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but we are glad for all of you that are here as always we know there's only one true Living God that's [Applause] right and he has no equals he have no Rivals he he don't have no Partners we associate none to be with him better than him or greater than him he is and shall forever be God alone we thank him for sending the prophets and the apostles and then moved on them to write the information that God gave them for all of us that's why I trust the Scriptures it is the only book that's
divinely inspired no man took it upon himself to write anything nobody's ideas or opinion is in there it's all God's information that are put us on the straight path and then keep us on the straight path the problem with many of us we have gotten off the straight path and been off of it so long we got used to what's crooked we have gotten so messed up we call Crooked straight that's right and then when what's straight come along we call that crooked we have became backwards L but uh we're glad of how God worked
last night just last night alone so far 109 Souls were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ amen that's just last night by itself that's wonderful isn't it that's a whole congregation in one night n Souls went down in water in the name of the Lord Jesus we get this twoe report as I mentioned 109 last night 27 in headquarters three in Pine Bush New York eight in Bronx New York 12 in new bronswick 12 in Baltimore or rather two in New bronswick 12 in Baltimore three in Port Smith one in Oxford North Carolina seven
baptized in name of Jesus Christ in Raleigh North Carolina two in Charlotte five in Columbia three in Charleston two in Augusta four in Atlanta eight in vald DOI Georgia four in Miami Florida 13 in Tallahassee Florida five in Jackson Mississippi three in Mobile two in Monroe Louisiana one in delmare 13 in Dallas Texas six in Houston two in San Antonio Texas four in Minnesota two in Chicago 12 in Detroit Michigan 14 in Indianapolis Indiana nine in Portland Oregon eight in Los Angeles California two in Federal Way Washington that's the state of Washington International baptisms two
in the Netherlands four in Manchester England seven in Birmingham England 11 in London England eight in Trinidad 15 in Jamaica 13 in Johannesburg South Africa one in Cape Town South Africa one in no in noia Africa 56 in the Fiji islands that's 393 souls and that's in two weeks look at Jesus let's look at Jesus so we give God much thanks because we need him yes sir and every form the Human family need him sir the Human family have become so stubborn and so rebellious and so arrogant they have become so arrogant they believe they
don't need God or they rule out the existence of God and God himself saw that mentality he did until it is written the fool have said in his heart there is no God but we know God to be true oh yeah no question we know him to be perfect and infallible in all things he have no flaws he have no errors and whatever God says in the scriptures you that are here and you that are watching you have to obey it if you don't believe it you'll get over it that's right but if you make
it back with the Lord at all you certainly won't make it back because of your looks it won't be because of what you own amen am it's going to be out of clear obedience to everything God says and uh when I look at this and think of how God designed his church and how to get into his church how to be born into his church and what keep you in his church everybody going to have to get in the same way amen and thus by repenting of your sins and being baptized in water in the
name of Jesus Christ and receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues that the spirit of God give utterance like it happened on the day of Pentecost that old Bible Way of Salvation you take that modering junk and flush it down the toilet with your pastor everybody come back the Bible everybody so uh after we leave this Washington DC meeting my staff will be working on finding a temporary place so I can start getting you folk together we will get a temporary place until we get something permanent so you listen out for
the announcement just like you found out that we was going to be here we will resort to the same method to let you know the date the time the location where the Washington DC uh First Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will began and I know there are so many states and cities that are watching and they always post what about us here what about us there what about us here what about us there this is why we designed if you remember in our church business meeting during our International Communication the expansion program the expansion
program we're pulling all of our resources together not just here in America but internationally where we're getting all the brothers and sisters of the truth of God involved so we can sacrifice as a people ,000 a year so we can buy all of our churches and buildings mortgage free amen we want to rid ourselves depending on banks we don't want to depend on no financial institution we don't want to borrow from nobody we want to be able to go in any state any country any town because as you can see and as you have seen
for years now we have an instant congregation wherever we go amen and I would love not to leave town to be able to buy a church or a building cash we ain't raising this money to give to me I don't want your money we use it for God's glory this is one preacher that's not a thief amen we buy churches and set up temples and we also looking to establish businesses for the church that way that'll bring more income into the work of God so we can expand and expand and expand and continue to build
the work of God right here in this wicked Earth then when the Lord come he'll burn it all up and we won't have to do it no more but everywhere we travel everywhere we travel God have given the truth of God a message that's different from the messages that is in the Earth today amen none of the preachers can go anywhere that's right brother not one in America or the world that's right is going anywhere with this holy Sanctified message and getting the truth of God results like God is blessing us together someone say you're
bragging well I'm boasting in the god of my salvation and I must say like the Apostle Paul Paul said no man shall stop us from this boasting we're not boasting in ourselves but I'm boasting in God when I look at what God is doing you know it's kind of make you think because the the Bible says before the Lord come there first must be a great falling away it didn't say more will fall away than those that would come to God but it did say there will be a great Falling Away meaning many many millions
that was once Walking with God will be taken over by Satan let no man deceive you I you to hear this in the book of 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and we'll start at verse three I want everybody to hear me and follow me in the Bible we'll start at verse one all right give chap in verse again 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and we'll start at verse one yes now we beseech you Brethren the Apostle Paul born in Tarsus in the city of cissa set under the feet of Galia whom the scripture says was a doctor
of the law of the law brother Paul was taught according to the perfect manner of the law that's right gilia was a Pharisee meaning a believer in the spirit world believe in the resurrection and Paul being called and sent and made an apostle not of men that's right but of God being taught of God that's right calling the church and Thessalonians attention to what's about to come now we brother we can say it's here now that's right listen at this 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and we're at verse one yes now we beseech you Brethren by
the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ he's coming oh yes and you that are trinitarians you're going to be shocked when you see one that's right yeah that's right just one going to appear up in the heavens that's right and brother this one have enough for you to obey that's right this one is father in creation oh yes that's how he got the title father father meaning he's the originator glory to God of all things that's right he have the title son that's right because god Jehovah I am that I am Elohim Yahweh was manifested
In the Flesh in the flesh he didn't become flesh no he was manifested in the flesh in the flesh what do you mean I manifested in my suit M but I didn't become the suit that's right but I took the suit on that's right the Bible says how God took upon him the form of a servant and that form was God's shape that shape was God image that image was God fashion that fashion was the Lamb of God Son of God son of man that's son of David Christ Jesus the Messiah the prophet the Apostle
that's right are you getting the old man that's it the Son of God Bears the title door he said I am the door question is why would he be called a door because there's something waiting on the other side of him that's right so he opened up yes how did he open up by explaining and leaving an example that we should follow his steps so he opened up the way that's right and it's a straight and narrow way very narrow that's one thing about God's way very narrow very narrow very narrow very straight enter you
in at the Straight Gate listen at this in St Matthew 7 and verse3 then we go back to thessalonica St Matthew 7 and verse 13 enter ye at the straight gate at the Straight Gate for wide is the gate glory to God Amen wide is the gate and Broad is the way broad is the way that leadth to destruction and what happen and many there be which go in there at and that's the truth that's the truth when it come to going to hell and getting on the devil's side many there be how many many
there be there so many that God didn't give a number that's right but there's a whole lot of folk that's right that have chose to be one with Satan many there be which go in there and they still carry Bibles that's true got the name name Jesus all in their mouth going to some church shouting losing their wig and two past they go to church performing that's right but not worshiping God that's right Bible say they that worship God must worship God in spirit and in truth because God seeketh such or desire such to worship
him not worship them worship him him listen at this enter ye in at the Straight Gate and what for wide is the gate wide is the gate and Broad is the way and what that leadth to destruction and many there be which go in there at but what because because straight is the gate ah amen that's what Holiness is oh yes straight straight straight is the gate is the gate and narrow narrow is the way where does it lead which leadth unto life and how many want that and few there be that find it amen
you notice the path to destruction many many find that the straight and narrow way few few few want that that's right because that narrow way you know if you get on a balance beam you can't walk on that like you do the floor No in fact you got to be taught how to walk on that that's right that's the way it is the straight and narrow way that's right you you must be taught how to walk in it oh yes and how to stay in it and how to abide in it that's right the wide
way you ain't got to be taught you just full of the devil you blend in very well very well like many of you here you smoking Christians that was smoking on your way here you that Vape after you left here last night my Lord you bear guzzling Christians and and Jack Daniel Christians and Budweiser Christian that's right that's right you see you don't want the straight and narrow way no because when you get this straight and narrow way it going to take your Bud Light out of your hand real no more champagne No More Liquor
that's right no more cigarettes no more partying no more clubbing no more living together not married that's right no more shacking up because the way is too straight and too narrow narrow and this is why so many oppose this kind of preaching that's right because you've been in that Broadway so long that's right and you got so comfortable so used to being a CER that's it and going to church perhaps on Saturday or Sunday and for some reason you thought you was doing God a favor no God done you a favor every time your eyes
came open the next day that's right are you listening that's right obeying God don't do no favor to him no obeying God is for our safety that's right obeying God is for our protection that's right obeying God is for our Salvation let's go back to Thessalonians now in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 1 follow me now we beseech you Brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ yes and by our gathering together unto him what happened that you be not soon shaken in mind look at the advice of the Apostle that's right he
don't want us to be unstable amen when you're unstabled you are soon soon sh shaken in mind and your thought somebody can come along with some false religion that's true right false teaching that sounds good sounds the one thing I say about the devil's Preacher Man a lot of them fellas sounds good oh yeah amen make you jump out your chair and run around the entire building while the preacher stand there and laugh at you that's right because he know he making a fool out of you that's right you fall out on the floor and
all of that stuff no anointing no Holy Ghost no nothing no nothing he blow on you and you collapse he wave his jacket and you collapse that's right with a bunch of Hypocrites behind you to catch you like a baseball back catcher that's right listen that you be not so soon shaken in mind now in order hear me good for you not to be soon soon sh shaken in mind you got to be steadfast steadfast and God's holy teaching that's right you cannot be steadfast and the holy teaching of God unless you learn it right
and today's society touching religion Holiness is hardly taught any place anymore that's right if you look at the teaching of the churches 99.9% all have one message and that is the prosperity message oh yeah touch it claim it God got a miracle with your name on it that's all they offer you is materialism that's right God is offering the people eternal life with him that's right as long as you're willing to come on the street and narrow way that's right that's all we got to offer you you that are here in this old Wicked city
of Washington and you that are watching the only thing we have to offer you is what's street street and was narrow that's it and God ain't going to broaden it just to fit you on it no no no God ain't doing that oh no as I said before when you on a balance beam that coach got to train you oh yes so but when you first get up there he or she that's training you they going to hold your hand mhm and tell you walk slow slow and even then you may slip and fall off
of it that's right they put mats on both sides that kind of Cushing your fall so you don't hurt yourself that's right and then when you start getting better you don't need that coach to hold your hand but you still have to walk slow slow and then when you master glory to God the balance being you can run on it that's right jump on ITP on it flip on it and uh because you have mastered it mastered it word of God says he that strive for Mastery is temper in all things the first thing you
must Master is yourself that's right self Mastery is total self disipline when one totally yes sir submit themselves to the master that's right for the Bible says one is your master even Christ even Christ now total master of self and if a man also strive if here hear this in the book of 2 Timothy Chapter 2 and verse 5 have a man also strive strive for Mastery for Mastery yet is he not crowned he is not rewarded except except he strive lawfully he strive how lawfully you can't cheat that's right self-mastery self is when one
had mastered not performing no sin Lord help us I just give you a few minutes to get your amens out on that one self Mastery you can play the piano or play the drums but when one master the pi and master the drums their level of talent is higher that's right than the one that's just a drummer or a keyboard player that's right when one have mastered not sinning they lifestyle is at a higher level that's right than the one that struggle with sin that's right are you listening that's right self-mastery keeps me from looking
at the sin of anybody else that's right it keeps me from focusing on anybody else's wrong that's right for me to master self I must bring and brother Paul said I must bring myself under subjection subjection lest I be a Cast Away Cast Away that's right are you kidding me but I keep under my body here here this 1 Corinthians chapter 9 and verse 27 I keep under under my body I keep under my temple that's right my Tabernacle my Earthly house that's right and bring it and bring it into subjection I bring it I
have to bring my house under subjection that's my temple under subjection that's right because my body my temple my house is a member of the body of Christ that's right and if my body my temple my Tabernacle my house get out of place then it affects me being a Lively Stone that's right see you got to have a stone masing when you're building a building oh yes then you got to have a Master Mason in other words he know the craft that's right of stone better than the stone Mason that's right because the stone Mason
may put the stone in MH but then you have an inspector who come by looking at the stones that's right looking at the plum line making sure there is no bow right in the wall sir so either he or the one that put the stone in he may get a hammer M gently tap it because it's protruding out too much that's right when you're in sin some of your character protrude that's right which is a clear manifestation of your sinful conduct your sinful life that's right like a false prophet M his lies protrudes oh it
shows itself oh yes that he is a product of bad teaching that's right and by him being a product of bad teaching the followers of falsehood become products also of bad teaching that's right so the sin that is Justified in man-made churches it protrudes show itself oh yes and it's necessary that we take the Bible yes sir beat it beat it back at in place that's right until the Hammer of the word of God beat it right out of you that's right it is not the will of nobody to submit to someone taking a hammer
and beating you across your head no way you going to dodge and scream and run but the word is called a hammer is not my word like as a fire yeah here Jeremiah Jeremiah CH 23 and: 29 is not my word my word light as a fire hold it God is going to describe his word his word different ways that's right is not my word like as a fire the reason why it's like a fire because it comforts you and it consumes you oh yeah it comforts you in the time of trouble and that same
word come to consume everything that is of us that's right that is not of him that's right what else is not my word like as a fire sayth the Lord and like a hammer wait a minute amen it's like a hammer that does what that [Music] yes sir it ain't nobody using a hammer no no what do you mean the word is not being preached that's right absolutely because if it was being preached they wouldn't be of none of those religions no way that's right so the word come like a hammer like a hammer and
you got to have a preacher that's not afraid to use that hammer that's right and God knows brother I'm not scared to swing the hammer amen not at all and if I hit you with the hammer of the Bible I ain't going to check and see what damage is done either if you've been damaged you might as well just look to the Lord for healing because whatever is in me before the Lord come for me to escape hell I rather for God to take the wrecking ball of the scriptures and wreck me good that's right
that's right are you listening that's right so a Hammer Hammer is used for the church oh yes to crush everything in us that's right that is not like God so we can Master God's will that's it go back to Thessalonians everybody all right back in 2 Thessalonians 2 and verse two follow me that you be not so soon shaken in mind be stable stable or be troubled don't be troubled neither by Spirit nor by word what else nor by letter as from us yeah as that the day of Christ is at hand let no man
deceive you by any means do you hear that that's what got me baring against false prophets that message last night people are raging on social media oh there's there's many hundreds that are thankful but there are many upset mad mad angry they're angry because they're guilty yeah they can't get me to change and that upsets them that's right because I tell the world I cannot be bought by nobody that's right you can't offer me glory to God you can't offer me absolutely nothing nothing can't offer me nothing imagine offering me something Lord and you compare
it to what God have already offered me that's right I turn you down quicker than I can spit amen nobody's offer Rivals God offer no way are you listening to what I'm telling you that's right and you the Human family have to love God enough that you choose him that's it above everything else that's right are you getting me that's right the holy book says what let no man deceive you by any means don't let nobody deceive you don't be deceived by the celebrities the fake Christian celebrities out there that's right don't be deceived by
them that's right you know because they they got over the uh they commented on social media look at all them women nobody wearing makeup nobody wearing makeup that's disgusting now if a celebrity came out and said I'mma go natural right I'm not going to perm my hair I am not going to wear no fake eyelashes I am not going to wear no lipstick no makeup I'mma go natural yeah she'll be on TMZ that's right she'll make headline news that's right and millions of women around the world say you know what I'm going to embrace the
way God made me right then they they bring guarded that's right I'm going to embrace the way God made me and I am going natur amen you know why they so shock not to see no makeup wearing women because they so used to Jezebel that's right and when you've been raised in a jezeb bilan atmosphere that's all you know that's all you know when you've been raised dressing half naked that's all you know that's right here we come with the Bible one man said man there ain't none of them women that I can I can
lust at because I can't see nothing praise the Lord that's right glory to God that's right amen that's where it's supposed to be that's where it's supposed to be don't you know the Lord himself made coats of skin and cloth Adam and Eve in the beginning that's right God's people supposed to be clothed you out there public I don't care how H it is the Bible don't change for men or women you out there God says be clothed that's right that the shame of your nakedness do not appear I counsel thee to buy of me
do you hear this Revelation 3 and at Verse 18 have you noticed you don't get this fight out of Muslim women no no you don't no the Muslim women will cover themselves if it's 100 degrees that's right and church so-called Christians will look at them and say woo how can they wear that how is it you can't that's right that's true it's something about being a sinner amen that all of us are guilty of yeah but we don't like to be told about our sins but you still want to be this Christian that's right how
can you pull that off if you want to be Christ like oh yes there's a book here oh yes we call the Bible but this book call it the scriptures that's right b i b e some said basic instructions before leaving Earth yeah I like better biblical instructions before leaving Earth right because these biblical instructions exceed basic instructions that somebody will give you oh yes are you listening that's right so he want to give you biblical instructions before you die that's right that's that's right and these instructions going to come from the word of the
Lord that's right look at the very heading of the book the word of God the word of God not the word of men no that mean God himself and you viewers who get mad at me and all I bring you is the word word of God they fighting me bitterly for them two and three wives and one man wrote One Man comment I smoke I go to bed smoking I don't see nothing wrong with it you won't see nothing wrong with it until the doctor give you three more days that's right that's right that's right
am I right I said when the doctor tell you you got three more days or three more months right then you want to become a Christian that's right as long as you got your health acting like a fool oh yeah then you said you don't see nothing wrong with it nothing wrong with with it the term Christian meaning Christlike Christlike is a life style that's right it's bigger than coming to church anybody can come to church roaches come to church oh yeah come to church more than you and make babies in church that's right it's
a lifestyle when you look at the scriptures Jesus who was God manifested In the Flesh he taught his apostles those all the same thing that's right Peter didn't go out being the first pope like the Catholics lied no Paul didn't start Protestant Matthew didn't start Lutheran John wasn't a bad none of that stuff none of that none of that he gave them all the same thing same thing and sent them all out to preach the same thing that's right you that are here and Washington DC and the world do you know you should be able
to go go into every Church oh yes and hear one message one message one just one that's right just search the scriptures that's right you didn't have Baptist Methodist Presbyterian and Lutheran don't go tell me John the Baptist his religion wasn't Baptist no if his religion was Baptist then that mean he would be in trouble because John said I'm not the light not the light I am not the light but I come to Bear witness of the light of the light John said one come after me he's mightier than I he's going to baptize you
with the Holy Ghost thank God and that with Fire with Fire come on son 2 Thessalonians 2 we're at verse three yes let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come listen at this that day shall not come the coming of the Lord is not going to come yet until except there come a falling away first first first there going to be a mass backsliding that's right men and women that's right preachers so-called Bishops Elders prophets deacons that's right mothers them that believe in sanctification holy that's right many of them
going to turn their back on God it's already happening oh yeah oh yeah it's hard to find now a holy church that's right but it's easy to find a church that's nothing but a club yeah do you hear this let no man deceive you by any means glory to God for that day shall not come that day shall not come except there come a falling away except that come of Falling Away first first first now that means mean this the Bible said if you build up again give me that yes the things you destroy destroy
you make yourself a transgressor you that is in these Apostolic churches and non-denominational and Pentecostals in DC and the state of Maryland in the world I want to show you the signs of the falling away that's right the falling away is when you got a preacher that was strict Y and believe in strictness in the church that's right he was adamant about living holy living right and putting God first telling the people that God way is right let's do it like the scripture says that's right tell it but then his work start to swell more
people start to come in yeah crowd get bigger so now things that the church used to did not not allowed right he preached against Christmas yeah because there is no Bible that says Jesus was born December 21st ain't 25th ain't no Bible said that you old liar no and he stood firm on it then when the crowd got bigger now Christmas parties in church that's right he preached the truth that there is no Bible that says Jesus rose on Easter and it isn't no you Pagan hypocrite that's right he stood on that but then when
the crowd got larger Easter egg hunts for the children oh yeah he stood on the scripture of 1 Timothy 2:12 when Paul said I suffer not a woman to teach not the use of authority over over the man with the be silence with all subjection no women preachers right crowd got larger oh yeah now women evangelists women pastors women assistant pastors Deacon S that's right right he stood on the scripture that if a woman pray or prophesy having her head uncovered uncovered this onor her head and he had knowledge enough to know that was not
talking about her hair her hair oh so wait a minute Pastor jennis in that same chapter it says uh her long hair is a cover ring let's read that in First Corinthians chapter 11 in case I got any United Pentecostal folks here that's right and PW folks here that's right amen I want to tie you with Bible and show you what the Bible saying that's it listen 1 Corinthians chap 11 we'll start at verse 5 follow me but every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered her head uncovered dishonor her head now who
would be that dumb to think that Paul was talking about putting hair on hair on or having hair off that's right only wig wearers do this that's right that's right H that's right you know especially many of you old folk that got them different color wigs in your C the closet protected by moth balls amen M amen wigs with salt and pepper and they're blending with the outfit and then got another wig she's about 80 with silver eyebrows but I got a cold black Indian wig that's right mhm He Man little girl only 15 year
old she wearing wigs now yeah he man everything is in the wigs nobody don't want to be the way God made them that's right you just want to be fake all around all around fake lips fake hips fake breast fake hair fake everything fake fingernails fingernails so long you can't even pick up a phone good that's true this is what the churches have become but every woman every woman that pray propes or prophesy her head un with her head her head her head uncovered dishonor her head dishonor her head and remember the head of every
woman is the man is the man for that is even all as if she was Shak now if you pray or prophesy which mean worship worship god with your head uncovered God look at that to the Apostle as if you shaved your head for if the woman be not covered if the woman be not covered let her also be sh let her also be sh but if it be a shame if it be a shame for a woman to be Shor or shaven if it be a shame shame for a for a woman to be
sh or shaven let her be covered then let her be covered and now in verse 10 the word covered me complete that's right now look at the verse that these so-called apostolics and Pentecostals go to to justify women in church bareheaded with nothing on their head listen at this I want to show you how ignorant they are they are 1 Corinthians 11:1 15 what is it but if a woman have long hair if a woman have long hair is a glory to her say glory to her for her hair is given her her hair is
given her for a covering hold it that's right covering and covered and uncovered are three different words that's right uncovered uncovered be covered complete right covering incomplete that's right what do you mean just say if we when when the Lord bless us with a building down here and brothers are laying carpet some of the folks come in what y'all doing pastor jennis we are covering the floor that's right covering covering the floor don't need to ask are we finished because it's not complete that's right we are covering that mean the floor is in the process
of being covered covered are you getting the old man that's right so long as we lay in that carpet we are covering covering so your hair is a covering covering but you're not complete covered covered that's right amen are you getting me that's right it's a covering for your head that's right but now you have to cover covered and to cover you have to cover your covering that's right that's right are you getting me that's right glory to God but every woman that prayeth or prophesy what with her head UNC with her head uncover that
mean bareheaded you mothers you know you got little girls yeah and in the winter time come it's snow and it's cold out there you tell her girl don't you go out there bareheaded you didn't tell her put hair on no she got hair you just did her ponytails for goodness sake that's right don't you go out there with nothing on your head it's cold cold you grab your daughter and put that ski Cap B them air mus and wrap that scarf right about oh you got a all covered all covered so there's a difference between
covered and covering and these dumb Bishops read this scripture and say well you see your hair is what cover you uh you ain't got to worry about that cuz your hair is your cover ring no cover ring mean incomplete that's right and when you're incomplete now you got to be covered covered amen that's right I just want to straighten that out as I go that's right so when the things that the preachers used to stood for now when the crowd get larger mhm they start becoming unbelievers that's right of what they used to believe that's
right everything they down they build up in the book of Galatians Chapter 2 and at Verse 18 says what for if I build a Do you hear this amen if I build again the things which I destroy I destroy I make myself myself a transgress sinner that's it any Bishop build up any wrong that's it and tell the people is all right to do it and yet the word of God is against it amen he buil up that wrong that he used to be against he's a sinner I make myself a a transgressor you have
made yourself a sinner that's right that's right you pre good glory to God Amen when you had a small crowd of about 25 or 30 people you preached against remarried and divorced yeah because there wasn't enough women in the church for you to flirt with that's right am I right that's right then all of sudden more women come in and the crowd get larger all of a sudden he got a revelation oh yeah he got a revelation now that's right that uh he can divorce his wife oh yeah so he can get another or he
will have so many couples in there yeah with second wives oh yeah and second husbands who are big Financial contributors he don't want to hurt their feelings that's right so so each one may come the bishop Bishop I got my second wife you know and and I know it's wrong and Bishop by the time he get that influx of adulterous relationships he going to tell each one look it doesn't matter it doesn't matter um were you saved when you got the second wife oh no oh okay well if you wasn't saved then you done it
when you was a sinner then you are right you all right adultery can be committed by s all Saint Saint that's right that's right H that's right so this is what the preachers have said in the apostolic and Pentecostal mhm if you got your adulterous husband or wife or wife before you got saved yeah or no no if you got married when you was a sinner yeah and didn't get saved you can divorce The Sinner husband or The Sinner wife or The Sinner wife and get you a saved husband or a save one it ain't
no Bible gave you that permission no no now this is what the Bible says in the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 7 and we'll start at verse 7 listen at this for I would that all men were even as I myself wait a minute Pastor Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ that's right he wasn't married no he wasn't and and he said I wish you was like I am I would that all men what he saying he he said he wish you were single but the difference between Paul and single men today Paul live right
he that's right am I right I said that's right Paul ain't fornicated since God saved him that's right he did all his fornication before he got saved before he got saved because he told you and time pass give me time Titus chap 3 real fast ver 3 and begin at verse three I want to show you Paul's lifestyle that's right before he wake up Titus Chapter 3 and verse three for we ourselves also were sometimes look at reflecting on his past that's right we ourselves were sometimes foolish we were foolish disobedient you were hardhead deceived
tricked serving divers lusts and serving divers divers divers kind of lust and pleasure and he had pleasure while he was doing it living in Malice and envy hate and hating one another but then what happened after that after that the kindness and love of God kindness glory to God hallelujah and love of God God our savior man appeared not by works of righteous it didn't come because we were so good which we have done but what but according to his Mercy he saved us wait a minute what did he do but according to his Mercy
he saved us how did he do that by the washing of regeneration when you've been washed by regeneration you got the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ and what else and renewing of the Holy Ghost they got the Holy Ghost speaking in Tong that's right so the Apostle Paul told the Church of Corinth I would Brethren I would that all men were even as myself all men all men was even as I myself like myself this goes to show you you don't have to be married to be a preacher that's right but if you
are married that's right you only can have one wife one wife I say if you are married give me 1 Timothy 3:1 son come on now amen I want to show you amen just in case many of you that may be undercover preachers here that's right preachers on the download that's right don't want folks to know that you are some kind of preacher right and you may have your second wife you fact you left her home because she didn't want to come because she know I preach against adultery amen but when you go home to
your adulterous wife and sleep with your adulterous wife and have your adulterous children and you are an adulterous Bishop you go to your adulterous church and you're going into an adulterous hell go ahead man get me now first Timothy 3: 1 and 2 what is it this this is a true saying wait wait wait wait wait anything else opposite from This Is A Lie this is a true saying this is the truth here if a man desire the office of a bishop if a man want to be a bishop he desireth a good work what
what is this qualification if you want a bishop then must be blameless what else the husband of one wife right then that condemn women preachers that's right go and say how's that Pastor jennis right said the husband of one wife it didn't say be the wife of one husband no the husband of one wife so woman how are you a bishop amen how are you a bishop how are you an apostle how are you a pastor how are you an evangelist how are you a Elder that's right don't don't go don't go bring me Phillip
four daughters and say they were a vangas you old liar no no no Bible talked about how they were prophet and prophesying is not preaching that's right prophesying is the foretelling of an event that's going to come by God's permission and that's given to a woman that's a prophetess and a man that's a prophet that's right that's not breaking down the scriptures opening them up and taking it apart no this is a true saying this is true here if a man desire the office of a bishop if a man desire the office of a bishop
he desire a good work a bishop then must be blameless you got to be blameless the husband of one wife all right if you are preacher how many wives you got to have one wife how many one wife one wife one one any preacher in the building tonight or this afternoon got more than one use a sinner that's a sinner did you hear me that's right I don't care if you got a cross around your neck big as the White House that's right that's a mighty big cross they got to put you on a flatbed
truck every time you wear it that's right if you a preacher this afternoon and you got a second wife you a sinner the husband of of one wife what the husband of one wife even Jesus got one wife one wife I want say Jesus got one wife yeah that's right and his wife is the church the church the church is the bride that's right and he don't have two churches he got one one Church Jesus said Upon This Rock I'll build my church church glory to God Amen and the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail
against it this is a true saying this is a true saying if any man desire the office of a bishop you desire the office of a Bish he desireth a good work what a bishop then must be blameless blameless the husband how many of one wife that's all buddy that that's all that's all buddy it's all buddy glory to God that's right so if there's any preachers that are watching and listening I don't care who you are you can cuss get mad jump fall out go in coma for a year and come back the next
year the scripture still going to be here a husband of one wife so many of these preachers out here that's supposed to been Apostolic or Pentecostal stood on these principles yeah speaking in tongue without it no Holy Ghost without it that's right they told the people you got to have it like they did on the day of Pentecost that's right later on everything changed that's right you can't even recognize the churches now that you are members of that's true can't recognize you don't know whether you still in the club that you was at Saturday night
amen cuz that's what your church look like now yeah I was watching the message this morning from last night and you know on YouTube they having the corner other things and they had something that came up I'm like what in the world is this they had Kirk Frankling oh my Lord just dancing like the world which I expect him to do because he's a centner that's right and then they had this other fell that's supposed to be a preacher I cannot remember his name he had on a blue suit with big rhinestones and wore lime
green woman Hills what up in the pool pit he must had about 6 in heels my Lord a grown man supposed to been a preacher and the crowd was right there my Lord my Lord they have put no difference what between the holy and profane do you hear this in the book in The Book of Ezekiel 22 and verse 26 this is where the churches are now that's right they have put no chapter verse again Ezekiel 22 at verse a grown man lime green heels Society is so spiritually doped up that's right doped up with
the wickedness of Satan that's right the attitude of the so-called church people across the board today when it come to sin it doesn't matter doesn't matter it doesn't matter that's right it doesn't matter it doesn't matter they look got a preacher walk around if I like I said last night if I came in here with booty shorts somebody would say it doesn't matter that's right that's true Pastor amen that's right they say it doesn't matter doesn't matter some will still listen some is still dumb enough to listen to me that's right but then they got
good sense oh the man lost his mind let's get out of here let's run let's run that song they saying run and don't look back that's right the devil is causing this great Falling Away falling away which shows us this more will be lost oh yes give me the Old Testament yes only a few will be saved that's right these it ain't a Church on social media that's telling the people how to live holy not one that's right Noel Jones ain't doing it TD Jake you know he ain't doing it C dollar he ain't doing
it Kenneth copelin they're not doing it they're not interested not interested in going back with God by paying a B that's right not interesting the only interest is give you this illusion that's it of Heaven on Earth that's it and this Earth is not heaven no to God Heaven and Earth is going to pass away that's right and the lust thereof but he that do the will of God shall abide forever in the book of second estrus chapter 8 listen at this in second estas chapter 8 chapter 8 and at verse one verse one and
he answered me saying the most high hath made this world for many listen at this amen the most high that's God that's God the most high hath made this world for many he made this world for many for many but the world to come for few the world to come for few at verse three says what there be many created there be many that are created but few shall be saved many created why such a few many created how many things did Adam do to get put out the garden how many one one if you
got one sin on you you can't enter into the kingdom of God that's right somebody say what fifth chap the book of igus real quick that's it h me stay ahead of me and get me he God present unto himself chapter vers in Ephesians 5 and: 27 this is why there's such a great falling away if you take note New Jerusalem whom John saw coming down from God out of Heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband John said the city lith four squar the length the bread and the height thereof are equal he
said there's 12 foundation and the name of the 12 apostles was on the gate and they say one part of the city is uh 12,000 Lo and another part is 144 cubits Cubit New Jerusalem have never been enlarged that's right never went through Renovations never been changed in size that's right it is designed to hold a number that no man can number but in God eyes that number is still a few still a few but because there's so many that's right going to hell therefore Hell hath enlarged itself God made hell bigger that's right do
you hear the Bible talking in Isaiah 5 and verse1 14 Isaiah 5:14 says therefore hell therefore Hell hath enlarged herself have gotten enlarged and opened her mouth without measure what and open her mouth without measure no measure without measure New Jerusalem is measure that's right that's right but hell without measure no measure and their glory and their multitude and their p and he that rejoiceth shall descend into it it's so many that's right until the number of those that are lost that's right exceed those that will be saved those that will be saved because there
will be Sinners who will never come to God I don't care what you tell them that's true you got that that's right John said he that is Holy let him be holy still let him be holy still he that is righteous glory to God let him be righteous still that's right he that is foolish let him be foolish let him be foolish still he that is unjust do you hear this in the Book of Revelation 22 and: 11 he that is unjust let him be unjust still let him be unjust still and he which is
filthy he that is filthy let him be filthy let him be filthy still and he that is righteous he that is righteous let him be righteous let him be righteous still and he that is Holy he that is Holy let him be holy let him be holy still and behold I come quickly what and behold I come quickly here he come and my reward is with me Hallelujah now it is that last statement that people forgot forgot he said behold behold I come quickly I'm coming quick quickly but and my reward my reward is with
me hold it right there because there's two rewards that's right there's a reward for for the holy and there the reward for the wicked for the wicked the reward for the holy blessed is he that have part in the First Resurrection on such the second death have no power no power the reward for the wicked is hell hell that's right that's right hell was enlarged enlarged without measure hell has enlarged herself because there will be more lost oh yes then save that's right Sinners who never will come to God right even after they hear the
word of God they won't come some of them some of them and then you have those that came that's right that will commit treason and turn their back on the most high that's right that will blend in and enlarge those that's going to hell therefore hell has enlarged herself I'm determined not to be included there oh yeah oh yes living holy may be hard because you got to give up a lot that's right everything you love that's against God you got to give it up oh yes you don't feel like doing it Glory take God
do I want to do it want to do it yeah but my fear for hell that's it cause me to plead with God to help me do that's it Hallelujah that's it h that's right my fear that's right glory to God for hell that's it cause me to pull on Heaven that's right and ask God to help me to overcome Hallelujah that's it Build Me Up where I'm torn down that's right do you understand that's right glory be to God that's right for if I build again if I build again the things which I destroy
I destroy I make myself a transgressor Hallelujah many of you watching now you once was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and have the Holy Ghost speaking in tongue that's right striving to live a holy Sanctified life sister you was doing fine until you met that fell that's right that fell pulled you right out the church that's right he hypocrit it and came to church by your invitation yeah clapping and standing up bobbing his head to a false prophet you invite him to hear that's right even when his fathers getting baptized he got on
his knees and spit all over the chair my Lord pretend like he was speaking in some tongue that's right that's right you thought that was God's gift for heaven oh yes you married him married him he came to church for a few months slowly but surely he starts staying home more more that's right more you came home and found cigarette buds in your house yeah now cans a beer in your house everything he tore down slowly but surely he built it up if I build again the things which I destroy how do you expect to
come out of anything when you're hanging around a crowd that's doing what you're trying to stop doing that's right the Lord says come out come out from among them among them and be ye separate and be separate sayth the Lord are you listening that's right oh yes I am so slowly but surely he start to coer her yeah because he miss missed the life they used to have clubbing that's right or she missed the life she used to have partying that's right so she dig her friends back up on social media social media is good
and bad and bad social media man I send you to Hell quick oh yes make you hunt down them old girlfriends and them old trifling boyfriends that's right make you look up strangers that's that's right you don't even know his name or her name amen then you go meet him and then nobody can find you that's right be not deceived do you hear 1 Corinthians 14:33 don't be tricked 1 Corinthians 15 and: 33 verse again will 1 Corinthians chapter 15 and: 33 yes be not deceived don't you be tricked evil Communications evil communication what does
it do corrupt good manners hold it evil communication corrupt good man let me miss this example if you come from a good structure family mother and father was there they laid good groundwork that's right rais the children's right God-fearing told them no sex before marriage none of that that's right laid down a clean law don't you come in this house no one and two and three in the morning amen amen good structure then they start hanging around the wrong crowd the crowd is only successful in manipulating you man or woman and that's determined on how
weak you are that's right if you're weak you can be easily manipulated oh yeah if you're not weak the devil can come out of hell you going to remain firm and solid that's right but so many of our young people people yeah are being lowed back oh yes they didn't wait to get steadfast no some running get married because they don't want to fornicate that is not a reason to marry no you're married because you love that man or love that woman that's right you see when you're single you have to strive for Mastery so
you got to be disciplined disciplin you got to strive for God to discipline mind soul body and spirit that's right that's why the Bible says you killed all the day long I ain't never seen a dead person get up and kiss nobody now here God tell us he say you're dead you are dead and your life is hid with Christ and God and this is why Holiness is so firm it come to kill the living what you mean living in sin so I can be dead in Christ that's right glory be to God be not
deceived that's right don't be tricked evil communication evil evil communication thanks be unto God communication corrupt good manners what it like a bunch of young people spending the night over a single sister house brothers and sisters what's the matter with you and sisters a bunch of young people that's right bunch of sisters spend a night over single Brother house Brothers spend a night over a single sister house no about well we all holy together you're a bunch of Hypocrites and heathens that's right that's right that's right I don't care who you are amen ain't no
single sister should be spending the night over some single Brother house or some brother spend the night over a single sister the house I don't care if it's 500 of you you want to spend the night go home that's [Applause] right amen amen are you listening be not deceived I in the world a bunch of single sister is going to be in a single Brother house and well we all we all in prayer how in night gowns and slippers my and draws and pajamas that won't be lasting too long Pastor that's right that's right that's
the devil Out of Hell [Applause] amen amen there ain't no single sister should be getting her suitcase packed to go spend the night over some brother's house and ain't your husband no because other sisters going to be there and ain't no sister supposed to be there that's right that's right speaking in tongue Jezebel are you listening to the old Troublemaker go ahead go ahead are you getting me what did the holy book say 1 Corinthians chapter 7 and verse vers one amen there was one amen came out s like somebody was like somebody was whining
amen that's right I Ain God that thing sound painful didn't it glory to God all right come on S First Corinthians chapter 7 and we're at verse one yeah now concerning the things whereof you wrote unto me what is it it is good for a man not to touch a woman only the Lord said that not Paul no Paul Paul told you the way he used to be he served lust and pleasures and pleasure that mean he had fun that's right that's right divers mean all kind that's it and here come God changed that man
now concerning the things and now made him say something he would never say that's right concerning the things where you wrote un me wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman it ain't no man going to say that unless God did a hold of them that's right the only way am I right man talk back to [Applause] me that's the only way ain't no real man going to say that man unless god get a hold to him that's right and even when God got a hold to him he may
got trouble saying that oh [Applause] yeah but he got to tell the truth of it amen glory be to God Amen what did he say now concerning the things whereof you wrote unto me it is good for a man not to touch a woman that's what the Bible says that's what the scripture says SC we wouldn't say it no no way we wouldn't say that uhuh unless the Holy Ghost get a hold of you then you have to say amen that's right but what did he say nevertheless to avoid fornication to avoid fornication sinning to
avoid unlawful sex that's right what did he say let every man have his own wife get your own and let every woman have her own husband her own and some of you got married and may say well we didn't have no sex you know a lot of churches teach if you get married but didn't have no sex yet uh you didn't consummate the marriage you're not really bound you bound the moment you got that license that's it am man I don't care if he can't move and she can't move when you got that license that's
your contract that's your contract you bound bound man if you married him and he in the freezer you bound to that popsicle [Applause] that's right you bound buddy that's it that's right amen that's right glory be to God are you listening to what I'm telling you amen you bound I said nevertheless to avoid fornication to avoid it let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own ain't no church sleepover no it's not amen not here no I better not find out you having one I come in there like Jesus and
turn your tables over yes I will that's right bunch of young single people talking about sleeping over sleeping over what my Lord all these brothers there and sisters there somebody going to wake up 2:00 in the morning yes they [Applause] will they they got they Co they got a cold knock [Applause] and she know it's him she that's it hurry up hurry up hurry up Hur hurry up hurry [Applause] up not not not not so loud mother Gro is next door that's right not here yeah no that ain't Fellowship that's Folly Folly behold he putteth
no trust in his Saints and I don't neither that's right give chapter and verse Job chapter 15 and verse 15 ain't no single people got no business crammed in one house spining the night brothers and sisters if you all Brothers fine fine all sisters fine together spend the night no no no you don't need no Revelation you ain't stupid that's right in the world you sitting around all comfortable in night gowns and panties and bloomers and brawls and no girdles and he's sitting around in draws and jockey straps go ahead talk about we having prayer
meeting he all jumping around and [Applause] Jun he all is some spirit it's some spirit with jockey straps my Lord am I right that's right you know I'm telling the truth that's right glory be to God that's the devil Out of Hell God knows it is oh yes oh yeah you see I got thousands of young people I got to pound this got that's right that's right you want to come together have a cookout fine that's fine but you that have these cookouts don't you have these sisters leaving your home I don't care if it's
brothers and S if it's hundred of you no sister should be leaving out of your house from a cookout the next morning no way shut that stuff down and tell them all right it's almost 12 midnight time to go time to go you got to go that's right Bible said that all things be done how decently and in order all things not leaving your house the next day day next day that's right are you listening go ahead go ahead man go ahead glory be to God Amen this is oldfashioned Holiness oh yes and this is
what the people have fell away from fell away from the great falling away is they fell away from holy Sanctified teaching and now the world have Leed to their own understanding that's it what did he say behold he putteth no trust chapter in verse this is job 155 15 and verse1 15 the Lord talking behold he putteth no trust he said he don't put no trust in his Saints in his saints that meaning his God don't trust his people his people what do you mean he don't trust their flesh no he no matter how much
Holy Ghost they God he know they still flesh that's right and they that flesh act up sometime that's right that's why you got to have a preacher to pound on that old wild stuff wow you're a wild thing that's right that's right Heen yeah some folks they feel like they caged in my God man they about to explode they are Wild Thing Wild Things amen Come On Son beh only putteth no trust in his saints come say well if they that if they that w why don't they get married listen you got the most naive
concept to think marriage tames everybody right marriage do do not tame everybody no for some people marriage made them worse that's right right because they're not getting what they want at home that's right well that's another subject for another day all right come on Williams the holy put no trust in his Saints he put no trust I said in his Saints glory be to God yeah the heavens the heavens are not clean in his sight if the heavens are not clean in his sight that mean Heaven is dirty in his eyes how much much more
abominable is what and filthy is man look how God look at man how much more abominable and filthy is man that's why you need to be born again your nature is dirty dirty your nature is dirty that's right you need to be born again you got a dirty nature you're all to go back that's to where God brought you from oh yes you all to go right back to it don't you feel your flesh being pulled sometime oh yeah am I right I said that's right that's right that's why I shock a lot of people
how so many men come in this these men know this Old Sugar mess won't help them in the church they're in no way you got some old sugar water down fairy for a bishop who don't bother your sins that's right you see when I came from the hood I of meet this example from the hood we there was two ways of boxing slap body you like to go to churches where your preacher deal with sin like this that's right we come along why [Applause] close that's what we coming along that's right Old Testament and New
Testament that's right I haven't hit you yet all these years no no yet not yet glory to God so when the will of the flesh yeah start to activate again oh yes you need to be around preaching that's right that deals with that troubled body that's right and that troubled mind that's right because it's a form of bringing the mind and body back on track back on track it's the same thing when you got a car yeah you hit too many potholes too many bumps oh yeah you need an alignment am I right that's right
and you can tell that you need an alignment by the way your car drive you can tell when your body your life your temple is out of line out line with God's word that's right so you need a spiritual alignment so you can walk right again think right again that's right talk right again that's it and be like God want you to be that's right got to have an alignment alignment and this old religious trash it don't align your Wills No in fact it mess up your your hinges and everything else that's right it give
you a whole flat Tire amen Come On Son let's go back to Thessalonians quick second second Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse3 yes let no man deceive you by any means don't let nobody trick you in any means for that day shall not come that what except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of predition now to fall away from God you can't fall away from what you never been a part of that's right many of you that are watching ing around the world throughout America and Canada and
Africa and Europe certainly have abandoned God many not all some is hanging on by the Skin of Their Teeth that's true some of the church organizations that had a little decency yeah they done took that and threw it out the window and exchanged it for Prosperity preaching that's right there are preachers like many Apostolic organization by the way worldwide who headquarters is here in DC former Bishop Bishop Smallwood Williams who passed away he was starched against divorce and remarriage start against it and he was against women preachers amen he used to be the general secretary
for under Bishop RC Lawson before he died the women preachers was coming in the different Bible Way temples and the remarriage and divorce after he died it exploded the false prophet bishop and the wouldbe Apostle in New York Bishop huy Dewey Rogers who's nothing but a sinner amen ordained countless of women to be preachers and even he I remember when I was younger stood firm against women preachers my Lord this is how the great Falling Away falling away will happen that's right the contributing factor to it happening is preachers convincing people that sin is right
that's right sin is right and Holiness is wrong wo unto them that call evil good you see how the Bible talks in Isaiah chapter 5 and at verse 20 the preacher said it's all right to remarry and divorce it's all right to live together not married it's all right to get drunk once in a while long as you don't overindulge it's all right to party that's why you find the so-called Christian music can be played on both platforms that's right you don't know whether to shout to it or dance to it or dance why you
think Kirk Franklin and these other Hypocrites yeah play music so can be played in the club and the church that's right that way they can make money from both worlds that's right you go on social media you see tdjs hanging out at Puff Daddy's party big as he is with short songs and they playing music and all and TD Jake is there the preachers are scared oh yes to be looked different by the celebrity world that's right because they themselves want to be a celebrity right they don't want to be saved they want to be
saen that's right being a celebrity is more important to them than telling you what's right amen because if you a preacher and represent God you will be around Sinners for one reason to preach to them the word that's right not party with them no you a preacher why you at a party where women twerking you are preaching why you sitting there with champagne glass that's right that's right you a preacher why you there at the bar drinking butt wise amen where's your difference at where's your difference give me Leviticus 10:10 Leviticus chap 10 and you
wonder why the Sinners don't respect you fake churches you don't deserve respect from a sinner amen notice Leviticus 10:10 and that you may put difference God talking and that ye may put difference that what that ye may put difference you you may put difference between holy between hly and Unholy and Unholy and between unlean unclean and clean even down to our weddings we don't have weddings like the siners the Bible speak against the wearing of gold and pearls and jewelry so we ain't wearing no rings because the Bible speak against the Rings the Rings someone
say well how you know you married act like it that's right when a ring made you act like you married a ring ain't never committed no man to no woman or no woman to no man no you'll bear a ho with that ring on he'll be a Pip with his ring on that's right all right listen to The Old Man and that you may put difference put difference between holy and Unholy so we have a wedding a holy Sanctified wedding she may have a wedding gown but none of her meat is showing that's right back
out nope you know no no no lace all clear where you can see her cleavage you don't come to church like that that's right if you want your husband to see your cleavage wait till you get home that's right then he can cut the dress off of you not in God house not in God's house you don't even kiss the same way in God you don't kiss your wife the same way in God house like you do at home that's why we're not perform a wedding we don't say kiss the bride say what your tongue
ain't got no business and your wife mouth in here that's right salute one another with an holy kiss what kind of kiss in God house an holy kiss what kind and holy kiss what kind and holy kiss R give chapter and verse so they can write that down Romans chapter 16 and verse 16 salute one another with a holy kiss amen I don't say let's kiss the bride after I pronounce you husband and wife I say let us all stand and pray that's right you know why you got yourself into something you ain't never been
in that's right you got a lifetime for kissing you need prayer now Lord Jesus look down upon these folk amen hallelujah the Bible said that all things and a lot of folks say that's taking it to the extreme the Bible says God says my house that's right Shall be Called House of Prayer a house of prayer for all people all people you don't kiss in God's house like you do at home no way that's right it is all right amen word that's the word so I don't say to kiss the bride I tell you you
go home and do that I remember I married one couple they forgot they were so happy they was married he was moving towards no not now he said oh man Pastor Jenn I forgot I said look let me Hur up and pray so you can get out of here quick it was it was it was real funny cuz while I was praying I had he didn't notice I had my eye open you he was grabbing her hand all type of ways grabbing it I was praying Lord bless these two bless they marri let your spirit
be upon Him guide him watch over man he wasn't paying me no mind he was bothering her hand and going all that I can say in the name of Jesus Christ amen get out of here get out of here amen that's right you have to keep God house clean clean amen in other words everything that go on in God house must have God's approval that's right a't no one should be smooching in the house of worship where you Worship in God no wonderful it is wonderful amen so when you're holy Sanctified wedding your your dress
cover your body people ask me what did you wear and you got married the same kind of suit I preached in right if my suit was good enough to preach in my suit was good enough to get married in that's right that's exactly what I did what you did got married in my double breasted black suit got my white shirt a few days early I got some white material made me a white on white silk bow tile put my clip in the back Ward and preach the same day yes you did someone said what I
couldn't help it I mean the church was packed it was packed and I was like Dy is Devils [Applause] everywhere I told my wife I said Daddy I got to preach she said g I said I can't help it look you do you see this people there are devils in here my Lord GL to God and we and we preach and had Church yes that's that evening that evening didn't we will him yes we did and and I read for you yes you did and my new wife was sitting there with her gown on amen
that's right so yes we had Church the same night I just couldn't help it looking at all the false the false prophets was there by the number I was like my God all these folk I got I can't leave without killing somebody amen I couldn't the thing was just all in I just couldn't help it and brother we unleashed Bible on them that's right and then went off to the sunset that's right so you got keep God house clean clean clean oh yes amen keep your weddings holy holy don't add nothing you ain't marking down
on no worldly music that's right no Teddy penig graphs no Kurt Franklin no love songs this is God's house God's house God's house you have a reception she ain't got her gown pulled up and some and she throwing a garer yeah not in God's house no no and then some other man putting a gter up her leg she got her dress all up and the photographer is all up there that's right in God's house God's house these churches are nothing but whole houses oh yeah that's what they are what they are they're nothing but whole
houses that's right someone said the proper thing is all right ho wh houses ain't no discipline no order no nothing no nothing even a bishop right away after he married he say I get the first kiss yes he do oh sloppy mouth Bishop got his chicken greasy lips all up coming at you like Jaws that's right that's right not here not here not here amen amen amen glory to God go ahead you know I love this holy way oh yes thank God it puts everything in order Hallelujah put everything in order hallelujah amen we're not
out here like the world if the Bible says put a difference between holy and Unholy clean and unclean that don't exempt nothing that's right that don't exempt nothing this book ain't going to change to accommodate us no we got the change to accommodate the book that's right that's right Bible say let it not be no outward adorning of platting of the head or wearing of gold or putting on their apparel then our women ain't walking down nowh and with flowers decorating their hair no you don't come to wish up with flowers decorating your hair that's
right that's outward a daing they didn't stop to be out with a daing all of a sudden you got it in your hair to get married no not here let it not be that outward adoring and there's no exception no exception amen oh yes we kept it holy oh yes amen you getting the ring in take your lifetime to pay off something the size of a lifesaver taking half of your mortgage and all of that stuff see a lot of you folk don't know this is in the Bible you better read quick the third chapter
of the book of Isaiah and you better give me First Peter chapter 3 and vers 3 and 4 is quickly now and then give me 1 Timothy Chapter 2 and verse 9 Isaiah chapter 3 and we're at Verse 18 and then you better give me Jeremiah chapter 4 and verse 30 amen first first first first get is no give me Jeremiah Jeremiah no give me Isaiah then we'll go to Jeremiah then we then we'll keep traveling Isaiah chapter 3 I want to teach you while I got you here because a lot of churches knew this
and a lot of churches fell away from this there were churches that spoke the same thing and preached the same thing I'm about to read but when that crowd got bigger and then his wife started whining he gave leverage to his wife and then leverage to his children that's right and a wife got on Le stick on nails she brought from CVS that's right children got on CVS hair yeah grandma got hair from Walgreens that's right they used to did some of these old mothers used to get on the young sisters and now the same
thing the old mother used to get on the old sisters about they're doing now yeah you Grandma why you got a minis skirt on chain around your ankle yeah cutting that blood circulation off from that one big vein it's a matter with you what a matter you wait till you get in your 70s to be like this and yet you wasn't like this in your 40s that's true in your 40s you didn't wear lipstick and earrings and jewelry and makeup and mints because you believe God and you are serving God you wait till you got
old that's right and start the backslide when you get old right because the church that you in made you comtable and now made sin Fair seeming are you listening Isaiah 3 we start at Verse 18 woman 55 and 60 and 70 80 years old talking about I ain't wearing no long dress like a old woman and you got a senior citizen's [Applause] card you got a senior citizens card amen you drive public transportation for free you mean you ain't wearing a dress like an old woman you ain't got to be old but let a celebrity
come walk down the ow put out a new dress Maxi remember the 1970s the maxi dress and the maxi skirt man when that maxi dress and maxi skirt came out practically every woman in the world Amen body was covered yeah because when a sinner say do it they respect the center respect it when God say do it they got a problem with it that's right hear me good Isaiah chapter 3 and at Verse 18 read fast Williams in that day the Lord will take away The Bravery of the tinkling ornaments about their feet Yes and
their calls and their round tires like the Moon yes the chains amen chains chains you that got a cross around your neck who's that fell on it you better not tell him it's Jesus he been off the cross been off the cross died and Rose the third day and ascended above all Heavens that's right and the bracelets what and the bracelets and he said in that day he going to do what in that day the Lord will take away he going take away that stuff and the bracelets he your arm making all that noise yeah
jangling jangling jangling making all that noise ground men bracelets everywhere grown men bracelets bracelets you can see him they when they start jingling so much they start holding their hand different that's right that's true you know like the Fred Sanford it start getting feminine with it feminine when I came up a guy put a earring in his ear was a small one you know he was from the hood or from a gang yeah now they got earrings hanging grown men like you some decorated Christmas tree that's right have you noticed the fashion that's coming out
now is attacking the masculinity of us men oh yeah oh yes making you more and more they like a amen they like a that's right hey you want to wear your hair long like a woman talking about you going back to Nature you're going back to hell that's right the matter with you what's the matter with you they had LeBron James on the news and a hot pink skirt and hot pink shoes wow and B that young boys look up to him you going to see them coming out with dresses you see money these fellas
make so much money it change everything in them that's why I tell men look up to God that's right idolize God be like him that's right I can't I'm from the hood man we Ain had our pants hanging down showing our drawers we wore our pants up we wore our khakis and we roll our pants leg up on our cus a little bit with our high top Stacy Adam Comforts today not today pants hanging down showing your drawers like you a hood good hooker got you right you grown men with a man bun man a
man bun wearing your mama your sister your girlfriend or your wife bobie pins that's right a man bun man bun man and the woman is in the window in the mirror and he asking her is it straight that's right have you noticed all the so-called gospel artiss they all like this that's right and nobody's nothing wrong with it the attitude of the hypocrite and fake Christian it doesn't matter God is looking at the the heart he's not looking at the hour you believe that lie God said in that Bible in the 11th chapter 1 Corinthians
it's a shame for a man to have long hair and they ain't talking about your heart your heart don't grow hair no that's talking about outward outward that's right imagine me and Williams come in our hair down past our shoulders that's right like we two of The Beatles that's right Lord It's a disgrace oh yeah read quick Williams in that day the Lord will take away The Bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet and their calls and their round tires like the moon what else the chains and the bracelets bracelet and the Mufflers muff
the bonnets bonnets and the ornaments of the leg bonnets what you mean bonus was a certain fashion style that they had back in those days that's right that they wore for Pride for to decorate and to impress the king and those that was in Authority that's it all right and the ornaments of the legs what and the ornaments of the leg your ankle chain why you men let your wives come out with ankle chains what's the matter with you what's the matter with you and you mothers why is it that your daughter 5 years old
10 years old got an ankle chain on like you why amen why you let your little daughter 10 years old lipstick on earrings on shoes that tie and the straps tie all up her little calves that's right and some old sloppy mouth old man looking at her like a buzzard looking at a carcass that's right ready to snatch her virginity from her that's true that's true you the one got your daughters out here like this yeah you the one buy your daughters these old fake ponytails oh yeah making her hate herself that's right if her
hair was good enough for God to make it's good enough for her to have amen love the way God Made You amen are you listening to the old troublemaker and the ornaments of the L what else and the headband what else and the tablets what else and the earrings wait a minute the Bible says what and the earrings but they real diamonds earrings they real gold and the earrings my wife gave them to me and the earrings my husband gave them to me for a wedding anniversary and the earrings that's shake your head now that's
right you didn't know this was in the Bible no I don't blame you I blame the dumb preacher you had some of you men in here got earrings on you what are you a man or a woman that's right what are you what are you what are you oh man Pastor Jen to get the earing out of your ear who you trying to attract you got an earring in your ear and you wear your pants down like a regular neighborhood a DC ho my Lord my Lord look how look how you let Society made you
you got an earring in your ear and your pants hanging down that's something you like a regular hooker that's advertising your butt for what's the matter with you what's the matter with you that Jenny you don't understand man man you see the earring let you know that let you know what that you're a man my Lord go ahead God made Man In His Image that's right and when we reflect god brother that's the best thing we can ever do oh yes read quick and the earring what else the ring what else and the nose Jewels
all right let's get my time is going give me Jeremiah Jeremiah lot of you got your nose piered your nose is still dirty and snotty that's right if you believe that your nose pairs make your your nose look any better it don't it don't just get a tissue and get them old trolls out of there come on son Jeremiah 4 I'm going to make it so plain you got to get what I'm telling you Jeremiah 4 and the 30th verse and when thou art spoiled that's the problem you're spoiled you've been spoiled by your husband
by your mother by your father and by your church that's right no when you are allowed to do what you want to do you become spoiled spoiled amen and then when I come along with the hardness of the Bible they be like oh God I don't I don't mind visiting him but I can never be a part of nothing like that you ain't being a part of me this is Bible Bible and it's all in your Bible that's right Mr and Mrs Christian amen you claim you're a Christian you claim you love Jesus what's the
matter with this that's right why don't you love this that's right hear me good Jeremiah 4:30 and when thou spoiled th though thou closest thyself with Crimson even the Nation of Islam when uh Elijah Muhammad was living in the 50s and 60s and stuff them women wasn't allowed to wear makeup no no them women was not allowed to wear makeup far become the head of the nation look at them look at their faces painted just like harlots yeah just like Jezebel lips red P all over in the face big diamonds hanging from the ears that's
right all it take is someone coming a p pit with the ideology and the philosophy that's not of God that's right then the people start looking to him more than they look to God I don't care what religion it happens in yeah the same results is the same oh yeah and it have happened to the churches more than any place that's right you can do whatever you want how you want in the name of Jesus yeah come on will though thou closest thyself with Crimson though thou deck thee with ornaments of gold else though thou
rdest thy face with painting yeah in V back then makeup was called Paint painting that's all you got on paint that's right that's all you got on paint MB lover paint that's right amen go to Sherman William paint you old folk used to get on young people take that lipstick off and and that that if that child was stubborn you got a rag and smeared her lips so hard take that stuff off you old folk used to tell young women when I was coming up tell young men you get away from that Jezebel that's right
get away from that Jezebel now you not saying it cuz you look like Jezebel yeah what happened to you what happened what happened to you you got involved in some religion that made you soft towards sin that's right listen good though thou renest thy face with painting yes in vain shalt thou make thyself fair in vain in vain it's not beautiful no vain it's vain vain your lovers in vain shalt thou make th your lovers shall despise thee thy lovers will despise and what they will seek New Testament quickly now in the book of 1
Timothy Chapter 2 and at verse 9 all right there's another part of jewelry uh that the Bible go and call out in like manner also that women Adorn themselves in mod apparel modest modest you modest no splits in your clothes no mini skirts and all of that stuff that's right your clothes shouldn't be so tight you walking the way you you don't normally walk amen here you're not pigeon toed but your dress or your skirt is so tight it got you pigeon toed that's right you can't even walk up the step when your dress is
right you walk up the step like a lady now you got to you came and walk up right that's right go ahead man dress in skirt ain't got no BS being so tight where a man can notice the color of your own underwear where they start and where they stop go ahead [Applause] brother what the difference what the difference between holy and Unholy the world's wrong with you that's something hear me good now in like manner also well my husband like for me to wear it then tell him to wear it at home wear at
home wear at home if he like it that much cook in it be at the stove let him just stand behind [Applause] you he he he make that face of appreciation he like it that much that's right that's just certain things ought not to be in church that's right ought not to it just ought not to be are you listening go ahead come on in like manner also that women Adorn themselves in modest apparel what else with Shame faceness Shame fa that mean you're not forward right not always forwarding some brother's face looking at a
brother up and down that's right that's right his eyes ain't below his belt just like her just like her eyes is not on her chest go ahead shame [Applause] faceness amens are scattered Pastor amens are very scattered that's let you know the hammer is hitting that's right come on in like manner also that women adoring themselves in modest of power what with shame faing modest no Fox no minks and all that stuff we don't we don't wear that foolish no Fox and minks and all that Brothers with red shoes like you ain't got good sense
who you think you the pope that's right pink socks Brothers Red Socks Brothers yeah socks got more colors than every flag in the country combined that's right that's right if your neck tie got multicolor that's one thing but you you ain't got to get all outrageous with it you're not a woman that's right that's right stop stop getting sissified that's right I think you made up a word Pastor I made up5 remember that 655 amen amen certain things ought not to be oh no I don't care nothing about the Fashions out here that's right God
said in like manner also that women Adorn themselves and modest apparel what with Shame faac Shame fa and sobriety sobriety not with broaded hair no broaded hair no hair decoration or gold or gold or pearls what or pearls they got your necklace they got your ring and your earrings that's right the Bible speak against this is Bible here Bible Pastor Jenny you ain't bother my Pearl Pastor Jenny you ain't bother my pearls I'm not give chapter and verse First Timothy chap who who first Timothy [Applause] my name is not Timothy that's right my name is
Jen do you hear the Bible talking 1 Timothy Chapter 2 and verse 9 the Bible says in like manner also don't tell me how much your pearls calls no who cares who cares God talking in like manner also that women Adorn themselves in modest power with shamefacedness and sobriety not with broided hair or gold or pearls or costly can you imagine that amen here you got a dress that calls 89 $1,200 for a dress and the material is just polyester my Lord all you doing is paying for the name that's all that's it that's right
nothing else that's right and you clean it one time is now it's big enough for your little baby to wear that's right when you costly array you done live above your mem oh yeah you that got pearls and all that stuff the Bible's talking against it that's right don't look at Pastor jennis it ain't pastor jennis church and it ain't Pastor jennis book leave it to Pastor jennis I wouldn't care if you wore a pearl on your head in fact if you wore the whole clam what would I care what would you care it's just
in the Bible and I'm simp to preaching that's it that's right people tell me my over Pastor they meet me in the airport another place Pastor Jennison shake my hand oh I know that you don't wear a ring I said no I don't wear a ring I'm married and I don't mind acting like it amen one man said I noticed you never wear a watch I just don't like nothing on my wrist right that's just my personal preference I don't like nothing on my wrist amen my children and my a lot of old ERS that
bought me watching pocket watches and I don't like nothing too much weighing in my pocket am man they at home I wind them up and look at them turn them on but I personally don't like nothing on my wrist but men brothers who do got watches on their wrist they ain't got to have nothing flashy no you ain't got to have none all that diamond face and a $10,000 for a watch for watch you ain't got to flaunt what you have costly array just be modest with it that's right that's all just be modest with
your W be modest with everything you got that's right let's call it the day you ain't got to let no if you're a millionaire you ain't got to advertise it that's right all these chains around your neck like you a miniaturized version of Mr T rings on every finger and all that stuff you look at these young Rappers that's all they do that's what they do half neged exploit women women all over their house half naked and chains everywhere and got cars jumping up and down that's not for God's people that's right Brothers in the
church don't have big dice hanging from the mirror of your car no way and you ain't got rubber testicles on your pickup truck back that's right my right I said amen go ahead go ahead and sisters ain't got eyelashes on the headlights of yok car go ahead put a difference put a difference between holy and Unholy and between unclean and clean yeah this is this is Holy Ghost teaching here Holy Ghost teaching and this is the teaching that has become obsolete that's right Obsolete and there's some folk they get baptized in the name of Jesus
Christ but they won't follow on to know the Lord right you get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ then you stop there and say I ain't doing nothing else then you going to go to hell with the right baptism right from there because after you're born again there's a rule here in Acts 2:42 and they continue they kept it up after the apostles preach to repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Jesus Christ and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost the Bible says and they continued steadfast they
kept it up in the apostles Doctrine they stood they kept following the teaching that's right continue in other words there were other things they had to learn that's right and other things that they knew they had to do that's right so after you be baptized that's good that's but it's not enough oh no you got to follow on to know the Lord and Jesus said learn of me that's right for you to learn of him you got to be constantly taught it's like going to school ain't nobody learn their ABCs and just stop at D
no way AB B C D and then say I know the alphabet no you don't have a very limited vocabulary Pastor very limited very limited vocabulary and very limited in spelling that's right what words you going to spell you got to stop at D and and what but what about words that may not have A B C or D in it then what then what you get what I'm telling you amen my job is they give you all what the Bible says acts 238 let me knock off then Peter said unto them repent all right
Washington amen it's time for you to get yourself right you've been on the streets of DC and Marling too long yeah hanging on the corner with your buddies singing and drinking he amen tip of your fingers is all Brown from smoking them joints and roaches yeah you got a bar in your house now you just restocked it that's right from Whole Foods went to the neighborhood liquor store got your Jack Daniels got your bourbon you got it up there your rum yeah amen you got it all all day all stocked up stocked talking about you
know what man I enjoy that Pastor Jen some of you look at me while you're drinking beer why you drinking you and your girlfriend's in bed watching us looking at her you hear what he said she's like won't you turn him off I'm tired of listening to him yeah I know but he telling the truth yeah he may be telling the truth but come on baby you know it's time time time for you to go to hell you better change that's right Bible says in Acts 238 then Peter said unto them repent repent repent repent
God want you to be sorry about being so wicked be sorry about being don't you know the word of God the truth of God is a gift to you oh yes it's a gift for you in these last days God didn't cut you off kept you around so you can hear his Divine word go ahead do what then Peter said unto them repent repent and be baptized every one of you be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for what for the remission of sins you was born in sin preachers have
taught you you born a sinner know you're not no you're not a sinner is one that commit plural acts of sin when you was born you ain't did nothing no you was born with one sin and you inherited that from the first man Adam you was born in the world with sin and shaped in iniquity that's right are you listening to the old man then Peter said unto them repent repent of your sins and be baptized B ain't tell you bow your head and raise your hand the Bible ain't taught that mess your lying Reverend
told you that's right Bible ain't tell you prayer siners prayer ain't never been in the Bible no come on back to what the word of God says then Peter said of your sins and be baptized every one of you how in the name of Jesus Christ how in the name of Jesus Christ you were baptized father Son and Holy Ghost the name of the father Son and the Holy Ghost is Jesus and he's the Christ just like I'm a son and I'm a husband and I'm a father I'm a son by birth I'm a husband
by marriage and a father cuz my wife and I got seven children yeah but my name ain't son husband or father no my name is jennin that's right listen at this then Peter said unto them repent repent and be baptized every one of you how in the name of Jesus Christ all right for the remission of sins and what did he promise and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost anybody want to be Bible right today right according to scripture that's it be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ stand on your feet
Washington if you want to be right today glory to God all of you that are standing go to the back all of you that are standing Hallelujah here we go again isn't that wonderful Hallelujah come on DC Glory to God look ahead amen amen amen amen wonderful come on DC wonderful repent repent Hallelujah glory to God glory to God hallelujah amen amen you see how God work yes say the Lord's done people heart is being pricked around the world here Hallelujah Jesus is coming here hallelujah glory the lord is coming this is the message for
the last days and this is why it's having an effect like it is it ain't Geno Jenis no the Lord says my sheep will hear my my voice that's it it's the voice of God within his preacher until Jesus told his Apostles it's not you that speak speak it's the voice of my father that's right that speaketh in you a man can get up all day and even quote acts 238 and make it two or three but when God talk the net have to break that's right he told the apostles cast your net down oh
we fished all day we fished all day I don't want to hear that go back and cash your net again when they throw it out there again my God the thing broke truth of God net broke years ago that's right and I love it like that that's right Amen to see all these Souls ready to walk with the word of God so we we we we got to work fast that's right we do we have to work fast because I had one woman told me before she said you told us to leave our church I
left now what am I supposed to do yes she did she said I left just like you said now what am I supposed to do amen we got to provide places by God's help you have a question sister yes what is it all right you want prayer well come on up to the front sister real quick come on you want prayer come on Sir all right come on come on Step Aside brother step aside let them come on y'all sers give her a hand get them mother hand I didn't I don't mean clap I mean
help [Applause] her that's one of the that's one of the lest misunderstandings I ever seen come on come on sister how are you you look like a sister that used to live in Huntington Park on Jerome Street oh yes I remember now thank God for you sister come on you that one prayer we're going to pray for all of you together watch your back you got someone coming behind you all right you that want to be restored you stay to my far right and I get a hold of you all right got one more all
right he's all right right where he is right there all right oil is only for when you're sick the Bible say if there's any sick among you let them call for The Elder so all right that's Affliction I have I have to teach you the difference like if you got you're hurting in your leg that's not sickness that's an Affliction let me show you this real quick to give you a quick understanding in the Bible in the fifth chapter of the Book of James because many preachers don't even know how to pray for the people
that's right and when you find people preachers just throwing oil on everybody uh-uh that's right oil is specifically for a particular condition listen at this real quick James 5: 13 and 14 is any among you Afflicted let him pray is any mared let him sing song Yes is any sick among you do what let him call for the Elders of the church and what should be done and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord you that are sick come to my left that wouldn't be you you that
are sick you come to my left so I can separate you only them that are sick is come over here you that are not sick can remain right there in the middle you that want to be restored say to my far right I'm going pray for all of you together the name of Jesus Christ name of Jesus Christ name of Jesus you two sisters Jus Christ The Name of Jesus Christ sick leave him let him stay right there come on in the name of Jesus Christus Christ sick too Jesus Christ sick also name of Jesus
Christ all right I'm going to pray for for the sick first two more name of Jesus Christ all right Jesus Christ name Jesus Christ sick also name of Jesus Christ all right we going to pray for the sick first let us all stand Eternal God In The Name of Jesus Christ look down upon those that are sick among us by the effectual working of thine great power whatever condition that he or she may have let your healing virtue be given from God out of Heaven from the crown of their head to the C of their
feet give them Deliverance whatever they condition whatever they sickness may be heal them oh God according to thine divine power bless them keep them preserve them wipe the illness away and give them a mind to serve you all the days of their life these blessings we ask in the name of the Lord Jesus let everyone say Amen you that are sick you may be seated you that just want prayer and are not sick you can come down here Eternal God In The Name Of The Lord Jesus look down upon these brothers and sisters that are
here give them the desires of their heart according to your Divine will and purpose there's any weak among them glory to God make them strong give stability where they are unstable give them victory over the powers of the [Applause] enemy Eternal Hallelujah Everlasting in God In The Name of Jesus Christ stand by them glory to God be with them thank God that they may overcome the powers of the enemy restore sight to the Blind and strength to the weak men every broken bone R eyes of their heart according to your Divine will in the name
of Jesus Christ our Lord let everyone say Amen you may be seated thank you're more than welcome mother you're welcome you that want to be restored you come you that just been prayed for you can be seated Eternal God In The Name of Jesus Christ he said in thine words that if one be overtaken in a fa ye with your spiritual bestore such a one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself that thou also be tempted we ask you to forgive them oh God we thank you for not cutting them off in a backsliding state
we are grateful that you spared their life help them to be sound in mind heart body and spirit that they may never depart from you again strengthen them in every area where they're weak that they may contend earnestly for the faith wants to live them to the Saints and live a holy Sanctified life right here stand by them and be with them in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord amen who can give me the correct time brothers and sisters remain standing all right we'll be back at 5:00 on him that is able to keep
you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding Joy only wise God our Lord and saor Jesus Christ to him be glory and power both now and forever brothers and sisters say amen amen come on back at 5 o00
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"𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝗿𝗱" 𝘷𝑠 "𝗠𝘆 𝗟𝗼𝗿𝗱" (𝖡𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝖳𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗈 𝗉𝗂𝖾𝖼𝖾𝗌) |: 𝖠𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝖯𝖺𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋 𝖦𝗂𝗇𝗈 𝖩𝖾𝗇𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌
"𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝗿𝗱" 𝘷𝑠 "𝗠𝘆 𝗟𝗼𝗿𝗱" (𝖡...
𝗧𝗿𝘂𝘁𝗵 𝒐𝒇 𝗚𝗼𝗱 𝗠𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲
Truth of God Broadcast 10-01-23 Sunday Noon Service HQ Pastor Gino Jennings Raw Footage!
Truth of God Broadcast 10-01-23 Sunday Noo...
First Church
Pastor Gino Jennings | LIVE | October 6, 2024 | Sunday Service
Pastor Gino Jennings | LIVE | October 6, 2...
Tony Harvin
The Greatest Parable JESUS Ever Told!
The Greatest Parable JESUS Ever Told!
Pastor Gino Jennings Truth of God Broadcast 880-881 Raw Footage!
Pastor Gino Jennings Truth of God Broadcas...
First Church
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