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Lion of Judah
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the Bible is unmistakably clear in the last days there will be a rise in demonic activity and deception we are warned in various passages that spirits will seduce people leading them away from the truth of God and into false doctrines and practices this rise of demonic influence is not something to be taken lightly as it is part of the enemy's strategic plan to deceive destroy and devour The Souls of men Paul writes in 1 Timothy 4:1 now the spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits
and doctrines of demons this passage should awaken us to the reality that in the end times there will be an unprecedented increase in spiritual deception these seducing spirits will appeal to people's desires convincing them to forsake the truth of God for lies whether it's through false religions occult practices or new AG spirituality Satan and his demonic forces will work tirelessly to lead people astray one of the major signs of this increase in demonic activity is the normalization of the supernatural in culture today what was once dismissed as fantasy or Superstition has now gained widespread interest
especially in the Realms of witchcraft spiritism and paranormal activities from popular movies and television shows to real life practices like tarot readings and spellcasting many are embracing a form of spirituality that opens the door to demonic influences these seductive Spirits present themselves as harmless offering power guidance or Enlightenment the same Bible that speaks of God's holy angels also speaks of evil unclean spirits scripture never teaches that these evil spirits have ceased to exist I watched a video of a pastor discussing the reality of spiritual warfare and he shared a striking story from his church one
night around 3:00 a.m. a church member who lived across the street saw a group of figures dressed in black chanting in a circle outside the church this chilling scene serves as a reminder that the spiritual world is real and it consists of both good and evil forces to to illustrate the very real presence of demonic deception in our world today I want to share a story that mirrors countless other testimonies I've encountered this story is one of many examples happening across the globe yes even in our own communities I've read accounts of similar occurrences in
various places and received emails from individuals who have experienced these spiritual attacks there is a testimony of a young man who grew up in a secular home where the things of God were never discussed while his family didn't actively oppose Faith they were indifferent to anything spiritual neither accepting nor rejecting it one day out of the blue a man suddenly felt an overwhelming sensation of being watched a cold chill ran down his spine as he saw shadowy figures surrounding him he wanted to leave but his body was frozen in place the chanting around him grew
louder and he began to hear Whispers in an unfamiliar language in that moment he felt something enter his mind a foreign presence he couldn't explain from that night onward he began seeing dark figures in empty streets their hands outstretched as if trying to grab him even in everyday places like the grocery store he would see a black shadow appear and disappear and no matter where he went he had the unnerving sensation of being watched he also began hearing voice voes calling his name and objects in his room would move on their own like something straight
out of a horror film desperate for Relief he bought a Bible and started reading it and that's all it took as soon as he began reading his Bible the strange events stopped he could breathe again the nightmares ceased and he no longer felt the presence of the shadowy figures he eventually gave his life to Christ and has never looked back this testimony is just one of many examples of how demonic forces are at work in our world today seducing people through deceptive practices and leading them into spiritual bondage these types of events are happening all
around us across the globe we read reports about them and I've personally received emails from people describing similar spiritual battles they've faced the reality of demons is clearly stated in the Bible from the Old Testament to the New Testament there are are numerous accounts of demonic possessions Jesus himself cast demons out from people and his disciples did the same Jesus had to deal with demons even in some instances when it came to Healing The Sick demonic possession is very real and the Bible proves that Beyond Reasonable Doubt there is nowhere in the Bible that tells
us that demonic possessions stopped when the Bible was written if it happened then it is still happening now Jesus said in Matthew chap 12:2 every Kingdom divided against itself is brought to Desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand Satan's kingdom is not against itself they are unified and determined to take as many people with them to hell look at how unified they are we know the story of the man with a legion of demons listen to the confrontation between Jesus and the Legion of demons mark 5: 6-9 But when he
saw Jesus a far off he ran and worshiped him and cried with a loud voice and said what have I to do with thee Jesus though son of the most high God I adure Thee by God that thou torment me not for he said unto him come out of the man thou unclean spirit and he asked him what is thy name here is what I want you to pay attention to and he answered saying my name is Legion for we are many did you notice how he went from singular to plural my name is Legion
for we are many they are united please note a legion is between 3,000 and 6,000 Devils this should tell you something about the human capacity let's just put that in context one man was able to house at least 3,000 demon spirits Satan's kingdom is built on hate and destruction and his demons work together in unity Against Humanity because they hate human beings who are the objects of God's love the Demon's main objective is to steal kill and destroy and they do this by working together to spread their influences across the world it's important for us
to understand that demons are not just a bunch of disorganized and individual beings who work independently rather they have a highly organized hierarchy with different ranks and levels of authority they work together using their specific areas of expertise to attack and influence people in different ways we must also remember that demons are unified in their hatred of humanity and they work tirelessly to undermine God's plan for our lives their ultimate goal is to separate us from God and lead us into a life of sin and destruction now the question is why does some Christians avoid
the topic of demons perhaps it's because it can be an uncomfortable topic or even a scary topic to ackowledge the existence of supernatural beings that can harm human beings and even take control of them however ignoring their reality doesn't make them go away moreover some Christians don't believe in Demon at all they may see the biblical accounts of demon possession as simply describing mental illness or other physical ailments while it's true that not all afflictions are caused by demons the Bible clearly distinguishes between illness and demonic possession in Mark 1: 23-26 for example a man
with an unclean spirit is described as having a supernatural strength and the ability to speak in a demonic voice these are not symptoms of any known physical physical or mental illness Matthew 12: 43-45 when the unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through Dry places seeking rest and findeth none then he saith I will return into my house from whence I came out and when he is come he findeth it empty swept and garnished then goeth he and taketh with himself seven other Spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in and
dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation this passage teaches us several things about demons first we see that demons desire a human host and look for a place among the empty seeing it as an invitation when a person is spiritually empty and unoccupied they become vulnerable to a demonic possession however I would like to pause here to show you the character and audacious nature of unclean spirits the unclean Spirit States quote I will return into my house from whence
I came out the unclean spirit is referring to the human body as his house although he didn't create it he is referring to the human body as his house although he didn't buy it and has no claim to the human body he is referring to it as his house that right there is the nature of evil spirits and to a further point it is the nature of Lucifer the Fallen one remember Lucifer wanted the worship and Adoration of God which he did not deserve and did not have any right to I will return into my
house from whence I came out this statement is the height of audacity second we see that demons do not give up easily when they are cast out of a person they do not simply disappear instead they seek to return to their former H they consider the empty house an invitation to return to some extent this reveals to us that unclean spirits watch and observe they watch and observe third we see that demons are not satisfied with just one host when the unclean Spirit returns it finds the man unoccupied swept and put in order the man
is spiritually empty and unoccupied Jesus says that the house is swept and put in order to indicate that the man is ready to be reoccupied his house is ready to be moved into once again but the unclean Spirit does not immediately move in as we might expect it to do this should reveal to us how calculated unclean spirits are they are beings that think Ponder and calculate instead of immediately entering it goes and takes along with it seven other Spirits more wicked than itself and and they go in and live there instead of moving in
immediately it finds other demon friends more wicked than itself and then they all possess the man together from this we can see the cohesive nature of the kingdom of evil they work together they are a unified team able to work together and cohabitate furthermore we also see that this evil spirit gets Spirits more wicked than himself all demons are not the same this passage of scripture somewhat suggests there are levels to the wickedness of demons some demons are more wicked than others we also see in the Bible that Spirits can affect our world both angels
and demons have the power to cause the supernatural to happen we see in the Book of Revelation Where Angels cause a great deal of occurrences to happen here on Earth Angels and Demons can directly affect this world look at what the devil did to the life of Job demons can also do something extraordinary acts 16:1 16 and it came to pass as we went to prayer a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us which brought her master's much gain by Seuss saying this girl was possessed by demons was able to do this
they were using this girl to make money Paul cast The Demon out of this girl this is just to let us know that some things happen on Earth are just the works of Angels or demons they could make things happen in Supernatural ways there is a growing belief in our society that the ghosts people see are the spirits of the Dead however I want to share with you today that this is not the case the things that people see are more likely unclean spirits and demons they are not people and the Bible is clear regarding
this many people believe that when we die our Spirits Linger on Earth in some form however the Bible teaches us that when we die we go either to Heaven or Hell there is no in between state where we can come back to earth as ghosts we must be careful not to be deceived by these demonic apparitions the Bible warns us to avoid contact with the dead and anything related to the occult the devil will use any means necessary to draw us away from God and believing in ghosts is just one way he can do this
as Christians we must be aware of the devil's tactics and stand firm in our faith we must not be deceived by the appearance of ghosts or any other form of demonic activity instead we should focus on seeking God and His truth and not be drawn into the darkness of the enemy we as Christians you and I should know that there is a spirit world that exists around us and we don't only live in a world of humans but a world of spirits
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