He Woke Up After 1000 Years With Unbelievable Power But Hides It To Be Normal | Anime Recap

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He Is the most powerful after waking up over 1000 years later with new powerful SS-Rank Magic Inside...
Video Transcript:
after almost 1,000 years of being asleep and trapped inside a coffin Ry the most powerful Noble to ever exist finally wakes up and upon waking up he realizes how much the world has changed during his sleep everything is different now in the modern day Japan Humanity has now grown a lot and the Dominion of his people known as The Nobles has basically perished from the world as before these powerful beings known as nobles were in a position of power and once upon a time they were worshiped by humans and even treated like rulers and sometimes
even gods but that was around about 820 years ago and here Ry tries his best to recreate even just a small fraction of what he remembers from his time to remain faithful to his Heritage but while doing so he has to try and be a normal student at high school even though he's actually the most powerful being to ever exists and at the same time he's being followed by a criminal group who despises the power that the Nobles have and the fame they had over Humanity it all begins on a little boat with a group
of men from the union who find a coffin in the middle of nowhere and take it to an abandoned w Warehouse they try for several hours to open the coffin however no matter what they do it didn't open so they all just left it for the night and said they will try again tomorrow however on that same night once the full moon came out Ry the most powerful one of his kind suddenly woke up the next day Ry immediately went searching for his assistant named Frankenstein who was the Headmaster of a school at this time
but when Ry arrived he was met by another student a guy named Shinu who was late for school and was not allowed to enter the gates he greets Ry and then asks himself how he's never seen a student with his looks before but while he's thinking who it is the gates opened and the boy magically disappeared Ry went straight to the principal's office as he could sense where his assistant Frank was in the building and while Ry stands outside about to knock Frankenstein already felt his presence and immediately opened the door and knelt down to
meet him calling Ry his master and welcomes him back to the land of the living after Frankenstein tells Ry it's been 820 years and he's been patiently waiting for his return Ry asks Frank what era they are calling this and Frank tells him it's the 21st century now and due to ry's long sleep he feels like he needs to be educated on the modern era so he asks Frankenstein if he can study here later on Ry goes to class and here the teacher welcomes him and introduces him to the rest of the class Ry then
introduces himself as his full name cat's a trauma dizal after his introduction Shinu shouts out saying this is the boy he saw earlier but he randomly vanished Into Thin Air the teacher tells Shinu that Ry will be sitting next to him since Shinu already knew about him at the start of school but this makes all the girls stare at Shinu out of jealousy meanwhile two of the men from the organization called the union return back to the abandoned warehouse and find that the coffin has been taken these two men are known as M21 and M24
and they were the ones in charge of taking the coffin however upon arriving it's no longer there and they were both angry at the Watchman who was looking after the coffin they thought the man was lying about the coffin's whereabouts however to see if he's telling the truth or not M24 bites the man's neck and this reveals parts of the Watchman 's memories and inside his head he can see a female witness in his memory and used it to track her down and find the woman so they can get the answers they were looking for
after the Watchman who was bit by M24 has transformed into some kind of monster and who now works for the organization after back in school Ry was in the canteen area with Shin Wu with all the girls who are staring at him and here Shin Wu is so surprised that Ry doesn't even know what Ramen noodles are and has never heard of any of these popular Japanese dishes before so Shinu helps him understand it all and also taste the food but inside ry's head he thinks it's poison or maybe a trap but after tasting it
it becomes his favorite dish on their way home from school Ry is walking with Shinu and I can and they hear screams coming from under the highway roads and here we see a student named y getting attacked by the monster who was bitten by M24 the monster had tracked down yauna as she was the witness in the dreams before the coffin was taken so Shinu quickly ran up to the monster like an absolute maniac and drop kicked him in the face like Bruce Lee and knocking the monster into the ground and saving his friend Yuna
at this moment the others see the Monster get back up and get scared and they all quickly run away however Ry didn't even care about the monster and stood perfectly still his eyes began to light up red and he could sense something around the corner and it was M21 and M24 who were hiding after they both realize that there's something different about Ry as he doesn't seem like an ordinary guy and they have no idea that he was the one who came out of the coffin that they're searching for after running away they find a
safe spot in the park and after M21 and M 24 are seen in the alleyway with the monster they created and they decide that following yaa is still the best plan of action as she's the only one who saw what happened and what came out if the coffin that night while they talk we learn that these two are working with others in an organization called the union and this organization does a lot of shady things like experiments on humans in order to try and create people with powers just like M21 and M24 and as a
result M24 is now some kind of vampire with super strength and M21 is a werewolf demon here we meet two other people from the sketchy organization group named Jake and Mary who are M21 and M24 superiors and they tell them that they must find the coffin as soon as possible otherwise they will be eliminated as they are only subordinates created by the organization and they are treated like worthless scumbags we see in a flashback at the organization headquarters where M21 and M24 were created and they received orders to retrieve the coffin as Jake knew that
the powerful Noble was inside it but after learning about the power with inside the coffin M21 and M24 were going to take the power from the coffin and use it against the organization for revenge on what they did to them and the others in the lab where they treated them like disgusting little Lab Rats after a few days of searching for the coffin M21 and M24 saw Ry and his classmates again and while looking down from the highest building in the city M21 is shocked when Ry stares at them all the way from the ground
and they lock eyes right then their other colleagues Jake and Mary arrive at the top of the building and Jake devises a plan to eliminate Shinu and his classmates as they are the only WI witnesses to what happens in the organization and no one can know these monsters and experiments exist other than members inside the organization while on their way home Shinu and his friends get approached by the organization and here Jake appears and they are also attacked by M21 Jake is impressed by m2's fighting skills but M21 tells Jake that one of their classmates
is still missing and he's the one they need to capture the most however Ry was sitting with his assistant Frank and while they were talking Frank receives a call and it was from shinu's number but it was a message sent by Jake as he's got their students captured at the warehouse on the other hand the monster was just about to eat his classmates however Shinu got up just in time to save them and they make a run for it meanwhile Ryan Frankenstein head out to search for Shinu and the others and although the message wasn't
clear Frankenstein knew something was wrong and must find them before something happens to his students while Ryan Frank fly to the destination we see Shinu Ian and Yuna running into the elevator and Jake starts getting angry and kills the monster that was created by M24 as he was useless and starts to take matters into his own hands when Jake gets to the elevator he grabs Shinu and they start fighting however due to Jake being a highly modified human with strengths in all areas Shinu didn't stand a chance as he's just an ordinary student but he
still tried his best to defeat Jake on his own on the other hand M24 is standing in the background as Shinu begs Jake to not harm his friends and Shinu tells Jake he won't let him do it and this was heard by M24 who remembers what Jake did to him and his friends in the organization headquarters so M2 four could not stand by and watch Jake do this again and so he steps up to Jake and punches him with the most impressive blow to the jaw and at this moment M24 officially went rogue M21 immediately
found out about this as they were on the same signal using an earpiece and after hearing what M24 just did Mary suddenly attacked M21 and they get into a huge fight at this time Jake gets back up and instantly attacks M24 but while M24 is weaker than Jake he still manages to get a hold of Jake and blows himself up meanwhile M2 21 is still fighting Mary and is pretty useless against her and she performs several insane moves and overpowers M21 while calling him a dumb little and also insults his friend M24 at the same
time calling them both failed experiments and ugly worthless orphans while roasting M21 she was just about to finish him off however this is when Frankenstein suddenly appears and grabs hold of Mary just in time and Ry also follows right behind him after M21 saw Ry again he felt a strange feeling once again and knew something was different about him after Frankenstein asks Marie where the students are but Marie tells them that they can't save them as Jake has captured them and they are already too late but just at that moment M21 thinks that Ry might
be able to save M24 if he gets there in time so he tells Ry the location and after he warns Frank and Ry to get out of here as he wants to face Marie again but Ry doesn't allow M21 to fight as he knows M21 will lose and instead he orders Frank to take care of Mary and he wants M21 to guide him to the location of Shinu and the others a few minutes after the explosion Jake got up but M24 is nowhere to be seen right then Jake confronts Shinu again and calls him a
weak disgusting mortal human and tells Shinu he loves killing lowlife trash like him but just as Jake was about to end them off Ry arrives and Jake remembers about the last student who was not there when they met Shinu then all of a sudden M21 screams and attacks Jake with all his might but once again Jake is much stronger so M21 just gets beat by the opponent right then the scene changes to Marie and Frankenstein and here we see Marie who witnesses how strong Frank is and for the first time in years she is forced
to transform into her true form due to the strength of Frank and his Noble Powers which shock the enemy after seeing Mary's true form this gives Frankenstein doubts of being Victorious however just then Ry gives Frankenstein permission to break his seal for the first time and this unlocks his full potential as a noble and we see him gain an immense amount of power and Marie instantly gets scared of him and couldn't believe what was happening after this Frankenstein roasts Marie saying that the whole organization started with the Nobles as they are just trying to copy
what the Nobles did wanting to become Gods like them but Frank said they are just pathetic regular humans with lab rat powers and could never truly rule over the humans as they just have evil intentions and then he suddenly attacks her with a super energy blast which erupts the whole building and shatters the glass all around it and Marie couldn't do anything about it meanwhile Jake defeats M21 as M21 is too weak to fight on and this leaves only Ry as the last one there Jake approaches Ry and thinks that Ry is terrified of him
since Ry doesn't even look into Jake's eyes and Jake Laughs at how scared he is Jake keeps laughing and mocks Rye calling him many names and tells Ry to kneel however Ry doesn't say a word and then uses his op abilities and can make Jake kneel before him like his little bit and Ry didn't even have to lay a finger on him after seeing this kind of power M21 is shocked and realizes that he must be the one that the organization we talking about the whole time and who must be the hidden power in the
coffin known as nobless after making Jake look like a little in front of everyone he tries getting up again but every time he tries Ry just smashes his head onto the floor with his mind control after Shinu tries to call out to Rye warning him to watch out but Ry doesn't want them to know who he really is and what he's capable of so he puts them to sleep with the mind control and just then Jake finally transforms into his lab rat experimentation form and we get to see the Monster hidden inside him for the
first time and Jake turns into a massive demonic Beast monster with insane amount of strength and a being which was made to take care of major problems like R however even after this transformation Jake still can't even touch Ry and Ry makes him kneel again even when Jake is in his demonic monster form Jake then tries one last time and gathers all his strength to generate a massive swing at Ry but Ry simply blocks it a few inches away from his face and Jake still hasn't made any physical contact towards Ry no matter how powerful
he gets after seeing Jake's attempts to kill Rye Ry now takes matters into his own hands and tells Jake that he will pay for all his sins with his own blood and just then Ry destroys Jake and blasts him into a billion pieces and the whole building Pours Down down red and he gets completely erased from the universe like he was nothing at all meanwhile in the middle of nowhere an army of armed men were attacked by a group of assailants called the da5 who belong to a group known as the union or otherwise known
as the organization the da5 asants TA Tao shark hammer and their leader cray were easily able to wipe out all of the Armed Forces using their abnormal strength and were successful in capturing a senior scientist as the task was successfully completed the da5 decided to head to Japan for their next task from the union meanwhile somewhere in Japan two high schoolers Shinu also known as tashiro and his best friend iin or man Abu returned back to high school they are greeted with a flock of girls surrounding the newly appointed security guard of the school who
is M21 from far away our main protagonist Ry is reassured by his servant Frankenstein also known as Frank about teso's memory being overwritten since tashiro previously knew that M21 was a superhuman the night before M21 got a job as a security guard because he used to be part of the Union but they were after him and his friend M24 because they had special powers and the union considered them failed experiments so M21 had to keep a low profile now in the current time Frank who is also the school chairman lets his master Ry pretend to
be a high school student even though he is the noblest Ry wants to catch up on the technology that has advanced in the last 820 years when Ry enters the classroom he quickly becomes friends with toshiro and doodles a cat face on his bandage during lunch Ry is Amazed by smartphones seeing students take pictures and talk from a distance at recess Ry talks to Frank in M21 expressing his desire to have a phone like everyone else the next day tashiro and manabu are surprised to see Ry with the newest and best smartphone during lunch a
big guy in a fancy car shows up and starts picking fights with students in the sports area looking for tashiro when they hear the noise tashiro Ry manabu and other students rush over M21 watching from a distance hesitates to get involved because he needs to keep low profile after a while an older janitor tries to step in but the big guy gets angry and prepares to throw a punch tashiro jumps and to protect the janitor using his bandage to block the punch the big guy recognizes tashiro and says he's been looking for him claiming tashiro
made a move on his girlfriend tashiro kept trying to explain that his girlfriend misunderstood but the big guy was determined to beat him up with no other option tashiro had to fight back and the big guy landed a few punches before tashiro managed to land an uppercut just as things were escalating Ry had to step in and make M21 intervene M21 quickly appeared before the big guy and easily subdued him frightened the big guy told his friends to back off hurriedly reversing his sports car to get away later that day Frank apologized to M21 for
unintentionally putting him in the spotlight when his goal was to lay low meanwhile in Japan the da5 the group of attackers from earlier stood on a skyscraper scanning the surroundings before putting their plans into action the next day as M21 is about to close the the school Gates two white-haired students approach him they instruct M21 to lead them to Frank the Headmaster realizing that they are nobles Frank tries to act as a normal human and enrolls them into the high school however he tips off Ry about the new students who are namely Regis and Sarah
as they entered their new classroom Regis pissed his pants when he sensed a demonizing aura from Ry and so he decided to linger with him a little longer at the cafeteria reg just finds Ry intriguing tashiro notices manabu crushing over Sarah and shares his plan with Ry get them together meanwhile Frank and M21 drive back towards home on the way M21 inquires with Frank about the Nobles who were powerful beings and were sought after by the union unlike the union that used scientific methods to draw out power in humans the Nobles had innate strength Frank
adds that many centuries ago the Nobles appeared in Humanity's dire time of need and the Nobles devoted themselves to protect the human race as they were comparatively stronger and possessed unique powers for this very reason Frank speculates that Regis avoided fighting him because reg just assumed that he was an ordinary human M21 scoffs at the ideology of the Nobles but Frank assures him that some Nobles have a different line of thinking they believe that as Society has progressed the humans no longer need a superior race looking after them M21 inquires if Ry and Frank were
nobless and Frank Ambiguously informs him that he was correct yet incorrect at the same time reaching home Frank is unamused to find Regis Sarah and Ry along with his friends clowning around his house unable to hide his emotions he escapes to the kitchen to wash the dishes seeing that M21 was living with Frank toshiro suggests Frank to also let Regis and Sarah stay at his house Frank hesitantly accepts as his master Ry allows the two of them to stay returning to the kitchen Frank apologizes to M21 for bringing in more company when he wanted to
stay low M21 humbly thanks Frank for all he had done and lends a hand in washing the dishes Sarah enters the room to offer her help but Frank assures her that he had it under control as she was leaving Sarah noticed the number 21 tattooed on M m2's hand the next day she informs Regis of the tattoo and speculates that M21 was an experimental subject of the Union as the union numbered their subjects believing that The Disappearance of the nobles's casket was linked to m2's sudden appearance Regis decides to Trail M21 confronting M21 Regis inquires
him of his knowledge about the events surrounding The Disappearance of the casket M21 tries to lie about his involvement but Regis does not buy his lies and urges M21 to reveal the perpetrators behind the caskets disappearance believing that Regis was unaware that the noblis was already out M21 tries to reveal insufficient information Fed Up Regis decides to use mind control but M21 evades it and weaponizes His Hands into claws as they are fighting Regis is informed by Sarah about her troubled situation a few moments prior tashiro manabu Ry and Sarah were heading back home tashiro
tried to get manabu close to Sarah but was suddenly met with a group of strange men they asked toshiro to oblige with their orders as they held a knife against Ry hearing this Regis and M21 head towards toshiro and find him fighting against a mob Regis tries to intervene but M21 stops him informing him that Sarah was safe moreover he tells Regis that humans are not as weak as they used to be as the mob leader pulls out a gun M21 safeguards toshiro the mob having lost the fight leave toshiro and his friends alone as
they head back home at night M21 informs Regis that humans do not need the leadership of the Nobles and that humans are now more independent than they were centuries ago Al they continue to have a little friction Regis and M21 make up for the fight before as they reach home Regis informs M21 that he would keep an eye on him for the time being moreover still believing that Frank was an ordinary human Regis uses mind control to make Frank quote unquote forget the discussion he had with M21 to make Regis believe it had worked Frank
acts like he was being mind controlled furthermore Regis also uses his powers on Ry but is unsure if his power even works on Ry due to ry's expressionless personality somewhere else the da from the union are investigating the casket disappearance and according to to of the da5 the event surrounding The Disappearance was ironically covered up as a psycho Rampage by the police despite it being evidently caused by superhuman people moreover since Jack and Marie the superior superhuman models were sent to investigate the casket before them they assumed Jack and Marie were still looking for the
missing casket since they hadn't reported back about an infecte M21 and M24 had created moreover after finding nothing about m21s and m24s current status they assume they both are alive and they begin to search for them meanwhile back at the high school manabu scolds tashiro for getting into fights oftenly and he starts to cling to Regis making tashiro believe that he had something for men instead of women at manu's home manabu being a computer geek is tasked by his uncle who is in the police to carry out Security checks on the police department server during
the security check manabu encounters to of the da5 who was trying to hack into the police department server they both gradually started to gain respect for for each other since they hadn't found anyone as nerdy as they were and they continued to outdo each other by sending attacks over the server back and forth during the intense battle brainless tashiro spoils the fun as he accidentally trips on the laptop battery cord causing manu's laptop to shut down manabu scolds tashiro for not using his brain and leaves the room to report the server attack to his uncle
with manabu out of the room tashiro takes control of manu's laptop and begins to read man abu's chats ta impressed with man abu's skills begins to chat with manabu not knowing that now tashiro was behind the laptop tashiro begins to feel suspicious as ta reveals he is a 24-year-old man making tashiro believe even more that manabu was into guys and even old ones on that as tashiro was busy chatting manabu creeps up on tashiro with a god-like coldness in his eyes which makes tashiro gulp in fear as he begs for Mercy meanwhile ta after feeling
that manabu is being unresponsive reports to cran the leader of the da5 about m2's whereabouts as ta was able to spot him through hacking the city cameras after hearing the report cran orders hammer and shark to apprehend M21 using any techniques they could in order to apprehend him alive meanwhile at Frank's house M21 and Regis continued to argue with each other and finally after a while as M21 was about to open up about his past to Regis M21 is interrupted by Frank who finally loses his cool as he orders Regis and M21 to clean up
all the rappers they had thrown onto the floor Regis being the annoying brat he is orders Frank to make Ry also participate in cleaning the floor Frank has to ask his master to clean begins to divert the conversation onto Sarah but Regis again brings the topic back onto Ry annoyed with regis's squealing Ry with zero expression stands up and begins to help Regis clean up the mess the next day Frank gives a fake bank account to M21 that couldn't be traced by the union and deposits his first salary on the bank account the following day
on his way to someplace M21 encounters shark and Hammer who immediately start off on bad terms shortly after a battle ensues which ends up totally one-sided is shark is easily able to out skill M21 after a while the fight is interrupted with Regis and Sarah stumbling upon M21 totally injured provoked by Regis badmouthing him shark unleashes a strong attack towards Regis which is blocked by M21 who stands in front of Regis and absorbs the attack shortly after cran jumps in and scolds shark for going overboard on M21 even though he had instructed him to bring
him alive to protect Regis and Sarah and to also find out about his previous comrades M21 agrees to come along with the da5 as he acted to be a part of the Union since the da5 still believed him to be a Union agent Regis also buys into m2's Act of a Union agent and feels Furious as he feels betrayed by him meanwhile manabu once again gets to Security check police servers and this time returns prepared to counter ta's breach on the police server as expected ta once again appears and he sends a barrage of viruses
to ta's device taking him by surprise Tao impressed by manu's attack traces manu's data and finds his whereabouts and decides to pay him a visit sometime soon to befriend him back to Regis reaching Frank's Mansion Regis and Sarah informed Frank of m2's betrayal making Frank worried that M21 would leak rise information to the union after joining them somewhere secluded the da5 members detain and torture M21 in an attempt to pry out information about his mission regarding the retrieval of the casket and also about Jake and Marie since M21 wasn't budging the da5 decide to leave
him for the time being and give him some time to think before leaving Tako sympath IES with m2's condition and offers him water which surprises M21 and the other da5 members after drinking the water M21 using the da 5's false knowledge of him still being a Union agent agrees to cooperate and he only promises to reveal information on the condition that the da5 members reveal to him about the data on his fellow failed experiments like himself after accepting his deal M21 takes further advantage of being the only lead to their case and Bargains for food
cray asks Hammer to share his greasy knockoff Ma McDonald's brast but M21 demands them for a bowl of ramen instead taking a break ta commends tako's Humane ways of doing things in his group as he was the only one who sympathized with M21 but Tako informs His Kind nature being a result of his memories with his sister at school manabu wonders about m2's sudden disappearance and asks Regis about M21 seeing that Regis was mad for some reason manabu plans to have a party at Frank's Mansion shortly after manabu receives a text from tal asking for
a physical meeting me up tomorrow so the next day he leaves tashiro alone with Sarah to buy party items the next day as tashiro is carrying the party items he notices Tako getting beaten up in an Alleyway and springs into action to beat up the bullies somewhere else manabu meets up with Tao and is initially on guard as Tao was an outlaw hacker who had hacked the police department but soon they geek out over their shared interest in hacking manabu finds that he and to are a lot alike as they are surrounded by people that
do not understand their similar hobby as a sign of respect manabu called calls taao his older brother which makes TAA happy after rescuing him from the alleyway Tako thanks to Shiro for helping him and mistakes Sarah and him for a couple rushing to reach the mansion in time for the party tashiro and Sarah part ways with Tako who was reminded of his younger sister who was also their age later to understand what it means to be an older brother taao offers Tako a hand in searching for his sister who was detained by the union after
the long break sharkk threatens to kill M21 if he remains silent during the interrogation once again but Tako reminds shark that M21 was their only source of info chastising his forgiving nature shark reveals that he had killed all of the women and children that Tako had spared in the previous missions hearing this Tako is enraged and points his gun at shark but Tao stops him shark asks him to discard his pity as the organization had a rule to kill any possible leakers later that day at the high school Regis notices shark who was watching him
from afar shark realizing that Regis had previously seen him decides to use him as a pawn to Pride out information from M21 later Regis meets up with shark and hammer and a babble ensues Regis easily proceeds to outclass shark so hammer throws out bombs to protect shark he then tosses shark a pill called D which turns shark more stronger than before able to keep up with him now Reis decides to use his powers at full potential and impales shark before landing a finishing blow on shark Regis stops his hammer threatens to kill manabu and tashiro
if he does not oblige with their orders back at the base shark meets up with the other da5 members in M21 and reveals his new captives at Frank's Mansion Sarah takes her leave in a hurry after she sensed her mental connection with Regis was destroyed meaning that Regis was either unconscious or dead believing that manabu and tashiro were also in danger Ryan Frank follow after Sarah unconscious Regis finally awakens to find himself in strong handcuffs and surrounded by da5 members believing that Regis knew about the casket shark tries to pry his relation with M21 to
save Regis M21 lies about regis's relation with him tashiro and manabu also awaken and realize that they had met some of the members previously tashiro is surprised to see Tako whereas ta is ridiculed by shark after manabu calls taao his older brother however neither of them expected to find their school guard M21 among the members M21 ignores manabu cries for an explanation so shark tests m2's conviction by threatening to beat up tashiro to death before anything could go down Tao intervenes and Tao suggests that they let the new captives go after they use a memory
eras ing drug however cran supports shark's decision to kill them as any potential risks were not acceptable as shark advances to impale manabu tashiro tries to slow shark down seeing that m2's Humanity was far gone Reis takes matters in his own hands and protects manabu shark then strikes Regis to the ground and then lifts him up to land a barrage of punches on his face to protect Regis tashiro rushes to punch shark meanwhile returning with the whole KFC menu Hammer finds Sarah on his way back to the interrogation room hammer Hammer throws bombs at her
but Sarah cuts his body he then throws another set of bombs but Sarah makes quick work of him receiving the punch shark lets go of Regis so he could deal with tashiro Tako protests against shark's actions but cran sends Tako away to investigate the bombings in the above floors of the building M21 tries to set tashiro and the other students free by agreeing to reveal information but cran refuses to leave Witnesses behind shark then lifts tashiro by the neck so he could choke him to death as M21 begins to question his decisions M21 was very
close to fulfilling his promise with M24 by finding other failed experiments but now he was in a dilemma manabu rushes to help but is hurled Away by shark realizing that he was discarding his morality M21 makes the decision to help tashiro by clawing away at shark's arm at the roof of the building Ry and Frank land only to find Tako in front of them Frank suggests Ry to help his friends while he deals with Tako Frank charges at Tako who blocks the attack using a black box Tako then begins shooting shooting Frank using a huge
rifle Frank Dodges the shots and gets close range only to realize that Tako also had a pistol at his disposal Frank saves himself in time so Tako decides to use the dill to speed things up on another floor Sarah once again finds Hammer who had survived the previous attack and was now under the influence of the dill meanwhile M21 continues charging against shark who then pushes him away to protect the students M21 comes in front of shark's attack making him fall to the ground real realizing that M21 was now on his side Regis breaks his
handcuffs and throws shark away shark then uses the dill to power up but Regis is still able to Corner him before reges could behead him cran saves shark and uses the Deep Hill himself mistaken that cran was trying to help him shark is shocked to find himself impaled by cran who Reveals His motive of absorbing the other members using the pill after reducing shark to Skin and Bones cran throws shark away and easily counters all advances from Regis he then punches Regis but decides to to spare him as Regis had information on the casket seeing
regis's State M21 tries to help but bleeds due to the cut from earlier with less to no hope M21 finds Ry nearby making his way inside the room with his Target cray in sight Ry is pissed off and gets offended after cran speaks without permission in his presence he forces cran to the ground using mind control meanwhile Tako places his pistol Point Blank at Frank Tako tries to finish Frank quickly as he needs to deal with Ryan next hearing this Frank unleashes his sealed powers to protect his master at the same time Sarah summons her
sole weapon which was known as the de Scythe she decapitates hammer and heads out only to see a flashy battle taking place on the roof at the roof Tako tries to evade Frank's spikes but is eventually caught as takio Was preparing to accept his sealed fate a glimmer of his sister's face forced him to struggle for survival Tako then leaps and fires a shot at Frank which nearly hits Frank's face Tako rushes behind Frank but Frank is able to immobilize him t falls to the ground and Frank advances to finish him off however Sarah reaches
the rooftop and realizes that Frank was no ordinary human and was only acting as one likewise Frank realizes that Sarah is a noble clan leader due to her possessing a so weapon recognizing Sarah from before Tako asks Sarah to protect tashiro as he had saved him in the alleyway previously Frank spares Tako instructing him to apologize to tashiro after they clear up the interrogation room back in the interrogation room cran resists the mind control opposed by Ry and tries to slash him Ry stops his attack single-handedly and blasts him away to the wall cran sends
many slashes towards Ry who deflects it using his barrier desperate cran orders ta to consume the Deep Hill so ta obliges and heads towards cran against man abu's protests cran lifts him by the neck and demands him to hurry but is taken off guard as ta leaps away from his grip and shocks him with a taser angered by his betrayal cran charges to finish off ta however Ry paralyzes cran with his power allowing ta to to escape hearing manu's please Ry heads towards manabu reminding him that he would protect them regardless because they are friends
Ry then breaks into a Hitler salute allowing him to manipulate blood Reis recognizes this ability to be blood filled which makes him astounded by ry's sheer power Ry finds it fitting to eradicate cran by his own blood spilled from the battle unable to keep up cran is erased from existence concluding the fight once and for all the next day at Frank's Mansion Tako awakens from his unconsciousness only to find him 21 in bandages next to him in another room Frank notices Ry coughing blood due to the exertion from the previous battle before he could help
Ry Ry tells him to not worry about him and he should really be ashamed of being selfish and breaking his seal without permission reminded of breaking his seal Frank apologizes to Ry as he had sealed Frank's Powers previously and he was not to use his sealed powers without ry's consent Frank prepared to take on any punishments from Rye was surprised as Rye dropped all punishments as he trusted that Frank was was wise in his decisions and would not disobey Ry unreasonably hungry Ryan Frank head to the dinner table where TAA is impressed by Sarah's cooking
skills but is even more amazed by Frank's signature Ramen dish at the mansion's balcony M21 regrets failing to get in on his fellow failed experiments and starts blaming his failure on his weakness however Ry informs M21 that he had more potential and proceeds to show him his powerful True Form overwhelmed by his own powers M21 vows to get stronger in another room tap and Tako decide to hide from the union by hacking its server and listing themselves as dead worried about his sister Tako gets the shock of his life after ta informs him that his
sister did not exist and his memories with her fabricated by the union feeling like a burden to Frank ta decides to leave with takio the next day as they are leaving Tao also informs M21 that he attempted to extract info about other failed experiments but all records were already destroyed M21 feeling that the union will continue to track them down begs Frank to lend them a place in the Mansion upon rise's agreement Frank lets Tako and taao also stay at the Mansion making it more of a shelter than a mansion now the next day tashiro
and manabu decide to continue their high school after a long break and find themselves with an even bigger flock of perverted girls since the handsome Trio of two newly assigned guards consisting of taao and Tao along with M21 had all the girls drooling moreover all of the girls go crazy when the Riz Lord himself Ry makes his entry which causes tashiro to get depressed since he had zero luck with getting a wife Foo during lunch break since tashiro was gloomy about his unfair life without girls manabu asks Ry for help since he was the charm
of the high school Ry only stutters a word which causes all the girls around him to go faint which backfires since tashiro gets even more annoyed and desperate to help toshiro's dire situation manabu asks which girl he had a crush on and it unfortunately turns out to be Sarah the only girl which was as beautiful and as emotionless as Ry with a code red-like situation in hand manabu gathers Tako ta M21 and R is somewhere secluded to get help with teso's love life manabu begs them to help tashiro since they all had huge success with
girls and he reveals that tashiro was going straight for the big fish Sarah knowing that getting tashiro with Sarah was straight up Mission Impossible ta takio and M21 try to excuse themselves out of the spot but they are forced to help since Ry asks them to help him out after a lot of tries tashiro is unable to synergize with Tao Tao and M21 and helplessly decides to visit Frank at the Headmaster room tashiro asks Frank if he ever had problems with girls and to toshiro's surprise Frank replies with yes as Frank begins to tell his
story tashiro quickly realizes that Frank did have trouble with girls but it was trouble involving getting rid of girls chasing him around every time since he was handsome AF with a few people to get help from tashiro decides to meet up with Regis since he was the only one who used to hang around Sarah all the time since Regis and Sarah were on formal terms Regis isn't able to help tashiro which follows up with M21 calling in Regis useless since he wasn't helpful Regis and M21 quickly get into an argument like always and as a
result Regis decides to not help tashiro before Regis was about to leave Ry appears behind Regis and orders him to help tashiro after a while at the library Regis ta takio and M21 help tashiro write a love letter but it is all in vain since tashiro is unable to write a letter without being too formal or too weird tashiro annoyed discards the paper he was writing on and throws it away which coincidentally lands near ry's shoe in an attempt to impress Sarah tashiro formulates a plan to impress Sarah by showing off his basketball skills to
her to help tashiro look cool TAA Tao M21 and Regis agree to play like noobs and let tashiro take the crown as the basketball match begins Ry coincidentally gets control of the ball and since Ry had a powerful Aura emanating from him nobody dared to get close since Ry alien to basketball rules started to travel with ball in hand he is forced to give away the possession of the ball because of the traveling rule the game is started when once again and the ball once again coincidentally directs towards Ry who this time gracefully Dodges the
ball and lets it get in the possession of the opposing team Regis now with the ball in hand gets selfish as he Strays away from the plan and gets into a rivalry with M21 M21 and Regis start to play against each other as they try to outdo each other by getting more Hoops than the other after a while the ball directs towards Ry and he gets possession of the ball once again to help tashiro Ry passes the ball to tashiro at full speed and he makes the ball go through M20 one's block so that tashiro
could gain control of the ball with the only chance in proving himself cool to girl's present at the court tashiro jumps up to slam dunk the ball but his one and only chance is ruined by Tako who also forgets his motive and proceeds to snatch the ball and score a hoop himself causing the girls to fall for him instead hopeless tashiro and manabu sit outside at a bench where tashiro decides to stop chasing after Sarah as he felt that Sarah had no feelings for him shortly after Sarah and Regis approach them from behind where Sarah
reveals the love letter tashiro had discarded before tashiro feeling all embarrassed asks if she had read through the Love Letter Sarah after confirming that she had read through the letter tells toshiro to be himself since he is much Charming when he is truer to himself and others since they were headed to Frank's house Sarah hands over toshiro's bag to him in Smiles for the very first time as they all together headed towards Frank's Mansion after reaching the mansion manabu and tashiro find everyone sitting down formally as they all were waiting for the two of them
to arrive upon arriving Frank reveals that r was going to rewrite their memories of them since they knew who Nobles and superhumans were manabu and tashiro break down as they protest but they finally agree after Frank reveals that rewriting their memories was necessary for their own safety since the secret of Nobles and superhumans was to remain secret Ry reassuring that manabu and tshira wouldn't lose their feelings and relation with them rewrites their Memories by making them forget about them being Nobles and superhumans the next day Jal kigger the noble clan leader of the Lander Clan
pays a visit to the academy all the Nobles in the academy sense jal's presence and Regis and Cabo while greeting him as Regis belonged to the landegger clan judal questions regis's duties as he was apparently wasting his time mingling with modified humans before Regis could answer their conversation is cut short as Frank having history with Jal greets him at the gate and invites him to his Mansion meanwhile in the country of nobles called luconia the current Lord of The Nobles rasra holds a meeting to inform other Noble Clan leaders about jal's departure to Japan some
Nobles point out that Regis and Sarah who were tasked with the caskets retrieval have been silent for a while this leads them to believe that they are intentionally silent as they are possibly colluding with the nobless Ry who many believed was a traitor since he supposedly betrayed the previous Lord who was also the current Lord rasa's father after the meeting caras believes that the speculations about Regis and Sarah are overly presumptuous whereas Rak is still open to the possibility of betrayal rail R's younger brother overhears Sarah's name in the conversation and pipes in Ro being
the current leader of the kersa clan reminds his brother of his low status and proceeds to ignore him meanwhile at Frank's Mansion Jal meets Ry and reveals that since Eternal sleep was synonymous with death many believed Ry to be a traitor for leading the previous Lord to his death even though he was on an eternal sleep since many other Noble Clan leaders also entered Eternal sleep with the previous Lord the gap between the previous Nobles and the current nobles was huge since the gaps were filled in desperately which left luconia the country of no quite
vulnerable to regain its lost strength Jal invites Ry to return to luconia as he promised to prove his innocence if he was willing to follow him to luconia grown close to humans Ry decides to linger around his high school for a bit longer and tells judal to wait for a while meanwhile Regis and Sarah explain everything about Clan leaders and nobility to M21 Tao and Tako since they were superhumans and knew nothing about the Nobles Sarah reveals that she was the leader of the loyard clan furthermore Regis reveals that Jal was his grandfather Father which
was apparent by the similar patch of black hair in between their white hair meanwhile at Frank's Mansion since Ry was going to stay for a bit longer Jal decides to stay at Frank's mansion and instead of thanking Frank for his Hospitality Jal bluntly tells Frank that he doesn't trust him since Frank was a noble killer 820 years ago and was involved in slaughtering hundreds of nobles reminded of his past Frank gets a flashback of his brutal ways of killing Nobles 820 years ago since humans were looked down upon by Nobles Frank used to kill no
in an attempt to make the Nobles feel the same way humans did thus he gain the title of noble Hunter following the events of 820 years ago to get rid of the arising Noble Hunter the previous Lord had assigned judal and ragger the leader of the kersa clan at the time to apprehend Frank alive after receiving the Lord's command on a quiet night judal and ragger along with the order of the knights consisting of noble agents storm into Frank's residence Frank knowing that his Hideout was compromised started to flee but shortly after he gets cornered
by a cliff with Nowhere to Run Frank Unleashed his powers and knocked the army of men instantly as Frank was done with the agents judal and rager immediately followed up and prevented Frank from escaping Frank in no mood to cooperate immediately starts a fight with ragger after a while ragger tells Jal to stand back as he un sheaths cardas his soul weapon which is a supernatural weapon that can be freely summoned by the noble Clan leaders and the Lord upon seeing ragger unhe his sole weapon Frank summons clouds all over the sky which start to
produce purple electricity the purple electricity strikes Frank's hand and in an instant summons him dark spear his weapon Frank after touching swords with ragger starts to lose control over his body as the dark spear starts to corrupt his soul Jal sensing that the situation had escalated decides to discard his honor as he joins to help ragger 2v oneing against Frank to end the battle Jal also unche his soulle weapon and they all strike at once causing a huge blast to occur as the smoke due to the blast died down Frank had already disappeared with blood
blood Trails revealing where he was headed to Frank bleeding from his stomach entered an abandoned and quiet Mansion believing no one would be present inside after a while Frank is surprised to see a mysterious man in a dark room who kept looking out of the window unbeknownst to him it was Ry who would soon become his master mistaking Ry for another servant Frank believes Ry is a new Butler at the mansion judal and ragger notify Ry of the Lord's request to see Frank Ry officially makes Frank his servant astonishingly Turning Away Noble Clan leaders and
meanwhile Frank continues intense training under ragger supervision but Jal remains adamant about apprehending Frank for tarnishing ry's name Frank obedient to Ry heads to meet the Lord but he senses hatred from Nobles as he makes his way to the throne room the Lord reveals ry's isolation and suggests a blood paact with Frank to increase his lifespan Frank hesitant to serve Nobles is reminded of his half decade with Rye the Lord views Ry is essential for the nobility's protection however Frank mocks the Lord's views suggesting abolishing the system intrigued the Lord leaves Ryan Frank's care after
the meeting Nobles gossip about the Lord's suggestion of a blood paack between Ryan Frank urai grows visibly angry later while carrying out chores Frank invites Jal to spar urai angered by Frank's acceptance by Ry duels him Frank restrains his power but yurai provokes him leading to Frank manifesting a demonic form Ry and the Lord arrive and Ry uses their blood to bring Frank back to his senses Frank bandaged in back at ry's Mansion decides to form a blood contract with Rye both agree to The Pact and Frank vows loyalty in the present judal regrets allowing
the contract he tries to convince Frank to bring Ry back to luconia to prove his innocence but Frank refuses highlighting ry's positive change Jal realizes Ry is content and departs meeting Regis and Sarah returning to luconia judal informs rasra that ry's friends mistook someone else for him doubting his words rasra attempts to read jal's mind leading to his imprisonment rail offers to retrieve Sarah and rasri entrusts him with the task arriving in Japan Rail rushes to Sarah's High School leaping between buildings he uses mind control to clear the sports field alerting Sarah Regis and Ry
to a powerful Noble's presence sensing trouble too Tao an M21 hurry to the rooftop finding rail who insults them as humans ignoring regis's inquiry rail describes his love for Sarah revealing a past proposal rail violently attacks M21 until Regis and Sarah intervene Sarah demands rail leave who reluctantly agreed Whispering a threat to Sarah before departing Regis questions the whisper but M21 collapses from injuries prompting urgency hurrying M21 to Frank he's placed in a regenerating pod Regis explains rail's immense strength as a kersa pure blood Regis discloses rail's motive to take Sarah back to luconia leading
to questions about a past proposal Sarah reveals rail proposed years ago resulting in his confinement for going berserk after rejection Tao and Tako request experiments from Frank for strength at night Sarah Cals a worried Regis on the balcony surprising him with a comforting gesture she advises him to sleep sneaking out alone later to meet rail Frank seeks ry's permission to deal with rail receiving approval as Ry lifts the seal on his powers meanwhile rail eagerly awaits Sarah only to face rejection again enraged he prepares to attack when Frank intervenes a fierce battle ensues revealing rail's
sole weapon grandia surprising Sara the fight intensifies and Frank provokes rail to use his full potential rail reveals the Lord's command forcing Sarah to comply or face treason Regis pleads to accompany Sarah but rail declines citing the Lord's orders taking Sarah to luconia rail laughs revealing jud's dire situation due to his lie helpless Frank and Regis returned to the mansion informing Ry about Sarah and Jal after Ry decides to rescue them Frank and re just prepare to go to luconia Meanwhile at rasa's Palace she anticipates the day she'll confront Ry seeking revenge for her father's
death Sarah accompanied by rail enters the throne room for questioning just then rasa reveals that judal is imprisoned for false reports seeking the truth rasa probes Sarah about meeting a suspected Noble while blending with humans unable to give a clear answer rasra attempts to read Sarah's mind causing Sarah to shriek in pain rail defends Sarah revealing they only encountered modified humans and a strong blonde human so rasra orders Sarah's confinement for hesitating Ry Regis and Frank bored a jet to luconia to Aid Sarah and Jal Frank assures Regis about the modified hum's preparedness and they
crash land the jet in luconia Sea planning to reach rise's Mansion the clan leaders discover Sarah and jal's arrest and learn of the Jet crash Ludy suggests sending Knights to investigate in luconia Ry Regis and Frank enter a Forbidden Forest from where ry's Mansion lies nearby after Crash Landing they sense a mysterious Aura and find the previous Lord's sole weapon Ragnarok Reis guards as Ryan investigates meanwhile disguised Reis faces approaching Knights but he is betrayed when his mask Falls however the modified humans rescue him revealing they followed him secretly Ry admits responsibility for Sarah and
jal's plight Ry clarifies he's accused of the previous Lord's death not being a noble and 21 Questions rise noblest status Frank explains rise unmatched power surprising Regis and modified humans despite rumors they support Ry Ry recalls the previous Lord predicting ry's future companions Ry heads to the sanctuary to meet rasca th inform rasca of regis's betrayal reinforcing her belief in ry's support she considers punishing Jal with eternal sleep but grants him a chance to explain rasri recalls her past jealousy of Ry revealed by Jal in the present she demands jal's Allegiance Jal admits meeting Ry
in Japan rasra spares him but strips his leadership preparing for his eternal sleep rasc tasks ra Jack and Carries to apprehend ry's group blaming Ry for her father's death Sarah learning of jal's Fate breaks out of her cell in retaliation back to Ry Regis along with M21 one make their way through the forest of luconia towards the Lord's Palace since they had to act as bait for Ry and Frank so that they could reach the palace easily as Regis and M21 make their way they get interrupted by rail who lands in front of the two
of them back at the Lord's Palace Sarah makes her way to Jal but she gets interrupted by Rosaria the leader of the Alena Clan who stands in her way Rosaria reminding her that she was committing treason orders her to return back to her cell but Sarah refuses to do so and moments later a battle between them ensues meanwhile after Regis hears that his grandfather gigel was being forced to Eternal sleep he hurries to save judal as M21 assures him that he can take out rail ta and Tako following them from behind also assure Regis that
they were capable of dealing with rail as they had the t2 pill that Frank handed them without a second to waste Regis hurries to save Sarah and Jal whereas rail gets pissed off after he starts to bleed which leads to him losing his mind and making him berserk back at the Lord's Palace Sarah unleashes her sole weapon death SI to which in response roseria summons her sole weapon blood which as they both engage in a fierce battle from afar caras and rack notice Regis sprinting towards the Lord's Palace to stop Regis caras holds ra Jack
back and decides that he will be going into to stop Regis meanwhile back at the battle between Rail and the modified humans in order for tako's bullets to hit rail TAA tells M21 to lure rail closer to them M21 being a master at provocation provokes rail to get closer which rail does and eventually falls into a trap taao and Tako had set up for him as rail stepped closer tako's bullets started to emit high voltage shocks that taao had planted into tako's bullets which electrocuted rail causing him to go even more berserk as rail Broke
Free from the trap rail summoned his sole weapon Gras in an attempt to eliminate the modified humans once and for all witnessing the Grandy's summon from afar Frank starts to worry for the modified humans as he leaves with the permission of his master Ry to protect them from rail meanwhile caras catches up with reges and as they were on good terms advises him to leave luconia for the time being refusing to show cowardice Reis stands his ground and tells caras that he will accompany Jal no matter what seeing regis's conviction caras challenges Regis to get
past him as he tells Regis that if he even grazes him a bit he will Aid him in reaching the Lord's Palace caras thrashes Regis and suggests he reconsider his decisions however Regis Rises each time trying to fight back caras back at the fight between Rail and the modified humans rail now with his soul weapon Gras is able to flip the board as he toys with M21 and is able to deflect Tako and ta's attacks easily after toying with M21 rail prepares to toy with taao and Tako but he is stopped as M21 holds onto
his leg and calls him a fake Noble enrage rail is moments away from ending m2's life but he is interrupted by his brother R jaac who appears and warns rail of Frank who had also appeared to protect the modified humans Frank lets them know that ragger the previous leader of kersa was on equal footing with him realizing this rack decides to take him seriously and summons his sole weapon likewise Frank summons his dark Spear and clashes against rack meanwhile at her father's coffin rasra offers her respects and Bows to fight off Ry relentlessly as her
father had made the mistake of trusting him she orders ludis to bring Jal to her and calls raria to her through telepathy back at the battlefield Frank defends himself as Ro pushes on with his speed R then forms many duplicates and advances towards Frank uses his spear to cut all of the duplicates down seeing the modified humans cheering for Frank rail throws a slash towards them Frank stops rail slash only to be taken off guard by rack as a man of Honor rack also wounds himself to keep the battle between him and Frank Fair meanwhile
reges falls down from bleeding but caras holds him reminding him to keep his word Rees lands a light punch on K's body who is proud of his conviction back at her Palace rasa sentences Sarah to Eternal sleep as she had protected Jal Jal once again pleads Ry and Sarah's innocence but rasra does not hear him out Jal reminds rasa that sentencing Ry would be impossible as Frank the only powerful human to be acknowledged by the previous Lord was by his side at the battlefield Frank exhausts raack and then wounds him seeing his brother lose ra
tries to hand his soul weapon to Rack so he could fuse his own soul weapon with it but rack scolds him instead their father ragger had divided his own soul weapon and had given rajack and rail each piece which was against against the nobility rules hearing rail wanting to fuse the pieces of the so weapon effectively undoing their father's wish makes raack angry at rail meanwhile at his sentencing Jal continues to point out rasa's lack of understanding regarding Frank and ry's past as he calls her unfit to be Lord judal informs the present Clan leaders
of the real reason for rasa's hate towards Ry all of them are shocked to learn from judal about the previous Lord's suggestion to make Ry the next Lord instead of rasra which stemmed rasa's hate for Ry moreover judal points out that rasra had made no effort to learn any reasons for ry's refusal to become the next Lord bewildered to hear him badmouth the Lord the other Clan leaders respectfully ask judal to be silent rasra summons the Ragnarok and heads towards judal to put him in Eternal sleep suddenly as rasra was about to punish judal and
Sarah Ry appeared from the main entrance in order to save them from their punishments approaching rasca Ry is stopped by K the ru clan leader as he summons his sole weapon garant K uses his strongest attacks at Ry but it has no effect on him as Ry immediately after parrying his attacks easily lifts him up and throws him away roseria the leader of the elener clan quickly follows up by summoning her sole weapon blood witch which also ends up useless as Ry is easily able to deflect all of her attacks as well to protect the
queen from the deflected projectiles Ludy mgas leader of the mgas clan uses his sole weapon is an orc to block the incoming attacks roseria unable to defend herself from her own attacks falls to the ground as ludy's mg takes her place and uses is Anor over Ry to shrink until Ry is squished tired by the clan leaders feudal attempts Ry uses his mind control to force the leaders to fall to the ground due to the sheer power of the Mind Control Sarah surprised by seeing someone other than a lord control the minds of the clan
leaders inquires about ry's true power Jal reveals that Ry was a noblis which meant that he had power surpassing those of Lords and nobless such as him were appointed to protect as well as punish Lords witnessing the clan leaders succumb to rise mind control rasri and enters the battle as sheep with her sole weapon Ragnarok creates a Whirlpool of blood that had an immensely strong Aura feeling the abnormally strong Aura of the Lord's weapon from Frank and his men to the clan leaders all of them stop fighting and hurry to the Lord's Palace back at
the palace Ry being the noblest is able to Parry the strong attack from rasca and he sends her flying to the roof Ry upon sensing that she wasn't using her full potential provokes her to use the blood field which was an attack only the nobless and the noble Lords could perform provoked on using the the blood field rasra goes all out but it all is in vain as Ry once again nullifies her strongest attack hopeless rasca falls to the ground as she cries over how she lost to him once again since her father the previous
Lord had initially chosen Ry instead of her to become the Lord seeing rasri in such a vulnerable state the clan leaders stand up once again in order to protect rasca and her honor R seeing their conviction to protect rasca tells them that it was all useless as they would keep on losing to him unless rasa does not properly Master the blood field ignoring ry's words they all gang up on Ry which proves Ry true as they once again get humbled by ry's op power after a while bored from the fight Ry decides to use blood
field on the clan leaders as he begins to accumulate blood from the ground causing the air to get dark red to protect the clan leaders rasca jumps in front of them and uses her blood field to nullify ry's blood field after going overboard and using blood field Ry and rasa fall due to exhaustion to save Ry from hitting himself to the ground Frank catches ryware as as K grabs onto the falling rasra along with Frank rail rack and the superhumans who were fighting outside the palace enter the palace and they all Witnesses Ry uses his
hand to summon another Ragnarok surprised to see two ragnaroks present the other Ragnarok starts to Glow which causes rasra as Ragnarok to rise up and project the previous Lord's residual thought the previous Lord reveals that he had willingly chosen to end his own life by putting himself to an eternal sleep furthermore he adds that in order to evolve he had to entrust the future generation with Luc adonia's future thus heat along with some of the senior Clan leaders willingly ended their own lives Jal being amongst the ones who stepped up to end his life alongside
the Lord was sent back by the previous Lord to watch after the future generation after learning jal's truth the clan leaders ask about why he hadn't told them the truth in response Jal reveals that he held back after seeing how young successors were abruptly thrusted into the spotlight to fill in the shoes of their predecessors adding on Jal reveals that since every successor was was confused due to the sudden rooll shift someone took advantage and spread rumors about Ry being a traitor embarrassed at not being able to fulfill the previous Lord's order Jal requests rasca
to punish him for not being incapable of telling them the truth before rasra announced her punishment caras throws Regis in front of judal on regis's request as he requests rasa to be punished as well since he belonged to jal's Clan the clan leaders after seeing regis's potential request the rasca to not punish him since he had potential to lead the landegger clan and in the coming future hearing the thoughts of the clan leaders rasri frees Jal and Sarah as she hugs and thanks Jal for always being by her side shortly after the previous Lord's residual
disappears after he apologizes to rasra for not letting her know of his death as the residual disappeared the two ragnaroks merge into each other forming a single strong Ragnarok which Ry hands over to rasa since the Ragnarok was made for the noble Lords the next day after the superhumans healed Frank gets the permission from rasca to take Regis and Sarah back to Japan along with them meanwhile Ry outside the Lord's Palace meets up with rasa who asks him about how his father was Ry having good memories with his father tells her that his father was
always proud of her which cracks up rasa as she laughs in happiness after a while Ry along with Frank Regis Sarah and the superhumans leave luconia to head back to Japan upon reaching Japan everybody's routine returns back to normal as tashiro and manabu meet up with all of them making them realize how good their lives had gotten during their time in Japan with humans thanks for watching if you enjoyed this and want to see more please make sure to drop a like And subscribe to the Channel with notifications turned on so you never miss a
future video and until next time guys take care
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