Every Insane Conspiracy Theory That Turned Out to Be True

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heart attack pistol in 1975 William Colby the CIA director at the time had to testify in front of a committee that was investigating the CIA this happened because there were many accusations of assassinations of foreign and American politicians from the CIA so the US Senate put it under investigation for alleged covert action abuses which resulted in 14 reports of major abuses by the CIA FBI and NSA however there was an accusation or conspiracy theory that was much more worrying than the rest of them it was thought that the CIA had developed a pistol that could
fire a poison dart from around 300 ft cause death and leave no trace of what the cause was when William kobby declared that they had a poison dart gun that was potentially basically completely silent felt like a mosquito bite to the Target went through clothes caused a heart attack and left no traces but a small red spot because the dart melted the public was shocked furthermore it was revealed that this wasn't an isolated case it was part of project MK Naomi a project designed to increase us biological and chemical warfare cap abilities this was the
only time this gun was shown in public USA's fake Cuban terrorist attack in 1962 during the Cold War tensions between the US and Cuba were high because Fidel Castro had risen to power in Cuba and allowed Communists to join the new Cuban government nationalized us businesses and improved relations with the Soviet Union furthermore the Cuban Missile Crisis happened when the Soviet Union placed nuclear missiles capable of hitting the US on Cuban soil after the US placed theirs on Italy and turkey operation Northwoods was a planned by the United States Department of Defense to Stage terrorist
attacks against American citizens and blame the Cuban government in order to justify a war against Cuba they wanted to hijack civilian planes and make them appear as if US Air Force planes were shot down by Cuba to simulate the Downing of a US fighter jet off the coast of Cuba to blow a US ship and to organize terrorist attacks in US cities the plan also included creating a Cuban communist Terror campaign in the Miami area in other Florida cities and even in Washington which would involve bombing civilian targets the plan was approved by the Joint
Chiefs of Staff but was ultimately rejected by President John F Kennedy because it would have been too risky and could have led to a full-scale war with the Soviet Union cia's fake animals in the 1970s the CIA developed what they called the insecto thopter which was a drone the size of a dragonfly and hand painted to look like one it was kept secret until December 2003 when it was revealed to the public at the CIA Museum and the project was abandoned because it was too difficult to fly in Crosswinds another similar project was the aerovironment
Nano hummingbird created with specifications given by the defense Advanced research projects agency these weren't the only times they used animals or crafted fake animals to spy on their enemies during the Cold War they developed a camera so light that it could be carried by pigeons in order to take aerial photos and they even trained some of these pigeons to drop eavesdropping devices onto window Ledges however despite successfully placing some of these devices no usable audio was captured from them they even used fake fish to secretly check water samples for the presence of nuclear runoff or
other suspicious substances USA's fake Vietnam attack in 1964 tensions between the United States and North Vietnam were at an all-time high and things worsened on the 2nd of August when North Vietnamese forces shot at a US Destroyer while it was doing a covert operation close to North Vietnamese territorial Waters the US government then on the 4th of August said that a second attack happened while this was false the commander of the Maddox Captain John Herrick initially reported the attack but later expressed doubts attributing the radar signals to freak weather effects and despite these uncertainties the
Lynden Johnson Administration relied on misinterpreted Communications intercepts to conclude that the attack was real also in October 2005 the New York Times reported that Robert J hanuk an historian for the NSA concluded that the NSA distorted intelligence reports passed to policy makers he said agency staff deliberately skewed the evidence to make it appear that an attack had occurred this was probably done with the goal of providing the Johnson Administration with the justification needed for military action in Vietnam years after the incident Robert mamera the Secretary of Defense during the time admitted himself that the August
4th attack had never occurred the Johnson Administration was probably just seeking a reason to escalate American involvement in Vietnam as Cold War tensions increased and the Domino Theory made its way through the US military which said that the fall of one country to Communism would lead to the fall of others in the region causing more fear because of this false operation Congress passed the Gulf of tonan resolution granting President Johnson broad powers to conduct military operations in Vietnam without a formal declaration of war Canada's gay radar at that time homosexual people were persecuted by the
Canadian government and they were trying to find new ways to get rid of them from public jobs especially the police and military in the 1960s Dr Frank Robert wake a psychology professor at Carlton University developed What's called the gayar or fruit machine which was a series of psychological tests with the purpose of identifying gay men it worked by using erotic images and what were thought to be homosexual words to see if there were any physiological changes that could point to a sexual arousal such as the dilation of their pupils of course this machine was completely
pseudo scientific and unreliable the room's light could change the dilation of the pupil and many more outside variables made it faulty nonetheless these tests caused hundreds if not thousands of people to get fired the US government poisoned alcohol from 1920 to 1933 the United States banned alcohol entering the prohibition ERA this made the alcohol Black Market flourish enabling criminal organizations like the mafia to enrich themselves so the United States government had to find a way to stop this they went to extreme lengths to try to to reduce the black Market's activity and to make people
stop drinking but their efforts had poor results so the government became frustrated and started adding large amounts of methyl alcohol a substance that made the illegal drinks really dangerous as a very small amount of undiluted methyl alcohol could kill a human being this was probably done thinking that the black market sellers would have avoided selling poisoned alcohol to their customers as they would have lost them when they died but they didn't take into account that the demand for illegal alcohol was so booming at the time that the sellers didn't really care about their their customers
lives the effects quickly showed in 1926 in New York City 585 people died from this government action and over 5,000 fatalities from this poisoning at least a 600% increase from the previous deaths from alcohol were said to have resulted in the entire country cia's fake vaccines during the hunt for Osama Bin Laden the CIA conducted a secret operation using a fake hepatitis vaccination program in Pakistan to illegally collect blood samples and confirm the presence of Bin Laden or his family the CIA planned to compare the DNA samples collected from the program with the DNA of
Bin Laden's sister who had died in Boston in 2010 the program ultimately failed it led to the arrest of a participating doctor Shaquille afredi and was widely criticized for undermining Public Health the operation is blamed for increasing vaccine hesitancy in Pakistan and triggering violence against healthcare workers who were perceived as spies as a result Pakistan saw a Resurgence of polio becoming the country with the highest number of polio cases in the world by 2014 the CIA director issued a directive in 2013 prohibiting the agency from using vaccination programs for operational purposes including recruiting healthcare workers
it's in situations like these that we see the impact information has on our perception and beliefs the health of the Pakistani population was undermined by disinformation that caused disbelief in the healthc care system it's crucial to get an objective view on matters for example news outlets might frame stories through a different lens based on their political leanings and interests fortunately today's sponsor ground news addresses this issue by enabling us to see a broader unbiased perspective by gathering information from a multitude of sources for example it has been reported that Mexico warned they would impose their
own tariffs in retaliation if Trump were to impose a 25% tariff on Mexican Goods 348 sources reported on this primarily from the center with less coverage from right and left leaning Outlets this creates what ground news calls a potential blind spot in critical analysis for people who typically consume right and left leaning sources the differences in coverage between political leanings are clear for example a right-leaning Source calls Trump's tariff proposition a threat while a left leaning Source describes the situation in a more intense way ground news doesn't tell you what to think they gather the
world's news to help you come to your own independent conclusions one of my favorite features is their blind spot feed which shows you stories underreported by one side of the political Spectrum so I can see stories I normally wouldn't have I really think ground news Mission aligns with what I aim to do here on my channel so go to ground. news/ tpe to stay informed formed with context you can't find anywhere else or scan my QR code for 50% off the same top tier Vantage plan I use for unlimited access to all their features thanks
again to ground news for sponsoring this video operation seaspray in 1950 the Navy wanted to test the vulnerability of a city like San Francisco to a biological weapons attack in a project called operation SE spray to do so they released two types of bacteria Sasa maresin and basilis globi into San Francisco Bay the operation happened between September 20th and 27th and the bacteria were released from a ship off the coast of San Francisco it's said that they did this because they thought they would have been harmless to humans but on October 11th 11 residents checked
into Stanford Hospital in San Francisco with very rare serious urinary tract infections 10 of them recovered but one man who had had recent prostate surgery died 3 weeks later from a heart valve infection his relatives later tried to sue the government but they lost because the bacteria used in the test was unproven to be responsible for his death the urinary tract outbreak was so unusual that the Stanford doctors wrote it up for a medical journal none of the other hospitals in the city reported similar spikes in cases and all 11 victims had urinary tract infections
following medical procedures suggesting that the source of their infections was inside the hospital cases of pneumonia in San Francisco also increased after seraia maresin was released even though a causal relationship has not been established overall the Army determined that San Francisco had received enough of a dose for nearly all of the city's 800,000 residents to inhale at least 5,000 of the particles which is with in the range of infectivity for Anthrax project Sunshine project Sunshine was a series of research studies done by the US government that began in 1953 to see the impact of radioactive
fallout on the world's population which remained secret until 3 years later in 1956 they wanted to see the body's reaction to radioactive isotope strontium 90 which represented the most serious threat to human health from nuclear fallout especially on kids since their young developing bone tissues have the highest propensity to accumulate strum 90 and thus they have the the highest susceptibility to radiation damage of course this type of experiment wasn't that feasible since doing it on alive humans would be an ethical monstrosity and there weren't many familiars that would like to donate their deceased loved ones
to be experimented on like this somehow though 1500 sample cavers mostly babies and young children appeared out of nowhere that's because they were taken from countries ranging from Australia to Europe often without their parents consent or knowledge a British mother had even said that her stillborn baby's legs were removed by British doctors and to prevent her from finding out what had happened she was not allowed to dress the baby for the funeral the delai Lama worked for the CIA during the Cold War it seemed like China and its Communist Party wanted to increase their influence
on Tibet which worried the United States consequently the CIA created what was called the CIA Tibetan program where they trained and strengthened various isolated Tibetan resistance groups which eventually led to the creation of a paramilitary force of 2,000 men they also sent military supplies in stealthy ways to not attract China's attention and they spread Pro Tibetan propaganda by showing the human rights abuses in Tibet under Chinese rule the plan reached $1.7 million of annual funding and the funny thing is that the delai Lama himself received an annual salary of $180,000 from the late 1950s to
the mid1 1970s even though he stated that he used most of the funds received from the CIA to finance the activities of the Tibetan government in Exile his brother Galo thondup was also considered a cia's top asset the program ended after President Nixon visited China to established closer relations in 1972 but the Dalai Lama and his brother thought that this demonstrated that the US didn't care about genuinely helping the Tibetan people but that they were following their own interests in the Cold War the US president's wife became the real president Edith Wilson was the wife
of President woodro Wilson When in October 1919 he suffered a stroke that heavily incapacitated him they hid the true extent of the president's illness and disability from the American public and although she was never officially elected president of the United States she played a significant role in managing the country after her husband's condition and some Scholars even call her the secret president or the first woman president she took control of many of the day-to-day functions of the executive branch deciding which Communications issues and matters of state were important enough to bring to the bedridden president's
attention for this reason she required that all members of the cabinet send urgent matters memoranda corresponden questions and requests to her in this way she became the sole link of communication between the president and his cabinet even though she claimed that she didn't take any decisions herself her role as a potential gatekeeper of info gave her lots of power and influence and some suggest that she even successfully pushed for the removal of Secretary of State Robert Lancing cia's catp spies in the 1960s operation acoustic Kitty was launched which aimed to use cats as spies this
Project's estimated cost according to former CIA officer Victor marchetti was around $20 million and the procedure consisted of implanting a microphone in the cat's ear canal a small radio transmitter at the base of its skull and a thin wire in its fur the first mission of a cat spy was to Eaves drop on two men in a park near the Soviet Embassy in Washington DC the cat was released nearby but was almost immediately hit by a taxi however Robert Wallace a former director of The cia's Office of technical service disputed this version in 2013 he
said the project was abandoned due to the difficulty in training the cat this failure accompanied by other failed tests caused the project to get shut down in 1967 USA's gay bomb the idea of a gay bomb a non-lethal chemical weapon designed to make enemy soldiers attracted to each other was considered by the US Air Force this hypothetical weapon mentioned in a 1994 Department of Defense document aimed to disperse sexual pheromones among enemy forces to generate mutual attraction leading to mass confusion and panic along with the gay bomb other ideas were discussed such as remotely engineering
body odors using compounds found in bad breath and excessive sweating with the goal of making the enemy so smell that they could be easily detected by their opponents however there is no evidence that these weapons were used or that it's possible to create such a thing if you want to discuss this video or suggest an idea for the next one join my Discord Link in the description
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