The Practical Approach To Seeking The Kingdom | Dr. Myles Munroe

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[Music] but today we're going to be focusing on the subject how to seek the kingdom our theme for this series is rediscovering the priority of God 's priority is very simple and that is the kingdom of God we're going to be dealing with the Practical approach to seeking or pursuing the kingdom if I told you to do something but didn't tell you how to do it then my instructions would probably be deficient so when Jesus made the Declaration of God's priority which was to seek ye first the kingdom I am sure he intended for us
to know how to do that and I want to begin by reminding us of the priority or priority why are we dealing with the subject of priority the greatest challenge in life on Earth is the complicated daily demand of choosing among competing alternatives for our limited time I want you to read that sentence as you write it down this to me is the greatest Challenge on Earth and that is dealing with the competing demands of alternatives that are vying for our time every day every morning you get up you have to decide which clothes to
put on from that closet sometimes something that takes all night because you get one dress or suit competing with the other then you move down to the shoe that's another 25 30 minutes which one do I wear because she got too many I asked my friend Mike Murdoch one time we were doing a conference together I said man you wear black all the time why do you wear black all the time he said I get ready faster on my suits are black all my shoes are black so when I go to the closet I don't
waste my time trying to decide what to put on I just grab a suit it's black but there are so many other more important issues that compete for our time which route do we drive to work this morning some of you ain't got no other route except the one you use what meeting do I go to what invitation to accept what do I do with my holiday where do I go on vacation there's a constant demand competing for our time I want you to write this next statement down which I think will help you because
that's the secret to my life and that is life was designed to be simple not complicated God intended life to be very simple but for most people just deciding what to do in one day is complicated the third point I want to give you is my solution to the problem and that is the key to simplifying your life is prioritization the key to simplifying your life is prioritization normally when I am asked questions by the media wherever I am in the world one of the normal common questions that come up in their interview with me
because I think some of them see my life and they see me involving a lot of things and they're trying to figure out how do you become balanced in your life uh you are a father you are a husband you are a pastor you are a brother to Sisters You are a a son to a father you are a Civic leader you are in the media you write books you travel you speak in conferences you do all these things how do you keep a balance what is the secret to doing all those things successfully and
I give them three answers that it took me a while to conclude I'll give it to you my secret to balance number one prioritize number two organize a number three discipline that's how I successfully handle the pressure of competing alternatives are repeated and if you want to be successful you have to do this number one is prioritize and that's number one in my life priority protects you from doing everything the second is organize once you set your priorities that means the list of things that are important and valuable to you then you have to organize
them properly in the right sequence so that first is first first things first organization of your priorities are important for example you may have priority as God family worship job business cut this list but you might put business before God and spend more time in your business you spend with God so even though you get your priorities the order may be out of order so the second one is important you got to organize your priorities and then the third one is the most difficult discipline discipline means that once you set your priorities then you've got
to discipline yourself to keep each one of them in order and by the way the word discipline might want to write it down it means self-imposed restrictions discipline means self imposed restrictions that means you impose on yourself certain restrictions so that you can achieve a desired goal that's discipline self-discipline therefore is the highest order of government it is called self-government it's where you govern yourself according to your own priorities therefore the key to living life and I want you to hear this please as millions of people listen to this program today all over the world
I'm telling you life is too complicated to not have priorities and the way you simplify life is prioritization what do I mean by that point number four identifying the correct and right priority of life is the key to a successful fulfilled life now I wanted to underline two words here identifying the correct and the right priority my friend listen to me you can choose priorities that are not right for example the drug dealers priority today first thing it's a distribute drugs kill some kids that's his priority is it the right priority for our nation a
thieves priority is to get into your house by all means that's a priority to a thief is that the correct priority for building our social structure as a country in other words your priorities are not just important because they are priorities you've got to question yourself are these the correct priorities and have I chosen the right priorities some people's priority is to eat first thing they want to eat they don't want to pray first in the morning they want food first is that the correct priority the Bible says seek my face daily I will rise
early in the morning and seek thy face some folks rise early in the morning and see conflates so the priority may be incorrect the way you succeed in life therefore is to not only have priorities and not only organize them but you got to also make sure they are the right ones yeah Here's the final introduction Point Jesus identified the correct priority for All Humans and that's why everyone every race every color every Creed every religious person watching this program and listening to this CD today or watching the DVD wherever you are or in this
Sanctuary I want you to listen carefully to Jesus's identification of the number one priority for all human beings and he left nobody out so if you are a Christian a Buddhist a Hindu a Confucian Scientologist or an atheist it doesn't matter to me according to Christ every human being must establish this priority as their most important and their first one and what is their priority he only gave us two priorities that are worth pursuing these two priorities are established by God and when I saw them in my life years ago it made my life very
simple first priority is the kingdom of God seek ye first means priority everything else is second the second priority that he gave For All Mankind is the righteousness of God seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness after that Jesus threw in all things in that beautiful he said look all you got to do with your life is have two things at the top and everything else you don't have to seek wow he said look I want you to consume your energy your time your preoccupation with two things one the kingdom of God
unto the righteousness of God in our last session we dealt with righteousness it's very important and the kingdom first of all what is the kingdom what does it mean to pursue the kingdom seek the kingdom number one a kingdom is the governing influence of Heaven on Earth a kingdom is a government with a domain so when he said Kingdom of Heaven he's saying the government of a place called Heaven he says seek first the governing influence of Heaven on Earth seek that first in your job in your home in your business in your body in
your investments in your children in your occupation in your hobbies in your vacation he said whatever you do seek the influence of Heaven on Earth in that area first and then he says righteousness righteousness means right alignment or right positioning with government Authority that's what that word means it doesn't mean to wear a long dress and a turban with a caller backwards and a cross in your pocket the word righteous simply means right standing with authority or right positioning with authority he said two things that are important in life and that's all that's important in
life he says only two things one you seek the influence of God on Earth and two seek to remain in right positioning with that government everything else he says will be added to you everything else will be added to you everything else will be added to you what two things are we supposed to see number one say it loud the kingdom of God what's the second thing to seek so what are God's priority the kingdom and righteousness what is God's priority the kingdom and right what are God's priority say it loud everybody what is God's
priorities the kingdom and righteousness that's it he never says to seek anything else he said and everything after that we'll Seek You I don't think we get it yet I'm telling you I don't think we get it yet I'm begging you to hear this simple message the last few months I have been overwhelmed by things seeking me this past week alone remember I told you last Sunday I said this week you are going to be overran if you get the message and seek it I'm telling you friends it happened to me the next day on
Monday Monday this week you'll learn about it later God will it but some things happen to me on Monday I just preached on Sunday and the things that I was trying to go after for the ministry found me I won't tell you about it yet skin God I got mad at God and I said God's a new year and I ain't playing around no more I said God you got to get your act together look I've been prophesying and prophesying telling these folks you're gonna do some stuff I said God I want you to show
Yourself Strong he said just seek my kingdom what are God's two priorities what are God's priority isn't that simple it's amazing the priority of God let's read Matthew chapter 6. he identified yours and then he identified his let's identify yours first the Matthew 6 chapter started like this in this discourse verse 25 read out loud therefore coming out loud therefore I tell you do not worry or seek your your life what you will eat or what you will drink about your body what you will wear is not life more important than food are you kidding
uh we're bahamians man we work eight hours a day for food we work eight hours a day to buy clothes we even miss church to pursue food we take a second job we can't come to prayer meeting for food forgive me but I'm just a teacher I'm picking on nobody you're too young to be tired are you retired you can't even come to worship comfortably because you are tired because you're working so hard for food too tired to worship can't go to church this morning man I tired I need Sunday to rest can you imagine
people tell me that and I'm thinking who gave you the job that's making you tired do not worry about food close calm house he didn't say to be irresponsible you know he says don't let them be your priorities he said is life not more important than food and drink and close you know we all like to look nice I believe I can see that obviously you look like look like nice y'all look nice but it's amazing that if you ever get this Revelation you never spend more on yourself than you spend on God see when
it when it hits you all your priorities change it's easy for you maybe maybe to write a check for a 200 dress and then put twenty dollars in the offering today easy for some people no think about it they go for the smallest build in their purse and their wallet and when they were buying the shoe the other day 160 snake leather they had no problems and God is saying I ain't first wherever your treasure is that's where your heart is seek first is it more important here's his answer but seek first the kingdom of
God and his righteousness and what happened all of these things shall be added to you he didn't even say that you got to go look for them your priority should not be things your priorities should be a place and a position foreign your priority should not be things and it should not be people it should be a place heaven and a position righteousness listen I don't care what you say about what I'm saying God gonna put himself right I'm telling you he's gonna prove yourself right because too many people are killing themselves working themselves to
death growing old fast and when they finish getting all the car and the house and the land and the clothes they die and someone else move into the house where their clothes drive the car no wonder why Solomon says it is futile for man to work hard and another man reap his Harvest therefore he says he ends the whole book by saying there's only one thing man should be consumed but he says and that is to love God and keep his law and this is law right there [Applause] I know some of you all have
experienced people dying around you and see their stuff going to other people and you and you and I still killing ourselves just following them right right in their path just going right with it the greatest Legacy to live is something more important than your house and that is a life that Drew people to the kingdom of God two things to seek the kingdom and his righteousness what is our priority in life then let's Kingdom first that was the kingdom first say it loud Kingdom first Say Never kingdom is first say neighbor again kingdom is first
I'll come in the face saying lies the kingdom is first hit them on their shoulder red light and say kingdom is first take neighbor Kingdom first say it again Kingdom first what's for us Kingdom what what's first Kingdom what what's first what's the first thing in your life what's the first thing in your life what's the first thing in your life what's the first thing in your life what's the first thing in your life from the day forward what's going to be first in your life what's first in your life what's first in your life
what's first in your life Christ said if you get that I'll add everything you need to you the blessings of God make it rich and the adds no sorrow to it the kingdom of God is God's number one priority no question about it therefore we must give ourselves to the study the pursuit and the understanding of the Kingdom that should be our priority and we must do everything in our power to obey whatever makes it possible for us to be in right standing with God there are two verses I want you to write down these
exploded in my mind last night on the way back home polluted two words and thirst say it seek and thirst now he said seek first the kingdom and then seek the righteousness hear Christ in Matthew 6 32 he said but seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything is to be added unto you then in Matthew 5 6 he says blessed are those who hunger and thirst after what righteousness what is righteousness right positioning with God he says the same way you seek the kingdom you should be thirsty for right positioning first
is a natural experience first doesn't have to be created inside of your body thirst is automatic it's natural that means there Comes A Time in your life when your body stops working because it needs fluid so your body begins to Crave desire pursue liquid the Bible says that should happen to you spiritually when it comes to I want to be right with God I just have to be right with God I can't have nothing between me and God I thirst to be in right standing I have a appetite for his positioning am I coming through
to anybody you should be so desperate for right positioning it's like a thirst that means you don't casually pursue right positioning it's supposed to be a passion that is so strong that it takes over your whole life like a thirst look at those words if you thirst for righteousness opposition you he says if you want to be positioned badly I'll position you still ain't getting it okay God listen if you have an interest in doing right God ain't gonna help you if you have a casual desire to do something right to please God God say
you are interested how many have you been doing wrong but thinking it thinking it's wrong and you should be doing something right but you're doing it wrong it's your time with sinning I mean saying this ain't right you know see it's possible to actually be doing wrong knowing it's not right right and be thinking about right he said I will position you when positioning becomes your only passion like a thirst how bad do you want to be right how bad do you want to be right how bad do you have it some of us in
God you know I'm beginning to figure that out slowly after 37 years I begin to learn one thing about God and that is God knew everything God know how serious you are you're faking it right now most of you in churches remember I love you Lord Lord say you love me and scratch it love me and think about food love me think about London he said look I I know he said look are you hungering after me did you come here like a desperate child look at that verse again blessed are those who hunger and
first after righteousness what is righteousness I want to be in the right position have you ever cried to be in the right position oh God don't let me do nothing today to disturb me in the government what a prayer oh God I'll do anything to be right with your government what a prayer let nothing come between me and you today what a prayer he said if you do that you'll be filled with righteousness foreign how bad do you want to do right how bad do you want to be right how bad do you want to
do what pleases God and like Jesus the Jesus was no different from you he was a man he was God In the Flesh he was spirit in the body that's what you are and he had to live under the laws of the planet and Jesus said he cried he says I only do what pleases my father he says and because I please my father my father will withhold nothing from me thanks for the poor hand listen to me Jesus said watch this the disciples came to one day they said master oh I got a little
load this morning I feel it listen he said master they said Master we bought no lunch food food food food we bought no lunch they told him food food food food sea grapes food food food a lot of this restaurant food food food food food food turkey waiting on the stove for food barbecuing full full food we bought no nuts we gotta go for lunch we gotta go for lunch they said to you they told Jesus this is in the Bible they said Jesus we have no lunch food food food his answer you missed this
answer and I'm learning his answer more and more that's why I'm beginning to see how blessed you can be if you just do what he says line up he said he said are you talking about food he says Regis now do not worry about food he says are you talking about food watch this he says have lunch you know not not of something more important than lunch I have food you guys don't know anything about I'm quoting he said my food oh Jesus in other words when I eat physical food that's a distraction my food
is to do the will of my father can I hear an amen at least can I hear another amen he said look if I seek to do his what will that means whatever lines me up with him that's more important than eating as a matter of fact it may require me not eating like fasting can you fast some friendships so you can spend time with God I will never miss a lodge but I'll miss prayer meeting gotta go to Rotary right on time but I'll miss worship listen nothing wrong with rotary you know I got
some problems with the Lord's thing but nothing wrong with rotary but what he's saying is where is your priority you pay your dues to the Key Club and don't give offerings where is your priorities you want to line up with me you do my will and you will remain righteous and then he says no good thing will God withhold from they that walk righteously no good what thing everybody say things he said the way you get things is by positioning not by running after them we are still in the shallow Waters of the Kingdom but
I am I am believing with all my heart this is my prayer I pray for you all the time my prayer is that God will have a group of people that mesmerizes the Earth because they will not be able to explain why they are so wealthy so rich so healthy so secure so passionate so fulfilled the whole world going to come and look at them and say how did you get like this and you got two answers Kingdom and righteousness clap tell me it's gonna happen say it say it can happen to me the day
is coming and you are going to pay your phone bill from a fish's mouth I am shocked shall happen Christ says the kingdom of God is God's priority Matthew 5 3 blessed are the porn spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God he said if you're spiritually poor you pursue the kingdom Matthews in Luke 16 16 says the law and the prophets were preached until John the Baptist came but since John the Baptist until now the kingdom of God is being preached I thought you should be preaching and he says and everyone is forcing their
way into it who who's passing away how many 6.7 billion people are trying to find the same thing he says and they're doing all kinds of things to try to find it that's why they're in their religion their religion is their attempt to find the kingdom but they can't find their religion that's why religion is such a depressing thing for most people including Christianity Christianity is not the kingdom it's a religion that's why you can beat Christianity and still not be fulfilled and not having the success God intended because religion can never replace the kingdom
so Buddhism Hinduism Hinduism Scientology Christianity and all the Rastafarians all that stuff he says all that is man's forcing their way trying to find it they're doing stuff to try to get it because they're missing the kingdom their spirit is hungry they are malnutrition they are poor spiritually and he says the only solution to your spiritual poverty is the kingdom [Applause] are you a Praying for me right now Jesus identifies with all mankind is searching for it's the kingdom of God now look at Luke chapter 9 verse 57. I want to show you what I
call Setting your priorities it says as they were walking along the road a man said to him I will follow you wherever you go and Jesus said foxes have holes birds of the air have nests but the son of man has no place to lay his head now what's he talking about this man is from the Bahamas I'm sure he's a Bahamian and he he tells Jesus I'll follow you anywhere you go you have convinced me you are a good man you feed people who are hungry you you raise the dead you heal the sick
I like you I will follow you anywhere you go look at me look at me this is important Jesus heard this man but he knew the man he knew he was from the Bahamas Jamaica or Barbados I'll Trinidad this guy was definitely from Guyana South America maybe he was absolutely from Haiti I'm sure he was from America oh definitely from America number one American right here why because Jesus knows that the man is looking for things read the next verse he says I know why you won't follow me your charismatic bless me Club member you're
looking for a house looking for car you want me to bless you with food and clothes he said let me start off by telling you I ain't giving you nothing cause I even ain't got none of them for you come out [Applause] look at the verse he said first of all let me clear the air right now I don't sleep nowhere I ain't got nowhere to sleep you still want to follow me he was destroying the desire for things huh shout out he was destroying your prayer list oh God I need a house oh God
I need a car he said look look you don't follow me for things oh you wanna follow it now listen how many times have you heard people say give your life to Jesus uh he will give you a house bless you with a car sure that's Medina sure Madea sure yes he'll bless you but a cave he said Bird's got nests folks have got holes they live in you won't follow me I don't sleep nowhere he destroyed religion that's motivated by things let me ask you a question why did you come here this morning don't
answer quickly think to get blessed or just to know his kingdom Why'd You Come here this morning what motivated you for him to relieve you from a phone bill your mortgage is two months behind you can I gotta go to church today child because God got to make a miracle see your motivation is wrong my business ain't doing right things are working my clientele for it you know I ain't getting enough phone calls I gotta go to church believe God because they don't come here for that come here just to learn about how to stay
in position I want to stay in position I gotta know the Kingdom Hearts if you do that he says I'll fix your business but don't come here for your business come here for my kingdom clap loud everybody it's a kingdom we want you to speak [Applause] friends he destroyed this man it gets worse another man came and a man you know Jesus said uh you want to follow me this time Christ initiated the conversation you want to follow me isn't it a man he's definitely from Baytown but the man replied Lord first oh now there's
some other first that Jesus has seek ye first the man got a different first he's a first let me go and bury my father Now ladies and gentlemen nothing could be more important than bearing your daddy a bearing your mama crisis I don't even care about that when it comes to the kingdom foreign now listen he's not disrespectful he's just positioning you that's all he said look you want to pay for the funeral you better position yourself seven thousand is plenty money your mama don't go on and the bill on you you better position yourself
so you can pay the funeral home is anybody here he's telling you that there's something more important than even the death in your family seek my kingdom I buried my mother huh she laid right here in a gasket right here I remember standing here preaching and touching the casket I mean and Sherry I was singing there a song to her in a casket I love my mother but she gone I gotta see the kingdom by myself she were the king everybody said get over it he said look Barry your mama is not more important than
seeking the kingdom as a matter of fact let's read the verse Again Luke 9 6 Jesus said to him watch this look at the answer Let the dead buried it their own dead but you go and Proclaim the kingdom of God is here he says your mama left but the kingdom still here that's the good news fathers leave but the Kingdom's still here and you don't live in your father you live in the Kingdom you don't live in your mother you live in the Kingdom he says you live in a kingdom that's your priority look
at the next verse still another said to him I Will Follow You Lord but first let me go back say goodbye to my family let me be respectful before I join God Jesus answer no one who puts his hand to the plow that means decides to come into my kingdom and follow me looks back for if he does he is not fit for service in the Kingdom if you say to God today yes I want to give you my life but I'll do it after I go back and cut it off with my girlfriend you
know chop it my ex have a little talk about the person I'm shocking up with see if I can work things out then I'll come and give my life to Jesus he said you ain't fit anyone you put before my kingdom is an idol if you hear his voice today you don't go check things out first before you make a decision he says you make it now what's the test of your priority Luke 18 28. we got to read this one Peter said to him Lord I just go to bfm I left everything to follow
you hear everything you lucky I gave up some friends I like I still won't go with them you know but only because I want to impress you God I'll give it my friends Lord I left all them good opportunities for business to come become a believer Lord I quit working at that place so I could become believer Lord I give up you know that relationship because and all this stuff we say we give up look at his answer he says I tell you the truth Peter no one who who say it loud no one say
neighbor that's that's that that's you no one who has left a home or a wife or brothers or parents or children for my sake and the kingdom of God will fail to receive oh I'm getting excited now you give them your one lit host he said are you crazy you would receive many times as much when when I can't hear you when when this life this life listen that destroys the religion that I used to be in call Christianity which said I got a robe you got a rule all of God's children got a rule
Road means you know nice clothes when I get to heaven I'm going to put on my robe I walk all over God's heaven I got a shoe you gotta shoot I got a house you got a house all of it now that song that'll be saying still was written by slaves It Was Written in the cotton fields in the Caribbean I'm in Carolina and in Florida I'm in Louisiana it was written with slaves facing a white master and they saw the master driving his nice beautiful chariot carriage and they saw the master wearing fine clothes
and they had all rags and they were bare feeted and they were both serving God because the master taught them about Jesus and the master told them that your job is to be my slave right now but later if you are a good slave you'll get my Carriage you'll get the clothes I have you get the shoes I have and so the slave believing with the master taught him about God that God will bless him later wrote the song I got a roll Master got a rule all the god children me and the master children
the mass is God children I am God cheering he is the bastard's children I'm the Master Slave he said now when he get his shoes now that's where the song comes from I get my shoes when I get to heaven read the verse Christ says you ain't got to wait to heaven to get no shoes and not only one pair how many many now let me just say this friends listen to me I beg you'd listen to me this is I know somebody said I think Pastor miles don't want to serve tanks I want you
to get too many things you ain't got room to put them but you don't go after them you got one house and you say you give that up for God God says are you crazy the one you got is mine and the other 20 I won't give you to put on rent so you got plenty of money is mine too but since you're so B but you won the out of ten I give them to miles they never know full of my house no say don't worry my house this give them a big praise to
your houses he says look if you seek my kingdom I'll give you not just one house I will give you many houses look at the list I like the list if you leave home I'll give you much many times more in this life he's not in the light to come together all figured out but he said it comes in this life too look at this one if you get wife that is a little tricky he says if you give up your wife for the sake of the Kingdom in other words you put the kingdom in
front of your wife before your wife he said I will give you many more wives what are you talking about he says look I'm gonna bless you with so many people to take care of you not sexually but they gonna serve you you're gonna think they're your wife think I'm buying bring your cookies bake cake for you they can buy you things they can bless you you can go my goodness everybody love me Brothers he says you ain't got no brother get in the Kingdom I give you so many brothers some of you men feel
like ain't nobody care for you and you're lonely and you ain't got no brothers in the Lord You're Gonna Brothers in the family and you feel alone he said look seek the kingdom give your company of Brothers you ain't never dreamed you had sisters you ain't got no girls to be your friend no lady be your friend you ain't got no girls to be you know you're you're your buddy he said you see the kingdom first I give you sisters you won't even be able to count God is telling us he'll give us parents when
you lose one I'll give you five that means a kingdom citizen will never be an orphan every time one dies they give you a free a few more your father die he give you fathers mother died and if your mother's alive but they ain't living right God will give you many mothers right there in the Kingdom your father alcoholic God said give you some good Fathers all around you you seek my kingdom I give you ten men to be your fathers no excuse for going wrong in life if you seek the kingdom then he says
children all those kids today are our kids could you imagine some of them kids came home where they never been out some of them some of them are dropped off I heard the little boy this morning we're doing the worship I had and I says where's your daddy he said he left where's your mom she leaving so I hugged him they dropped him to church so his father was waiting for him right in the house of the Lord he said if you seek the kingdom I will give you children the child you hugged this morning
was a gift from God very important I want to wrap up this morning on on on what he says about children in the Kingdom the priority of the kingdom is children please get your notebook write this down real fast the first thing to teach your children According To Jesus is about the kingdom Luke 18 15 people were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them some translation says to bless them when the disciples saw this when The Who disciples that's the adults you know in the in the body when they saw the children
coming to Jesus they rebuked them the word rebuke means to stop to stop something they stopped them from coming verse 16 but Jesus called this deter the children to him and said did the real children come unto me and don't hinder them for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these now I want to just comment on this real quickly I pondered this for years this verse for years because I wanted to make sure I went through the the Hebrew and the Greek translation to try and figure out what does he mean by this
and I was shocked it's a simple meaning what it means is this he says the kingdom of God is for those who are not religious yet oh some of you don't get that he says you owe people are so messed up I gotta work hard to teach you the kingdom but the children is like a blank sheet of paper they'll believe it just like that they'll accept it just like that they were walking it just like that they don't have to unlearn anything we gotta struggle and that's why I wanted those kids here this morning
I want them to learn worship from the beginning I wanted to feel special before the king from the beginning I wanted to feel like they're supposed to be up fronting from the beginning the kingdom of God belongs to children because they don't have to learn or unlearn so much junk they can get it first the last statement is important he says but as for you I got a problem with you he says anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God as a child will never never enter it oh I need help Holy Spirit Holy
Spirit first of all he opens the the context why anyone that means a church-going Bible toting tone talking tied giving prayer meeting attending anyone are you all listening to me no you understand me you sure look at me look at me look at me look look at me look at me look at me distraction is very dangerous look at me he says anyone that's my I came to my last points now anyone anyone means anybody that means you could be attending a church for 20 years I'm still not enter the kingdom because you didn't accept
it like a child let me put it this way you don't enter the kingdom because you've been coming to church a long time do good attitude not longevity uh it might be important see them kids I took that picture myself isn't that beautiful look at their faces you think that's a human yeah how about an adult is that an adult it doesn't look like that too often anymore look at their faces talk about listening and thinking and wide open they are it's as if they are saying wow wow wow they're thinking so deeply everybody said
enter say it again enter I want to remember somebody enter right away enter down I'm gonna show you this before we go the word enter doesn't mean to go into in this verse the Greek word here has to do with experience experience for example let's say you entering into an experience that's what it means you can go to a pool room where a pool is and not swim hello that's what it means he said look it doesn't matter how long you've been around doesn't matter what you're doing it doesn't matter how much Bible you know
how much people you know people you give to whatever he says look if you don't accept receive the kingdom like a child you will be in the pool room and never get wet to enter doesn't mean you're going somewhere the word here means you experience something you won't experience Kingdom lifestyle it'll be like the like the the two packages in the Old Testament who were sitting outside the wall and they were talking about food but they were afraid to go in because they thought the people that are behind the wall you know were alive and
all the food and he was behind the wall and they were starving outside the wall with all the food on the inside let me put another way I tell you my ship story I think it's the best way to tell this story a couple won a prize to go on a cruise I think was in the Bahamas too you know got to be Bahamas got to be bahamians probably from my street where I was born and they got this full ship cruise ticket they won on expense paid oh they were so excited man they flew
to Miami got on board the ship and before they got there they stopped the Kmart picked up some extra crackers and they bought some extra tasty cheese plenty Daisy cheese packed up in their bag went on board they were so excited they shake after the courtesy and everybody you know they who we're on board the ship they have been on ship before bring that little cabin oh Lord they was excited and they kept saying this is great praise the Lord praise the Lord the praise the Lord praise the Lord give us a happy face and
Lord we want to ship praise the Lord and they was happy sitting there and the first day they were so excited they woke up that morning and looked to the little cubby hole into the water the water it's beautiful you're a beautiful beautiful beautiful yeah we're so excited and then they began to open that little crackers you know breakfast time to eat lunch time open the crackers eight evening crackers ate they toast a little soda now the Lord has blessed as well praise the Lord happy the ownership and they never left the room for five
days eight crackers and tasty juice ah so the attendant who make up the room kept coming in the room and they'd say it's okay it's okay we make it up ourselves that's okay let's make it to bed themselves and everything it's okay don't bother yourself we are happy to be here we're making the band ourselves so the fifth day the attendant the attendant went and told the the assistant Captain the the mate he says look we got a couple down there uh so the mate says yeah we noticed we had two guests missing the uh
two seats in the dining room never taken up all week where the people he said they are in the room so the the captain was concerned I mean they made totally Capital you got a couple there maybe they're sick or something so by the time the last day of the crews they're on their way back now to Florida getting ready to dock the captain says look we got to find out what's going on so the captain went down to the cabin opened the door and hit these couples sitting on the bed crackers laid out their
last batch of cheese that that grape soda and they smile it they go Captain we just want to tell you thanks so much this has been the Most Blessed gift you ever had in our life this is we've never been on a cruise and never worn anything just the phrase the Lord God can bless you you know Captain you are a good man and we just love you and love God and you know we just had a good time and the captain said you were in the room for the whole week yes but it was
a good ride it was beautiful and you know we just thank God and the captain said you never came out of the room no no he said why didn't you come to the to the buffet in the banquet well you know you know Vivi you know we we're not richer than other people you know we couldn't afford that he said you didn't go to the shows no oh no definitely no we can't afford to go in that show we don't have that kind of money he said so you didn't come to all the gala Banquets
and nothing the buffet no no no we definitely we can't you know we we just you know we're just happy to be here he said so you didn't know didn't know what sir you mean you didn't know didn't know what sir didn't you know that the ticket you won included the whole ship everything on it all the food all the entertainment all the amenities the pool the bar everything is in the ticket it's all yours and they said really and the ship hit the dock boom landed that's what Christ means by entering you are on
the ship but do not enter into its benefits he who gave us Christ Jesus how would he not also with him give us all things I want to give you this list real quick would have been thinking like a child this is it right here this this is what you got to go home and study a little bit number one the reason why he says but it become like a child to experience the kingdom number one it's the spirit of dependency children are completely dependent he said do not become independent and you will experience the
kingdom of God the greatest threat to a kingdom is independence the one thing children are known for is dependency in the womb they're gonna depend on you to feed yourself for them to eat when they come out you got to catch them they can't feed themselves clothe themselves they can't clean themselves they can't think for themselves so you have to do everything he says be that way in the Kingdom don't clothe yourself don't feed yourself don't wash yourself be like a child Lord you're my king I'm your citizen and it's Monday morning number two the
spirit of Simplicity children don't complicate nothing God says turn right why and why that right and why should I turn it right that fast why can't I turn it right next week God because look why are you going to this discussion in the Kingdom he don't want your argument be like a child he says if you give it shall be given unto you don't try to figure out how just give he says love your enemies he said don't choose which one to love just love your enemies Lord if you know what that one do me
you see you wouldn't understand how it goes see now that mother tree I can forgive but that one God said look I didn't try to love your enemies why are we going through all this stuff kids are very simple number three the spirit of trust I'll never forget my son who's here this morning sitting here my big son Carol I remember Gerald when I was a little boy we were living in our apartment down off Raspberry Street there and I remember the American day he was he's a little boy and I put him on the
table you know he's playing and playing playing and I backed off I said jump he didn't even think he around the table he jumped total Trust God says go tomorrow it's gonna be a good day well how are we gonna be good and how good it can be and what do you mean by good and Define it for me because I said look it can be a good day this is the day the Lord has made just go rejoice at least let me hear a spot but we we don't trust God the child I keep
reminding my board for the last 25 years I keep saying don't forget the Godfather when I when I say that that means I know what I do 90 of the time I don't know what I'm doing secret size me having to listen to you because I know they're doing either Trust children trust you when they come home they don't say did you work to get money to buy food they come and said what are we eating today in other words I figure in here God said do that to me do that to me this week
trust me I'm telling you friends children they are Kingdom thinkers number three the spirit of obedience even just obey they don't discuss and number number five the spirit of acceptance they accept whatever you tell them because if you do this I'll do this just accept it Christ told Peter James and John he said feed the people and they start calculating they said let's see we get Five Loaves two fishes we gotta go to town and buy more bread they can take three days to come back he said look I didn't ask you none of those
things in a minute we're gonna give you a chance to give up you give your offerings and your tithes and bless the Lord I want to just give I don't even think about it he said do it that's the way the kingdom works I do it use that calculating man how much I can hold back I gotta buy a little bit toothpaste I gotta I gotta get some tomato paste it's got to hold that dollar because let me tell you something you you know something you you don't accept what I told you yeah children the
spirit of what expectancy never promise a child nothing come on yourself a child remember God said be like that if I promise you every morning I expect it to happen today if they happen tomorrow pick them again I expect it to happen today any update I expected that he said be like a child keep coming back expecting [Applause] except to become like a little child you can't live in this Kingdom next one the spirit of transparency oh Lord this is what we need badly you know trying to tell you you ugly see let me tell
you what I mean by that they can tell you the truth now the adults you look nice you know they mean that they don't mean you look nice you know they tell lies he's a bit like a child be honest with people I can't go with you because I'm married to you transparent what you doing ain't right trust better I can't come transparent don't promise me then you know you can't come that's your ABA your Navy name anything more on this and evil he said look if your guys do something say say a kind if
you couldn't do it say you could do it and if you say you can do it do it be transparent boy professionals at Deception is the adult we are professionals we would tell people today God bless you on the inside of you say may he curse you 20 times not transparent he says love everybody love even your enemies let there be nothing between you and your your world let there be nothing in your heart toward any man no deceit no jealousy he said have transparency like a child children ain't never jealous you know you check
them kids so they got no jealousy they tell you exactly what they think and then it's a spirit of Innocence he said have that spirit with me be so dependent on me then you just do what God says if you said in the word it must be true so I do it I'm innocent number nine the spirit of faith boy do kids believe you I heard uh Minister Andrea Scott today say you know yeah be careful to see them even what you do wrong they do right they believe everything you're telling he says be that
way with me believe everything I tell you wow if I tell you something to just believe it believe it seek first of Kingdom allowed everything these are just believing like a kid just believe like a kid me I'm one big child one big child I remember putting a jet on my refrigerator and saying God I wanted you I'll never forget and I thought I thought now this is childish but God said if I believe it it can happen so I put this gin on my refrigerator and for one year I might have to tell you
that gently every time I pray God thank you for this jet do you know what happened the next year the guy gave me a jet no it's no no cost nothing now that is childish because an adult will say I gotta save money I gotta borrow money I gotta calculate I gotta get money it'll take five years to get a million bucks because look you like a child you believe it I do it I remember Landing our Jet right next to another jet the other day was it two days ago and out of the other
jet walked isn't that my limbosh Rush members he parked next to me about next to him all of us come out I say hello Rush he said how you doing there man I said yeah that's how you doing man he looked at me a couple times just to make sure I was who I was as far as the colors came in I said yes but you're seeing it real brother that's mine yeah you ain't better than me and guess what you pay for yours and mine paid for finish with that children see it children say
it again children God can pay all your bills off of Juicy oil oil I dare you to lift your hands and say Lord go ahead and do it if you want to why go my daughter came here today she's going to school she's Daddy I need a car just like that cheers do you have any money and how long are you working say no no I need a car see that's children taste it no matter how old they are they still cheering I need to go she doesn't figure you can figure that rest out by
yourself that's how God is God said look just tell me what I promised you and don't figure out how am I going to do it lift your right hand say Lord I'm your child baby me this week give him a praise just baby me just provide milk and provide napkins for me and get some Pampers for me I ain't got to figure out where you got them from that ain't my job my job is to just cry sometimes even come pick you up look at this next one Spirit of boldness to be like a child
live in this Kingdom you got to be bold eh you got to declare things that you can't pay for let me say it slow you have to say things you cannot pay for children do not calculate all they state is what they want you got to be that way to live in this Kingdom in this Kingdom you cannot calculate only it does calculate why it can't be done let me say one thing about about the danger of growing up growing up is dangerous because you have experience an experience is the worst teacher now I know
you've been taught differently my father's here this morning and they taught us many things they'd say let me tell you some experiences not the best teacher because experience is keeping you back from the body God have for you right now because your experience already tells you what cannot be done children do not have experience and guess what that's an asset that makes them bold so you ask your four-year-old what you want to be when you grow up the president how come you don't say that and so you kill the little child's dream with your experience
you president you can't be no president I just gave you education you get a job but just like me be broke see you killed it you killed that dream I'm not making sense the children are bold because they have no experience Jesus said except you become come on you don't talk before I go he said he becomes like that he said talk to me for crazy things tell me your dream give me your vision Shock Me he dares us Shock Me tell me something you think I can't do so I told God you're gonna build
him a four thousand seat Auditorium over there we can build him a shopping mall over there we can build a resort and address you all think I forgot a big reveal that school for them kids over there we can build a huge Center we can build our media center I'm crazy and I don't want to grow up like you telling me how it can be done leave me stupid just like this it gonna happen praise God shout amen somebody and the same thing is true for your dream whatever God told you don't let them adults
around you talk you out of it they got too much experience except you become like a little child you can't live in this Kingdom look at this next one Spirit of confidence you're not so confident eh I saw those kids without reading this morning and I'm thinking most adults wouldn't do this but you know I I'm not good in public you know I can't do well before people and you got it all worked up because I was born shy you know I'm the fifth family child and the fifth is always negative and every idea you
got to All Figured who worked it out the kids said garbage the bible let me read the thing confidence if God said it I believe it that settles it even if you don't believe it confidence the last one Children of the spirit of fearlessness they are fearless to live in this Kingdom you can be fearful children are fearless we used to live through uh the corner of West Bay Street there trying to remember the name of that street what's the name is tree baby who used to live off best mystery for Paul track thank you
very much yeah she got a little old numbers for four track okay I mean we used to live through there in a Reddit house and one day my little girl jarissa a little little kid four or five years old another girl I was jogging around the block went jogging coming back from Jordan she comes outside the house in the yard she sees me the girl didn't look left or right she ain't in her car and no truck no nothing all she saw was her daddy think about it she saw her father didn't matter what was
coming didn't matter the hazards she saw her father and she took off Daddy and I'm sitting there thinking oh dear I had to look for her I'm close enough I the father had to look for the traffic for her because she was too focused on the father Fearless no fear she saw me and there was no fear she figured if that's daddy everything's safe God is telling you today it doesn't matter how the world looks how your life looks how they threaten you what they say can be done God is on a little higher ground
and you down there and he's saying come and guess what you ain't gonna look laugh and right he's the one already looking he got you covered this week he already watching for traffic for you no come on get my press he ain't watching the traffic for you he knows exactly what's coming and what I like about God is he ain't just a father he's the police what my kid coming come on give him a press this morning he said hold up my little children coming to me and the kingdom is first
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