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Lion of Judah
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Video Transcript:
as Christians we often wonder how do I know I truly belong to God the Bible gives us clear signs that reflect God's Mark Upon Our Lives signs that show we are his children called and chosen for his purpose these signs aren't physical marks visible to the world rather they are spiritual truths that manifest in how we live how we believe and how we reflect the nature of Christ in our daily lives recognizing these signs not only encourages us but also helps us stay on course as we grow in our relationship with God today I want
to encourage you with five distinct signs that demonstrate you are marked by God sign number one you are marked by the Holy Spirit the first and perhaps most foundational sign that you are marked by God is the presence of the holy spirit in your life in Ephesians 1: 13-14 the Apostle Paul writes and you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of Truth The Gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised Holy Spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the Redemption of
those who are God's possession to the praise of his glory the holy spirit is described here as a seal in ancient times a seal was a symbol of ownership and authenticity Kings and rulers would use their signate rings to seal documents signifying that the contents came directly from them and carried their Authority in the same way when you accept Christ and place your faith in him God seals you with the Holy Spirit this is a powerful declaration that you belong to him but what does it mean to be sealed with the Holy Spirit it means
that you are authentically Gods the holy spirit is the guarantee of your salvation he is the down payment the proof that you will inherit eternal life whenever you doubt your salvation or question your place in God's kingdom remember that the holy spirit in you is the evidence that God has claimed you as his own this is something every believer must hold on to especially in times of trial and hardship the presence of the holy spirit is not only a seal of ownership but a source of strength guidance and comfort when life feels overwhelming and the
challenges seem too great to Bear remember that the Holy Spirit the very spirit of God lives in you he is your helper your Advocate and your comforter he empowers you to live a life that reflects Christ and more than that the Holy Spirit serves as a constant reminder that you are not walking through life alone God has marked you with his presence and he is committed to guiding you teaching you and transforming you as Romans 8:16 says the spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children this is a powerful truth God himself
through the Holy Spirit confirms to us that we are his children sign number two marked by righteous living the second sign that you are marked by God is seen in the way you live specifically in your pursuit of righteousness 1 John 3:9 and 10 says no one who is born of God will continue to sin because God's seed remains in them they cannot go on sinning because they have been born of God this is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are anyone who does not do
what is right is not God's child nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister this is a challenging passage but one filled with profound truth when you are marked by God your life will reflect his righteousness it is impossible to encounter the transforming power of God and remain the same when you accept Jesus Christ you are not just saved from the penalty of sin you are transformed this transformation begins with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and it is evidenced by a life of righteous living what does this look like righteous living
means living in accordance with God's will it means pursuing what is good holy and just it means turning away from sin and actively seeking to live a life that pleases God many people in the world today are content to live in compromise but the Bible makes it clear that those who are truly born of God will not continue to live in habitual sin let me be clear this doesn't mean that you will never sin again we all fall short at times and we all need God's grace every day but what it does mean is that
you will no longer feel comfortable living in sin the Holy Spirit within you will convict you guiding you to repentance and righteousness your desires will begin to change you will find yourself wanting to please God more than you want to satisfy the desires of your flesh if you find yourself seeking righteousness striving to live a life that honors God this is a sign that you are marked by God it is a sign that God's transforming power is at work within you do not be discouraged by moments of failure or weakness the very fact that you
desire righteousness is evidence that God has placed his Mark upon your life keep pressing forward relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to live a life that reflects God's holiness sign number three marked by faith in Jesus the third sign that you are marked by God is the faith you place in Jesus Christ faith is not just an intellectual agreement with the truths of scripture it is a radical life-altering trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ Galatians 220 says I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives
in me the life I now live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me when you are marked by God you live by faith in Jesus this Faith changes everything everything it means that you no longer live for yourself but for Christ your identity is no longer rooted in your own accomplishments abilities or strengths instead your identity is rooted in Christ you live by faith trusting that he is in control that his promises are true and that his plan for your life is good
living by faith means trusting God even when circumstances don't make sense it means relying on him when when the future is uncertain when the road ahead is difficult and when the world around you is in chaos faith in Jesus is the foundation of the Christian Life and it is a clear sign that you are marked by God Paul's statement I have been crucified with Christ is a profound Declaration of faith it means that we have died to our old selves our old ways of thinking and our old ways of living now Christ lives lives in
US faith is the mark that distinguishes a Believer from the world it is what empowers us to live in Victory to face challenges with confidence and to trust God in every situation are you living by faith today do you trust that God is with you guiding you and working all things together for your good if so take heart you are marked by God your faith in Jesus is a sign of his presence in your life sign number number four you are marked by Holiness the fourth sign that you are marked by God is Holiness Holiness
is not just a set of moral behaviors it is the evidence that you have been set apart by God for his purposes in Hebrews 12:14 the Bible says make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy without Holiness no one will see the Lord this verse reminds us that Holiness is essential for those who are marked by God Holiness is the result of being set apart Sanctified and made Holy by the presence of God in our lives it is not something we can achieve in our own strength rather it is the
work of the holy spirit in US transforming us to reflect the character of Christ to be holy means to be different from the world to be set apart for God's glory this doesn't mean we isolate our elves from others or live in self-righteousness instead it means that our lives are dedicated to reflecting God's Purity righteousness and love in every aspect Holiness is a lifestyle that demonstrates we are truly marked by God we live in a world where sin and Temptation are celebrated but as Believers we are called to live lives of Purity and moral Integrity
this does not mean Perfection but it means a genuine Pursuit of God's standards Holiness means we strive to live according to God's will not the world's ways we live for an audience of one seeking to honor God in all that we do when you are marked by God Holiness is not an option it becomes your Pursuit the Holy Spirit continually Works in you to draw you closer to God's character conforming you to the image of Christ are you striving for Holiness if so you are marked by God set apart for his Divine purposes sign number
five you are marked by God's ownership the final sign that you are marked by God is the ownership of God over your life 2 Timothy 2:19 declares nevertheless God's solid foundation stands firm sealed with this inscription the Lord knows those who are his and everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness when God marks you it signifies that you are his possession you are not your own you have been bought with a price this is a beautiful truth that we must never forget God knows those who are his he claims
us as his own and that claim is eternal being marked by God's ownership means that you live under his authority your life is no longer governed by your own desires but by his will you are set apart and you live to fulfill the purpose he has placed on your life this Mark of ownership is also evident in your rejection of wickedness and sin as the scripture says everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness when you are marked by God you live with the understanding that you are part of his
family and your life reflects his ownership you no longer live for yourself but for him you are a child of God a servant of the most high and you bear his name with honor as we reflect on these five signs it's clear that being marked by God is not just a title it's a way of life when you are marked by God the evidence is clear you are sealed with the Holy Spirit walking in righteousness living by faith in Jesus pursuing Holiness and living under God's ownership these marks are not just for the spiritually Elite
they are the calling of every believer who has placed their trust in Jesus Christ if you see these signs in your life take heart you are marked by God chosen for his purpose and filled with his Spirit if you are unsure don't be discouraged seek the Lord with all your heart and He will draw you closer to him remember being marked by God is not about Perfection but about transformation growth and the daily pursuit of his presence in your life be encouraged today you are marked by God live in that reality and let the world
see the evidence of God's work in you you are chosen you are loved and you are set apart for his glory
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