To Know I AM is to BE the I AM | Aaron Abke

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Aaron Abke
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I want to be careful that I'm not sort of like making you guys feel as if this is some fancy technique that you can just apply and get results it is a living realization that has to be born from your heart if you know that you are if you know that the I am Consciousness itself is what you are you're in the 0.001% of this planet that has the luxury of knowing that it is the most holy and complete complely satisfying feeling you can ever have it's what the soul has always craved it's what the
ego thinks it was craving all along yeah in searching for pleasure in the world and over and over again sex drugs rock and roll and it can't get fulfilled it can't get fulfilled well damn it what is it I really [Music] want next question is from Lindsay I believe that you mentioned we don't want to remain in neutral State once we realize the I am meaning that we need to apply our I am responsibility with great Powers comes great responsibility I completely follow you however I've been letting go of a lot of situations in my
life simply observing observing as I do know that I am the Creator and that I am being lived all of all of us are perfect and do not lack anything this seems like there are two separate Concepts or paths on the table at this point would you please be CLE would you please clear this up for me yeah I had a I had this conversation with somebody on I want to say Instagram this week so yeah this is the kind of like Paradox of stepping into the I am State becoming the Creator is that you
have to also understand how that how that complements non- doership because it does complement it but again here's what non- doership means non doership means that the person the character the conditioned unit called Aaron ABY that person cannot do anything it is being lived by life it is a product of life it's a product of its conditioning of its patterns and all of that so it can only ever behave as it's been programmed to behave it's stuck forever within the limited confines of that person that conditioned unit so the person is not the doer the
person is being lived the person is no different than the clouds passing in the sky the cloud isn't doing itself the Cloud's a product of nature right the Cloud's a product of Earth and what Earth is doing and that's like what the person is so the person's not the doer but when we're stepping into the I am we're not saying I the person am the creat Creator we're saying I I the I am itself I Consciousness I awareness I existence am the Creator and the person is something that I'm creating the person is my creation
so that means the person can't be the Creator right a a painter is greater than his painting a musician is greater than her music that she's playing right it's her creation and so the person is your creation so that's the way that non doership and Creator Consciousness complement one another so you said I'm observing fantastic that's Creator Consciousness because again Creator Consciousness is not really a doing in that we we have to go out into our world and manufacture the outcomes we want to create Creator Consciousness is choosing where we place our attention because we
are attention we are Consciousness and whatever you give your I am to you enliven with all the power of the Creator and it has to come into manifestation in some form and so you're always wielding the I am whether you know it or not you don't need to even say I am I am is even closer to you than the words I am I am is your very sense of awareness itself and where you place it and so even to feel within yourself um I am sick today or something like that if you give attention
to that thought without correcting it then you're inviting more sickness into your experience cuz it has to manifest whatever the IM am touches has to manifest in due time sometimes it manifests very quickly other times it may take months or years to manifest but you can be sure if you give it your IM am power it will manifest in some form and the more you believe in it the more powerfully it will manifest the more diligent and consistent you are at keeping your attention on it the faster it will manifest so as you practice Creator
Consciousness and you know building your Consciousness through I am you're you're choosing each day how do I want to build my Consciousness today much like what we just did with Franchesco right he decided to deconstruct the way he had built his Consciousness prior to this moment belief in unworthiness belief that love must be earned and we went into that belief we looked at it with our I am attention and we said I'm going to deconstruct that I'm going to revoke my belief in that I don't believe that anymore thank you you served me you you
got me to this point and now I no longer need your service I'm ready to transcend that belief and create worthiness to create the knowledge that love is already freely given it can't be earned and I don't need to earn it so Franchesco now has to keep his attention on that if he just diverts back to the old patterning he may keep building that again he may rebuild that belief and keep constructing it so this is why Creator Consciousness requires diligence from us faithfulness to the task right I think we said this last week um
sincerity and intention are far more important than technique and Method so like it isn't enough to just go through the motions in your mind of okay Aaron says to revoke belief in the old thing and affirm what I want to believe so I revoked that and I affirm this did it were you really there though were you really giving your heart to that just now was that Sincere was there a deep intentionality behind it not really right it's just kind of you going through the motions hoping that a technique works that's not Creator Consciousness Creator
Consciousness is to know that I am in full charge of my state of being based on what I allow based on what I'm willing to tolerate and what I'm not willing to tolerate and and what you're willing to tolerate you are inviting into your experience right so are you willing to keep tolerating the belief that love has to be earned cuz if you're not you may have to deny your belief in that many many times as it keeps coming up cuz guess what if you've given a bunch of energy to an old belief for years
it's going to have a lot of charge in it so it's going to have to most likely not always but most likely it's going to have to be released gradually over time you may do a MDMA ceremony or an iwasa ceremony and have this profound moment of insight where in just a flash all that energy is revoked maybe you even Purge right and you throw it up and you get it out of the body and then you notice it just never arises for you again that's also possible but that's much more the exception rather than
the rule most healing takes place gradually as we choose to be the Creator again and again and again when that belief arises will you feel like a victim to it oh man I thought I healed this already and here I am feeling rejected again what am I ever going to you see how you're creating that with those thoughts very subtle but aren't you giving attention and belief in that idea of rejection if you're complaining about it if it bums you out that it appeared again you still don't know you're the Creator when you do that
you still don't real realize you are wielding the power of I am when you really get this and I've said this on many of our previous calls right when you get this you will know it because a profound shift will take place in you that everything that appears is just a decision do I want this do I want to continue allowing this in my experience or am I done with it and neither's right or wrong you can play out rejection as long as you want but at a certain point you you are going to get
tired of it because your soul is perfect your soul is divine your soul is one with God who perfect love so you'll never be able to be satisfied living as a victim living as feeling rejected feeling Unworthy of love feeling like you have to earn love these beliefs are inherently wearing to the soul and so the soul will continue longing to get rid of it so you just have to come to that decision as the Creator that I don't want to keep playing this out anymore I decide now that it's not worth my investment anymore
I decide now I have no use for this I decide now that that belief's futile it cannot fulfill me it cannot lead me where I want to go and so I give it up you you're always the Creator no matter how much Karma you're carrying no matter how much belief has been built up in something you're still the Creator because look you're looking at your creation right a lifelong belief in rejection is a lifelong creation of yours so we talked about two weeks ago training your frequency is that moment by moment requalifying of your thoughts
from the old patterns of victim Consciousness to the new pattern you're training of Creator Consciousness and so the big hangup tends to be that you think you need to have some gigantic release you think you need to feel this profound ecstatic love sweep over you right and you think your ego tells you if you don't have that experience well you didn't it didn't really work but haven't you built that belief in rejection very subtly line by line Moment by moment I mean if we're honest right these beliefs that we're Unworthy of Love or that we're
rejected or something yeah there's tra there's traumatic moments where we we build a a huge amount of it in one moment from a trauma a breakup a rejection and then that belief gets charged up with a ton of emotional energy that does happen but again that's the exception not the rule most of the time there's just a lingering feeling of of rejection you know and we're just allowing it to to run through our Consciousness we're not taking responsibility for it we're not requalifying it we're not deciding what we want and so you've built these beliefs
year after year Moment by moment and so that's going to be how you deconstruct it too and if that sounds like a bummer like oh I can't just do it in one foul swoop I have to do it every day for weeks months years if that sounds like a bummer you still don't know you're the Creator see you still think you're a victim no you're the Creator you built that belief and so you can unbuild it and build a new one but you're only ever looking at your Creations so so what is there to be
bummed out about it should only be ever an empowering realization that you're the Creator so if it feels like a bummer and for any reason if it feels disempowering that you have to take responsibility now and you have to re-qualify your thoughts then you don't know what it means to be the Creator yet so keep seeking keep asking keep asking source to reveal to you your true power your true Divinity because if you do see your true power if you do see your true Divinity you can rise to that level in a moment and speak
from there and declare from there and create from there but you've got to contact that part of you and so this my friends is the power and the purpose of practicing the presence we talk about practicing the I am State lifting your awareness to the presence of love lifting your awareness to God's love to the I am connect to yourself connect to your source as often as as possible because yourself the I Am The Great I Am reveals itself inside of you gradually it's kind of like it's kind of like a a show or stage
performer let's say who has a a big long performance that they want to do for you to razzled Dazzle you and impress you and give you an amazing uh experience at the show and you just want them to come out and take a bow or something right like no no no I I've been rehearsing this dance I want to reveal the whole dance to you and so you you want to sit there and just watch the whole unfolding and be in it all the way right that's like the attitude we need to have to step
into the I am State stop feeling like you're far away from it stop feeling like you're earning it stop feeling like it's it's a burden to practice it be excited be grateful be childlike about your current awareness of I am just be grateful that you even know I am because guess what if you know that you are if you know that the I am Consciousness itself is what you are you're in the 0.001% of this planet that has the luxury of knowing that everybody else is out there living like victims living like separate prodigal sons
they don't know who they are they don't know their creators they genuinely believe they're victims and that could be used right and it was you at one point so can you just be grateful that you even know that you're the Creator and be excited that you have that knowledge and be excited to put it to use oh baby that's the winning ticket if you have that attitude if you're excited to be the Creator if you look forward to requalifying ego's days are numbered because that momentum it can't be slowed down once you find a true
love of I am you love being the I am you love exercising your power as I am you love taking responsibility as I am you love taking responsibility as the Creator to the point where as I said A week ago or so or two weeks ago even if you get mugged in a back alley the first thing you do is how did I The Creator attract that experience and you you're incapable of slipping down into victim Consciousness anymore you know that frequency is no longer alive in you you've fully transcended it so that's the attitude
I want to inspire you guys to have and you as well Lindsay per your question is yes it's a responsibility and yes with great power comes great responsibility but guess what else with great power comes great fun and great enjoyment great joy great happiness and so for you to know part of you knowing who you are as I am is to love every component of what that means right in the same way that you could never be good at a sport let's say you're playing baseball and you're a pitcher you could never become a good
pitcher if it's a bummer for you to practice pitching right you have to love pitching you have to be obsessed with it you have to can't wait to get on the field and start practicing that curveball and you just want to throw all day long right that's how people become great in any endeavor so if you want to become a great Creator if you want to step into your full power love it love that you get to take responsibility for your love that you get to take responsibility for your victim thoughts and re-qualify them again
and again and again every time you do it you should just feel that you're exercising your Dominion as the Creator this thought has no power at all without me this thought has no inherent power that I have not given it I've given it all the meaning it has and so I revoke all the meaning that I've given it and truly if you could do that with all your heart 100% of your heart you would revoke all your energy from it because you have that power but that's kind of a lofty aspiration it's it's rare that
we're able to access that full capacity of our power and do that it has to be practiced like anything else and so we practice it by gradually revoking our belief and if you can lift your awareness to those heavenly Realms of Oneness where you look down at victimhood and it makes no sense at all it's bizarre it's weird it's futile it doesn't make sense it contradicts reality and so it's just seen as useless if you can lift yourself up there if you can practice lifting yourself up there and looking down from that perspective everything is
seen with clarity everything is forgiven you you hold no resentment towards those beliefs and yet you see that they're futile you see that they're not based in truth and so you just don't want them so in the practice of I am it may take a while for you to get used to what that feels like to step into the full power of your godhood and then look at those egoic beliefs and say oh that's nothing it's nothing it's just a belief I gave energy to it has no power over me that I don't give it
as you practice that more and more you start exercising more and more of that power and then you start seeing the results of that power where um like the example I gave of being nervous speaking in public when I was in my late 20s leading a meditation class because it became my Magnificent Obsession to overcome that because I couldn't it was almost like I couldn't live another day knowing that huge Distortion was in me it was like a a fever inside of me I had to get it out then I spent all all of my
time looking for that energy in myself and when I saw it I decided to re-qualify it and say I do not need the approval of people I don't believe that I used to believe it and so I've built this belief that I need people's approval the little pastor's Kid in Me from 5 years old or something started believing I needed people to like me so I could make my parents look good and be a good pastor son I definitely built that belief but now it doesn't serve me anymore and I don't want believe it and
so I just kept hammering that thing and all the way to the meditation class in my car I'm just requalifying requalifying I am here to be of service I am here to be a conduit for the Divine I am not here to get approval I am not here to be accepted by others I'm already accepted I'm already perfect as I am I don't need anything from these people I just want to bless them I just want to serve them and I would freaking charge myself up on that and after about 4 weeks I noticed that
I was really looking forward to teaching and I was up there with a lot more fire behind my words and a lot more authenticity shining through and then it was like oh where did that thing go disappeared Without a Trace cuz I The Creator revoked it we always have that power but have you practiced it do you believe it yet do you fully believe it yet or are you still on your way to believing it maybe part of you believes it and that's a great starting place but you notice that part of you still doesn't
believe it great keep requalifying that keep practicing being the Creator that you are and it's it's only by being the self you guys it's only by being the self that you can know the self there's no such thing as self-realization as a concept there's no such thing as self-realization as a mental conclusion you arrive at so it's almost like stop trying you know stop trying to understand that you're the I am just be the I am be the self that you are be the peace that you are be the love that you are you are
the presence of divine love at all times you are the presence of Peace at all times but are you aware of it are you tuning into it are you qualifying it in your experience is the only question so in a sense spiritual progression Creator Consciousness it has to be practiced like anything else like the pitcher can't become a pitcher by reading about pitching by watching YouTube videos of pitching tutorials those things can be helpful and prepare him to get on that mound and practice pitching but how does the pitcher become a pitcher other than by
doing it right is to get up on that mound and practice throwing and throwing and throwing and throwing and he has to love it to really get good at it if he hates it he'll never get good at it right that's a that's an inherent block blockage to your learning is to not like something so find the part of you that doesn't want to take responsibility and just wishes it could be a victim and wishes it didn't have to create its reality and rebuke that demon from your mind it doesn't belong in you it's inherently
a contradiction to who you are it's an obstacle to love I don't want to be the Creator I don't like that I have to create until you look at that and deal with it it will continue to block you from Creator consciousness you have to understand that I don't want to believe this I don't want to have this belief I don't want to hold these thoughts anymore and when you really don't want to hold those thoughts anymore you won't if something is still showing up in your experience it's because part of you still wants it
there and so the real inner work is to find that part of you that wants victim or wants laziness or whatever is blocking you and to see it it put it into the light of awareness and choose decide now you don't want that belief anymore just like we did with Franchesco a minute ago you have to do that with every aspect of self Darkness or light you have to choose right no one else can step into your Consciousness and choose for you no one else can step into your body and speak for you only you
can only you can save yourself only you can actualize yourself only you can create your reality and so because we're multi-dimensional beings we have to do a lot of inner searching throughout the day we have to pay really close attention to our state of being and when we feel the contraction we feel stress we feel littleness we feel rejection we have to go deeply into those things and say what belief is here what am I tolerating in my experience right now what am I tolerating in my mind sometimes ego wants to make those things big
and scary right we're afraid to look at them because we we don't realize it's our creation like literally like a drawing like you drew a big demon on a piece of paper and then you look at it and you ah and you're afraid of it but once you know that you drew it you you are the artist of that drawing then it can't scare you anymore so you see the subtleties of I am it goes that deep it really does down to the very subtlest perception of anything you're you're seeing a reflection always in how
much you know yourself and the true litmus and barometer for total self- knowledge is that there's an absence of fear in your experience because again you cannot fear something that you know you have power over you cannot fear something that you know is powerless in relation to you you must have given it power in your mind before you feared it it so you got to find those parts of you that are in resistance to things yeah and that's that's the real requalifying is just see it just put it into the light and then choose what
you want instead and every time it comes up you do that again but can you do it with a little more intensity can you do it with a little more passion can you be done with that belief can you be over it can you be have had enough of it that's the real attitude for healing because again you'll see it or not as you wish these parts will cling on to us for years sometimes little tiny uh pieces of resistance towards being the Creator little fragments of victimhood will try to hang on to us kind
of like those fish that swim on the whales body you know they're trying to leech off of us and feed off of us and until we look down and see where they are they they'll always be there right so in conclusion love this practice love that you're the I I am love that you're the Creator and if you want to know it deeper and if you want to access the power that is there connect to it connect to God's love connect to the peace the Stillness of I am I am is love I am is
love and so if you just remember love that's good enough if you just remember that you are that there is an eternal conscious principle looking through your eyes and where did that come from what what source does that belong to where is that shining from you know this is basic self- inquiry right look to the sense of I am and then trace it back where is it shining from clearly it's shining yeah clearly you're you are clearly you exist clearly you are conscious so it's like there's rays of light beaming forth from you at all
times I am I am awareness existence Consciousness always every moment shining forth where is it coming from and in that inquiry if if there's a childlike curiosity to it you will find it's coming from the very source of all life itself it has to right where else could Consciousness existence where else could these things come from it is the light of source in you which means you are that Source just like a ray of light is the sun it is no different than the sun it's not two it's not separate it is the sun emanating
forth I am is God emanating forth through you but do you know it do you love it do you connect to it do you feel that presence do you feel that shining throughout the day the more times you can feel it the better because at a c certain point your conviction in that in that power that God power that rests in you will become so certain you will feel like you are organizing the rotation of the planets you will feel like you are moving the clouds across the sky and that the wind is blowing by
your own will and that everything that happens was ordained by you you feel yourself to be existence itself and you're like ah Perfection is already here the Kingdom of Heaven already present what is there to do what to improve what needs to be changed just sit in it Perfection is here as I am all of that Revelation I promise you is contained in your feeling that you are all of that revelation will be there and it has to be there in you organically to know it you can hear my words now they can be very
inspiring to you and if they are inspiring to you hold on to them keep looking into those words right let them inspire you but the inner standing of this has to happen from the heart you have to look inside and really see that you are God that you are the I am itself and that the I am principle is prior to the body prior to the person person the character the stories and that you really are that self prior to all conditioning you are the Innocence that came in through the baby's eyes when it was
born you are that Purity if it exists it is existence if it is conscious it is consciousness there can't be division right Consciousness can't be divided there can't be something that isn't Consciousness but has it well there's a separation there can't be something that is not existence but has existence Duality that's a contradiction of truth right existence can't be divided so if you exist you are that you are existence and doesn't existence already contain all the power of the universe isn't the universe what existence is doing you will feel that you will connect to that
and that Indescribable happiness that comes with knowing that all things are already happening according to your will so if a challenging moment happens you feel as if you created it genuinely you feel as if you brought it to yourself to show you a mirror of darkness in you of a shadow you don't drop into victim Consciousness for a second you go ah thank you I am for bringing me that tough challenging moment just now which showed that there's a little bit of pride in me still I'm so glad to see it because now I can
re-qualify it that's the attitude right the childlike happy attitude is the most Cutting Edge one because it's the hardest one to maintain it's the hardest one to achieve and to maintain to have a truly happy attitude full acceptance towards everything that happens pain or pleasure but that is the attitude of the I am that is the attitude of God it just sees all things as a a teaching opportunity a learning opportunity and you are both the teacher and the learner from the I am state so I guess I'm getting a little esoteric there um sometimes
these things just need to be experienced for yourself um but I hope that that gives you some more insight Lindsay into the right attitude to approach these practices from I want to be careful that I'm not sort of like making you guys feel as if this is some fancy technique that you can just apply and get results it is a living realization that has to be born from your heart that you in a moment of insight realize I am it's true and if I am then I'm creating my reality in every moment and so oh
my gosh I've been giving my attention to all these horrible ideas I've been giving my belief in lack and victimhood and so now there's just this great sense of ownership over your state of being that you're like okay time to create my reality for real time to consciously create my reality that that empowerment that love to do this that's the real I am State when you get there you're already in the I am State you may have a lot of energy to re-qualify but that's not what dictates if you're in the I it's the state
of being that is the I am the I am doesn't need to be improved right the IM am isn't perfecting itself slowly over time the the person's getting perfected right the person's the vehicle for I am the person's the learning device for I am so when we know who we are in relationship to the person I'm not the body I'm not the character it's just a temporary vehicle I'm using it's a temporary mirror I'm using to know myself then whatever is there in the person is of no consequence to you you don't Define Yourself by
it any longer you don't identify with it anymore you just say all right this is here for my learning and for my growth I I'm seeing a reflection of my past beliefs that if I want to know myself I need to change and re-qualify but I'm already that I'm just here to experience it explore it play in it create it manifest it I mean that's the real Beauty and adventure of life isn't it to live from the finished Kingdom and yet create the kingdom in real time both are happening yeah Perfection is already at hand
but God only manifests through individuality God has already manifest in you as you and God wants to express himself God wants to express its glory in the universe in fact this is why Jesus says to the I don't know if it's his disciples or some bystanders but he heals the man with py and his disciples say Lord uh oh no the blind man they say Lord who sinned that this man was born blind was it his parents or was it his sin and Jesus say something really amazing Jesus says he is not blind because his
parents sinned or because he sinned he is blind so that the glory of God may be revealed in him and there's something important there which is that all of creation if we have to boil it down to words all of creation exists really for the glory of God to be demonstrated isn't that wild all the things you go through all the challenges all the ups and downs they exist only so that God may be glorified in you because guess what when you glorify God when you demonstrate love when you demonstrate I am it is the
most wholly and completely satisfying feeling you can ever have it's what the soul has always craved it's what the ego thinks it was craving all along yeah in searching for pleasure in the world and over and over again sex drugs rock and roll and it can't get fulfilled it can't get fulfilled well damn it what is it I really want to glorify God that's God's will to be glorified to be manifested and because you are God you are one with God that's your will too meaning there is no greater happiness available in this experience than
demonstrating the kingdom it it's it's beyond satisfying it's like something else we need a different word for it it's like coming home or something it's it's more than just satisfying it's like all of your soul cries out yes this is why I exist and to demonstrate God's glory is to demonstrate your glory you are that you're not demonstrating somebody else's Glory but every moment is contained with infinite potential infinite Magic is waiting to be manifested right infinite glory is available at every moment to be manifested a realized being is somebody who is so deeply tuned
in to the field around them to the present moment and sensitive in their heart to what God wants to do and they're asking they're asking God use me show me what you want me to do right now show me where I'm to be of service right now show me how you want to be manifested through me now now and if you're asking that you will receive that the only problem is we have not because we ask not right
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