How Charlie Morgan Made a $803,000/m Skool Community

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Ryan Mathews
How did Charlie Morgan create a Skool community that produces over $800,00/m? In this video, we unco...
Video Transcript:
this 26-year-old makes over $800,000 a month with a simple sales funnel a school community and a few hidden strategies but how how did he go from Z to over $25,000 a day and drastically past all of his competitors well the answers are in these pages so what you're seeing right here is the machine that produces Charlie Morgan over $800,000 a month and we're going to get into the breakdown of each Channel as well as the different channels that he started with and what he's ultimately using now and how his strategy is timately changed over the past few years so Charlie actually started with YouTube organic a friend of mine that works with him recently posted about how he got this channel YouTube organic to $500,000 a month before really doing any other channels I don't think it's producing quite that anymore I think it's dropped a little bit as his Focus has split but he's Diversified and scaled so as we look at his YouTube strategy I think it's very interesting because again he got this over half a million a month without that big of an audience I think he even broke that before he had 100,000 subscrib rers and his strategy has changed a little bit over the years which A friend of mine has actually seen behind the curtains and gave me some extra information as to how he has done this so what is the strategy well the first thing I want to know is how it's changed over the years if you look at his thumbnails and his editing style from a year ago there's b-roll there's you know highly edited thumbnails there's kind of the traditional style and a few months ago something changed for Charlie my friend told me that he was the one that gave him this advice my friend blew up on YouTube and was making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month off of YouTube and Charlie textt him and asked what are you doing and his response was I basically just don't try or something like that and you can see a shift here from these really edited thumbnails so all of a sudden he's just standing in front of a whiteboard kind of like Sam oven's old videos and the second thing that's really interesting is the titles right like look at this one how I lowercase i scale to $1 million per month I guess right comma I guess with a lowercase i very informal not a ton oh look at that we got a Charlie Morgan ad we're going to dive into a minute how his ads are working why they're working and how the funnel changes from organic to paid ads but we see this very like nonchalant strategy on his YouTube channel so for him that's worked I think that shows that there's a lot of nuance to organic content and really just Marketing in general right like there's the MrBeast hypy editing uh crazy thumbnails right that has worked so well for him and proven so effective but then Charlie for whatever reason in his demographic in the market he's trying to serve he's found that these have actually produced more View and if you look at his most popular videos it's like him sitting in front of his house and you know it says LOL in the title right it's it's nothing super crazy so if you look at this where is he look look at this intro right it's just like him standing in front of the camera and there's like basically no editing in this entire video so where does this go where is he directing his traffic to I love the copy here he says I hate kity funnels and being pitched just as much as you do but if you're curious about how we help agency owners coaches and Consultants Beyond these videos link below explain and he says there's no email opdate or free training right to be found here but check it out so the link then takes you to this page and once again this is different than what he's doing on paid ads and I think there's a few reasons why but what is this page doing well it calls up the audience agency owners coaches and Consultants you're one step away from learning how you can fill your pipeline with 30 to 100 qualified appointments right not only the volume you want but the quality you want right Ravi abuvala does make very similar in his copy he says get ready to buy appointments on your calendar right every single month guaranteed and the best part is if you don't get clients we don't get paid as we work on a paying results basis now this copy is interesting uh it's really really good copy it's interesting because their model is that they charge you up front but then they kind of view it as like we're holding your money and if we don't get you results you get a refund that's why it's pay on results right there's a very specific outcome that he's actually even more clear on in the funnel we're going to get to in a minute and then a really good copy in this video which again we'll get to in a minute and then step two here is a calendly link where it says schedule your free growth call this says your answers will remain completely confidential and are used to prepare a strategy for you prior to the call okay two really cool things that are going on here one they're reducing the fuds right the the fears the uncertainties and the doubts associated with putting your information here and booking a cult right that you're not going to be confidential they're going to sell your information right whatever it may be and then secondly they're adding motivation right if you boil down down the reason why somebody would book a call versus not book a call it's the fuds right reducing those the fears uncertainties and doubts and increasing the motivation which is what this is doing they're used to prepare a strategy for you prior to the call right gives you reason behind these probing questions that they're about to ask on this calendar to qualify you right I also think this is very interesting as well what you'll learn on your free growth call right A lot of these calls are sales calls right and this one is a call as well but they have this positioning of what you'll learn and I'm sure you do kind of walk away with some valuable insights right so booking appointments client and uh delivery and scaling and sales Mastery right these things that you're interested in learning and it's a more great copy here and then proof right he's adding proof to again reduce the fears uncertainty and doubts just an overloading amount of video testimonials uh trust pilot right different forms of social proof more information on the offer and more information on the guarantee right and then pushes you right back to book a call to action when you book that call it takes you to a very simple confirmation page but again there's more things going on this page that are increasing their show rate as well as increasing the people that show up that want to buy before they even get on the appointment so it says congratulations your appointment has been scheduled and confirmed and it says please make sure that you put this in your calendar right now because they want to make sure that you show up and then this video has a few really really really good things in here he basically says hey thanks for booking a call right gives you more motivation to show up he says we have a very strict no ghosting policy which basically is like if you don't show up you know you can't reschedule so make sure you show up and so forth right just making sure that he's increasing his show rate getting people on the calls because what he doesn't want is his clothes are sitting there at 11:00 a. m. when he's supposed to be on a call but the person's not answering right it's a missed opportunity and it's a point that a lot of people have a bottleneck inside of their funnel right they can get calls but they can't get people to show up up and that can be solved with a lot of things on this page a lot of things on the page previous and what happens between this page and the call gives him information about the call and then lastly on this page he goes over recent client interviews 2300 happy clients can't be wrong different to case studies that were on the previous page right so he's just overloading proof once again more client results here and you can go to another page and then it points to his YouTube channel this needs more padding this is very ugly Charlie please have your funnel designer add a little bit more padding here between the image and this headline but then this goes over um more client case studies on that channel trust pilot right and again more client results so he's increasing the proof the believability increasing motivation for you to get on the call so that's the organic side that produce over half a million doll a month now obviously there's a lot going on on the service delivery there's a lot going on on the sales call that are making it to where that funnel is effective but I think what really makes or breaks this funnel is the offer that we're going to get into right now so if you go to ads transparency Center you can actually look at the ads that anybody's running including Charlie by coming here and searching by the URL right so he runs on this URL the Imperium agency.
com so if we search ads by that domain we'll see all of the ads that he is running but what's very very good about these ads is the copy with inside of them right so let's watch just a little bit of this right now 20 180 that's how many clients I'm going to get you and that's how many days it's going to take me to do it boom amazing hook right but really an amazing offer right 20 new clients in 180 days but what comes next is even better and I will do it on a pay on results basis and I will guarantee it works as I have done for more than 2,000 agency owners coaches and Consultants so he'll do on a pay and results basis right and he'll guarantee it works as he's done for 2,000 other people right so big offer risk reversal social proof is what we've seen so far in this ad but the offer gets even better if you're interested click on the app hey my name is Charlie so called extremely quickly in the ad and now it switches over to the slideshow right to push people that aren't quite Che yet to the landing page so it's actually not in this copy but I've seen him talk about some copy about how not only is it a pain in results basis but if he can't get you the result that he's promising you he will refund you every penny and wire you $5,000 how great of an offer is that right literally like you're guaranteed to get paid by doing this now obviously Charlie's not stupid and he's giving himself some protection here that I'm sure people have to come in and meet some requirements and so forth in order to qualify for that but that is a really solid offer this says agency owners coaches and Consultants learn how you can fill your pipeline with a 100 qualified appointments every single month guaranteed right so calling out the audience and then big result right 100 qualified appointments every month guaranteed enter your name and email below to get access to the free training you click yes I want access there's also this tap here to watch the video now I don't know why that is there if that actually increases conversion rate that's interesting never see anybody do that this video style thing here opens up the popup as well all of those take you to the thank you page which is very similar to the page we reviewed earlier right however there's a few changes the copy Chang a little bit here and this say 100% guaranteed and then this video is different right and this takes you to another page so one difference is on YouTube ads it goes from video page to a calendar page separately whereas on Facebook ads and organic YouTube it goes straight to a video page where you can book on Cal now I don't know if they've tested that or if that just happens to be how they did it but it is interesting so if you're running Facebook and YouTube ads there might be something there right where Facebook for whatever reason the booking in bed works better on the video page whereas on YouTube it's to take you to another page all together so this copy inside of this vssl though is really like we we'd be remiss if we did not talk about this right he says welcome to the funnel is the hook this is something that trelly does I think he's brilliant for doing is he throws rocks at the the free trainings the case studies right the webinars all the things that we don't want to go through as marketers because he's selling to marketers right so this very interesting Niche right this probably wouldn't work if you're selling to other people that aren't marketers but he's selling to literally people who know exactly what he's doing so he's calling that out so then he goes over the offer extremely quickly into this video right normally the traditional way with vsls and webinars is you you know spend 20 minutes 45 minutes building up to the offer and then you give the offer whereas he within 20 seconds right he says in the next 10 minutes I'm going to show you how you can sign 20 new high ticket clients for your agency coaching or Consulting business in the next 180 days guaranteed and if you don't we'll give you full refund again here's the offer and pay you out $5,000 of our own pocket right ballsy ballsy offer right and then goes through uh all you urgency and scarcity testimonials right all the stuff you'd expect to see inside of a vsl hitting on all the pleasure points and the pain points right of of the way you're currently doing things then here right the pleasure points of what you could have if you use this new system predictable and consistent flow of appointments multiple channels booking you calls hands-off growth right people who are a fit uh coming to them no more feast and family right all the pain points that he's seen and heard on sales calls and he's delved into in his market research that he's pulling into his copy to make a really killer vsl and then of course right he does a call to action where he pushes you to click the button and schedule a call which takes takes you to a separate page where there is this caly link and then that will take you to a confirmation page so it's interesting that they they've separated these two steps on YouTube whereas they don't do that on the organic funnel right but then again we already went over that confirmation page and then after this there of course is email follow-ups you get on a zoom call and then you're pitched to purches program which I believe is $10,000 uh and then there's some upsell purchases down the road now the first time I opted in a Charlie's funnel last week I got about nine emails in 4 days from Charlie uh just pushing me back to either book a call or go and watch the vssl once again right so that was the call to action in those emails and there's some good copy there might be worth it to opt in and read those for yourself so I think the YouTube ads here are doing probably a few hundred, a month right just thinking he's doing around $800,000 to a million dollars a month in USD I know he was doing around half a million with Organic YouTube I'm assuming that's dropped a little bit just to make all the the numbers make sense in my mind so I'm assuming maybe he's doing 300 and 300 on YouTube organic and YouTube ads maybe another 100,000 or so on Facebook ads and he's doing about $1. 3 million a year through his Mastermind he's run 55 people instead of his Mastermind which is the Ascension uh from Easy grow which is his front end offer that then ascends into the Mastermind I'm assuming that's at least 25 Grand that might be 36 Grand like Sam 's old Mastermind was and Charlie Morgan has been called the new Sam oven so I'm assuming he's pricing it very similar 55 people at 25 Grand that's $1.
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