I Found A BETTER Way To Generate Leads with Facebook Ads

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Ben Heath
Want to LEARN how to crush it with Facebook Ads? Go here: https://www.admasters365.com/facebook-ads-...
Video Transcript:
there's one thing that every sale you make every lead you generate has in common trust your prospect trusts that by paying you money or giving you their email address they are going to get something back that they believe to be more valuable than what they just gave you so that begs the question what would happen to your business if you could build trust at will imagine if you had a Facebook ad campaign that's solely designed to build trust and attract your dream clients not only are the leads really easy to sell to Because by the
time they get in touch with you they're usually really ready to buy they buy more from you they buy more often and they stick around for longer it's called the omnipresent content strategy and it's about to completely change how you think about Facebook advertising in fact my agency used the strategy that I'm about to share with you to get these crazy results for one of our done for you clients and one of the guys in our mentorship program used the same setup to generate 35 new clients for their $66,000 offer that's an insane return on
ad spend so in this video I'm going to show you how you can set this up for yourself with that said let's let get into it so to demonstrate this I'm in an example Facebook ad account I'm in ads manager and I'm going to go ahead and create a campaign and walk you through the exact steps to get the only present content uh strategy get get an only present content campaign created and as we go through it I'll explain why we're doing certain things and and the important factors and the things you need to get
right to to make this strategy work really well okay so I'm going to go ahead and click on this green plus create button and now the first thing that we need to select is a campaign objective now with any other type of campaign I'm almost never going going to use the campaign objective that I recommend for an only present content campaign and that's awareness the vast majority of time if we're running direct to offer campaigns or lead magnet campaigns we're going to go with leads or sales but with omnipresent content you want to use awareness
and know that's contradictory if you've watched other one of my videos we thinking hang on why are you doing that it's because of this strategy in particular works with awareness others don't I just wanted to make that very very clear before we move on so go ahead and select awareness and then click uh continue now now as we go through this process I'm not going to go through every single little setting I'm only going to change the things that are applicable to only presentes content campaigns all right so special ad categories may or may not
apply to your business you can find other videos that I've got on special ad categories um and uh the details on that and how you get that right buy type we can leave as auction and there's nothing else that we need to do at the campaign level we've got Advantage campaign budget what used to be referred to as CBO turned off and that is exactly how I'd like it to be we do sometimes use CBO in other campaign types with an only prison content campaign absolutely essential that you do turn that off okay so that's
everything that we need to do at the campaign level really quite um straightforward now we need to jump over to the adset level where there is quite a bit more to uh to work out okay now the default performance goal the first thing that we need toh decide is maximize reach of ads if you click on this you'll see that with an awareness objective there are multiple options I would like you to leave it as maximized reach of ads again that is not a performance goal that we're going to use with basically any other campaign
type but with an OC campaign we're going to uh next make sure you obviously youve got your right Facebook page selected we're not going to add in a cost per result go goal no sort of uh bid Caps or bid controls or anything like that leave Dynamic creative off and then we get down to budget and schedule now with an only presentes content campaign we are going to end up with lots of different adsets you'll understand why later on again that's different from what I usually recommend um and because of that it's really important that
you start with a small budget in each adset a small budget is going to vary depending on your business but I would recommend that most businesses per adset with an nonpresent content campaign start very small with a pound or a dollar a day per adset and you can always scale from there when I put The Campaign together in terms of its structure um I'll explain more around budget and why that's important but for now just start with a dollar a pound a day something like that and we can always look to adjust right um start
date is fine end date I wouldn't normally recommend setting an end dat this is a campaign that absolutely works over the long term more about that later on and I'm not going to do any uh budget scheduling either okay then we get down into the targeting section starting with audience controls now before we go to the detail here I want to say that I would recommend that you use this setup for your targeting Advantage Plus audience and don't click on this little button here to switch to original audience options you can do and I'll explain
a little bit about the differences um in a minute but I think the way of the the trend that meta is following is more towards Advantage Plus audience it does operate differently I think you are less likely to make mistakes using Advantage Plus audience this is both for an only present content campaign and for um other types of campaign so I would recommend that you use this setup if you have the option as I said some advertisers have to use this already okay so for those you who don't know just briefly explain you've got the
audience control and Advantage Plus audience so everything that happens within the audience control is a fixed boundary to do with your targeting so saying to meta these are the limits of the targeting do not go beyond that everything that's added in within ADV plus audience is more of a suggestion you're saying to matter I'd like you to primarily focus on these people but if you think you can find me conversions or find me good results elsewhere you have the flexibility to do that it's kind of a hybrid between open targeting and more detailed targeting one
of the reasons why I'm a fan but let's start up with audience controls and the most important thing is obviously going to be location now when it comes to an only presentes content campaign my VI advice for this is very very simple simply use the locations in which you can deliver your service don't look to over complicated so for example if we're a business that offers a service to the whole of the UK we would go with the default targeting of the UK as a marketing agency we can offer our services all over the world
and we do have clients in the US Canada Australia um Singapore uh South Africa Brazil like literally everywhere Germany you name it we' we've probably had had had a client there um so in that scenario we would add in obviously the UK we probably wouldn't add in the whole world because different countries are going to um have very different ad costs and therefore metas optimization might skew towards countries that are less expensive to advertise in and that might not be something we want because whilst yes we do get clients from places like India we're going
to get more clients from somewhere like the US okay so we might start with in that scenario our core markets so that might be for example um United Kingdom the United States Canada and Australia something like that that's going to be 90% of our clients come from from those locations let's say I won't add the others in because you get it right uh but if you're a local business you can also absolutely um Target locally right so I live in a town in England uh called Cham so let me go ahead Cham England and add
that in and if I only offer my service to this town specifically or or people are only willing to come to my place of business if that's how your service works or we're only willing to travel if that's how your service works at a certain distance then you can select the radius you could be like look I think people are willing to travel 16 Mi roughly or I think people aren't willing to travel at all we least do current city only or maybe you're not willing to travel but you can adjust the uh the location
targeting criteria just to Simply suit your business and what you think is realistic in terms of you being willing to travel your customer willing to travel assuming your service is is um offered in person I wouldn't artificially constrain where you advertise so let's say for example we can advertise and we can provide a service to people all over the UK all over the US Etc I've seen advertisers in the past thing okay I can advertise to all of the UK but I think my best possible prospects are going to be in London therefore I just
Target London I don't think that's a good idea if meta can see that the people that interact with your ads and things like that are in London primarily they will primarily advertise in London but meta may also work out that there's someone else in Manchester or Edinburgh or Bristol that would work really well you know that person is really keen and into whatever it is that you're offering and they are likely to interact with your ads and therefore if there if there are potential ECT for your services you don't want to miss out on those
people so my recommendation would be to just go with where you can advertise don't artificially constrain but also don't artificially make it bigger if for example people aren't going to use your service anywhere outside of chelam then don't go ahead and expand that out so for the demonstration purpos rest of this video I'm just going to add in uh the United Kingdom okay then we click into the other audience controls um and we've got a few other things that we can do here so we've got a minimum age we can't set a hard age range
but we can have a minimum age so um you could say I don't want anyone under 25 anyone under 21 I normally wouldn't recommend that you add anything in here unless it's a requirement so let's say your service was something related to um you know alcohol in the US for example you're probably going to want to set a 21 minimum for for obvious reasons right so there might be cases like that if there aren't then I wouldn't um I wouldn't worry about adding that in for most businesses uh customer audiences I wouldn't recommend you exclude
any custom audiences we will be talking about custom audiences later and then languages you could choose to get more specific languages if you're operate in a country where uh different areas or different regions uh primarily speak different languages and you wanted to focus on one area in particular or perhaps your service is more applicable to people who speak different languages if you're offering you know teaching someone English as a service for example that might be really important for you most businesses are going to want to leave it as all languages just R run that through
sort of like a a common sense filter okay then we get into the audience suggestions now ideally with an omnipresent content campaign you primarily advertise to warm audiences to people that have already interacted with your business um with the only person content campaign we've already talked about what we're looking to do is put ads in front of people again and again and again and show up hence the the omnipresent um aspect of it to build trust deliver value all these things we'll get into more details on that um so if we take people that are
already warm that have already interacted with us we know that that's a really good source audience to then be able to further nurture and warm up over time but I appreciate that a lot of businesses don't have warm a a es in which case absolutely fine you can go ahead and use cold audiences what I'm going to do is quickly run through the scenarios for each depending on which scenario you're in you want to have a warm audience I would say of at least 20 to 30,000 people to say we can use warm audiences only
um if you don't have that you probably going to have to use a combination of the warm that you do have and cold and you might not have any warm audiences if this your first day advertising and your business is brand new in which case you could just go with cold uh so just wanted to give some some parameters around that but let's say you do have warm audiences you've got 50 ,000 100,000 people in a warm audience absolutely fantastic what we'd look to do then is just add in the custom audiences so custom audience
for those who don't know is are warm audiences they're groups of people that have interacted with your P before and you would just throw in all the custom audiences you've got right so if you've got website visitors you'd throw in your website visitors um if you've got people on this is an example ad account so I've got all sorts of stuff in here if you've got um example ad example email if you've got an email list you can pop that in if you've got people have engaged with your Facebook page uh we can pop that
in there I would also normally look to add in people have engaged with us on Instagram um Instagram engages I said there's lots of options that are going to pop up because we've got um we've this an example ad account we create assets for demonstration purposes video viewers as an example maybe you've been running uh lead forms in the past so you've got people who engaged with your lead forms basically all the custom audiences that you can take advantage of go ahead and and get those uploaded we want the largest possible warm audience to be
able to run our only presentes content campaign too now I just entered in those as custom audiences you have to actually create those custom audiences in the audiences section if you're not familiar with that I'll include a link uh to a new video just uh created all about Facebook ads targeting how you create things like custom audiences and all that sort of stuff so uh go ahead and check that out if you don't know how to actually create these and do these the right way and the logic behind using which ones and all that sort
of stuff so assuming you do have warm audiances you get them all added in there then when it comes to age uh gender detail targeting just leave those things nice and open we've already got the warm audiences in there meta is going to put our ads in front of the right people we don't need to add in specific other criteria and further uh narrow that audience down okay now because this is an advantage plus audience adset and we're using that as targeting we've added in these custom audiences it doesn't mean that meta is going to
specifically just advertise to people within those custom audience because remember these targeting options here are s suggestion So Meta does have some flexibility to go beyond the people within these warm audiences and advertise to other people in my experience for the most part they are going to stick to the people within your warm audiences provided your warm audiences are large enough so I would say that the majority of your ad impressions are likely to come from your warm audiences from your custom audiences people actually within those again assuming that you've got enough people um in
there for uh for that to make sense and then meta has the flexibility to go beyond that and put your ads in front of other people that it has worked out a particular interested in in whatever it is that you that you have to offer and have to talk about from a serice standpoint which you know is usually a good thing okay so that's the setup when it comes to targeting if you have warm audiences if you don't have warm audiences and I'm going to delete these out and you need to do this with cold
um that is absolutely fine you can do that to get started and obviously the more you advertise the more your warm audiences will grow and then you can look to make adjustments so if you don't have warm audiences we'll leave the custom audiences section open oh by the way just quickly before I talk about that um don't add in lookalike audiences in here lookalike audiences are cold audiences they're not warm audiences a lot of Facebook advertisers get that wrong a lookalike audience is an audience that's created based off a um a warm audience based off
a source audience so saying these are a thousand people that visit my website meta create me an audience people that are similar to them it doesn't actually include the people that have visisted your website so just wanted to clarify that thinking well I've not got much people in a custom audience but I have lots of people in a lookalike audience I can add that in no no no that's not what we're talking about here when it comes to cold audiences what we need to do is advertised to a group of people ideally less than 250,000
that we think are pretty representative of the people that we want to reach and that would potentially make good clients okay so what we need to do is keep an eye on this estimated audience size over here on the right hand side we're advertising the whole of the UK we've got 48.6 to 57.1 million that's how many Facebook and Instagram users there are uh roughly and then we need to start adding in the targeting criteria into this Advantage Plus audience section to narrow that down ideally get under 250,000 now that might be very easy to
do if you're advertising locally because obviously the population size is going to be really small like if we advertising to chelham there's about 110,000 120,000 people that live here so we might just Target the lot because we're already under that size but if we are advertising Nationwide or to a larger City like in New York for example it's got like what 8 n million people then we're going to we're going to want to uh to bring that down so I would leave um gender and age um open for a minute and let's start with detailed
targeting so let's say we're advertising our Facebook Instagram Google advertising Services right so we might come in here and add in something that's logical like social media marketing people who are interested in social media marketing make sure it's interest not employers we don't necessarily want to reach people that are working in this industry and then what you probably want to do if you're advertising Nationwide and there's lots of people to really bring this down is click on narrow audience to to put in say like an and function and then you might have something like people
need to be interested in social media marketing and they also need to be uh say a business page admin so that's like a Facebook page for a business and an admin of that um and you can see that's really reduced our estimated audience size down um but people who interested social media marketing who are business page admins you know you can see why those might be the right sort of criteria for us as a an agency when we're looking for clients now audience size is still larger than we'd like it to be we're coming in
at about half a million so we can go ahead and uh and adjust this and we can then add you could search around and find some other options to to further reduce that or we could start messing around with our sort of age criteria so let's say for example 1865 is probably too broad most of our clients are likely to fall within say a 35 to roughly a 55 60 sort of age range and obviously we have clients younger than that and obviously we have clients older than that but if we're trying to get the
number down to 250,000 or so or or under then we might look to be a little bit more narrow genders wise doesn't really make sense most of our clients you know we have clients than men we have clients of the women it's probably not a million miles off halfway probably a little bit more skewed male but not enough to actually go ahead and like exclude or particularly Target um one of the genders um but your business that might not be the case right you might be 90% One Way um or the other in which case
absolutely fine to add in those targeting criteria and get that added in there so this is this is sort of thing that we find you know we've got now 250ish th000 um again these this has all been added in as the Advantage Plus audience suggestions So Meta can go outside this age range there not a hard boundary meta can go outside of people interested in this but we've we've directed meta in terms of like but these are the people we think are likely to be the best so start by advertising to them and what you
can do is you could run um to your omnipresent run your omnipresent content campaign to an audience like this and as you engage more people and as there more and more warm audiences over time you can add in custom audiences and then you could look to make the transition from cold uh to warm that's something that we've done for quite a lot of businesses if you're advertising locally too cold you probably never need to make that switch because you can just continue to advertise to basically everyone within your town as long as that population small
you know when I say locally I'm not talking about 89 million people in London I'm talking about 100,000 people in your local town and you could just keep advertising to the lot because that's about the Right audience size you wouldn't want to get any narrower than that okay so the next thing we need to sort at the ad set level is placements Now the default is Advantage Plus placements which is just a fancy way of saying all placements so all the locations where Facebook and Instagram ads can be shown across those platforms Plus auds network
messenger Etc um is is the default and that's what meta recommends you use and that's what I recommend you use if you are using a leads or a sales campaign but not if you are using the awareness campaign objective and optimizing for reach as we are with an omnipresent content campaign the reason why is because if meta is optimizing for leads or sales they're only going to put your ads on the placements where people are likely to engage the higher quality placements and people are likely to become leads or sales and if they find that
say your ads on the Audience Network don't convert to sales your ads aren't just aren't going to show up there but because the Audience Network and and the various other options aren't as high quality so impression for impression then is not not as valuable to you as an Advertiser they are cheaper and because they're cheaper that's a great place to get a lot of reach and that's a great place to get a lot of traffic it's a great place to get a lot of Engagement but that might not translate to you achieving your business objective
and US achieving our objective with an only presentes content campaign which is to develop that relationship with your prospects to build trust to make sure they consume the content so they get from where they are right now to wanting to work with you and only work with you and pay higher prices and all that good stuff that comes with a successful only present content campaign so it's really important that we don't let meta because the way you've got it set up right now meta will put your ads on the cheaper placements because you want to
maximize reach and that will maximize reach right if it costs less to reach someone somewhere than other places you'll reach more people where it costs less but that's not what we want for our business so very important that you go ahead with an omnipresent content campaign and select manual placements this advice applies by the way if you're running a traffic campaign or an engagement campaign as well and we need to get a lot more selective with where our ads show up so I would recommend that you deselect messenger you deselect the Audience Network and then
you see from the various options the vast majority of your ad impressions are now going to be on feeds stories and reals a little bit is going to show up in inst stream it's going to show up in in search results but that's fine that doesn't concern me the most important thing is you get rid of um Audience Network and some of the lower quality placements associated with it okay that's everything we need to do at the adset level now before we get to the ad level we're going to go ahead and build out the
campaign structure so just to make this a little bit easier to visualize I'm going to minimize this down and we're at the adset level here I've got the adset selected and we've got one ad in this adset automatically created when we created the campaign and what I'm going to now do is I'm going to click duplicate on this adset I'm going to duplicate it into the original campaign so into this campaign not into a separate campaign and what we're going to do is we are going to create uh 13 copies which is something I would
never do with another campaign objective that would be far too many um different adsets but with only present content um it's important and what this now gives us is a total of 14 adssets and I know this sounds weird and different it'll make sense in a minute so what on Earth are we actually doing here so the idea here behind 14 different ads is that we're going to structure it in a minute so that we put multiple ads per day in front of of your prospects on like a rolling basis so that we build that
relationship if you think about how you build trust and a relationship with someone you have a lot of exposure to them you spend a lot of time with them so with an omnipresent content we are looking to show up all the time hence the omnipresent part and we're looking to provide content so we're looking to provide value so that you do deepen that relationship and we need a 14 adset structure and I'm going to go through the frequency cap and how that works um in a minute in order to achieve that objective in order to
make sure that you're the only service provider they want to work with they're willing to pay potentially higher fees they're going to stick around longer and all the good things that come from developing that trust between you and your prospects I know I've said trust a thousand times this video but it really is very important particularly for service based businesses I mean I know this from our business it's why in our marketing we include lots of client testimonials and screenshots from ad accounts and all that sort of stuff because it is really really important how
you build trust might be slightly different it might be images of your portfolio if you're service Bas that producers something V visual but there's going to be lots of different ways but but trust is is absolutely key right so we've got these adsets I want you to select all 14 as we've got now click edit now at the adset level we want all the settings to be exactly the same in all 14 ads we're not looking to test different targeting options or anything like that we want them to be all exactly the same that's why
we set up all what we've just been through in one ad set before then duplicating it so that all the settings are duplicated and if you go down we can you know you'll see that everything is the same but the thing I want to discuss now now that we've got the structure in place because it will make more sense is a frequency cap so underneath this section here underneath the cost per result goal which we're going to ignore there is a frequency cap option and you see that the default is one impression every 7 days
and that's exactly what I'd like you um to leave it at now the reason why I wanted to explain about the frequency cap is that what we're looking to do here is create 14 different ads one ad per ad set and have each one of those ads be different and two of those ads roughly be shown each day to your prospects and that is achieved with the frequency cap of one impression every 7even days CU if you think if each ad can be shown once every 7 days and there are 14 ads then on average
a prospect is going to see two ads on Monday two different ads on Tuesday two different ads on Wednesday two different ads on Thursday two different ads on Friday two different ads on Saturday two different ads on Sunday and then you'll repeat now in reality it's not going to quite be that neat on some days they might see three or four ads and some days they might see none that's fine don't worry um about that too much but that is why we've got 14 different adsets so that roughly with a frequency cap of one impression
every seven days we're getting that sort of level of exposure now if you can't create 14 different ads and you can only create 10 you want to come in and change this frequency cap to one impression every 5 days if you've created 12 ads it wants to be one impression every 6 days if you create um 16 ads it's one impression every eight days hopefully that makes sense right so basically however many ads you've got just make sure it's one impression every divide that by two uh amount of days 14 adsets one impression every 7
days and that's how we get that omnipresent effect and we can come to talk about content and what's included the ads in a minute and that is absolutely essential to show up again and again and again um to build that relationship now if you think of the the content creators the brands the personal brands that you follow and that you feel like you have a relationship with feel like you trust even if you've never actually like interacted with that person I bet you've seen their stuff a lot when we have people contact us about our
services they have seen ads from our omnipresent content campaign they've seen YouTube videos they they've seen often they'll say I've been you know seeing Ben stuff pop up for six months I've been watching videos for a year it takes a lot of exposure to achieve the objectives we're looking to achieve and this is the structure that we're looking to use uh to do that okay so that's at the adset level now what I want to do is go ahead and jump to the ad level right so we've got 14 different ads in here and I'm
not going to go through the specifics of creating each ad I've got videos on that and the details of that include a link in in the video description but what I do want to talk about here is the type of ads that you want to look to create and the mix so there are basically four different ad buckets with an only present content campaign there's value so that is providing your prospects with bits of information that they can use to either get something they want or avoid something they don't want um there's demonstration demonstration is
look we can do the service that we say we offer really well so that might be um showing for example portfolio images if you are a landscaper or you're an interior designer um that might be showing like accreditation from a certain board if you do something where that's particularly important there's like safety elements to it or people want to make sure any things to do with their property would be would be a good example so there's there's different ways of using Dem rtion depending on your business it could be demonstrating just how the service actually
works if it's something that people aren't that familiar with that can often be really important because they need to know what the next steps are to be willing and able to take those next steps they go well I don't even know to how to hire such and such like what does the process even do you don't want that to be a Barett entry because it absolutely can be so that's demonstration you've got client and customer testimonials so this would be pretty obviously could be video testimonials written testimonials and the idea here is you want to
put testimonials in front of people so that other people go they provided this service for someone just like me therefore they will do a good service for me as well so you can get written video testimonials you could use reviews if you got trust pilot reviews Google reviews things like that um there are number of different ways to use client and customer testimonials we use like screenshots within ad accounts as an example um so lots of different ways to do it depending on your business and then the fourth category is call to action so actually
getting people to take action now this could be to to just inquire into your services and that would normally be one of the ads that we'd look to use um but it could also be signing up for a lead magnet it could be joining your newsletter it could be anything that takes people from just consuming the ads to a little bit further on it could be to you know read a particularly Long blog post it's got a lot of detailed information but we would include some call to actions to get people to to try and
take that next step and the way the mix might look so for example we might have um a value ad so we've got value ad one right and then we might do this as a video ideally we would mix up the format with a favoring towards video so we got value ad one is a video then we've got value ad two is also a video but a different one from value ad one and then we might have you know value ad three might be a podcast might be audio of some sort and then we might
have value ad for uh might be um it could be a blog post or an article as an example that you've written things that are going to provide your prospects with a lot of value things that are going to as I said before help them get something they want to get that they can use in in a standalone manner or avoid something they want to avoid that again they can use in a standalone manner that provides that really builds a relationship because if someone sees your stuff you give them a tip a piece of advice
a technique they go ahead and use it it works for them that's that's huge that's absolutely gold they will really appreciate it and you will benefit from a business as a result and also be able to share your knowledge and help people out like I do with with the content I create okay so let's say we've got four value ads and then we might have uh demonstration ad one a video we might have uh demonstration ad two you know something that shows what you do we might have demonstration ad to might be a carousel you
know showing portfolio images or in Arc screenshots of client ad account something like that we might have demonstration ad three that's another video um and you can you get the point there you go on and on so out of say a 14 ad mix I'd be looking to have four or five value let's say three or four demonstration um and then a handful of client testimonials let's say another three or four and then whatever you've got left over for uh ctas and it also depends how many ctas you have you might just have the one
call to actually which is just inquire for our services you might have a few different options like a lead Magnet or a webinar or something along those lines that's like a step before someone inquires for your services so that the mix will vary but just go Um roughly even distribution between demonstration and client testimonials uh the the largest category wants to be value and then a handful of cool to action ads and then that's going to be the mix and that's all going to be sort of mixed up and put in front of your prospects
on repeat on a daily basis hopefully a twice daily basis and then over time you absolutely build that relationship with your prospects and build that trust and get to the point where they only want to work with you pay high prices Etc now you might be thinking why aim for two Impressions a day um per Prospect as we've got here why not aim for 10 and try and speed up the process the problem with doing that is you're going to run into ad fatigue that's why we've got 14 different ads right if you just had
the same ad or two going in front of people again and again and again and again they're going to get bored of it and then it's not going to have the impact that you want it to the only way you can have that many exposures over time is by making sure that there is variety and things are interesting and if you can change the look and feel and that's why we've talked about having you know different um formats of ads alongside different styles alongside different categories value demonstration call to action um Etc is because we
need to keep things fresh and we need to to to make it interesting now there are some other really important things that I need to let you know about when it comes to the omnipresent content strategy but before I get into that just want to very quickly let you know about something brand new that I'm very excited to tell you about and that's my new Facebook ads Mastery course with Community now I've packaged everything that I've learned spending more than 50 million on ad campaigns generating more than 200 million in revenue from those ad campaigns
for clients and what we've done is we've bundled all this into this new course we've included literally the the strategies tips techniques that we use to train our staff internally to get clients uh fantastic results and it comes with a brand new school Community uh where there's tons of interaction in there from me and my team there's live calls and trainings the starting price is just £97 per month if you're interested there is a link in the video description uh down below I very much hope to see you on the inside so the most important
thing for you to be aware of when it comes to the omnipresent content strategy is it is very much a longterm strategy it takes time for this to work I've talked throughout this whole video about building trust developing that relationship and doesn't happen quickly think of the people that you're closest to you've probably known them for a very long time so this is a long-term strategy and what I recommend you do is that you run this alongside more direct offer campaigns that are generating you leads in the shorter term because you probably need those to
get clients to pay the bills to keep your staff busy all that sort of stuff right um but having this alongside you don't have to put a ton of budget behind it we've talked about starting with 1 pound $1 per day per adsets some those lines you can always scale that up by the way if you want to reach more people within your audience um that that is certainly an option but you can run this alongside your other campaigns have it sort of ticking along in the background developing that relationship and what you will see
over time is that firstly it will really start helping improve your direct offer campaigns because obviously some of the people that are seeing your direct ads are also seeing these ads so that's warming them up and then the longer it goes 6 months in you'll be like wow we're getting way more leads than we were um 6 months ago a year in it'll be up again 18 months in it'll be that much up again two years time you might need to do barely any advertising because you've got this amazing warm audience of people that have
been seeing your stuff for a couple of years and they're so primed and ready to work with you and only want to work with you and pay your prices and all the good stuff that we've talked about and it very much is a long-term thing it also helps if you've got really high average customer values or at least a high lifetime value if for example you're a a hair salon so you don't make that much money on a customer with the first time they purchase your service but you do make money from that Customer because
they come back once a month for the next four years on average like actually that you can that's still quite a valuable customer and you can still afford to pay quite a bit to acquire that customer and the reason why High average customer values or at least High LTV is important is because it obviously does cost money to put ads in front of people again and again and again and the economics of it work a lot better if you then make a good amount of money from each customer if you only make $50 from a
customer and then that's it they never buy again this is going to be really difficult to make work but if you do make say $11,000 or more per customer and that doesn't have to be all upfront that could be over their lifetime um then you are going to more than pay for all those exposures um in terms of putting ads in front of people again and again and again and and the economics really work on it and also that's why we're using the strategy right because you probably can just use director offer if a client's
only worth $40 one off like how much trust do they need to work with you if you've got that price point not a lot whereas if you are selling something for $5,000 or trying to establish a service that has a repeat element people going to buy again and again again that's where they need to trust so that's where you need to do this stuff in order to get them to want to work with you um this is particularly important for like coaches consultant anything that is seen as expertise based because you can deliver value you
can demonstrate expertise you can um demonstrate how it works you can show how you've helped people just like them in the past you can do all the stuff that really good marketing does um just be aware of the economics on that and if you are watching this video and you think oh that doesn't apply to me we don't make enough money per customer therefore this isn't a strategy for me I would encourage you to just p for a minute and think how can I find a way to make customers worth a lot more can I
turn the service that we offer into something that can recur or has some sort of Maintenance package or something so that we can make a lot more money not only will that obviously make your omnipresent content campaigns a lot more successful and you'll end up with a much better return on marketing overall over the long run it'll make all your marketing a lot easier when we work with clients we know that those that have really high average customer values are often much easier to get great results for because you need far fewer customers in order
for it to be nicely profitable so just something to be aware of before you potentially dismiss it if you do have a low average customer value or very little in terms of LTV and the other thing I need to warn you about is that meta will not like this campaign structure this sort of goes against typical meta best practices and that's because we're looking to do something very different meta is very much geared up uh for let's get your leads let's get your sales um an Advertiser comes to the platform they want to see results
Within a day or so at the latest most of them uh you've been through this video so you understand that this can work well but does take time so you're going to have more patience with it than the average Advertiser but meta has to gear towards the average Advertiser that comes on the platform throws some money in don't doesn't really know what they're doing and they want something back from it early days otherwise they might leave the platform and meta obviously wants advertisers to get early results so they stick around so they spend more money
that's how meta's business grows so they're going to try and convince you to turn this campaign into something that looks a lot more like a traditional like lead campaign so they're going to say you've got audience fragmentation from all the different adsets um and all that sort of stuff just just ignore it we're looking to do something very different from what the default is even if you get a call with a meta rep and they say we don't know about this um they don't the Met reps normally aren't that great they're not aware of longer
term strategies uh typically like an only presentes content campaign just wanted to give your heads up there because I can imagine that's going to come up for a lot of people you're going to try and implement this and you'll be like I've got all these warnings and it won't do this and won't do that you have to structure it this way to get the sort of exposure that we want where it's measured it's paced but it's consistent and it has variety if you were to say to have the one ad set which is what meta
would recommend and then throw those 14 ads in there what meta will do is they will find the best performing ad out of those 14 and just put that in front of people again and again but of course that doesn't work right because there's no variety people are going to get fatigued and that's not going to achieve the objective that's why we we've structured it this way so just something I wanted to to caution you about now I've been running Facebook ads for more than 11 years I literally started running Facebook ads in 2013 and
I've compiled over 40 truths that I've learned about the platform in this video here and in that video I walk you through each one explain why they're important how they may or may not apply to your business if you want to shortcut your path to Facebook ass success I would really recommend watching this video
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