This NDE Will Give You Goosebumps - Professor Dies & Is Shown Truth About Heaven (NDE)

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T&H - Afterlife
Professor Dean Brinson died at the hospital and was transported by his spiritual mentor to the After...
Video Transcript:
everybody who dies will hear a sound there's a beautiful sound of a bell of a higher thing which can take them to the heavens I noiselessly and painlessly died while in the wheelchair and then we went through a tunnel as we go through the tunnel I start seeing people coming out of the tunnel was that from your past lives yes everybody in that world will experience music everything is full of Music the mountains the water the water has a strange type of intelligence a life of their own and everything is following the will of Lord
everything is lit up including your body you don't need artificial light outside through electricity or through the sun everything has its own light you start feeling one with everything when I say feel you actually can become one with everything your soul is trapped in the physical body it's trapped in the astral body and it's trapped in the causal body these are the three bodies which keep the soul revolving in this vicious cycle of birth and death my job is to get into your head I'm not a psychic nor a magician but my job is to
get into your head because you got the same Consciousness I got and if I achieve that Miracle a light Bub would go off you'll say wow you always say wow when knowledge come w we you know my name is Professor Brinson and and I had met my teacher back in the 70s his name was iswas curri he was Chief Secretary of the State of the Punjab India has over a million people so when you say Chief Secretary of a state you're talking about maybe the population of the entire United States and I met him through
a coincident he was much older than myself and he was highly intelligent and through this coincident he befriended me and gave me so much affection I was totally impressed with his humility and with his love and affection ended up before I Le left India he said sit down on a bench we were in a park he raised his voice and looked like he was shouting at me and I said why are you shouting he said I want you to remember what I'm saying you people in the western part of the world especially America including in
Europe you think you know more than what we know did you know that all of the world major religion came from the east or the Middle East or the Far East he said we imported them you imported them over there and you got arrogance you don't know anything about these people who founded the different religion all of them taught basically the same thing it depends on how how how far they went into the spiritual world and you could only go as far as your teacher has gone he had a teacher who taught him that that
is possible for every human being on Earth has the capacity the potentiality to actually get out of this human body to vacate it and go into the higher world go all the way up if their teacher is gone all the way up see the Creator and then come back and go to work tomorrow I said wow I almost fell off the bench he said every human being is made like that I said wow I can't think of anything better he said nor could I no human being can think of anything better they don't know they
made like this your friend your mentor on Earth told you that he would be there when you died yes that was during the 70s when I got initiated and after going through initiation and doing some meditation he talked to me about the experience I would have and so I did achieve some of the experiences in an early stage and he said when I first heard the there's a sound in the body which everybody will hear that sound can sound like electricity going through a wire or the bird chirping or the Crickets at night or like
Christ said the sound of the wind in John 38 where he's talking to Nicodemus and he said you have to be born again he was talking about taking birth in another in another level of Consciousness just like we take birth here so as you take birth there you hear the sound and it can take you to the first stage so when I first heard the sound it scared me the big part of the sound and I wrote him a letter he was still in India and he responded by saying I'm going to meet you why
are you afraid didn't I tell you I will see you and excort you and you don't have to do anything but just listen so as I heard it again my faith increased so let me go into the future a little bit let's go back into the big experience I had some experiences in meditation so if people ask questions I can go into some detail but the big experience I had took place in the spring of 2019 and when I had that experience I was with my wife uh I was supposed to get a hip surgery
on my right hip because I had a cane and I was walking with a limp but I had postpone it out of my stubbornness and she said look you going to go get a colonoscopy I said what does a colonoscopy has to do with the hip surgery she said it'll clean out your system I said well you know I've been a vegetarian ate plant-based food for nearly 50 years my organs my veins are not clogged up with cholesterol you know how wives can be if you with them for a long time and so she says
Shadow we got into the hospital she put me in a wheelchair I go up to the fourth floor to meet the co the colonoscopist and we got into another argument about money I said I need to go to the bank she said I told you to shut up we're not going to go to the bank until next week sometime so I became quiet people I felt it was a lot of stress and so as I was in the wheelchair as she wheeled me through the door I stopped talking and she kept talking I noiselessly and
painlessly died while in the wheelchair I didn't talk anymore so she kept talking she noticed that I wasn't speaking so she went into a state of panicking she started screaming the nurses and the doctors that were on that floor they came and she said my husband is not breathing what's wrong with and I was watching this whole process I was out of the body just like in the movie Patrick squeazy in the movie Ghost so my teacher met me at that time he told me when I got initiated by him that I don't have anything
to worry about because all of the initiates will meet their Master when they die if not earlier in meditation and so he met me and he was still living at that time so as he EXC yes as he escorted me out of the hospital I was laughing and he was laughing I tried to grab of their hands because they were cutting off my expensive jacket he said they can't see you your hand will go through the body and so he said you can read their minds I said yes my senses that all human beings are
wearing they get restricted by this body the grossness of the physical body restrict us women have more intuition than men but men can have it too but in that world you can actually hear what a person is thinking not only can you hear you can actually see their thoughts as they forming in their mind so you can communicate through telepathy you could use words if you wish they add to the beauty of the conversation but you need not do that that world is one of truthfulness in the physical world people can deceive people they can
play a game and we can't tell unless we have great intuition and you still need verification because in the physical world the physical world is made of uncertainty so as I was with my teacher I said I wanted to see the son he said let's get out of this place let's go so since there's no gravity we just went through the the roof of the hospital flew extremely fast and I said I wanted to see the sun he said what's wrong with you you see the Sun every day it's a boring experience so we stopped
there for a moment saw it a huge gigantic explosion of nuclear energy atomic energy nothing but a Fireballs I didn't feel anything but I could hear the explosion he said what's you see every day so let's leave this boarding experience so as we travel great speed faster than the speed of light we cross the entire galaxy as we know it trillions of stars Suns Moon planets as asterid all kind of debris we crossed it in just less than a fraction of a second and then we went through a tunnel as we go through the tunnel
I start seeing people coming out of the tunnel and some of them I knew earlier in the 1700s 1600 even earlier was that from your past lives yes so when you wake up the only thing that makes you know that you are at a higher level of Consciousness is your memory comes back the minute you wake up from a dream you don't have to pinch yourself you don't have to open up your eyes you don't have to move your body your memory come back that I'm 16 20 30 40 however old you are that memory
lets you know that you in a world in which people are living longer than you or no more than 100 years of age same thing happens when you go into the astral World your memory comes back of thousands of years when I went there I suddenly woke up and I was 3,000 years of age so when you go to the Cal plane memory of millions of years come back as you go higher and higher then you cross time into the self-realization stage I didn't know everybody but some of them called me by a strange name
which I recognized at that time because my was improving and as they called me by this strange name I responded and they said where are you from I said from America what part I said Chicago well we going to be going to California but we going to get in touch with you if you come back what's your phone number and address I gave it to them knowing that they would go through a river of forgetfulness everybody that takes birth in the physical world not everybody but most they go through this strange thing which I call
spiritual Alzheimer what they can't recall they came up with a word today which they call De Jau which means vague vague memory I've done this before I've seen this person before I've had this but you can't put your fingers on it because of the Alzheimer that's there some children do remember but let's go into me leaving that Tong after I gave him my address and name I knew they would forget and get into the experience of deja Ru so as we get through get out of that tunnel we go into the lower part of the
astral plane then in the middle part where all of the heavens and and Hells exist all of the heavens and Hells in this world exist in that world they also exist in the physical world everything that you see in the physical world is there too but in a more perfect in a more powerful way so as we got into the heavens which is the middle part of the astral world it's a beautiful world I don't know how to describe it everything that is seen there is seen with the senses the senses increase in power and
awareness because you in a refined body made of very refined and subtle matter it's called the astral body and you can see in a panoramic a 360° Circle you don't have to turn your head you can see everywhere uh also you can uh not only read people mine but everybody in that world is extremely beautiful and gorgeous there's no ugly people there you can create your own body and form it like you do in the physical world like I'm looking at your face you got a beautiful face as you get older you probably put on
Botox or go see uh a person who can do plastic surgery people do that in this world in that world you don't have to do that you just think but in this world you think too oh I'm getting a little wrinkle let me go see this plastic surgeon or let me put on some lipstick and beautify my eyelashes we all want to look young and beautiful the average age of that person in that world look like they in their 30s because in that world you create your thoughts you create your body through thinking there too
like you do in this world to some extent and no pain is there everybody's nonviolent full of love it's a beautiful world you don't want to leave that world you get so much knowledge like in this world we go to school we go to colleges and we learn learn by a tedious method of putting our attention on books let me read this book let me spend all night trying to un understand Ein thine theory of equ equal MC squ let me understand chemistry in that World Knowledge come by infusion you don't have to go through
Reading you just look at something and the knowledge embedded within that activity or that thing get infused into you depending on how much concentration you develop in the physical world concentration and knowledge are connected even in the physical world when people make great discoveries like in the 1700 there was no airplanes there were no Rockets no telephone no computers no radios no TVs But as time went on there were individual who took birth who had studied these activities in the astral World when they came here and with their great ability to concentrate there was a
door hidden behind his eyes these two eyes which cracked open a little bit and the knowledge flooded them they thought it was coming from outside so they made these discoveries that's how this world is evolving with all these invention all of the knowledge in this world is coming from another dimension through the door of human beings cracking open there are human beings in that world they have jobs some are scientists working on different projects medical projects they make medical discoveries there's some people there athletic who are struggling with their skills they take birth here and
become rare athletes making multi-millions of dollars in different sports they just have that ability because they practice there so you doing practice here too when you come here but some people have not practiced there enough to develop the super skills that those people have from there so this world is similar except that that world in the astral plane is a more perfect expression of the physical world everybody in that world will experience music everything is full of sounds like in the movie Sound of Music which was made in America in in the ' 80s I
believe I saw it with Julie Andrews and the children who were singing with her when she said the hills are full of Music everything is full of Music the mountains the water the water has a strange type of intelligence a life of their own and everything is following the will of Lord but people don't know what that music is they don't know that it's God in a lower form of vibration there creating everything so as we move through that world uh that world is a huge world of light everything is lit up including your body
you don't need artificial light outside through electricity or through the sun everything has its own light and everything has its own intelligence matter in this world appear to have no intelligence but it does you can take matter such as ordinary dirt and turn it into gold if you know how to do it you can turn it into silver you can turn it into houses and take trees and all of these things with the concentration of attention do these things that's how this world developed Furniture wood is like a fuel plant play a major role in
not only feeding us but they give us fuel they give us cotton and clothing they are givers they givers and they humble if I can call them humble they have a life too so if you eat plants you become more calm they got medicine just like all of the sheeps and cows and horses they very calm creatures the AST World got people there that are more more intelligent more wise more loving and there's a Min there are administrators there just like administrators in this world we call them angels we call them different supervisors and the
big administrator as the Greeks used to call in their teachings long ago they call them Gods Gods there are many gods we call them administrators here they control our destiny then you have a super guard like a president who controlled America that president got different administrators different departments right Department of Justice you know and that world got department but Justice operates a different way there people in this world can't see Justice they don't know Justice is real it's as real or you can say more real than gravity it's as exous or more exous than gravity
you reap what you s so every human being in this world pulled out from the partial arashic records in the astral World a Destiny and they born with good and bad karma every human being has good and bad experiences here and your job is to seek the Creator how do you seek the Creator there's only two beings in creation that got free will the ultimate Creator out of knowledge and human beings out of ignorance our free will operate almost the same way therefore the Creator loves us a little bit more in these holy books they
say the angels are made less than the human beings the human beings are higher because they have the image of God when they speak of image they talking about the way in which we exercise free will the Lord exercised real Free Will and he creates the illusion of Free Will in Us by like a puppeteer pulling the Stream from behind the scene and he put so much concentration into the scene that we start feeling oh I can do this I can do that and we actually can do it because of his intensification of our will
that we can't see anyway as you as I cross that world I wanted to meet the president of that world one of the big Gods who control the destiny who controll the karma uh aash Records he said no if we meet him he'll want to ask me how he can go further up and he cannot go further up I would have to tell him he has to come back to earth and he doesn't want to come back to earth even though he's going to come back it's like if you were born with great money and
wealth wealth and lived in Hollywood or deal drives in a massion with all of the money and somebody said if you want to uh go back to God you have to become poor live a homeless life you would say no you know there must be another way but when you go to heaven that's how they bribe you they said when you go to the Earth you only going to be dreaming from there and a dream only lasts a little time cuz time is different just like when you go to sleep in this world you go
to sleep for 8 hours and he gave my teacher gave me an example he said what if somebody came to you and said here's a suitcase with $5 million in it but you have to take this red pill this red pill will not kill you but you'll have the most horrible the most miserable the most horrific and painful dream experience and then you wake up and the money is yours or you can take the blue pill and have a wonderful experience with no money most people if they know they were going to wake up they
said give me the red peel right because money give them the ability to travel become rich eliminates what they consider to be problems that's how they bribe you in the astral plane they say you only going to be there for a little while take birth become a Stevie Wonder you'll be blind or take birth you're paraplegic or take birth you get hit by a drive by a bullet at the age of 16 or 12 you only going to be there for a little while and then you can go higher up so they bribe you to
come here to pay off your karma okay cuz Karma can pay paid off in this world animals don't have to pay off Karma cuz they don't exercise Free Will whenever you make a decision you exercising the illusion of Free Will and that's the only way you creating Karma so my teacher took me even higher we go beyond that world into the causal plane let me backtrack a little bit the astral world with this Stars Skies population is a huge world if you will compare it in terms of measurement with the physical Universe with this trillions
of stars asteroids Planet the astral world or the physical world would be the size of a quarter the astral world would be the size of the Pacific Ocean imagine a quarter in the Pacific Ocean that's how size the entire physical Universe we in now as compared with the astral plane a huge plane as we left that plane and go to the caal plane it's much larger than the astrop plane the astrop plane would be like a a silver dollar and the the C world will be like the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean combined that's how
huge that world is once you get into the at least the middle part of the CAO planning you start feeling one with everything when I said feel you actually can become one with everything people become one with everything in the physical world but it's not real like said if you want a you playing volleyball and your team win the championship you said give me half five you feel one with them right you don't feel one with the opposition but in that world you feel one with everything so we are moving around in this vicious cycle
of birth and death the only way we can cross the comatic world where all of the comma exist where all all of the akashic record exists is to meet a perfect living Master a PLM that perfect living Master is a rare being and he said this world always has a perfect living Master but it may be only 2 three four five because the Seekers are very few most people are not seeking they rather get a house buy money get money have children they got all kinds of Desires in their mind they don't know what the
real purpose is they have many purposes but these other purposes confuse them and Scatter their attention so anyway as we cross that world and go into the world of Salvation that is the world where you really get to know who you are Socrates says in one of his statements before he passed away know thyself that's where you finally realize that you are a soul made of the same stuff that the Creator's made of but you still got two more spiritual levels to go to your soul is trapped in the physical body it's trapped in the
astral body and it's trapped in the causal body these are the three bodies which keep the soul revolving in this vicious cycle of birth and death so as we got into the Salvation area which is where the soul is cuz you don't have to reincarnate anymore from there so I said to my teacher because there are no words there words cease to exist after you leave the causal PL because the causal plan is nothing but a mental World a mind world so there's no mind there you have pure soul but you can't cross the other
two regions by yourself so I said well can we go all the way back my teacher said no I said why not he says you don't want to leave this region this region is gorgeous you got to you can't come back you're not going to have it that easy you will go all the way back when you finally biologically die I myself will take you back yeah because I have to wrap you like a baby in my soul and fly through that world and take you back to your original home so I came back and
I came back because of you miss white and there other people who pulled me back I don't know whether to thank you or get mad at you so I had to come back and share this knowledge with you and your audience but when I came back I just was in the hospital setting the doctors after doing their work with the tools and different instruments they put on me to bring me back they thought they brought me back okay um I don't let them think any other way because that's the way this world work everybody who
clinically die and come back with memory if you want to read Dr Raymond Moody m o o d y book Life After Life you learn about the sound that these people heard but they don't know what the sound is as you read the book and the sound is what take them out of the body and bring them back everybody who dies will hear sound there's a beautiful sound of a bell of a higher thing which can take them to the heavens very few people I said have had these very high experiences the world is made
like this because there are very few Seekers It won't always be like this but at this time is like this thank you so much for watching this video on tnh afterlife we're so grateful to have such an amazing audience and your comments always make me so happy and interested my name is Lauren and if you like this video make sure you subscribe to tnh afterlife I can't wait to share more near-death experience stories that can change your perspective on life and death
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