I didn’t quit Youtube because of this book. (now I have 100K subscribers)

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This is a book summary for The Dip by Seth Godin. I almost quit Youtube in early 2024 because I was ...
Video Transcript:
I've actually never told anyone this before but I almost quit YouTube in early 2024 because I was so frustrated by trying so hard and the lack of results and in December 2024 I hit 100,000 subscribers I didn't quit because of this book I was at a bookstore with a friend and I picked it up because I love Seth Goden and I stood in that bookstore aisle and I read the entire book front to back it's a very short book and that book is the reason I decided to keep going on YouTube so what this book
talks about is this graph right here which Seth Goden calls the dip what Seth says is everything worth doing in life is controlled by the dip so mastering the dip is extremely important if you want to get what you want out of life so let's talk about it you know how whenever you start a new thing like a new business a side hustle a passion project uh a new job a new hobby anything like that it kind of looks like this graph on the screen right like you're super excited in the beginning you're super hyped
you're getting some initial results just because you're starting the momentum is going and then you hit this long slog of like oh I have to keep doing the work now the results aren't really happening yet like I'm not really seeing anything happening this sucks is this worth it blah blah blah should I quit should I keep going the dip can look like years of building an audience creating products and services learning failing experimenting trying lots of different strategies before you hit off your breakout like success as a business with making content it can look like
weeks or months or years of making content that nobody ever sees before you make it through that moment the Breakthrough moment of oh she's had an overnight success which we both know is not the case now the thing that I love about this book is Seth is saying the dip isn't actually a sign of failure it's actually proof that you're on the right path but only if you're pushing through the right dip so Seth says essentially people have three big problems one not sticking with the right thing for long enough two sticking with the wrong
thing for way too long and wasting their time and three trying to do absolutely everything after this video you'll know exactly when you should be pushing through and when you should quit all right so the first thing that came out of this book that completely changed my perspective on the dip that I was in was I mean for a long time I thought the dip was the enemy I was like the dip sucks but the lesson that I took out of this book that completely changed my perspective was that the dip is actually on your
side like the dip is your best friend in most things that are worth doing and now what I see it as is the dip is essentially the audition for the real thing I'm not ready to have that thing yet and the dip is the audition that's preparing me to have that thing so examples in 2021 I wasn't ready honestly and skilled enough to have 10,000 subscribers here on YouTube I just wasn't good enough my skills weren't good enough I didn't understand enough about packaging about thumbnails about intros about how to get people to stay and
watch my videos for as long as POS I mean there's lots still that I don't know and there's so much we can still improve but in 2021 especially I was not skilled enough to have 10,000 subscribers The Dip is essentially what forced me to invest and learn and go all in on YouTube and be like I need to figure out exactly what the skill of YouTube requires and then I paid for trainings I hired mentors I spent so many hours studying YouTube and then slowly I was like okay I feel like the skill is more
and more Concrete in my mind now and I feel like I'm getting better at the YouTube videos right another example in 2016 I was nowhere near ready or skilled enough to build a six-figure business I just had no clue I had no work experience I didn't know all the different intricacies of what business actually took and what it could look like then I went and freelanced for 40 plus freelance clients that was behind the scenes of all of their businesses I saw exactly how they created products validated products drove traffic how they nurtured their leads
how they got sales their selling systems I saw everything and in 2020 I had essentially become skilled enough and good enough to build a sixf figure business and then my business hit six figures when it comes to freelancing in 2016 I was just not ready or skilled enough to manage seven figure businesses for my clients yet but after experience after learning after building my skill set in 2019 I was and I held my client scale to seven figures and that was when I started managing seven fig businesses and helping clients scale to seven fig so
I feel like the dip had my back honestly because I wasn't ready to have that thing yet and I think it would have been too overwhelming to have that thing that early on when I wasn't skilled enough to know how to get there or maintain it once I had it another thing that completely shifted my perspective is without the dip there would be no scarcity of the reward you're trying to get to if it were just smooth sailing like if it was not like this and it was just smooth across that means tons of people
would be making it through that means tons of people would would have a 100,000 subscribers on YouTube everybody would have a six-figure business it means everyone would have exactly what you want and the thing is when everyone has it the scarcity of it is lower the Rarity of it is lower and we value it less right we value things that are hard to attain we value things that not everybody has essentially you can see it as the dip is weeding out the people who don't actually want that thing bad enough to do the work that
you are doing every day people are quitting and this is really reassuring to me every day people are quitting but if you truly care about getting to where you want to go if you feel a deep calling to get to where you want to go you're not going to quit the third thing is the dip is the shortcut and I love that Seth Goden says this because I think often times we think the hard work path is the hardest path and that there must be secret hacks or strategies or tricks or like secret things that
experts know that we don't know and there must be ways to like get around doing the hard work and Seth says the shortest way to get to where you want to go is through the dip you know that say like the only way out is through so the first dip Survivor of course me and I this is a graph of our YouTube channel growth but you can see this graph also in my career with freelancing with my business with my other business with my clients's businesses it is so common like growth is not linear in
the way that we often think often I feel like we have to get to this point of where enough Mass has like AC crude and then we just like hit that breaking point where like the switch is flipped on to be like okay there's enough there so now you can go on and do all this stuff so here are my biggest lessons of getting through the dip and it's also possible that another dip will come and another dip will come whenever there's a dip it's just an opportunity to learn more and to get better at
whatever it is I'm doing number one is you have to have a very feel a very deep calling on the inside to do what you are actually trying to do so with starting a business I felt a really deep calling starting freelancing I felt such a deep calling I was like there is no other path this is my path I have to do this even if there are like layers of doubts and imposter syndromes and fear of failure and fear of success perfectionism all of that on top of that inside in the core you gut
feeling there has to be a deep calling like I think this is what I was meant to do I think that is the only thing that will get you through the dip honestly because I think external motivators are useful but they are not as strong as the Deep internal calling that you might feel to do something I also think that's why if your only motivator to do something is make tons of money you just won't get through the dip most of the time there's such a long period where you are not making any money and
you're like this is a huge waste of time and money and energy the next lesson I will say is small improvements that nobody else can notice except you are all that matters and I know in the beginning it's very tempting to be like nothing is happening there's no progress when you start something everyone's like oh my gosh you started so good and then the dip happens and nobody's saying anything right you're just like kind of doing the work on your own it's like quiet for years with business with YouTube I was grinding away Lear learning
improving those little like tiny not even 1% improvements like 0. 1% improvements where nobody else could notice even what I was learning and I was like no but I noticed like my intro is like a little bit better that's all that matters cuz if you are getting a little bit better every day you are going to be in a completely different place in one year it's not about where you are it's about your direction if you're headed in a good direction your trajectory is good inevitably you will get where you want to go all right
my third lesson is a big one and I think it's that we all underestimate how long it takes to actually get good at something there is so much to starting a business building successful business being able to maintain a six-figure business that's also very important the dip is the audition that ensures you know how to maintain success once you get it and not just you had a viral blowout thing you made it to six figures one year and now you have no clue the systems the people the product the services the Fulfillment that you need
to maintain a six-figure business the next dip Survivor I want to talk about is Sabrina Carpenter because she took so long to have her breakthrough her overnight success so she actually started making YouTube covers back in 2009 she joined Disney and Hollywood Studios in 2012 and her first song to chart on Billboard Hot 100 was in 2021 so that was after 9 years of being signed to a record label you can see her like interest based on Google Trends and now I mean we all know Sabrina Carpenter has took off this year so yeah good
for her I mean she grinded through the dip she was probably deeply passionate about singing about dancing about all of this stuff sometimes I think the dip has your back in the way where when nothing is happening you are more open into experimentation and trying a bunch of random things to be like okay I have nothing to lose let me just try a bunch of stuff potentially the dip allowed her to be like let's just try whatever we need to like figure out something to make me stand out and then she got great branding maybe
she hired a stylist I don't know but yeah good for her she made it through the dip so what's the takeaway here what's the task what's the actionable thing because I'll always give you the actionable thing it is to prepare and anticipate for the dip so Seth says knowing that you are facing a dip is the first step to getting through it I love that so make it as bearable as you can so here are some of my ideas one celebrate every small win even if you're just celebrating by yourself Maya pull up our YouTube
notion and show them our small wins so you can see I celebrated every single small win when I started YouTube make one video get one subscriber also if you can lean into it you are doing the fastest way to get to where you want to go you are on the journey you have begun which I mean most people don't even begin and another thing is going through a dip sometimes is a little bit lonely so surround yourself with other people who are doing the work you see the work that they're doing you're like they're doing
such a good job like I don't understand why they don't have results yet surround yourself with those people because chances areen they are going to get results soon they're the ones that are doing the heavy learning and they can share their learning with you so examples I had tons of calls and little masterminds with other people who are going through YouTube dips I'm in a Discord full of other small writers that I think are extremely talented I am in a lot of small communes for business owners um when I was starting my business I had
a business business accountability buddy where we were both trying to do things at the same time and also very important reminder nobody can ever take your skills away from you talking to one of my business mentors a few years ago and I was like oh one of these like irrational fears I have in my business is what if the business goes bankrupt and I have to close the business and she's like you know what DEA the business is not the X Factor you are the X Factor you will just use your X Factor to start
a new business nobody can ever take your skills away from you that is like the best investment you can make in your biggest asset in life you okay now you might be asking but DEA should I just be grinding away at everything then no so Seth actually says winners quit all the time it's a common misconception that like winners just grind and grind and grind until it works but not true winners quit all the time they just quit the right stuff at the right time and I love that he talks about this in this book
specifically he talks about how to know exactly when to quit so we put together some questions to ask yourself to differentiate between good and bad quitting so number one is what I kind of said already earlier do you feel deeply called to do something if you feel it on the inside like your heart is like this is what you're meant to be doing I know it's hard but this is this feels right like you enjoy learning about it you enjoyed all most aspects of it that is a good sign that potentially don't emotionally just quit
something in a bad moment give yourself a little break come back to it talk to somebody about it don't quit yet and has it popped up as a semi-regular pattern or idea in your life for example with starting my own business it popped up regularly for me in a very scary way I was always like every time it popped up I was like I could never do that I could never do that I could never do that but it kept recurring as a thought to me over and over and over next do you love the
process of doing it and I say the word process very intentionally because oftentimes I think we enjoy the process of doing something and then the results come or they don't come and that impacts how we feel about the whole thing and that's something I've been doing recently is separating the process of making YouTube videos and the results of making YouTube videos because a lot of times I mean most of the time I greatly enjoy the process of making YouTube videos of making content brainstorming ideas um structuring content creating educational content but then the results come
or don't come and then they impact how I felt about this but this is completely separate from this another question is it hard in a good way or a bad way right like hard in a good way is like oh my God like it's like YouTube YouTube is so hard but for me it's in a good way because I love learning about YouTube I find it very interesting but hard in a bad way is like you feel it on the inside you're like shriveled up on the inside you're like I hate this and I don't
feel like I'm getting every anywhere that potentially would be something to quit will quitting free up time for a better opportunity what is the opportunity cost of not quitting so if you are just grinding away at something you hate it you're like I wish I could spend my time on this other thing that potentially could be a better fifth for what I want to do also are you not quitting solely because you've already put too much work in money into it right Sun cost fallacy oh I've already put in three years into this thing I
can't just quit now it is okay to change your mind about something now here is a quitter example of a very strategic very good quitter Bridget menler which if any body else grew up watching her on Disney Channel so the loss of her quitting her acting career on Disney channel is she potentially lost a successful singing and acting career right but she won so much out of quitting that path and going for a completely different path she got a law degree from Harvard she was a PhD student at MIT she started a company I mean
she is so successful now in a completely different way and potentially she could have gone through the thought process of but I've already spent years like studying acting studying singing I already have a successful Disney Channel show like I should just keep going down this path but evidently that was not the path for her so she changed her mind so the actionable task here is to talk yourself into quitting right so determination alone will not get you through the dip I have tried it you have to evaluate how bad you want the thing that's on
the other end of the dip so a concept that I love from the book as well is writing a quitting contract so write down a list of the challenges you know you will face and determine your boundaries that you're not willing to cross around time money mental health peace so it can look like this right I promise to make X number of YouTube videos over the X years given my boundaries that's exactly what I did with YouTube I said I want to make 50 to 100 YouTube videos in one year and then challenges I will
probably face getting 10 views after spending 4,826 hours on one video it still happens um not seeing the results as quickly as I want not liking how I look in videos not liking how I sound in videos so writing down all the challenges that you know will probably you will probably come up against and also ensuring you have boundaries so my boundaries are like if I absolutely hate it for an extended period of time quit it if I have to sacrifice my mental health and peace it's not worth it etc etc so I love that
idea because then it's not just I will grind away at this thing forever no matter what happens it's like no I'm not going to grind away at it forever I'm making commitment I know what I'm going to come across I know what like challenges I can anticipate and I have the boundaries in place to ensure that it's not actually going to sacrifice anything that is truly important to me and another quote I love from this book if you can't make it through the dip don't start and he's not saying this in a discouraging way he's
saying it in a way where if you're not if you don't actually want the thing that bad just don't even spend your time doing this thing be strategic about your time because we have finite time and energy pick things that actually make sense and that you feel a deep calling for so the important thing here is to look for the dip look for what type of curve you are in this is normally a good sign progress may be slow but you know that there is potential if you see any trace of progress chances are you
are in the dip and you see potential for it that's good now there are two other different curves here he calls it a culdesac culdesac is where it's just a dead end like nothing is happening no matter how hard you try you're stuck in an endless loop zero progress it's probably not the right thing to keep grinding away at a culdesac will essentially not get better no matter how hard you try the dip has potential to get better and then there's another one he calls the cliff Cliff is essentially the short-term situation is probably fine
but but it will and you know inevitably there will be bad results now let's move on to lesson three lesson three is you cannot do everything and I know this is a really annoying lesson but spreading yourself too thin is a disservice to you so what CS says and I mean we know this is it's much easier especially career-wise to be really good at one specific thing and I completely agree for example comparing a YouTube channel that's about cooking all things cooking imagine starting that YouTube channel like just about you talk about all things cooking
that would be so much harder to get traction with versus if you feel deeply passionate about like medieval cooking and you start a Channel about medieval cooking that is like super Niche and you can easily become the best person at Medieval cooking and you will be that girl or that guy right or you know for example real example imagine you are a YouTube video editor period versus you are a YouTube video editor that specializes in doing aesthetic cutesy editing if you carve out a little niche market chances are there are enough people to sustain a
very healthy livelihood for you it's much easier to try to resonate 100% with your people versus resonate 20% with everyone we do not want to resonate a little bit with everyone we want to resonate 100% for our person so other lesson is to make a decision experiment first yes but once you have enough data make a decision even the wrong decision is better than making no decision and being stuck in over analysis because the wrong decision gives you the data you need to make better decisions in the future you can almost see it kind of
like a vend diagram what can you be the best in right so let's say you want to be a freelance social media manager okay that is very hard to compete with social media manager means you're competing with I want to say hundreds of thousands of social media managers but if you're a social media manager in Berlin okay that's more Niche now social media manager for cafes in Berlin bam you can easily become the best social media manager for cafes in Berlin if you chose to do that so the task here is you have to strategically
explore your passions the first thing is to make a list of everything you enjoy and you don't enjoy don't overthink it just write it down it can be anything it can be also not even related to your career and then set time constraints for yourself to try each thing out so maybe it's like every quarter you create a commitment goal like the quitting contract you write a quitting contract for each thing and you try it out you give it the full go and then once you find that thing that thing that calls to you that
deep down you're like this is my thing stick with that thing give it the full go let go of everything else and go in on that thing knowing that if you are in the dip and you don't see the results yet the results are coming they are inevitable that's something else that helps me a lot is knowing that the results are inevitable if I'm learning if the trajectory right and all that stuff now if you enjoyed this video you'll probably also enjoy my video about 4,000 weeks which is one of the best no it's the
best productivity book I've ever read and as always thank you so much for watching and I hope to catch you in the next one okay bye yay bye
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