PROOF The End Times Are Here

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Trend one the God of this world will distract people 2 Corinthians 4 four in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the Glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them the Apostle Paul warns that Satan referred to as the God of this world blinds the minds of those who do not believe trapping them in spiritual Darkness in simple terms Satan is working behind the scenes and this trend will only intensify as we approach 2025 in Luke 21:34 Jesus
gives a Stern warning to Believers be careful or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing drunkenness and the anxieties of life and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap this verse perfectly illustrates the dangers that distractions pose to the soul distractions whether they be in the form of worldly pleasures materialism or the Relentless bombardment of entertainment and social media pull people away from their faith and preparedness for the coming of Christ we are warned to stay alert to not allow our hearts to be overwhelmed by the cares and anxieties of this
life consider the pace at which life is moving people live their lives grow older and eventually die all while being distracted many are so caught up in the fast lane of life that they neglect what truly matters their relation relationship with God time moves swiftly doesn't it look back on the years that have passed look at how quickly life is moving forward this world is full of people who are aging by the day yet they are distracted from the most important truth their Eternal Destiny this life is filled with distractions some subtle some blatant that
pull us away from what truly matters and the Bible repeatedly warns us about these distractions I have come to believe that one of the greatest ways the devil blinds people from the Glorious light of the gospel is through busyness we live in a society that is constantly on the go a society that demands instant results quick fixes and fast-paced living people are constantly occupied rushing from one task to another multitasking and feeling like there are never enough hours in the day you may be listening to this sermon while juggling two or three other activities why
because you are busy ours is a society and hyperdrive instant coffee next day delivery instant this instant that we have become so accustomed to speed that many of us feel like 24 hours in a day is not enough to accomplish everything we want distractions come in many forms take for example the Johnny Depp verses Amber herd defamation trial in 2022 this case garnered massive Global attention not just on traditional TV networks but across various online platforms the law and crime Network live stream of the trial averaged over three million views daily with peak days reaching
over 5 million concurrent viewers by the time the trial ended the law and crime Network's coverage had amassed over 1 billion views across platforms the combined viewership from other media Outlets news networks and viral social media Clips likely pushed the total engagement far beyond that figure over a billion views focusing on two actors engaged in a legal dispute now let me ask you in the grand scheme of Eternity what did this court case between two actors truly matter yet millions of people were captivated deeply invested in something that ultimately had no bearing on their souls
deeply invested in something that ultimately is pointless to their own life it was a distraction pure and simple the world was consumed by this story now fast forward to recent events sha Diddy comes the famous music mogul was recently arrested and is facing serious federal charges including trafficking and racketeering his trial is expected to take place sometime in 2025 already there is massive anticipation surrounding this case and it is expected to draw millions of viewers worldwide just like the dep herd trial but again we must ask what Eternal significance does this trial hold we watching
endless hours of news coverage about the P Diddy case benefit you in any way form or fashion no it is a d distraction will it prepare you for eternity or will it be just another distraction we live in a world filled with distractions entertainment social media political events materialism these are all tools that the enemy uses to Blind the minds of the masses and the sad truth is many people will spend countless hours consumed by these distractions never once thinking about their relationship with God the devil being the God of this world has constructed a
culture a society that lures mankind into thinking that this life is all there is the gospel message confronts you with the reality that you will die and that you will then be judged by an eternal God the gospel message attests to this and one of the ways the devil hides this gospel message is by keeping you too busy too busy for God this world does not want you to be ready for the greatest appointment of your life there is an appointment that all men and women must keep and that appointment is with God the Bible
tells us this very clearly Hebrews 9:27 and as it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the Judgment you can't avoid this subject this is something that all men and women must deal with so I ask you the question again are you ready to meet God are you prepared yes you've prepared your 401k yes you have prepared for retirement yes you have prepared for your children's future but are you preparing to meet God don't you want to be ready to meet God don't you want to be ready to meet God don't you
want to be ready for that day when it comes don't you I am not here to try to make you feel good with a fluffy Feelgood gospel that raises your self-esteem what I am preaching about today is not to make you feel good I am not going to try to get you to live your best life today I am not going to tell you five Godly principles to make more money I am not going to talk to you about 10 steps to your breakthrough on the grand scheme of things none of those things matter what
matters is you and your God that on the day of judgment am I ready am I prepared what good is it to have all the money in the world and still spend an eternity in hell what good is it to be a king or queen on this Earth and still spend an eternity in hell what good is it for you to suffer in this life and still spend an eternity in hell look for this trend to continue in 2025 more and more people will be distracted by the here and the now Trend two wars and
rumors of wars in Matthew 24 Jesus told us you will hear of wars and rumors of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed such things must happen but the end is still to come these words serve as a powerful reminder that in the last days we will witness an increase in Conflict both real and threatened as we look at the world today it is clear that this trend is not only continuing but intensifying the Bible's warning about wars and rumors of wars is being fulfilled before our very eyes and this trend is
likely to escalate further in the years to come including 2025 Israel a key player in biblical prophecy is currently engaged in Conflict on four fronts tensions between Israel and Iran continue to rise with Iran's nuclear Ambitions posing a significant threat to Israel's security any escalation between these two Nations could have far-reaching consequences potentially pulling in other Regional and Global powers on another front Russia and Ukraine remain locked in a brutal war that has devastated the region and created global economic ripples this conflict which began in 2022 has shown no signs of deescalate and continues to
stoke fears of a broader European War the geopolitical landscape is more unstable than ever with NATO countries and Russia on heightened alert meanwhile China's increasing military activities around Taiwan are raising concerns of an imminent Invasion should China invade Taiwan the consequences could be catastrophic leading to a global conflict that draws in the United States and its allies Taiwan is a strategic hub for Global Technology production and any war in this region could have massive ramifications for the global economy and security closer to home the United States faces its own internal strife with a highly anticipated
2024 president presidential election between Donald Trump and kamla Harris there are growing concerns that this election could further polarize the country and possibly lead to civil unrest some fear that America could be on the brink of a larger civil conflict driven by political divisions that are only deepening as we approach 2025 the Bible's prophecy of wars and rumors of wars is more relevant than ever we are witnessing an increase in global conflict and this trend shows no sign of slowing down stay watchful for these signs point to the coming days foretold in scripture Trend three
the removal of the restrainer 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-7 let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of predition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he is God sth in the temple of God showing himself that he is God remember ye not that when I was yet with you I told you these things and now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in
his time for the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now lth will let until he be taken out of the way who is this restrainer the Bible speaks of who is this being with the immense power to hold back the floodgates of sin and law lessness from fully taking over our world who is this restrainer that stands against the overwhelming forces of Darkness preventing the complete manifestation of evil on Earth these are questions that stir the hearts of many as we approach the times foretold in scripture but who is this restrainer only
the Holy Spirit has the authority and power to hold back Sin from reaching its fullest expression as the verse says he who now lth will let until he be taken out of the way the term lth found in the King James version is an archaic word that means restrains or holds back in modern language we can interpret it as he who now restrains will continue to do so until he is taken out of the way the Bible does not provide explicit details about how the restrainer will be removed or how the removal will happen will
it be a sudden event or a gradual process will there be a moment of Reckoning or will the Holy Spirit slowly withdraw allowing us to witness the progressive increase of lawlessness the truth is I do not know for certain however I lean toward the latter I believe that the holy spirit is gradually stepping back letting the signs of lawlessness intensify before our very eyes if we pay attention to the world around us we can begin to see it look at the society we live in do you not see it we are living in a time
where we find ourselves among a generation that is increasingly antagonistic towards the name of Christ the world is growing more hostile towards biblical truth and those who stand for it it's not a mere coincidence this is a deliberate orchestrated movement toward lawlessness there is a great apostasy taking place right before our eyes a deliberate turning away from God and embracing of Darkness the world is being prepared primed for deception being groomed to accept the man of sin with open arms in 2025 as you navigate this world of deception and moral Decay pay close attention to
the subtle yet persistent Trends signaling the gradual with drawal of the restrainer the Holy Spirit we live in an age of deception perhaps unlike any other time in history consider the decreasing trust in mainstream media and government institutions for instance a recent poll showed a sharp decline in public trust towards news outlets according to a study by Gallup only 34% of Americans express trust in mass media marking an all-time low in media credibility to truly grasp the significance of this drop let's look back at historical levels of trust in the media in the mid 1970s
around 72% of Americans reported having a great deal or a fair amount of trust in mass media yet now only 34% of Americans express trust in mass media this is an all-time low this trend is not limited to the US similar patterns are emerging globally confidence in governmental institutions has also reached alarming lows people are no longer looking to their governments for answers these are signs of the times in the last last days we are told that deception will be rampant and this is exactly what we are witnessing people no longer know what to believe
or who to believe I encourage you to believe in the Bible and the Bible alone trust the Bible and the Bible alone if you're confused go to the Bible if you are lost go to the Bible if you do not know what decision to make go to the Bible the gradual withdrawal of the holy spirit's restraining influence as discussed in 2 Thessalonians 2 : 3 to7 has paved the way for a society that is increasingly ripe for deception the spirit of lawlessness is already at work silently but surely infiltrating our lives and reshaping the moral
and spiritual fabric of society at present Satan the man of sin and sin itself are being restrained the mystery of lawlessness is already at work yet its full manifestation is being held back by the Holy Spirit the principle of lawlessness is present but what we see now is only a shadow of what it could and will be once the restrainer steps aside it is the Holy Spirit who stands between us and the full flood of sin that could consume the world but at the appointed time the Holy Spirit who currently restrains the full revelation of
lawlessness will be taken out of the way what we are witnessing now is the beginning of that removal in 2025 and Beyond look for this trend to continue it is is as if the walls of protection are being slowly dismantled Brick by Brick and lawlessness is creeping into every corner of society we see it in the rise of immorality the rejection of God's truth and the embracing of deception we see it in the increasing lawlessness in our streets in our institutions and even in our churches however it is important to clarify that the holy spirit
will not completely leave the Earth during the Great Tribulation while his restraining influence May be lifted his presence will remain the holy spirit will still be active in the world as many will be saved sealed and serve God during the tribulation period the ministry of the Holy Spirit does not cease but his role as the restrainer will end the holy spirit will be taken out of the way but he will not be removed from the earth we are gradually witnessing the removal of the restrainer and 2025 will likely reveal more of this trend the increasing
deception the rise of lawlessness and the rejection of Truth are clear indications that the world is being prepared for the revelation of the man of sin let us remain Vigilant understanding the times we live in and the significance of the holy spirit's role in holding back the forces of Darkness until God's appointed time
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