LOWER YOUR BLOOD SUGAR TODAY: 10 SCIENTIFIC Secrets for Stable Blood Sugar! (tested - DIABETES and pre-diabetes) Has this ever happened to you? You get your warm bread from the bakery, drink your coffee – with sugar, of course – and leave the house full of energy, ready to face the day.
But two hours later, that initial strength disappeared. Your stomach is already growling, begging for more food, and even with an extra cup of coffee, your mood has plummeted. It's as if the fuel you put in early in the morning simply evaporates into the air.
Why does this happen? It's your body falling victim to constant peaks and valleys in blood glucose levels. These ups and downs sabotage your mood, your productivity, and more than that, it is a breeding ground for pre-diabetes, insulin resistance and even type 2 diabetes.
Now, tell me: would you know how to regain control and maintain glucose levels? and energy stable all day? What if I told you that there was a single trick capable of reducing your blood sugar spikes by up to 75%?
! Yes, that's right, 75%! And the best: no radical diets, no cutting out everything you love.
In this video, I will share 10 simple strategies, based on science, to keep your blood sugar levels more balanced. Are you curious? But first, leave your like, subscribe to the channel and activate the bell so you don't miss out on valuable tips like this.
And share this content with those you love. Knowledge is power – and, in this case, the power to change your life and the lives of others. And tell me: do you have pre-diabetes or diabetes?
Do you suffer from these energy ups and downs? What part of Brazil or the world are you from? Write below!
Let's go! Did you know that more than 1 billion people in the world have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. In Brazil, there are more than 15 million diabetics.
So if you suffer from this, you are not alone. And, even without a diagnosis, many people experience daily spikes in blood sugar that undermine the body. Glucose is the main sugar that circulates in our blood and is the main source of energy for our cells.
But the constant ups and downs make your mood plummet. Why does this happen? When you eat foods high in sugar or refined carbohydrates, your blood glucose rises quickly.
And the pancreas responds soon after, releasing insulin in large quantities to “clean up” that excess sugar. So, the glucose peak tends to drop abruptly. .
. one moment you are euphoric and full of energy, the next you feel tired, irritated and out of energy. This alternation directly affects the brain, resulting in mood swings, irritability and difficulty concentrating.
But that's not all - your skin suffers too - Frequent glucose spikes can accelerate a process called “glycation”, in which excess sugar binds to proteins and fats in the body, damaging them. In the case of the skin, this process damages collagen and elastin, accelerating the appearance of wrinkles, making the skin less firm and affecting its natural glow. To understand the long-term damage, imagine your body slowly “cooking” from the inside.
This process, called “AGES, is similar to what happens when you roast a chicken in the oven and it caramelizes on the outside. High levels of glucose “caramelize” the inside of your body, damaging cells and accelerating aging, causing wrinkles and chronic diseases. Furthermore, very high glucose levels favor chronic inflammation.
This impacts not only the skin (acnes, redness), but also the entire body, increasing the risk of joint pain, digestive problems and other systemic inflammations. Not to mention that when your blood sugar levels are on a “roller coaster”, the body produces more insulin to control the problem. Over time, insulin resistance appears and with it the accumulation of fat, especially in the abdominal region.
This excess visceral fat is associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, as it inflames the arteries and contributes to the formation of fatty plaques, increasing your risk of heart attack and stroke. And pay attention! In women, constant changes in blood glucose and insulin resistance can disrupt hormonal balance, affecting menstrual cycles and fertility.
I don't know if you've heard of polycystic ovary syndrome. So it is. And in men, chronic glycemic imbalance can also influence semen quality and sexual function.
Yes, your entire body is impacted. Why is this happening? Because the modern diet is full of refined sugars and starches.
These foods spike your glucose and then bring it down, in a vicious cycle . But it's not just the food. Factors such as stress, lack of sleep and imbalances in the intestinal microbiota also amplify glycemic peaks.
Sleeping poorly or being stressed makes your body interpret that it is “under attack”, releasing hormones that make it difficult to control glucose. You wake up tired, impatient, more susceptible to Cravings. It's an insidious cycle.
And look, if you are diabetic, you must have seen very clearly that if you are stressed, your blood sugar goes up. When you are calmer, it becomes more regulated. So it's not just theory.
It's in practice, really! And there's more: studies associate glucose spikes and insulin resistance with mental health problems. hyperactivity, depression and even Alzheimer's.
Yes, some researchers call Alzheimer's “type 3 diabetes”, due to the inflammatory and insulin resistance mechanisms that also occur in the brain. Therefore, keeping your blood sugar stable is not just about avoiding diabetes – it is about preserving your mental clarity, your focus, your memory, your emotional balance. Sugar not only feeds the body, but also affects the brain, releasing dopamine, generating quick but fleeting pleasure.
In English, the so-called sugar high can reinforce the desire for more sweets, worsening the vicious circle. With recurring peaks, anxiety increases, mood fluctuates and even relationships with loved ones suffer, as demonstrated by a curious study in which couples with poor glycemic control were more irritable towards each other. All they had to do was choke themselves.
Now, it's perfectly possible to control these peaks without giving up everything you like. There are simple tricks, often ignored—many I doubt you know— but backed by science. There are 10 simple tricks.
What are the 10 best science-based strategies for reducing glucose spikes? 1st trick- Salty (and Protein) Breakfast The way you start the day defines how your body will deal with glucose in the next few hours. And do you know what the biggest mistake is?
Start with a sweet breakfast or one full of refined carbohydrates, such as white breads, sugary cereals or cakes. This triggers your glucose levels early on, and then comes the sudden drop: tiredness, hunger and that desire to snack on something sweet. The solution?
Swap it for a salty breakfast rich in protein, good fats and fiber. Think scrambled eggs, omelets (with vegetables like spinach or tomatoes), boiled eggs or even fried eggs with olive oil. Also unsweetened natural yogurt, avocado, white cheese or even leftovers from dinner.
If you fast, no problem – the important thing is that the first meal you eat, whether in the morning or afternoon, follows this principle. You will feel less hungry, have more energy and even improve your focus throughout the day. 2nd trick.
1 Spoon of Vinegar Diluted Before the Main Meal of the Day It may seem strange, but science proves it: a spoon of vinegar diluted in water, about ten minutes before the main meal, can reduce the glucose spike by up to 30%! This is because the acetic acid in vinegar slows down the digestion of carbohydrates, giving your body time to process glucose in a more controlled way. It has to be apple cider vinegar - apple cider vinegar is the most cited due to studies, but other vinegars may also have benefits.
Acetic acid works by slowing gastric emptying (the speed at which food leaves the stomach for the intestine) and increasing insulin sensitivity. How to do it? Or, before lunch or dinner you eat a salad with a tablespoon of vinegar, or if you prefer, take a large glass of water, mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or any vinegar you have at home, and drink it.
before lunch or dinner. Now, don't drink it neat! Always dilute to protect your teeth.
3rd trick. Vegetables First When you start your meal with vegetables – whether it's a salad with vinegar, as I just said, or cooked vegetables – the fiber forms a barrier in the intestine, which slows the absorption of glucose. The result?
A much lower blood sugar spike. For example: if you have rice, meat and salad for lunch, always start with the salad. It may seem like a silly detail, but studies show that this can reduce the glycemic peak by up to 75%!
It's really worth trying. 4th trick. Move 10 Minutes After Eating Did you know that just ten minutes of light movement after meals can make a huge difference in your glucose?
This is because the muscles that you activate – even with a calm walk – begin to consume part of the glucose in your blood. This way, you avoid that unwanted peak. You don't need a gym or heavy training.
Walk around the house, go up and down stairs, or put on some music and dance a little. The important thing is to move. Muscles function as glucose “sponges”.
Therefore, the more muscle mass you have, the easier your body “cleans” sugar from your blood. In addition to reducing peaks, you will feel more energetic and less drowsy after eating. 5th trick - The Correct Order of Food Now that you know that vegetables come first, I'll show you the complete order to create the perfect dish.
Think in layers: • First, fiber (salad, vegetables or greens). • Then, proteins and healthy fats (such as lean meats, eggs, olive oil or avocado). • Lastly, carbohydrates (rice, potatoes, pasta) and, if you want, dessert.
This sequence reduces the speed at which glucose enters your blood. If you follow this order you will give your body more time to process what you eat. 6th trick- “Drssing” the Carbohydrates Here’s another important tip: never eat “naked” carbohydrates!
This means that you should never consume bread, pasta or even sweeter fruits without combining them with something that slows down the glycemic impact. For example: • Are you going to eat some bread? Add cheese, eggs or avocado.
• Would you like a cookie? Combine with unsweetened yogurt. - Are you going to eat a banana?
add chia or flaxseed This mixture of carbohydrates with protein or fat or fiber works as a “shield”, softening the impact on blood glucose. 7th trick. Prefer Savory Snacks to Sweets Did that afternoon hunger hit you?
Choose a salty snack rich in protein or good fats, such as almonds, a piece of cheese or a boiled egg. These foods keep you full for longer and prevent your blood sugar from fluctuating. Avoiding sweet snacks between meals is one of the most effective ways to stabilize your body.
8th trick. Sweets only as Dessert, Never on a Fast Do you love a sweet treat? No problem!
But here's the golden rule: never eat sweets on an empty stomach. Always consume them after a complete meal, rich in fiber, proteins and fats. This way, the sugar in the candy will be absorbed more slowly, without causing a huge spike in glucose.
This means you can enjoy what you like, as long as you do it at the right time. 9th trick. Avoid Sweetened Drnks Sweetened drinks are like liquid sugar going straight into your blood.
This includes soft drinks, boxed juices and even some natural juices, which, without the fiber, have the same effect. Choose unsweetened water, tea or coffee. If you want a different flavor, add lemon, cinnamon or use natural sweeteners like stevia.
and the 10th trick. Prioritize Fiber-Rich and Whole Foods Always give preference to whole, fiber-rich foods, such as brown rice, oats, legumes, seeds and grains. Fiber helps slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, stabilizing blood sugar.
Furthermore, it improves intestinal health, increases satiety and even reduces inflammation. Remember: these strategies are not empty theory, they are concrete steps you can take today. How about starting?
Try a salty, protein-packed breakfast, add a spoonful of vinegar to water before lunch, start your meals with a generous serving of salad and move around for 10 minutes after dinner. Observe carefully how your body responds to these changes and then comment on your results below! You will feel the difference: you won't have as many sugar cravings, you will have greater mental and emotional stability, more energy and clarity for your daily life.
And remember, these small adjustments today become big benefits tomorrow: a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, skin problems, hormonal problems and even dementia. Invest in your health today, to reap the rewards tomorrow. As I always say: small changes, big transformations in your health.
It's about leaving the vicious cycle of energy spikes and dips and entering a virtuous cycle of well-being and vitality. Control your blood sugar, control your life. It's about food intelligence, not deprivation.
Invest in yourself: your health will thank you! Did you like the video? Did you like the video?
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My name is André Wambier, cardiologist, and this is Cardiodf. com. br Remember to subscribe.
And see you in the next video! Thank you very much!