Seeing in the Spirit - Janie Denney

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A Stronger Faith Ministries
On July 8th, 2019, Janie Denney received a gift from God that she had specifically asked for, the ab...
Video Transcript:
I felt like the Lord had told me Jamie you were going to see in the spirit you're going to see um Angels you're going to see demons you're going to see my kingdom and on day eight I was so tired and just obviously very hungry and I was laying down on the tennis courts and I said God you told me I was going to see so let me see and immediately the sky opened up and it truly I felt like I was in Harry Potter World on July 8th 2019 Janie Denny received a gift from
God that she had specifically asked for the ability to see the spiritual realm that scripture refers to multiple times that's operating all around us without our knowing that set off a sequence of spiritual gifting spiritual activity and personal deliverance from oppress impressive demonic presences that would completely reshape her she discusses all of that in today's conversation welcome to a stronger Faith a podcast that takes you right into the heart of the experiences of the presence of God that people just like you are experiencing in the world today I'm Stacy MCCC and our ongoing prayer is
that God uses what he surfaces in these conversations to speak to you and to inspire you to search for a deeper connection with him and we know that he answers that prayer hey we want your guest suggestions you know people who have had experiences that can only be God's movement in their lives the these stories are what makes this podcast so go to a stronger cont and fill out a quick form with your guest idea also if you're looking for places where you can invest financially whose mission is building the kingdom of heaven we
invite you to consider us we grow at the pace God provides in every area including our financial resources if you're interested in being a financial supporter of this work please visit ASR stronger everything we receive is carefully stewarded and reinvested to grow this work and to fill up Heaven you know it seems God's given us more and more guests in recent months who have direct evidence of God's presence and his movement in their lives and today's guest is no exception you'll hear about the gift of seeing in the spirit but you'll also hear about
powerful deliverance and freedom from some really tough to forgive oppression God has and is moving powerfully in the life of today's guest please meet Janie Denny Janie Denny you are here because you believe you have experienced some things in your life which have created a probably more defined spiritual encounters I guess they have been and even maybe exposed and revealed a heightened spiritual awareness I guess as you have come to know it and so you are here to talk about those things Janie Denny thanks for coming yeah thank you for having me how you feel
feel good all right I'm excited heightened spirituality I've talked to people in the past that have felt like they had some sort of heightened awareness of the spiritual realm I've talked to people who see in the spiritual realm that have identified angels in the room during the conversation which I found to be interesting it may be a little bit strange but it's not the first person that I had experience that with other people have um prophetic words given to them dreams even that they distinguish between normal dreams what does that look like for you what
have you experience that you might tag as sort of evidence for a heightened spiritual awareness yeah so um when I worked at JH Ranch in 2019 um I felt like the Lord was asking me to F fast and this was my um first time fasting for more than 24 hours and I felt like he was asking me to fast for 10 days so only water no food for 10 days so you did a a water fast water only that's um water and coffee yeah let's be reasonable right at least of course yeah yeah that no
food for 10 days that's not easy no and honestly I felt like he was asking me to do it months before and I tried and after about um 36 hours I was like God I can't I can't not eat for 10 days like this is really hard but I knew that he was asking me to do it and so I was like Lord um this is going to be a full Reliance on you and you're going to speak to me and so I started fasting for 10 days and that was um a pivotal moment in
my spiritual journey and um becoming aware of the spiritual realm so about day eight so I still had two days left I was on the tennis courts and I felt like the Lord had told me Jamie you were going to see in the spirit you're going to see um Angels you're going to see demons you're going to see my kingdom and on day eight I was so tired and just obviously very hungry and I was laying down on the tennis courts and I said God you told me I was going to see so let me
see and immediately the sky opened up and it truly I felt like I was in Harry Potter world like I saw um a ladder with figures going up and down I saw this huge thing that looked like a whale I saw Birds I saw angels I saw um all types of figures in the sky and I was just like looking around and I was like is this real am I actually seeing things right now and um that started the Journey of my heightened spiritual awareness because I was able to see in the spirit and I
knew that there were things around me that was happening and it's a completely different world it's a um completely different realm that is visible even though we can't see it so in that moment I was able to see what was happening around me spiritually where the normal eye you can't always see all right you ready for me to ask some questions around that yeah because that is amazing I'm sitting here listening to that with kind of my my mouth open thinking about okay how am I going to explain this one how what questions am I
going to ask that are going to um challenge this if that's what I want to do here so have you ever projected something in your mind onto the landscape or wherever you are in other words you visualize a person in the corner over there what's the did did that happen or did what's the case that you just projected or maybe what's the case that you didn't just project something from your mind because you talk about a whale of course you think yeah Jonah right that's a yeah Old Testament Bible story you think about the lad
the lad is a scriptural as well that's a couple of times in there and you know even Jesus talks about you'll see Angels ascending and descending on the son of man of course Jacob um and his dream and um so those are scriptural things that you find in scripture you don't think you just projected those onto the sky as you were laying there in what was intentionally a quest for spiritual vision during a fast yeah so um that's a great question I actually at first I didn't think about it and I was like I am
seeing the spirit this is the spiritual realm and I was so confident and at the time I was at a very spiritually driven Camp so it was normal that that was happening um so when I came home and I went back to college I kept seeing these things and when you're put back in that environment that's not normal so I told my parents I you kept seeing them yes okay cool you had stopped fasting stopped fasting so you weren't hallucinating from lack of yes was no longer hallucinating so I'm back in college and I still
kept seeing things and I was like this is not normal maybe there's something wrong with my eyes so I went to the eye doctor and I took my mom was with me and I told my parents I think I might have floaters like I think that there's something wrong with my eyes yeah so I went to the eye doctor and I told him what I was seeing and he just kind of looked at me and he was like okay well let's check out your eyes so he did a full exam and I had 2020 Vision
nothing nothing was wrong with my um retinal display I can't remember the words that he used but I think it's a retinal detachment that causes floaters and everything looked perfectly fine and he told me um he asked me did you have a spiritual experience that would have awakened something in you to see this and I told him that I was out at a spiritual Camp all summer and that's when I first started seeing things and he said that that he sees patient sometimes the same thing has happened before so this was not his first experience
with that interesting you went to an eye doctor MH because you would think okay I'm seeing something that is not normal in this world do I need to go talk to a counselor or a um a neurologist or is there something else that's projecting but an eye doctor on because you were you felt like you were still seeing things maybe were they not is defined cuz when you talk about a ladder and a whale and a bird and things like that um those seem like those don't seem like floaters those seem like pretty solid substantial
defined objects yeah floaters in my I or a mind or something that there not really any definition around yeah it's both yeah so sometimes it's more defin than others and that's what led me to go to the eye doctor and so what else did you see on that day not even on subsequent days did you see anything else defined I mean you had some pretty specific things on the first day mhm so I still see and what I see varies on dayto day I felt when you see in the spirit it's a lot so you
see Angels but you also see demons and you see darkness and it came to a point in college where I was afraid and I didn't want to see anymore and I knew it was a gift but I was so overwhelmed with fear that I was going to open the shower and see a demon or I would wake up in the middle of the night and I would see something that I didn't want to see so I asked God to take it away from me temporarily and for a while I didn't see many defined figures but
while I was in school I would sit outside on my porch every day for weeks and I had a little notebook and I would draw the figures that I saw and I saw snakes um these things that looked like tunnels in the sky and I see a lot of birds and I see this one figure often and I believe it represents the Holy Spirit um it looks like a bird but I see it on people even to this day when I'm talking to people sometimes I'll see a snake appear on their face and I'll Engage
The Holy Spirit and say Lord what is this what is this being internally I won't say this out loud but I'll try to direct the conversation for them to allow me in to see what the snake represents so for example I had a friend that the first time this ever happened I was talking to her and I saw a snake appear on her face and I was like so how are you and people will answer and they'll say oh I'm good like how are you but I was like no actually tell me how you're doing
um and she she went into conversation and she was telling me she was having really bad anxiety really bad panic attacks and so that led to an opportunity to start praying for her and when I started praying for her I saw the snake disappear that is incredible so do you still see now I do now and it's so this stage of temporarily not seeing went away and now I'm starting to see more and more as I used to when I first started seeing several years ago I feel like the Lord has really brought me to
a place of confidence and I've learned my authority and I feel like I'm on stronger ground than I was when I first started singing even though I knew he wouldn't give me something that I wasn't ready for but that's just been my story and that's been the path that I've been walking on and it's something that I know it's a gift and I know it has prophetic ability to Speak Life over someone and ultimately that's where I want to be with this gifting is be able to use it to bless others pray for others help
others know God and experience Freedom are you seeing anything right now no not right now like on the snake thing is like but no an angel would have been cool but um I know I I pray I'm like God send me more Angels well if that shows up I want to know about it so um that is not what I was expecting going into this I know there are things that we want to go to in your history but that is that is awesome so are you are you getting comfortable with it or you is
there still parts of it that you're not sure about or you tend to avoid H how is it evolving for you now it's one of those things where I I take it as it comes so if I see something I'm like holy spirit what is that and if I don't feel anything towards it or I don't feel like the Lord is telling me what it is I just keep going on about my day so it's so often that I will see things and it won't even phase me at the grocery store driving like what do
you see at the grocery store or driving or on a run so there's there's I see a lot of um dark Globs which in times in prayer with the Lord I believe represent something bad not good you could say a demon but I don't know for for sure I guess it would be a demon since it's bad I would think um but then sometimes I'll see flashes of light or I'll see people that are filled with the spirit I see rims of light around them and that's always like so encouraging to me there was one
guy I saw angel wings on when I was at a summer a different summer camp and um It's A discipleship school and we were doing baptism and he was baptizing people and I saw these massive angel wings on him and it was the first time I had ever seen anything like that and I was like he has the biggest Angel it was it was powerful how long has this been going on for four or five years since July of 2019 so it was a defined moment on that tennis court at that camp where it was
like here you go July 8th July it wasn't I remember yeah I would think so yeah that is amazing to hear about I have talked to other people who do see in the spirit have seen in the spirit there have been several episodes on here uh I think it's John South Hall off the top of my head who had an encounter on his boat was fishing and um it was a battle that took place in the air and on his boat and in the water around his boat during a fishing accident between um a lot
of small two three 4 foot demons he described them with some pretty intense detail of them climbing and all over the boat and getting run onto the bank from a couple of angels and he described them that was amazing um I think of wow um I think of Rebecca lamro who believes she's been to Heaven a few times and she said Stacy I'm walking down the road and my neighbor's gardening and doing some stuff and looks up at me and says hey and a demonic face appeared on her so she sees those things so interesting
and uh so how do you deal with that I mean do you talk about it much I talk about it occasionally I have my boss can see in the spiritual realm and so when I do talk about it it's with people that I know share the same gifting and can understand I've talked to some of my friends about it who don't have the same gifting and it's really hard to comprehend and even my husband he he knows that I see but it's just such a foreign concept that it's easier to talk to people about it
who can also see in the spiritual realm do you know a lot of other people that have you been able to connect with other people who have this gift and have conversations around shared experiences oh yeah it's it's a whole Community out there really yes well then you're just going to have to like give me a list of you're going to have to connect me with a bunch of people because this is a great thing to talk about and we're going have to have other guests on here that um have seen in the or do
see in the spirit that's so amazing and it's in scripture I mean uh there's multiple times where people have seen in the spirit and um so that's that's just I'm so captivated by this um do you see more Angelic things things of heaven or things from the enemies of God I see more demons than I do angels and that's been a big battle for me in prayer and with the Lord understanding why it's more demonic than more Angelic and I don't have an answer for it but I do believe that it's my duty to pray
and I think that that's why part of the reason why I see and I also think that I see because the re I can't escape the reality of the spiritual realm so I walk outside and I see something I'm reminded okay there is a spiritual realm there is a war going on it's not Flesh and Blood right and I do appreciate that part of being able to see it's not all scary like when I tell my friends about it they kind of get a little freaked out and hesitant of it but when I see things
I don't feel I don't feel what's associated with it so I think that's why it's been this long years's worth of Journey of trying to figure out what exactly I see and what means what because when I see something dark I don't necess necessarily feel fear or when I see like flashes of light or light surrounding someone or angel wings I don't feel love or peace I just see it really mhm do you feel like you've become just desensitized to it because you've seen enough or do you feel like there is some sort of veil
between the the feelings associated with those and just what you see I think there's a veil yeah yeah I would think also I mean rooted in scripture knowing that powers of Darkness do not have dominion over powers of light in fact we we know that as children of God that we have authority over them so in the name of Jesus they have to really kind of obey those Commandments that are using the name of Jesus uh and that Authority so I would think you know I don't want to put words in your mouth but does
that give you less fear is there still fear when you see demonic images or not images but beings I guess personalities or are you like hey I know where you stand on the power hierarchy yeah I think over the years I've learned that my authority comes from Jesus and what he did on the cross and not anything that I can do and knowing that and growing in your own personal and spiritual walk I've been able to understand that reality more so when I see things I'm not afraid but one thing too is that realm is
also not to be messed with so demons um they are they know what they're doing and that's one thing where I don't want to be naive to that MH and yes we do have authority in the name of Jesus which I have a story about is so powerful and they have to bow and they have to flee and they have to leave they they cower to that name but also when we come we need to be equipped and ready to fight that battle and so prayer has just been so important in that so good some
people have come in here or caught me on the street or whatever and said I've had a thing happen to me or I've seen or I've experienced something and I don't really tell people about it MH because I'm afraid they're going to think I'm crazy how do you navigate the potential uh Association of she's got some other issues issues going on there I don't really care because I know what it is I went to the doctor nothing's wrong with my eyes nothing's wrong with me mentally I know what I'm seeing so I don't if people
think I'm crazy that's okay I hear that from other people too and um and I think people who have come on here who had some of those reservations before kind of approached it with the same mindset of I know what I saw yeah I know what I see and if I keep it to myself I kind of propagate the illusion that there is no spiritual realm yeah and so if I'm speaking of what I've seen and what I see and there are other people who experience very similar if not the same things that are all
normal functioning people in society I think it makes us have to stand up and say what is going on here I mean is it possible that that's true if if you are a non-believer MH if you are a materialist and you know you think the only things there are are things that we can see and touch and feel and yeah that there is nothing beyond the stuff that's right in front of us yeah then I don't know how you account for that I mean other than just accusing them of hallucinating or um having experiences that
change their view of reality or but it not being real you know I don't know how how do you address do you just say I know what I've seen so I I was was that person my sister is one of my sister both of my sisters but one of my sisters when I was a lot younger she told me she saw a vision an open vision of this massive Angel and I was walking with the Lord I was so curious about stuff like that in 8th grade I would Google how to hear the voice of
God so I was always very spiritually curious growing up and when she told me that she saw this I was like okay what does that even mean that you saw an angel what did it look like how do you see that when you can't see it and I I didn't think my sister was crazy but I was I was very skeptical of what her experience was so it wasn't until I had that same experience that I was able to understand and some people are going to think that I'm crazy or some people might think that
something is wrong with me or whatever but I know the experience I had and it's biblical so I don't really have an answer because I don't need one it's good no it's good and and really one of the things the main things we do here is I like to have conversations with people who don't just believe that Jesus is the son of God and died for our sins I think that is I mean clearly that is that is super crucial Yeah in our walk I mean but people who are experiencing his presence today because we
can debate uh how the Bible came into being and its present form and written by man and scribes McRib things and how how people believe that we really don't have any evidence that eyewitnesses wrote the gospels and there's so many debates and arguments around all these things and potential origin of Life uh arguments and debates on Doctrine and virgin birth and was the flood real and we can get into all that stuff and and I think it's interesting and I think there's plenty of evidence to attest to the truth of the Bible I I can
get in those conversations with you but man it's hard to sit here and look at you and tell you that you didn't experience what you claimed to experience how can how can we do that how can I sit here across from and it's not just you there are a lot of people that we don't know about that see things that you see yeah and that experience healing yeah in the name of Jesus I mean not not just like a headache went away healing yeah but like pancreatic cancer going away that doesn't go away and um
receiving prophetic words and dreams that have been really impactful and and have been exactly what they were so I I just revealing the experiences of the presence of God is just so powerful and I'm sitting here like with my mouth open listening to you and the things that you see and how it has evolved for you how is it different now than it was a few years ago it's different because I've grown in my relationship with the Lord so he's more in it than he was a few years ago I'm not afraid I used to
be very consumed with fear over what I saw all and now like I said earlier when it comes down to it it's knowing your Authority and knowing where you stand knowing the power of the name of Jesus and knowing my purpose in it so why do I see and I keep going back to why are we here why why are you and I here and I believe it's to bring glory to God so everything that we are given like this podcast is to bring glory to God I see it's to bring glory to God and
that purpose wasn't there a few years ago you said and we've talked about this in the past that before any of this happened that you had some things that opened the doors and gave you vision and even maybe escorted in some demonic oppression early earlier much earlier in your life that I think you had to do some grappling with what what what happened there yeah so when I was um in second or third grade I was molested by another girl and then fast forward I was raped by a boy in my sleep so that opened
the door to demonic influence in my life and it's hard to talk about but I know I've experienced Freedom it doesn't make the scenario any less painful to talk about um so after when I was little after I was molested my innocence was taken from me and I stopped hugging my mom I stopped hugging women period because I thought they all had this alternate motive to touch me and it brought a lot of fear into my life and I thought it was normal so one thing that I can look back on and confidently say now
because I know it's not normal was every time I went to the bathroom I was afraid that someone was going to come into my stall and rape me or touch me because of of the trauma that I experienced when that happened and I lived with that for years years so that happened when I was 8 years old and then like I said I thought it was normal I thought these thoughts I were having were normal so a few years later um I go to sleep and I wake up to someone on top of me breathing
in my ear and I froze I couldn't I couldn't move and I was like is this happening am I dreaming and it wasn't a dream so um the next morning I woke up and I tried to ignore what had happened and I didn't want to feel the weight of it and I kind of told myself this happens you're fine so I just put a wall up and I was not going to deal with it and I just avoided that hurt in that wound for many years until about sophomore year of college when I really started
pursuing the Lord and a relationship with him and one day in chapter it with my sority sexual assault was brought up and I had to leave I couldn't sit there I couldn't listen through it and I went upstairs and I lived at the house at the time and I just broke down crying and that was when I knew I needed healing from that and I had never gone to see or I went to go see a counselor several times I ended up telling my parents um but that didn't do much so that day after hearing
about sexual assault was when I realized I really needed to do something about the wound that had been caused through both of those traumas so just the experience reliving it however you must have probably relived it uh trying to bury it without addressing it those are things that victims experience and go through you feel like that some noticeable demon oppression emerged that was associated with that is that the case did and if so how did that manifest itself to you yeah mostly in my thoughts so the first time it happened like I said 8 years
old up until I got delivered from it at 23 I constantly had thoughts of rape thoughts of um sexual assault and then when it happened later that was when fear became instilled in my body so anytime I would experience fear up until 23 my whole body froze and if it was that same reaction that I had when I woke up and couldn't move the paralyzing type of fear so I felt it physically and I felt it mentally and um voices I heard voices growing up so audibly yes or in your spirit both you heard audible
voices growing up after your first experience I don't know eight-year-old thing yeah so I don't know if there was a direct correlation between the two I just know that once that door was opened at 8 years old and I was stripped of my innocence I came under demonic influence and from there I believe began my journey of my spiritual journey and experiencing the spiritual realm both with Jesus and not with Jesus so what's the difference in what would be considered a natural emotional response to a violent physical trauma mhm like rape mhm and demonic a
demonic personality oppressing you MH in your experience is there a difference demons are predictable and repetitive and I think that that was part of my journey I think there could have been some trauma there too like as well but the main looking back I know that I know that it was demonic influence part of it at least was because I was delivered from it and when I went through deliverance and I was in a time of prayer with two women that I trust very deeply I felt that demon leave me and and I knew that
it came from the first event so can you describe the Deliverance yes so Johan my boss texted me and said Janie I really think we need to pray for you okay so Johan was just a few episodes ago and um what a powerful spiritual woman she is and she's the one that recommended you so um that uh episodes 89 and 90 I think if I'm not mistaken so anyway just a few ago so if you haven't listened to that go listen to that but anyway so interesting so continue she's incredible she is so she has
been a huge part of my spiritual journey and understanding what has been happening and deliverance so she just randomly texted me to me it was random to her it was not she had had a dream about me um and I didn't know this at the time but I was like oh gosh Johan had a dream about me like she knows something about me and she wants to pray for me but I'm here for it let's do it so I go to my um This Woman's House in Johan's there and we start praying or we start
worshiping just to invite the presence of God in and the other woman looked at me in the eyes and she said Janie there's someone you need to forgive and I just alerted I can't forgive her and I was like oh my gosh this is about to happen and I didn't want to at this point I didn't want to tell my boss I didn't want to tell this other woman about what had happened to me at 8 years old because I haven't this is not something I talk about I can talk about the boy but the
girl was I was so ashamed I didn't want anyone to know and I couldn't talk about it my family knows my husband knows but no one else and I definitely did not want to tell my boss this anyways we start praying and Johan was like what happened and so I told her I was molested by a girl and we're crying um we're praying and Johan starts going through a prayer of Deliverance and she says you Spirit get out of Janie get out and just starts praying and casting the spirit off of me and she said
Janie repeat after me in the name of Jesus get out and so I start to speak and then in the and I couldn't I could not finish my sentence it was like I was throwing up but no words were were coming I was like like I could not talk and I looked at Jan I was fully aware of what was going on and I said and I just looked at her and she just kept going like get out of her get out of her and finally I was able to say in the name of Jesus
get out and immediately my whole body was consumed with this peace and this just like forgiveness and love for this girl and I experienced freedom and since that moment since that time of prayer and deliverance of this demon I have not had a single thought like that I have not had any sort of rebuilt trauma come up and that was two years ago it restricted you from being able to speak it made you mute yes is that I mean that's a pretty powerful manifestation I think is that the only way this thing manifest ested itself
as you were going through the Deliverance process so I was shaking trembling yeah but I could not say I could say every part of the prayer up to that point but the demon would not allow me to say the name of Jesus so the reality of how powerful his name is hit me on that day so ever since that time the name of Jesus is so sensitive to me that because I've experienced it in that powerful way that even demons demons can't even say his name because it has so much weight and power and glory
to it it's incredible yeah that's a do you feel fully free now MH have you is that the only time you've experienced Deliverance no no no share what you want to share but I love things like this these are and because they all all of them surface the way that the spiritual realm works yeah and the nature of God and the nature of the enemy of God Amen and man I personally love exposing that I have exposed some of that in my own stories and so I understand and deeply respect your experiences and where you're
comfortable sharing and where you're not comfortable sharing I will ask the questions and if you like Stakes I just don't no then I'm fine with that we can move on but I have to ask in other times what it's been like when you've experienced deliverence yeah so in 2019 at the same summer camp where I first started seeing in the spiritual realm I was having a lot of um attacks so growing up I used to pass out a lot um when I was in 9th grade I started passing out and I think it was connected
to anxiety um I went to a neuron neurologist I went to my primary I went to like five different types of doctors to figure out why I was passing out and there was really no explanation for it and when I passed out um my arm would shake my left arm would Shake it's like I was having a seizure but I wasn't and so fast forward to 2019 may I had a dream and in the dream towards the end of the dream I shot up and I had an overview look of what was happening in the
dream dream and immediately I I was like kind of awake but I was asleep and I remember thinking to myself this is a demonic dream instantly I woke up I felt like something come on top of me and I was frozen I was in that same paralyzed fear that I was when I was raped and I knew what was happening this is a demonic attack this is the first time this has ever happened to me in my sleep sleep paralysis but I've had before but I had never had this like presence of Darkness on me
so I start praying and I'm like God at this point I didn't know many scripture Bible verses I was very new to walking with the Lord I was like God you were my rock you were my refuge you I hide in your Fortress I just didn't know what to say but those words Rock and refuge just kept coming up coming up and at that point I used to sleep with an eye mask so my eye mask was covering my eyes a little bit and I opened my eyes to see if it was bright outside so
I could go to the chapel and pray and I look over and I see these two arms on the side of my bed and I felt the pressure like someone's arms were actually on my bed like leaning and when I looked I saw it's like I knew that these arms represented it wasn't actually the boy but I knew it represented the boy who raped me and so I felt like it was this attack that came back to that experience that had happened to me and I keep praying I knew that that hurt was still there
so I go so then I prayed and I asked God God give me a sign that it's morning like tell me so I can go outside I was so scared and then I started hearing birds chirping which was just so sweet and so the Lord so I immediately got up changed went straight to the chapel and I felt like the Lord was calling me to Psalm 28 and if you start reading from there up until about 32 it all of the scripture verses are about God being Rock and refuge and that was exactly what I
had been praying earlier so then that made me realize I still have this hurt that I need to get freedom from when I was raped and I went and told um this other woman that I was close with and she was like let me connect you with Pam Haynes and Pam Haynes is this spiritual giant has she been on number 41 if I'm not mistaken okay and I tell you if you're in company with Johan Burns and Pam Haynes you are in wonderful spiritual hands with women it's just that is uh yeah if you haven't
listened to 41 and you want to I believe it's called the power of the Holy Spirit um spiritual GI is an outstanding description of Pam Haynes continue oh yes so she was waiting on me on a hill to pray and she asked me what had happened and it was her and two other women and I told her about my experience I told her about the boy I told her about the hurt and she was like oh we got to do something about that and I was like okay let's do something so we start praying and
she starts casting out this demon and she is like you Spirit of reject she starts saying all these different types of spirits and she was like come out and I was sitting on this grass hill and I felt literally felt this like Mass go through my right leg and leave me as she was casting this demon out of me you felt a mass go through your right leg yes and out I don't even know how to describe it it it felt like a ball just going through my leg and it left me immediately felt the
peace of God that's awesome and so do you believe that those were demonic personalities associated with the trauma or do you believe that they were demonic assoc uh personalities associated with unforgiveness based on the trauma that's a good question I think both unforgiveness having unforgiveness in your heart is so not the Lord God calls us to forgive and I didn't even know I had unforgiveness in my heart and I truly don't think I was able to move on from those experiences without truly forgiving them so for example I saw this person out one day before
the Deliverance my body froze and I I was just paralyzed in fear and you could call that the trauma but I had not yet forgiven him either and I think in my case it went hand in hand I was not able to fully experience Freedom if I had not forgiven and I think that that was both circumstances with the girl and the boy that the door opened up for them to enter at the trauma itself and the things associated with that but that the permission that you gave them to remain there and I'm just speaking
some a thought here was extended due to an ongoing understandable unforgiveness you see it that way yes yeah Jesus didn't suggest we forgive it was a commandment and it sounds like a thing that we can do until until you have your own experiences of some pretty harsh uh things happen to you that forgiveness is just not on the table for you and um but when we do that we deliberately confine ourselves to demonic oppression that we can get free from and so we're not going to get into it here but there's a there's a process
of forgiveness that is completely scriptural where we calculate the debt and um we make a decision to cancel the debt and um it's not a feeling it's not that you suddenly reconcile or that you trust or anything like that um it is a it is a declaration of a forgiveness of a debt of a release of what that person or the offender owes you and uh it's powerful when you do it it is freeing when you do it and it also in speaking with people who deal in deal in Deliverance it also cancels the permission
of the Demonic personality who entered at which point you can then for lack of a better term legally eject them which it sounds like you went through that and you did that yeah that's exactly what happened that's powerful because those things that happen in your childhood I mean they take things from you that you value for the rest of your life and um when you when you dig into that place and you stay in that place yeah it can be ugly I know and I think one thing that makes me really sad is I think
about my friends or even people strangers people I don't know who have had that type of experience before and like me thought it was normal to have these reoccurring thoughts and these fears of being sexually abused or sexually raped and not being able to live normal but thinking this is just how it is this is my new normal My New Reality yeah and that's not the case exactly where I was and that's why I'm here honestly is to share this testimony and share the power of Deliverance in the name of Jesus and that he wants
to bring freedom to those who experience any type of traumatic event um freedom to those who are sexually abused and stripped from your confidence and feel shame because that is from the enemy that is not the Lord and the Lord wants to free those so let's say somebody's listening to this right now and they have experienced something like that and life changed Forever on that day for them what do they need to do I would say they need to get delivered call Johan Burns yes call Johan Burns they they need to forgive yeah but Deliverance
is a part of God that I didn't know existed I thought it was a little overp spiritualized kind of crazy um just a little too far for me but we are here to glorify God and it's biblical Jesus delivered people he spent so much time it is just all over the gospels yeah go ahead yeah so it's it's a part of his ministry and and who am I to question what God is doing if God wants to heal me through a Deliverance through a traumatic mass or feeling leaving my leg or through me not being
able to say the name of Jesus because the demon won't let me talk then amen I'm here for it that's good yeah I often ask the question and I don't know how you would answer this it sounds like you were raised in a home of faith that it was sort of a foundation you talk about your sister praying for you and over you when you were young and her talking about having this gift of seeing in the spirit and I wonder you I think about generational curses and blessings and I wonder if that is a
thing that is in your line that came down that somewhere in your lineage before somebody asked for this and it is has been passed down I wonder that I don't know if you wonder that or not if others in your family have done that other than you and your sister but I often ask the question what causes you to believe that God is real how would you answer that question if someone that didn't mean harm to you but you didn't know who doesn't know the story that you've shared with us already even it may be
this story already came up and said Janie what causes you to believe that God is real how would you answer that question I would say because of my story and what I've walked through there is good and there is evil and you can't deny that and in that journey of knowing good and evil I have come to know God and I've come to know Jesus through that and what I've gone through you can't deny that there is God like I personally you can't deny it I see things I see the spiritual realm I know it's
there I just know there's God I've seen him I've experienced him I've felt him I've had dreams from him I see his I see the realm that Angelic beings operate in how can I sit here and deny God's real it's really a matter of if someone comes to me and asks me how do you know God's real well I've experienced him and I know him that would be my answer how can you sit here and talk about your dad well I could say I don't know if your dad's real how do I know he's real
well you know him he raised you you grew up with him you have to have a dad we have to have a God someone had to create us the answer I always hope to hear is because I've experienced him not because I subscribe to um The Gospel good news that's in the Bible I think that's good I think there's a lot of evidence that the things that happened in the first century actually happened yeah as they are reported but even if they did and that was the end of it I don't know how Christianity continues
to exist without people experiencing him I agree and the church that I grew up in I did not know enough about the holy spirit so in my journey of growing up and knowing god it was always a roller coaster I would be on a high after a prayer Retreat or um one of the kids Retreats that you go on when you're in sixth grade and then I'd crash and then I'd be good and then I'd be bad and you know it it was just that roller coaster but it wasn't until I knew the holy spirit
that I've been able to keep a constant relationship with the Lord because he is always with you and you can't go anywhere where without God's presence and while I knew that growing up it wasn't until I met the holy spirit that I was able to know that life with God is so much better than life without him yeah yeah yeah it's not life believing in God as much as it is life Experiencing God yes and I think a lot of um non-believers say well you choose to believe in him I think you're wrong I choose
to not believe in him and I think what people like you would say yeah but it's more than just believe in him I'm actually experiencing him and it's available to you I think they'd say well I don't believe that I'd say well sincerely give it a shot and and and genuinely try um and reach out to him and turn to him yeah so I have a story okay great when I was a junior in college no I was sophomore in college I was still in my crazy party stage but I was also pursuing God so
I was one in one out didn't really know how to navigate that I was very new to walking and experiencing Jesus and the Holy Spirit and it was the first day of spring it felt so good outside and I texted my group text of friends and I said who wants to go get a cold beer the weather is perfect today it was middle of the day I wanted to skip class it was on Wednesday and that weekend I was going to volunteer at this church retreat so anyways none of my friends ended up going with
me and I was really like bummed about it I was like first day of spring why does no one want to go get this like massive thing of beer with me and that Saturday I was at this church Retreat thanking the woman whose property we were on and this man walks up to us and he starts praying and he starts um just praying over this woman and thanking her and I'm standing there and I'm like do I leave like I feel like I should let them have this like moment of prayer together but my spirit
wouldn't let me leave it was the most bizarre thing I had not experienced anything like this at this point and they start praying in the spirit and I was like I need I need to go but then he looks at me and he says the first thing he said pray for your future husband make a list of everything that you want in a husband and give it to God and I instantly started crying I was that was that had been one of my prayers for years but really in that season just praying what it looks
like um to meet my spouse and the next thing he said was a life with Jesus is better than a cold beer on a Wednesday literally said that to me like you can't make that up and that is only Jes that is only Jesus and the Holy Spirit telling this man did you look at him and say how where' you come up with that I start balling C I couldn't speak I was so like this is God talking to me and then this man goes on to say all these things about my life what I
had been doing what I had been pursuing in college um to the point of details that he shouldn't no one knows these things and that was only the Holy Spirit speaking through him to me and that was just such a powerful moment and now to this day I'm married and I still have this list that I made and I wrote down very specific things that if you would have asked me a year ago would it Ma would it matter I would say no but my husband checks every single box like emotionally physically mentally all of
even his family I said I said I want my husband to have um I said I want my husband to have property like just land and my husband's grandparents have this massive property like just it's just incredible so that's how I know God is real because you're experiencing yeah it's a it's it's that seeing in the spirit that is um really compelling to me other gifts that maybe he's given you have you I mean so you see in the spirit now have you ever um been given sort of prophetic words or have you had dreams
prophetic dreams or anything like that yes so dreams are not as normal for me I've had several dreams in fact I was supposed to go work for a different company within my organization and I had a dream that I stayed with the company that I currently work for and I had already had plans to go the other direction and I told my boss and she was like do you think that means something and I was like no it's just a dream like no attachment to it and then I started praying through it and praying through
it and God gave me that dream so I stayed with jh Israel but dreams are not as normal I still have them I have bad dreams and I have good dreams when I pray for people that's when I see like when I close my eyes and pray for people I see Visions sometimes the most consistent is seeing okay and I hear voices too and what I've learned is that part of seeing in the spirit those people also hear things audible voices not in your in your spirit but actual with your ears yes audible are those
demonic or those from God I've heard demonic voices multiple times I've heard God once the audible voice of God I could sit here and say that you're going to have to tell me that if you're if you're willing to you heard the audible voice of God you believe you heard the audible voice of God what' he say he said two words I was at summer camp and I was asleep and I woke up to someone saying Janie and I was like half awake half asleep and I said one of my friends names who I thought
was talking to me and then the voice said Jesus instantly I knew my spirit knew to start praying for this girl who I thought was talking to me and I was praying for her she had been struggling with anxiety at the time and panic attacks and an eating disorder and so I started praying for her and the next morning I asked her I was like how did you sleep last night and she was like well I woke up and I almost had a panic attack but then I just felt the peace of God come over
me and I was like God woke me up to pray for you and he spoke to me to pray for you and the two words were Janie and Jesus MH and you knew from that to pray for her yes you just knew in your spirit to pray for her you didn't I mean I have another story too come on that just came to me good so I was asleep and my sister's name is Katherine and she worked at the school of discipleship and all of her students said she was the captain of the ship I
wasn't there I didn't know what that meant but I was asleep and I woke up this was not an audible voice but I woke up to my spirit telling me tell Cat she is the captain of the ship and at the time I was friends with this girl who was also with me at the summer camp camp and I called her cat so I texted her like in my sleep you're the captain of the ship cuz I don't want to forget it she wakes up she's like what does that mean and I was like I
feel like God told me to tell you that she was like that's not for me and so I then I texted my sister and I said would God want me to tell you that you're the captain of the ship she immediately calls me and she's like dying out laughing she was like this is what all of my students called me at this discipleship school and everyone knows her there as cat so it made complete perfect sense and I was like what is God trying to tell you she was like that's confirmation that I need to
stay that's amazing you know I think I was going to ask the question how else have you experience the presence of God and you kind of rattled off a few more really cool stories are there other things like that that you would surface that um are you experiencing the spiritual realm or specifically um the movement and presence and communication of God in your life I can tell you about the time when I got my prayer language awesome go ahead this is great okay so it was first time I had ever fasted 24-hour full Fast and
this is not the other 10day fast no this is before that okay so this happened in January the other fast happened a year and a half later okay and I was at this church Retreat and the guy on the stage starts talking about the Holy Spirit and at this point in my life I knew about the Holy Spirit wasn't fully aware of how to experience him how to I just didn't really I didn't know the Holy Spirit to be frank I didn't we were not taught that in church right so so I start praying and
he's inviting the Holy Spirit to come in and the talk was about your prayer language and that was like the goal of the talk was to let people be baptized in the Holy Spirit or get their prayer language or both so I'm sitting there and they're playing worship and I'm just praying like God please give me my prayer language like I want to know you more I want to be able to pray in the spirit and pray for things that I like don't even know that will just bypass My Flesh and just go directly Spirit
to God and instantly I just started praying in tongues and I saw this picture of myself as I was holding myself like this so my body was across my arms and I was dead like my body was dead but the picture represented the Bible verse that says it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me and it was my dead body walking to light and it was just such a presentation of it is no longer I who live but Jesus who lives in me and having my prayer language unlocked that for
me so the reality of being dead to ourselves came true when I got my prayer language and that's such a powerful moment looking back when I was I was shaking I was aware of what was going on but I couldn't control control what I was saying it just like came out of me and I know that that was my baptism of the holy spirit so you weren't caught up in the moment and said I'm going to make sure this happens it just came it was so powerful I could not have done that on my own
yeah I could not have said those words on my own if you hear me try to speak a different language I have zero sense of you know how Germans have that like sound to them when they speak like how they roll their tongue I can't do that in my natural sense and when I was speaking my tongue was rolling in ways that i' have never been able to do in my life wow so do you still have that prayer language do you pray in that prayer language I do is that something that you um can
make manage and control and pray in your prayer language when you want to or do you feel like it's in a heightened spiritual time that that takes place I still pray in my prayer language yeah and especially when there is an intense time of prayer or I'm around other believers who share that similar gifting or we're praying for deliverance for someone and I don't know what to say um it's more of a personal private thing that I do but if the time is right and I feel led to I will yeah what does your daily
walk with God look like whatever he has for the day I engage I engage him in his presence every day every morning I'm vitamin and I just have open hands for what he has some days are more intentional than others so some mornings I'll sit down read the word um Journal pray other days I'll just Worship in his presence and other days I'll just if I'm busy one morning and don't didn't make time to sit down and have an intentional time I just engage him throughout the day and that is one thing that I missed
growing up was that continual engagement I can be driving in the car and be praying I can be at the grocery store and be praying I can be with Friends cooking dinner and have god with us and that reality to me it wasn't something that I knew you could do so right now walking with the Lord is really just whatever he has for me really yeah no I love to hear how people experience him in their day-to-day I I think when you encounter him and you you go from well I have set aside times where
I will acknowledge the presence of God and then I will live my life the rest of the time when you begin to blur those lines a little bit and and God's presence is with you in all the minutia of life and trips to the store and uh it's not that you're you know walking down the produce aisle lifting your hands and praise it's just that you are experiencing his presence with you and you're looking to be led by the Holy Spirit and all the things that you do uh that I feel like we we begin
to put ourselves in places where we can experience him more richly and I think even some of the gifts um have more fertile ground to develop I agree when we do that you've been given a lot of experiences and I mean you've talked about several just in the time that we've had here and I I kind of get the feeling that if I were really to pry that we would probably dig out a good half dozen or a dozen more of of notable things that you've experienced in your life and when you kind of step
back and look at the big picture and you got a lot of life ahead of you still um but when you step back and look at the big picture of what uh you've experienced what do you derive from that what does it mean what can others learn from all of this stuff that you've experienced I would say God is powerful and God is present and he is on your side he wants to bring freedom to you and he's real you can't deny the power of God you can until you experience it I think talking to
somebody who has detailed some very Vivid experiences that I'm sure could be picked apart and discounted if we really tried but I kind of have to go it's like go all those folks that went to the blind man that Jesus healed it's like tell me how this happened well I was blind and now I see and the only thing that happened in between those two was this guy so I don't know if he's a prophet I don't know what he is but I just know I was blind I encountered him and now I see and
um he had an experience and they tried their best to turn that into something that it wasn't and um I think we do that I think people do that and to hear you talk about your experiences this way I'm just uh I look for ways to shoot holes in the story mhm um because I think the truth of the presence of God is greater than a something that we sort of manufacture because we want him to be real and I can't I can't I'm having a hard time poking holes in your story and I just
I'm sitting here listening to you um uh feeling these experiences with you and I think they're just extraordinary and I love it I is what you just said is that would that be like your message to people do you have a message to people that is like if I could just get this through to people where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom and I think that that verse based on what I've experienced truly you can experience freedom in whatever that you have experienced in life any trauma any hurt any wounds any even
if it's small like someone bullying you in third grade if it has gone with you and carried with you and you believe that lie that is not from the Lord and where the spirit of God is there is freedom so my message would be that and that God is powerful he has Authority we are on the winning side and he is real Janie Denny H I just sit here listening to these accounts especially what you experienced in your deliverance and the manifestations and the freedom that you believed you um physically felt I hear you listening
and hearing the voice of the audible voice of God and this experience where you asked to see and the heavens were open to you and I just love it and I'm I'm interested to know how it evolves and develops from here I mean your Runway is still super long and um and God clearly has laid a foundation in you early on to do some extraordinary Kingdom building work for him do you have Vision into any of that yet no I know that it's going to grow mhm and God has told me that so I'm just
doing what I can and allowing the Lord to at the right time develop the giftings and as it comes growing in my authority growing in knowing him and it's a journey and I look back and I'm like 2019 like that was four years ago that's when I first started seeing and it doesn't feel like it's been four years so I can't imagine where I'm going to be even four years from now yeah what a gift what a gift that is what a gift you are and I just want to encourage you to continue to stay
plugged in and um you know I think we all go through Seasons where we feel less close and I I personally feel like those are times that he is uh using to build us in our faith as much if not sometimes more than the times where we feel super spiritual and um and so I've learned that in those times that I don't detach myself from him because I feel less spiritual and even though that feels like something that I might do that I um those are times to be faithful to him and draw closer to
him it's almost like a test but your stories are awesome and um I want you to keep doing what you're doing personally and then I want you to when these when some new things come about don't you hit me up say stast we may need to talk again I got I got something for you so I'm looking forward to that but but Janie Denny you took some time out of your life um to share some extraordinary experiences that the world has a hard time digesting and um but people of Faith are super encouraged by and
super interested in and I think a lot of people want a lot of the gifts that you received and I think people should ask for them like you did as well I love that um and so I I just am so thankful that you shared and uh I think your story is only going to expand from here so thanks for coming yeah thank you for having me I think there are a lot of us who have had things happen in our past that have changed us in a way that's not so good that we think
are just going to be our reality until we die Janie Denny is a fantastic example of how that's just a lie of the enemy of God freedom from even the deepest hurt is available for you go to God God and ask him to guide you and give you freedom and if you don't know what to do to receive this freedom and you need help please reach out to us at contact a stronger and we will help you there is true peace awaiting you and God intends for you to have it thank you for joining
us today on a stronger faith for more episodes like this one visit our YouTube channel at a stronger Faith Ministries find us on any podcast player or visit our website at a stronger to recommend a guest for us visit a stronger cont to support this ministry financially please visit ASR stronger until next time we pray for peace and a stronger faith for you and those you love
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