Shi Heng Yi 2024 - NEW Full Interview With the MulliganBrothers | Shaolin Master

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Mulligan Brothers Interviews
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for new things to come old things must go that's it there is no magic to that it's just that it was part of our daily routine part of our daily life belonging to exactly that the Shing way of living we've always said that the writing down of something for us helps us manifest it even even more I'd love to hear your thoughts on it what you create in the mind it's all about manifesting some people write their ideas is down because from what is written down something else is going to to come out from it
people might think yeah but that's come on it's so little no it's the little things if you can't handle the little things you will not be able to handle the big things there are only two mistakes along this way you are not starting this one or you are not bringing this one to the end welcome back back to the channel today's episode as always was powered by hu I'm drinking hu Black Edition and I have been for the last few months now this has 35 g of protein 26 vitamins and minerals and some slow relase
carbs in there that means I can train for my world record I can run around all day on a film set and I can reach into my bag at any moment and grab something like this to make sure that I'm getting a really nutritionally complete meal I love the Black Edition but it's not the only product that you'll have I'll speak a little bit later about them in the video before we get started um thank you so much for coming back on to the channel um again a lot of people probably know who you are
by now but for those who don't just introduce yourself and what you do so my name is sh Yi I am the leading Headmaster of the Shaolin Temple Europe we are a Buddhist Monastery which is existing since 2011 being located here in Germany but our organization already started way before in 1996 and what we are essentially doing is trying to translate the ancient teachings that are coming from The Shaolin Temple that means it involves Kung Fu practices Chong practices uh Tai chian practices but also the thetic knowledge consisting of Buddhism Daoism and confusion ISM we're
trying to translate this into a language that people nowadays can really grasp some practical experience from it so that they can integrate it in a way into their daily life especially knowing that the least people of of this world will ever be staying like inside of a monastery for a too long time but nevertheless all of this teachings they partly deriv from or partly were developed within the walls of a monastery so at the moment I think there is a shift going on where a lot of this knowledge is being shared outwards out uh out
from these walls because we just think that it's necessary it has become necessary especially considering that there is so much visible effects of imbalance out there this can simply be seen by all the mental sicknesses that meanwhile are existing out there and we just think that there is something we can contribute to at least try as good as we can to bring some balance back um into this world we're closing out at the moment we're getting close to the end of 2022 um a lot of people have been asking you know about new starts New
Beginnings how to plan for the new year how to prepare for the new year and I thought who better to ask than yourself thank you very much yes so now regardless of being located in the monastery also in the past I met a lot of people including myself that always when there was the switch to the next year many people always have their new plans and new ideas what's going to change in the next year and what you're going to start to let go of and what maybe is going to be something new that you
are starting to integrate into the next life at the same time sometimes it's also good to realize whether you are already sometimes caught within some type of a habit and to step a to take a step back especially at these times when anyway things are slowly getting more quiet I was suggest that everyone takes a personal small Retreat that means retreating back to yourself and really ask yourself that question what is it essentially that you are looking for living this life regardless of how old you are right now how much of where you want to
go did you achieve already and also are you actually still finding yourself on the way to wherever you wanted to go so first of all before we even know which future Direction you would like to uh go towards number one is we need to know where are we actually standing right now so to know where we standing with observe your surroundings they can give you an indication where you are right now look around you one indication second of all look inside of you how do you feel about the way of life that that you are
at the moment living you had almost 365 days from that current year right now how do you feel about it where did it brought you where did you decline where were you able to increase something about you so number one is find out what is the status quo where are you located at the moment and it is similar like sometimes in a few Buddhist stories we are saying before you know in which direction to sail first of all you need to know where you're located because the journey is not for everyone the same in the
way of what we're trying to share we are trying to share methods certain principles But ultimately what needs to be done is that an individual person is starting to take all of these methods and applies them very specifically to your own personal way of let's say understanding because sometimes people ask so I want to go to let's just say I want to go to New York but one person is asking that question while he's located in the UK and another person is asking me that question because he's located at in Japan that means the answer
is not going to be the same the goal is the same but the answer that I would need to be given would be a different one and therefore it is very very similar to now people asking so this this this and that is what I want what should I do I don't know I can only give like the tools I can only try to give some ideas and some ways of how you can use the mind to more intellig uh intelligently approach that that idea of fulfilling the goal but the ultimate plan which direction to
travel is something everyone personally must do but therefore in order for you to know to now start and making up the plan where the journey is going to go number one we figure out what is our current state so this is number one and now afterwards I would like to give an introduction to something that that in the in the Shaolin community in the Buddhist Community it's already widespread and well known that there is a socalled guideline or a socalled um Noble eight-fold past it is called it is called Noble Eightfold pth because it is
describing uh journey to fulfill the noble uh the force Noble Truth I think we talked about it in the previous video where we went over the four noble truths but this time we are at the Noble eight-fold Path now to take something or to say something prior to this path some people might see that there is a chronology behind the way of which of these steps to pay attention on first but ultimately they all go hand in hand so what it means is the next eight steps this is not about that you need to do
one after another actually all of these sooner or later are taking place at the right at the same time now what is the emphasis of following a type of guideline where is this path guiding you towards and I would say at the end it is once again it is those three areas that ultimately have an effect on the quality of how we are perceiving this life it is your mental state it is your physical state and it is the way how you are embedded within this society and especially that part about the society means that
sometimes everyone just needs to think about what are virtues that you think are beneficial within a society to live together even if these rules are not written anywhere those are rules that go in like let's say a mutual understanding and to derive this type of view towards the other this is what in the Buddhist terms we call it is the ethical conduct the way way how you are walking out into this world with what type of own set rules are you walking through this lifetime the simplest one and the most important one set already is
you can self-express yourself in the way how you like but you do not do so when you are harming others along the way so that means the harm for others is something which belongs to the ethical conduct it is something you are putting to yourself so regardless of what you are doing regardless of where this path is taking you one codex is you're not going to harm anyone along this way so and that Noble Eightfold Path is actually combining all of these three areas your mental state your physical States and the way of how you
are interacting with the society let's start with the [Music] first pass which is called the right understanding to give you an overview what's going to come right now maybe it's easier if I just mention all eight first of all number one the right understanding number two the right thought right thinking number three WR [Music] speech number four right action or right Behavior number five right livelihood the right way of earning your living number six the right effort number seven the right [Music] concentration and number eight the right meditation so what does it mean right understanding
and why is it for example mentioned now as the first as the first state I do think that if you are looking at the world already with predetermined Concepts looking at the world already with some type of expectation then it's going to be very difficult to really see how the things are so right understanding involves all these type of learning to see how the things are similar to that story day and night both at the same time same as the view nothing in a way is permanent the same way how you realizing that many emotional
states many thoughts that are coming they come and they go none of them always none of them lasts so that means there is a fluctuation of things right understanding means you're starting to look out in the world observe just more around you to figure out maybe if there is a type of structure that you can that you can see things that are repeating because based on that based on how much have you understood of how certain things in this world are functioning based on that arises the right thought how do you know if something is
the right s uh or even the next one being the right speech right thought or right speech simply you can also just turn it around being the absence of wrong thought or ill thought or the absence of ill talk or bad talking so just staying for example with number one number two and number three what does it mean right understanding right thought right speech it is the way for you to prevent to prevent anything arising inside of you that has the seat of ill sort of of bad sort you do not want to look at
another person to look at another creature to look at another being and create something that you would regard as being uh an ill thought let's say the same goes for the right speech or the absence of right speech meaning gossiping [Music] now in that point of the right speech it doesn't only mean to take care of what you are talking it's also important to understand that sometimes even if you would like to say the truth even if your words are true but it's not always the right point in time to speak the truth to someone
that can mean if somebody at this moment in time is very much emotionally charged something just happened in a few few minutes ago sometimes it's not good to even use true words in such circumstances so right speech doesn't only mean using words that don't hurt anyone it also means using words at the right time with the right with the right understanding the right understanding that there are times where it's useful and there are other times where it's uh pretty much um out of place this is also belonging to a type of understanding that we would
like to cultivate in ourself under that category of right speech so to bring it back into perspective what is it that I would suggest for next year what are you supposed to do right now give [Music] yourself a lecture give yourself a guideline that you are now trying to put it into practice this guideline is that Noble eful Path so that means every day think about what does right understanding mean to me one way to do it is just do some research what does right understanding mean based on that research go back to yourself look
out in the world and try to understand what does right understanding [Music] mean and then the next step and what does the right understanding right now has to do with myself of which thoughts what thoughts and how are thoughts being created inside myself so how does the way of how much you understand about this world affects the way of what type of thoughts are you cultivating after you are starting to investigate of what where your thoughts are coming from you this time pay attention during that week everywhere where you're going take care about what is
leaving your mouth in which tone are you talking to people what type of vocabulary are you using speaking with people how is the intonation while you are talking to people that means become aware of what is it that you are transmitting in the moment you are opening the mouth not necessarily what is it that you would want to transmit first of all also observe yourself how does what is leaving your mouth is being communicated and is being understood by other people because it's not important what you mean by your words it's important how does the
other one understand it what you just said and that means a lot of misunderstanding can also be let's say reduced in the moment where you just become more a aware of the impact of your words and right speech integrates parts of what I just said right now so being aware of what is it that you are saying and all of them merge together with that ethical conduct that you do not want to harm others neither with your thoughts nor with your speech so then afterward the following points for example the right Behavior it almost goes
without saying that first we are thinking something then we are talking about it then we are doing the things so same goes here now pay attention to the actions that you are putting within the next year into into the daily being because it's another 365 years where a type of conditioning is taking place and this conditioning is consisting of the actions that you are doing the habits that you are having the behavior that you are putting towards others which then means the right lihood right lihood meaning how are you earning actually your possibilities of living
this life I think in that time where that Noble eful Path was developed it also meant for example that if you have the ethical conduct to not harm too many beings the right livelihood would quite a lot be in conflict of being a butcher the right lihood meaning by the way of how you are making your living are you causing harm along this way are you causing harm along this profession let's say and now you must understand that this type of guideline this type of noble Aid full path is like centuries old so what does
it mean it means that a lot of experience went into these type of statements that means even if you're taking care of your right understanding taking care of the right speech taking care of the right s taking care of your right actions but still you are embedded in the surrounding that by profession is causing harm it's still at the end somehow difficult to really fully commit to that path and this is now my interpretation why I think right livelihood does play an important role within the normal daily life because you can be and say that
you're a really really let's say person that doesn't want to cause harm but then you must make it from beginning until end without any excuses in between which also involves therefore the right livelihood yes so number six is the right effort meaning you know the past you know what needs to be done and sometimes doing the right things is a difficult thing to do because it's not always what it's not always what naturally arises it is something that you need to condition yourself in it is something you need to train yourself in in doing so
and therefore I say right effort meaning to continuously pay attention and have patience in fulfilling and trying to put this type of guidelines into your daily life now right concentration meaning to be aware of where where you are focusing your energy that is already like beneficial if you just try to put as much as you understand from these paths into your daily life but nevertheless if somebody really wants to know what does it mean you need to do the research now you cannot really just rely on let's say my interpretation because that's exactly what it
is it is my understanding understanding of how these wordings do have a meaning in my life how I put them into practice yes but I'm very sure that there is way more to each of these sentences but that is dependent on where is somebody standing right now somebody who's just starting this path he has one type of understanding somebody who already knows these type of um guidelines who already knows them for 5 years 6 years 7 years some decades who already practiced them for some decades he has another understanding with them yes it's just that
this path is like showing you off if there is something to adjust within your life which are the areas to adjust and that means adjust first of all do you have the proper understanding in what you as a human being at the moment are embedded in meaning if you think this world is about you think again maybe you misunderstood something that's why the right understanding is something very very fundamental for everything else to follow yes then afterwards after let's say you understand okay let's just assume I understand or I can see apparently that there is
a connection between us humans between the people that you're dealing with let's just assume there is a connection if there's a connection merg together with the ethical conduct that you do not want to harm which would normally automatically arise in the moment where you feel the connection then it means in the way of how I am thinking in the way how I am talking I do not want you to get any harm from that so that means what exactly what type of thoughts are you cultivating towards your colleagues at work you regard them as being
colleagues that you are all working on the same Mission let's say you're all pulling on the same rope or you're regarding yourself being surrounded between your colleagues and this is about [Music] competing these are uh moments where a s can arise afterwards same with the speech same with the actions coming once again to the way how you are earning your daily life and now the other three areas that we think need some improvement is the way first of all are you meditating do you have inside your daily life a meditative practice in meditative practice you
find plenty of ways and plenty of explanations how to either get started with it or even to just get a glimpse of why would it be necessary to integrate this meditation inside of you and meditation is the practical way it's the practical way to start and see more why to meditate to bring Clarity to your life what to do when I have Clarity in my life I start to see things better and therefore start once again to understand things better so there you right now for example can see that meditative practice is very closely related
also to the amount of how and what you are understanding this is why it's not the chronology of steps that somebody is going through all of this at the same time as much commitment as you would like as much effort as you would like to put into this type of practices but since let's say people were asking so I don't know what to do what what should I do that is the traditional Buddhist guideline of starting the path and afterwards only come one sentence that maybe people have read before there are only two mistakes along
this way you are not starting this one or you are not bringing this one to the end that's it I want to take a moment to thank our sponsors that make this possible so a massive thank you to hu you guys know I've been using hu for the past few years these guys are absolutely amazing for me I'm drinking hu Black Edition that has 35 grams of protein 26 vitamins and minerals and slow relase carbs the reason I choose Black Edition is because I Le a very very busy life but also I want to break
C records in sports I want to get stronger and build muscle so this has a little bit more protein than the standard stuff but they have an amazing range if you want to find out more head to the link in the description but guys don't just take my word for it people like the hardest Giza ran across the whole length of Africa using this stuff and then there's the busy people who are entrepreneurs and successful people who just use this to save time and get nutritionally complete meals so if you want to find out more
go to link in the description but I just want to say a massive thank you as always the H I cannot recommend them enough and they help make these documentaries possible throughout the year and especially at the start of the Year myself and my brothers will sit down and we'll start to write goals and we'll start to write things down in our journals and have certain things um to achieve that year or or like just things to make it more present and we've always said that write the writing down of something for us helps us
manifest it even even more I'd love to hear your thoughts on it yes so in this in what you just said right now I can absolutely agree because this is like in those programs when people do not come here let's say one part of why we do have for example workbooks is because we want them not just to stay in the world of thinking about these things thinking about the outcome and thinking about what they just felt because to manifest them and writing them down gives another gives another quality to it let's say and so
therefore yes what you want what you create in the mind it's all about manifesting things that stay in the mind that do not manifest is good for one person itself but maybe it doesn't benefit many more people because they don't see it people can only see it if it is manifested Ed and the first way of bringing something from here out into this world is by writing it down or even speaking it on something that records it what are your thoughts also meaning you can also manifest in the moment where you speak about your ideas
to another person even that one is something that is starting to turn the wheel so this is how I see which is like part of the process in terms of when you want to make something become real why do you exchange ideas because sooner or later you want maybe some of these ideas to become real that the idea starts to shape into a form and how is it done some people write their ideas down because from what is written down something else is going to to come out from it other people prefer to exchange this
ideas with other people once again but no matter how you do it it must be something that it starts to take a shape yes whether it is like I said in in terms of writing it down speaking it on a recorder or drawing it somewhere but I do suggest that also now in regards of Stu starting the new year it does help to write down on your refrigerator just a few bullet points people might think yeah but that's come on it's so little no it's the little things if you can't handle the little things you
will not be able to handle the big things that's just how it is so that means the small things matter even if last year nothing was written on your refrigerator but this year you make up your mind you make up your plan and you put it there visible every day it matters I heard you use this word a few times and when we speak about manifestation this one really um sits for me quite well and it's the idea of seeds and planting these seeds um with manifesting something for me a thought is almost a seed
but to get it to the point where it is in this world is a physical thing how how do people go about that you know every day I also I have I have a lot of thoughts also I have a lot of ideas partly these are things that sometimes come from me at the same time I also have let's say requests or ideas that are coming let's say from the outside being offered to me to me so what I have sometimes at the end of the day is I can see in the mind those ideas
now what I do first of all is I keep them within myself and do what I call I contemplate I think about them but think about them deeply meaning I take this idea I look at where would that idea lead if I would now start with that current situation to invest energy in and so what deres out from that is I'm starting to see pictures I start to see a vision involving that idea in the future and this I just do with everything that comes to my mind and then um see it in a bigger
perspective of is that now what I think the monastery this community or myself would in any way benefit from in order to make our mission more close to achieve which means share more this is how at the moment I'm planning my let's say I'm starting my project and once I'm I'm clear for myself this is the one I take this is the one I take then meanwhile I don't even have doubt that this idea in here will take reality I don't even have that that doubt that it will not take place because for me right
now it is that I try with my intentions just figure out right now who else what else do I need what is it that is in my hands right now to make that plan come true which obstacles do I maybe have to remove and which other people or other things do I maybe need to take in in that idea and then it starts if I have some people on my mind the writing starts the contacting starts if I see already okay there are a few obstacles right now we need to get rid of then the
daily work goes into okay remov to obstacles and yes and why I am saying that at the moment I am trusting this process so much that I'm trusting that idea so much that it will come real is because I'm clear of my intentions and as arrogant as it sounds but I do think that this intention is very much in line of what I think this world is needing right now just a point there removing the obstacles um I guess for the start of someone's year or if somebody is really not even the start of someone's
year if someone's embarking on a New Journey and they don't know where to start a lot of people are carrying around a lot of baggage or heavy weights with them on these Journeys that they don't need to be you know there's a lot of noise there's a lot of things that are just irrelevant how important is it I mean we spoke about it the other day about emptying the cup U not and not having all that stuff going into the new year into 2023 like how important is it if people want to embark on the
new journey to sort of drop those weights that they don't need to be carrying anymore if someone is determined to really figure out what does this life has to offer to you if you want to really engage into life at its fullest I would say the more you're able to let go the quicker you are going to approach along this way why because the more things the more weight you are letting go the more light you become the more open you become the more new things are automatically starting to fill all the gaps that now
you have made space for but if you are starting into the next year into your next period but you keep on having the same things over and over again that are already inside of you since the last 20 years nothing too much new going to come because there is something already too heart inside of you you're stuck already with a conceptual view about how this life is supposed to look and this is sometimes why we call you have the physical practice to keep your body healthy and running along this lifetime but then we have the
spiritual practices the ones that don't have so much to do anymore with the physicality they have something to do with opening up allowing your mind to get free of the concepts get free of the things that have been uh accumulating inside of ourself and that from time to time then start to block ourself and this is why we have those physical practices mental practices and both of them the more you're able to let go the farther you're going to proceed so therefore to your question it is essential the more your willingness and your ability to
let go the more changes are going to come it's just like this for new things to come old things must go and now just as I mentioned there is the willingness first of all to let go and then there is your skill level your abilities can you even if you want and there it is now also good to know by practicing certain methods many of them that I told you already many of them that are also available by using them there is a certain degree that you can already help or support yourself in letting go
learning what does it mean to let go but sometimes there are also things that have that have let's say that are caught within us that you just cannot reach by yourself and this is the moment where sometimes you need support where sometimes even if the willingness is there and you even maybe can see what it is that is stuck inside of you but sometimes you need a person more persons or sometimes you need an additional support to get rid of it but this is also important really to understand yeah but this is the reason why
nowadays people start to travel and go to all different types of places meeting shamans meeting monks all of this this is I really think where it comes from because they feel that they for themselves cannot proceed anymore they maybe have reached their limit of knowledge and their skill level at the same time to proceed deeper so and who are the ones that are able to proceed from there on only the ones that went [Music] deeper and this is where it's ending once again why we have walls around here because you have a lot of time
for yourself and if you are putting the right effort into it the right concentration to it and the right meditation to it there is a type of depths that you can then develop which an average person normally does not have the time for everybody can achieve it if you are investing enough of the effort enough of the training into it enough of the time in really watching inside of yourself and why I mentioned this is that this is the real reason why sometimes if people come here if they speak to spiritual people sometimes they can
take something out from you that you for yourself cannot do and maybe no one in your surroundings was able so far to do it but it is simply because we can see a little bit closer that's it there is no magic to that it's just that it was part of our daily routine part of our daily life belonging to exactly that the sholin way of living physical deaths and mental deaths you use the word skill a few times and ability there and I think there's a lot of people who have expectations of themselves especially for
the year and they have goals for the year but they don't necessarily have the ability or the skills I mean the is there a mistake in that is there a mistake in setting goals that are beyond your your skill set um and yeah just like how would somebody go about achieving something beyond what they are capable of right now one thing really to know in this time type of of state is why is it that I'm always saying you do not want to make big jumps you don't want to make huge huge changes why is
it better to have like small steps like a with with small Milestones along the way because my observation so far is that if something within this world is changing too [Music] quickly it either comes quick and therefore leaves quick or it comes quick and then mostly it has a type of destructive character so let's just take for example the earthquakes the tsunamis the volcano eruptions no matter what it is the bump explosion what does bump explosion mean there is something with which is changing the Status Quo in a very short time very dramatically so huge
changes in a short time is not what we want what does it mean for us don't put unrealistic goals into your year where you actually already know I mean I could maybe achieve it but but therefore yeah therefore what therefore a lot of other things are going to be destroyed a lot of other things are going to um stop developing and this is maybe not something that you want so instead of making huge plans with huge steps better think about how to structure your your 24 hours and put a little bit of what you want
to develop there inside that day because instead of huge steps what we are using as a method is continuity that one is your friend repetition is your friend not not huge jumping it is the repetition of things that starts to embody something inside of you and if if you have a goal and if you know what type of skills which tools you are going to need to make this goal become true I do think you need to figure out how you're going to get to those skills first of all and then make a plan and
invest in them and at least in the Kung Fu training it is like this that we say some skills they come after years of training you might feel the benefit of a certain skill already quickly soon pretty soon but ultimately it's repetition when people on from the space that we're in embark on a journey like this they look for um belief whether it's self-belief or one of a friend of ours coined as renting someone else's belief which I really love but in terms of installing self-belief there's this image for me about positive affirmations talking to
yourself you know looking in the mirror and saying um that you are capable of doing these things you are you have the skills is is there any of that in in sholing teachings to be able to talk to yourself positively and be able to create that within yourself sometimes we also have like Chong classes yeah Chong classes people sometimes now they still understood as working with energy now a lot of times when you go nowadays into so-called Chong classes you realize very often people are also having a background music playing at the same time so
there is music together with the practice and if you ask then the people so what's the point of like using the music then it certainly is because it is adding something to you it is adding something where you know about if this is where you would like to go you want to become a little bit more peaceful because you had a a hard day so we have peaceful music merg together with peaceful movements and merge together with a peaceful way of breathing which does help but as long as you are still dependent on the music
that means you can still not yet create that peace just by yourself and now to that question what does it mean of course you can have self-affirmations and use this as a method to push yourself because you want to achieve something but from time to time it's really necessary to test yourself you talk to yourself you give positive feedback to yourself you give affirmations to yourself you can create an image about yourself and then from time to time you need to make the test if what you imagine to be is who you are that is
the important step because if you do not do the testing then it's pretty pretty easy that sometimes you're going to get lost lost in the world of your thoughts that sometimes have nothing anymore to do with how life for you really is you live in the dream world you live in a fantasy world this can happen very very quickly if you are using too much of these type of methods music self-affirmation visualization all of these things if you do not test if you test you can use everything because from time to time that test is
just going to show you and that's where you really are and then you readjust but if you have all of these methods which pump you up which pump you up but you never do the testing then I would say uh be careful about that one but whatever is allowed to make you accomplish your job use it to finish off I know we spoke about this that it was it was the it is 2023 is the year of the rabbit and from my limited research on it is that it is to bring or there is some
element of bringing good fortune and this it's supposed to be a prosperous year 2023 but I I wonder sort of in the in your world in a in a shing world how much of things like this are left to or have external factors like a year of Good Fortune does it genuinely bring good fortune or or is it something that we we still need to find ourselves it's still and we need to interpret the message in a different way so I think there is something which lies in our hands and there's something which sometimes is
not dependent from whatever we're doing but in the moment where your actions are in harmony with let's say some energies some possibilities that at that point in time are anyway apparent there something can happen so that means let's just assume next year out of whatever constellation let's take the star constellations if the astrologist say yes apparently it is time to be able and um have some luck and fortune next year then this is the energetic potential that's out there it's just there now if it's out there but the both of us are like just still
sitting here and will just remain here don't put any ction into practice doesn't matter what type of potential it is going to exist that year but not for us cuz we are not merging our action our behavior in accordance to the potential so what for me personally all these horoscopes all that astrology all that forecast what they give me is they give me a view if you would want something out of that potential then it would be good now this upcoming year adopt your personal plans in accordance that those possibilities would be able to come
true because let's just say next year somebody says is a good year to to strengthen the bond of your family to strengthen the the bond within families yeah but you are a businessman and your goal is I'm going to make business next year so that means you don't even see your family then nothing's going to happen but if you read it is a good year to increase the bond within families you read that you see that potential and then you have the willingness to say okay I made business the last 5 years my family maybe
really came a little bit short I'm going to change something about my Approach for the next year I'm going to make a little bit less of my stuff and therefore spend a little bit more with my family those two now together the action that you put into place merge together with a potential which is out there this is what I think why these forecasts horoscopes are sometimes there and therefore yes I believe in them but only if you're also merging it together with your own action because just because the stars are saying something but you
are doing nothing nothing changes wow thank you so much for this video again um I'm so pleased that we've managed to do this before the before the year ended uh I know you've accommodated us this week and um I'm so happy to finished on this video as well to be able to deliver this to people before before the year starts and give them some kind of guidance um yeah thank you as always for having us in the temple um we really appreciate it and we've absolutely loved uh creating content and working with you thank you
as you guys know this past year I've been training to do the world's heaviest Marathon guys I completed it I did the world's heaviest marathon and then I ran 450 Mi over 10 days with the stone on my back and to do that world record to carry that 100 kilo stone for 27.8 Mi I was in a bad way in a bad shape but I remembered the higher purpose and that was to raise money for other people who had lost their babies so whilst the run is complete and the miles are done the mission is
not I'm still trying to raise money for bereev parents the GoFundMe link is down below if you want to help us help other people I can't thank you enough and if you can't do that please just share the message and share the journey we're trying to get as many eyeballs on it as possible there is a documentary coming out and there are still the brass monkey and Vortex giveaways down below as well where the proceeds are going to charity so there's loads of different ways you can get involved I just urge you guys to if
you've been inspired by the journey to get involved thank you so much
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