God tells us that This Storm WILL PASS, Keep Believing

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Soulful Devotions
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I know better than anyone how hard it is to have hope in the midst of so many daily struggles it's not easy to calm our minds on our own which is why we must always surrender our problems to our Lord Jesus Christ faith in him gives us hope that better days are coming CS Lewis in his book Mere Christianity describes hope not as an escape from reality but as a powerful force that directs us toward eternity he teaches us that by keeping our eyes fixed on heaven we are not ignoring the present but rather we
find the strength to face the trials of this world with courage and perseverance Lewis reminds us that the Christians who accomplished the most for Humanity were those who thought most about heaven God's promise of a glorious future should not distance us from reality but rather equip us to fight with faith knowing that our struggles here are temporary as you will hear in this message the Lord calls us to maintain unwavering Faith even when everything seems to be falling apart just like the apostles who transformed the Roman Empire or the men who fought for the abolition
of slavery we too must remain steadfast in our mission of faith when we focus on God and his kingdom he grants us the strength to overcome life's challenges bringing forth the truth that we are more than conquerors as Paul teaches us in Romans 8 just as job whose life was restored twofold after his suffering God also promises to restore and bless those who remain faithful During trials believe this God is always present working on your behalf Lewis also tells us that if I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy
the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world if none of my Earthly Pleasures satisfy it that does not prove that the universe is a fraud probably Earthly Pleasures were never meant to satisfy it but only to arouse it to suggest the real thing hello we are Soulful devotions if you've made it this far believe that it's not by chance God has a special purpose for your life and we're certain that he led you to us to receive a message of transformation if our content touches your heart we ask that you like
subscribe to our Channel and share it with those you love together we can spread the word and love of God even further now without further delay let's dive into the word of God if there is one message that I deeply wish to share with you right now amidst all the uncertainty and turmoil where fear seems to have settled and the enemy continually tries to weaken the faith of Believers it is this now is the time to stand firm this is not the time to give up the fight or accept defeat no matter how much the
Circ cumstances around you are crumbling and your life seems to be in pieces trust in the Lord he is powerful enough to transform your situation no matter how desperate it may seem let me encourage you even in the most intense difficulties know that God sees your tears and hears your sincere cry in Deuteronomy chap 28:13 there is an extraordinary promise the Lord will make you the head and not the tail as long as you follow his Commandments this Divine promise ensures that you will be lifted up and not humiliated remember that God in his immense
wisdom and love cares for his own and despite the constant lies that the enemy tries to plant in your mind trying to drive you to despair never forget God still Reigns sovereign over all and Is Watching Over Us with Mighty hands I Know The Enemy tries relentlessly to convince you that nothing will change that circumstances will never improve but I tell you trust in God his love for us is immeasurable so deep that no trial no matter how difficult can separate us from him the devil in his malice wants us to give up to surrender
to a spirit of defeat ever never forget that he is the father of Lies already beaten and defeated since the cross in Romans 83537 we are powerfully reminded who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution nothing can separate us from his love the truth is that through Christ who loves us we are more than conquerors not just surv iors but triumphant in all things the trials we Face often do not come to destroy us but to strengthen us at certain points in our journey it's necessary to face difficulties
because it is through them that we grow in faith and experience God's goodness and mercy in a more profound and personal way how could we witness the greatness of his power if we did not experience His blessings in the midst of the storm form with our own eyes it is in adversity that God's grace becomes more evident and it is in life's battles that his goodness shines even brighter being a child of God does not mean being immune to challenges or problems this reminds me of job an exemplary man upright and God-fearing he faced a
series of devastating losses his family his possessions and even his health but he never cursed the Lord even in the midst of such deep suffering job remained steadfast in his faith and in the end God honored his faithfulness restoring his life with double blessings more than he had lost often this is how God works in our lives he sees everything every detail of our journey and at times he may allow a test of faith Faith the devil hates those who love and follow God but even in his attempts to destroy us we must remember that
God never abandons us he is by our side sustaining us and has the power to reverse any situation in our favor my dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ we have the strength needed to face any circumstance as it is written we can do all things through him who strength lengthens us the Bible is full of examples of people who by faith overcame immense challenges just like job these testimonies not only Inspire us but also fill us with hope when we Face our own battles know that God will never allow you to stay down his love
for you is deep and unwavering he has promised that we will be the head and not the tail that we will be lift Ed up and not brought low trust in his promises and the faithfulness of his word in Jeremiah 29 11 the Lord assures us that he has plans to give us hope and a future filled with peace he is always working on your behalf even when we cannot see the path ahead those of us who know God are never without hope our heavenly father is the creator of all things and his desire is
to see his people prosper and flourish yes it's true that we Face challenges and moments of trial but remember what the word tells us weeping may endure for a night but joy certainly comes in the morning lift your head because The Best Is Yet To Come although I do not have the power to change your circumstances I am here to encourage you to believe boldly have faith that God can do the impossible in in your life don't let current difficulties bring you down or divert your trust God is in control and you can be sure
that he is working to make things better in due time the devil may try to strike you down but know that the spirit of the Lord will raise a powerful standard against him this trial you are facing did not come to destroy you but to strengthen you God has already placed within you everything needed to weather the storm never forget who walks beside you Jesus Christ the name above all names trusting in God when everything is going well is easy however it is in the moments of Darkness the true faith is manifested Jesus taught us
that with faith the size of a mustard seed we can move mountains so stand firm knowing that God is with you empowering you to overcome become any challenge that comes your way the Bible is filled with inspiring stories about great Heroes of Faith from Abel to King David Faith as the word teaches us is the Assurance of what we hope for and the conviction of what we do not see even when the circumstances around us seem out of control it is our faith that gives us the confidence that God in his infinite wisdom has a
perfect plan and is in charge of all things know that God will never allow you to fall or be lost he has already won the battle for us and we are his in Isaiah 43 two we find a powerful promise when we pass through turbulent Waters or go through the fire he will be with us protecting us and guiding us with his strong hand this is the confidence we have God is always present no matter the situation therefore when problems arise do not hesitate to seek refuge in the word of God clothe yourself in the
full armor of God and stand firm in faith because our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces and in this fight prayer is our most powerful weapon capable of breaking down any batt barrier God left us powerful examples like job's to inspire and strengthen us in our daily battles he has a Divine Purpose for each of us and all the strength needed to overcome trials has already been planted in our hearts remember that with God you already have everything you need to emerge Victorious regardless of the challenges you encounter along the
way so never forget the Lord is Sovereign he is the king of kings and he is by your side guiding every one of your steps with love and wisdom trust fully in him because he is the solution to All Things the path to victory in any situation the psalmist David firmly reminded us some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord Our God and it is exactly this trust that we carry as children of God while many Place their faith in human resources in temporary and Earthly Solutions
we know that ultimately our true strength and security come solely from Christ when everything around us seems to crumble when illness approaches or uncertainty about the future weighs heavily on us it is in the name of Jesus that we find refuge in him lies our hope our Redemption and the certainty that nothing is impossible for God when life challenges us when the storm intensifies and the winds seem ready to knock us down it is precisely in these moments that we must stand even firmer in our faith in God's word the Bible is our unshakable foundation
a solid rock amidst chaos its truth remains unchanging even when everything around us is constantly in flux when it seems that we have lost control of the circumstances God's word continues to be our anchor and our source of guidance the evil day can manifest in different ways for each of us it may be that moment when we are tempted to revert to Old Habits we thought we had left behind or the day when the enemy attacks our weaknesses and insecurities Perhaps it is the day when someone we love hurts us unexpectedly and painfully but it
is in these crucial moments that our faith is tested it is in these difficult days that we must make the conscious choice to trust God to remain steadfast in his word even when it seems the most challenging path always remember that you are not alone without direction or help God Is by your side fighting for you at every moment he has strengthened you through the Holy Spirit who enables you to resist and overcome any force of Darkness that comes against you in Proverbs 16 3:4 it is written commit to the Lord whatever you do and
He will establish your plans the Lord works out everything to its proper end even the wicked for a day of disaster this reminds us that nothing absolutely nothing is beyond God's control he is Sovereign over all things and has a purpose for everything that happens you do not have to face the unknown on your own Jesus is with you every step of the way walking beside you even when you cannot see he promised us that he would never leave us under any circumstances and it is this constant presence that brings us peace even in the
feier is storms place all your hope in him for he is faithful and will never leave you alone perhaps you have encountered an unexpected situation unemployment illness anxiety or any other challenge that has arisen in your life but regardless of what you are facing do not lose hope this is the time to turn even more to prayer to seek God's presence with all your heart when the world around us seems uncertain it is worship that keeps us firm and rooted in faith faith as we have spoken of is the Assurance of what we hope Force
the evidence of what we cannot see trusting in God means believing in him even when everything around us appears to be in chaos faith is what connects us to the hope we find in Christ for we know that no matter the size of the challenge God God is always greater he is in control and our faith allows us to move forward with courage confident that God will act on our behalf the Bible instructs us to put on the full armor of God so that we may stand firm on the evil day this means we must
be prepared not just with words of encouragement but with authentic living and active faith knowing that our battle is spiritual helps us focus on the true weapons God has given us his word prayer and Faith these are the Divine resources that equip us to face and overcome life's daily battles in moments of weakness when the fight seems most intense remember that Jesus has given you Authority in Luke 10:19 he declares I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy nothing will harm you even when
Temptations and challenges seem insurmountable you have the power to overcome them because Christ has given you this Authority no matter what Rises against you your Victory is already secured by the power that comes from Jesus life is indeed a succession of choices and every decision we make guides us in a specific Direction the question that arises is will you choose to trust God even when the circumstances around you seem challenging will you choose to believe that he has a greater purpose even in the midst of adversity though it may sometimes be a tough battle to
choose the right path know that God is by your side strengthening and equipping you to overcome it's natural to encounter OB stacles along the journey but remember that within you already exists the power to overcome any Challenge and no matter how arduous the battle may seem victory in Christ is assured remember that even in the midst of storms God has already charted a clear path for you he is the architect of your life the one who designed every detail with precision and nothing that happens escapes his control you were created with a specific purpose and
all the tools you need to Triumph are already within your reach so do not allow fear or doubt to divert your focus Jesus Christ is the light that dispels any darkness when You Face a challenge cry out in his name as the Bible says do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in God believe also in me John 141 this is the assurance that sustains us amidst chaos reminding us that with Christ we are safe and secure regardless of the circumstances trusting in God during the most difficult moments is the true essence of faith
knowing that he is by your side even in the darkest days gives you the strength you need to keep going without wavering the battle may seem hard and endless but never lose sight of this truth the victory has already been one by Christ he conquered for us and through him we are more than conquerors as Isaiah 43 to assures us when you pass through the waters I will be with you and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you when you walk through the fire you will not be burned the Flames
will not set you Ablaze This Promise is our anchor in Christ we are protected strengthened and led to Victory regardless of the trials so when life's strong winds blow against you keep your faith firmly anchored in the Lord put on the full armor of God declare his promises over your life and remember that through Christ the victory already belongs to you God Is by your side he will never leave you and his word is the source of your strength and life light at all times no matter the darkness that may arise when we find ourselves
in the midst of storms it is prayer and the word of God that anchor us it is easy to be overwhelmed by fear and anxiety but faith is what keeps us steady Hebrews 11 one teaches us now Faith is the confidence in what we hope for and Assurance about what we do not see even if you cannot see the way out right now believe this God is already working on your behalf he is moving behind the scenes even if the results are not yet visible trust in him and stand firm knowing that the answer is
on its way in scripture we are constantly reminded of examples of unshakable Faith think of Abraham who firmly believed in God's promise even when all the circumstances around him seemed unfavor able he waited patiently and in God's perfect timing the promise was fulfilled the same God who was faithful to Abraham is faithful to you today he does not change his word is eternal and unchanging always true perhaps you are facing moments of pain loss or confusion it may feel like you are walking through fire but remember God's clear and comforting promise when you pass through
the waters I will be with you and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you Isaiah 43:2 this means that no matter how intense your battles God is with you he sustains you every step of the way carries you through the toughest times and guarantees that with him by your side you will never be defeated no matter how intense the battle you are facing may be remember this you are never alone Jesus in John 1633 gave us a word of encouragement in this world you will have trouble but take heart I
have overcome the world he has already secured your Victory the struggles you face today were conquered by Christ on the cross and your victory was declared since then in the moments when you feel weak remember that it is precisely in your weakness that God's power is most evident Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 12 n my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness it is not by your own strength that you will overcome but by the grace of God working within you his grace is more than enough and he
renews your strength each morning therefore when the enemy Rises against you never forget who you are in Christ you are more than a conqueror you are a child of the king of kings the battles may be great but your God is infinitely greater no matter what is happening around you or what the world says God has the final word over your life he has plans of peace prosperity and hope for you the Bible teaches us that as we Face trials we must approach these challenges with joy for they produce perseverance and lead to spiritual growth
James 1:2 for reminds us consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face Trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything these trials no matter how difficult are opportunities for God to shape your faith and prepare you for greater blessings you are being molded and refined to become exactly what God has planned for you many times this process requires you to go through the fire but never forget the fire did not
come to destroy you it came to purify you just as gold is refined in intense heat so too is your faith being refined so that it shines even brighter and reflects God's glory so stand firm don't lose hope don't throw in the towel rise in faith and trust that God is working in your life even when you cannot yet see the immediate results the Harvest is coming and what you sow in faith will be rewarded in due time as Galatians 6 n teaches us let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper
time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up Victory is already yours The Best Is Yet To Come trust in God with all your heart and he will guide every one of your steps believe that the God who began a good work in your life is faithful to completed and he leaves nothing unfinished no matter the size of the battle you are facing always remember that you serve a God who is infinitely greater perhaps you have gone through losses challenges and pains that seem unbearable but even when everything appears to be against
you never forget that the Lord has already written your ending and that ending is one of Victory the Bible repeatedly teaches us that Faith moves mountains and that nothing is impossible for those who believe in Matthew 17:20 Jesus assures us that with faith the size of a mustard seed we can do the impossible what does this mean for you it means that even if today your faith seems small it has the power to move the mountains in your life if you place it in God's hands perhaps your evil day has been marked by failures disappointments
or difficult circumstances but know this God can turn even the worst days into tremendous victories the enemy wants you to feel defeated wants you to give up before seeing God's work however God In His Infinite Wisdom is using every situation you face to shape you prepare you and strengthen you for a much greater purpose now now let me ask you has it ever crossed your mind that the battle you are fighting today may be the preparation for the greatest victory of your life God may be building in you the resilience perseverance and strength necessary so
that when the blessing arrives you are fully prepared to receive it with gratitude and maturity remember job who faced immense trials lost everything but remained faithful in the end God bless BL him with double of what he had lost the same God who restored job is able to restore you too trust in him your story is not over yet no matter how dark or difficult things may seem at this moment remember that the Lord is in control of everything he is the god who makes a way where there is none who performs The Impossible when
the enemy tries to whisper that there is no way out know that God is silently preparing a glorious turnaround in your life there is a crucial key to the spiritual battle you face and that key is worship when you worship God in the midst of adversity you are making a powerful declaration your trust is not in the circumstances but in God you acknowledge that he is Sovereign that he is worthy of all praise regardless of what is happening around you remember the story of Paul and Silas in Acts 16 they were unjustly imprisoned beaten and
thrown into the darkest dungeon but instead of succumbing to despair they did something surprising they began to praise God in the middle of the night and what happened an earthquake shook the foundations of the prison the chains broke and they were set free their worship not only brought spiritual freedom but also physical Freedom radically changing the situation so if today you feel as if you are in a dungeon of difficulties I encourage you to do the same praise God praise him before seeing the victory praise him because you know that just like Paul and Silas
God is working behind the scenes preparing your deliverance I understand that sometimes it's hard to find the strength to worship when everything around you seems to be falling apart but it's precisely in these moments that worship becomes an even more powerful weapon by praising God in the midst of pain and uncertainty you are proclaiming that he is greater than any adversity and that his promises are more real than any temporary difficulty worship not only transforms your heart but also moves God's hand and in your life the words of James 1:12 bring us great encouragement blessed
is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him there is a reward waiting for you there is a harvest that God has already prepared but to get there you must keep believing you must keep walking even when the road becomes difficult the key to overcoming these challenges is perseverance the word instructs us to run with perseverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on Jesus the Pioneer and perfector of Faith Hebrews 1212 keep
your eyes fixed on Jesus he is the beginning and the end of your faith the source of your strength when you feel you can no longer continue Look to Him who endured everything for you God never promised a life without afflictions but he did promise to be by your side through all of them he promised that in Christ we are more than conquerors Romans 8:37 reminds us of this truth no in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us you have already already won because Christ's love guarantees your Victory and
never forget you are not fighting this battle alone God Is by your side in every step every moment he promised that he would never leave or forsake you he walks with you fights for you sustains you and prepares the way for your Victory even when you do not see it God is moving mountains opening doors and trans transforming hearts in your favor as you continue to trust in him remember that The Battle Belongs to the Lord you do not need to fight on your own because he has already secured your Victory Your Role is to
remain firm believe in the promises and declare God's word over your life as Ephesians 610 11 instructs us to be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power putting on the full armor of God so that we may stand firm on the evil day and as you do this you will not only see victory in your life but also become a living testimony for all those around you people will see God's work in your journey and glorify the name of the Lord through your testimony you will be a bright light in the darkness a
living example of God's power and faithfulness there therefore rise in faith declare God's victory over your life Praise Him in all circumstances trusting that no matter the battle you face God has already decreed your Victory you may not see the solution at the moment but God is already working you may not know how everything will be resolved but he already has the path laid out believe in him trust in his word and remember that in Christ you are more than a conqueror May the peace of God which transcends all understanding guard your heart and mind
in Christ Jesus and may you continue to walk in faith knowing that the best of God is yet to come in your life now I would like to invite each of you to close your eyes and join me in a moment of prayer Lord my God Almighty father in this moment I place my whole being before for you I Surrender into your hands everything I carry my battles my fears my doubts and my weaknesses I know that you are sovereign over all things and nothing absolutely nothing is outside of your control I trust that even
when I cannot see a way out you have already mapped the perfect path for me you are the God who goes before me preparing each step I believe that in in every battle I face I am not alone you are by my side fighting for me sustaining me strengthening me and reminding me that the victory has already been secured at the cross through Christ renew my faith Lord when my strength seems to fail and the burden feels too heavy remind me that it is in my weakness that your power is made perfect may I cling
to your power to your strength and Trust in your work increase my trust in you Lord so that even when walking through the darkest valleys I may do so with the full assurance that you are my light my Fortress and my safe Refuge may my faith be unshakable knowing that regardless of what my eyes may see the victory has already been decreed by you Lord Jesus Lord help me to rest in your love teach me to surrender every worry every anxiety and every weight into your hands may your peace the peace that surpasses all understanding
guard my heart and mind help me to fully trust that you are working on my behalf even when my natural eyes cannot see it may I be reminded with every step I take that you are the god of the impossible and that no obstacle is too great no Mountain too high and no problem too difficult for you to resolve may I always live with the confidence that you are able to do exceedingly more than I ask or imagine Walk With Me Lord and guide my steps toward your perfect will may my life Lord be a
testimony of your love your faithfulness and your power in everything I do may your light shine through me and may people see your work in my my life and glorify your name I know you are faithful and will never abandon me even In My Darkest Hours prepare me Lord for what is to come shape my character and my heart so that I am ready for the blessings you have already prepared for me may I trust that everything I face now every struggle every tear will be used for my good for my spiritual growth and to
glorify your Holy Name Lord may your peace your presence and your love surround me now I rest in you knowing that your grace is sufficient for every challenge that arises on my journey Your Grace sustains me fills me and strengthens me and in everything may I never lose sight of your love for me a love that is unshakable immeasurable and eternal even in times of tribulation may I remember that I am your beloved child and that you are with me every step of the way Lord renew in Me a Heart full of gratitude I thank
you for every blessing I have already received for every Deliverance you have given me and for every Victory I will still see may my praise to you be constant even when things do not happen as I had hoped may I worship ship you not just for what you do but for who you are you are my God my Lord and nothing can change that and so Lord I Surrender everything my dreams my fears my struggles and my life completely into your hands I trust fully in you and your perfect plan guide me shape me and
use Me For Your Glory may your name be exalted in everything I do in jesus' name I pray believing in your promises resting in your faithfulness and surrendering completely to your love amen if you prayed with us receive the blessings of this prayer Now by leaving your Amen in the comments I am fully confident that you have been greatly blessed today so show your joy by helping to share the word of God it's simple just like subscribe rbe and share our videos by doing this you are fulfilling what is written in Mark 16:15 go into
all the world and preach the gospel to all creation together with hearts full of love and gratitude let's spread the good news of the Lord to every corner of the world answering his call powerfully thank you for staying with us until the end of this video and for praying with us it is an honor to be part of your spiritual journey and your daily life may God continue to bless you and your family abundantly we'll see you in the next video Stay With God
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