How to *actually* LEVEL UP before the end of the year

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Jillz Guerin
If you want to level up, this is the video for you. Once you start incorporating these 3 foundationa...
Video Transcript:
in this video I'm going to walk you through three things to start doing right now so that in one to two months life will feel completely different and the things I'm going to talk about they're not like extreme they're actually kind of straightforward and kind of fun but once you do these the trajectory of your life will 100% absolutely change so if you're up for it then keep on watching hey friends welcome back if you're new here my name's jills and I help women step into their power tap into their divine feminine and become their
best self live their best life so if that's something you want to do you should subscribe and stick around and in case you want more from me besides just my YouTube videos you can check out my deep dive feminine energy course or any of my other digital products like my notion templates they're all linked down below so these three things that we're going to talk about the reason why they're so powerful and so important and the reason why they'll completely shift your life is because they lay the foundation for creating the life you want and
what I mean by that is that so many people try to change their life start new habits but if that Missing Foundation is not there then it's going to be so hard for those things to actually stick it's like trying to drive a car to your destination but the wheels keep falling off or the engine keeps breaking and turning on and off or the doors fly off it makes the journey so much harder but once that foundation of the car is like set the wheels the engine the mechanics however all that's supposed to work you
can now easily use that car to get to your destination there's no resistance once you nail the foundation everything else is a lot easier if feels a lot more effortless and so these three things are going to cover that Foundation piece but from three different angles so let's just get into it the first thing to do if you want to actually create your dream self in your dream life is something called the ideal end State exercise so this exercise was created by Kevin dalstrom and it's simple and it's fun and it's very enlightening okay so
what you do is you take out a piece of paper or you can use just like the notes app in your phone or like I have a notion page for mine and you write out what your ideal life would look like so think about what are the things that you would be doing what would your life look like so just list like a bunch of bullet points so for example I work for myself on my own time I get lots of time to read every week I'm super fit I play tennis once a week with
the girls I have a big collection of luxury designer handbags I have a loving husband and kids and we have a date night once a week and a family night once a week I can work wherever I want I can travel whenever I want I'm confident and secure in myself my monthly expenses are paid for by passive income or Investments I live in a five bedroom house with a big backyard I have an amazing circle of friends in my city whatever you want whatever you truly desire and it doesn't matter if there's like superficial things
on there if you want a fancy car put it on there if you want 10 vacation homes put it on there now you look at this list and you compare this list to your current self and your current actions and when you do this it quickly becomes apparent where there are inconsistencies he uses this example where if you buy yourself a fancy car like take for example a Mercedes G wagon or something those are pretty cool but if a fancy car wasn't on your list then are your actions really aligning with what you want you
know you could have put that money into an investment that will eventually give you passive income because that was on your list or you could have used that money to even like buy a designer handbag because that was on your list and so this list it really helps you identify the actions you're taking because you think you should I think I should have a fancy car because that's what all the successful people have versus what you actually desire deep down which instead might be Financial Freedom or time Freedom or a bunch of Chanel purses and
I think this can also help to ensure that we're focused on those long-term goals and getting those true deep desires that we have versus let's say me buying a new car because it's going to bring me like a burst of excitement or something like that to my life right like it can kind of help separate like those true deep desires and remind us of what we're really like working for and cutting out the stuff like a fancy car that might be really fun for like a week but it's not going to give you that true
sense of fulfillment in the long term and so now going forward you get to filter all of your actions all of your thoughts and beliefs through this list and ask is it pulling me closer to that dream life or is it pushing me away is that decision to sign up for a gym membership is that pulling me closer to my dream life or is it pushing me away is my belief that I could never make money on my own is it pulling me closer to my dream life or pushing me away everything that pulls you
closer you do everything that pushes you away you stop this creates a lot of Simplicity and direction in in your life and it really sets that foundation so you know where you're trying to go and once you have that it's easier to turn that dream life into reality now the next tip to leveling up is to audit your vibration and maybe that sounds a little weird but trust me this is one of the most important things that you can do we all know from the law of attraction that like attracts like and we manifest what
we want by tuning into the frequency the energy the vibration the feeling of how you want to feel so then we can attract in a reality to match that and so we can fully become that person but the feeling or the vibration come first that's how you bring that into your life if we want wealth we need to feel abundant first if we want love we need to feel love within ourselves first your Vibe is the single biggest determining factor in the life you create and the person you become and so here's the thing when
you're operating from a high Vibe place when you're feeling good things just seem to work have you noticed that things just seem to feel easier things just seem to happen with less Force you start attracting in Opportunities you start attracting the right people your mind expands you're more creative you're better able to find solutions to problems think about it when your Vibe is high and you're feeling good when you know that you need to work out today because being fit and healthy is a part of your dream self and your dream life when you're feeling
good the task of working out feels like yeah let's do it maybe there's this feeling of it being a challenge still but it's almost like an exciting challenge but when you're feeling grumpy and blah and low Vibe that's when you're like H I don't want to do it it feels too hard maybe I should skip it yeah I'm just going to skip it and eat candy on the couch the short of it is is that when you are happy joyful in a good mood this elevated vibration it changes everything your entire perception of reality changes
you yourself change your decision- making changes your thoughts change your beliefs about yourself change you don't have to work so hard at becoming your dream self or creating your dream life it just starts to happen please hear me when I say that it just starts to happen when you have good energy you start naturally saying yes to the things that elevate your life and you start naturally saying no to the things that don't when you're high Vibe all of a sudden you start working and making progress on that business that you've told all your friends
that you've wanted to start for like 5 years or when you're feeling good all of a sudden Men start coming out of the Woodworks asking you on dates one of the most important keys to leveling up is leveling up your Vibe first because everything will follow after that so that is why auditing your vibration is so crucial you have to become the master of your energy for example you notice that when you scroll on your phone for 2 hours it doesn't actually make you feel that great it kind of drains your energy it kind of
sinks you noted you notice that when you sit out in the sun for 10 minutes you're happier your Vibe is higher noted you notice that when you put on a cute outfit in the morning you just feel so good kind of Unstoppable noted or you notice when you start thinking a certain negative thought you feel slow and blah again noted you notice when you wake up and play happy music you feel good noted your biggest most important job is to be the master of your energy your Vibe and get yourself feeling good note the things
that drain you and make you feel low and note the things that elevate you and make you feel like life is magical all the things you're doing in the action you're taking the thoughts that you're thinking the beliefs and the stories that you tell yourself the people you spend time with the content you're consuming the TV shows you're watching the music you're listening to okay and crank up the dial on the things that elevate your Vibe and minimize it to the best of your ability on the things that lower it that is your job and
when you do that everything will start to fall into place the perfect tiny little example of this playing out in my life just happened yesterday okay so I was taking my sweet dog Piper on a little nature walk and we had to drive like 30 minutes to get there and we went on our walk and it was wonderful and we were driving back together and and I always like to listen to a podcast in the car it's just something that usually makes me happy some sort of educational podcast usually it elevates my vibe usually it
inspires me and makes me happy so I put on this podcast and started driving home and I noticed that like 5 minutes into listening to this podcast I just started feeling like heavier you know like my energy was just being drained for me I noticed that listening to this podcast wasn't elevating me and so I switched to Sabrina Carpenters new album which I'm obsessed with by the way and jammed all the way home to that and that little change it made me feel good it made me feel happier and spunkier and it elevated My Vibe
a little bit and then because I felt good by the time I got home I was like you know what let's just do a quick strength workout why not and so then I did that workout which elevated My Vibe even more and then I had to get some work done before dinner so I went and sat at my desk to work and because I was feeling so good because I was feeling so high five my work was just so effortless and felt like so much fun and then because I had a good day because I
felt accomplished in my day and because I was feeling good when my husband came home from work I was the version of me that's like that sweet loving warm wife to come home to an elevated Vibe instantly transforms you into an elevated version of yourself and starts creating an elevated reality so it was me noticing my vibe was shifting from something as little like listening to a podcast and being proactive about doing something to turn it around and then once I did everything was fun and easy and productive after that everything just kind of flowed
now I'm not saying that you need to like force yourself to be happy all the time and of course there's going to be moments in our life where our emotions are just going to feel heavier and we're just going to feel lower but just reach for the best feeling thought and the best feeling feeling that you can embody maybe that best feeling thought is not ultimate Bliss and happiness maybe it's just acceptance or maybe that best feeling thought is not super happy yay it's just feeling 1% 5% hopeful or optimistic your vibration or your energy
it's one of those foundational pieces so you can either try to push yourself and force yourself and fight against yourself to be better or you can just elevate your Vibe have fun with it and watch everything flow in effortlessly and if you doubt me try it now I know this is all easier said than done but don't overthink it and don't over complicate it turn up the dial on the things that elevate you make you high Vibe and try to minimize as much much as possible the things that drain you and lower your Vibe and
even like a 10% change in your energy or your Vibe it'll create massive changes in your life and lastly you will level up an in Rapid time when you allow yourself to change the way you see yourself here's the thing is that over time over the years we've all come to see ourselves in a certain way right we have all developed a certain identity about ourself but as long as we continue to keep seeing ourselves in that same kind of way then nothing will ever change maybe you were always really lazy in the past but
if you continue to keep seeing yourself as just a lazy person you're going to keep acting in accordance with that because that's who you keep telling yourself you are maybe you have been really out of shape for like the past 7 years but if you continue to keep seeing yourself as that kind of person you know someone who's unhealthy and out of shape and someone who hates working out subconsciously you're going to keep living your life in a way to confirm that identity because Behavior always follows identity and and you become who you believe that
you are and you will never go farther than the limits of the person you see yourself as therefore the way you see yourself needs to change so that you can actually change if you want to level up change the way you see yourself first most people try to do it the other way around where they try to force themselves to start these new habits that go against the beliefs they have about themselves so that hopefully eventually after months and months of this they can fully become that new person and see themselves as that new person
it's like if you're someone who's addicted to alcohol but wants to stop drinking for good if you see yourself as someone who's addicted to alcohol those habits of no longer drinking alcohol do you see how they are no longer aligned it's not congruent and this creates a lot of discomfort whereas if you decide to change your identity first you decide I'm not a drinker that's just not who I am even if you don't fully believe it yet all of a sudden that habit of no longer drinking it feels more aligned if you allow that identity
piece to change first your behavior will naturally start to align if you want to start going to Pilates three times a week that's really important to you if you want to get really fit that's a part of your dream self you're not just someone who's trying to exercise a bit more no no no you now choose to see yourself as a Pilates girl if you want to build a successful business you're not someone with a little side hobby that makes a few bucks here and there no no no you are a business owner can you
see how these shifts and identity all of a sudden make it feel so much different once you shift the identity piece the showing up part kind of feels a little more natural and it makes it so those changes that you want to see they start becoming real you start taking the action you need to because Behavior follows identity because what do Pilates girls do they go to Pilates what do business owners do they show up consistently for their business and they make real money not just a few bucks here and there see how that shift
in identity naturally makes it become more real and almost turns off on that part of you identity is everything so drop the labels that are holding you back and pick up the ones you want if you don't want to be shy anymore stop saying it stop saying that you are a shy person stop saying oh I'm so shy but I'm trying to be a more outgoing person no you are just no longer a shy person that is just no longer a part of your self- description instead it might be I'm someone who's comfortable being myself
and if I am ever quiet it's just because I'm so content being me now shifting your identity this might sound like some wildly delusional thing but it's not and it's not as hard as you think but if this feels completely overwhelming to you you don't know where to start or you want more guidance I have a full video here on how to shift your identity and it's so informative and I promise you that you're going to get something valuable from this video so that is it for this video I hope it was helpful for you
as always let me know your thoughts on this video in the comments below I'd love to hear them but besides that I'll see you over there or I'll just see you next time in my next video bye
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