15 Steps To Reinvent Yourself And Start Over

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Life is too short to be stuck in a life you don’t like, so what is your best option? The #1 App Ric...
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you know our time here is too short to live a life that you don't like so what's your best option well by the end of this video you'll have a game plan that you've been looking for your ability to live a life that you're proud of depends on your understanding of the present and how it connects with the future more often than not the present you're living right now will not lead to the Future you desire and we're here to help you fix that that's why today we're looking at 15 Steps to reinvent yourself and start over welcome to alux the place where future billionaires come to get inspired okay let's just dive in with step number one decide that you want to change every change starts with realizing the long-term effects of the way you're currently living picture yourself 10 to 15 years into the future following the trajectory your life is going at right now are you happy are you fulfilled if the image you're seeing isn't a pleasant one you should wake up here your life will not change unless you change this moment right now might be your best option to make a decision to alter your future but it does have to be a decision decision is a very special word throughout time it's evolved from the family tree of incision which means to cut something up that's quite literally what you do when you make a decision you cut your options down too many times people become complacent and their regret builds up with time resulting in them becoming toxic parts of society everyone wishes they would have done more being more but when the time was right to make the change they postponed it for a hypothetical tomorrow that never came insanity is knowing the outcome of an action and still expecting a different result if what you're doing right now won't get you to where you need to be it's time to wake up and decide if you're going to settle for this or give it your all and try to change and we say give it your all because it will take everything you are now to build who you will become step two make a six-month plan this is where your attitude shifts from a desire to a plan a goal without a plan is just a wish and unless you believe in magic Genies granting you wishes you're not going to get very far okay 6 months is more than enough for you to get started quite literally 6 months from this very moment you could be a whole new person to simplify it it's a threep process first Define it this is where you create a vision for your new life who is that person you'll become what do they do what do they eat where do they live who do they spend time with what does their life look like write your answers down as specifically as you can people even print photos of the answers and stick them up on walls and call them vision boards these will help you to better understand the new reality secondly you've got to break it down figure out what you're taking with you into your new life and what you're going to leave behind this is the very reason why most people never get anything done they don't break it down into actionable steps what do I need to get started what is the minimum skill that will get my foot through the door how much will it cost for me to move or change what tools do I need how many interviews will you need to get a new job how much money do I need to save up to give myself a shot at settling in the questions you ask yourself when you break down your new life will be specific to your situation so try to attack this issue from every angle the more prepared you are the higher the chance of success at this point you're just looking to get the ball rolling here it definitely helps to have a long-term plan but at this stage your focus should be on the immediate steps you can take and third commit money and effort to it yeah this is where it gets real this is where you start investing in your new life if you're looking to move to a new country you start taking some language lessons yes okay pay for that tutor pay for the immigration lawyer this is where you buy the plane ticket or pay for the first few months of rent in your new life and to keep that wish metaphor going a goal without a deadline is nothing but a wish so plant that flag into a specific date in the future because once you do it's a race against the clock to get yourself ready and it'll push you to deliver okay so you've got your plan written down you've planted an anchor into the future now it's time to get to work step three start building your new skill set building a new you is going to take some serious effort effort means you'll have to do things that are uncomfortable for you things that will seem hard complex difficult to understand and Implement at first building a new skill set is hard okay accept it and get to work this is where you practice every single day you're going to do this because your new life depends on this exact period of time you need to get yourself in position in shape like an athlete getting ready to compete don't be afraid to start slow or feel dumb for starting with the fundamentals embarrassment is the cost of Entry here this is the foundation everything else will be built upon so you need to build it quickly from the ground up and build it well we strongly recommend you make a schedule for yourself if you've got this super strong goal for yourself committing to a schedule will not be as hard as you think because the outcome will keep you pushing forward when otherwise you would normally quit constantly asking yourself what if this new thing I'm doing actually works out for me most people underestimate the results that 6 months of focus and discipline can bring into their lives step four make one connection from the new world you'll live in adjust the plan accordingly this is a hack that we've used to pick up speed quickly find someone who's willing to teach you the ropes or if not find someone who's doing it and emulate the crap out of them this requires humility and a lot of detective work put the same energy you put into stalking your ex into this and you should see results in no time okay and if you find someone ask this individual to fill in your blanks about what it takes to make the change they'll usually provide highly valuable insights from the ground level and they will most often than not even provide guidance and support once you get there just make sure you're not too much of a pain in the behind Okay people will gladly give advice or tell you their story just don't annoy them this is one of those times when external Insight could make or break your efforts also don't hesitate to get a second opinion we're all different by Nature so what is hard for someone could turn out to be really easy for you number five understand the door is open and it will remain that way now this is one of the biggest secrets in life and we want you to pay very close attention to it because because it'll alter the way you think about life from this point forward you're here because you want to escape the life you're currently living right well the secret is this is your default life as shitty as it is you can always come back to it if things don't work out 12 to 18 months from now so you have nothing to lose apart from a few months and a little bit of money people are too scared to fail without realizing that this current lifestyle is your bottom floor if you're smart and willing to put in the your life can only improve from here the door is open to walk out anytime you feel ready and if you don't like what you find out there you can always walk right back in it might not be the same job the same rented apartment but on a large enough scale it won't make any difference whatsoever time is going to pass whether you make the choice or not it's up to you where you want to find yourself 12 months from now and you know that saying it's been adapted so many times but basically it says that people overestimate what they can do in a month but greatly underestimate what they can accomplish in a year and we've got the perfect way for you to illustrate exactly this in your own life with the alux app what you get is compounded knowledge every single day you're delivered a brand new coaching session on top of over 100 curated Collections and expert learning packs available anytime you want absorbing this kind of wisdom on a daily basis might seem small while you're doing it but after a full year of compounding this wisem a leer you'll be Leaps and Bounds ahead of where you are now and that's our goal for you to use the app and knock years off your goals time Horizon and don't take our word for it Okay thousands of people have already been using our app to do just that accelerate the speed of their progress the speed of their success so download it at alux. com slapp come back here and scan this QR code on screen and you'll get 25% off the yearly subscription or if you're a little unsure no biggie you can still download the app and Sample its value for 7 Days totally free of charge and we'll remind you before the trial ends just in case you want to dip out but honestly okay you're going to want to stick around for at least a month all it'll cost you is $29. 99 and within that first month you will more than get your money's worth number six move and survive we've skydived and Cliff jumped numerous times in our life no matter how much you prepare or pump yourself up before you climb there's a moment where time dilutes in your life it's the one where for a fraction of a second you look Beyond the Edge it's a moment where you'll need to recognize resistance most of us have two lives the life we live and the unlived life within us between the two stands resistance so you look Beyond the Edge into that unlived life that's where your body goes numb your blood starts flowing and your brain goes into panic mode are you you sure you really want to do this then you get out the other way you dive you land you get up and feel this thrill of excitement like you could take on the world but that very moment is when you make the choice to jump and we recommend you jump alexer if you know intellectually that this is a good move for you force your body to follow through and commit to the move once you're there your main focus becomes survival for the first few weeks all you do is survive figure out where to live how to sustain yourself and cover your Basics you're not looking for comfort and you're not comparing this new standard of living with your old one in the very first few weeks It usually sucks but look at you okay you're actually doing it the thing you said for years you were going to do that people said you never would you are doing it focus on Survival first everything else will come later number seven push through the feeling of loneliness and Chaos whenever growth happens the body doesn't feel right the same way it does when you're going to the gym it hurts right and your mind does the same thing it starts to panic to doubt itself to reconsider all of the choices you've made because of the state of uncertainty you find yourself in all of your evolutionary genes prioritize survival through complacency over growth that's why your gut is telling you to go back to where it was unpleasant but familiar at least that's an evil you know but in the same way those who ventured Into the Wilderness found new treasures and so will you if you stick with the game plan that you've made for yourself this new place feels lonely just because it's new it feels chaotic just because it's new you will feel small because the unknown around you is so Vast at this stage you probably don't know anybody but this is normal okay you get to know more of the unknown once you begin to settle into your new role the feeling of familiarity comes with time as you embrace your new environment so it'll eventually embrace you back this is a crucial phase in your change schedule you already took the leap of faith you're running this new race you just started and look okay you cannot quit this early step number eight start building new life routines when you're starting over you need routine in your life to make sense of it all if we're talking about moving to a new geography find a coffee shop near you and get your coffee or tea there consistently let the Barista know you're new in town and just moved here people love welcoming others into their bubble if you just switched jobs talk to the people you'll most likely see every day on your route if you don't have connection opportunities through your work these will come naturally as you build other routines like maybe join a gym a theater group a startup incubator volunteer regularly with an NGO or anything related to your passions any regular activity that benefits you or the community should be embraced these activities will ground you and give the new environment purpose plus it's a great way to make some friends and by the way for those of you who are thinking we're only talking about physical relocation that's not the case every time you reinvent Yourself by shifting careers shifting Lifestyles or making any type of change this step-by-step process will remain the same at this point you're probably beyond the stage of survival you're actively building purpose and making this your new home step nine find your first anchor of Happiness then build around it give it enough time and effort and something will eventually click you'll meet someone you're interested in romantically your new business will take off you'll get a promotion or make a great friend this event is your first anchor into the new lifestyle it officially means that you're here to stay because you're thriving in this new environment because of this early success other bubbles will open up the partner will introduce you to their friends the startup will get new exciting investors on board the promotion will come with extensive benefits that kind of thing suddenly your new life begins to make so much sense and you're experiencing a feeling of euphoria everything you wanted is actually happen happening and now you look back on the decision to venture out as the best thing you've done in your life this first anchor validates your ability to thrive and you're ready to call this your new home step 10 set big goals for your new life you didn't put all of this effort into your Evolution just to settle for just a bit better if this is already rolling in your favor you might as well swing for the fences okay this is the part where you go from Will this work to how big can I make this You Begin by setting the right goals for yourself maybe you were working at a company that you don't like and decided to give it a shot as a freelancer what if you could only work 6 months per year and make enough money to travel the world for the other six that's an amazing goal to have right or maybe you just published your first book and it made you some money what if your next book sold 100 times the first one and you'll end up making a living as a writer and you can quit your job another amazing goal to have most people look to reinvent themselves because they're not happy with their initial reality some folks are too scared and they try to settle for misery and some have to try a couple of times until they figure out what they even really want but those who do make the jump never look back on their decision you know if you're going to dream anyway you might as well dream big not only are you Reinventing yourself but what if this new life gave you a shot at having everything you ever wanted from Life in the words of Marshall matters would you capture it or just let it slip setting the right goals and strategically planning for success is one of those things that fascinated us throughout time and through trial and error we've perfected a way to set and Achieve goals we packed everything we learned in the last 10 years into a premium product called goal Mastery a single click in your life can set up a domino effect that Chang changes your life completely and that's what goal Mastery is that specific Edge that makes the difference last year you said this year so go to alux.
com goals and enroll in what we believe is the most valuable course we've ever built we can't wait for you to put it into practice and see what kind of improvements you get in the process of Reinventing yourself Step 11 build your Social Circle with your life already picking up momentum and big goals on the Horizon it's time to add some spice to it friends make everything better and the right ones can transform any experience into a positive one they're your safety net they open doors for you they take you out of your comfort zone and round you up as a human being your life is boring because you've got boring friends the thing is if you want to have cool friends you should become cool yourself and in the process you will make those friends engage with different individuals different points of view different cultures learn about people go to events use the 24-hour rule if you meet someone at a social event follow up with them in the next 24 hours this allows you to keep that momentum going step 12 pay attention to not repeat the patterns of the previous life now one of the biggest mistakes most people make is to Simply change location without changing Behavior if everyone you meet is an a-hole there's only two options you're probably the a-hole yourselfself or you're in the wrong place so here's the thing if you change places and everyone is still an a-hole that leaves only one option left my friend you can't expect the way you interpret life to change just because you changed your environment you are still you the process of Reinventing oneself implies a shift in Behavior or the lens through which you process the world it's easy to fall back into the same old habits that made you miserable in the first place so whenever you notice it raise a red flag and remember why you left your old life behind Step 13 Step 13 prove to yourself that you can live off this new lifestyle long term this is where you find Comfort the new reality becomes your long-term reality this is who you are now by this point you've got a system in place that is sustainable and predictable but this time it isn't making you lose your mind with regret time goes by and your life flourishes because of it in other words it just feels right now all you have to do is set everything up in place so you can do this for the foreseeable future a special thing happens at this point the return is increasing because you enjoy doing it more you're more productive editing videos or writing your books or painting your paintings or running your business than you were in your past reality this additional input exponentially impacts the results it might not seem like much early on when you're struggling but once you cross a certain sustainability threshold things begin to accelerate this sustainability threshold is the key to unlocking this new lifestyle our first goal when we were at the beginning was to make enough money from our digital publication so we didn't have to get a job then the goal became to support our family and the families of the people who worked for us since then things have snowballed into this incredible Enterprise where we are once again on the brink of Reinventing take this as a small teaser but we've got something big planned coming up ahead step 14 incrementally improve elements around you with the reinvention process completed it's time to upgrade the things that allow for upgrades slowly start making your life better one sector at a time improve the quality of your relationships improve the quality of the food you eat improve the comfort of your home improve the ideas you expose yourself to and because of this newer and better versions of you come to fruition if the old version was version 1. 0 and the reinvented one is 2. 0 think of these small incremental improvements as 2.
1 version 2. 2 and so on we as humans were never designed to be stagnant you were not born to work yourself to death in order to pay your bills have children who will grow up and do the same and then die off humans are excited about creating the future putting people on other planets connecting the world through technology curing diseases and creating new foods it's in our DNA to perpetually improve and innovate and step 15 achieve the new version of success the last item on our list of 15 steps to reinvent yourself and start over goes beyond what you initially set out to do you see when you began this journey you had a vague idea of who you wanted to become right the version 2. 0 he mentioned earlier but in the middle of all of this you learned more about yourself you developed evolved and now that 2.
0 has suffered some changes this new complex being you are today has different expectations based on what the 2. 0 reality was like through small iterations and opening up more inputs you're ready for a new mature phase that's where version 3.
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