The Only Five Exercises You Need

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The Only Five Exercises You Need Join Chadd as he discusses the only five exercises that you really...
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what's up YouTube today we're going to talk about what I believe are the top five uh exercises that you need to do to just stay generally strong and fit overall as an athlete as a warrior as a just a freaking good human being uh these are really really simple you don't need a gym to do any of these uh there's only one that you actually need weight but you can use whatever you want to use for weight uh super simple I actually do all of my strength work just right here under this freaking pole barn
on the farm I don't need a gym to do these things so we're going to go over each one uh all five of them and talk about why they're in my lineup of the top five and uh I'll demonstrate the movement for you guys and talk about uh numbers and how often you should do each of these so let's get into it all right guys so the first the number one ex exercise I think that we should all work on on a regular basis is the pull-up man the pull-up is just a basic to me
movement that every human being should be able to do just as a a survival mechanism right if you fall down off of something or or you need to pull yourself up over a ledge you need to be able to pull your body weight up and over some sort of obstacle uh the great thing about the pull-up is it hits a lot of major muscle groups all at the same time you're hitting your lats uh you're working your biceps your forearms your grip strength uh you're even getting a lot of core work done with the pullup
in my opinion if there was only one exercise that I had to choose uh to do with a short amount of time it would just be Max pull-ups it's it just covers down on so much how often should you do pull-ups uh I think optimally you should do at least 30 pull-ups three times a week all right obviously the more you do them the better you're going to get at them just like everything else uh but if you don't practice your pull-ups at least three times a week you're not going to see a lot of
improvements and you're probably going to go downhill so every time I do pull-ups I'm trying to do at least 30 uh during the workout sometimes obviously I'll do a lot more than that but that would be the minimum number so I'll demonstrate the movement from you for you guys I actually like to do pull-ups on uh these old Rafters on this Barn there's a rafter right up behind this tin right here and the reason I like to do pull-ups on this is because it really hits my forearms and my grip strength it's a lot harder
to do them here than it is on a bar so I enjoy that obviously for a dead hang pull-up it is exactly what it sounds like it is you have to come from a dead hang all right all the way down arms out and you don't have any Motion in your hips so no Kipping you're going to keep your body nice and level and pull straight up chin over the bar or over the rafter for me if your chin doesn't go over the bar it doesn't count dead hang pull-ups are freaking tough uh the other
way to do a pull-up is a Kipping pull-up where you're actually using momentum created by your legs in order to give you a little boost to get up and over the rafter I usually start with dead hang pull-ups until I just can't do another dead hang pull-up and uh if I want to get a couple more sets in I'll start to use that Kipping motion just to help me get some more numbers in cuz after a few sets of dead hang pull-ups unless I'm really really tuned up on this uh I've got to move to
the Kipping motion so practice both use them both the dead hang is going to help build more strength and make you better at pull-ups faster but if you want to get those extra reps in start that Kip all right the number two is the pushup I think again just like the pull-up the pushup is a functional movement for every human being it's how you're going to if you get knock down it's how you're going to get yourself up off the ground uh if somebody gets up in your space it's that's the power that you're going
to use to push somebody or get somebody out of your space uh it hits a lot of muscle groups just like the pullup and that's why I like the push-up so much it's hitting your chest your shoulders you're getting a lot of core work uh in with the pushup and all around it's a great thing push-ups like all these exercises you have to stay on it man um the pushup isn't like for me running if I stop running for a few months I can jump right back into running and I can do pretty good right
if I don't do push-ups for a couple of months I'll go and try to do some push-ups and it's freaking sad I mean real sad so how many how how often should you do push-ups I think push-ups are an exercise that you should do every single day man um I would say a a minimum of 50 per day because you don't need a bar to hang off of you don't you can drop down and do push-ups anywhere so why would you not incorporate these into your daily routine you're hitting a ton of muscle groups You're
Building strength it's a practical functional movement and uh super super simple to execute a set of push-ups anywhere at any time of the day so I'll demonstrate a proper pushup so we're going to get our hands about shoulder width apart maybe a little wider than shoulder width apart we need a nice straight back all right we're going to keep our head up just like this we're not hanging our head down keeping our head up we're going to go all the way down touch our chest to the ground and then we're going to push all the
way back up and lock our elbows out that's a proper pushup this is not a proper pushup this is not a proper pushup there's all kinds of freaking crazy push-ups y'all do flat back chest to the ground head up all the way back up lock your elbows out that's one when you do your push-ups you do multiple sets throughout the day do them on an incline kick your feet up on something do them on a decline and do them flat just switch it up like anything and everything else the more you switch it up the
more it forces your body to adapt to different types of stimulus so that's the pushup that's my number two all right number three for me is going to be the situp core strength is extremely important in all aspects of of movement uh so we need to have something that specifically targets the core just the regular old situp has worked great for me over the years all right I'm going to demonstrate what a good situp looks like here in just a minute but again this is what we're doing to focus on our core how often should
we do situps I think about the same frequency as we do our pull-ups about three times a week is about what I do situps and um I'll do more situps than uh than other exercises because they go by so quick and I can sit down I you can bust out a a whole a set of a hundred situps in uh you know one set once you have been practicing them for a while so it's it's easier to get higher numbers of situps uh three times a week I'll demonstrate one of these for you you don't
need anybody to hold your feet nothing like that you just put your feet flat on the ground you take your hands grab your shoulders all right so hands need to be on the shoulders uh we'll start with our elbows on the top of our knees we're going to come all the way down until our back is flat on the ground and then we're going to come up and touch our elbows to the top of our knees all right that's one rep two reps all right that to me is the standard for a situp that's the
standard that I do my situps too again super easy exercise do them three times a week every time you do them get a minimum of 100 reps in if you got to split that up in the beginning into multiple sets that's totally fine but you need to have something that specifically targets your core our push-ups uh and our pull-ups are going to get better as we strengthen our core all right so sit-ups is my number three all right number four for me guys is the Burpee uh what I love about the Burpee is it really
gets your heart rate up it gets you breathing hard uh it ties a couple of different exercises together so you're going to have basically your squat your pushup and and then standing up from The Squat and then jumping the jumping motion is going to hit more into your lower legs your calves uh the bottoms of your feet your quads it's the Burpee is almost a full body exercise you're engaging everything from top to bottom and it gets your heart rate up you do a set of push-ups you do a set of pull-ups you know you're
not really going to get breathing real hard and heavy but the Burpee is the opportunity to just hit the entire body get the heart rate up and uh they can get pretty miserable over time uh how often should you do burpees I mean as often as you want I'm going to say once a week spend some time on burpees uh how many should you do I would go if you're going to do them once a week go with at least a hundred burpees uh per week again if you got to split that into sets of
10 uh split it into sets of 10 sometimes and just increase the intensity uh but you know every couple of weeks do a straight set of a 100 without stopping all right so how do I do a burpee I'm going to go down put my hands on the ground kick my feet back I'm going to do a pushup bring my feet back in stand up and I'm going to jump and just make sure my feet get completely off the ground so that to me is the standard for a good Burpee do a 100 of those
in a set you're going to be winded son um it's a awesome full body workout you don't need any equipment for number five is going to be the squat uh this is the only exercise that I would recommend uh doing or using weight with uh yeah you can add weight later on to your pull-ups you can add weight to your push-ups by wearing a vest or or something like that but for me the squats just the regular old Standard air squat is not really enough uh to to build strength the strength that I want in
my legs so this is one that I'm going to use a little bit of weight with uh I prefer to do my weighted squats just using a kettle bell um you can switch it up I think it's the hardest if you hold the kettle bell in the front carry position position uh it's going to put more stress on your core it's going to force you to work a little harder to be stable and keep good form uh but there's nothing wrong with every now and then slinging that kettle bell around to your back and just
using it as a as a back squat type of weight so how often should you do squats let's go with the three times a week I think that's good that's good for me um I'd say that's about how often I do squats about three times a week some form of squat whether it's back squat uh front squat um switching it up how many should you do I don't know 30 to 50 I guess break it up into sets if you need to every now and then go lighter weight and just do a straight set of
50 um again the key is to keep switching this stuff up so your body doesn't get used to the same thing over and over and over again so for the squat again front carry position I'm just going to hold the kettle bell just like this and uh I'm going to keep a nice neutral spine feet a little wider than shoulder width apart I'm going keep my elbows tucked in here so I'm kind of bracing that weight I'm going to keep my head up looking straight forward I'm going to go down breake parallel with my quads
stand all the way back up until my knees are locked out uh in the back carry position I'm just going to sling this thing around hold it on my back again good neutral spine keep my head up go down stand all the way back up with the squat keep the weight more back toward the heels of your feet you shouldn't be up on your toes when you squat down uh you're going to be a lot more stable if you keep that weight on your heels so squats a super important exercise obviously we need to hit
our legs we need to strengthen our legs because our legs are what moov move us across the surface of the Earth so that's the top five workout uh top five exercises guys hope you guys enjoyed this uh incorporate these into your every everyday life and it's going to impact your overall strength and fitness and the last thing I want to talk about uh is going to be recovery anytime we do strength exercises so we'll hit that so anytime we do this strength work it's really really important for you to get some good protein in your
body uh within an hour after you finish the workout uh when I go out for a run or some sort of bike ride or something like that I'm not so worried about it uh I'm more worried about fueling during the workout but for strength work I'm always going to go from the strength work straight into getting some protein in my body so that my muscles can begin uh the rebuilding process as I tear them down uh with the strength work that I'm doing so couple different options for that uh you can just go with the
uh powder uh first form uh whey protein if you want to put it in the shaker cup this is really good it sits really well with my stomach uh but if you don't have if you didn't bring this with you uh there's a lot of other options here whether it's just a straight up beef stick a meat stick these are really good that's got 20 grams of protein in it or of these Level One bars right here that's 20 gr of protein so what I do is I throw I've got these in uh couple of
these in my car always or in my workout bag my everyday carry bag whatever and so if I forget to bring the powder in my shaker cup I can just grab one of these and I know I'm getting some good quality protein in my body within an hour after I finished the uh strength workout so don't forget to do that it's going to help you maximize the gain and the benefit that you're going to get from the exercises that we just talked about
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