Consider for a moment your imagination. You may perceive it as a freeing daydream, a pleasant distraction, or, at best, a tool for creativity. But I say unto you, your imagination is the very workshop of creation—the God-given power through which all things are made manifest. But what does it truly mean to trust your imagination? It is not a matter of indulging in idle fantasies or escapism; it is a state of consciousness, a shift in your very being that aligns you with the creative power of the universe. It is about recognizing that your imagination, far from
being separate from reality, is the very substance and source of all that you experience. Let us delve deeper into this profound truth: your outer world—every experience you have, every circumstance you encounter—is nothing more than a reflection of your inner world, your imaginative acts. This inner world can be radically altered by learning to trust and use your imagination consciously and purposefully. When you understand this—truly understand it—you realize that by carefully choosing and vividly imagining your desired state, you are actively creating a new reality that will unfold in your experience. This understanding is crucial, for it shifts
the entire paradigm of how you approach life. No longer are you a helpless being at the mercy of external circumstances, hoping for favorable conditions. You become the active creator of your reality, knowing that as you imagine and feel your desired state as real, the universe must rearrange itself to match this new inner vision. But how, you may ask, can one truly learn to trust their imagination when the outer world seems so solid and unyielding? The answer lies in understanding the true nature of your imagination. For your imagination is not a mere fantasy maker, and your
inner visions are not mere daydreams; your imagination is the very substance of reality—the clay from which all experience is molded. Let us take a moment to truly understand this: your subconscious mind, which is one with the universal creative force, does not distinguish between what you vividly imagine and what you actually experience in the outer world. It accepts as true whatever you feel to be true in your imaginal acts, and once it accepts an idea as true, it proceeds to bring it into manifestation in your physical reality, regardless of how long it takes in clock time
or how impossible it may seem given current circumstances. So when you learn to trust your imagination, when you fall asleep in the absolute conviction that your imagined state is real, you are not engaging in wishful thinking or self-deception. You are actively creating your new reality from within; you are aligning yourself with the creative power of the universe, allowing it to work through you and for you to manifest your desires. This, my dear listeners, is the essence of learning to trust your imagination. It is about recognizing that the power to shape your reality lies within you,
waiting to be expressed through your conscious imaginal acts. It is about understanding that your outer world is nothing more than a reflection of your inner imaginative acts, which can be radically altered by learning to trust and use your imagination purposefully. Consider the biblical phrase: "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." This is not a mere poetic expression or a vague spiritual concept; it is a statement of cosmic law—an invitation to recognize the power of your imagination. For what is faith, if not the ability to see and feel as
real that which is not yet manifest in the outer world? When you truly trust your imagination, when you feel the reality of your imagined state with every fiber of your being, you are exercising true faith. And in that moment, you are changed. The outer manifestation may take time to catch up, but the inner transformation is instantaneous. But let me be clear: learning to trust your imagination is not about forced visualizations or strained affirmations. It is about a total immersion in the feeling of your desired state being real. When you truly embody this practice, you naturally
assume the thoughts, feelings, and inner conversations of the person you desire to be. You go to sleep not as the person bound by current circumstances, but as the person who is already living your desired reality in imagination. Let us explore this further with an example. Imagine a person who desires a loving relationship. Their outer reality shows no signs of this relationship manifesting. Now imagine this person deciding to trust their imagination completely. As they lie in bed, they immerse themselves in the feeling of being deeply loved and cherished. They feel the warmth of their imagined partner's
embrace, hear loving words whispered in their ear, and experience the joy and security of a fulfilling relationship. They allow this feeling of being loved to permeate every cell of their being. They fall asleep in this state, carrying it into their dreams. When they awaken, something has shifted. They may not see immediate external changes in their relationship status, but internally, they are no longer the same person. They have experienced the reality of being loved, and this new self-concept begins to reshape their outer world. In the days and weeks that follow, they find themselves naturally acting with
more self-love and confidence. They interact with others from a place of fullness rather than need. They make choices that align with someone who knows they are worthy of love. And as they do so, that outer world begins to reflect this new inner state. They may find themselves attracting more positive attention, forming deeper connections, and eventually manifesting the loving relationship they had imagined. This principle applies to every aspect of your life, whether you desire success in your career, improvement in your health, enhancement of your financial situation, or any other change. The key is to trust your
imagination completely. Feel the reality of being the person who has what you want. Fall asleep in that state, knowing that as you do so, you are planting a seed in the fertile soil of your subconscious mind that must grow into your outer reality. Now, I can hear some of you thinking, "But Neville, can simply imagining a different reality really make such a difference? Surely we must deal with the facts of our lives." To this, I say, what you call facts are merely the fruits of past imaginal acts in the realm of consciousness, where all creation
takes place. Reality is only the eternal now. By learning to trust your imagination and living from your desired state in your mind's eye, you can indeed reshape your entire future. For you are planting a seed of a new self-concept that will inevitably grow into manifestation. Remember, the outer world is dead; it has no life of its own. It is your consciousness, your imagination, that gives life to your experiences. When you focus on unwanted circumstances, you are breathing life into a reality you do not desire. But when you learn to trust your imagination and live from
your desired state mentally, you are setting in motion a series of events that must culminate in the outer expression of this new inner reality. This, my dear friends, is the true secret to mastering your life. It is about aligning your entire being with a new concept of self, recognizing that this new self-concept is seeking expression through you, and allowing it to flow into your experience through the power of your focused imagination and unwavering trust in its reality. Let me warn you: learning to trust your imagination is not always an easy task. The old habits of
denying your inner visions, of letting your internal state be dictated by external conditions, are deeply ingrained. As you lie in bed, attempting to immerse yourself in your imagined reality, the voice of your rational mind may try to convince you that you're fooling yourself, that you must face reality. When this happens, do not fight against these thoughts; simply observe them, acknowledge them, and then gently return to the feeling of your imagined state. For the war is not won by battling against what you don't want but by persistently embodying what you do want. This persistence, this unwavering
commitment to trusting your imagination in the face of contrary evidence, is what allows you to truly transform your life. Think of it like tuning a radio. When you're trying to listen to a particular station, you don't focus on eliminating all the other stations; you simply tune into the frequency you desire. In the same way, you don't need to fight against your current reality or forcefully push away unwanted conditions; you simply need to tune yourself to the frequency of your desired state, to align your entire consciousness with the person who is already living your ideal life
in imagination. This tuning is done through your focused imagination and your ability to generate and maintain the feeling of your desired state being real. Your imagination is the dial that allows you to tune into different frequencies of experience. As you use your imagination to fully embody your desired state and feel the reality of being this version of yourself, you are attuning yourself to that frequency, allowing the corresponding experiences to flow into your life. But remember, my friends, while the inner transformation can occur in an instant as you learn to trust your imagination, the full manifestation
in your outer world may take time. The seed planted by your imaginal act will grow, but it must go through its natural stages of development. Do not be discouraged if you do not see immediate, dramatic changes in your external circumstances. Know that the moment you succeeded in fully embodying your desired state in imagination, change became inevitable. As you persist in maintaining your imagined state in your daily life, you will find that your perception of yourself and your world begins to shift. What once seemed like insurmountable obstacles now appears as opportunities for growth. Challenges become stepping
stones to success. You begin to see yourself as the empowered, accomplished being you imagined yourself to be. Now, some of you may be wondering, "But Neville, how can I ensure that I maintain my trust in my imagination? How can I prevent falling back into old patterns of thinking and feeling when confronted with unchanged circumstances?" To this, I say: the power of your imagination lies not just in the intensity of the experience, but in the knowing it brings. Once you have experienced the reality of your desired state in imagination, you have tasted the truth of your
divine nature. This knowing becomes an anchor, a reference point to which you can always return. In the days and weeks that follow, as you begin this practice of trusting your imagination, you may face moments of doubt or challenge when confronted with seemingly unchanged circumstances. In these moments, recall the feeling of your imagined state. Remember the reality of being the person who is already living your ideal life. Let that memory, that knowing, guide you back to your desired state of being. For having experienced it once in imagination, you can access it again and again, each time
strengthening your new self-concept. The key is to make your imaginal experience as real and vivid as possible. Engage all your senses as you lie in bed, preparing for sleep. See yourself as the person who is already living your ideal life. Hear the sounds associated with your success. Feel the textures of your new reality. Smell the scents of your achieved desires. Feel the joy, the satisfaction, the fulfillment of being this version of yourself. Make it so real that your rational mind cannot distinguish between this imaginal experience and reality. Act and physical reality, but here's a crucial
point, my friends: the goal is not to imagine specific events or circumstances. The goal is to capture and embody the essence of your desired state of being, for it is this state of being that is the true attractor of your experiences. Let me illustrate this with an example. Instead of imagining a specific job offer or a particular sum of money, capture the feeling of being successful and financially abundant. Feel security, the freedom, and the joy that comes with this state. See yourself moving through life with the confidence and ease of someone who is truly successful
and abundant. By focusing on the state of being rather than specific outcomes, you allow the universe to bring your desires to you in ways that might far exceed your specific imaginings. You open yourself to possibilities beyond what your current mindset can conceive. This is the true power of trusting your imagination. As you practice this, you may find that your outer world begins to shift in subtle ways. Perhaps you start to feel more confident and empowered, or you find yourself naturally making choices that align with your imagined state. Opportunities that resonate with your new self-concept seem
to appear out of nowhere. These are all signs that your inner transformation, born of trusting your imagination, is creating ripples in your outer reality. Don't discount these small changes; celebrate them. See them as confirmation that the law is working, that your imagined state is taking root. But don't become attached to them or anxiously look for them. Simply acknowledge them with gratitude and continue to live from your imagined state, trusting in the power of your imagination to bring about even greater changes. As you persist in this practice, larger changes will begin to manifest. You may find
yourself naturally attracting experiences that align with your new self-concept. You may notice that your relationships improve, that your career takes off, that your health flourishes. And as you continue to maintain your trust in your imagination, you'll discover that life becomes an exciting adventure of ever-expanding possibilities. But remember, the outer manifestation is not the ultimate goal; the goal is a state of being from which all desired experiences naturally flow. This is a crucial point, my friends: when you've truly learned to trust your imagination, when you're fully living from your imagined state, you no longer need external
conditions to confirm your state. You're already whole, already complete in your knowing that you are the person you've imagined yourself to be. And paradoxically, it's in this state of inner assurance that you're most likely to experience a life that reflects your ideal self-concept. Now, some of you might be thinking, "But Nebil, what about action? Don't we need to do things in the physical world to bring about change?" And to this, I say yes, action is part of the process, but it's inspired action, not anxious doing. When you're living from your imagined state, ideas and opportunities
will naturally present themselves to you. You'll feel inspired to take certain actions to move in certain directions. These actions won't feel like struggle or effort; they'll feel natural, joyful, almost effortless. They will be the natural outgrowth of your new state of being, born from your trust in your imagination. This is the difference between trying to make things happen and allowing them to happen. When you're trying to force change, actions feel stressful, born out of fear and reaction to circumstances. When you are truly embodying your imagined state, actions flow naturally from your aligned state, guided by
an inner wisdom that knows exactly how to bring about the manifestation of your desires. Consider the example of a seed growing into a mighty oak tree. The seed doesn't strain to become a tree; it doesn't force itself to grow. It simply unfolds naturally, expressing its innate potential. You, my dear listeners, are no different. When you learn to trust your imagination, you allow your life to unfold naturally and beautifully, expressing the infinite potential that is your birthright. But let me be clear: this state of allowing is not passive. It requires an active use of your imagination,
a deliberate and focused embodiment of your desired state. It requires faith—not blind faith in external forces, but faith in the creative power of your imagination and your ability to shape your reality through your mental images. This faith is not about believing that things will change someday in the future; it's about knowing that you are who you desire to be now, in this very moment in your imagination, and that your outer world must inevitably conform to this new inner reality. As you cultivate this faith, as you persist in living from your imagined state, you'll begin to
see evidence of your transformation manifesting in your outer world. These signs may start small: you find confidence in a situation that would have previously intimidated you, a chance encounter that leads to an unexpected opportunity, a sudden insight that changes everything. Do not discount these signs, no matter how small they may seem, for they are confirmation that your inner transformation, born of trusting your imagination, is indeed shaping your outer reality. They are breadcrumbs leading you to the full realization of the life you are creating in your mind's eye. As we near the conclusion of our discussion,
I want to address a common concern that arises when people first encounter this teaching. Many worry that trusting their imagination might lead to a disconnect from reality or irresponsible behavior. But I assure you, my friends, the opposite is true. When you truly understand the principle of trusting your imagination, you realize that you are not separate from your world. As you elevate your own consciousness by living from your imagined state, you are elevating the consciousness of all. Your personal transformation, far from... Disconnecting you from reality actually expands the field of possibilities for all. Moreover, when you
are coming from a place of living in your imagined state, you naturally have more to give to others. You become a beacon of possibility, a living example of the power of imagination to reshape reality. Your transformation creates a ripple effect, touching the lives of everyone you encounter with your newfound energy, confidence, and joy. This is the true gift of learning to trust your imagination; it's not just about improving your individual life, although that will happen; it's about aligning yourself with the fundamental nature of the universe, which is boundless potential and perpetual creation. It's about recognizing
your own divine nature and allowing it to express itself fully through you. In this state of alignment, of living from your imagined state, you become a channel for the most beautiful expressions of life. Ideas flow to you effortlessly; opportunities present themselves naturally, and the right people and circumstances appear in your life at the perfect time. This is the magic of living from your transformed state of being, born from your unwavering trust in your imagination. But remember, this magic is not something external to you; it's not some cosmic force that you need to appease or manipulate.
It is the natural expression of your own consciousness when it's aligned with the truth of your being. You are the power; you are the magic; you are the one who has transformed yourself through the trust in your imagination. As we draw our time together to a close, I want to leave you with a final thought. The principle we've explored tonight—learn to trust your imagination—is not just a technique for personal development; it's about recognizing your true nature as a divine creative being. It's about aligning your entire being with the fundamental truth of who you are and
allowing your grandest expression to flow through you. When you live from this understanding, everything changes. The world becomes a friendly place filled with infinite possibilities. You no longer see yourself as a small, separate being struggling against external forces; instead, you recognize yourself as the author of your own life story, the creator of your own thriving reality. In this state, there's no need to fear the future or doubt your ability to create the life you desire, for you understand that you are the source of all creation in your experience. Your job is simply to maintain your
imagined state, to live from that transformed consciousness, and to allow the universe to unfold. So, my dear friends, as you leave here tonight, I urge you to embrace this principle with all your heart. Don't see it as a technique to be applied occasionally, but as a way of life to be lived continuously. Use your mighty imagination to immerse yourself fully in your desired state of being; feel the naturalness of being the empowered divine being you truly are. Live from this state, persist in knowing, and watch as your world rearranges itself to match your inhibition. Remember,
you are not a limited being struggling to improve; you are the infinite consciousness choosing to experience growth and transformation from this particular vantage point. Your imagination is the tool through which you shape your experience; use it wisely, with the awareness of your true nature and the responsibility that comes with it. Go forth and create the fulfilling, joyous life that is your birthright, knowing that with each imaginal act, each moment of trust in your imagination, you are aligning more fully with the truth of the boundless nature. Let us begin with a fundamental truth from scripture. In
John 1:1, we read, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Now, most people interpret this passage literally, thinking it refers to spoken words. But I tell you this: the word spoken of here is not mere language; it is vibration; it is feeling; it is the very sensation of your desire fulfilled. You see, my dear friends, when you truly understand this principle, you realize that imagination and vibration are one and the same. They are not two separate things; they are the same force expressing itself through different
aspects of your consciousness. This is why the Bible tells us, "By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God." This word, this vibration, is your own wondrous human imagination in action. Let me share with you a profound secret about vibration and imagination. When you imagine something, you are not merely creating mental pictures. You are generating a specific frequency, a particular vibration that corresponds to your desire fulfilled. This is why feeling is the secret, for feeling is the language of vibration. Consider the story of Moses in the burning bush. When God
revealed Himself to Moses, He did not appear as words on a page or as mere thoughts in Moses' mind; He appeared as energy, as vibration, as living flame that did not consume. This, my dear friends, is a perfect metaphor for how your imagination works through vibration. You see, when you imagine your desire fulfilled, you are literally setting yourself aflame with the vibration of that state. But like the burning bush, this flame does not consume you; it transforms you. It transmutes your entire being into the frequency of your desire fulfilled. Let me tell you a story
that perfectly illustrates this principle. Recently, a lady came to me desiring a new home. She had been using affirmations and positive words for months without success. I told her, "Stop using words; instead, feel the vibration of actually living in your desired home. Feel the texture of the walls, the warmth of the sunlight through the windows, the peace and satisfaction of occupying that space." Within two weeks, she had her new home. You see, she didn't manifest it through words; she manifested... It is through vibration, through the feeling of actually being there. This is what Jesus meant
when he said, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Now, let us delve deeper into this mystery of vibration and imagination. In the Book of Ezekiel, we read about the valley of dry bones. When God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones, it wasn't the words that brought them to life; it was the vibration, the energy, the feeling tone of life itself that animated them. This is exactly how your imagination works. When you imagine your desire fulfilled, you are not merely thinking
about it; you are vibrating at the frequency of its fulfillment. You are literally becoming one with the state you desire to express. Let me share another principle that will transform your understanding of vibration and imagination. In Scripture, we read, "Be still and know that I am God." This stillness is not mere physical quietude; it is a specific vibrational state where your imagination and your desire become one. You see, when you enter this state of stillness, you are tuning yourself to the perfect frequency of your desire fulfilled. This is why meditation and contemplation are so powerful—not
because of any words you might use, but because they allow you to align your vibration with your imagination. Consider the story of Elijah on Mount Horeb. God was not in the wind, not in the earthquake, not in the fire; God was in the still small voice. This still small voice is not words; it is vibration. It is the feeling tone of your desire fulfilled. Let me share another secret about using vibration instead of words. When you imagine something, your entire being begins to vibrate at the frequency of that state. This is why Scripture tells us,
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Notice it says "in his heart," not "in his mind," not "in his words," but "in his heart," where feeling and vibration originate. Now, let me tell you about a businessman who applied this principle perfectly. He wanted to expand his company but was struggling with traditional goal setting and affirmations. I told him, "Stop using words to describe what you want. Instead, feel the vibration of running a successful expanded business. Feel the satisfaction, the confidence, the certainty of it." Within months, his business had doubled in size. You
see, he didn't achieve this through words or planning; he achieved it by maintaining the vibration of his desire fulfilled. This is what Jesus meant when he said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you." The kingdom is not a place or a set of words; it is a vibrational state. Let us explore another aspect of this truth. In the Book of Revelation, John speaks of hearing a great voice as of a trumpet. This trumpet is not producing mere sound; it is producing vibration, frequency, energy. This is exactly what your imagination does when it is properly employed.
You see, my dear friends, every desire you hold contains within it a specific vibrational frequency. Your job is not to describe this frequency with words, but to feel it, to become one with it, to let it resonate through your entire being. I think of it this way: when you strike a tuning fork, it produces both sound and vibration. The sound is temporary, but the vibration continues long after the sound has faded. Similarly, words are temporary, but vibration—the feeling of your desire fulfilled—continues to resonate and create. Let me share another principle that will revolutionize your understanding
of manifestation. When Scripture says, "Let there be light," it is not referring to physical light, but to illuminated consciousness—consciousness vibrating at the frequency of desire fulfilled. You see, when you truly understand this, you realize that manifestation is not about using the right words or thinking the right thoughts; it's about achieving and maintaining the right vibrational state: the state of your desire fulfilled. Consider the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho. The walls didn't fall because of the words the people spoke or the horns they blew; they fell because the vibration of victory was maintained
until physical reality had no choice but to conform to it. This is exactly how your imagination works. When you maintain the vibration of your desire fulfilled, when you feel the reality of it with your entire being, the circumstances of your life must rearrange themselves to match that vibration. Let me tell you about a teacher who applied this principle perfectly. She desired to impact more lives through her work but was stuck using traditional goal-setting methods. I told her, "Stop thinking about how to reach more people. Instead, feel the vibration of already touching countless lives. Feel the
satisfaction, the fulfillment, the joy of it." Within months, she had opportunities to teach internationally. You see, she didn't create these opportunities through words or planning; she created them by maintaining the vibration of her desire fulfilled. Now, let us discuss something crucial about this process. Most people try to use their imagination as a tool separate from themselves, but I tell you this: your imagination is not a tool; it is your very self. It is God in action within you, and God does not create through words alone, but through vibration, through feeling, through the sensation of reality.
Consider the words of Jesus: "The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life." Notice he doesn't say they are mere words; they are spirit, they are vibration, they are living energy. This is why, when you imagine something, you must do more than see it or think about it. You must feel it, sense it, and become one with its vibration. This is what Jesus meant when he said, "I and my Father are one." He was expressing his complete unity with the vibration of his desires fulfilled. Let me share another profound truth
about vibration and imagination: when you enter into the feeling of your desire fulfilled, you are literally rearranging the substance of the universe. This is not metaphysical thinking; this is scientific fact clothed in scriptural language. Think about the story of creation: God didn't just speak the world into existence; He felt it, experienced it, and became one with it through imagination and vibration. This is exactly what you must do with your desires. You see, my dear friends, every desire you hold is already fulfilled in what I call the kingdom, the realm of pure vibration and imagination. Your
task is not to create it through words or effort, but to tune yourself to its frequency, to feel its reality, to become one with its vibration. Let me tell you about someone who understood this perfectly. A gentleman came to me wanting to transform his relationships. He had been using affirmations and positive self-talk without success. I told him to stop using words to try to change his relationships; instead, feel the vibration of having perfect, harmonious relationships. Feel the love, the understanding, the connection. Within weeks, his relationships began to transform. You see, he didn't change them through
words or actions; he changed them by maintaining the vibration of his desire fulfilled. Now let us explore another aspect of this truth. In scripture, we read, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." This substance is not words or thoughts; it is vibration. It is the feeling tone of your desire fulfilled. You see, when you have true faith, you don't hope for something to happen in the future; you feel its reality now. You vibrate at the frequency of its fulfillment. Now, this is what Jesus meant when he said, "Before
Abraham was, I am." Let me share another principle that will transform your understanding of manifestation. Most people think they need to change their circumstances to achieve their desires, but I tell you this: you need only change your vibration, your feeling state, and circumstances will change themselves. Consider the story of Daniel in the lion's den. He didn't survive because of words he spoke or prayers he said; he survived because he maintained the vibration of perfect safety and divine protection. This is exactly how your imagination works when properly employed. You see, when you maintain the vibration of
your desire fulfilled, you create what I call a bridge of incidents—a series of apparently unrelated events that lead to the manifestation of your desire. This is why scripture tells us, "All things work together for good to them that love God." Let me tell you about an artist who applied this principle perfectly. She wanted to showcase her work in major galleries but was struggling with traditional networking and promotion. I told her to stop trying to make it happen through words and actions; instead, feel the vibration of being a successful, recognized artist. Feel the satisfaction, the fulfillment,
the reality of it. Within months, she had exhibitions in three major galleries. You see, she didn't achieve this through effort or planning; she achieved it by maintaining the vibration of her desire fulfilled. Now let us discuss something crucial about this process of manifestation through vibration. Most people think they need to repeat their desire many times or visualize it frequently, but I tell you this: what you need is not repetition but intensity of feeling, intensity of vibration. Consider the words of Jesus: "Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will
be yours." Notice He doesn't say, "Believe that you will receive it." He says, "Believe that you have received it." This is about maintaining the vibration of fulfillment. Now you see, my dear friends, when you enter into the feeling of your desire fulfilled, when you maintain its vibration, you are literally rearranging the atoms and molecules of your world. This is why scripture tells us, "All things are possible to him that believeth." Let me share another profound truth about vibration and imagination. When you imagine something while maintaining its vibrational frequency, you are not creating something new; you
are tuning into something that already exists in the realm of pure potential. Think of it this way: every possibility already exists in what quantum physicists call the field of infinite possibilities. Your imagination, operating through vibration, simply tunes you to the frequency of your desired possibility, making it manifest in your physical experience. This is what Jesus meant when He said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God." The kingdom is not a place; it is a vibrational state where all possibilities exist simultaneously. When you enter into the feeling of your desire fulfilled, you are literally entering this
kingdom. Let me tell you about a writer who understood this perfectly. She had been struggling to complete her novel using various writing techniques and affirmations without success. I told her to stop trying to write the book through effort and words; instead, feel the vibration of being a successful author. Feel the satisfaction of having completed your novel. Feel the joy of readers being transformed by your work. Within three months, she had completed her novel and secured a publisher. You see, she didn't achieve this through technique or effort; she did it by maintaining the vibration of her
desire fulfilled. Now, as we bring this discussion to a close, I want you to understand something fundamental about vibration and imagination: your imagination is not separate from the creative force of the universe; it is that creative force individualized in you. When you imagine something while maintaining its vibrational frequency, you are literally God in action. This is why scripture tells us, "I am that I am." This is not a statement of identity; it is a statement of creative power. Power through vibration and imagination. Remember this: the universe doesn't respond to your words; it responds to your
vibrational state. Your imagination doesn't create through language; it creates through feeling, through vibration, through the sensation of reality. The choice is yours: you can continue trying to create through words and effort, or you can step into your divine power and create through vibration and imagination. The difference between these approaches is the difference between seeking and finding. So I tell you this: stop trying to use words to create your reality. Start feeling the vibration of your desire fulfilled; maintain that feeling regardless of appearances. Trust in the law that shapes all things according to your conscious assumptions,
for when you master this, when you truly understand how to create through vibration and imagination, you become more than just a creator of circumstances. You become aware of your true nature as the operant power of the universe itself. This is your birthright; this is your true identity; this is who you really are. Thank you, and good night. Worry is a state of consciousness that stems from a misunderstanding of your true nature. When you worry, you are operating from a limited, finite sense of self; you are identifying with your physical body and your personal history, forgetting
the being that you truly are. But I tell you now: you are not your body, you are not your personal history, you are not even the sum of your thoughts and emotions. You are the awareness in which all these experiences arise. You are the infinite creative power of the universe expressing itself as a human being. When you truly understand this, worry becomes impossible. For how can the infinite creative power of the universe worry about anything? How can God, which you are, be concerned about solving a problem? Let us delve deeper into this concept. The world
you see around you is not the cause of your experience, but the effect. It is the out-picturing of your state of subconsciousness. Every circumstance in your life, every challenge you face, is a reflection of your inner world. Therefore, when you worry about a problem, you are actually giving power to that problem; you are affirming its reality in your consciousness, and thus in your experience. But when you rest in the knowledge that God, the God within you, will solve it, you are aligning yourself with the creative power of the universe. This is not mere positive thinking
or wishful optimism; this is a fundamental law of consciousness. Just as a seed contains within it the pattern of the fully grown plant, your consciousness contains within it the solution to every problem you could ever face. When you say, "God will solve it," you are not abdicating responsibility or passively waiting for some external force to intervene; you are declaring your alignment with the infinite intelligence within you. You are acknowledging that the power that created the universe is fully capable of handling whatever situation you are facing. Now, some of you might be thinking, "But what if
I have real problems? How can I not worry?" I understand this concern. The challenges of life can seem overwhelming when viewed from a limited perspective. But I ask you to shift your perspective. Instead of focusing on the problem, focus on the state of consciousness where the problem is already solved. This is what I mean when I say "God is solving." You are moving your attention from the problem to the solution, from the question to the answer. Imagine for a moment that your problem, whatever it may be, is already solved. How would you feel? What would
your mental state be? This feeling, this state of consciousness, is the key to allowing God to solve your problem. You see, when you assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled, when you live from the end, you are aligning yourself with the creative power of the universe. You are stepping into the consciousness of the version of you for whom the problem is already solved. This is not pretense or self-deception; this is the active use of your imagination, which is God in action within you. Your imagination is not a separate part of you; it is the very
essence of your being. It is the creative power through which all things are possible. When you imagine the solution, when you feel the relief and gratitude of your problem being solved, you are literally reshaping the substance of the universe; you are setting in motion the forces that will bring about the solution in your physical reality. Now, let us address a common misunderstanding about this principle. Some might think that saying "God will solve it" means doing nothing, simply waiting for a solution to magically appear. But this is not the case at all. When you truly align
yourself with the consciousness of the solution, you will be inspired to take what I call the right action. This action will not feel like struggle or effort; it will feel natural, even inevitable. You will find yourself in the right place at the right time, saying the right words, meeting the right people. This is because you are no longer operating from the limited perspective of the problem; you are operating from the expanded consciousness of the solution. Your actions are no longer driven by fear or worry, but by inspiration and inner guidance. Remember: the outer world is
dead; it has no power to create or to change. All creation happens first in consciousness. Your job is not to manipulate the outer world, but to change your inner world. As you change within, the outer must conform. Let us now explore the concept of faith in relation to "God will solve it." Faith is not blind belief in something outside of yourself; faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. It is a knowing beyond physical evidence. When you have true faith that God will solve your problem, you are not hoping
for a future event; you are acknowledging a present fact. You are recognizing that in the realm of pure consciousness, where all creation takes place, your problem is already solved. This kind of faith moves mountains, it parts seas, it transforms the very fabric of your reality. For when you have absolute faith that God will solve it, you are aligning yourself with the creative power of the universe; you are becoming one with the solution. Now, some of you might be wondering about the role of time in this process. You might be thinking, "When will God solve my
problem?" But I tell you now, time is an illusion of the physical world. In the realm of consciousness, where all creation takes place, there is no time. Your desire is fulfilled the moment you assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled with conviction. The time it takes for this to appear in your physical reality is determined by your faith and your persistence in the assumed state. So, do not concern yourself with when or how God will solve your problem. Your job is to assume the state of the wish fulfilled, to live from the end, to embody
the consciousness of the solution. How and when will take care of themselves. Let us now address the concept of surrender in relation to "God will solve it." Surrender is not about giving up or admitting defeat; it is about releasing your attachment to how things should be and trusting in the higher intelligence of the universe. When you truly surrender your problem to God, you are not washing your hands of it; you are acknowledging that the infinite intelligence within you, which created the universe, is fully capable of handling whatever situation you are facing. This surrender allows you
to step out of the limited perspective of the problem and into the expanded consciousness of the solution. It frees you from the burden of trying to figure everything out with your finite mind, allowing the infinite intelligence of the universe to work through you. Remember, worry is a form of negative creation. When you worry, you are using your energy to create what you do not want. But when you surrender your problem to God, saying with conviction, "God will solve it," you are using your imagination constructively. You are aligning yourself with the creative power of the universe.
Now, let us explore the concept of gratitude in relation to "God will solve it." Gratitude is not just a polite sentiment; it is a powerful creative force. When you are truly grateful, you are acknowledging the presence of your desire in your life. You are affirming its reality even before it manifests in the physical realm. So, as you trust that God will solve your problem, cultivate a deep sense of gratitude. Be thankful not just for what you can see and touch, but for the unseen solution that is even now unfolding in your life. Give thanks for
the wisdom that guides you, the love that surrounds you, and the power that resides within you. This gratitude puts you in a state of receptivity; it opens you to receive the solution that God is providing. It aligns you with the abundance of the universe. Practice gratitude not from a place of lack, hoping to receive, but from a place of fullness, knowing you already have. Let us now address the concept of detachment. This might seem contradictory to what we've discussed about faith and gratitude, but it's actually complementary. Detachment doesn't mean not caring about the solution to
your problem; it means releasing your anxious attachment to how or when it will manifest. When you're anxiously attached to the outcome, you are actually affirming the presence of the problem. You're saying, "I need this solution because I have this problem." This state of consciousness keeps the problem alive in your experience. True detachment comes from the deep knowing that God has already solved your problem in consciousness, and therefore it must manifest in your physical reality. It's a state of calm certainty, knowing the law is at work even when you can't see the evidence yet. This detachment
allows you to truly live in the end. You're not waiting for something to happen; you're simply being who you are: a person for whom the problem is already solved. This state of being is far more powerful than any amount of doing or trying. Now let us discuss the concept of revision. Revision is a powerful tool in allowing God to solve your problems. Each night before you sleep, review the events of your day, but do not review them as they appear to your senses. Revise them to align with the state of your problem being solved. If
you encounter challenges related to your problem during the day, revise them. See them as stepping stones towards the solution. If you had negative thoughts or emotions about your problem, revise them. See yourself responding with faith and confidence, knowing that God is solving it. You are not denying what happened; you are actively reshaping your memory and thus your future. Remember, your memories are not fixed; they are fluid, constantly being reconstructed. By consciously revising your memories, you are literally rewriting your past, and as you change your past in your imagination, you change the trajectory of your future.
Let us now explore the concept of persistence. Trusting that God will solve your problem is not a one-time event; it is a continuous choice. You must persist in this state of faith and surrender, even when the outer world shows no sign of change. This persistence is what distinguishes those who successfully manifest their desires from those who do not. Think of it like this: when you move to a new home, you... Don't wake up each morning wondering where you are; you naturally assume your new surroundings. This is how you must be with your faith that God
will solve your problem. It should become your new normal, your new home state. But what if you falter? What if you find yourself slipping back into worry and doubt? Do not despair; simply acknowledge it and return to your state of faith and surrender. Remember, you are breaking lifelong habits of thought and feeling. It takes practice; be patient with yourself but be persistent. Now, let us address the concept of "everyone is you pushed out." This principle states that everyone in your world is a reflection of your consciousness. The way people treat you, the opportunities that come
your way, and even the seemingly random events in your life are reflections of your state of being. This understanding brings with it a great responsibility. It means that if you want to experience a world where your problems are solved, you must first embody that state within yourself. As you trust that God will solve your problems, you will naturally see others differently, and they will respond differently to you. During this process of trusting God to solve your problems, be aware of how you perceive others. Are your perceptions aligned with the reality of your problems being solved?
If not, consciously choose to see others in a way that supports your faith. See them as helpful and supportive, playing their perfect part in the unfolding of the solution. Remember, you are not manipulating others; you are simply aligning your perception with your desired reality, and others will naturally conform to this new perception. Let us now delve into the concept of the law of assumption. This law states that if you assume a state and persist in it, it must become your reality. When you assume the state of your problem being solved, when you live from the
consciousness of "God will solve it," you are setting in motion the forces that will bring this assumption into your physical reality. This is not about forcing or manipulating external circumstances; it's about aligning yourself with the reality where your problem is already solved. When you truly assume this state, you're not trying to make something happen; you're experiencing the state of it already being done. Imagine you have a friend who lives in another city. When you think of this friend, you don't visualize them or affirm their existence; you simply know they exist. This is the kind of
knowing you must have about the solution to your problem. It should be as real and as natural to you as the existence of your distant friend. This state of knowing, of living from the end, is what truly activates the law of assumption. It aligns your entire being—your thoughts, your emotions, your actions—with the reality of your problem being solved, and in this alignment, miracles happen. Now let us address the role of emotion in this process. Emotion is crucial; it is the fuel that gives life to your assumption. When you assume the state of your problem being
solved, you must feel the reality of it. You must experience the relief, the joy, and the gratitude of the solution. But here's a key point: these emotions should not be intense or forced; they should be natural, calm—the kind of quiet joy you feel when you think of something you already possess. Remember, you are not trying to convince yourself of something; you are simply acknowledging what is already true in your consciousness. Let us now explore the concept of the Sabbath. The Sabbath, in this context, is not about a particular day of the week, but about a
state of mind. It is a state of complete rest from all effort, a state of knowing that your work is done in the process of allowing God to solve your problem. The Sabbath state is crucial; it is the state of total acceptance of the solution as an accomplished fact. In this state, you no longer feel the need to make the solution happen because you know it is already done. Practice entering the Sabbath state after you've done your imaginative work. After you've assumed the feeling of your problem being solved, consciously enter a state of rest. Release
all anxiety, all need to make it happen. Know that God is at work, and your only task now is to rest in the certainty of the solution. Now let us address the concept of divine timing. Often, when we're facing a problem, we want an immediate solution. We want God to solve it right now. But remember, in the realm of pure consciousness, there is no time. Your problem is already solved the moment you assume the state of the solution with conviction. The time it takes for the solution to appear in your physical reality is determined by
divine timing. This is not about some external force making you wait; it's about the perfect unfolding of events that will bring about your solution in the most harmonious way. Trust in this divine timing. Know that the solution is already yours in consciousness and it will manifest in your physical reality at the perfect moment. Your job is not to worry about when or how, but to maintain your faith and live from the end. Let us now explore the concept of your divine nature. When I say "God will solve it," I am not referring to an external
deity; I am referring to the God within you, the divine creative power that is your very essence. You are not a mere human being having a spiritual experience; you are a spiritual being having a human experience. You are God individualized, the infinite creative power of the universe expressing itself as you. When you truly understand this, you realize that there is no problem too big for you to handle. There is no challenge that God cannot solve because you are that God. The power that created the universe resides within you, and it is fully capable of solving
whatever problem you are facing. Now let us address the concept of resistance. When you're facing a problem, it's natural to feel resistance; you want to push against the problem, to fight it, to overcome it. But this resistance often keeps the problem in place. Remember, what you resist persists. When you resist a problem, you are giving it your energy and attention; you are affirming its reality in your consciousness. Instead of resisting your problem, practice acceptance. This doesn't mean you like the problem or want it to continue; it means you accept that, in this moment, this is
what is. Then, from this place of acceptance, you can more easily shift into the consciousness of the solution. Let us now explore the concept of your inner conversations. Your inner conversations—the thoughts you think and the words you speak to yourself—are shaping your reality. When you're constantly thinking and talking about your problem, you're reinforcing its existence in your experience. Start paying attention to your inner conversations. Are they aligned with the state of your problem being solved, or are they keeping you stuck in the consciousness of the problem? Practice having inner conversations that align with the solution;
speak to yourself as if your problem is already solved. Have imaginary conversations with others where you discuss the wonderful resolution of your situation. These inner conversations are powerful creative forces that shape your reality. Now let us address the concept of your self-concept. Your self-concept—the way you see yourself—plays a crucial role in your ability to solve your problems. If you see yourself as someone who is always struggling, always facing problems, that’s the reality you’ll create. But if you see yourself as someone who is divinely guided and supported, someone for whom solutions come easily, that’s the reality
you’ll experience. Work on upgrading your self-concept; see yourself as someone who naturally attracts divine solutions to any challenge. Remember, you are not changing who you are; you are simply aligning with your true divine nature, recognizing the God within you that is fully capable of solving any problem. Let us now explore the concept of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a powerful tool in allowing God to solve your problems. Often, our problems are tied to resentments, grudges, or unforgiveness towards ourselves or others. Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning hurtful behavior; it means releasing the emotional charge of past events so they
no longer control you. As you forgive yourself and others, you clear the path for divine solutions to flow into your life. Practice forgiveness daily; forgive yourself for past mistakes, forgive others for perceived wrongs. As you do this, you'll find that solutions to your problems come more easily and naturally. Now let us delve deeper into the concept of living in the end. When you say, “God will solve it,” you are not hoping for a future event; you are acknowledging a present fact. In the realm of imagination, where all creation takes place, your problem is already solved.
Living in the end means experiencing your desire as a present fact, not a future possibility. It's about feeling the relief, the joy, the gratitude of your problem being solved right now, in this moment. This state of consciousness collapses time and brings your desire into the present moment, making its manifestation inevitable. Remember, in the realm of imagination, there is no time. Your desire is fulfilled the moment you assume the feeling of its fulfillment with conviction. The time it takes for this to appear in your physical reality is determined by your faith and your persistence in the
assumed state. Let us now address the concept of the law of reversed effort. This law states that the harder you try to achieve something, the more you push it away. This is why so many people struggle to solve their problems; they are trying too hard, and in their effort, they are actually affirming the presence of the problem. Instead of striving and struggling, relax into the knowing that God will solve it. Release all effort; you are not trying to solve the problem; you are simply acknowledging the solution that is already yours in consciousness. This state of
effortless acceptance is far more powerful than any amount of trying or struggling. Now let us explore the concept of the bridge of incidents. When you assume the state of your problem being solved, a series of events is set in motion to bring about the manifestation of your desire. This series of events is called the bridge of incidents. The key here is to trust the bridge; you don’t need to know how God will solve your problem. Your job is simply to maintain your assumption and allow the bridge to unfold naturally. Each event, each encounter, each seeming
coincidence is a part of this bridge, leading you to the full manifestation of your solved problem. Let us address the concept of dimensional shifting. This is the idea that for every possible reality, there is a version of you already experiencing it. Your task in allowing God to solve your problem is not to create something new, but to shift your consciousness to align with the version of you for whom the problem is already solved. Practice thinking from the perspective of the you who has already experienced the solution. How would that version of you think? How would
they feel? What decisions would they make? Align yourself with this version of you, and you will naturally shift into the reality where your problem is solved. Now let us delve into the power of your self-talk. Your self-talk is not just idle chatter in your mind; it's a declaration to the universe. The way you speak to yourself about... Your problems and their solutions are shaping your reality. Stop paying attention to your self-talk. Are you constantly affirming the presence of your problem, or are you speaking as if the solution is already yours? Choose your words consciously. Speak
as if God has already solved your problem. Use phrases like, "I am so grateful that this situation has been resolved," instead of, "I hope this problem will be solved." Let us explore the concept of non-resistance once more. Non-resistance doesn't mean being passive or accepting undesirable circumstances; it means not giving your problem any more power through your resistance to it. When you resist a problem, when you fight against it, you are actually energizing it. You are giving it your attention and your emotional energy. Instead, practice non-resistance. Acknowledge the problem without judgment, then shift your attention to
the state of the solution. Now let us address the concept of your point of power. Your point of power is always in the present moment. It's not in the past where the problem might have originated; it's not in the future where you hope the solution will come. It's right here, right now. In this present moment, you have the power to choose your state of consciousness. You have the power to align yourself with the reality where God has already solved your problem. Use this point of power wisely. Choose thoughts, feelings, and actions that align with the
solution, not the problem. Let us delve into the concept of your "I am." Your "I am" is your true self, the God within you. It is the creative power through which all things are possible. When you say, "I am," you are invoking this creative power. Be very careful with what you attach to your "I am." Saying, "I am struggling with this problem" creates a very different reality than "I am grateful for the divine solution to this situation." Choose your "I am" statements wisely, for they are powerful creative forces. Now let us explore the concept of
your imagination once more. Your imagination is not mere fantasy or daydreaming; it is God in action within you. It is the creative power through which all things are made. When you use your imagination to experience the solution to your problem, you are literally reshaping the substance of the universe. You are impressing upon your subconscious mind the reality of the solution, and your subconscious mind must then work to bring this impressed image into your physical experience. Let us address the concept of detachment once again. Detachment doesn't mean not caring about the solution to your problem; it
means releasing your anxious attachment to how or when it will manifest. When you're anxiously attached to the outcome, you are actually affirming the presence of the problem. You are saying, "I need this solution because I have this problem." This state of consciousness keeps the problem alive in your experience. True detachment comes from the deep knowing that God has already solved your problem in consciousness, and therefore it must manifest in your physical reality. It's a state of calm certainty, knowing the law is at work, even when you can't see the evidence yet. Now let us explore
the concept of your state of consciousness. Your state of consciousness is the sum total of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in any given moment. It is the lens through which you perceive and interact with reality. When you say, "God will solve it," you are choosing to occupy a state of consciousness where the solution is already a fact. This state of consciousness then shapes your perception and experience of reality. Remember, you are not trying to change the outer world; you are changing your state of consciousness, and as you do, the outer world must conform to match
this new inner state. Let's address the concept of your creative power once more. You are not a powerless being at the mercy of external circumstances; you are a creative being made in the image and likeness of God. The power that created the universe resides within you. When you say, "God will solve it," you are acknowledging this creative power within you. You are aligning yourself with the infinite intelligence that orchestrates the cosmos. Trust in this power; have faith in your ability to create the reality you desire. Now let us explore the concept of your divine timing
once again. Divine timing is not about some external force making you wait for your solution; it's about the perfect unfolding of events that will bring about your solution in the most harmonious way. Trust in this divine timing. Know that the solution is already yours in consciousness, and it will manifest in your physical reality at the perfect moment. Your job is not to worry about when or how, but to maintain your faith and live from the end. Let us address the concept of your inner knowing. Beyond your thoughts and beyond your emotions, there is a deep
inner knowing within you. This is the voice of God, the infinite intelligence that knows exactly how to solve your problem. Learn to listen to this inner knowing. It often speaks in subtle ways: a quiet nudge, a sudden inspiration, a feeling of peace. As you trust this inner knowing, you'll find yourself naturally guided towards the solution to your problem. Now let us explore the concept of your divine nature once more. You are not separate from God; you are an individualized expression of God. The power that created the universe is not outside of you; it is you.
When you truly understand this, you realize that there is no problem too big for you to handle. There is no challenge that God cannot solve because you are that God. The power that created the universe resides within you, and it is fully capable of solving whatever problem you are facing. In conclusion, remember that God will... "Solve it: It is not a passive statement of hope; it is a powerful declaration of your alignment with the creative forces of the universe. It is an acknowledgment of your true divine nature and your inherent ability to create the reality
you desire. Trust in this truth; have faith in the God within you. Live from the state of your problem being solved and watch as your outer world reshapes itself to match your inner state, for truly, with God all things are possible. Many of you may think of it as some external force separate from your daily life, but I tell you now: manifestation is not separate from you; it is you. It is the very essence of your being, the creative power that shapes your entire reality. Imagine, if you will, that your current reality is like a
garment you wear. It may feel comfortable, familiar, even inevitable, but I assure you it is no more permanent or real than the clothes on your back. You can change it just as easily as you change your attire. The secret lies in your imagination and your ability to feel the reality of your desire. Now you might be wondering, 'Neville, how can I manifest quickly? Isn't change a slow process?' And therein lies the crux of our discussion today: the speed of manifestation is not determined by external factors but by the intensity of your belief and the vividness
of your imaginal acts. You see, the world you experience is not happening to you; it is happening from you. Every circumstance, every event, every interaction in your life is a reflection of your inner assumptions. These assumptions are like seeds planted in the fertile soil of your subconscious mind, and just as a seed grows into a plant, your assumptions grow into your experiential reality. This is why many people find themselves stuck in patterns of lack, struggle, and not-enoughness: they have unknowingly been planting these seeds in their subconscious mind through years of repetitive thoughts and feelings of
limitation. But here's the liberating truth: you have the power to choose what seeds you plant. You have the ability to consciously assume the state of your wish fulfilled, regardless of your current circumstances. This, my friends, is the key to fast manifestation. So how do we begin this process of rapid manifestation? The first step is to clearly define what you wish to manifest. Be specific! Don't simply say, 'I want more money.' Instead, imagine in vivid detail what your life looks like with the exact amount of money you desire. How do you feel? What are you doing?
How do you spend your time? The more specific and detailed your vision, the more clearly you communicate with your subconscious mind. Once you have this clear vision, the next step is to assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled. This is crucial! You must feel the reality of your desire now, not in some distant future. Remember, your subconscious mind doesn't understand time; it only understands the present moment. So if you constantly feel that your desire is something in the future, it will always remain in the future. Instead, assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled now. How
would you feel if your desire were already realized? Would you feel joyful, confident, free, grateful? Embody these feelings; live from this state of being. This is not pretending or lying to yourself; this is assuming a new state of consciousness, which is the very essence of fast manifestation. Now some of you may be thinking, 'But Neville, how can I feel something that isn't yet true?' This is where the power of your imagination comes into play. Your imagination is the bridge between your current reality and your desired state. It is through your imagination that you can step
into the feeling of your wish fulfilled even before it manifests in the physical world. Your imagination is not a flight of fancy or a frivolous faculty; it is the very workshop wherein you fashion your future. When you imagine, you are experiencing reality at its most fundamental level; you are engaging with the pure potential of consciousness, shaping it with your attention and your assumption. To use your imagination effectively for fast manifestation, you must first quiet your conscious mind—the chattering of your daily thoughts, your worries, your doubts. These must be silenced. Enter a state of relaxation, a
state akin to sleep, but in which you remain consciously aware. In this state, your subconscious mind becomes more receptive to impression. Once in this relaxed state, construct your scene. This scene should be one that implies the fulfillment of your desire. If your desire is for a successful career, you might imagine yourself in your ideal office or receiving congratulations from colleagues. If it's financial abundance you seek, imagine yourself looking at your bank statement with joy and gratitude. The scene itself should be short and simple; it's not about creating an elaborate story, but about capturing a moment
that implies your desire is now a fact. This scene is your platform, the stage upon which you will enact the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Now step into this scene; don't watch it as a spectator, but experience it from the first-person perspective. Be there in that moment, and as you experience it, let the feeling of fulfillment wash over you. Feel the gratitude, the joy, the satisfaction of having your desire realized. This is where many falter in their attempts at fast manifestation: they can see the scene clearly, but they fail to evoke the feeling. Remember, it
is the feeling that gives life to your imaginal act. Without feeling, visualization is merely a mental exercise; with feeling, it becomes an act of creation. As you practice this, you may find that the feeling comes more easily with repetition. Each time you return to your scene, the feeling becomes more..." Vivid! More real! This is good; you are strengthening the impression upon your subconscious mind. But here's a crucial point for fast manifestation: once you have evoked the feeling, once you have impressed it upon your subconscious, you must carry it with you into your waking life. This
is where many stumble. They do their visualization exercise; they feel it intensely in the moment, but then they return to their daily life and fall back into old patterns of thought and feeling. To manifest quickly, you must maintain the feeling of your wish fulfilled even in the face of contradiction. Here comes the evidence: this is where faith comes in—not blind faith, but faith born of understanding. Understanding that your outer world is a reflection of your inner state. When you truly grasp this, you will no longer be swayed by appearances. You will know that what you
see around you is the effect, not the cause. The cause lies in your consciousness, in your feeling. As you persist in the feeling of your wish fulfilled, your outer world must reshape itself to match this inner conviction. Now let us address a common challenge in fast manifestation: the apparent contradictions of your senses. As you begin to live in the feeling of your wish fulfilled, you may find that your current circumstances seem to contradict your assumption. Bills may still need to be paid, problems may still arise. How do you maintain your feeling in the face of
these seeming contradictions? This is where the art of ignoring comes into play. To ignore is not to deny the existence of something, but to refrain from giving it your attention and energy. When contradictory evidence appears, acknowledge it briefly, then immediately return your attention to the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Remember, what you see in your outer world is the result of past assumptions, past feelings. It is like an echo of what you once believed. Your task now is to give more attention, more importance, more reality to your new assumption than to these outdated circumstances. This
practice requires mental discipline; it requires you to stand firm in your new assumption even when your senses argue against it. But remember, your senses only show you what has been, not what can be. Your imagination, informed by your feeling, shows you what will be. As you persist in maintaining the feeling of your wish fulfilled—even in the face of contradictory evidence—you will begin to see changes in your outer world. These changes may start small: a fortunate coincidence, an unexpected opportunity, a shift in someone's behavior towards you. Do not dismiss these as mere chance; they are the
first fruits of your new assumption taking root. For fast manifestation, it is crucial to recognize and appreciate these small changes. They are confirmations that your imaginal act is working, that your new assumption is reshaping your reality. Acknowledge them with gratitude, for gratitude accelerates the manifestation process. Now let us delve deeper into the nature of feeling and fast manifestation. When I speak of feeling, I am not referring merely to emotions (though emotions play a part); I am speaking of a deeper sense and knowing—an unshakable conviction. It is the difference between saying, "I want to be wealthy,"
and knowing in the very core of your being, "I am wealthy." This feeling, this conviction, is not something you can fake or force; it arises naturally when you have successfully impressed your desire upon your subconscious mind. This is why the repeated use of your imagination is so crucial for fast manifestation. Each time you return to your imaginal scene, each time you step into the feeling of your wish fulfilled, you are deepening this impression. Think of it like wearing a groove in a record. The first time you play the record, the needle may skip and jump,
but with repeated plays, the groove deepens, and the music plays smoothly. Similarly, as you repeat your imaginal act, the feeling becomes more natural, more habitual; it becomes your dominant state. This is the state from which fast manifestation occurs. When you can maintain this feeling, this conviction throughout your day—when it becomes as natural as breathing—you have mastered the art of conscious creation. Your outer world has no choice but to conform to this inner state. But what about those moments when doubt creeps in, when fear arises, when the old patterns of thought and feeling try to reassert
themselves? These moments are inevitable, especially in the beginning of your practice. Do not be discouraged by them; instead, see them as opportunities to strengthen your new assumption. When doubt arises, do not fight it. Fighting against the thought only gives it more power. Instead, gently but firmly return to your feeling of wish fulfilled. Remind yourself that what you see around you is the past; your new assumption, your new feeling is creating your future. This brings us to another crucial aspect of fast manifestation: the concept of living in the end. Living in the end means assuming the
feeling of your wish fulfilled in your day-to-day life. It's not enough to visualize for a few minutes each day and then return to your old patterns of thought and feeling. You must carry the feeling of your wish fulfilled with you throughout your day. This doesn't mean you deny your current circumstances; rather, you acknowledge them briefly, then immediately return to the feeling of your desire fulfilled. You live from the assumption that what you desire is already yours. For example, if your desire is for financial abundance, you would feel the security, freedom, and joy of wealth as
you go about your day. When you make purchases, you would feel the ease and confidence of someone who has more than enough. When you interact with others, you would carry yourself with the assurance of a wealthy person. Living in the end requires a shift in your entire mindset. Way of being, it's not about pretending or play-acting; it's about genuinely assuming a new state of consciousness. When you do this effectively, you'll find that your actions naturally align with your assumed state, accelerating the manifestation process. Now, let us address the role of action in fast manifestation. Some
people mistakenly believe that manifesting means they can simply imagine their desires and then sit back and wait for them to magically appear. This is not the case. Fast manifestation does not negate action; it informs action. When you successfully impress your desire upon your subconscious mind, when you truly feel your wish fulfilled, you will be inspired to take actions that align with this state. These actions will feel natural, even inevitable; they will not be driven by fear or lack, but will flow from your assumed state of fulfillment. This is a crucial distinction. When you take action
from a place of lack, trying to get what you desire, you are actually affirming the assumption of not having it. But when you take action from the assumption of already having your desire fulfilled, you open yourself to infinite possibilities for its expression and expansion. So, do not neglect action, but ensure that your actions are aligned with and flowing from your assumed state. Let your feeling guide your actions, rather than hoping your actions will create the feeling. This alignment of inner state and outer action is key to fast manifestation. Now, let us explore the concept of
detachment in relation to fast manifestation. Detachment doesn't mean you don't care about your desire; rather, it means you're not anxiously attached to seeing immediate results or figuring out how your desire will manifest. When you're detached, you can imagine and feel your desire fulfilled without constantly looking for signs of its manifestation. You trust in the process, knowing that as you maintain the feeling of your wish fulfilled, it must inevitably express itself in your outer world. Detachment allows you to live in the present moment while holding your assumed state. It frees you from the anxiety and doubt
that can slow down the manifestation process. It allows you to enjoy the journey of manifestation rather than being solely focused on the destination. Practice detachment by reminding yourself that your imaginal act, imbued with feeling, is the reality. What you see in the outer world is just a shadow, a reflection of past assumptions. As you persist in your new assumption, this shadow must change to match the new reality you're imagining and feeling. Let us now address the importance of gratitude in fast manifestation. Gratitude is not just a pleasant emotion; it is a powerful creative force. When
you feel genuinely grateful, you are affirming that you already have what you desire. This aligns perfectly with the principle of living in the end. Begin to cultivate an attitude of gratitude for your desire, even before you see it manifested in your physical reality. Be thankful for it as if it were already yours. Feel appreciation for the abundance that surrounds you in all forms: the air you breathe, the sun that shines, the food you eat. As you practice gratitude, you are assuming the state of someone who has their desire fulfilled. This assumption, persistently held, must manifest
in your outer world as the realization of your desire. Now let us explore the power of revision in fast manifestation. Revision is not merely about changing your memories or rewriting your past; it is about recognizing that the past only exists in your mind and therefore it can be changed in your mind. At the end of each day, take a few moments to review the events of your day. If there were any events that were not to your liking, revise them in your imagination. See them unfolding in a way that aligns with your desired state; feel
the satisfaction, the joy, the fulfillment of this revised version of events. By doing this, you are not denying what physically happened; you are changing the impact of that event on your subconscious mind. You are impressing upon your subconscious a reality that aligns with your desires, rather than one that contradicts them. As you make this practice of revision a habit, you will find that your reactions to current events begin to change. You'll become less reactive, more peaceful, and more aligned with your desired states of being. This alignment accelerates the manifestation process. Let's now discuss the importance
of persistence in fast manifestation. While we speak of fast manifestation, it's important to understand that the speed of manifestation is relative. Some desires may manifest almost instantly, while others may take more time. The key is to persist in your assumption regardless of how long it seems to be taking. Remember, the outer world is a reflection of your inner state. If you waver in your assumption, if you lose faith in the process, you send mixed signals to your subconscious mind, which can slow down the manifestation process. Persistence doesn't mean forcing or struggling; it means consistently returning
to the feeling of your wish fulfilled, even when the outer world seems to contradict it. It means choosing again and again to live from the end, to embody the state of having your desire realized. This persistence requires faith—not blind faith, but faith born of understanding. Understanding that your outer world is a reflection of your inner state and that as you persist in your new assumption, your world must reshape itself to match it. Now let us address the role of self-concept in fast manifestation. Your self-concept, the beliefs you hold about who you are, is perhaps the
most powerful factor in determining what you can manifest in your life. Many people struggle to manifest their desires quickly because their self-concept contradicts what they're trying to achieve. They may visualize wealth, but deep down, they don't believe they're the kind of person who… Can be wealthy, they may imagine a loving relationship but fundamentally believe they're unworthy of love. To manifest quickly, you must be willing to revise your self-concept. This involves imagining and feeling yourself as the person who already has what you desire. It's not about creating a false image of yourself, but about recognizing and
embracing your true limitless nature. Remember, at your core, you are pure consciousness. You are not defined by your past experiences, your current circumstances, or the opinions of others. You are the awareness in which all these things appear, and this awareness, your true self, is infinite in its potential. As you use your imagination to assume your desired states, you are essentially recreating yourself. You are stepping into a new concept of self—a new understanding of who you are and what's possible for you. This revision of self-concept is crucial for fast manifestation. As you align your self-concept with
your desires, you remove the inner contradictions that can slow down the manifestation process. Now let us explore the role of emotion in fast manifestation. Emotion is the fuel that powers your imaginal acts. It's not enough to merely visualize or think about your desires; you must feel them. When you combine vivid imagination with genuine emotion, you create a powerful impression on your subconscious mind. This is because your subconscious responds more strongly to feeling than to intellectual thought. The emotions you want to cultivate are those you would feel if your desire were already realized. If your desire
is for wealth, feel the security, the freedom, and the joy that comes with financial abundance. If it's a loving relationship you seek, feel the love, the connection, and the companionship. These emotions should be so real and so intense that when you open your eyes and return to your present circumstances, you carry with you a sense of fulfillment, as if your desire has already been realized. This emotional component is what distinguishes effective fast manifestation from mere daydreaming or wishful thinking. When you can genuinely feel your desires as an accomplished fact, you are impressing it upon your
subconscious mind as a reality. Your subconscious then works tirelessly to bring this feeling into physical manifestation. Another crucial aspect of fast manifestation is the practice of letting go. This might seem counterintuitive; after all, if you want something badly, shouldn't you focus on it constantly? But the truth is that obsessing over your desire can actually slow down the manifestation process. It implies a state of wanting, of not having, which contradicts the assumption that your wish is fulfilled. Letting go means trusting in the process. It means doing your imaginal work, feeling the reality of your desire, and
then releasing it, knowing that the seed has been planted and will grow in its own time. This state of peaceful expectancy, free from anxiety or doubt, creates the perfect conditions for rapid manifestation. As we near the conclusion of our exploration of fast manifestation, remember this: the power to transform your reality lies within you. It resides in your ability to imagine vividly, to feel deeply, and to assist faithfully in the assumption of your wish fulfilled. The speed of manifestation is not determined by external factors but by the intensity of your belief and the consistency of your
imaginal acts. Go forth from here with this knowledge. Apply these principles in your daily life; use your imagination consciously and deliberately to create scenes that imply the fulfillment of your desires. Feel the reality of your wish fulfilled with every fiber of your being. Persist in this feeling even when your senses are denied, for as you do, you are reshaping your entire world, manifesting your desires with a speed and precision you may have thought impossible. Remember, you are the apparent power in your world. You are limited only by your ability to imagine and to feel the
reality of your wishes fulfilled. Embrace this truth, live from this understanding, and watch as your world transforms around you, reflecting the newfound mastery of your creative consciousness.