The Ultimate Guide To ChatGPT Custom Instructions

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Video Transcript:
by using custom instructions in chat GPT properly you can go for more result like this to result like this in one prompt when used correctly this really is the biggest unlock and output quality that casual users and even more advanced ones can achieve with enchant GPT you just need to know what to put into those two little magical fields and that's exactly what this video is going to show you so I'm going to give you a brief overview what's going on in there then we're going to talk through step by step how to use these fields to get the best results possible and then I'm gonna give you a formula on how to navigate it with some examples that you can copy paste right into it so first things first they launched this feature on the chat GPT enthusiasts I've been waiting for this since a while because as you might know context is the thing that generates quality outputs and what this really is is a super user-friendly way to add context to your prompts so accessing it is very simple three dots settings beta features and turn on custom instructions after you've got that you can close the window and reopen this and it says custom instruction alright so now we have these two fields and the big question presents itself what do we put in here and what does this actually do well as mentioned this is just a different way of adding context to your prompt and concretely the first one is here to specify your personal context so anything that touches you and the second part is responsible for modifying the outputs of chat GPT and don't worry I'll tell you exactly what to write into these in a second here and show you how to customize that but in order for you to do it properly you actually need to understand what's going on here and therefore I'm gonna give you a visual description of what this context means so picture this this circle right here is all of GPT Force knowledge all the data it has been trained on and if you give it a simple one line prompt like write me an email it's gonna do that but it's gonna start using context from all these different spots to write that information now if you get a lot more specific there and you say write an email to my boss called Henry about the coffee in our office write it in the style of Ernest Hemingway you start limiting the areas in which it finds these little circles whereas before it might have been looking for them in an area this large because you didn't specify what exactly you wanted so you gave it more freedom now what you do by filling this out correctly is if this is all of gpd4's knowledge you tell it hey I want to operate within here and if you're even more specific and you give it more information to go off off you tell it I only want info from within this little circle and if you get super specific it might actually be more like this and within that little circle it's gonna look for the information because you asked it to but you have to know how to ask it so that is the next Point how do we set this thing up so we get exactly the type of results we're looking for and look this is no easy task because often we don't know exactly what we're looking for right but if we just think about the real world for a second what do you do when you have accounting problem you talk to an accountant so the answer to the problem of not knowing exactly what you want to solve for lies within talking to the right person same thing goes for chat GPT you gotta talk to the right Persona and then we enter the territory of a discipline with imprompt engineering called Persona modeling where you lay out all the details in a very specific way so you talk to a specific person and all the results that you get are specific to that person so if you check out this notion page I have right here these are the exact instructions you would want for a digital marketer now look at how specific these are right with specify the profession the current projects specific interests values and principles and so much more and these have been carefully crafted because since the day of the release we have been preparing a framework for you guys to use within chat GPT and this is not something that we spawned over the last week we've been wrestling with this idea of persona modeling at a very high and very precise level since months now so a lot of the work that has been done we just repurposed here and I'm giving it to you right here so check it out you go into custom instructions you post the first part and then part two has been crafted for the second part which asks how would you like chachibi to respond well right here we would like to specify the response format the tone detail level types of suggestions and much more for example the problem solving approach is one that makes a massive difference bison awareness is a little more subtle but still critical to include and again all of these have been carefully crafted and this is kind of the framework I recommend here if you want to understand this in a little more detail I'll just put a description of the various areas onto the screen right here you can check it out so these are the detailed description of what's going on here so the values and the principles represent the key principles around values that guides their work right and the devil is in a detail here you really need to follow this closely for it to work well but then on the other hand you will get rewarded with very precise results okay so now that we have this dialed in what can we do well simply put we say save and now we have a custom version of chat GPT setup right here in the browser and I can use both GPT 3. 5 and gpt4 to generate outstanding results which are very specific to the thing we're solving for so as mentioned in this case we set up a digital marketer persona for chat GPT and now we can use this to get better results so let's do a little comparison shall we I'll just turn these off for a second and run a basic prompt so right here you can disable for new chats I'll open a new chat gpt4 and what we're gonna do is in the free notion template that we provide we're gonna head on over to writing and use one of my favorite prompts called write anything and down here in the examples you have one of these prompts that is just a basic blog writing prompt okay and we're gonna run it for the first time without custom instructions in gpt4 like so go to custom instructions enable these new chat gpt4 run the same prompt and as you can see right here the differences couldn't be any more different important Point here is look at the structure look at the vocabulary look at the tone of this thing so folks it's time to stir things up catch you there fellow earthlings it's these little Snippets that in my opinion are just a little too much this is not really dialed in and a lot of these parts are just very chatty PT typical like picture this or here's the cherry on top whereas this result is way more formal and the reason that is is because in the custom instructions we told it to do exactly that so if you look over here it's a stone maintain a professional tone that balances friendliness and formality and these instructions overwrite The Prompt up here okay so that's a big takeaway already because remember when we gave it custom instructions we told it to operate within a certain area and no matter what you do in the prompt it's not gonna go outside of that okay let's do another example if I pick an entrepreneurship character here let's take the serial entrepreneur and this one is one of my personal favorites because this Persona is experienced it's been around the block it's managing a portfolio of diverse Ventures and it just has this very very like macro overview of things and its communication style is straightforward and strategic so same thing first part we copy over second part we copy over that took five seconds save all right and then I'm gonna head back to the free notion template and under entrepreneurship I'm gonna pick one of these prompts we're going to be evaluating business ideas all right okay so what about this one this one is actually quite complex it's going to be evaluating the viability of launching an online language tutoring platform by conducting a SWOT analysis all right why not let's test this inside of gpt4 with the custom instructions enabled and compare it to the vanilla version okay and again second chat custom instructions off new chat and we run the same prompt and here it doesn't take an expert to see the difference right away so let's have a look at the SWOT analysis okay so as you can see on the left side we have custom instructions on and on the right side there off so what the entrepreneur really did here is it concisely gave you the essence of what's Happening Here It gave you the information and no extra words around it right something I personally would prefer when doing a SWOT analysis so now let's look at the content of these points unlimited geographical reach flexibility and affordability a platform like this has the advantage of being accessible to users worldwide users can learn at their own pace and according to their own schedules in many cases online tutoring can be more affordable than in-person instruction fair enough what does our seasoned entrepreneur say potentially scalable business model due to online nature same as over here lower overhead costs compared to physical institutions aha see he's thinking about the finances and the business side of things because that's what the Persona is set up to be good good and the flexibility same as over here okay so pretty similar okay so let's head down to the threads and the market size because I think these two points really illustrate the difference nicely so first of all it talks about competition that's the same over here then it talks about the regulations same over here but here's the thing here it says it's dependent on Tech infrastructure and it states that cyber threats could negatively impact the platform I don't know might be just me but that doesn't seem as one of the big threats to an online learning platform right and here the entrepreneur talks more about oversaturation so he talks about the supply demands that Dynamics which I believe to be the preferable topic when we're talking entrepreneurship and starting a business right all right you might consider that minor but what about this next point so here without the custom instructions it first goes ahead and States something like as of my knowledge cut off in September 2021 the Global Learning Market was estimated to be worth approximately 60 billion in 2020 and then some growth projections and the estimate by 2023. however conduct updated market research whereas the seasoned entrepreneur actually goes ahead and he quotes a specific type of research according to Grand View research the Global Learning Market was valued at 12.
49 billion in 2020 and expected growth from 21 to 28 was 18. 7 per year and once you go into this bottom paragraphs the subtle differences start becoming not so subtle anymore and the market size this actually quotes a research that after a few minutes of searching I couldn't exactly find but that's an inherent weakness of gpt4 it doesn't have direct references but I'll give it bonus points for at least attempting to quote something precisely as opposed to over here it doesn't mention a source course whatsoever down here in the competitive landscape analysis it mentions the same competitors but here it directly outlines the biggest benefits of those platforms again in my opinion a better answer than this over here and then in the end there's just an extra idea in here plus the conclusion gives you actually an actionable step in the end that you could continue with whereas this just gives a generic ending so as you can see sometimes it's subtle but the deeper you go and the more it really matters that your results are not a 3 out of 10 but a 6 out of 10 or a 8 out of 10 every single time the more you will want to go into these custom instructions and specify exactly what you need because when we look at the serial entrepreneur everything that we just saw reflected in the answers you're gonna find in here right checks and balances please cross verify Market data and Trends resource references reference reliable industry reports and credible news sources it at least tried right if we had plugins on this would perform a whole lot better and you can do that logical analytical approach and concise and action-oriented responses we actually saw all over the place so overall I would rate this as a 7 out of 10.
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