How To Build A Personal Brand

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Myron Golden
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Video Transcript:
some of you as business owners are wondering what is the best way and the fastest way and the most elegant way for me to build a very very successful business that makes lots and lots of money and has lots and lots of impact well on this video that's exactly what I want to talk to you about how you build a personal premium brand personal brand meaning it's about you and the influence that your name carries premium brand means you can sell what you want to sell for the price you desire to sell it for and
it doesn't matter what that price is so next Monday me my son-in-law my daughter and my granddaughter are getting on a jet we're flying to San Antonio Texas to go to the Inc 5000 fastest growing businesses in America conference and we were invited to that by Inc 5000 because we were in the top 10% of the fastest 5,000 fastest growing business in America 2022 over 2021 and our business even though in 2021 our business did over $6 million in Revenue our business grew by over 1, 1300% so I wrap your mind around that and we
were number 427 or some 432 or something like that out of 5,000 businesses the reason that happened was because of personal branding so then when we talk about branding what is what does that even mean personal branding what is a brand anyway cuz if you think about what a brand is a brand is a name right when we think Rolls-Royce we think brand that's a brand right you drive a Rolls-Royce because you like the brand I drive a Rolls-Royce because I like the brand right um but what is it it's somebody's name right Henry rolls
and whatever the guy's name was Royce right the two dudes started this company called Rolls-Royce and they named the car after themselves so so um Mercedes same thing it's a brand and I'm going to talk to you about why we like why people like premium brands in a minute but so so it's a name that reminds you of a story and maybe the story was you know I when I saw the Queen of England when I was in the UK she was she was driven around in a Rolls-Royce and so that is the car that
represents royalty or whatever right so for me one of my mentors Ben I won't say his last name but Ben was one of my mentors in multi-level marketing um back when I was back when I was um in my multi-level marketing days in the mid 90s Ben was making like $90,000 a month when I thought that was like oh my goodness how do you make 90,000 what 90,000 a month oh my goodness that's so much money right and and Ben at 990,000 a month had this nice moderate Siz Manion he had two Mercedes a Ferrari
a Lamborghini a Bentley um a Maybach and a Rolls-Royce I'm thinking that's a lot of cars bro he had like $2 million worth of cars back in the 90s when it wasn't four cars right right so and I just and because he was my friend he was my upline he was my mentor but he was also my friend he let me drive his cars so so and he and like he would let me drive with him in the car and then he would taunt me for not driving fast enough in his Lamborghini is that's the
fast as you're going to go dude I'm going 157 how fast do you want me to go I don't do that anymore by the that was when I was younger and a lot Dumber right I don't do that anymore I don't no I don't drive fast anymore I'm not in that big of a hurry anyway so and and one day I remember he he drove to Jacksonville Florida where I lived and he came by my house and I had to go go pick up my kids from school he said well let's go get your kids
from school so we went to my kids' school and picked them up from school in my friends Rolls-Royce and my kids were so excited and all their friends were like oh my goodness oh my goodness your dad knows somebody has a Rolls-Royce and so that's the story that the Rolls-Royce reminds me of and so I'm like you know I'd like to have a Rolls-Royce one day and that was just that was the name that reminded me of that story I remember probably six or seven years ago long before uh maybe eight six yeah six or
seven years ago maybe eight long before a Rolls-Royce was in my financial landscape was on my financial landscape I went to the Rolls-Royce dealership in um in Pasco County I think it's in St Pete um and I went to the Rolls-Royce dealership over there and I we went over there my son and I and we we got some Drone footage of the Rolls-Royce dealership and and then I test drove a Rolls-Royce Ro and then I posted some pictures my brother Rob took some pictures he was in the back seat he got some pictures of me
driving Rolls-Royce and I posted on Instagram and one of my friends Alex he's like dude are you driving Rolls-Royce now no I'm not driving rolls I was just test driving see if it's something I want to buy right well it reminded me of that story but I'm like but I remember the smell I remember how it felt it felt different than any car I'd ever been in and I'm not I'm not plugging roll St I'm just telling you that that reminded me of those things and then all of a sudden I decided I'm going to
buy a Rolls-Royce and so we got the process started and now I have a Rolls-Royce right so so why did I tell you that story because the name Rolls-Royce reminded me of those stories and those stories conjure up good memories and I'm like I would like and back when Ben had a Rolls-Royce I couldn't afford to buy one so that represented what a past perceived void which created a present perceived sued value back when I test drove it I didn't have enough money to buy one didn't have good enough credit to buy one right but
it represented a past perceived void which represented a present perceived value so when I got enough money to buy one and now I've got both the credit and the money and I can pay cash for it or I can go get it finan so we ordered it so my brother is a dealership my brother is a dealer he's got a dealer license so we we found the roseworth that I desired to have we just told the auction okay well take it well when you tell them you take it that's like buying it right for a
dealer when a dealer says I'll take that car you bought it so then I started working on financing well they all wanted to loan me the money in my personal name nobody wanted to loan me the money in my business name and I didn't want it in my bu personal name I wanted in my business name and so and even though we had good business credit like Banks don't want to loan you money your business money to buy a Rolls-Royce I can't imagine why anyway so I ended up paying cash for the car even though
I think it's dumb as a box of rocks to pay cash for a car I said I'll just pay cash for it and refinance it later well I paid cash I never got around to refinancing it so anyway but I probably will now I've got a new Finance Source I'll probably refinance my next one because I'm about to get it the last year they made The Wraith which was 2022 I think so or 2021 was the last year they made The Wraith so I want a 2021 I have a 2018 anyway so why am I
telling you that story because that that name reminds me of Elegance sophistication opulence abundance right and and I don't do it to show everybody else that I'm elegant and sophisticated and abundant and opulent I do it to show me if they want to watch or not that's their business right and so so how do you build a brand that people are willing to pay hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to be a part of see because a brand whether you know it or not you've already built a brand your name reminds people
of a story so here's the thing about personal branding you are either going to build a personal brand with intention right you're going to by by by intention you're going to decide I'm going to build a personal brand this is what I'd like for my personal brand to represent or you're going to build a personal brand by neglect and if you build a personal brand by neglect it is going to cost you in every important area of your life if you neglect to keep your word then this is a person who doesn't have integrity becomes
a part of your personal brand okay if you if you don't do what you said like if you say I'll be there and then you don't show up this person is not trustworthy becomes a part of your personal brand if you say you're going to do something and then you don't do it this person doesn't keep their word becomes a part of your personal brand it's what you become known for when somebody says your name the first thing they think of is this character flaw that you have right if the only time they ever see
you or hear from you is when you want to borrow money that becomes a part of your personal brand are y'all picking up what I'm putting down and so if I don't like if if we're if we're going to use the garden analogy if I don't if I if I allow my personal brand to be built by neglect then my brand is like a weed in the lives of other people's Garden okay but if I use intention I decide in advance what my brand is going to be and what it's going to represent what my
name is going to represent then it's like a beautiful flower a fragrant a fragrant flower in somebody else's Garden so how do I create a brand that is valuable instead of one that is de despised okay so here's how we do it hey thanks for watching this video I hope you're enjoying it but I want to take some time to invite you to join us at the make more offers challenge the make more offers challenge we do it once a month where I invite a bunch of entrepreneurs or would be entrepreneurs to come and have
me teach them in detail the four moves that can scale any business I want to invite you to join us on the make more offers challenge click the link in the description below you will be glad you did join as a VIP and make the rest of your life the best of your life and now back to the video you were watching that a name brand equals name so your name is already a brand now here's what's interesting your name is going to mean one thing to you and a different thing to people close to
you are y'all tracking so how do I make my name mean more to the people around me I have to first make my name mean more to me I have to make sure that I am so hyper intentional on what I do with my name that I don't do anything with it that would cause other people to look at my brand and think that it's less valuable are y'all tracking and I can only do that through character like I can do it through talent for a short period of time and talent is my god-given ability
to do something that people value right it's for some people it's hit a ball for some people shoot a ball for some people it's dance sing whatever but but the kind of character that the people who are close to you know you for like what do people say about you when they're not around you because like it or not if that person is not just somebody who hates you for no they're not just a hater what they believe about you when they're not around you and what they say about you you when they're not around
you there's a really good chance you did that you're the one who created that impression see even when you're not watching people watch you they're still watching you so here here's my question when you're not watching people watch you what do they see you doing when you're not watching people watch you what do they hear you saying when you're not watching people watch you who do they see you being like I like to watch how people not I'm just I'm letting you in on one of mine right one one of my ways of watching people
I like to see how people treat people who they think have nothing to offer them I watch that very closely because if you treat me better than you treat the server at a restaurant I don't trust you just keeping it real yall tracking so your name your name your brand is a name and it reminds you reminds of a story some of you can remember the first time you saw a video of mine and you had a wait what response wait what right so how can you create a positive not a negative weight what response
but a positive weight what response now granted got some haters who had a negative rate who still have negative weight what responses I'm okay with that like everybody didn't love Jesus if you think everybody's going to love you you're delusional right okay so so how can I make my brand worth more I can become a person of my word so my name is who I am so like my word equals my bond if I tell you I'm going to do it it needs to be as good as done see there's this for instance there's a
guy who called us and wanted to buy something from us we sent him all the information he needed and then he started backpedaling okay well I'm not trying to get you to buy it you called me by the way I say there's a guy there people do this all the time I'd like to buy XYZ from you okay well here's how it works and then oh well I'll get back with you later oh I'll call you next week oh and everything is all you're doing is telling me okay this is a person who hasn't even
paid me that I did not seek out and every time they say they're going to do something they do something other than the thing they said all they're letting me know is I can't trust you because you don't do what you say you don't if you can't believe you how can I believe you are you tracking and so so um when somebody buys something from you when somebody buys something from you this is part of your brand when somebody buys what they get has to be greater than the amount of money they spent to buy
it if this is you they buy somebody buys from you and then it's less than the amount of money they spent all you did was let them know that they don't ever need to buy anything from you again in the future every time somebody buys something from you it must be a wow and then it needs to be backwards wow and don't hurt if it's upside down and backwards mom wow right so so so your word is your bond when somebody buys something from you you actually deliver on the Promises it's it's amazing people think
that because well I spent time with them it's it's interesting so coaches like some of you are Co anybody in here a coach okay we got a couple coaches um when when somebody buys coaching from you and then they come back they're like yeah but I didn't get the result you well maybe you're not telling them they're going to get a result that's a mistake right there are no there's no clear expectation of outcome but then as if that's not bad enough you you promis them a result and they didn't get the result and then
you they want their money back but you don't want to give them their money back and you're like but I spend all this time with them let me help you understand something your time is valuable to you how much time you spend with me is not valuable to me necessar neily I mean it could be but it's not necessarily valuable just because of your time like my time is shouldn't be valuable to you necessarily my time is valuable to me I don't charge people $40,000 an hour because they value my time at that that rate
I charge people $40,000 an hour because I value my time at that rate because I know there are a myriad of things that I could be doing in an hour that make way more than $40,000 so how did you how did you come up with that price well like I can go speak for an hour and make $300,000 and I've done it multiple times speak for a couple of hours and make 100 $150,000 like and and here okay let's say your desire is to make a $100,000 a year if you make $100,000 in a day
you can take the rest of the year off and do what with with that year whatever you want to do now that sounds funny but think about think about it so so if you're making money really really fast you don't have to do something $440,000 an hour might be a lot to them but it's not a lot to me and I'm not I'm it's not a lot to me because I'm so rich it has nothing to do with it it's not a lot to me because it's not the highest and best use of my time
but it's enough money to make them think twice about whether or not they want to waste my time are y'all tracking so so but fortunately for me I've delivered on the Promises over a long enough time period to a big enough group of people that when I charge $40,000 an hour people are willing to pay it why why why do I charge $40,000 if you're going to make me do something I don't want to do which is one-on-one coaching I'm going to make you pay a lot now if you pay me $40,000 an hour I
don't mind it right um and I'm going to enjoy helping you scale your business but I'm not looking for $40,000 an hour clients because there are better ways to make $40,000 than talking to one person at a time they're more leverage ways to help more people in the same amount of time or I could do what I did yesterday go play golf with my granddaughter and my son-in-law which to me is and that took four hours so I'd rather do that than make whatever that is 40,000 $160,000 talking to somebody because it's my life see
people think the quality of their life is measured by the number of years of experience they have doing a thing but I believe the quality of one's life is measured by the number of experiences we put in our years and when I got to the 18 hole and my granddaughter and her little friend um Kyla they were riding with my son-in-law and then my granddaughter came and got in my car my pop me and me and Kyler are going to ride with you oh y'all going to ride with me for one hole y'all rode it's
not just one hole yeah this is the last one but it just having that interaction with my granddaughter was everything for me way worth way more than any amount of money somebody's going to pay me so I'm going to let somebody hey if I give you $10,000 can we have coffee well first of all if I want to have coffee with you I'll just have coffee uh but if you going to have coffee with me for an hour you and you want a coaching session it's gonna be $40,000 let's don't be confused about it right
so what am I doing I'm making sure that my brand matches the words that come out of my mouth are Y is what I'm saying making sense and so you have to sit down and and with intention decide de of from side to cut like decide what you'd like your name to represent when people hear it in the marketplace so you know what people think it when they hear my name okay you see that up there the mg they think Million Dollar Day if I want to have a million dollar day my best chance to
have a million dollar day is working with myON golden we give people a million dollar day award and guess what it has on it it has a crown and a shield the crown is the m The Shield is the G what does the crown and the shield represent it represents provision and protection it's a kingdom representation yeah it's my initials I just by the grace of God had the right initials for a shield for a crown and a shield who knew the name that I hated when I was a child was going to become a
part of my personal brand around the world right but that's what people know me for people know me because I could start naming people I can start naming people like Andy and Dan and Dan and and Nicole and eileene and and Neo and Shan anyway y already said his name now um and um and Darius and all these people who are my coaching clients who before they were coached by me they never had a million dollar day in their life but at since they were coached by me they've had many that's the brand this dude
obviously knows something other people don't know and I I don't even know that that's true I don't know things other people don't I mean I do know things other people don't know clearly everybody knows things other people don't know but it's not the stuff that I know that other people don't know that makes the big difference it's I know how to say it in other and ways other people can't say it and if I say it better they see it better if they see it better they can be it better if they can be it
better they can have it does that make sense seriously you want me to say that whole thing again um um I don't I it's not that I know more than other people know the same stuff I know I just say it better and if I say it better they can see it better does that make sense if they can see it better they can be it better if they can be it better be do have they can do it better if they can do it better they can have it better which means that how you
communicate is a part of your personal brand it's not just what you communicate that's a part of your brand it's how you communicate what you communicate and some people say well I'm not good at talking do you know why you don't talk enough you want to get better at something do it more read more write more speak more I promise you you will become more influential it's impossible for you not if you read more write more and speak more it's impossible for you not to become more influential it's a simple equation I've read more than
most people about business I've written more than most people about business I've spoken more than most people about business so the fact that I'm more known about business than most people who are in the same space is not surprising why because I set out with intention I'm hyper intentional on everything that we put online hyper intentional our brand is not built on neglect it's built on intention and if you're not by the way if you're not building your brand based on intention you're automatically building it on the why because progress requires intention decline only requires
neglect you don't have to try to do worse to do worse it almost seems unfair right as if fair was a real thing right I don't have to try to do worse all I have to do is not try to do better put no intention into doing better and I will automatically do worse what in what area every area so sit down make a list of what you want your brand to be known for I want to be known for high quality see I want to be known for high quality I want to be known
for high prices so we like some of um okay some of you in here denesa and and Ryan I think were at the event we just did last Monday and Tuesday and paval right okay you I used to pay just about $40,000 to put on that event which sounds like a lot okay and basically the majority of that 25,000 of that was the banquet most of it was just like and mouth the millions the one we did last month like in September I used to spend I don't know $15 $20,000 put on that event it's
a fulfillment event for my clients well not including the hotel room the meeting room just for the Aesthetics and the experience of the event I I invested $275,000 on the event last month and $275,000 on the event that we did last week why because it's part of my brand and everything has to match like some of y'all remember when youall some of y'all have been coming here a long time you remember when this side this side of this building over here looked like that side over there and then we made it a little better then
we made it a little better then we figured out how to make it a lot better we made it a lot better then we made it a lot better again then we made it a lot better again and so like we're getting like last week when y'all came the the it had we had wet mats out front because the sprinkler went off and the mats got wet and the concrete was like yucky and so we got our porch painted why because everything has to match we got the bathrooms redone we got this room done and
then the B bathrooms had that 1975 Brown Cabinetry right no it has to go why everything has to match the brand and so every like literally every day we are working on ways to uplevel our brand so that when people think about us They think topnotch top tier best quality we we did offer Mastery live that's the most money I've ever spent on an event in my life I spent just under a million dollars to put on that event but guess what they felt it everybody who came felt it they felt served they felt cared
for right now offer Mastery live next year it's going to be more than $3 million 200 people right here in Tampa it's going to be crazy well why am I telling you that because I'm willing to do what it takes pay what it costs work as hard as I must to give people The Experience they paid for and more why because that's the only way I can control the story that my name reminds people of are y'all tracking so building a personal brand is bigger than just having a YouTube channel you have to be sit
down and decide what you desire to be known for and make sure everything you do from that point forward is intentional so that the brand is never misrepresented in the marketplace so if you will hyperfocus on intention and become obsessed with ignoring distractions what's a distraction anything you focus on that doesn't move the needle in your favor like I don't care who won the game if I'm not in the game I don't care I don't care like I I can afford to care now but I don't I've already had got so many years practicing not
caring who won the game like I don't care I don't like I don't even know how to start making myself care but see you can either celebrate Watch professional athletes and celebrate them for playing a game or you can figure how to turn your life into to a game that you play and then you can start making more money than those jok is and then people can start watching you live I know that's doable we've already done it how many youall track it okay so hopefully this video helps you in the in the area in
the arena of building your personal brand if you will do the things I talked about it will take your life and your business to another level what would you like your name to be known for from now on that's what we got to figure out all right hope this helps stay blessed by the best and we'll see you in the next video
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