early morning Iman came to work as usual he had successfully secured a position as a cashier at the bank despite not having any formal education despite the prestigious job his Clerk's salary of only 2,000 Rings was insufficient for his living expenses his thoughts are interrupted by a regular client of the bank a little old lady who hands a on a bag of 1-cent coins that she needs to exchange the young man tries to tell the woman that they don't accept such small change but the bank's administrator Mr raaza steps in ra orders am on to
take the bag of coins and apologize to the old woman this completely ruins the young man's mood and he decides to take a break having a coffee with his friend inton the head of the computer security department inton has been a man's best friend since childhood however she can't join him at that moment because her boss Irene informs inton of another system breach inton asks her friend for help she remembers that he was good with computers since school Iman finds a program in the system digital Karma which turns out to be very smart and hard
to remove from the bank's server after a few minutes Iman manages to clean the system of the malicious program and save the bank's clients money his friend thanks him for this but even at this moment he can't bring himself to tell Inon that he likes her moreover he makes a serious mistake he offers her a latte forgetting that she can't stand coffee with milk in the evening Iman finds himself in another unpleasant situation he barely makes it home clutching his stomach but the toilet is occupied by his father the old man leisurely exits the rest
restro and while Iman finds relief his father tells him about his new business he spent his last money on black cumin tablets which according to marketers can save lives the old man promises Iman that he will soon sell all the tablets and return the money that was meant for the apartment rent the men quarrel and eain leaves for his room but a few minutes later he hears a strange noise when he returns he finds his father unconscious on the floor Inon arrives at the hospital to support her friend it turns out his father had a
heart attack the doctors tell the young man that his father needs surgery but it costs 60,000 which he doesn't have Iman asks his boss for a loan but Raza refuses to lend him a large sum he even refuses to put Iman on staff which would increase his salary a bit visiting his father in the evening Iman doesn't know what to do or how to save the old man the situation becomes even more serious when Iman is confronted by his father's old friends it turns out the old man borrowed money from local gangsters and they give
the young man 2 days to repay his father's debt arriving at work Iman surprised everyone with a bruise on his face but he is no less surprised when a new employee Ash Lee appears in the department showing attention to int Iman struggles to work he constantly thinks about the debt and how to save his father the Troublesome old lady returns this time with a different complaint she is unhappy that one cent is being deducted from her account for service charges her yelling gives Aman a brilliant idea he can steal just one cent from each account
which will give him enough money to repay the gangsters and save his father the young man spends the entire night writing a malicious program to help him execute his plan he disguises the virus in an email and sends it to raz's inbox to infiltrate the bank system when the boss opens the file the program spreads to all the bank's computers and a system reboot initiated by inton to fix the errors helps the virus gain access to the accounts finally Iman manages to withdraw one cent from each account and transfer the money to an old abandoned
account but iman's joy is shortlived when the creditors appear and he has to escape through the window the gangsters chasing on but he manages to get into a stranger's car and for a hefty sum asks the driver to take him to a bank on the other side of the city on the way the young man transfers the money to an account from which he can withdraw 90,000 the gangsters pursue the car but for an additional fee the driver agrees to participate in the chase finally he delivers am on to the bank branch and the one-cent
thief calmly withdraws the money Iman gives the needed amount to the gangsters and pays the taxi driver The Promised bonus after that the Young man collapses on the ground realizing there is no turning back the remaining money a man takes to the hospital to pay for his father's surgery the next day he arrives at work with a joyful smile unaware that his troubles are just beginning in the evening he visits his father and reflects on the fact that he would do the same again to save him meanwhile on the outskirts of the city the gangsters
kill raaza Iman starts having nightmares but he reassures himself that they are just his imagination he spends his free time with his father hoping that the stolen money wasn't in vain and that he can save the old man's life the bank finds out about the theft but at first the management doesn't want to reported to the police to avoid Panic Things become much more serious when the bank learns about raza's death everyone becomes scared but Iman is especially frightened he is sure that the boss's tragedy happened because of his robbery W Ru the head of
security appears in the office he orders the employees to stay at their workstations until the police arrive and to tell the officers everything they know about the incident Iman tries to remain calm but when he remembers the email he sent to Ra's computer it becomes clear he needs to do something overwhelmed with anxiety the clerk feels sick and runs to the bathroom to relieve some stress there Iman meets another employee who has access to the restricted floor he steals a protective film from the colleague's smartphone and uses it to forge a fingerprint disguised in a
janitor's uniform Iman sneaks to the required floor first he breaks into the administration office deletes the camera recordings and prepares a past to access the server room when the program asks for an employees's name Iman decides to kill two birds with one stone and enters Ashley's name to get rid of inton suitor while the young man tries to destroy the evidence the head of security calls intan and Ashley for a conversation meanwhile one of the employees hears a strange noise but Iman manages to remain unnoticed inton discovers a system update made by someone unknown everyone
realizes that the criminal is inside the building and the police start searching for the hacker in the server room Iman begins to panic but gathers himself and starts working at that moment zeru receives a notification that someone entered the server room using Ashley's card the head of security forbids the young man from leaving the office the others head to the server room to try to find the Thief Iman manages to delete the file seconds before being discovered he escapes but runs into a security guard in the hallway and nearly gets caught the guard doesn't recognize
the clerk and calls him over only to return the Fallen protective film after that that Aman removes the janitor's uniform and hurries to his workstation at this time zeru examines the empty desk but the clerk manages to emerge from under the desk pretending he was picking up a drop pen zeru tries to figure out which of the employees might be involved in the crime and ask inton if there is anyone else in the bank who could hack the system the young woman realizes that only Iman has such skills the young man tries to calm himself
down convinced that no one will figure out what he did Terror grips him on again when his friend asks him to go to the roof and check the access log for the server room but he manages to convince Inon that he didn't leave his workstation and couldn't be involved Iman tells his friend about the surgery that supposedly was paid for by his father's relatives that evening he visits his father in the hospital and is happy that the old man has finally come to the doctor assures the young man that his father will be fine but
she informs him that he needs to pay an additional 15,000 for maintenance and medications Iman realizes that he can't get the money the same way again the virus has been removed and the police are close closely monitoring the bank but he decides to take a risk and perform the one-cent theft trick at other Banks this time y doesn't act as boldly he is afraid his scam will be exposed but remembering his father he realizes he has no other choice after a few hours am man's account holds 800,000 Rings 2 weeks later inton continues to search
for the culprit she checks the server and Ash helps her He suggests his colleague take a break but intan doesn't trust him and decides to work alone Irene removes intan from her position in places Ash in her place the upset young woman returns to her desk and learns that her subordinate was able to recover some files from the surveillance cameras in one of the recordings Inon recognizes Iman the young man buys an expensive car and brings his father to an elite apartment he bought with the stolen money the old man understands that his son's money
was acquired dishonestly but he pretends not to notice anything but the family's Idol doesn't last long a doorbell rings and Devon and his henchmen appear on the doorstep The Uninvited Guest sit at the table and eat the dinner that Iman had prepared for his father the gangsters behave very rudely and looking at them the old man remembers how similar thugs took his car several years ago back then little Iman defended his father but now the father lacks the courage to protect his son who was being mocked and ridiculed by the Invaders inton reexamines the camera
footage but she doesn't tell Ash about it however when the young man comes to talk to his friend about her suspension it turns out he already knows about the recovered footage Iman tries to come up with a story about how he got rich but Devon turns out to be a smart guy he realizes he's being deceived using a hammer the gangster finds arguments to convince the young man to tell the truth meanwhile Ashley assembles a team and constructs a timeline of events on the day when someone deleted data from the server intan joins the team
she doesn't say she saw Aman in the footage but promises to help figure everything out Iman recalls his poor childhood already then his father couldn't earn properly and constantly only dreamed of phones while intan gathers more evidence implicating her friend he has to reveal his secret to Devon the gangster doesn't give the young man a chance to save his father until Iman Reveals His criminal scheme Iman is forced to transfer the money he siphoned from others accounts to the gangster's account when the old man regains Consciousness and tries to shame his son Iman reminds him
of his poor and hungry childhood the young man admits he vividly remembers his parents' fights and regrets such a past meanwhile Devon's crew enjoys the pool and the views from the rooftop of a skyscraper they use Iman as a servant but the young man gets the idea to escape by stealing a gun from the Raiders the plan fails Aman doesn't know how to handle a gun and doesn't take it off safety for this the robber punishes the young man severely and his father silently watches again not attempting to protect his son Iman recalls how his
mother left home without even hugging him goodbye he mentally bids farewell to life but finally the old man gathers the courage and points the gun at the Bandit its Temple Ashley discovers that inton deleted one of the files her colleague had given her the young man asks his friend if she needs help but intan assures him she has no secrets in reality the young woman finds several more recordings where iman's face is clearly visible Iman and his father Escape but the robbers find them in the parking lot in open fire the fugitives barely manage to
reach their car but finally they drive out of the complex Devon and his team don't give up the Chase Begins on the night Road however iman's car runs out of gas and the men have to hide in the narrow streets of the city the old man's heart begins to fail and he runs out of strength Iman has to leave his father and run alone to avoid being caught by the gangsters Inon wakes up from memories many years ago the young woman also broke the law and taught Iman to do the same at the time it
seemed like an easy game to her but now she didn't know what to do and how to save her friend Things become even harder for the young woman after she receives a message from her mother the woman demands that inton send her money and asks her not to come over the weekend and ruin her plans Iman calls his friend and asks her to come to an abandoned construction site finding her friend in a bad State inton takes him to her place meanwhile in his lair Devon feeds his feeble father the gangster enjoys the old man's
suffering who had treated him and his mother cruy many years ago iman's father watches the scene nearby seeing how the Bandit treats his father the old hostage realizes he has no chance of being saved Iman takes a sh shower and gets rid of his knocked out teeth while Inon hears the water running she decides to check her friend's computer the young woman doesn't manage to do it her friend comes out of the bathroom and takes the laptop inton then demands explanations but the clerk refuses to talk about his problems and assures her he just fell
Devon sends the fugitive a video message in which he uses a hammer again to convince the young man to come for his father int 10 starts having problems Ash tells her that Irene demands all the video files from the cameras the young man asks her to them to the office including those that were deleted taking advantage of the young woman being busy with the conversation Iman escapes realizing he can't handle it alone Iman decides to seek help he makes a call and an hour later the young man descends into the city's underworld Iman meets the
guy who drove him to the bank on the day of the first robbery the drug dealer is unhappy that Iman wants to involve him in a criminal story he punishes his friend for being pushy and refuses the fee Aman could have paid him Ash covers for inton and tells Irene that all the videos were damaged the young woman thanks her colleague but he asks her to tell him the truth to understand what he's getting into Iman witnesses an attack on a City Cafe while the young man is distracted by the shooting an old friend appears
behind him who seems to have changed his mind and is ready to help the blonde leads Iman to a secluded place and Demands a down payment when the money is transferred the young man tells Iman about IBU Zara a woman from the criminal world who is much more dangerous than Devon meanwhile IBU Zara finds a man who tried to do something horrible to a little girl recalling her own terrible childhood Ibara promises to become a protector for the girl and her henchmen do their job Devan also punishes his men he is furious that they let
Iman escape the young man's father barely survives the ordeal but it seems to him that he hears his son's voice which gives the old man strength the blonde arranges a meeting for him in with IBU Zara the young man says his friend needs help and Iman promises IBU Zara any amount of money for saving his father as proof the young man transfers the first part of the sum to the woman's account but Ibara also refuses to deal with Devon and kicks the young man out of the car Inon watches the video several times and finally
decides to tell Ash everything she comes to his place and tells him that Aman is hiding the truth but it turns out that the young man is not the only one involved in the bank scams Ash found out that Irene also tried to delete some data stubborn Iman returns to his old acquaintance and ask for help again he promises his friend a very large sum of money and the dealer finally agrees the Young men sneak into Devon's Lair and a man finds his father but they don't manage to leave Devon and his men enter the
room to enjoy their power and destroy the captives suddenly armed men burst through the door and a shootout begins taking advantage of this the young men try to escape and take the old man with them but Devon stubbornly refuses to let them go a shot is heard from the far corner of the room Devon falls to the floor and Iman sees a joyful IBU Zara in front of him it seems that having freed himself from one pursuer the young man has fallen into the hands of a more dangerous gangster Iman has a nervous breakdown because
of everything that has happened to him but his friend takes the young man and his father away so they don't fall into the hands of the police since early childhood Iman was good with computer programs and Inon was always proud of her friend now this becomes the young woman's nightmare as she falls asleep in Ash's apartment ash makes breakfast for his colleague and suggests continuing the discussion about the situation but before that he asked her to tell him about her so they can get to know each other better the shootout at Devon's Lair is reported
on TV Iman realizes he has gotten into a very serious story and to confirm his words there was a knock on the door an associate of ibar is at the doorstep asking Aman to come with him inton finds out that Aman paid for his father's surgery at a private Clinic the young woman understands that her friend somehow got the money but she doesn't know about the stolen sense and can't figure out the system additionally the pair tries to find out what Irene was doing with the computer computer Ash suggests checking all the logs where Irene's
authorization should have been saved Iman is brought to IBU Zara's house where she is recording an interview about her charitable activities the woman helps single mothers and abandon children the woman ask the guest to help her unzip her dress and on Zara's back Iman sees a terrible Scar from her past life the young man tries to understand what the influential woman wants from him but IBU Zara is in no hurry to explain instead she takes the young man to the city center tells him about the injustices of life and offers him a job Iman understands
he has no choice if he refuses he will face the fate of all of IBU Zara's enemies Inon tries to find out who paid for the old man's surgery but they refuse to provide her with that information while the young woman talks with the administrator Ash discovers that access is closed everywhere and to get answers they will have to check all the servers Zara hires Iman demanding half of his loot the young man understands this is the best option available but a black jeep appears nearby and new unknown enemies take the young man away this
time the young man is taken by the police who demand he turn in Madam Zar the young man assures the cops that he is just a volunteer at iar's Foundation but the officers don't believe in man's testimony and decide to make him talk unaware of what happened to his son The Old Man packs his things to flee he is interrupted by a call from inton who says she will visit soon to check on her old friend Iman doesn't give in to the police's persuasion and they dump him on the outskirts of the city as soon
as the young man regains Consciousness his father calls and asks him to come to the old apartment urgently the old man manages to get home just as Ash and Inon arrive the host tries to distract the guest by talking about how he dreams of marrying off his son but when Iman arrives it becomes clear that marriage is the last thing on his mind right now as usual Iman invents a story about how he fell but his friends don't believe it just as they don't believe the story about distant relatives who paid for the old man's
surgery then inton shows her friend the footage from the cameras but the young man r out of it and makes up another excuse this deeply disappoints Inon who had trusted the young man since childhood Iman arrives at the station with his father and buys two tickets to another city but at the station the young man notices he is being followed and he decides to postpone the trip until better times the thief tries to figure out how he was tracked and suspects Inon to divert suspicion from himself the young man decides to frame a colleague whose
fingerprint he stole on the day of the robbery shod opens the virus Laden email that a man sent him the clerk finds a message about a vacation and two tickets to a resort supposedly received from the bank's management Iman hacks into shad's home and work computers and on the day his colleague is absent he plants evidence on his desk a card in Ash's name that was used to access the server room inton finds her partner in her office but Ash says he had to take her computer to restore raz's data at that moment they are
asked to come to the hall where an incident occurred someone is trying to hack the service again from shad's computer despite all precautions inan suspects Iman is involved in the new attack but the trail leads her to another employee she made whom the security service is sent after everything falls into place the suspicion completely shifts to shead and the card on his desk confirms it the man is arrested and taken from the office despite his success Iman suffers from guilt he stops to deal with the stress but the familiar cops again take the young man
for questioning the story repeats but Iman doesn't give up he assures the police he knows nothing about IBU Zara's criminal life and will not testify against her after these words the woman enters the cell and admits it was a loyalty test Iman executed his first scams as a child an adult acquaintance helped him create free Transit passes back then inton helped her friend and was happy to participate in secret operations even then the teenagers talked about money being the main problem iman's mother left for a wealthy friend while in Ton's parents were never home because
they were always trying to earn money one day the girl went with her friend to visit his mother but the woman refused to come out because she didn't need her son inton always worried about her friend and now she came to him to apologize the young people managed to talk but in the end a man confesses that he is leaving the bank he tells the girl that he got a job as a web developer at a company but in reality the young man starts working for Zara siphoning one cent from different banks every week half
of the profits go to him to protect himself he withdraws small amounts of cash and hides them at home under the ceiling the young man's behavior begins to worry his father and they have arguments Ian accuses the old man of never thinking about the family unlike her friend in Ton's relationship with Ash improves the couple has dinner together and spends a lot of time together a strange old man appears at iman's apartment entrance when the young man tries to find out what he wants the stranger attacks in the office inton approaches Ash to greet him
but he unexpectedly closes his computer the young woman doesn't notice this because she is asked to check information about an inactive account a large sum was transferred to it many years later invest investigating this account inton and Ash discover the 1-cent theft from every account in their bank but it has already been 2 months since then and finding the culprit will be difficult inspecting her non-detergent Powder Factory Zara calls him on and warns him that the old man in the hallway is a guard assigned to protect him and his father also the woman tells the
thief that her appetite has grown now she wants him to bring her 10 million Iman calculates all the moves and realizes he can't withdraw one cent more frequently he has only one option return to his bank and increase the commission amount while inton and Ash check the computers a glitch occurs and the girl suspects that someone is trying to access the system again the TV announces that the digital Karma Group which has carried out multiple Bank attacks is responsible Iman tries to mend his relationship with his father and during dinner the men joke and laugh
screams begin to come from the hallway and Iman has to go out to check the young man sees his old friend the blonde he ask the old man to step aside so the friend can visit him the blond becomes iman's assistant in the new Heist and as thanks the thief decides to take his friend and father shopping the group buys expensive suits and watches a high-speed luxury car and heads to town to have some fun before the risky Mission meanwhile inton and Ash find a way to connect to the account through which the thief transfers
money following his usual scheme Iman calls the bank and arranges a cash withdrawal everything goes perfectly in the first few minutes but the young man is distracted by his father's shout who is unhappy with the blond's Pres in their home Iman has to break up the men and asks his friend to go with him to carry out the illegal transaction instead of a bank the young men arrive at a nightclub and the blonde offers his friend a pink pill the thieves have a great time with girls dancing and playing cards for the first time Iman
indulges himself and enjoys having enough money to live this gives the young man courage and he starts a fight no longer wanting to be a victim he throws money around and feels like a hero until he sees Izar before his eyes Ash brings inton home and Promises to monitor the account so they can catch the thief but Iman is too unwell to return to work just yet after recovering Aman invites inton to meet the young man arrives at the date in a beautiful suit with a rose but the second gift impresses the girl more Ian
gives her a card they Forge together his children Iman confesses his love to his friend but she doesn't reciprocate she leaves the rose and walks away at this moment the young man feels his life is over the young man returns to the club and decides to party without thinking about in time in the morning two unfamiliar girls wake up next to Iman his father tries to talk sense into him and bring him back to a normal life but the young man is convinced that only this way will he be respected and his mother will return
to the family intan visits Ash and tells him about the conversation with her old friend the girl admits to her colleague that she rejected Iman because she loves him Ash confesses that he is pleased to hear this but he is not who he pretends to be and they can't be together the girl leaves but Ash tries to catch up with her and explain everything despite the doctor's orders iman's father takes out a hidden pack of cigarettes at this time the young man arrives at his mother's house to show off his expensive car Ash doesn't have
time to reveal his secret to inton a motorcycle appears and several bullets hit the young man Iman gives his mother a necklace and asks her to return home they are now wealthy and she won't have to suffer from poverty the woman confesses that she didn't leave because of money but refuses to name the real reason she also refuses to return she has a new son and she chooses to stay with him inton gives a statement to the police and learns that while Ash went after her someone was rumaging through his apartment Iman learns from the
news about Ash's assassination attempt and recognizes the criminal one of Zara's henchmen the young man questions his boss and Zara says that Ash found out their scheme and they had to eliminate him the young man declares that he no longer wants to work for Zara but the woman doesn't intend to let the thief go she hints that his departure could harm inton Irene visits inton to support her she suggests the young woman take a few days off and tries to find out if Ash shared any secrets with her furthermore Irene assures inton that Ash was
the thief he downloaded personal data and carried out criminal schemes Aman is sure he must warn inton Zara has her person in the bank and if the girl continues digging she might be in danger the blonde tries to dissuade his friend but Iman insists if necessary he will destroy Zara a nurse informs someone that Ash is alive she has ordered to bring the young man and hand him over to the right people Zara gives a suitcase of money to her Minister and asks for help in running for the next election the official considers it a
foolish idea and makes it clear to the woman that he won't let her take his place Iman packs all the money he managed to save into a bag and leaves without explaining anything to his father the police don't let inton into the ward and inform her that Ash has disappeared the girl heads home but notices the motorcyclist who attacked Ash on the way at that moment a notification arrives on the colleague's phone that the girl took stating that he established the Hacker's IP address dress the blonde takes Aman to an abandoned place and they come
under Fire the young men are invited inside and they head to a meeting with deon's gang Iman is rewarded for Devon's death but the bag of money calms the men they ask why the young man came and he asks for help he wants to get rid of IBU Zara the Navigator leads intan to iman's house but she is met by a strange old man who tries to take the bag from her iman's father comes to help he orders the guard to let the girl in who came to visit him Inon asks the old man to
tell her how they got rich and what happened to Iman inspecting her friend's computer the girl realizes that he is the thief while the minister gives a speech and blames the hacks on digital Karma Iman plans to eliminate Zara to carry out his plan Iman returns to the computer Cafe where he spent his childhood there inton finds him she tells her friend that she knows the truth about his job this drives IM on crazy and he yells at his father for letting the girl into the house inton tells Irene the truth and the boss promises
to take action she ask the young woman to report the incident to the police but when Inon leaves Irene reports the problem to Zara Iman rents a hotel room for his father and buys a train ticket he ask the old man to leave if he doesn't contact him at a certain time tomorrow the men say goodbye realizing they won't see each other again in ton brings the police to the server room while Iman and the group prepare to attack Zara the group arrives at the cafe where the gangster is having lunch and starts the operation
but the blonde turns out to be a traitor and all the henchmen are killed only Iman is Left Alive the blonde takes Iman to Zara's house and punishes him for attempting to betray the mistress but the young man has worse news the news reports his scams and Iman realizes that Inon turned him in Zara demands that the young man teach her how to siphon one cent from other accounts she uses a bag of rats as an argument after the young man gives in and reveals the scheme the blonde is tasked with eliminating him Iman manages
to escape and during the chase the killer becomes a victim of a car accident by chance Inon follows Zara's Trail and understands who is behind him on the gangster doesn't waste time either she breaks into The Minister's room and informs him that his night companion is only 16 years old this forces the official to give up his position to Zara a man goes to his mother's house to hide the young man comes to his senses and the woman confesses that she missed him all these years learning that Zara is running for office Iman decides to
stop her inan also starts digging into the gangster and learns about large transactions the girl is stopped by henchmen who have been working in the bank all this time she is taken to Irene and Inon realizes that everyone around was in cahoots inton bursts into the bank and orders everyone to get down on the floor hearing this inton tries to run to her friend but arain doesn't intend to let the girl go easily iman's father waits for him at the station and learns about the events from the screen meanwhile a SWAT team arrives at the
bank Iman goes to the server room to delete the virus and gather evidence against Zara but as the young man starts working Inon points a machine gun at him Iman apologizes to his friend and asks her to call the police he confesses that he is ready to surrender the cops bring iman's father and the old man asks his son not to do anything stupid again hearing the old man's speech Inon allows her friend to delete the virus and download compromising evidence on Zara one of Zara's henchmen tries to eliminate the thief before the police arrive
inan intervenes in the fight and to save his friend Iman Shields her from the bullet Iman is taken to the hospital his father and friend are not allowed to accompany the criminal the news about Zara's crimes hits the screens at the same time it is reported that the ambulance carrying Eman disappeared along with the thief the young man wakes up in the digital Karma Camp finally he is safe and the new gang member is greeted by its leader Ash [Music]