The Epiphany goes off in your mind when you do a million dollars in a day you think to yourself what have I been doing with like all the other days of my [Music] life today I'm here with one of my close friends Eileen Wilder and she done not once but twice now which is making a million dollars in a day cuz the clients they just want the end result so they don't care if it's 6,000 30,000 they're like can you help me soon as we did that 34 people came right in and that was it
I kept increasing my conviction is what I call it like almost every couple phone calls so I would be like selling the same package I was for 297 at 6K within a couple weeks yeah High tiet makes it go faster not selling one to one but selling one to many will also make it go faster so now it's like I'm having one sales conversation but I'm having it with 20 40 100 200 people somebody paying me for knowledge that was like when I got first started in this business people that talk about numbers like that
that wasn't a thing that we even shot towards or tried and I remember the very first time the very first person in our this industry was a guy named John ree he made a million dollars in the day and I remember I was like a 22 or 23 year old kid when I heard that and for me it was like somebody had broken the four Min a mile you guys have heard the story about Roger banister and everyone said it's impossible break the four Min a mile then Roger Bannister broke it and then like 20
days later something else broke it now it's been like 2 or 3 thousand people have broken it since it and I remember for me when when when John ree broke the million dollar day is like that's what gave me belief that it was possible and so my goal with this video is Eileen's here she's done it not once now but twice and just a few years ago you were new to this whole world this is like not something this is not like she's been doing this for 40 years now she's finally got to the point
like this is something that's newer for you and so uh my goal is for everyone who's watching this that I want this to be the for of Mile I want you guys setting this as like a goal and intention not like alth this is impossible it's never going to happen but the reason why it was powerful for me is when John Reed it I was like I want to do that I got to figure out a way to do it and so my goal for you guys is to like is to hear this and then
like set that as an intention and goal like I got to figure out how to reverse engineer and actually do that so that's it I thanks for coming to hang out with me today I'm excited would you like I want to tie like people timeline like when did you transition into like you're going to become a speaker these kind of things how long ago was that about four years ago I came to your event and up until that time I actually was in nonprofit Ministry so I was a pastor for 18 years but a friend
of mine said you have to come to funnel hacking live and I was like what's that and she's like it's a marketing event I was like cool what's marketing I didn't understand anything about sales or really like the internet I had just been a preacher and a pastor and been speaking all over the world and but we weren't making a lot of money in the nonprofit Ministry so we sat in the back of your event and started hearing about things like offers or like I don't know you just reusing new words like contribution and teaching
and training and online and my eyes just felt like and then you had a bunch of people come up in they get awards for doing a million dollars and doing even more than that and I was just like what is happening right now I am so confused but this is amazing it was like a rock concert but it felt like Disney World but we're like making millions of dollars and I was like whatever this is I would love this placee so so you learned about it and then it's interesting cuz have a lot of people
come into our world who go to the bed and they go back home and nothing ever happens but for you like you went and took action very quickly um I know you made a video that was little janky I let hear that part of the story it's fascinating yeah well you got up and you were like listen guys this is what you need to do you need to like make an offer and I was like sweet what is an offer and then you like mapped it out and you're like it's like packaging up your expertise
and your knowledge and this thing I was like that sounds insane I still didn't know how to do that or what that looked like exactly but I was so excited from the event and you were like you can do this and I was like I can do this I just like this is what I just believed and um went home and wa made a janky video In My two-bedroom apartment I turned the camera my my iPhone uh so you couldn't see like my bed and and um like in your actual bedroom oh yeah 100% yeah
like I still have it and it's so bad and it's just 2 minutes long but I'm like it's my first attempt at like hey guys if you'd be interested in this thing and I'm super awkward and and you know it was it was a terrible video um but I put it out on social media I was like just messaging friends and sure enough like people were showing interest and then I got on the phone with them and I started um selling if you money the very first time you sold somebody something how was that cuz
I'm sure you never no I never I'd never taken I had never what the big thing for me was somebody paying me for knowledge that was in my head yeah that was like I I mean I tried to when someone said yes I remember I sold it for $297 I tried to act like so cool I was like it's only $297 and they were like I'm in I was like I mean I I I was like are you are you sure cuz it's in my head yeah exactly but um that proc process was just transformative
for me because it was the very beginning of seeing that other people pay other people for tips training knowledge expertise shortcut the process for them and I was like just started making sense for them and for me and I got excited and and I just kept kept going on the phone kind of selling those offers and increasing the price and that's when yeah so I'll talk about the pricing because um I'm a big math like reverse engine math so I remember one day sitting down when I was trying to figure out how I going to
make a million dollars y my first goal was a million dollars in a year I didn't set for a day how do I do that so I reverse engineered I remember I was like a million dollars divided by 365 and the number I you know number off top this is my favorite number $2,739 73 a day every day for year is a million dollars so I was like okay $2,739 73 like how do I make 2700 bucks a day basically right and so I remember back then you probably heard my story I made a potato
gun DV I started selling that I was making like 20 bucks a day on that so okay I've got one thing making 20 bucks now I got to think get another thing so I started creating all these different funnels trying to and So eventually I had like 10 different businesses all making $10 like $30 and then like try to get to that number interesting and it was hard though cuz I'm juggling now with 20 different offers and stuff like that so you went the opposite where you took 200 your offer 297 and then yeah and
so the math is like at 297 you have to sell 10 a day every single day for a year to make a million dollars okay good but you didn't do that so how did you okay so my friend Jackie who who invited me to your event she was like listen there's this thing called high ticket and I was like what's that and she's like it's not low ticket it's high ticket and high ticket is way better because you can serve the clients at a higher level and like do all this cool stuff and like hire
team and they love it but you also get a cash infusion I was like that sounds great and sounds faster to me that's the problem people you buy a $27 ebook from me I can't it's like I can give it to you and then that's kind of B yeah yeah 100% she was like and then we started studying even deeper like that in many ways that people are looking for a fast result especially if they're trying to change their life or you know maybe they're wrestling with something in their health that they would just prefer
to spend High ticket so they can get that result faster so I was like I can help people quickly so let's just go that way and did you go like 297 and then just jumped up or you kind of incrementally grow it all time yeah so I kept increasing my conviction is what I call it like every almost every couple Fone calls so I would be like okay it's 287 then I'd double it and be like okay it's 600 okay it's 1,200 I kept going like 32 I don't even know how to double the numbers
but like just kept going until 4 6K I think I stopped right there so I was selling the same package I was for 297 at 6K within a couple weeks yeah yeah and that was awesome that's crazy my husband was like what are you doing I was like I don't know but it's like it's working and everyone was the clients were loving it and it was it was awesome so cool so now you got that part of figured out then how did you cuz yeah going from there to a million dollars a day like what
was the transition now I'm on the phone all day and I'm getting like tired and then this is this is common for people who sell on the phone or or if they have a big sales steaming it just creates like it's like a lot of things and exhaustion so then I learned first about this from you was selling one to many so that idea I was like oh my gosh so just like high ticket makes it go faster not selling one to one but selling one to many will also make it go faster so now
it's like I'm having one sales conversation but I'm having it with 20 40 100 200 people yeah one time and then they all hear it and then they can all buy so the first time I implemented that I had a small room it was a it was a actually I had like a small little Ballroom no it was not even a ballroom it was a break it was a very small row with 12 people in it and I did my presentation one to many and I closed six half of them bought half of them bought
and that day I did like 108,000 in one day this my first sixf figure day so I was like and I turned to my husband who was like still Uber driving to support us and I was like this is it you can quit you I was like it's it's high ticket and it's one to many it's the fastest path so we just like quickly figured out how to do the numbers so you could do a million in a day that's cool what interesting we said that I remember my very first six figure day was um
similar I was my price point was only $2,000 but I was in room about 500 people and same I spoke and people ran the back and they bought but it was the same thing one one presentation for 500 people and I think I did 180,000 in sales I was just like and I remember because you know Brett Coop Peter's on my team Brett had just started working with me I I met him in college and so like he didn't understand this world at all he was there and I remember getting off stage and I was
just like I can't believe we did and he's like you made more in 90 minutes than than my parents make in a year then Than People teachers make in 5 years like he just couldn't fathom that and I was like it's so great cuz we're so used to thinking about like trading dollar for time so like I make $50 an hour $100 an hour like that's awesome it's like you know again now High ticket now you go from one to to one you make $10,000 an hour and they one to many it's like the sky
is limit okay so then let's transition out to your very first million dollar day what did that look like what was the setup like what was yeah um yep yep so one of the cool things was just learning how to make high ticket offers like learning the skill set of offer creation so I was like okay I can make kind of a $6,000 offer like what would it look like if I made a $30,000 offer and I think to do a million dollars in a day I think it's like 34 sales at 30k puts you
over a million dollars so I was like okay I stay to get enough people in the room where I could sell 34 people not this $30,000 so we just kind of reverse engineered how many people would need to be in the room um to sell 34 because when we did that I learned that even if you're selling at those higher price points like it's really just the same thing like it's like because the clients they just want the end result so they don't care if it's 6,000 or 30,000 they're like can you help me you
know what I mean you're like yes I can 100% help you so soon as we did that yeah 34 people came right in and that was it like and then I mean it's funny now numbers start to feel funnier at this point in time but the with the epiphan goes off in your mind when you do a million dollars in a day you think to yourself what have I been doing with like all the other days of my life what have I been focusing on or what am I focusing on my business that isn't collecting
people in a room to present an offer like this like it just doesn't make sense really yeah so often we get we get caught up in all the little all the the busy things or the things like oh there's this problem this problem this and that and like I have a very similar situation where like there's probably four days a year where I make them majority of my money wow and then the other 3 65 like I don't know what I'm doing like you know I'm doing a lot of stuff but you know and obviously
those things all are part of it it's building audiences and stuff like that but it's like there are definitely times where it's like these actions are what makes the most amount of money like how do we engineer and have those more often inside of our business I'm curious now for that offer for the $30,000 offer how often do you offer that right now certain times all the time is it right now we're probably offering once a month cuz now we have it like Evergreen so it's like once a month that we're offering that and I've
learned cuz sometimes it stresses people out like well what's in the $30,000 offer and you know that sounds like that's going to be so hard to deliver on that but it's really not like there's some so many light so leverage happens at so many points in business so it's like to me Leverage is like let's just make this offer more often so let's make this once a month once yeah once a month and let's not offer a 12month or super long program let's just like make a $30,000 Workshop so then we have to deliber it
like that so it's like time compression in every facet yeah it's so cool it's funny cuz I'm sure people watching this right now like one of the things when I got this world I thought High ticket was one thing like um in fact for me like $5,000 my first start that's high ticket that's the most expenses my first offer it was $5,500 I remember that was your first offer first High ticket offer that you bought or you sold that I sold okay okay and I remember then I joined Dan Kenny's Mastermind group and I go
to The Mastermind group and everyone had a chance to present their business so I presented mine I'm like I have a free DVD people buy it we call them on the phone we sell $5,500 thing yeah and I remember um Bill Glazer asked me he like well what do you sell the people who bought the $5,500 offer I was like what do you mean like they gave me all their money like that's it that's the end of like that's what Poss was possible he said no you don't understand you have a you have a $5,500
buyer there like that person wants to more money and I was I didn't understand it now to put in perspective I had paid I think $118,000 to be in that Mastermind and then that night of the Mastermind Bill Glazer got up and he presented this documentary they making called the phenomenon and for $30,000 you could be interviewed in the phenomenon and there's 18 of us in the room and N of 18 people gave him $30,000 and I was like I'm an $8,000 buyer I didn't even understand that and like it blew my mind like I
remember like my whole world shipped I was like I thought $5,000 was the peak right and I saw like I had paid 18 wor that was now the new Peak and then the people 18 half of them paid 30 and it kept it kept raising so I I want just for those who are still like hard to grasp this like some of you guys $30,000 you're like that's impossible that's what I make in a year if you can't fathom it but I want to I want to set this bar even higher you have a $250,000
offer yes and people give you money for $50,000 and the Fulfillment is not like you come and work for them for the next 10 years of your life it's a one day thing right like talk about just how you have the mentality to like I'm going to try a whole TI above yes yes well you know what's so cool is like the the more you raise your prices the easier everything becomes like the client is more amazing than you've ever thought possible the work is less than you ever imagined possible and just the entire experience
is feels effortless so when I grasp the fact that people will pay whatever it is like that you could possibly imagine as long as you can get them the result so if I can make someone a million dollars and you've made like 40 million bajillion millionaires like if I could help someone else make a million dollars they would gladly trade me 250k that million dollars so that's the thing it's like I'm not going to work 10 years it's like I can help you get this result in one day like you can so it's like let's
just hey wouldn't it hey this would be more fun if we just like didn't talk for 12 months but we just like hung out for one day you know what I mean it's like that sounds way more fun it doesn't even require a lot of logic you're just like yep I can totally help you make a million dollars so I'll take your $ 250 and I'll trade you a million dollar is and then they often get more than a million dollars so I think it's just the exchange of value and how and not to be
afraid you know I forget what Dan Kennedy calls it but it's like price um elasticity price elasticity and he also to price cowardice he also talks about being cowardly and so it's just not being afraid to raise your prices and even put more value on the work and that you're providing people not be afraid of that yeah yeah it is fascinating too like um I look at you know we have programs every step along the way and like the people to sign up for a free trial or for a you know $27 offer a free
book typically are harder clients than the person who spend $50,000 $150,000 $250,000 um which is interesting yep and so by even looking and starting with high ticket you bypass a lot of the the stress and headaches and things like that right the person the client or the person is willing or willing or able to write you a $30,000 check they're a different caliber than someone who's not so it's like they're not as needy they're not as like they've gone through the the personal devel to get the point where they can write a check at that
point and so you don't have to do a lot of the the heavy lifting of like you know where someone bought a book for $7 off a free plus shipping offer and I'm trying to help them and say like no you actually can build a funnel it's not that hard or you can like share your story and you know and it's it's uh it's interesting the high ticket clients are the best yeah the best you actually enjoy it I mean you really yeah you're like really let's hang out like there's so much fun see a
clients you so there you go so you four years ago got started you launched a $297 high ticket offer and another one another one2 billion days $250,000 offers like what's next for you where are we going from here well my goal is to scale to100 billion that's my goal but while work working less than parttime so I love leverage I love space I love time I love High ticket and I love selling one to many because it enables you to hit whatever it is that you know your goal is but still have so much freedom
of time and family and fun so that's my goal so cool theone wants to watch you uh as you're doing this goal where's the best place for going to go o follow you in the journey yeah speaking I have a free toolkit where you can learn all the stuff that I'm talking about high tiet offer Sol from stage so cool so yeah speak of thanks I for hanging out with us today yeah and uh you guys can do it if I can do a million dollar day twice and if I can have Su
like you guys can do this the biggest key is just like believing it's actually possible for you and the first yeah you know your abilities might not be there yet which is why it's like you have to start on this process start on this path like ien had to s $97 offer before she was she felt capable do the next one and the next one but it's just like getting on the process and the path and as you do it your skill set will increase your capacity will get bigger you get better and better and
and honestly the sky's limit so thank you for being such a cool example of all that and uh setting a goal for everybody else to go and hit their million dollar day as well let's [Music] go