You Will Rise | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

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You Will Rise | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬...
Video Transcript:
rise my child for I am with you today you may feel overwhelmed the weight of Despair pressing down on your spirit but remember you are not meant to falter here I will not let you Retreat into the shadows of your past where sorrow and Broken Dreams linger recall those moments when you sought my guidance I was there holding your hand leading you forward you will not be abandoned at this juncture again I assure you you will rise your Victory is under my watchful care I have witnessed the fire of ambition in your heart the purity
of your intentions stirs me deeply your dreams vast and vibrant will surely manifest fear not failure for it shall not claim you you will stand firm as I have promised wherever you go I am with you turning your weaknesses into strengths look ahead with courage for I am crafting magnificent plans for your future each step you take is enveloped in my love every obstacle you encounter transforms into a testament of my power believe in my promise your aspirations will become your reality rise with faith for together we will Triumph like the dawn that follows the
Darkest Night and the Sun that breaks through the stormiest clouds so too will your life be bathed in New Light I will support you steadfastly and no challenge will overwhelm you in times of turmoil I am your peace in darkness I am your light let not doubt Cloud your vision for my promises are unwavering and true I am your Sanctuary your fortitude your everpresent support through this journey you will see your Sorrows turn to Joy your trials to triumphs of my loyalty you will soar on Eagle wings reaching Heights where Serenity joy and victory reside
in my presence your heart will find its rest each day bringing new challenges and blessings that draw you closer to me no giant is too great for with me all things are possible I am your Shield Your Guardian the Conqueror of your battles in your moments of Frailty my strength will shine through you making every difficulty a clear display of my might trust that my love is Everlasting my blessings assured the paths I lay before you are paved with peace prosperity and joy hold fast to your faith for I am your God and together we
shall work miracles onward we go toward a future bright with hope and Limitless blessings thank you for embracing these words that breathe life into you that fortify you with hope and Empower your spirit I see your growth and progression therefore I encourage you ready yourself for the victories and miracles that lie just ahead do not falter in the face of obstacles that seem to stand against your success I have endowed you with the strength and momentum to surpass barriers defeat adversaries break free from harmful habits and master your emotions and speech you now have the
capacity to let go of anger and curb those impulsive feelings that once troubled your interactions I grant you authority over the forces of Darkness each morning declare this truth loudly I am with Jesus he strengthens me and I shall lack nothing repeat these affirmations throughout your day especially when your peace and joy are challenged when negative news disrupts your calm or when problems arise abruptly unsettling your emotions and thoughts fear not for you possess the wisdom strength intelligence and spiritual power to conquer all adversities pack your dreams rekindle those those long-held desires and embrace the
renewed courage I offer you today with this fortitude you can face any challenge knowing that I am beside you providing strength and guidance no matter the magnitude of your trials I am your steadfast supporter and guide unyielding in the face of defeat even your own failures cannot Vanquish you rise in faith to receive the victories I will play into your hands I have never left you in your weakest moments nor have I forsaken you I have eased the Sorrows of your soul and replace them with joy if you diligently seek me daily if you isolate
yourself to enter my presence if you offer your heart in pure worship and call out to me fervently trust that I will hear you and Elevate you to Greater Heights I am aware of everything you experience I empathize with your feelings when you confide in me about your life's events when you entrust your future and your plans to me heaven rejoices and I dispatch Legions of angels to protect you your challenges will be overcome not by your might or intellect but through my spirit and Power in every circumstance you will prevail because I support those
I love and bless those who boldly believe however those who let negativity dominate their thoughts who doubt my truth who scorn my word and the love that seeks heals and saves will not receive the blessings I have reserved for those who have faith in me and earnestly seek me I hear your prayers in moments of desperation when you lay your needs at my feet soon with your very eyes you will witness your deliverance your empowerment and the uplifting ing force of my love and power love me deeply seek my presence kneel in devotion hold steadfast
in your belief declare your commitment your weight has been lengthy but the blessings awaiting you are immense and wondrous your patience has matured your faith has solidified and through wise choices you have skillfully navigated every challenge along your path now you stand ready and equipped take that bold step of faith and Ascend this mountain I await you at the summit eager to reveal the depth and tenderness of my love a love you will experience intimately Beyond mere hearsay know this I am real I have been the Vigilant guardian of your life and your needs I
never turned away I have listened intently and rejoiced to see your faith so robust always trusting in in my timing never wavering or despairing even when my answers seem delayed my presence enveloped you shielding you from harm my angels have battled on your behalf following my commands orchestrating circumstances swiftly in your favor you have persevered without complaint how delightful it is to witness a child of mine who has fully surrendered their life to me trusting so beautifully I am Overjoyed to be your father my heart's desire is to bless you to provide a purpose that
fills your life with joy and fulfillment to make you a Beacon of Hope for your family and Community from where you are you will not stagnate you will continue to advance scale this mountain and dismantle the barriers to your joy others will see in you a testament of faith and Fidelity and my blessing upon you will be ceaseless keep moving forward with resilience utilize The Authority I bestow upon you speak with love to those dear to you inspire me to hear you share with them the Abundant Blessings I am about to bestow upon all of
you now is the time to embrace the challenges of fighting working studying and preparing for what lies ahead stand firm the moment for action has arrived you have been been patient but the time has come the blessings you are about to receive will profoundly transform your life and that of your family in miraculous ways I love you with an everlasting pure love throughout the ages trust in me and take my hand during this trial do not let threats or troubles diminish your peace and confidence your suffering moves me deeply your sincere heart touches me as
I have always always promised I will bless you out of my own will tell me now that you will receive my blessing and cherish it dearly in your times of Sorrow I hold you in the palm of my hand I shelter you under my holy mantle my love for you is boundless you are my child and I will bless you because it is my desire and within my power what I promise I fulfill I've always been with you never forsaking you and in these stormy times I will not leave your side my plans surpass your
own my thoughts are Eternal leading you to a destiny of peace and assured Prosperity challenges may seem Downing without Faith and Hope but if you shift your perspective and firmly believe in my word your life will transform seek me in the morning pray throughout the day and at night kneel before me it Delights me when you speak to me though you might not see it now the heavens tremble with joy When you pray with faith imploring my protection over your family and when you earnestly plead for my constant presence in your lives he my response
though the entire world may turn away from you I will never leave you even when those who claim their love falter know that my love for you surpasses all I do not deceive I will never fail you your family your future they rest securely within my care cherish value and Safeguard your blessings do not take them lightly if you are faithful with the little I entrust to you during times of scarcity my word assures that your blessings will not only persist but multiply bring bring forth great Eternal value you love me my child and you
are immensely important to me I desire deeply for you to feel profoundly loved yet I see there are days you awaken enveloped in sadness unsure of its origin this emotion is a signal a response from your heart to my Holy Spirit which calls out to you each morning especially when you begin to drift away but often you are too preoccupied to sit and remember me my spirit is urging you signaling that you cannot continue on this path you're becoming Hollow the sadness you experience is a desperate plea from your soul your spirit your heart crying
out from a thirst only the Living Water I provide can quench water that heals replenishes and soothes your unrest if you feel desolate drained it is a sign you have strayed too long from my presence this cannot go on in such a state your emotions may become muddled during conflicts instead of confronting obstacles with faith these Tangled feelings might suggest that hardships are punishments for unkempt promises or that I have abandoned you this is not the case I do not lie there is no deceit in me my actions born of profound love for you demonstrate
the immeasurable depth of this affection come to me and I will satiate your soul with Divine sweetness I will nourish you and envelop you in a love so profound that tears of holy Joy will freely flow no matter where you are should others see your tears and inquire about them tell them the truth I am overwhelmed by the beautiful Majestic love of my father who speaks to me in his tender Heavenly language expressing his immense love and igniting an eternal flame in my heart my sadness is lifted my father has banished all my Despair and
breathed new life into me you are on the brink of receiving that long awaited blessing which is why adversarial forces have intensified their efforts to sway you from my side if your circumstances fall short of expectations resist the urge to surrender I understand your emotions look towards me let us resolve this do not turn away or conceal yourself how could you believe that I am not real or that I could not possibly love you such thoughts grieve me deeply remember I too have a heart and it aches with love for you you are my child
how could I not cherish you when you were lost in depression and despair thinking your end was near was it not I who sought you out I came to you held you close with gentle care cleansed your soul forgave your sins comforted healed and set you on your feet again you began to walk a new Reborn pay close attention now for you are about to truly understand the steadfastness of my promise no one can snatch you from my embrace my love is eternal if doubts arise because you have listened to others let us set those
aside come into my arms weep with me your rush to my side moves me profoundly life presents its challenges doubts may creep in but they are mere Birds circling above if you let them they will nest in your mind clutter your thoughts with confusion and sever your connection to my love do not allow these thoughts to take hold reject the seeds of Despair the enemy seeks to sew within you allow me to clear these doubts you will emerge from this sadness I am inscribing my name on your heart so you will never forget or doubt
that my love is wholly yours hear my words and feel their weight though the entire world may abandon you I will never leave your side when those who profess their love fall alter remember that my love surpasses theirs I do not lie I will never fail you your family and your future are cradled in my hands value and treasure your blessings never taking them for granted being faithful in small things caring for what I provide in times of need will lead to an increase in your blessings endowed with eternal significance you love me deeply and
you are precious to me it is my utmost desire for you to feel profoundly cherished yet there are days when you awaken enveloped in an inexplicable sadness understand this emotion as a signal from your heart responding to my Holy Spirit which calls out to you each morning particularly when you begin to drift away often you are too distracted to pause and reflect on me my spirit will not allow you to continue this way you are becoming Hollow the sadness you experience is a desperate plea from your soul your spirit your heart crying out for the
living water only I provide which heals replenishes and calms your turbulent emotions if you feel desolate it signifies you've been too long without my presence this cannot continue in such States your emo may become confused during conflicts suggesting that difficulties are punishments for unmet promises or that I have abandoned you this is not true I do not lie there is no deceit in me my actions borne from profound love are Testament to the depth of My Affection come to me and I will nourish your soul with Divine sustenance I will envelop you in a love
so profound that tears of holy Joy will flow freely regardless of your your setting if others notice and inquire tell them the truth I am overwhelmed by the beautiful Majestic love of my father who speaks to me in his tender Heavenly language affirming his immense love and igniting an eternal flame in my heart my sadness has been lifted my father has dispelled all Despair and breathed new life into me you stand on the brink of receiving a long- awaited blessing can see the intensification of adversarial efforts to deter you if circumstances disappoint resist the urgy
to give up understand your feelings look towards me let us resolve this do not turn away or hide how could you think I am not real or incapable of loving you such thoughts pain me deeply remember my heart aches with love for you you are my child how how could I not love you when you were engulfed in depression thinking your end near was it not I who sought you I approached you with gentle care embraced you cleansed your soul forgave your sins comforted healed and set you upright again you walked a new Reborn Focus
now for you are about to fully comprehend the steadfastness of my promise no one can snatch you from my embrace my love is eternal if doubts arise because you've listened to others dismiss them come into my arms weep with me your rush to my side moves me profoundly life's challenges doubts they're mere Birds circling overhead if unchecked they'll nest in your mind cluttering your thoughts with confusion severing your connection to my love do not let these thoughts take root reject the despair the enemy attempts to sew within you allow me to clear these doubts you
will emerge from this sadness I am inscribing my name on your heart ensuring you never forget or doubt that all my love is yours I love you believe in this truth you've faced darker times and I was there to guide you through I've LED you from the depths of dire situations and witnessed your Triumph over seemingly insurmountable challenges don't turn away from me in your darkest moments I never turned from you here I am again urging you to trust in my promise and as you reflect on the past focus on the blessings not the hardships
keep your gaze fixed on the present tread cautiously and move towards A Renewed Life Today marks your day of salvation the perfect time to commit your heart to me to break free from the chains that bind you and to start receiving Divine blessings abundantly the months behind you were tough but you've survived clinging to your almighty God this year doors will open wide I am planting opportunities along your path discover them seize them and cherish them be courageous and keep pushing forward to finally grasp the peace and joy you've longed for even your body will
find strength and complete healing dedicate moments each day for prayer and contemplation hone the spiritual senses I bestowed upon you listen intently and absorb the wisdom I am pouring into you know your immense value to me I have chosen you for miraculous blessings setting you apart to prosper and help others beginning with your family to know and find me it Delights me when you listen and heed my words practice the Commandments I've given you and not only believe in my word but also recognize and appreciate your significance to me each day awaken to the feeling
of being deeply loved and throughout your day remember that I am with you and as night falls even after a challenging in day feel secure in my presence I will guard your sleep and Grant you rest remember I never left you especially not during your crisis and certainly not now as you stand on the brink of Triumph I understand your feelings I too have known loneliness and profound sadness I've experienced The Sting of Abandonment the pain of being despised and rejected tears have stained my face and blood has marked my brow from the agony of
my sacrifices yet I endured choosing to suffer for you offering myself up in a display of unspeakable love and the ultimate sacrifice you are not alone I am here with you always understand that your afflictions are not my doing I too have suffered them your love for others is passionate and selfless but not always reciprocated and it's in these moments of UNR returned love and deep rejection that your sacrifices become most evident despite the lack of acknowledgement from those you hold dear know that I see your sacrifices and your pain your suffering does not go
in not as head and for your endurance there is a reward through you seek known you give selflessly expecting nothing in return embodying the purest form of love you are blessed for your heart has wept and for you I have prepared a crown a treasure of life and joy that I will soon bestow upon you you are deserving of the Abundant Blessings that are about to flow into your life your dreams long dormant will soon be revived and you will rejoice in the Bountiful Harvest you are set to gather the rejection and self-center Ness exhibited
by some around you will transform I will intervene supernaturally in their lives guiding them to face reality and learn the Virtues Of Love prudence and humility I know your struggles and your feelings but soon everything will shift prepare for the happiness that is about to walk through new grander doors than those previously closed to you you kept Faith you believed in my might and I will personally restore what was lost to you in the past soon you will witness an abundance of valuable blessings accumulating in your life do not dwell on past losses broken relationships
or failures if aors were made you have repented if you were wronged or deceived let go of bitterness and resentment learn from these experiences know whom to trust do not spr about what has been left behind Focus instead on the Myriad of blessings I am eager to bestow upon you as we advance toward Victory on a fresh path look towards the horizon there is a mountain yet to climb and on its far side you will descend with Newfound courage and strength Beyond it lie Fields ripe for Harvest remember you are vital and I cherish your
worth immensely Love Yourself by adhering to my teachings nurturing your soul spirit and health each morning awaken with the Divine assurance that a purposeful life rich with potential awaits you the future holds the Triumph of your family your success and your Prosperity you possess the wisdom to bring joy to the hearts that suffer in this world as you absorb my words your mind Soul and Spirit are infused with a supernatural Joy expelling any remnants of depression or discouragement these feelings of Joy are manifestations of my grace mercy and love expect many miracles ahead the world
around you will witness powerful Transformations and people will recognize the Majestic light that radiates from you however guard your heart against Pride I aim to demonstrate to the world that I uplift the impoverished and needy the downtrodden and rejected those misjudged and condemned without true understanding everything forthcoming is the fruit of my power I am the king of glory your family and your life are securely held in my hands I have shown you Mercy Embrace this love with humility allow me to bless you further as it is my will you sought a message that would
touch your heart and here it is disc ing even those Secrets hidden in Corners you thought unseen if you feel this message resonates not just with you but with someone else you know share it with them act now save a soul I bless abundantly those who serve me and boldly share these words we need to talk you and I this is why I urge you upon waking each day not to let your thoughts leap from Slumber into immediate action or worry the very first thing you should do each morning is to Express gratitude for your
family for your life acknowledging the opportunity you still have to straighten what has been bent in your path my love and mercy have been longstanding I have not punished you in proportion to your errors nor have I turned you away for the times you've strayed from my Commandments these laws you shall not kill bear false witness lie speak slander or humiliate highlight that no sin is greater than another and all can yield severe consequences sins like adultery and fornication can ravage your body and life but slander lies pride and discrimination also wield the power to
inflict pain destroy families and kill in their own ways if these words strike a cord within your soul if you sense my Holy Spirit speaking directly to you today then you must double your efforts to seek me every day to immerse yourself in my word and to adhere to it diligently do not delay I am always close by to seek me is to approach with faith trusting that I will answer and to patiently await the blessing that I will provide in my perfect timing come into my presence and also find a trustworthy person to fi
in your chains will be broken and your guilt and anguish will be relics of the past from this day forward nothing will hinder the blessings and the peaceful prosperous future I have destined for you today you have confirmed my love for you there is likely someone in your life who also needs to hear these words please share them I love you with all my heart amen [Music]
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