Understand Geometry in 10 min

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TabletClass Math
TabletClass Math: Geometry Course: https://tabletclass-academy.teachable.com/p/tabletclass-math-geo...
Video Transcript:
okay let's see if we can understand geometry in 10 minutes now can you really take a 10-minute uh class and understand uh all of geometry no that's impossible okay and the geometry a level i'm talking about here is pretty much like a high school level geometry uh course but what i want to do in about 10 minutes is walk you through the chapters of my course which is pretty typical for any high school level geometry course and we're just going to quickly highlight each chapter so you kind of get a basic sense of what would
be in each chapter and a basic understanding of these topics so i think i could do that in about 10 minutes of after which you know you hopefully will feel less intimidated about geometry if you are considering uh taking that topic now i'm going to leave a link to my actual geometry course in the description of this video as well but i'm going to talk about all that in just one moment but first let me quickly introduce myself my name is john i'm the founder of tablet class math i'm also a middle and high school
math teacher i'm going to leave a link to my math health program in the description of this video along with my geometry course okay direct link to my geometry course so if you are taking geometry you can just go directly there to check out my course very very very comprehensive and will definitely help you out but if you are struggling in mathematics whether it be geometry algebra any other course i can help you out i've been teaching math for decades and one of the things i like to think of myself as doing when it comes
to mathematics is really explaining it versus teaching it i really break things down it's super clear and understandable bite-sized pieces so anyone can get this stuff so if you're at the middle school high school or college level i can definitely help you out now if you happen to be preparing for some test that has a math section on it i'm talking about things like the ged sat a ct gre gmat asvab accuplacer clep exam maybe a teacher certification exam i can definitely help you out and if you homeschool you absolutely must check out my home
school math courses we were just voted number one in the area of middle and high school math we're pretty proud of that award we're going to actually um uh this was from a big national uh publication we're going to be uh giving more information on that very very soon now if you don't have any math notes you need to start taking excellent math notes that's the only way you're going to get great grades in math but in the meantime i'm going to leave links to my math notes so you can check those out you'll find
them in the description of this video as well okay so let's get into high school level geometry and we're going to take a look at the chapters of my course which are effectively this is pretty similar what you would find in any other kind of geometry course but we're going to walk through them one at a time okay i'm going to try to do this in about 10 minutes we'll see how i do here in a second all right so the first chapter of a geometry course is going to be something like this here these
are my chapters by the way so this would be like the foundations to geometry so what do you learn in that well you learn things like hey what is a line what is a point you learn terms like collinear coplanar and you learn like basic notation like um like right here let me just draw something so if we have this right here would be like a line segment and then we have end points like here's a and there's b so we could represent this line segment as the notation a b then we learn how to
write angles so if we have like a uh b c this would be like angle uh b a c okay the a here is in the center so this goes b a c or c a b so this would be angle bac so if in foundations to geometry just learn some basic uh definitions about what points are what a plane is how to represent angles and some other basic type stuff so it's not too difficult just a lot of kind of introductory level type of information all right let's move on to chapter two now one
of the big things in high school geometry is doing proofs and typically students look like this when they do proofs they just don't like proofs they're just like yo no anything but proofs that's so scary listen uh if you um have taken geometry or taking it you can understand what i'm talking about but a proof is you have to prove something and this is a pretty big deal okay so reason and proof this has to do with things like logic and it's real um in high school level geometry you deal with things called postulates okay
and theorems you're going to learn the difference but you're also going to learn about logic and specifically deductive logic okay and how to construct a geometric proof all right this is very very important and uh again most students are a little bit um thrown off by this because they never really kind of studied logic before in any kind of formal sense but this is very very important stuff so in geometry in a high school level geometry course uh some of the questions not all the questions um obviously but you're going to see proof questions which
are going to be like prove uh something okay this situation you're gonna have to construct a proof and a lot of students find this very difficult so anyways you're gonna encounter this but again really you're gonna be learning about logic okay which is very interesting by the way as well so i think a lot of you actually might enjoy that all right let's move on to chapter three by the way we're uh we're looking at 11 chapters in my course so uh chapter three is going to be in my course it's uh perpendicular and uh
parallel lines okay so what are parallel lines well parallel lines are lines that never cross one another so here is l and here is m we can say l is parallel to m and what are perpendicular lines well we have line l here and then we have another line right there m and these two lines are perpendicular so there's a heavy emphasis on parallel lines and all the angles that are created when you have two parallel lines and something called a transversal that chops through them okay so when you have a transversal which is another
line that chops through two parallel lines all kinds of angles are created you got these things called vertical angles you got all uh alternate interior angles same side material corresponding angles so you're really going to study this pretty heavy duty and by the way i must say that um a lot of the problems that you're going to be uh doing with uh this subject excuse me uh parallel lines or perpendicular lines is going to require you to know some algebra okay so you're going to need to have your algebra skills ready to go but this
is a full chapter for any geometry course so you're going to learn all the different um special angles formed when you have a transversal that chops through two or more parallel lines and then you're going to study more properties and theorems about parallel lines as well very very important chapter indeed okay let's take a look at chapter four again each geometry course every geometry course out there is going to have i'm trying to scoot this down that's not working let me see if i could just move this down this way that'll work okay so um
congruent let's talk about congruent triangles let me give myself some room all right so what does this word right here mean well you need to know this congruent is this little symbol right there okay so you have equals this is congruent and then this little squiggly line is similar we'll talk about that in a second so we're talking about congruency and we're talking specifically about triangles but congruent triangles mean the exact same size and shape okay so if i have a triangle right here okay and let's call this a b c and i have the
exact same size and shape let's call this d e f so i can write this this way triangle a c b and triangle d e f i could say these two triangles are congruent if they have the same uh angles and same uh uh sat the sides are this uh are the same same length and the angles are the same in other words they're exact copies of one another that's what you have to um understand about congruency it's basically an exact copy of a figure okay now of course in this particular chapter you're going to
be talking about congruent triangles and you're going to be learning all kinds of postulates and theorems things like uh sss side side sides so if you have two triangles and each of the sides are the same lengths you uh have congruent triangles okay so you're going to be learning some uh various theorems and postulates that uh in order for you to be able to prove and this is where that idea of proof is going to come in uh that you uh you can prove that you have two triangles are congruent okay so congruency is a
big deal in geometry all right let's move down to our next chapter and notice we are talking about um no i can't really scroll down here it's not working for me too well but i'm just gonna move things down this way okay so we're gonna be um talking about uh properties of triangles okay so what are we talking about there well you're gonna be really looking at triangles in depth you're gonna talk about angle bisector theorem so if i have an angle right here and a triangle and i bisect it in other words i cut
this angle in half what happens to this situation over here okay and there's all kinds of theorems and properties one of the unique things too you're going to be learning is about learning about in terms of triangles is a triangle inequality okay triangle inequality and i've done uh different videos on that as well let's take a look at a triangle inequality problem right now let me see if i can make something up so three four five k so this right here three four five would be the length of a right triangle so this is an
actual length of a triangle but one of the things about properties of triangles that you're going to study in depth in a geometry course is notice here is that the sum of any two sides is always greater than the third side of a triangle so for example 5 plus 3 is going to be greater than 4 3 plus 4 is greater than 5 excuse me and let's see what else are we missing here uh 5 plus 4 5 plus 4 is greater than 3. so any two sides when you add up in a triangle hat
must be greater than that third last side remaining just as i showed you right here if it isn't then you then the lengths given cannot form a triangle okay so this is going to be part of the stuff that you're going to be learning and the properties of triangles again angle bisector theorems and triangle inequality very very important stuff again heavy emphasis on triangles okay we we're talking about congruent triangles and we're talking about uh properties of triangles gonna actually be studying triangles even further down the road here in a second i will show you
because we'll talk about right triangles but let's move on to our next chapter and uh hopefully i'm doing okay on time i don't think i'm going to be doing this in 10 minutes especially with the way my uh thing is going here normally i'm able to space this out but let me just fix this real quick i apologize for any difficult technical difficulties but we're not going to let that stop us learn some high school geometry here okay so let's talk about the next thing here quadrilaterals big big word and um quadrilaterals or are four
sided closed figures okay that are constructed with lines things like this so what type of quadrilaterals are we talking about well this is really quadrilaterals are a type of polygon okay so we're talking about a four-sided polygon and you're gonna be studying things like the rectangle all the properties of a rectangle uh trapezoid is another one uh a rhombus okay and a square right so these are uh you're going to be talking about all the different properties with uh respect to uh quadrilaterals and special quadrilaterals as well okay so you're gonna have a lot of
fun in this particular chapter very very important and now let's move on oh boy excuse me right here i'm going a little bit too far let's move on to similarity okay again my thing is not working but i'm not going to stop this video and make this over again i'm just going to keep plowing away all right so let's move on here similarity okay so what is similarity well similarity is that one little squiggly figure right there so let me just kind of show you that so let's say i have a little triangle like this
okay and let's just uh kind of really make sure you understand okay so these two triangles together are exactly the same copy of one another so these two triangles right here this would be an example of congruency that's what congruency or congruency is it's an exact copy of one another however in this particular chapter you're gonna be dealing with similarity and similarity is a different deal similarity is kind of a zoomed in or zoomed out copy of that figure okay so if you are given one figure and you zoom in or if you're given one
little figure and you zoom out okay uh vice versa this is similarity okay so similar figures have the same angle measure okay and their sides their respective sides are in proportion all right so uh you're going to find out in this particular chapter you're going to be set up a lot of ratios and proportions to solve problems okay very very important that you'll understand the difference between similarity and congruency and again uh ratios or proportions things that you learned in algebra okay gonna have to bring all your algebra skills to geometry for sure okay let's
move on to our next thing here oh look it did it for me finally i was able to space out and that is transformations okay so what am i talking about with transformations well transformations are basically let me just show you this real quick uh things that we can do with a figure so let's say i have a figure like this okay and i want to rotate it let's say i wrote it rotated clockwise over here that would be a transformation or maybe i have a box right there and i flip it across the x-axis
it would be right there so transformations are things like rotations okay uh let's see here um uh reflections all right if i could reflect something across the x-axis this point reflected its mirror image would be over here so if this is point a this would be like a prime and so we have uh rotations reflections we have these things called dilations which are uh pretty cool this is kind of when you zoom in and out and then you think you have something called like glide reflections as well okay so where you kind of take something
you move it up and then you shift it over to the right because that's the whole idea behind uh transformations okay so again you're gonna have a whole chapter on that and we got three chapters here i probably went over 10 minutes but uh hopefully you're still with me because you're interested in this stuff okay all right so let's move on and now we have right triangles and basic trigonometry again this is our third uh chapter that has to do with dead dedicated uh two triangles okay so now we're talking about right triangles again that's
where one of the angles is 90 degrees uh represented by this little uh notation right there excuse me boy i have uh technical difficulties and i'm having issues with my voice but guess what that's not going to stop me all right let's move on and talk about right triangles so what are we talking about some of the what are some of the things we're going to be talking about in this chapter we're going to be talking about like the pythagorean theorem a squared plus b squared is equal to c squared definitely going to need to
know how to deal with this for sure uh you're also going to be talking about special right triangles this is very important so you're talking like 30 60 90 and 45 45 90 degree right triangles now uh in this chapter as well you're going to learn basic trigonometry this is your stuff like sine cosine and tangent very very important so you really get an introduction to trigonometry in this chapter as well okay so we're almost done and uh you know maybe i should do these video videos in advance time it but you know i just
don't you know i just kind of go when i do videos i make so many videos i do the best estimation i can but if i'm over 10 minutes please forgive me but let's move on with our last two chapters so chapter 10 in my course is circles okay so what are we talking about with circles well obviously uh we're going to be talking about things that you already know okay so we have a circle so you're going to learn about the area of a circle the circumference of the circle uh basic uh vocabulary about
a circle like here's a diameter there's the center there's the radius uh all that kind of good stuff but you're actually gonna be learning about different parts of a circle very very important as well so we're going to be learning about things called a chord okay what happens if we have two lines that go through a circle what happens to these angles and what happens with these arcs in here so there's a lot of different things you're going to need to know about inscribed angles that would be something like this okay so if i have
an angle inscribed inside of a circle so what's the angle measure here if i'm given this arc right there so you learn a lot of different properties and theorems uh about circles in this particular chapter not this is not that difficult okay again you're going to be doing some algebra work in here but not heavy duty algebra as long as you need to as long as you know how to solve basic algebra equations you're going to be okay but the whole thing here is just a lot of information i don't think it's overly difficult that's
why you have to have super like awesome notes very very organized notes there's way too much information given for you to remember memorize all this stuff okay but again not difficult just a lot of information and finally now let's go ahead and finish with this last chapter in my course and that would be area and volume so what are we talking about well we're talking about uh the area and volume of basic figures so we're things like rectangles uh circles triangles uh trapezoids uh then we can kind of get into like pyramids uh cylinders okay
what we're talking about volume spheres and then uh things that uh when we look at a circle we could be talking about uh the area of like a little pi section here okay so that's a sector of a circle okay and this is an arc and whatnot so you really kind of get heavy duty into all you know we're talking about area surface area volume of all these basic figures and then um also sectors of circles as well and this is it uh you know probably went over 10 minutes um that's the case you know
i'm sorry for not being 100 perfect but uh you know when you take a look at this if you got a pretty good like a basic sense of like okay i think i understand what you're saying well then you kind of have a pretty good feel an overview of what you're going to encounter in high school level geometry okay so uh the bottom line here is this make sure you have done pretty well in algebra before you start looking at any geometry course but um you know hopefully this little video gave you a feel for
what uh you know for what you're going to expect so this is my course again i'm going to leave a direct link to my geometry course in the description of this video but if you're taking another geometry course you know it's going to be pretty similar as well so if this little video helped you out in some way help me out by smashing that like button and if you're new to my youtube channel please consider subscribing i've been on youtube for 10 plus years have over a thousand plus math videos basic math to advanced math
like calculus and everything in between so if you'd like my teaching style please take advantage of my content but my best math help will always be within my math help program okay so with that being said i definitely wish you all the best in your mathematics adventures thank you for your time and have a great day
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