Welcome to this in depth guide to going from wanting to lucid dream to actually being able to lucid dream as early as tonight, because if you clicked on this video, chances are you already know all the amazing things that you can do in a lucid dream. For example, flying like your favorite superhero, meeting a celebrity crush, breaking bad habits, building new neural pathways, speaking to your subconscious mind or your higher self and asking deep questions you've always wanted to know the answer to like what is my dream job or what is my purpose in this life or other deep questions that probably come to your mind right now. You know, even, I've even heard people have healed themselves in lucid dreams like healed like things like kidney disease and other things that I definitely cannot say in this video because YouTube would flag this.
So put simply, you know, all the amazing things that you can do in this extra one third of your life that most people are sleeping away and doing nothing. You know, all the things that you can do in there. But now the thing is you want to know how you can do this for yourself because probably if you're anything like me You've gone through the whole experience of going on YouTube watching all the videos about lucid dreaming Going to the lucid dreaming reddit articles, maybe even joining some discord groups, maybe reading some books on lucid dreaming.
Yet, you're still not able to master this, this god like activity of lucid dreaming in your night. And I know one thing, you've heard about all the techniques Mild Wild Dild Fild Sild All the ilds or ILDs, you've heard about them all? But they're probably not working out the way that you expected.
Like maybe they might be able to trigger one lucid dream here, one lucid dream there, but probably the consistency that you know, that you want, that, you know, that you're looking for is not quite happening. And if none of these techniques that everybody is sharing about online is working for you, then I guess the question is, is it actually possible for you, or is it the case where everybody else just has. natural talent?
Or is it the case where everybody else just has some interesting way that their brain or imagination works, or maybe you're too old to master this skill, or maybe they just have some secret that you're not aware of. Well the truth is, there is a secret. But the secret to finally being able to lucid dream is what most people when they speak about how to lucid dream.
. . are overlooking and the reason why you're not able to consistently lucid dream in your life.
But the good news is it's actually quite simple. And in this video, I'm going to give you the exact formula to finally activate this within you and achieve frequent lucid dreaming. So the secret to lucid dreaming doesn't just start at bedtime with some magical technique.
It starts right now. Look, yes, a lot of these techniques that I just mentioned, they can, and they do work. However, if they're not working for you, it's because something is missing from this So instead of hacking your mind in the middle of the night with some spark plug lucid dreaming technique How about we just get to the bottom of this challenge?
And it all comes down to the frequent lucid dreaming formula and disclaimer You can use all the other lucid dreaming techniques if you would like but what we're talking about in this video specifically Is how to retrain your brain, retrain your mind to become a frequent lucid dreamer where you lucid dream automatically. So what is the FLD Formula, the frequent lucid dreaming formula? Well, first of all, the first thing as part of this formula is all to do with Desire.
And this is a big one, especially if you've known about lucid dreaming for some time now. We all know that if you want to do something, you need to want to do it. However, the problem comes in if you've known about lucid dreaming for some weeks, some months, some years, some decades And it's not quite been the lucid dreaming journey that you expected.
What happens now? In your mind the desire you perceive the desire to be there like you're saying I want to lucid dream But because of all the failed activities all the failed times, that desire level is going down. Because that belief that you can actually do it is going down.
So you don't want to put yourself out there, try another technique in the middle of the night. Wake up feeling tired but not having a lucid dream. Going through all this pain of looking at your journal in the morning, not seeing anything in your journal because you don't remember any dreams from the night before.
After a lot of time of this happening, it can start to bring the desire down and your connection to actually wanting to lucid dream can diminish. And think about it, even if you didn't even do the rest of this formula, by the way, the rest of this formula, point 2 and point 3 of this formula are where most people are struggling. But even if you didn't do those two things and you just got your, your desire from a 2 out of 10 or a 5 out of 10 or a 6 out of 10 to a 9 or 10 out of 10 you would have lucid dreams tonight guaranteed.
But the problem is it's not there. So what can we do? I'm gonna give you one thing as part of this, part of the formula that you can do today.
And please do this today because you may notice in the title it says you can lucid dream as early as tonight. You will not, I repeat, you will not lucid dream as early as tonight if you don't do the stuff that I share in this video. So what is this first thing as part of increasing your desire?
I want you to grab a notepad, pen and paper or notepad. In there you're going to write down the question, What are 20 things I want to do in a lucid dream? You're going to start by writing out number one.
I want to fly. Number two. I want to meet this person.
Number three I want to speak to my subconscious. You're gonna start writing it out. What's gonna happen during this process?
You're gonna get to point 10, point 11, point 12, and it will start to slow down. It will start to feel like I don't know what else I can do. This is the amazing part of the practice.
This is the part where your creative mind, your imagination, your intuition is gonna come in. And you're going to listen to whatever it says because some of these new things that you probably haven't even thought of. But when you force yourself to think, if I could do anything in my dream tonight, what would it be?
These are some of the gems that are going to help you with this next part. So once you write down all 20 things that you want to do in a lucid dream, you will already feel desire increasing because you are consciously connecting to the things that you. .
. not some other YouTuber, not someone else on a Reddit article, not someone else online has said that they've done in a lucid dream. These are things that are personal to you, things that you actually want to do.
Your conscious, your subconscious, your super conscious. So you can write this list out. Once you finish those 20 things, desire will already be up.
But this isn't why we're doing it. We're doing it because out of those 20 things, next, I want you to circle or highlight or underline your top three. There's three that you look at that if you could lucid dream right now, you will, you want to do this one straight away.
You want to experience this one straight away. Some of these might be very interesting things. Some of them might be very, uh, very, uh, out there things, but whatever it is for you, pick the top three, circle it, highlight it.
So now we've automatically just increased our desire and our connection to our desires in the lucid dream. The circled ones that you've just circled or highlighted. We'll come back to that in a moment in later in the formula.
But for now, this is already raising your, your desire. And when you're writing it, actually imagine yourself doing this. Like actually imagine, Hey, if I was to do this, what would it feel like?
You will start to feel that desire, that creativity, that wanting to actually do this start to raise. And we're only in the first point of this, of this formula. So the second point, second point stands for present.
This is a big one that you probably have heard about. You know, everybody talks about do reality checks every single day. You meant to do reality checks, do at least 10 reality checks in the day.
The problem that I found is when I was doing these reality checks, it was almost kind of training my brain to like, look for not dreaming, like training my brain. It felt like I was training my brain not to dream. Like it was weird.
And maybe this was just me, but this is what I experienced and maybe this will help you as well. So when I'm in the day and I'm saying, am I dreaming? Like my brain kind of automatically goes to, I'm not dreaming.
I know I'm not dreaming. And I even remember one time I was in a dream and I went to do a reality check, and as I did the reality check, like I told myself, this is not a dream because I was doing that all the day or like every single day. I told myself, this is not a dream, and the reality check failed.
Like I used to try and push my hand, my finger through my hand, it didn't work, and then I woke up in this reality. I was like, whoa. But that was a dream.
Then obviously as time went on, I learned that yeah, you meant every time you do a reality check, you're meant to actually like really test it. But what I found helped even more was this technique that I actually got from a. lucid dreaming book.
And I'll, I'll share this book in a moment. In this book, it speaks about whatever you are doing in your day to day, actually look at it. Like, like right now I'm recording this video.
I'm going to tell myself, this is a dream. I tell myself, this is a dream. I look around and I actually feel like, I imagine that this is a dream.
Like I look at the things more clearly. I feel the reality as if it's a dream. What I want you to do to increase this presence is throughout your day, Tell yourself in whatever situation you're in, this is a dream.
Try it even now, as you're watching this video, I'm going to pause for a second, look around and say, this is a dream. As you're looking around, feel as if it is a dream. Feel that, like imagine you are in actually in a dream and feel that feeling.
Do this throughout the day. I'm going to tell you, aim to do this at least 20 times in the day. Like just random moments to tell yourself, this is a dream and feel that feeling as if it's a dream.
This will start to build your presence in the day because you're looking for these moments to tell yourself it's a dream. But not only that, the cool thing about this is you're training your mind to actually feel as if you're in a dream. Now, when you're next in a dream and you actually do it, you will actually see the dream.
You will actually feel the dream. You will actually do these reality checks when you do them and it will actually not fail. It will actually pass because it will you will feel the dream more than you normally do.
This is a big one. A lot of what I'm saying here, as well, don't just take my word for it. Treat it like a science experiment and try it.
Trust me, you do this, even just 10 times in a day, you will feel your presence increase. You will feel, when you're in a dream, this will start to come through. And the final part of this presence thing, because this presence is a muscle.
Like, if you have loads of desire, But actually presence is zero. You know, when you're in the dream, if you've got no presence, you might be able to get lucid, but you definitely won't be able to stay lucid. So this is a muscle that we need to build and TikTok has fried all our focus, like our ability to focus and short form content and all of this.
So credits to you. If you're still watching this video, it's what like over 10 minutes in credits to you. Your focus is already, I can tell you're one of the people who focuses not too much of an issue, but how can we build it even more?
The way that we can do that, do this, is a simple activity I learned from a Himalayan yogi. He told me to put a piece of paper on the wall, put a dot on that piece of paper, pull it around an arm length or body length away from you, sit down and stare at that dot. Stare at that dot for three minutes.
Build up to five minutes, build up to seven minutes. If you can stare at that dot longer than a minute, you are already way ahead of 99% of the people in Western society. If you can get to three minutes, five minutes, seven minutes, this is where you're starting to build that muscle to the point where You will be present in this reality, which means that you will be present in the dream, which means that you will not only be present in the dream, but you will increase your chances of lucid dreaming.
And when you are lucid dreaming your chances of staying in that lucid dream and not losing lucidity. Like if you've ever had a lucid dream, let me know in the comments if you've ever experienced that where you've been lucid, but then as the dreams gone on, like you've lost the lucidity, like it just faded a bit. So this is why we build this focus.
Okay. After we do that, now we've got the desire connected to our desire, our true desire, increase that desire. Now we're increasing our presence every day, throughout the day telling myself this is a dream.
You can do it multiple times in the same scene. Like right now I'm going to tell myself this is a dream. And right now I'm feeling as if it's a dream.
It's like, it's a feeling like in my heart, like it's a feeling in my body as if I just become super present and super just connected to the reality, like connected to the dream because those of you on the deeper spiritual path, you will appreciate that this is also a dream too. Third thing, the third part of this frequent lucid dreaming formula. This is a huge one because you, if you have heightened presence, but you don't have this third one, big problem.
Why? The third one stands for front of mind. So what this one does is it keeps lucid dreaming at the front of your mind.
Because if you have the presence, if you have the desire, but that wanting to do it, it's just not at the forefront of your mind all the time. It won't come through in the dream. And bearing in mind, everything that I'm sharing as part of this frequent lucid dreaming formula is not some quick hack to try and hack your mind in the middle of the night and cross your fingers and hope that you lucid dream tonight.
No, this is instilling in you, training in you, especially if you do all three of these things consistently throughout the days. This is training your system to become present in this reality, which naturally will link into the dreams. Just like you think about it.
Something happens in this, this reality, like maybe you have an argument with someone or something frustrating happens. You ever had that? Like this video if you've ever had this experience.
Something happens in this reality, then when you go to sleep that night, you dream about that thing that happened. Maybe you had an argument with someone, maybe someone like cut you off in the street, or someone pissed you off, or something frustrating happened. But then you dream about that same thing or something similar in the night.
Like, hit the like button if you've ever had an experience like that. This is how this reality bleeds into the next reality. And equally, the, the dream state bleeds into this state, but that's a deeper topic for another video.
So the way that you're going to keep this on the front of the mind, very simple, I'm going to give you two things to do. The first one is morning and night every single day. I want you to consume something about lucid dreaming.
What I've been doing is I've been reading well listening to an audio book about lucid dreaming. The one that I recommend is called the Tibetan Yogas of Dram and Sleep. I'm recommending this one not just another cliche lucid dreaming book.
There are a lot of good lucid dreaming books out there that you can read, you can listen to, you can consume morning and night. At least 20 minutes in the morning, at least 20 minutes at night. I do it personally when I'm doing a morning routine.
I'm doing my morning routine, I'm doing my stretches or something like that. What i'm doing is i'm putting the audible on and i'm just stretching and listening to it Or i'm at the gym and listening to it 20 minutes morning and night morning and night is key Because these are the periods in the day where you're close to that dream state You either just come out of it or you're just going into it when you do this This will make lucid dreaming at the front of your mind naturally naturally because you're more in the alpha state in the morning Alpha brainwave state in the night as well. These are brainwave states where Things log in on a deeper level.
I'm recommending that book or that audio, whatever you choose to do, because this is to do with dream yoga. This is to do with not just lucid dreaming for fun. Lucid, this is to do with lucid dreaming.
Uh, the way that, um, Buddhists do it as well, because Buddhists and the Tibetan lineage, this is going a bit deeper now. Maybe you're not resonating with this, but to be honest, I don't care because this will change your life. If you actually take this on board and not just this life, it will.
Change many lifetimes for you, but it's going very deep now, but you know, I like to go deep dream yoga. They believe that once you finish this lifetime, like you die, you pass away. There's a, there's a period where you're in like a dreamlike state and in that dreamlike state, if you are not conscious, AKA you're not lucid, which most people are not, like if most people are not lucid in their day, they're not present.
If most people are not lucid in their dreams, they're not lucid. They're definitely not going to be lucid in the Bardo state in this transition period. Which then means that you go into your next lifetime unconsciously.
So instead of choosing what you want to do after this lifetime, or having more of a choice on it, let's say, you just go into it automatically. So instead of you, it's like the difference between you choosing to, um, get a Ferrari this lifetime, or somebody automatically placing you into some, uh, Vauxhall, or some second hand car, you know? No offense to the Vauxhall drivers, okay?
Like, but there's a big difference, right? So this is why I recommend this because not only is it preparing you for after this lifetime, if you're into that, but the techniques that they give are very powerful for lucid dreaming. Like even if you're like, you know what, forget next lifetime, I'm living for today YOLO and you just want to learn some extra lucid dreaming techniques.
That book will help you. The second thing, final thing to do with front of mind is all to do, if you know those 20 things that you wrote down in the desire point, the first point at the part of this video, you're going to pick your top three things. And at least one time in the day, you're going to take a random situation and you're going to imagine that you're in a dream now.
So you're going to tell yourself, this is a dream, but the only difference now you're going to take it one step further is if this actually was a dream, what would you do to achieve that one thing that you wanted to achieve? So let me give you an example. Let's say one of your top three things in the dream was to, uh, be Ironman and fly in the sky, for example, or fly to outer space.
Let's say fly to outer space. Imagine now in the day, I'm looking, I'm like, okay, this is a dream and I'm going to use my one opportunity today, or you can use more, but let's just say it's one, and I'm going to imagine how I would actually fly to outer space from here, like what I would actually do. So if I imagine it, I would be like, okay, I'm recording a video, but this is a dream.
So I'm not going to continue recording this video, or maybe I would just for the bants. Once I finish the video, I'm going to open this window fully and I would actually just jump out the window and fly. Straight into outer space, straight past the atmosphere, straight past these clouds, straight into outer space, and fly all the way past the planets and go as far as I can.
Like, I'm actually not just saying that, I'm actually visualizing myself do that. What this is going to do, this is very powerful. Not only is this keeping this at the front of your mind, and it's very connected to your true desire, the one thing that you want to do, or the one of the three things, you can cycle between them, the top three.
Now it's also building your imagination, and training your brain on the thought processes of actually doing this. You're not just stopping at, for example, talking about fire. You're actually putting your imagination next to the fire, feeling the power, feeling the heat, feeling the source.
You're actually putting your imagination to doing that thing. If it was, let's say you wanted to speak to your higher self or speak to your subconscious mind and ask them a question, you would actually ask, you actually say, okay, this is a dream. You would then imagine, am I going to walk out that door and see a dream figure that is my higher self or my subconscious mind?
Am I going to spawn them here? Am I going to carry on recording this video and ask my reflection in this video to be my subconscious mind and give me the answers? Like, just play out your imagination in a different scenario every time.
You could be at work imagining what you're going to do. You could be on a date imagining what you're going to do. You could be going for a walk imagining what you're going to do to achieve one of those top three situations.
You could do anything. If you do this frequent lucid dreaming formula, desire will go from 3, 4, 5, 6 out of 10 to 8, 9, 10 out of 10 presence will start to raise from where most people are at in the day. 2 out of 10 1 out of 10.
I'm not even joking here. No exaggeration. Most people are walking around like zombies.
You see it. You've you experience this we're going to be raising that presence to 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Then from there the front of the mind lucid dreaming will always be on the mind morning is setting the tone In the day you're building that through with that practice I just shared now at night is setting the tone just before sleep you set your intention for night The lucid dreaming can happen as early as tonight. Do not underestimate this formula.
What I would like you to do is straight away, after this video, I know 90% of you watching this is not going to do this, but for the 10% who do actually do this, enjoy your lucid dream tonight. Take a notepad out after this video. Write down your top 20 things that you're going to do.
Even if you know them in your mind, write them down. Circle those things. Carry on with the presence.
Carry on with the front of the mind. And let me know in the comments One, when you lucid dream and what you do. Two, before that even happens, let me know actually now, what you actually are most looking forward to doing in a lucid dream.
And if you got any value from this video, hit the like button. If you want more videos like this on your feed, make sure to hit the subscribe button to keep making your life get better and better and better. Other than that, I will look forward to seeing you in the next video and hearing all your dream, lucid dreaming success stories.
Much love, and I'll see you in the next one.