour away from here and has no way of getting home now and it's
the middle of winter so it's snowing pretty hard he spends the next few minutes on the phone calling different friends that were at the bar with him but no one is answering he's pretty clearly screwed and I can't leave him in the bar I can't in good conscience leave the men out in the snow either so [ __ ] now I've got to drive this stranger home in a place that I'm unfamiliar with in conditions that I've never really driven him before no snow in my home state I tell him don't worry though and when
I finish clearing the bar and closing up I'll take him home and I do we get in the car and he gives me directions as we go we're talking casually like we had been for quite some time just some superficial conversation nothing even hinting at sexual or flirty I'm not a flirty person at the best of times so I'm positive that there was no misunderstanding here either keep in mind too it's like 2: in the morning no one knows where I am all that I'm with this Rando and it's snowing heavily now and as we're
chatting I suddenly feel this hand on the back of my neck it was such an unpleasant feeling it was truly such a an unpleasant feeling I remember his finger swirling in the little hairs at the bottom of my hairline which were too short to make into sort of a ponytail I scrunched my neck though and just calmly said I have a knife as I kept looking forward driving the swirling ceased but the hand lingered on my skin again calmly but more firmly I said I have a knife he removed his hand and we kept driving
I figured whatever that was is handled and we get back to our conversation minutes later though I feel his hand fully against the back of my neck again his fingers wrapped gently around its curve I scrunched my neck again and said seriously I have a knife he removed his hand once more and then in a very hurt tone he said are you really scared of me after that he kept his hands to himself and it was a long 1-hour drive but I did get him home and after that I took off I'm 29 now and
it wasn't until many years later did it occur to me the whole thing was probably a setup that he and his friends had planned they probably left him stranded so that the chick that he's been talking to all night will have to take him home opening the door for sex consensual or maybe not I guess the moral of the story here is don't let people you don't know into your car oh and uh also always carry a [Music] knife this happened at a large Shopping Center in adalaide South Australia a couple of months ago but
for some context too it was around 7:00 p.m. on a late trading night already completely dark outside so I was shopping with my partner and she went into a clothing store both to make some returns and also try on some replacement clothes I knew that it was going to take a little bit of time and I'm not overly interested in women's clothing so I stood outside in the very busy Center and was responding to some work emails on my phone paying very little attention to all of the people walking past after about 5 minutes I
was approached by a fairly youngl looking gentleman early to mid-20s at most I'm 23 myself with a very strong European accent possibly French who said to me something along the lines of you were with a girl yes she was looking for you she came up to me I think because we are wearing similar shirts and thought you were me thinking back at it other than buttons on our shirts they were not really similar at all but he told me that he was trying to find me and made it seem like something was wrong and insisted
that he could show me where she went I looked into the store and couldn't see my partner it was a fairly small clothing store inside the center you could see all of it from outside in fact I found out later too that she was just in a changing room but I was extremely confused at the time my partner knows that I would just be aimlessly pacing in circles outside as I do when I'm reading emails and would never walk off looking for me not to mention that she could have just texted or called although confused
he was moving away fast enough that I didn't have time to ask many questions and not being able to see my partner convince me to at least follow where he was going there had to have been hundreds of people around so I wasn't very worried for my own wellbeing and as I followed the gentleman I was leaving a good 2 or so meters between us walking behind I don't remember feeling overly unsafe or concerned about being near him just extremely confused and kind of unsure I suppose he could see that and kept repeating something along
the lines of this isn't a joke please believe me I want to help come with me she went this way I saw where she went we'd only been been walking for about 10 seconds at this point but covering a fair bit of distance from the store that I was originally at I said something like where was she going what did she say to you and he told me sorry my English isn't very good she's this way we kept walking like this for another 10 seconds before we reached the doors to the building we were on
a side of the center that has doors leading to both a car park and a large loading dock for one of the supermarkets although busy in the center there was almost no one around the doors going in or out and he walked straight outside and said something along the lines of she was sitting just on this bench I don't know where she went other than a small bit of light under the cover where a bench is it was completely dark as soon as you walked any further away I walked up to the point where the
automatic doors open but no further and looked one foot outside one foot inside and he said something like she must have walked this way come I'll help you find her and started to walk left which only leads to a a dark and secluded loading dock not visible from the doors you could tell the urgency that he was trying to convey to follow him now though and I was already very confused and unsure up until that point But as soon as it happened I knew that whatever he wanted me to follow him down there for wasn't
going to be good it was one of those moments where you pieced it all together finally and realized how many warning signs you somewhat noticed but ignored and I instantly felt like I was in danger I remember saying uh all good thank you I'll call her and just turning straight around and walking back inside I turned around after a few seconds and couldn't see him outside anymore although it felt like a long time all of this must have transpired in about uh maybe 45 seconds from when he first started talking to me and it was
at this point that I texted my partner who let me know that she was still at the same store that I last saw her at at the time I said to her that I think I may have almost been abducted a bit over the top I know especially for a fairly large 20-year-old bloke like I am I'm assuming though that if I'd gone down there I was probably going to get rocked I'm glad though that I'll hopefully never know I went straight to Center security though and I did report it they took some details of
where and when it happened but didn't seem overly concerned but anyway be careful out there guys because you just never know who may cross your path one day this story took place in Texas back in the fall of 1994 I was traveling from a small town outside of Dallas called Grine and was heading to my duty station and I would never take this route again after what happened this night along the I20 so I was traveling alone and had left it around 7:00 p.m. on my road trip across Texas if you've ever been to Texas
then you know that you can drive for hours on end and still be in Texas and this story would change my life forever so I decided to stop at a rest stop along the highway to stretch my legs and take a pit I noticed a woman in a late '70s model Ford parked in the lot when I got out I went and did my business had of smoke and before I left I noticed the woman still sitting in her car so I walked over and knocked on the window which did startle her and asked if
she was okay or needed help she smiled and said that her tire was flat and that her battery had died while she was waiting here I asked if she had a spare tire and she said no I asked if anyone was coming to get her and she said that her daughter was supposed to but it's been several hours of just her waiting there I asked where she was going and she told me the location so I offered give her a ride if she wanted she actually started crying and said that this would be wonderful so
we start heading to the location and we're making small talk I told her that I was in the Air Force and heading to LC she said that that was wonderful in hopes that I really enjoyed it I did notice though that she kept looking in the mirror so I asked if she was okay with me giving her a ride she smiled and said that everything was fine she was just happy that somebody had stopped we finally get to her house in a small suburb just outside of town she thanks me for a ride and hands
me a scrap of paper with a home number on it then she asked that I call her when I get to my destination so she can know that I made it safely I thanked her and said that I would but I'd wait until the morning since I knew that it was going to be late when I arrived I arrived at Reese AFB late that night and stayed at the on base hotel I got checked in and took a shower and eventually I just went to bed the next morning I got up and I got dressed
for the day and went to find my unit HQ I didn't even think about the night before because I had so much to do checking squared away and whatnot and it wouldn't be for another two weeks before I came across that scrap of paper with the number I kind of felt bad that I hadn't kept my promise to call so I decided to stop what I was doing and just give her a call I called the number and a young woman answered the phone so I asked for Sandy the woman on the line said who
so I apologized and said maybe it was Sandra she asked who this was and I gave her my name and explained that I had given her a ride a couple of weeks back as she said that I must be confused and I read the number off of the paper in my hand just in case I dialed the wrong number she said no I had the correct number but I couldn't give her mother a ride home because she had passed away in the early 80s she was apparently driving home and began having car troubles so she
stopped at a rest stop just outside of town when she didn't make it home her father became concerned and it was at that time that there was a knock on their door and two state troopers and local police officers were at the door she said that a trooper saw the vehicle stopped at the restop and stopped to check it out what he found and what she told me gave me chills her mother had been brutally sexually assaulted and her head was completely bashed in someone had slid her tires and disconnected her battery and the worst
part was that she didn't die right away as there was Bloody handprints on the window steering wheel and shifter because she was trying to leave the trooper said that they didn't have any suspects but there were times that certain motorcycle clubs would pass through at night I described the car and what her mother looked like and what she was wearing as best as I could recall she definitely didn't look old enough to have a daughter my age but her daughter just started crying and asked that I not call back a few days later though I
received word to report to the squadron commander so I headed over to our building when I arrived my captain called me into his office and began asking me questions about where I lived and when did I drive in and what route I took I immediately knew that something was wrong and we then went into a briefing room where my CEO and Texas Ranger and estate Trooper were seated I introduced UC myself and I took a seat they began by asking the same questions my captain had previously asked and why I had called the number and
spoke with the woman I explained everything as clearly and in detail as possible they then finished taking notes and the ranger asked who needed a smoke so my co excused himself and the captain the two officers and myself stepped out back to the smoking area and this was when the ranger informed me that he was the actual Tru who had found the car back in the early 80s and that the only reason he came out today was because of the details that I mentioned in my phone call to the daughter the trooper said that they
do get calls about a stranded woman every so often but when they get there they never find anything so in closing I guess you need to be careful who you decide to help because not everyone is what they seem I'd like to State too that the reason specific time frames are not given is due to the personal nature of some of these events but I can assure you that everything I've told you is [Music] true so this happened years and years ago and I was young but I've asked my grandma about this incident recently my
grandma is a big road rager and likes to cuss and flip off and pull around people all the time it's gotten better in her L years but this was in 2004 14 I think my grandma didn't tell my grandpa and I this story until it actually happened so before we get into that though here's some background about how I knew the mom and the kids the mom was really sweet and I was in her son's class in elementary and I walked past her all the time on the way to the buses while she was waiting
for my classmate I also had daycare with all three of the kids and I can't say that I met her boyfriend or ever saw him since I was young and I was in my own world playing with friends but once in a while just walking past her she asked if I knew where my classmate was since he was running late and I stood next to her and played with the youngest while she waited until I almost missed the bus anyway but back to the incident so my grandma is a big road rager and on her
way back from work mostly because of rush hour she was going a Rand roundabout about the only one in our town and pretty new and a car behind her kept honking and riding on her bumper she finally got sick of it because she was focused on trying to get around the new roundabout while having someone on her bumper and hog a horn for a few seconds while had a stop and flip the car off she watches this guy in the mirror as he gets out of the car and cracks his knuckles while speed walking up
to her he's cussing her out and she recognized the look on his face from past incidences with not too nice men she was on her own though and her car required her to manually lock the doors and trunk and roll up her window she basically said screw this and sped around the stopped cars in front of her which was really dangerous because of just how narrow it was and just got off the roundabout a month later though they're watching the news while I'm in my room and my grandparents start talking it was a small house
and I could hear them at least muttering my grandpa yells for me so I get up and I go back to the room hey don't you know little Johnny from school my grandpa asked and I nodded feeling confused and wondering if something happened to him my grandpa plays the news story and he says do you know his mom and the News told the whole story of how the man strangled her to death and posted the pictures on forchan and the caption that if you don't believe me watch the Washington news channel at about so and
so hours her son will be home then it was the oldest son that discovered her nude and dead and I had a few interactions with him before because of daycare and whatnot and honestly my entire heart just hurts thinking about it my Grandma sat up when they showed the boyfriend's face and she realized it that was the man in the car behind her and I mean he even looked recognizable to me as well probably because it's just a small town and I may have seen him at some stage but she told us the whole story
and even just thinking about it send Shivers up my spine he could have been slowly breaking just then and that's why he raged out like he did I'm just really happy that my grandma got out of that roundabout when she did I'm not saying that he would have killed her or anything like that just that he was already a woman beater and dangerous so who's to say that he wouldn't have at least hurt her I did talk to all three boys at one point or another that year when I would find their Instagrams I don't
think that I talked to the eldest though but I tried to get in contact with just no luck my classmate really didn't want to talk about it but I tried my best to console him out of doing stuff I don't want to put in too much detail about the kids just for respect for them but the youngest ran a whole account for his mom and would post just about the same picture every time that he was missing her and I think he even wrote a book about it although he was only eight at the time
I have no idea where they are five years later but I don't think they're in po anymore but let me finish by saying this the mom she was really sweet and her boys were good kids none of them deserved it and I hope that that guy rots in hell so I was about 16 years old and at that time very interested in ghosts paranormal things and stuff like that my mom is uh I wouldn't say A medium or anything but highly esoteric and can see things in and around other humans for example she can feel
bad energies and also describe dead loved ones of her customer standing beside her perfectly and if you want to hear stories of my mom just let me know but her being so sensitive of those things did wake my interest even more so I went online and researched on ways to communicate with spirits and energies and whatnot and found out a way to do so I invited my sister and two of our neighbors kids to help and watch I didn't want to do that alone because of obvious reasons but we waited for my mother to leave
because she prohibited specifically to never communicate with the other world but we wrote letters and numbers and also yes and no on a paper cropped them out and arranged them in a circle but we basically crafted a Ouija board we lowered the shutters in my room yes we did that in my room stupid I know and let candles and place them in different places in my room me and my sister placed our hands on a an upside down drinking glass and the neighbors kids watched from the bed the first few times they laughed and chuckled
when we said phrases like is someone here who wants to talk with us or if you want to communicate please do that but after a few minutes a few of the candles started to Flicker and I didn't think too much about it because I mean candles do flicker but after some more time some of them really started to freak me out they started to look like someone trying to blow them out in fact you know like when you want to blow out candles but don't use enough air so you just blow the flame in One
Direction they looked a lot like that and then the glass started moving I looked at my sister and she looked at me simultaneously asking if the other one was pushing it we both got really freaked out so we took our hands off of the glass and that freaking thing moved all by itself I got a panic attack and we all screamed and ran to my door to get out but we had actually closed it before we got in in hindsight it was a very stupid idea but I pressed the hand of my door down but
it just didn't move not an inch my sister and the neighbor kid started to help pressing it down and we leaned on it with all of our body weight all combined but it just didn't move an inch and then the candle started to go out and we just screamed and screamed and eventually it opened and we ran into the kitchen in a corner and we just huddled together and cried after that we eventually calmed down and things kind of went back to Norm from that day on I never slept well in that room too because
I just felt watched all the time and my writing desk chair started moving on its own as well I placed it under the desk and the next morning it stood a good meter away from it my mom also noticed that my room just didn't feel right like something lurks inside of it and asked me if I did something stupid eventually I told her and she was Furious saying that I could have brought much more evil in our apartment than a spirit that amuses Itself by disturbing us she said a ritual in my room saying a
few phrases and putting a protective circle around it and smoking it out with sage and whatnot and after that I was never disturbed by it again nevertheless though I won't be doing that [Music] again I was in the kitchen the night before last washing up some plates from dinner when I glanced out the window in front of the sink and I saw someone standing at the far end of my yard from what I could tell it looked like a man of average build with a scruffy appearance it was essentially behind my neighbor's toolshed which is
right on the border of my property and so I thought that he might be somebody that they knew it was dark though and he was quite a distance away so I couldn't really see what he was doing his back was mostly turned to me as well but by his movement it looked like he was padding the ground with the shovel as if he just buried something and was covering it up with dirt this definitely raised my suspicions a bit and so I called my neighbors to ask if they were aware that there was someone behind
their shed they said that there were not and the husband went outside to investigate I saw my neighbor open his door and the man saw or heard it and bolted off into the woods I went outside to meet my neighbor and see if there was evidence of what the man had been doing so we both arrive at the same spot and I tell the neighbor that the man fled and the neighbor says that he saw him running away we looked down at the ground and there is indeed fresh dirt where someone was digging a neighbor
gets the shovel which the man dropped when he ran off and starts digging it back up nervously because we were both expecting something gruesome no doubt however what we dug up has left us with more questions than answers it was a plastic bag with something softball sized and heavy inside we dump out the contents and it's a a rock painted red and a a small smiley face button on it the kind you pin on your shirt and why would somebody be out trespassing on someone's property in order to bury a painted rock and a button
and yes it's definitely paint on the Rock not blood it's not a murder weapon as far as we can tell but still the neighbors and I reported it so local law enforcement and they came and they took a statement they took the Rock and the button too just in case it turns out to be connected with a crime the whole ordeal has me a bit on edge to be honest but why else would someone bury something like that in the dark the police combed the woods last night too and they did come across something which
makes this whole thing even more unnerving they found a spot about a mile behind our homes in the woods where it appears that someone may have been living I live in a pretty small town in a more rural area and a lot of people here hunt deer and turkeys and the like the spot that they discovered apparently had been an old Lean 2 type shelter that had been used at one point for hunting but probably had been abandoned for a while when whoever found it and decided to live there in the spot there were some
old blankets recently used fire pits someone had made and a few other things like food and wrappers and plastic plates and a small cooking pot there was also something though that freaked my neighbor and I out quite a bit the guy had a portable kerosene heater unit and it was the exact portable kosene heater that went missing from my neighbor's shed almost a year ago so at this point we believe this guy has been living there for quite some time however no one in the area has reported to have seen anyone like him around or
had any other incidences so far but police are still in the process of talking to the other neighbors in the area it does appear that he's left the spot at this point but there's no being certain that he won't return in the meantime I'm staying at my sisters in a neighboring town and my neighbors are staying with their adult children my neighbor and I are going with the police escort back to our homes to set up security cameras and the like later today as well I really don't want to go anywhere near there tonight but
it might be the only hope that we have of catching this guy and putting everyone's Minds at ease the police are taking this matter pretty seriously as well because many years ago we had a case of a homeless man in the woods who attempted to abduct a young woman so between that and being a small town this sort of thing really rattles us a lot they're trying to track down the film used for the camera or where it came from rather but they suspect that it may be an older camera in film and if the
man was homeless it's likely that he just found it as for the cause of death for the kitten that they found they're running tests as we speak but the vet's initial thought is that it looks like it was poisoned this doesn't necessarily mean that it was killed intentionally it could have just accidentally eaten something that someone set out as bait for rodents and whatnot and the man could have just found it that way who knows but it definitely hadn't been dead long when the man had it because riger Morse had not yet set in at
the time meanwhile too the whole neighborhood is aware and have been alerted by authorities to be wary and keep their eyes peeled for anything or anyone supicious the police do believe that they may actually have a lead as well a man fitting the general description of our guy is actually pretty familiar to the local gas station convenience store clerk and as soon as the clerk heard about the incidences he called the police to tell them about the guy I also paid the clerk a visit this afternoon on my way back to my sister's house after
installing cameras at my neighbors in my own residence and I spoke with him personally it seems the men would often come into the store to use their can and bottle return and the clerk believed that that's how the guy was making his living by picking up bottles and cans out of people's trash and recycling and then returning them for change the clerk says that the man told him his name was Robert and went by the nickname Robbie the clerk believes that Robbie does have mental health problems by the way that he acts and some of
the things that he says as well it appears he suffers from paranoid delusions maybe the clerk said that usually he only ever spoke in short sentences when spoken to and never made EYC cont act however the clerk overheard the man rambling and mumbling to himself while returning cans one day repeating something over and over about cleaning the dirty dirty water where all the people keep bleeding aside from that rather highly unnerving detail the clerk said that Robbie seemed pretty much Harless but here's something that definitely puts a bit of a twist into the story and
may put your minds a little at ease though not much about what happened to the kitten so the store clerk said that maybe 2 or 3 weeks prior to my initial encounter the man Robbie had come to the store with some bags of cans and bottles he also had a kitten with him it fits the description of the one that we found the kitten seemed healthy but a little too skinny and the man said that he'd found it in the woods and thought that it was a stray he asked the clerk to look after the
kitten for a few minutes while he returned cans and afterwards he purchased a small bag of dry cat food and a hot dog and cola for himself with the change the clerk says the man seemed to really care for the kitten and even said he's my friend and when the clerk asked him the cat's name the man said that he was still thinking of one but he thought that he might call him Frankie but then he said something else that was definitely unnerving little babies like Frankie like kittens though it is possible that he meant
that kittens are like little babies and not that babies like kittens I don't know it's worded creepily either way so now the police and myself are thinking this quite probably is a a homeless mentally ill man and the kitten was in fact his pet the tests have come back that the kitten had rat poison in his system so we think someone in the area left rodent poison out and some food to bait raccoons we have a serious raccoon problem here they often get into the trash and make huge messes the kitten probably wandered off in
search of food and found the poison bait ate it and died unfortunately the man probably thought that it was me and or my neighbor who had poisoned the cat for whatever reason maybe the location he discovered a deceased was near us or maybe he thought that it was on purpose because he had previously buried things in our yard which we don't have any explanation for the first items yet but I assure you that we are not the type of people to leave poison out for innocent animals to find we have pets of Our Own in
fact however we know that a lot of people do bait and poison the raccoons here either way I think it's possible this guy might not have been doing anything truly malicious the first time when he buried the rock in the pin but the second time it's possible that he was angry and did mean to threaten us because he thinks that we killed his only friend and beloved pet but that's just speculation and nothing is set in stone at this time I'll close by saying this though even though this is still a very serious frightening situation
and he is still considered highly dangerous mostly to myself and my neighbors because he may try to do more to take revenge for what he thinks that we did I'm also incredibly heartbroken for this man if that indeed was his pet kitten I honestly cannot blame him for his actions if he truly is mentally ill and mostly harmless as well if that is indeed the case as well I do hope that they find him and get him somewhere where he can get some help police are still questioning local shop owners and other citizens in the
area for further information they're also searching missing person's databases to see if anyone has reported anyone fitting Robbie's description is missing within recent years to see if they can identify him and figure out possible current whereabouts and until then I'll continue to stay with my sister and my neighbors with their family for as long as I can just to be out of Harm's Way the newly installed security cameras have night vision and motion sensors as well and they're active in recording and so I'll keep you guys posted so I was very young when this happened
maybe 3 or 4 years old so I'm guessing around 97 or 98 I know your mind can impl false memories so I don't know if it actually happened or not but I do remember it pretty vividly so we were living in Germany and I shared a room with my brother who's 4 years older than I am the head of my bed was right below the only window in the room and one night he jumped out of his bed and ran across the room to where I was to look out the window and this is where
things seemed weird because it was like he knew that something was out there and he needed to see it but there was no way that he could have seen or heard anything down there at all I got up to see what the fuss was about and down on the street below was a a man stood completely still facing the road which stretched away from where we were he was tall and Broad and he wore a suit a long brown overcoat and a fedora type hat which made him look like someone from the 50s but he
also had no head his hat just seemed to float he turned and walked away from us down the street about 20 yards stopped and turned to face the road again 20 seconds later he walks another 20 yards and once again he stops and turns to the road he did this for or five time's over before he disappeared into the darkness as well he never turned in our direction or in any other apart from straight down the street and to the road there were no cars or other people coming down the street when he was on
it and the atmosphere around him just seemed a ghostly still if that's the right way to say it but the fact that my brother seemed to know that he was there is what Weirs me out the most is much as the fact that he seemed to have no head weirdly too I don't remember feeling scared or intimidated I felt more excited to see this headless man it's one of the earliest memories that I have and it's stuck with me ever since as well I've never spoken to my brother about this nor have I told anyone
but I'm wondering is anyone else had a similar experience or could this just all be in my head I'm skeptical for the most part about the Paranormal so I just really don't know what to make of it so this story and the background surrounding it is going to sound mildly insane to put it simply but I ask that you please try to keep an open mind growing up I've always been more spiritually in tune than what could be perceived as normal as I've gotten older that hasn't really changed I can go into so many stories
about this too such as dreams that I've had come true or cases of sleep paralysis in which I've seen seen and felt things an encounter with what I believe to be a demon and so on and so forth but for this I'm going to start off with my earliest and most prominent memory of living in a haunted house for a year and a half if anyone's interested I'll tell my other stories too but for now to the haunted house so I was 12 at the time my family had moved into a house built in the
1930s set up in a neighborhood of matching and eagerly old houses in a long straight Street it was a fairly dark neighborhood with tall trees and truth be told it was almost a cliche horror setting but being a shelter Catholic girl I didn't think anything of it I was excited to live in this new house and make new friends and the first day in the house was relatively normal the movers would arrive the next day with all of our respective Furniture so for that day we had a mattresses some plates utensils and food and I
wasn't really bothered by the house at first or maybe I was just too blinded by my excitement to really notice things I don't know but this all changed when night came I went to my empty room where my mattress was as well as a few personal items laid out and started to make my bed the layout of the room was fairly simple my bed is in the right hand corner of the room with the doorway right across from it my closet was on the wall that my bed was pressed to so I could see it's
trim and outline from my bed but not inside of it if that makes sense the closet also had a door and for whatever reason the closet bothered me even the first day I can't really explain it but I just didn't bother putting my clothes away as I was too uncomfortable with it but weirdly I also couldn't shut the closet door I just didn't want to go near it even if it meant giving myself Comfort by not having it open like I said I just can't explain it and it gave me bad vibes but being 12
I just kind of shrugged it off as standard EXA xiety you know oh my goodness a closets are scary monsters are under the bed sort of stuff I figured the fear would just go away eventually when bedtime neared though I realized that I had no lamps in my room with the only lie being from the overhead fan the thought of being in the room in total darkness definitely left me with a bad and terrible feeling so I decided that I would sleep with my bed door open and the hallway light on as well I didn't
want my parents to assume that I was being babyish so I just Justified it in case I woke up and needed to go to the bathroom get water Etc I didn't know the layout of the house and I didn't want to fumble in the darkness to turn my light switch on my parents understood so great at the time I had a golden retriever who was the light of my life she was my childhood dog who always slept in my room usually on my floor or bed and when I was ready for bed I took a
trait and my brought her in with me I tried to bring her to my mattress with me encouraging her with with words and food but as soon as she entered my room she just Whirled around and left I tried to bring her in my room with me several times but always did the same result my mom said that the dog was probably just anxious due to the move and in the end I accepted that so I just tried to sleep alone that night but I couldn't sleep though I laid in my bed bundled in my
blankets coming from a conservative Catholic family my brain never once jumped to the idea of ghosts or spooky things I had no idea what I was feeling but one thing was just crystal clear though I was alone I truly didn't feel like I was I glanced periodically towards my closet noting how it felt as if something was peering around the corner at me I didn't see anything but it felt as if something was there and watching me I could only stare back before trying to fall asleep and sleep sleeping in that room was just impossible
after we received our furniture though I immediately set up my lamp on my desk on the end of the room that's I would use as a nightlight I refused to sleep in my room in darkness bear in mind though that I had outgrown sleeping with a nightlight by sick so being 12 years old and insisting my light be on for me to sleep warranted eye rolls from my parents they thought that I was being ridiculous especially since I had no explanation as to why how could I explain what I was feeling feeling I couldn't because
I didn't even understand it but in the end they didn't argue with me and they just let me do it by night I turn my lamp on borrow myself into my blanket and just try to ignore that terrible feeling of something watching me I didn't put any clothes in my closet and I kept it in my dresser even if it didn't make sense for dresses jackets and so on I put a Harry Potter poster on the door to make it friendlier as if a protective barrier to provide comfort and I remember one night I was
laying on my side just staring at the wall I was curled up and bundled in my blankets in my safe burrito form only my face peing out so that I could breathe and for whatever reason something compelled me to look up so I did and in a slow almost leisurely movement I saw the shadow of what looked to be a person move across the wall I didn't process it fully at the time I tried to justify it in the moment as being the fan shadow but as an adult I look back and I honestly shudder
recalling the distinct features of a nose a chin and even a hunched back another night cold in my bed I thought that I saw movement at the end of it a shadow really ducking downwards and I don't know what compelled me to do this honestly maybe 12-year-old me was Brave or an idiot but I pulled myself out of my burrito form and moved across my bed to peer down at the end of it as if I would see someone hunch there or my dog or anything when I did I saw nothing of course but the
shadow was just so distinct and so dark and I knew something had to have been there I curled back into my blankets and I tried to sleep one other night though this time not in my room I went to my parents' bedroom to retrieve some cough medicine from their cabinets when I heard something so distinct that it gave me pause there was a tap from inside the walls and this took me off guard so I turned to look to the wall where it was coming from the tapping persisted quiet and slow at first but gradually
began to build in sound this may sound ridiculous but I'm willing to put my hand on a Bible and swear on my soul but I swear to you that I saw the walls move as if something was pressing against it it slithered up the wall and into the ceiling as if trying to break out and as if the wall were made of softest substance I began to sob and I ran downstairs my dad was away on a business trip and my mom was asleep on the couch she had taken some medication because we were both
sick so she was past out cold I tried to shake her awake begging her to wake up telling her that I believe someone was upstairs but she just wouldn't budge I ran upstairs back to her room and the horror persisted I don't know what compelled me to do it but I ran into my parents' bed borrowed under the covers and I could have run but being in my room was no comfort and I was afraid of every other room in the house so I stayed under the covers until the tapping stopped and then I dragged
my dog into the room with me and shut the door and that night she just cried and whined the whole night sometimes pouring at my door but I was too afraid of being alone and I cried myself to sleep that night something lived in that house and I don't know what it was or if there was more than one thing but when I reflect on living in that place I also reflect on how every night was just a a hellish Nightmare and how every sleep over at a friend's house away from it was a a
breath of fresh air moving from that house gave me great relief but we moved into a new home for a while that was beautiful and bright and I slept like I'd never slept before that first night safely and with relief and my dog even slept in my room with me willingly that night too but that old house I'll never ever forget it and its other occupants to preface this I'm a 30-year-old wife mother and Marine Corps veteran I practice and help instruct taond do and KRA Mara and honestly never in a million years did I
expect something like this would ever happen to me but last night it did and I hope that this is the right place to get this off my chest so last night I went to Walmarts to do some grocery shopping on my way into the store I noticed a shady looking beat up gray sedan circling around the parking lot and not parking I found it odd but rushed it off and went into the store after I finished shopping I came out of the store and noticed the same car still circling it was odd for sure but
not enough to make me put up my guard or anything I unloaded my groceries in the car took the cart back to the cart coral and when I entered my car I got a really strong urge to immediately lock my doors even before I started my car and almost instantly after I did this that same sedan whipped up partially blocked me in so that the only way that I could get out was to reverse and it was a middle-aged man and his window was rolled down and he was yelling at me what made me nervous
though was that both of his hands were in his pockets I couldn't be sure if he was just weird and cold or if maybe he had something in those Pockets so I didn't want to take my eyes off of his hands which made it hard for me to back up so I rolled down my window an inch and asked him what he needed stupid I know but he said that he needed help and that he couldn't hear me well so could I open my door I asked him what he needed help with and he started
yelling at me to open my effing door at that point I put my car in reverse and chanced a glance at my backup camera during which time he had gotten out of his car and was now at my door trying to yank at the handle still yelling at me to open my door I tore out of there so fast that I'm surprised I wasn't actually stopped by the cops I found a crowded welded parking lot and instantly called the police who thankfully took me seriously and went to take a look but by that time the
man was long gone I know nothing happened and perhaps I shouldn't still be shaken up over it but that encounter just really shook me and I just wanted to share this so thanks for listening so before I get into this story I know the generic answer to these stories is sleep paralysis and although I do have that you sometimes this this is definitely different so when I'm on my way to sleep and my finally find a comfortable position to lay I usually can only sleep if I'm fac towards the middle of the bed this thing
will come up and I can feel my bed react to something climbing onto it because it sinks down a bit it then proceeds to just kind of lean over me and breathe as close to my face as possible and I can literally feel it when I don't react to that open my eyes for for instance I can feel it get off the bed from behind me and get back onto the other side so that we're face to face I know this because I can feel the bed react again to it getting on the other side
and now feel the breathing right in front of my face instead of over me plus you know when someone gets really close to your face and you can feel the heat coming off of their face I can feel that too and lastly with still no reaction from me it gets off the bed again but I know it's still there just from that feeling that you get from someone staring at you now like I said I know that there's a lot of people who would think that of course this is just sleep paralysis the whole story
is pretty generic to exactly that for the most part but this is why I don't think that that's what it is because I can move I'm not a mobile and it doesn't feel like anything is holding me down I know that I can move because I'm so used to sleep paralysis that I know how to check for it as this is how I usually transition to a lucid dream that's a whole different story also the way that I sleep I have one hand under me usually under my pillow so I just open and close my
hand a few times to confirm that I can actually move this works for me in my head because if there is something there I can move a little without it knowing I then move my legs up to get into a fetal position just to make sure that my feet are not hanging off the end of the bed too many stories regarding that but now that I know that I can move this is where I start to get nervous because now I have to actively try to keep my eyes closed since I've confirmed that I'm actually
awake and it seems to be right in front of my face at this point I can literally feel the sweat coming out of my pores and my entire upper body because I'm just so nervous what I've done the last few times when I know it's not on the bed anymore and I'm drenched in sweat to the point that I need to move off of the sweat spot I just say screw it and I jump up from the bed and yell as if that's going to do anything but when I do though of course there's always
nothing there I'm 31 years old and this isn't new to me I have a theory that it might be related to a lady that sometimes haunts my dreams and since I was in pree that's another story for another time again it also has crossed my mind that it could be my dad that's actually worse than the first option to me again another story for another time but anyway what do you guys think this is and can you shed any light on the situation it was an October night at about 9:00 p.m. and might had spent
a long day working as a hostess at a restaurant one of my friends had asked me to help them out with getting a lot of liquor for a party that was being thrown because I didn't really have time to get it all in one shopping trip I went to three different liquor stores in a matter of 3 days days one each day I ended up spending $180 on the liquor Al together they said that that would pay me after I got it because they had no idea how much all of it would cost and that
they would even add a tip which I was fine with at the first liquor store that I went to I ha out the rest of the order to my car and this liquor store is in a very suburban area so I felt completely safe and I've been there countless times as I'm putting the liquor into my trunk of my used cop car I see out of the corner of my eye two men looking around and walking towards me I act like I don't see them and mind my business but keep my peripheral Gaze on them
because I never fully let my guard down hey could you give me a ride home one of the men asked in a black hoodie I said I'm actually very busy tonight and I have stuff that I got to do when I get home trying to be as nice as I can I add there's a light rail just over there though and it's also where buses circulate he came back at me with well uh I don't really know where I'm going so I told him yeah there's some maps over there by the Light Rail to show
you what path he just looks at me with his friend and then they pull out bandanas over their faces only revealing their eyes and he pulls up his shirt which reveals a gun in his waistband I'm so stunned that I can't respond all that's going through my head is oh my goodness my parents are going to kill me for getting this car stolen eventually his friend says I don't think she thinks we're serious man but put the gun to her head he put the gun to my head and this wave of shock hit my body
and it just doesn't feel real a couple of seconds pass and my brain sort of starts functioning again and I hand over my keys as they're trying to figure out how to get into my car I just kind of stand there Frozen not able to comprehend that my car is being stolen by these men for 10 seconds you take a good 30 seconds to figure out how to turn the car on and learn the controls and while that's happen happing I'm just standing still as a rock because I'm thinking that they're about to shoot me
if I started to run but then my mind tells me to run because they could take me with them and hold me hostage or God knows what I was holding my purse which had my whole life in it and I know it wasn't a good idea to do this but it was so convenient it had all my medications money and everyday things that I need while I'm doing stuff I was trying my best to keep it out of sight in the back of me all of the thoughts are rushing through my head for the next
20 seconds when all of a sudden another man runs out of the store as the car is driving away and he hops into the back of it while I watched them drive away quickly I slowly walk towards the liquor store and as soon as they're out of my sight I start running to tell the liquor store employees about the incident while my body was shaking I told the store manager locked the door my car was just stolen a gunpoint this man then has the audacity to askus me what if we have customers the employee freaking
out runs towards the door to lock it yelling oh my goodness what this never happens here this is crazy but what happened exactly I tried to tell her why my body was shaking my voice was shaking and I start tearing up because of the shock as I'm telling her this she picks up the phone and she tells me to call the police right away the police come in less than a minute and I give them my statement the man that I told the story to says yeah this sort of thing happens a lot un fortunately
and it's very rare that we find whoever's done it it's hard to determine what will happen to your car as well we'll just have to wait and see which makes me feel so much better about everything I tried calling my mom father and brother no one picked up as I cried I laughed a little bit because of course this type of thing would only happen to me although he had work early in the morning I called my boyfriend because I didn't want to ride home in a police car I needed to be with someone that
I knew and could talk to about this with when he picked up he'd been asleep and got annoyed with me at first but then I explained the gist of what had happened so I'd be able to explain and go more in depth in person in the end he didn't actually come in time so I got driven home by the cops and he met me at my house shortly after we got to my house my parents got home and were in shock hearing about what had happened we all sat around and talked about it until my
boyfriend had to go home to get a proper amount of sleep the next day I decided that I had to drop my class that I wasn't doing well in to begin with because there was no way that I was bouncing back after that I just needed some time to recuperate I told my friend about all the liquor that was stolen and by that I mean all $18 worth of liquor was stolen and they told me that they felt so bad that they put me through that and I just told them look it's not your fault
but I just spent $180 of my own money for you guys and as long as you pay me back for it I'll be fine there was a good amount of people that were chipping into this party and some of them didn't even want to give me money because they believed it wasn't their fault that I was dumb enough to get my car stolen so why even give me money for liquor that I didn't have eventually they scraped out the money though and they paid me back a couple of days later 5 days later they found
my car ditched on the side of the road in the city I had my car thoroughly cleaned after the incident and I picked it up and when I got my car back I realized pretty quickly that these men had stolen everything even my expensive textbooks that I'd left in my car for school that I was going to return I pushed down all my emotions for so long that a week later I kind of had an emotional breakdown and I still am not the same after this whole event so this may not be that bad compared
to many others but a man has followed me around the store five times now and for background I can only really go to the store late at night around 9 or 10 due to my job I know it isn't safe but I always carry a taser or pepper spray on me for things just like this I'm also only 5 ft tall and pretty petite he's probably at least 6 ft tall and over double my size so it started sometime last year a man walked up to me while I was in self checkout started asking me
typical questions like asking if I had a boyfriend telling me that he noticed me walking around and he needed to tell me that I was pretty things like that my li didn't said that I had a boyfriend just for my own safety and took the compliment and I didn't think anything weird of it until it happened again and again every time he used the exact same script in the exact same order and always finds me in a very closed off space the first first three times he never even had anything in his hands to buy
the second time that I was sitting on the floor of the makeup a totally vulnerable he said the same thing as the first time and I politely told him that I still do have a boyfriend but thank you and that was that I just thought of it as kind of coincidence the third time it happened though I was in the very corner of the store by the vegetables with nobody near me he says the exact same thing as the first two times so I finally had to tell him you've come up to me three times
now every single time you've talked to me I've told you no I need you to leave me alone do not come up to me again the fourth time it happened we passed each other and he realized it was me so he circled around and followed me into the medicine aisle and pretended to look at the bottles every time I took a step to the side he would too and at that point as soon as I saw him I called up a friend so I would have somebody that could hear what was happening and try to
scare him off I turned the corner and I could hear him calling out for me so I started walking faster believe it or not I ended up running into a police officer in uniform and even though he was busy and I felt bad for interrupting I asked him for help the officer walked me to the self checkout when the man actually had the nerve to pick the counter right next to me the officer walked me out to my car and I could see the guy was watching me in the parking lot but the last interaction
happened just a couple of minutes ago so I was looking for something for dinner and walked out of the frozen food across to the makeup and guess who walked past me at the same time we crossed paths and I kept walking and checking over my shoulder he was still watching me and I freaked out a bit and I hid in the makeup aisle then perked my head out and sure enough he was looking up and down the aisles to see where I went I texted my mom and a friend because I didn't know what to
do but when I saw him turn I went to find a man manager but I could hear his keys following behind me the manager walked me to the checkout and once again he picked the counter next to mine the manager walked me out and he trailed behind me and again watched me get into my car I did a couple of circles to make sure nobody was following me and drove home but I've got to ask you guys am I being stupid and just overreacting it's happened five times now and after the third time it happened
I reported him to a different manager and he told me that if he's ever in the store again he'll be removed and banned but that particular manager wasn't there tonight so where do I go from here the officer that helped me even told me that unfortunately he couldn't do more than just walk me out I know I shouldn't go so late but it's the only time that I can so I don't know what to do so this is a a bit of a weird one years ago I worked in a supermarket in a small town
it was a pretty hellish place to work so many of the employees banded together and were really friendly with each other one of my co-workers Ben wasn't the kind of guy that I would usually be friends with but he was pretty funny in a kind of quirky offbeat kind of way and he helped make the day go faster so it was good he and I were still friendly with each other and when I left for an office job he hugged me goodbye on my last day cut to several years later one of mine and Ben's
mutual friends posted an article on Facebook and said I can't believe I used to be friends with this piece of [ __ ] I read the article and my stomach just turned cold it was a news story about how Ben had gone to prison for aggressively murdering his infant son and then tried to cover up what he had done I was pretty Disturbed and couldn't believe that I'd once been friendly with someone who could do such a thing even more years passed and I moved to a different County and a different job I now work
in an office that has a warehouse attached I work in the office but the warehouse has a a really high turnover people leave or are fired get hired all the time and one day I hear the office door open and the guy says that he's come to start working in the warehouse it's the first day and my look over my shoulder to my horror I realized this guy could be Ben he looks older and rougher than the last time that I saw him but it could definitely be him I asked for the new guy's name
and yep it's Ben I didn't want to spread gossip or start a panic or anything but I felt that I had to say something many of the office employees bring their children to work some days and even though I doubt Ben is now in the business of just killing random children how do I know what he is or isn't capable of I spoke to the warehouse manager who was horrified to learn the truth I showed him the article about what Ben had done and the warehouse manager told me that Ben had lied in his application
and said that he had no criminal convictions he was fired immediately and was escorted out of the [Music] office this is a bit of a long one but bear with me so my M's always had Spirits or haunts in her life but most of them bad as well they seem to follow her right from childhood and every house that she lived in and this is just one of those stories but there are many many more my M and I were out shopping one day and we ended up at a local thrift store they had this
deal where they showcased upcoming items behind glass and if you like something you had to come back for it the day that it would be going on sale this was a big attraction because well of course they showcased the best items that they had donated to them and on the sale day people were lined up at the door to be the first one to buy a covered item so we were looking at the items on display and my mom pointed out a porcelain doll a clown I looked at it and immediately my whole body shuddered
and became Goosebumps I've always had a bit of a sick sense for these things and this clown gave me a huge case of the Willies I told her it wasn't a good clown my mom was completely enamored with it though I warned her that I got a bad feeling from it and please don't buy it but two weeks later I went to her house and I ended up on her back deck and sitting in one of those deck chairs was that damn clown I went inside and said Mom how could you I told you that
thing gave me the creeps she told me that she was drawn to it so the day it went on sale she headed up to the store early and stood in line and no one else seemed interested in it so she took it as a sign that she was meant to have it I asked her why it was sitting outside and she said that my nephew Jay was seriously weirded out by it and begged her to get rid of it Jay has lived with his grandmother his entire life and at the time he was about 16
years old I asked Jay about it and he asked me if I liked it I told him the truth he said mom wouldn't get rid of it but did put it outside he also said you sense there's something wrong with it too right did you notice that no matter what direction you're looking at it from it seems to be looking back at you that definitely had gone unnoticed by me but fast forward a week or so though and I noticed the clown was no longer sitting in the chair outside so I asked my mom about
it she said her entire family was hating on it so she got rid of it I felt somewhat relieved that it was gone but the house just felt different being she was touching on the subject though I just kind of dropped it but that wasn't the end of it though so my mom was also raising my niece Amy who was just over a year old at the time I would go over to visit and Amy never wanted to be in a room and I would go in there to grab some toys and she just wouldn't
walk over the threshold she just stayed in the hallway and when I asked her to help me to take the toys into the living room she would just shake her head no I thought that she was just being that age and I left it alone but then she became suspicious of an antique wardrobe that sat in her room when it was bedtime I would take her in and she would stare at it wearily and then she would look at me put her finger over her lips and cryptically say shush and point to the Wardrobe and
after that she didn't want to be left in her room alone so bedtime became difficult trying to rock her to sleep while she fussed another week passed though and my mom called and asked me to come over I said sure and I drove to her house and she said something really scared me last night now she'd been in bed for only about 5 minutes laying on her side when she felt a heaviness descend behind her onto the B that tired feeling left her immediately as she became hyper alert she wasn't quite sure what to do
and was trying to decide when a male body came up behind her and pressed himself with his erect penis into her back it put its legs over her and an arm around her torso she froze in fear not quite knowing what to do and trying to comprehend what was going on she knew that she had locked all the doors just moments before heading to bed so had someone come into the house with evil intent she said that she put her hand on the man's hand that was over a torso when her finger felt very long
and pointy fingernails at the end of its three fingers and a thumb she could feel breath on the back of her neck and she knew that it was waiting for her to make the next move she struggled to get up but it held her fast and wouldn't let her move she knew that she had to think quick and she mustered up her best pissed off voice and firmly said let go of me he just pressed harder and held her tighter though louder this time with real anger in her voice she said get off of me
you bastard she kicked and struggled and finally it let go of her she jumped out of bed immediately flicked on the light to find nothing but her empty bed she looked on the other side of the bed underneath it in the closet everywhere she even went through the entire house checking her grandkids rooms before looking in every closet and cranny in the house only to find that no one else was there but a family with the door still locked from the inside I was obviously shocked I didn't know what to say my mama has never
been wanting to make up stories especially like that so I really had no choice but to believe her I knew she hadn't dreamt it but I also just didn't understand why but I'm also acutely aware that Spirits seem to follow her and our entire family from house to house as well so this wasn't totally out of the ordinary for our family another week passed with odd things happening there'd be a mug placed on the kitchen counter to fill with coffee but when Jay turned around with the pot to fill it it was just no longer
there he would look around and finally find the mug down the hall in the bathroom or something Amy also would not enter her room without an anal then cow while pointing at the closet or the Wardrobe and there were constant Oddities like that but things finally came to her head one night so my mom called me in the morning again and asked if I could come as soon as possible she sounded quite frantic so I headed over immediately Amy was watching a kids program in the living room so my mom could speak to me in
the kitchen and she said something really bad had happened the night before she was sitting in the living room getting Amy ready for bed when she heard a loud Slam against the wall down the dark hallway where Amy's room was they both immediately became stiff and stared down towards a room my mom said that whatever was coming down the hall towards them made a a loud flapping sound that got louder the closer it got to them my mom hugged Amy to it tightly as a pair of enormous black wings came barreling at them then paused
at the entrance to the stairs by the kitchen pivoted and loudly shrieked as it spiraled down the stairs into the basement stunned my mom and Amy sat there for a moment not moving or saying anything finally Amy rled away from Grandma cautiously made her way towards the stairs and looked down and when Amy turned to Grandma she pointed down the stairs and whispered shush my mom all but lost it Amy slept on the couch that night while my mom slept in her easy chair and my mom was shaking by the end of the story and
she had tears in her eyes she said to me I need you here because I have to do something important she went down to the hallway to Amy's room and I heard the closet door open and when she came back cradling the clown doll on her arms I swore her Amy saw the clown and ran to me frantically saying shush shush shush and was crying in fear my mom said that she needed to take the doll out front to throw it out but first she was going to smash that porcelain head to bits when she
went outside Amy clung to me in tears my mom knew that Amy was going to need me when she went outside with the Clown again and again my mom slammed the Clown's head against the pavement but no matter how many times or even how violently she did it it just would not break oh after many attempts to shatter the head failed my mom defeatedly buried it in the garage can that would be picked up the next day but she couldn't do anything else at that point but just have it gone from their life later I
asked her why she kept it and she said that it just felt right buying it and she absolutely adored it but the rest of us were creeped out by it with good reason obviously she said that she put it at the top of Amy's Closet one day when Amy was at daycare and she had covered it so that it wouldn't be seen when I went in there I hadn't seen it and neither did Amy but I definitely felt something was off in the house every time I went over she had assured me that it was
gone so I trusted her but Amy felt it too and was scared by what resided not only in a closet but also in the wardrobe Jay felt it and experienced strange things as well but nothing compared to those black wings and the thing in my mom's B needless to say all the weird stuff it stopped after that my mom has always trusted my intuition and hers was certainly off that day in the thrift shop but I always say we always choose what's familiar to us when you live in haunted houses your whole life that becomes
your normal however abnormal that may seem to others and the normaly my mom felt when she saw that damn clown felt good somehow no matter how much the rest of us felt the evil it [Music] possessed this happened in my hometown when I was seven and I'm female 36 now for context I lived off of an island off the coast of Washington state in a military town that is among one of the safest places to live in all of the us but as you guys are probably all aware weirdos are everywhere the timing is vague
for me but since I was outside playing with my friends it's likely that it was a summer evening just before dinner time we were screwing around riding our bikes in the street just running around the usual kid stuff when a car pulled up and stopped in the middle of the street I don't remember exactly what the man driving had said but he must have beckoned me over there because I know that I walked close enough to hear him he asked me if I'd seen any other kids wandering around because his were Miss in I noticed
then that there was also a woman in the car with him so I assumed that she was the mom and he must have been the dad I said no that I hadn't seen any kids wandering around but that there was a park nearby around the corner and you might be able to find him there not too that I was super proud of myself for thinking of this at 7 the man then asked if I'd be willing to get into the car and show them where the park is although I didn't understand just how dangerous this
was I was well aware of the whole stranger danger thing so I said no he asked again if I could please get into the car and help him find his children at the park and I said no sorry I can't do that but I gave him directions to the park and then I skipped off to continue playing with my friends who was standing there just watching the whole time and after that he drove away a few minutes later my mom came outside to call me in for dinner and I bounced happily up the driveway to
tell her how I'd help someone I was very excited at the time to have done this for an adult which will bring me to my final part at the end of this and then I explained the whole thing to her her face changed a bit but she just nervously said that's very nice of you hun and I felt a surge of Pride and then my dad came home solid Navy dude black belt used to be in the par rescue and so badass that Chuck Norris checks under his bed for my dad every night and my
mom obviously told him what happened and his reaction was much much different he told me that although he was proud that I like to help people that I was never ever to approach anyone that I didn't know like that again he said and I'll never forget this and have since passed this wisdom onto my daughter remember adults should never be asking children for help like that he told me that I was lucky and that I hadn't got snatched and to always remember remember it because they would have lost me forever if things had gone badly
he was very Stern which hurt my little ego and I lost a tiny bit of Innocence that day and now that I had 30 years of knowing my dad he was only Stern because that's his reaction and also anger when he gets scared and I mean the poor dude before that I had escaped as a toddler and was found on a cliff in Japan and then I left the yard another time in San Antonio to sell my coloring book pages daughter door and I'm sure that he was wondering what fresh hell he was in for
this time with a child like me to wrap it up though I don't remember if my parents did anything with what I had told them but it's almost 100% likely that they did because they're pretty solid loving folks to my knowledge however nothing ever really came of it and I never heard about any instances like that again when I was around 13 me and my dad went on a canoe trip it took 3 days but it was a pretty calm River and honestly quite beautiful too the first day was just amazing and fun all the
way around the sun and the water and nature and it was an amazing time night came and we took up shelter on a beach for the night as we sit by the campfire I see the water in the river splashing remember it's almost rapid L and calm and I tell my dad and he looks and says that it's probably just some fish I think though that it's multiple monster fish if so because these splashes were huge we finish up and retire to the tents in the middle of the night I wake up to reposition and
I swear that I hear a girl and a guy talking it's faint but nobody should even be close to us it's not that loud and I shrug it off and eventually go back to sleep just thinking that maybe there's some other people out here next morning we head out and again it's a great day and I swim and relaxing the beaches and not a person around but Dad we lunch at the beach and continue down the river and as it hits about 4: or 5 in the afternoon my dad tells me that we need to
consider finding a good spot for the night and minutes later I notice a girl on the bank in a tree but she's like at the top and the tree is huge it freaks me out because we're in the middle of nowhere and who sits in a tree 60 ft up just chilling in this remote area anyway Night comes and some stuff occurs and we eat and start a fire it's about 10: p.m and we're going to turn in and I hear cracking sticks off at the wooden Edge my glance over and it's the same girl
from the tree I instantly freak out and I tell my dad to look but by the time that he looks she's back in the tree line I'm scared so I asked to sleep in his tent and he agrees seeing how spooked I am night goes by uneventful besides the constant limbs breaking which was more than the usual but not anything crazy maybe I was just uneasy who knows but the final morning arrives and we load up to leave and I realize that the fire is smoldering but I soaked it with buckets of water and it
appears that there there's more wood in it now this kind of sketches me out more but the last day so I just say to myself let's go we load up and start going down the final 8 Hour canoe ride afternoon was fun doing the same stuff got to 2 hours till load off Beach and I'm checking out the scenery and my heart just drops because on the beach in full view is the same girl beaten and bloodied up very rough looking I make eye contact as we pass by and this time my dad sees her
too clear as day at this point he starts paddling faster we get about 10 or 15 ft ahead and she screams the craziest and just scariest scream that I've ever heard she starts running down the bank beside the river and she's like unreasonably fast but we're paddling hard and I'm screaming but we can't gain much ground even with the current we get even with her again and she stops running we keep paddling like our life depends on it and as I look back to her she's now stopped on the bank and then she slowly starts
walking into the water without reaction until she's just completely under we paddled fast as humanly possible upon seeing that and the last 2 hours took us like only 30 minutes I don't know if she was crazy or a ghost or I don't know but I'm never going back there ever again so a couple of months ago me and my family of four plus two dogs moved house from living in a village to living in a small old farmouse the new house is a 10-minute driveway from the nearest town so it's not too far but it's
one of two houses in the area the others house occupants were in the process of moving out so they were rarely home with hardly anything surrounding it apart from fields and one tucked away house and one road connecting us to the town a few days after officially moving there and unpacking most of our stuff my parents had to go out to work their jobs usually mean that on weekdays I have to wait until they finish work for them to pick me up and drive me home on weekends this means that I stay home unbothered until
around evening when my parents get home while my brother wakes up he usually sleeps for like 16 hours at a time due to his crowded schedule or something don't ask on this particular weekend though my parents decided that after work there were going to visit a friend's house on the other side of the area my brother was home but he was determined to stay asleep and told me not to bother him under any circumstance so basically I had the house to myself for the whole day with no jobs or work to do apart from like
walk the dogs and stuff but anyway so around 6:00 in the afternoon it was already getting dark outside not so dark that you couldn't see anything but dark enough that anything you could see was basically just a silhouette with vague features I was watching YouTube in my room upstairs when I saw the headlights of a car slowly making their way down the very long road towards our house and my first thought was that something was wrong but then I realized that the car was probably for the one other house next to ours whose occupants were
just moving out coming to collect their stuff or something but due to me not thinking much of the car I just continued watching YouTube In the End not even 2 minutes later though I hear my youngest dog sounding off downstairs and I instantly get the worst Vibe I felt in a long time so I decided the best course of action would be to go downstairs and investigate what was causing my dog to bark but since no one had been downstairs since the morning all of the lights were turned off and it was dark apart from
a few lamps in the living room when I got downstairs I looked to see where the dog was barking and it was out the window window my dog eventually stopped barking as much since I was there now but just to make sure everything was fine I looked at the window to see what the cause of his distress was when I opened the curtains enough so that I could get a clear look at the window I saw a car still running sitting in the front of my garden it took me a quick second in the dark
to also notice that the front gate to my garden was open my garden is surrounded by a low stone wall with a wooden fence on a latch I then realized that a man that I had never seen before was standing just beyond the gate surveying the house looking through the upstairs windows presumedly for human activity I stared in bewilderment at this person for what for like a really long moment before he turned and looked into the window that I was staring out of we locked eyes for about 3 seconds he looked as shocked as I
was moments later he started running towards the car and in my shock I didn't know what to do but run upstairs and get my brother by then the dogs had made enough noise to wake my brother up so I ran into his room and frantically yelled at him to come downstairs and look but by the time that I managed to get him downstairs the car had turned around and was just pulling away the road outside my house leads to a dead end and it's really hard to turn around there there isn't much space it usually
takes a minute to do so but we saw the car speed off down the driveway and we just stood in shock for a while before either of us spoke we decided that I should call our parents and tell them to come home and explain what happened after around another hour or so both my parents were home and neither of them actually believed me brushing it off was probably just someone lost and told me that there was no need to call the police so I kind of felt really dumb for a while but fast forward about
3 days and I was in school talking to my friends and I found out that on that exact night that this occurred there had been a string of Serial robberies around the area and mainly isolated farm houses were hit since then I've started looking the front door even in the daytime and I have a bit of a panic attack every time my dog start barking or I see a car coming towards the house it was a frightening experience and I'm glad that it turned out the way that it did because it could have gone very
differently so this happened when I was roughly 3 or 4 years old I think and me and my family had just moved into a new house after the rent on our old house got too high and my mom just couldn't pay it anymore so one day about a week or so after moving in me and my mom were home alone my older sisters were at school my mom was in the kitchen making me lunch and doing the laundry when she heard me giggling and talking in my bedroom she didn't think anything of it because it's
fairly normal for kids to talk to themselves when playing with toys and all that sort of stuff but when she brought me my lunch she found me half laying under my bed talking she asked who I was talking to and I emerged from under the bed and replied I'm talking to my friend Rose can't you see her she's under my bed now my mom doesn't believe in the Paranormal or anything but this gave her the creeps she made me eat my lunch in the living room and told me to watch cartoons so that she could
keep an eye on me fast forward a couple of days and my mom has a neighbor over for coffee and I'm sitting on the floor playing with my toys somehow the topic of Rose came up and my mom was telling the neighbor about it and the neighbor started asking me questions about Rose like what did she look like what we spoke about Etc so I answered oh she's older than me she's a teenager and she's got Ginger hair and green eyes she tells me about her mommy her mommy was bad my mom for as long
as she lives will never forget the look on the neighbor's face the neighbor then asked to talk to my mom privately and it wasn't until recently that I found out what the neighbor had told him it turns out that Rose wasn't just an imaginary friend because she was the girl who had previously lived in this house from what I've been told Rose was a 16-year-old girl who lived in the house house with her mom about 10 years before we moved in her mom was an abusive alcoholic and from what I've heard that's why Rose Rosemary
ended her life at the play park across the street she was apparently just sick of her abusive M it all saddens me thinking of her because as someone who's been close to this sort of stuff as someone who's dealt with various forms of abuse I do feel the pain and I just wish that she had the support that I had when I was in that dark place so after listening to a bunch of these I decided to share one of my own encounters so I was and still am living in BC at the time I
was 17 and living with my mom but working full-time I normally left the house at about 4:00 a.m. to walk to work for 4:30 a.m. I started my walk like I did every other morning got myself bundled up it was during the winter and put my headphones in and started my journey to work I get a couple of houses down from my mom's place and a guy steps out onto the sidewalk he shouts something out to me that I don't quite understand because I had my music in my ears so I pull out my earbud
and ask him to repeat himself he looks at me with this wide-eyed look and I immediately regretted asking him to repeat what he said but he goes Jesus loves you in a creepy kind of sing song voice I'm like uh thanks I guess and he's like and Jesus wants me to take your life at this point my blood just ran cold the street was empty besides us I was trained in martial arts at the time so I kind of shifted my stance knowing full well that I would still get my ass kicked but I didn't
want to show Fear I reached into my pocket and grabbed the pepper spray that my mom had handed me earlier for when I walk around at such an early hour I showed her to him and screamed with all that I could to leave me alone I said to him leave me alone right now I'm going to call the police he then says Jesus loves you again I don't really know how to share it in such a way that could truly match the tone of which he said it in but it was creepy he kind of
half sung it half said that in in a mocking tone and skipped yes skipped like a child who's excited about receiving a candy or a toy away from me I walked down the road a bit further and called my parents on the house phone for my cell so the ringing would wake someone up and when my dad answered I practically shouted at him to meet me outside with my mom and to bring the phone out in case this freak decided to follow me home upon getting home I called the police and they told me something
similar had happened to a girl my age and she kept walking but when she turned the corner three other guys attacked her and almost killed her because it was so dark I couldn't really make out the details about this guy all I could really tell is that he was high or something I stayed home for 3 days and refused to leave my house because it happened not more than three houses down from where I lived the police couldn't really do anything as I didn't have a description and they weren't sure if the attackers and the
taunting Jesus loves you guy were were together or if it was just crap luck for that girl by the way I sure hope that I never see that guy again I used to live in an old wooden Shack that my great-grandfather built it was old damp and smelled funny we would go there every summer with my cousins and we would have the best time my mother and I actually started living there fulltime when my grandmother gave the house to her as a present as well we lived there for about 3 years before we knocked it
to build a new house as the shack was beginning to fall asunder and while living there I would occasionally wake up in the middle of the night and see miniature silhouette sitting on the top of my wardrobe dangling or kicking their legs like a a child in a chair almost sometimes they would sit on the end of my bed too and they were perfectly proportional but were smaller than most humans I suppose they never really caused any harm just kind of frightened me I suppose in the foundations of our new house my grandmother had placed
a miraculous metal a religious Relic in the cement now just to be clear I'm not a religious man in any way shape or form but when we moved into this new house there was no sign of the many Shadows anymore a few years later we did some renovations to the house we were staying at my grandmother's house while the work was being done and the wall containing the metal was knocked in the process I was the first to move back in alone I'd gone down before everyone else so I could paint my sister's room as
a favor on the first night after a long day of painting I went into my room and got comfy watching YouTube videos all the doors and the windows were closed and I had a can of lyed deodorant on my desk that I'd put there earlier in the day and nowhere near the edge when I was rudely interrupted by the can being flung across the room and smashing off of the floor almost as if something was welcoming me home welcoming me back to the madness a week later the rest of my family moved in and everything
was normal one night my sister started balling crying in a room my mother went to comfort her and she told her that she saw Little People in her room dancing around the same ones that had pested me at her age I still live there and I haven't seen them in years I get reoccurring nightmares of an adult-sized one standing over me in my bed sometimes sporting sharp teeth and sunken eyes but there's occasional voices and Whispers in my room and we've also caught a lot of what paranormal investigators refer to as orbs in this room
it's an ongoing issue for me in this house and honestly I just cannot explain it I live in a really small house in the southern us and I've lived here for about uh five no maybe six months and my house is considered a mother-in-law house on my landlord's property so it's really just a small downstairs and small upstairs but it works well for me since I don't have many things the Little House itself has been on the landlord's property for about 80 years now it was actually shipped here from out of state and the owners
at the time recemented it into the ground I've never had any issue in the house or suspicious or unexplained things go on however I've never felt entirely comfortable on the second floor of the house either for some reason because I just regularly get the feeling that I'm being watched or that there's another presence in the room something it's not a feeling that I would previously get another homes that I've lived in but it's almost atmospheric if that's the right way to explain it I find it a little bit unsettling and can ignore it most of
the time but last night as I got into bed and pulled the blankets over me I turned my head to the side to sleep and I swear to you that I felt pressure being applied to the blanket that was near my head it only lasted about 2 seconds but it was gentle and I felt it move across a few inches down from my head at first I assumed that it's my cat walking over to me so I turned to look for her and when I do there's nothing there in the moment I just ignored it
and I turned my lights off it did cross my mind as a a little bit strange and I went on to wake up several times throughout the night though this was somewhat normal for me though I also noticed that my bathroom motion sense of light was turning on multiple times throughout the night when I was up which I must admit did make me feel uneasy and when I woke up for work this morning it just kind of struck me that it almost felt like a a finger slowly moving from my head to my neck there's
a part of me that sees all of this is just kind of happen STS but I can't repress the U the uncomfortable feeling I get upstairs any longer and the little things happening last night weren't quite adding up I'm also feeling even more uncomfortable about going up there to sleep tonight so wish me luck I guess when I was around 10 I used to live with my mom when my parents were divorced in a house for people with low incomes the primary floor is where you found the common places like the living room or the
kitchen and the second floor is only made of two bedrooms a toilet and the bathroom but there's not much space on that second floor so you can easily see your hear anything in the toilet or the bathroom from my bedroom well at the time I was out about my parents getting divorced so in order to help me sleep easily my mother used to set a light on upstairs and a bit of music on a computer and this really helped for maybe a year or so until it happened so one night as usual I was going
to bed I don't know how to describe it best but it was one of those beds that had a a bookshelf and a desk under it so it was quite close to the ceiling the music and the light were on and everything was fine and until the music stopped my mother was downstairs with a friend of hers so she couldn't hear that the music was off but it was okay I wasn't afraid this had happened a few times before but then I started to hear like someone slowly walking close to the door of my bedroom
which was almost closed in order to let some light in the Floor of this place is like plastic it can make this like little sticky noise when you walk on it with your bare feet and that was the sound that I heard I could also hear my mom downstairs so I was sure that she wasn't the one walking around here and it continued for quite some time and then it started to make that sound in my bedroom right under my bed like someone was just walking in my room and under my bed I began to
be really scared so I tried to hide under my blankets I could move but I couldn't scream or make a damn noise and finally I start started to feel little vibrations inside the bed with the noise that something was taking the stare of my bed at that moment I turned my back I didn't want to see it all I could hear was the noise of the stairs and the feeling that something heavy was standing right by my side it ended when I felt a sort of cold whoo from the back of my head strong enough
to go under the blanket again I screamed so loud that my mom thought that I had a heart attack or something she took care of me all night and told me later years later that when she came into the bedroom she felt really uncomfortable in there because the room was ice cold since then I've had multiple experiences on the second floor of this house I still live in it actually some scary and others just really weird and if you guys would like to hear more about this house or if you have any questions please let
me know in the comment section below [Music] I'm a female 23 years old as of today but this happened a couple of years ago I was 19 at the time so before I tell this story I guess you're going to need a little bit of context at the time I was in my second semester at University so most of my classes were scheduled very early in the morning here in my country there's not on campus housing or anything like that so I had to come and go from my house to UNI and vice versa as
someone who happens to use a wheelchair finding transport was extremely difficult for me having that in mind me that taking a taxi where I live isn't the safest option I've always had one particular taxi driver who moves me wherever I needed to go every day he would come and pick me up for my classes always on time every day except that morning 6:45 a.m. and there were no signs of him my first class was at 7:00 a.m. I had to go or I wouldn't get there in time afraid that my grades would be affected by
skipping that one class and also against my better judgment I decided to take a regular cap which wasn't easy because not that many of them would stop after seeing the wheelchair but not enough space they said and I would always sigh waiting for the next one but then one of them finally accepted to take me and it must have been the fact that I was running late or how poor lit it was at the time but I just gave him one glance before before climbing in the car he helped me to put my chair into
the back seat before sitting in the driver's side of the car that's when I could see him better and yeah he was a little ragged and a bit sketchy his face was dirty and had multiple pimples and marks but then again I thought who am I to judge it's just a 15-minute drive and M already inside so I smiled and tried to be polite keeping my eyes up front he seemed to be chatty asking all kinds of questions to which I only answered short and simple nodding and not wanting to be Rudee after a while
I just stopped answering because it was getting a little bit weird instead he started telling me about his life how he' separated from his wife because he found her with another man and how he wanted to kill them both more specifically all the ways of how he was going to kill them as well I was feeling freaked out by the way that he was telling me those things his voice was just so full of rage and his face turned so red but the look on his face I'll never forget it those were the eyes of
a true madman at this point my hand was glued to the door handle he just kept getting angrier and angrier and I wanted actively considered even to throw myself out of the car obviously I couldn't though he then said in a quiet lower voice I've I've done some horrible things Miss and I just tried to keep calm but just a few more minutes I thought I don't remember much more of what he told me before we got to the parking lot of my uni except this miss the devil is inside of me Le this to
say it was a very scary ride when he helped me out of the car he also told me be good or I could kill you someday I didn't say anything just paid him and then I rolled away after 5 minutes I could see him from the center hallway still in the parking lot he wouldn't leave and I had to do at least three laps of the main building until he was gone I didn't want him to know where my classroom was and even after he left I called a friend to escort me to the class
just in case in the end too I was unfortunately 30 minutes late for class but I've never been that scared and I hope I W ever be again [Music] my father Wayne worked in a machine shop across town which had its fair share of characters there and one of these people was James now James was one of those guys that would seem normal at first but had one hell of a temper one minute he'd be eating lunch and the next he'd be trying to fight you over the smallest things now while my father was at
work James had come in absolutely drunk which many other guys had done before but James could barely function let alone operate a mill my father pulled him aside and told him that he needs to leave that him coming in drunk could possibly get him or someone else hurt which leads to him getting pissed and trying to fight my dad James isn't a small guy too he's 6 foot and on the largest side while my father is only 5'6 James grabbed a metal pole too and was swinging it around trying to hit my dad thankfully he
didn't hit him but tore the hell out of the door before being restrained by the other world workers and was kicked out being fired my father ended up leaving work early that day and made his way to a friend and they had a beer and just caled his nerves later on in the day 8-year-old me was home alone as my mother was at the store getting groceries I was playing Halo 3 at the time before hearing a knock at the door and I walked up to the door and see James through the window although I
didn't know him well as I've only met him once I knew him well enough to know that he wasn't a stranger so I opened the door hey is your father home he had said in the nicest tone that I guess he could must his breath smelling of alcohol I said no but somehow my 8-year-old self knew well enough to not say that I was home alone my m is in the shower though that was an absolute lie her truck wasn't even in the driveway and it was obvious that I was home alone he had nodded
though walking away from the door a little before I closed it promply locking it before going back to my game a few minutes pass and my mother arrives home with a few groceries once they were brought inside we had heard a bang at the door then another and another and this was not like a knock but more like someone was banging on our door trying to get in my mother looked through the window before grabbing me and the phone and running into the bedroom closet which had a lock I had no clue what was going
on but I knew then that it wasn't good she called 911 and said that there was a crazed man trying to break in all the while the sound of the banging could be heard in the background for what seemed like hours we waited in the closet still hearing the loud bangs as he started charging into the door with his shoulder screaming like a maniac after about 15 minutes we heard the familiar sound of the police siren as we heard the confrontation outside it didn't take long for them to arrest them in my mother stayed on
the line with the 911 operator until we finally walked out seeing James and Cuffs in the back of the patrol car my father had rushed home and hugged us both James staring at us with blood lust in his eyes and although it wasn't confirmed I had a good feeling that he was just after my dad wanting to finish the job in beating him and potentially killing him even he had seen my mother's truck thinking that it was my father as he drove it into work every now and again but in the end it was a
pretty narrow Escape for my dad I think so this happened when I was 15 and out hunting with my father and one of his friends from work his name was Frank who was a lot more experienced with hunting than we were it was an archery javalina hunt nearby to Crown King if anyone's interested so we got pretty lucky coming up on a squadron of javalina as we were driving out to our campsite so we stalked to them for a little bit and Frank managed to get a shot on one but Ed in the bush after
following a blood trail for a few hours after our failed attempt of searching we made our way back to our designated campsite set up a camp and it was around 3:00 in the afternoon so we decided to just call it a day at that point that night I lay in my sleeping bag with my father as Frank slept in a separate tent next to ours it was a quiet night which was to be expected since the deserts of Arizona are usually very quiet when I woke up around what I would assumed to be like 1
in the morning hearing walking around our tent figuring that it was maybe just a javalina or maybe even a dear I just laid there listening and waiting for it to go away but one sound absolutely broke the silence though and scared the crap out of me because clear as day right outside of our tent you could hear a loud back like someone saying the word back it was aggressive and it caught the attention of my father who stayed quiet the silence resumed again and maybe like 40 seconds later almost like a recording on a tape
recorder we heard it again in different circumstances we would have walked out to see what was going on but everything was just way too quiet there was no struggle like a guy fighting a man or an animal just this person yelling back this continued for maybe another 5 minutes with him occasionally yelling again but soon the yells got were quieter and we knew the men had walked away I didn't sleep at all the rest of the night and just kind of laid there in silence looking at the zipper to our sleeping bag half expecting someone
to start to unzip it and thankfully that never happened but it had been an hour before someone finally broke the silence it was my dad and he said what the [ __ ] we didn't leave the tent till we could clearly see the sun in the sky before we heard Frank X at his tent before saying the coast was clear him obviously being awake from the whole incident too and he looked just as shaken up as we were we started a fire and my father drank some coffee and we just stood there in silence still
trying to comprehend what we had just heard a few hours ago Frank had finally ped up about it and he said well guys I think I saw it thing had to be at least 7 ft tall unlike our tent Frank's tent was more for summer and made for a better bug net than a tent you could clearly see at the top too since it was nothing more than a visor and that was how we saw it after a little bit of thinking we decided to end our hunt there seeing how I was pretty shaken up
by this and I didn't really feel comfortable about being out there a few years had passed and I'm 18 at this point and my family and Frank had gotten together to talk and just hang out and it was at this point that he told me something that he hadn't said on a trip trying not to scare me that day he said that when he saw it its face was just pale white like computer paper white and it was at least seven or possibly 8 ft tall so this happened 3 years ago but require some background
my best friend and I grew up in a sleepy wannabe New Jersey Central Florida town and we were the outcasts we had met in sixth grade when I ever heard her talking to another classmate about Bionicles at my 11-year-old self's passion at the time but we became fast friends and soon were inseparable too and soon began the gauntlet of sleepovers birthday parties and family gatherings we were practically siblings she was the first person that I'd come out to as bisexual and in turn I was the first person that she told about to being Tred her
home life was uh tumultuous though I can't say mine was any better in fact we often had a habit of taking Refuge at each other's houses like I said we became like siblings now her father was an alcoholic strict and prone to physical discipline her sister was a stuck up girl who soon gravitated towards the Hicks in the jocks when we entered high school and her mother was a pseudo vegan hippie love child although from the 80s when I was 23 herself 22 at the time we had another long night of sleeping over in order
to let her Escape yet another fight with her mother she had recently lost a job at Walmart and I was going into my first shift to tuaco Bell the next day on the drive home the next morning she excitedly told me that since she now had her own vehicle she would be applying at pizza places that were in need of a driver and I was proud it was the first time she hunted for a job on her own as I'd usually been the one to coax her to apply where I was working not that she
ever lasted very long but anyway my first day of training goes by quite well my co-workers are friendly and try to get me to talk more my manager likes to playfully embarrass me a fat white guy by trying to get me to talk Hood to the other workers being a training day it wasn't a very long shift but I've been up early in anticipation and this was my first day on a job in a few months I got home around noon and inform some of my internet friends that my first day went well and around
5:00 p.m. I started to bed down drained from a good day as I'm preparing to lay in my bed I get a stream of messages her lamenting another fight with her mother and asking if she could come over now I had started to grow a bit weary of the fights on their end I had begun to repair my relationship with my family and a few friends as well and I'd given her advice many times on how to better approach things and in my infite wisdom and eagerness to sleep I left the message on Reed and
drifted off into slump around 8:00 p.m. I am awakened by her bursting into my room in a panic having just been ripped from a dream I'm groggy and disoriented I drag myself to the bathroom to relieve my bladder and come back to my room finding her rocking back and forth on my bed it's at this time that I notice that she's covered in blood so I ask what happened she informs me that she just saw someone murder her mother with a knife my mind goes blank and in the deepest parts of my mind alarm Bell
start ringing isn't the rocking back and forth a bit over dramatic why didn't she call the police but this is my best friend I've known her for over a decade now and we were the only two people in the world that we could count on so I suppress it and I go and inform my sister and my stepfather my my mother had passed the year prior and it was roughly a month to the anniversary of her death we were all in a dark place antisocial as always it was the only way that we knew how
to handle the emotional issues when I inform my family they immediately go to the same place as I had though they're far more vocal about it I offer excuses I knew myself with flimsy and I returned to my room phone in hand I convinced her to call the police and I can hear her explain the detail over the phone a man in a black ski mask when the cops arrive she swears up and down that it's most likely her father they send cars over to check the crime scene and take her in for a statement
I ride with her in the back of the cop car over to the Sheriff's Office it gets to be around 2: a.m. her sister was brought in as was her father I have worked the next morning and so I request to be taken home by a police officer it takes me a while to go to sleep that morning and the next day at work I'm really quiet until my manager asks me what had happened I inform him but decide to work the rest of my training shift when I get home my sister informs me she
had confessed my mother threatened to kick her out for not being able to find a job and in a rage she had taken a kitchen knife and stabbed her repeatedly my mind froze like a a bad computer and I turned to face my monitor I was in a Discord call at the time and all I could weakly say is my best friend confessed to murdering her mother before hanging up and just laying on my bed her last trial was the seventh of this month I don't know the results though my grandmother tells me that she
took a ple deal for life in prison rather than the death penalty I must admit that part of me at once to contest that to demand that they take the death penalty for ridding the Earth of such a peaceful caring woman Shadow a larger part of me though is just glad that she's being punished at all this is probably the scariest thing to ever happen to me in my real life it happened to me a couple of months ago while I was sightseeing the West Coast I was visiting a small quiet Beach town in Oregon
called Newport it's basically situated on a cliff and then down below is the beach the beach itself is basically empty and it is huge it goes for Endless miles and seems like something out of a movie quite honestly I've never really seen something so vast in my life anyway I had spent most of the entire day on the beach and when it got dark I climbed back up the cliff to where my car was I had originally planned to sleep on the beach in a tent that I brought but it was starting to rain so
I figured that I would just sleep in my car I've been traveling all over o and ca for the last month at seeing national parks and stuff and sleeping in my car most nights anyway this was literally the perfect quiet little Beach town so I figured no big deal I got to my car which was parked in this public lot for beach goers at the top of the cliff but next to my car was this sign that said no overnight parking that I hadn't seen before so I figured dang I guess I'll just go find
another spot close by so I looked on the apps on my phone and saw that 10 minutes away on the outside of town was a nature preserve as I mentioned earlier I'd been staying at national parks and stuff so I figured that that would be a nice place to stay the weather was beginning to get significantly worse too and I figured that I should hurry I drove pretty fast and by the time that I got there it was completely dark and storming I entered the Nature Preserve which was a single road that followed the cliffline
on the coast for a couple of miles with nothing but trees on one side and the beach on the other and no cars no house no building no people for what seems like forever as I drove down the road a little ways I began to feel a little uneasy it all seemed a little creepy and I felt really alone but the moon was shining bright through the clouds and the beach was visible so I figured that I should be all right I found a great Peak spot on the cliff overlooking the beach and decided to
back my car up on it and take a rest I opened up the back of my Jeep and climbed in and eventually I fell asleep after a few hours I woke up I wasn't sure what had woken me up but I was awake now and by this time the storm had turned into a full-blown Monsoon I could barely see out of my windows the rain was so thick but I could hear the waves of the ocean below crashing against the beach and whatnot and the wind was blowing so loud that my car was actually shaking
when I noticed water was pouring in through the cracks my Jeep and I tried to reach for my phone so that I could turn the light on but I realized that I left it in the front of my Jeep which was blocked off by all my luggage and the only way to get to it was to open up the back and step outside and I was about to open the latch to let myself out when I heard it laughter it sounded like a a child at first playing but soon I realized that it had to
be someone much older they had to be close to the car too because it was raining so hard that there's no way that I could hear it if it was far away at first I figured it must be a cop trying to tell me to move on but then again it had to be like 3:00 or 4: in the morning and why would they be all the way out here in the weather anyway I froze to listen and then I could tell that it was actually getting closer I obviously wanted to look up and see
what it was but the way my Jeep deep was parked was backing up to the end of the cliff facing the beach and my luggage was literally stuffed all through the rest of the vehicle blocking all side and front windows I was crammed way in the back so at the time I was literally trapped and could only see out of the back window and it was at that moment too that I realized just how helpless I was her voice grew louder and louder and I could tell now that there was no way that this was
a cop she was laughing hysterically like at the top of her lungs almost screaming by the steady increase of volume I could tell that she was definitely coming up to my car and then in between laughs I heard a creepy voice say oh well well well what are you doing all the way out here and at that my heart dropped I sat there frozen solid I didn't want to move I remember thinking to myself this is not happening this can't be happening but it was with the storm raging outside my car my phone being nowhere
in reach me being trapped in the back of the jeep with no easy exit on the edge of a cliff in the middle of nowhere with a maniacal laughing woman getting closer and closer I was literally living in a full-blown horror movie and the only thing that I could do was wait I sat there for a few moments and then that's when I saw her I had poked my head up just a bit to see out of the tiny space of the VIS visible window that looked to the side of my vehicle and about 10
ft or so from the Jeep I could see through thick rain and heavy fog a woman standing there facing not me thank God but the edge of the cliff towards the beach her arms were flailing up and down rapidly like a bird and her head was twitching increasingly fast all over in irregular patterns her clothes were ripped and her voice was broken and I mean she literally looked like the zombies on the walking dead I couldn't move literally all the fear was built up in my head of what the source of this hysterical laughter may
be coming from in that true moment I tried rationalizing the situation to myself like she's on drugs and has lost her mind or this is someone joking or literally anything but every time I tried I would piek up and see this as something just unexplainable I mean it made no sense how the hell would someone be out here and what I'm pretty sure was a cat atory 5 Monsoon miles away from anything no car freezing temperature standing up screaming in the dead of night I found it hard to believe myself but there she was she
kept laughing hysterically shaking her body all over as if she was fully possessed I couldn't understand what word she was actually shouting in between the laughs but it sounded demonic and I was truly mortified by the grace of God I ended up finding a significant if ific anly large hunting knife stowed away in the bag next to me in the back of the Jeep and after taking one last good look at the bewildered wild devil witch woman I decided that it was time to say a prayer and try my best to sleep I honestly don't
know how I managed to do that I don't think I got much in the end because if I remember right she probably stayed there for another 30 minutes howling at the moon but somehow I did and the next morning when I woke up I slowly stepped out of the gy deep knife in Hand of course and I looked around and there was nobody there it was almost as if it had never even happened the Sun was shining now and the beach was calm it was just me and me alone and it was time for me
to get the hell out of here
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