let's listen to God's word before we join together in prayer 1st Samuel 26:23 says the Lord rewards every man for his righteousness and his faithfulness for the lord gave you into my hand today and I would not put out my hand against the Lord's anointed think about that for a moment God sees the heart of every person and he rewards those who are faithful to him that is a deep and Powerful truth it reminds us that righteousness is not merely about outward actions it is about the condition of the heart you might be able to
fool people but you cannot fool God he looks beyond appearances beyond words Beyond religious rituals and he sees what is hidden he sees every motive every secret thought every struggle this makes me pause and ask how does God see me does he see a heart that truly loves him does he see someone who walks in integrity and faithfulness even when no one else is watching am I the same person in private as I am in public do I live as though I truly believe that God is my rewarder the call to righteousness is clear throughout
scripture but here's the hard truth on our own we fall short we live in a fallen world and sin is is woven into our human nature no matter how hard we try we cannot attain righteousness by our own effort as Isaiah 64:6 says all our righteous acts are like filthy rags our best attempts at Holiness will always fall short of God's perfect standard so if God rewards righteousness but we are Sinners by Nature how can we ever hope to receive his reward the answer is found in Jesus Christ this is the beauty of the Gospel
we are not left in our Brokenness we are not abandoned to our own failures instead through Christ we receive a righteousness that is not our own when you accept Jesus as your lord and savior your old self dies and you become a new creation as Galatians 2:20 tells us I have been crucified with Christ it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me this means that although
we were born in sin just as Psalm 51:5 says surely I was sinful at Birth sinful from the time my mother conceived me we are not bound to that sinful nature through Christ we receive his righteousness he lives in us and and he strengthens us to walk in faithfulness it is not by our own strength but by his grace that we are made righteous but here's the question how much of yourself have you surrendered to Christ because righteousness is not just about being saved it's about living in surrender it's about yielding to God in every
area of Life many people want the blessings of righteousness without fully committing to the path of obedience do you love God with all your heart soul and mind or do other things money pleasure personal desires take priority over him the Bible makes it clear in Deuteronomy 6: 24-2 it says the Lord commanded us to obey all these decrees and to fear the lord Our God so that we might always prosper and be kept alive as is the case today and if we are careful to obey all this law before the Lord Our God as he
has commanded us that will be our righteousness God does not call you to righteousness so that you will be burdened by rules he calls you to righteousness because he knows that obedience leads to life sin always deceives it always promises happiness but leaves you empty it always Whispers that it will satisfy you but in the end it only brings destruction but when you surrender to God when you walk in obedience when you trust in his grace he rewards you not only with eternal life but with his presence his peace his joy and his guidance the
greatest reward of righteousness is not Material blessings but God himself he is the reward so today ask yourself am I living in a way that God can bless am I faithful in both the small and big things am I choosing right righteousness even when it is inconvenient God is calling you to live righteously not by your own strength but by surrendering to him walking in obedience and trusting in his grace and now let's pray together dear Lord Jesus you alone Are Holy you alone are truly righteous there is no one like you perfect in wisdom
pure in love and faithful in all your ways you are the light that shines in the darkness The Refuge for the weary and the Savior for the broken in you there is no flaw no failure no shadow of turning Lord I come before you humbled by the weight of my own weakness I know that if I try to be righteous on my own I will fail my my best efforts fall short my heart is prone to wander and without you I am lost but your word declares that I have been crucified with Christ it is
no longer I who live but you who live in me what a mystery what a gift that you would dwell Within Me transforming me from the inside out so Lord I ask you to take over my heart my mind and my life take all of me my thoughts my emotions my desires let nothing remain that does not bring you glory remove every hidden sin every unclean motive every distraction that pulls me away from you Purify Me Lord refine me in the fire of Your Love cleanse my soul and make me holy As You Are Holy
fill me with your presence so that I may reflect your righteousness in all I do From This Moment On I surrender to you increase in my life Lord as I decrease Take the Lead guide my steps so that I may walk in your ways even when the path is difficult even when obedience cost me something let your Commandments be more precious to me than my own desires let your will be the foundation on which I build my life father I long to walk in a way that is pleasing to you I long to live a
life that brings you Joy the path of righteousness leads to life life and I choose to follow wherever you lead me even when the world pulls me in another Direction even when my flesh is weak I pray that your spirit strengthens me make my heart steadfast in Devotion to you let my love for you be greater than my love for Comfort greater than my love for approval greater than my love for anything this world offers your word says that you take Delight in those who seek righteousness because it means placing you at the very center
of their lives so today I ask you change Me From the Inside Out remove anything in me that competes with you let my thoughts be pure my actions be pleasing in your sight help me to pursue righteousness not out of Duty but out of love let obedience to you be my Gra greatest joy I thank you for your goodness Lord go before me and direct my path so that I do not stray your word says in Psalm 1: 1-2 blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the
way that Sinners take or sit in the company of mockers but whose Delight is in the law of the Lord and who meditates on his law day and night keep me from following the ways of the world let me not be enticed by what is temporary and empty give me a heart that loves your word and delights in your truth let scripture be my compass my anchor my daily bread it is in you Lord that I find my strength it is in you that I overcome sin you never fail you never never lead me astray
you are my refuge my wisdom my peace and so I submit to your authority Jesus place the fear of the Lord in my heart that I may pursue righteousness all my days let me never take your grace for granted let me never grow complacent in my walk with you stir within me a holy reverence a deep longing to honor you in everything I do give me wisdom Lord not the wisdom of this world but the wisdom that comes from knowing you let my heart be sensitive to your spirit let me discern what is right and
walk in it with confidence even when the world mocks righteousness even when it is easier to compromise give me the courage to stand firm in your truth thank you for giving me the strength to overcome sin thank you for the cross for the blood that washes me clean for the spirit who empowers me daily continue to work in my life Lord sanctify me transform me and mold me into your image increase in me Lord as I decrease let my life be a testimony of your grace Let My Words Point others to you let my actions
bring light to a dark World be glorified Lord Jesus you are worthy of all my love all my devotion all my obedience in the mighty powerful and Victorious name of Jesus Christ I pray amen if this prayer has touched your heart please type amen as a sign of faith I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Jesus and if you need a special prayer feel free to let us know in the comments we would be honored to pray for you May the grace and peace of our Lord
Jesus Christ be with you always