so you've probably tried webinars over and over and over again and struggled to make the introduction hook you sit there and you twiddle with it and you get frustrated you get upset and you make no money and you say all of this is impossible well good news for you that ends today I'm going to break down for you exactly how to start your webinar properly if you know no other way to start on a webinar know this people need to be shown why they should be paying attention not told why they should be paying attention
so often times webinars will start with hey just so you know get your you know Pat and Pap ready close the door shut down WhatsApp and all other distractions and pay careful attention to what I'm about to say cuz what I'm about to say is blah blah blah that's passable that's a okayish way to start a webinar and that's the way that's most commonly taught because I think people can just copy and paste it in and mimic it yeah sure okay whatever the problem with starting a webinar that way there's two major problems with it
the first one is if everybody else can copy it it's only unique to people who've never seen a webinar like it before and so then your marketing strategies like I hope nobody else has ever been to a webinar that's this part of the market you want this part of the market and so you want to be unique when you do your introduction so that's why you don't want to copy and paste like that but the other problem it's a bigger problem is you're telling people that what you're going to do is important instead of showing
it to them if I want somebody to pay attention to every word that I speak I don't tell them to pay attention I give them a reason to pay attention often times we do this by making it interactive at the very beginning of the webinar so one of my favorite ways to start a webinar is with a quote unquote Pop Quiz people are like oh wow I wasn't expecting that cuz that's normally not how you would see a webinar being let off so I'll say I got five true and false questions to ask you today
and your answers to these questions will largely determine your success with blank and now I've hooked them immediately cuz they're like oh my God there's a pop quiz I better get ready for a pop quiz I better have the answers and I've made it interactive so on a true false question the first big objection that we would address like say of making money and we're teaching a topic on how to resell on Amazon the question number one be like you already have to have a reputation to approach Brands to become a reseller on Amazon true
or false and then the answer to that would be false and then we could say something along the lines of in fact being brand new and being fresh and showing people that you're willing to go to the extra mile because it's your first time doing this is actually an advantage not a disadvantage what we're doing here is multiple things simultaneously all at once in the introduction we're getting attention by doing something different than what they're used to in this case a true or false we're creating interactivity and that makes people pay attention more so than
just talking at them or handling an objection immediately from the beginning of the webinar which actually to me is probably the biggest difference between my webinar introductions and everybody else's webinar introductions is I go right after the excuses as fast as I possibly can what I like to do on a webinar when I'm C when I'm crafting it is I'll spend about an hour saying what's every excuse big or small that somebody would use that would stop them from doing whatever I'm teaching so the big excuses like if we're talking about starting a business online
I'll just Trot them out for you because I know these like I know the back of my hand it's I don't have enough time I don't have enough skill I don't have enough money the risk is too hard for me to attempt it I've tried things like this in the past and I felt at this the timing is not right I'm too soon to the party I'm too late to the party uh English isn't my first language and so therefore I can't do it because people who speak English better than me can do it and
I'm in a different country and there's a whole bunch of excuses that's just a few of them for an hour write down every excuse big and small that would stop somebody from doing something would talk them out of a good idea and then what I try to do in that introduction the first two or three or four or five minutes is bring those excuses up I don't even have to answer them I just have to bring them up I just have to say Hey listen if you're the type of person who thinks that because you're
new that you can't do this because you're on a limited budget that this makes this impossible because time is of a premium to you and you have very little time and also because you have a lack of self-confidence you don't think you have the skill sets if this is you then good news for you by the end of this webinar I'm going to show you how none of those things matter once you understand blank the thing I've noticed with webinars and selling in general is most people are afraid to bring up the excuses that Their
audience has because somehow if you give voice to that excuse that it will make it even stronger and make people more resistant to it so a lot of people when they sell they're like God I hope that they don't think that they have a lack of belief and their self-esteem that they can do this I hope somehow they forget that they have very low self-image when it comes to what I'm teaching but they will remember that cuz they live with it they sleep with it it keeps them up at night so a lot of s
like gee I hope that they forget about this excuse so when they come time to purchase they'll buy without even thinking about this issue that would stop them from buying but that doesn't happen alls they think about is all of their excuses so you have to bring them up now what's cool about it is you don't have to answer them especially at the beginning just bringing them up here's what this accomplishes first of all it shows the audience remember not tells but shows the audience that you understand them so if you can tell them their
problems back to them without them ever having told you the problems if you can say I know you're experiencing this they say whoa this person gets me I'll pay attention to them because if they understand my problem they might have a solution for me so that's the first thing that it does the second thing is when you actually vocalize an excuse you make it feel less scary when you acknowledge it and put it out there you turn it from an abstract thought in their mind to a concrete thing in reality most people's fears they allow
them to build it up to the point where it's insane like boogey men under the bed style stuff when you just actually say it with words yeah you're afraid that you don't have enough experience to do this that's less scary saying it out loud than the pictures and movies that they've played and built in their heads so it takes the sting out of it that's the next best thing about it is not only do you acknowledge it to say I understand you you diminish the impact of it and then the third thing is it's an
open loop by hinting at the idea that you have a solution to it without offering the solution to it yet people are like oh cool I'm going to watch the rest of this webinar and I'm going to look for how he solves this problem you actually give them a Target you give them an expectation uh it's the whole thing of like when you when I buy this shirt before I bought the shirt I've never seen anybody wear a shirt like this the day after I bought the shirt I saw six people wearing the same exact
shirt it's like they didn't all just buy it on the same day that I did my awareness became very clear once I acknowledged it once I was aware of it than I could see it before I didn't see it even though it wasn't front of me and so when you bring up and hint at Solutions people will literally look for those Solutions and even if there isn't a solution there they will find a solution where one doesn't exist simply because how you framed it how you framed this problem that there's going to be a solution
makes them assume that a solution will occur and so therefore they will look for ways to find a solution throughout the content of your webinar now if you don't set that up ahead of time then you could give the greatest solution in the world and it won't even even land but I'll leave you with one last thing to consider here as well it is your positioning who you are and what you stand for that largely determines if somebody's going to listen to you or not what we attempt to do in an introduction is show the
best result you've ever done historically a very recent result and a average extraordinary result now why do we want to show all these three we want to show the very best result because that's your money shot that's your bragging Point that's your differentiation I did something incredible that few if anybody has ever done before the problem with only showing the best results like the top top top results is people might say well this guy's a pro but they also might say he's so far ahead of me I could never relate to him so that's why
we want also want the average extraordinary result so it's something that's impressive to people but it is not out of the realm of understanding so yeah I've sold over $200 million a product on a webinar you pull 10000 people off the street and you say 200 million they go blank they cannot even fathom the realm of that type of Revenue they will they will think you made it up because it seems like too big a number for them to ever ever understand if you showed them six or seven or 10 or 12 webinars that did
you know $100,000 to $200,000 a piece that would make sense to them because they can see themselves ascending to 100 or 200,000 or whatever your topic is right so those are all good results pretty good results they're not insanely good results so you show the insanely great result the historical result to show them what's possible you show them three to five or seven really impressive results that are just out of the range of what they want but what they think they can achieve and then you show recent results so that way you feel to your
audience the audience feels you're relevant okay this is something that they did recently that still works versus something that worked maybe 10 years ago because there's a universal objection in everybody's mind that if it's not new it's not good so you have to show them recent results as well and then extend this further also show customer results so show a really amazing one two or three extraordinary customer results show that really good above average average kind of results and then show recent results as well and then the trick last trick is timing how do you
do all this in a few minutes so you can't tell the whole story you just have to show shots of each story so you can open up the door of like I did six webinars that did over six figures in the last six weeks I'll tell you more about them later so you show the results but you don't unpack them yet I could tell you about Claude who first took this program and made $10,000 in 13 days we'll talk about that later so again these open up the loops but at the same time they see
this person's successful they have helped other people be successful here's the biggest successes here's some really impressive ones that are within my realm of relating understanding to the value that I could accomplish these two and then here's the recency to prove that what I'm doing works in the here and now and if you can do that I think you're going to do pretty good