My mother demanded Dad not give me a penny from the $200M inheritance, but dad's reply shocked her..

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Revenge Online
Today in this video, we dive into a dramatic family dispute over a massive $200 million inheritance....
Video Transcript:
I remember that day like it was just yesterday even though I was only 6 years old my name is Julie and that day changed my life forever Dad had gone on another business trip leaving mom and me alone in our house I was playing with my dolls in the living room when I heard the doorbell ring mom rushed to answer it her face lighting up when she saw who was there Julie honey go to your room and play she said her voice shaking with excitement I did as she asked but curiosity got the better of
me I peeed around the corner and saw a tall man I didn't recognize mom was quickly packing clothes into a suitcase moving faster than I had ever seen her move before Mom zipped up her suitcase and headed for the door I stepped out from where I was hiding feeling confused and scared mommy where are you going I asked I have to go away for a while sweetie she said not quite looking me in the eyes be a good girl for Daddy okay and just like that she was gone no hug no kiss goodbye just the
sound of a car engine starting and fading away I stood there staring at the closed door waiting for her to come back but she didn't the house felt bigger and emptier than ever before as night came I grew more scared I tried to turn on the lights but I was too short to reach the switches the darkness seemed to closing around me and I started to cry mommy daddy I called out over and over but no one came I don't know how many days passed I was hungry and thirsty and the dark felt alive with
monsters waiting to get me I cried until I had no tears left then huddled in a corner shaking with fear finally I heard voices outside our neighbor Mrs Jeremy was talking to someone I've been hearing a child crying for days she said I'm worried something might have happened the door burst open and suddenly the house was full of people policemen neighbors and finally my dad Jen he cried scooping me up in his arms oh God Julie I'm so sorry I held on to him tightly crying with relief over his shoulder I saw a policeman holding
a piece of paper Mr James the policeman said seriously I think you should read this Dad gently set me down and took the note as he read it his face fell he suddenly looked much older like years had passed in just a few moments she's gone he whispered Amy's gone she left us the next few weeks were a blur dad took time off work to stay with me we had lots of visitors relatives friends and a nice lady who dad said was a child psychologist Jen has been through a traumatic experience the psychologist explained to
D Dad it's normal for her to have some fears and anxieties after what happened and boy did I have fears I couldn't sleep without a light on the dark terrified me I panicked whenever Dad had to leave scared that he wouldn't come back either the fear never really went away it became part of who I was just like my brown hair or green eyes I became Julie James the girl whose mother left her the girl Afraid of the Dark the girl always worried about being abandoned as days turned into weeks and weeks into months life
started to feel normal again but a new kind of normal dad and I became a team of two figuring out how to live in this new world without Mom he learned to braid my hair he wasn't very good at first but he got better with practice and I learned how to make his coffee just the way he liked it then everything changed when Dad met Lauren I was 8 years old when he introduced me to her Lauren had kind eyes and a warm smile that made me feel comfortable right away over the next few weeks
Lauren became a regular part of our Lives she didn't try to replace my mom which I appreciated more than I could say instead she found her own place in our little family one day I overheard dad talking to her on the phone I think it's time Lauren will you move in with us Lauren moved in a week later she didn't try to be my mom but she became something just as important a friend she helped me with my homework braided my hair much better than Dad ever could and always made sure there was a nightlight
in my room as the years passed other things changed too dad's company became successful and suddenly we were moving to a big new house in a fancy neighborhood I got my own room with a walk-in closet and a view of the backyard pool but some things didn't change I still slept with the NightLight I still worried every time Dad went on a business trip and sometimes late at night I'd see him looking at old photos of mom my 11th birthday started like any other day I woke up to the smell of Pancakes Lauren's special birthday
treat for me dad was home from work and we were planning a small party later everything seemed perfect then the doorbell rang as I walked into the living room I froze standing there looking older but unmistakable was my mother next to her was a little girl about 6 years old holding a teddy bear and looking around with wide eyes Amy dad said his voice tight what are you doing here Mom took a deep breath Larry I am so sorry for everything I know I have no right to be here but she gestured to the little
girl this is Maria she's your daughter the room went went silent I felt like I couldn't breathe Dad's face showed a mix of emotions shock anger disbelief and then something else my daughter he repeated mom nodded I was pregnant when I left I didn't know then I swear Larry I've made so many mistakes I'm not asking you to forgive me but Maria she deserves to know her father I watched as Dad knelt down to the little girl's level hi Maria he said Softly I'm your dad Maria looked up at him shily hi she whispered as
Dad talked to Maria I noticed Lauren standing in the doorway her face pale she turned and walked away quickly I wanted to follow her but I felt stuck unable to move the next few hours were a blur lots of adult conversations I wasn't supposed to hear raised voices and tears I hid in my room hugging my knees to my chest trying to make sense of it all later that evening dad came to talk to me Julie he said sitting on the edge of my bed I know this is a lot to take in your mom
she's made some big mistakes but Maria she's innocent in all this she's your sister I've decided to give your mom another chance for Maria's sake the next day I watched for my window as Lauren packed her car she looked up and saw me watching with tears in her eyes she waved goodbye I waved back feeling like a part of me was leaving with her mom and Maria moved in that same day Maria took the guest room and mom took her old place in dad's room it felt wrong like she was erasing the last 6 years
as if they never happened the years that followed were complicated mom was back but it wasn't the happy family reunion I had hoped for when I was younger I might have dreamed about having a close relationship with my mom but it never really happened she adored Maria giving her all the attention and love but with me there was always a distance a feeling of awkwardness that never went away Maria was just a kid she didn't ask to be part of his complicated situation I tried not to be resentful but it was tough especially when I
saw how easily she fit into Mom and Dad's life in a way I never seemed to by the time I turned 19 I was more than ready to leave for college I decided to study zoology because animals were always easier for me to understand than people they didn't judge they didn't have complicated emotions and they didn't come with Messy family histories they just were the day I left for college was bittersweet dad hubbed me tightly his eyes Misty I'm so proud of you jalay he saidou going to do great things mom gave me an awkward
pat on the shoulder and said good luck but her smile didn't quite reach her eyes Maria now 14 rolled her eyes and muttered finally I get my own room I pretended not to hear her and focused on Dad's warm embrace College was a relief for the first time I was away from the tension at home and the constant reminder of my complicated family situation I threw myself into my studies finding peace in the world of animals and nature but even though I did well in school I struggled socially years of feeling like an outsider in
my own family had left a mark I was quiet reserved and always afraid of getting too close to people what if they left like Mom hat what if they replaced me like Maria seemed to have done instead I found Comfort at the small zoo on campus where I volunteered in my spare time caring for the animals there was a particularly grumpy old llama named Larry who became my favorite he didn't like most people but he seemed to tolerate me the years at College went by quickly and before I knew it I was graduating as I
stood in my cap and gown diploma in hand I scanned the crowd dad was there beaming with pride mom and Mario were there too clapping politely congratulations jalie mom said stiffly your father and I have been talking and well we think it's time you start started looking for your own place you know spread your wings I felt like I had been punched in the stomach I looked at dad hoping he would disagree with Mom but he just looked away his face full of pain right I said trying to keep my voice steady of course I'll
start looking right away the days after my graduation were tense I was back in my childhood home but it didn't feel welcoming at all Dad tried his best to make me feel comfortable but Mom and Maria made it clear that I was not wanted there Julie have you started looking for jobs yet mom would ask during breakfast her tone pretending to be sweet you know it's important to get your foot in the door early Maria would add with a smirk yeah and maybe you could find your own place too it's getting kind of cramped around
here nights were the hardest I still needed my NightLight to sleep something Maria didn't miss one evening as I was getting ready for bed she barged into my room seriously she scoffed pointing at my NightLight you're 23 and you still need that no wonder you don't have any friends I felt my cheeks burned with shame leave me alone Maria I muttered but she wasn't finished the next day at dinner she brought it up again this time in front of everyone hey Mom Dad she said her voice dripping with fake concern don't you think Julie should
see a therapist or something I mean she's an adult who's Afraid of the Dark and can't make friends that's not normal right something inside me snapped years of bottled up hurt and anger burst out you want to know why I'm like this Maria I said my voice shaking it's because when I was six my mother left me alone in a dark empty house for days do you have any idea what that does to a child the table went silent dad stared down at his plate his face full of guilt and pain mom's eyes widened in
shock and then quickly filled with tears how dare you she cried her voice Rising dramatically how can you be so cruel and vindictive I've tried so hard to make amends to be a family again and this is how you repay me as Mom continued her tearful rant and Maria smirked triumphantly I realized something I couldn't live here anymore this wasn't my home and these people they weren't my family not really from that day on I threw myself into job hunting with new determination finally a glimmer of hope I had an interview scheduled at a small
Wildlife Rehabilitation Center it wasn't glamorous but it was a start I left the house that morning feeling cautiously optimistic but when I arrived I found a hastily scribbled note on the door interviews cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances we apologize for the inconvenience disappointed I headed home earlier than expected I unlocked the front door and heard voices coming from the living room mom and Maria deep in conversation I was about to let them know I was home when I heard my name if Julie wasn't around at all Maria was saying I mean it's not fair that
she gets any of dad's money she's not even really part of this family I know sweetie mom replied in a calming voice but we have to be patient once she moves out it'll be easier to convince your father to change his will we just need to keep pushing her to leave it felt like a bucket of ice water had been poured over me they didn't just want me out of the house they wanted me out of the family entirely and they were after my inheritance too I sat on my bed my mind racing what should
I do should I tell Dad but would he believe me over Mom and Maria he had forgiven mom for leaving us before and he loved them both maybe he'd take their side my first bit of luck came when I saw a job posting for the Oklahoma City Zoo they needed a zoologist to help with their Wildlife Rehabilitation program it wasn't a fancy job but it was exactly what I had been trained for I sent in my application right away and to my surprise and happiness I got called in for an interview on the day of
the interview I stood in front of the zoo's main gate taking deep breaths to calm my nerves the interview went better than I could have imagined the head zoologist Dr Frank seemed impressed with my knowledge and passion you've got the job Julie she said with a warm smile welcome to the team I could have cried with relief finally something was going right working at the zoo was everything I'd hoped for and more I spent my days caring for injured Wildlife educating visitors about conservation and even helping with research projects in the evenings I'd returned to
my tiny apartment which I was able to rent with the money I saved to combat the loneliness I started joining online forums for animal lovers and people with similar interests that's where I met Scott Scott was from the same city shared my love for animals and had a great sense of humor that made me laugh even on my toughest days we started chatting regularly sharing stories about our day and discussing everything from the latest conservation efforts to our favorite books one day Scott suggested we exchange photos with trembling hands I sent him a recent picture
of me at the zoo he replied with a photo of himself he had kind eyes and a warm smile that made made my heart skip a beat but as much as I enjoyed our conversations the idea of meeting in person or even admitting my growing feelings scared me what if he rejected me once he got to know the real me what if he left just like Mom did around this time I started talking with Hannah a girl I met on a support forum for people with childhood trauma she understood my fears in a way no
one else had before you know what helps me Hannah wrote One day I write emails to the people I can't talk to in real life I pour out everything I'm feeling all the things I wish I could say but I don't send them I just save them as girths it's really healing taking Hannah's advice I started writing emails to Dad in them I told him everything how I overheard mom and Maria's conversation how h i was that he didn't seem to notice me anymore and how I felt like an outsider in my own family I
also started writing to Scott in these emails I allowed myself to be vulnerable in a way I couldn't be in our chats Scott I wrote I think I'm falling for you but I'm scared I'm scared of letting anyone get close to me I'm scared of being heard again these emails too remained unsent my feelings safely tucked away in my drafts folder dad would call occasionally his voice a mix of concern and confusion Julie honey he'd say why don't you come over for dinner this weekend we miss you each time I'd come up with an excuse
sorry Dad I've got a big project at work or I'm not feeling well this week maybe next time then one Thursday afternoon I was at the mall picking up some Essentials when I heard a familiar voice call my name Julie is that you I turned around and there she was Lauren my former stepmother she looked older but her kind eyes were just the same before I knew it we were hugging years of separation melting away in an instant that's when I noticed a young boy standing beside her looking up at us curiously this is my
nephew Justin Lauren explained ruffling the boy's hair affectionately I'm raising him now Lauren explained her voice soft my sister passed away last year over coffee Lauren filled me in on her life after she and dad split up she had been on her own until her sister's death left Justin in her care after that we started meeting regularly sometimes Just the Two of Us sometimes with Justin one day Lauren called and urgently asked me to look after Justin for the evening Justin arrived at my apartment backpack in tow as I prepared dinner in my tiny kitchen
I could hear him tapping away on my laptop in the living room I told him he could play the games if he finished his homework when I came out of the kitchen with two plates of spaghetti I found Justin looking guilty his face pale Julie he said his voice trembling I did something bad I was curious and I saw these emails in your drafts folder and I sent them all of them I'm so sorry the world seemed to spit around me those emails my private thoughts my deepest feelings had been sent out into the world
to dad to Scott I felt like I couldn't breathe that night after Justin left I lay in bed my mind racing what would dad think and Scott oh God Scott my phone pinked with a message notification it was from Scott but I couldn't bring myself to read it what if he was disgusted by my feelings what if he never wanted to speak to me again I barely slept that night tossing and turning imagining all the worst case scenarios a few days later my Thum rang it was Dad Julie he said his voice serious we need
to talk can you meet me at the cafe near your old high school my heart pounded as I sat across from dad in the small Cafe he looked tired his face showing lines I hadn't noticed before I got your emails he said quietly Julie I had no idea you were feeling this way about your mother about Maria about everything I couldn't meet his eyes feeling a mix of Shame and fear inside me Julie look at me dad said his voice gentle but firm I looked up surprised to see tears in his eyes I love you
more than anything in this world I'm so sorry I made you feel like you weren't important to me that was never ever my intention we talked for hours really talked in a way we hadn't in years we talked about Mom's return about Maria and about how I had felt pushed aside and forgotten dad listened really listened occasionally wiping away a tear finally he stood up I need some time to process all this he said but Julie we're going to figure this out you and me as I watched him walk away I felt a mix of
relief and nervousness what was going to happen now but I didn't have much time to think about it because my phone rang again it was Scott J he said his voice warm but a little nervous I got your email and I feel the same way I've been too scared to say it but I really like you would you like to meet for coffee my heart soared yes I said surprised by how steady my voice was I'd love to the next day I met Scott at a small coffee shop he was even more handsome in person
with a kind smile that put me at ease right away we talked for hours about our fears dreams and pasts for the first time in years I felt truly seen and understood as the Autumn Leaves began to fall my phone rang one crisp morning it was Dad Julie he said his voice warm but with something serious underneath I'd like you to come to Thanksgiving dinner it's important to me that you're there something in his tone made me agree Thanksgiving day arrived and I stood on the doorstep of my childhood home my heart pounding Scott had
offered to come with me for support but I felt this was something I needed to face on my own mom opened the door her smile not quite reaching her eyes Julie how nice of you to join us Maria lounging on the couch barely looked up from her phone oh you came dad emerged from the kitchen and hugged me warmly I'm glad you're here sweethart he whispered as we sat down to dinner the tension was thick mom and Maria exchanged glances their smiles forced and fake but Dad seemed unusually calm just as mom started to serve
the Oklahoma dad cleared his throat before we begin there's something we need to discuss he reached down beside his chair and pulled out a thick manala folder dad began laying out documents on the table Amy Maria he said I've known for a while that something wasn't right so I did some investigating he held up a bank statement first I discovered regular withdrawals from our accounts that I didn't make quite substantial amounts in fact mom's face turned pale and Maria suddenly found her plate very interesting dad continued pulling out another document I also hired a private
investigator Amy he provided photographic evidence of your meetings with a certain gentleman at the Oklahoma City hotel mom gasped her hand flying to her mouth Larry I could explain but Dad wasn't finished he pulled out one final document his hand shaking slightly I had a DNA test done dad said quietly Maria isn't my biological daughter the room went silent Maria's phone slipped from her hands and clattered to the floor mom looked like she might faint I've already spoken to my lawyer dad continued his voice steady even though his eyes showed emotion Amy I'm filing for
divorce and I'm afraid I'll have to ask both you and Maria to leave this house mom found her voice anger replacing her shock you can't do this I'll take you for everything you've got Dad's expression hardened actually Amy you won't if you try to claim any property I'll counter Sue and demand repayment of all the money you've taken plus what I've spent raising Maria my lawyer assures me I have a very strong case tears stream down mom's face as she realized the seriousness of the situation Maria sat in stunned silence her world falling apart around
her in the days that followed mom and Maria moved out dad and I began to rebuild our relationship stronger than ever before we started having weekly dinners long talks and even began planning a fatherdaughter road trip one day over coffee dad hesitantly brought up Lauren I've been thinking a lot about the past he said about the mistakes I made I reached out to Lauren to apologize we've been meeting for coffee talking things through I smiled genuinely happy for him that's wonderful dad Lauren is an amazing woman as for me things with Scott were going better
than I could have ever imagined he was patient kind and understood my fears insecurities with his support I was even starting to work through my issues in therapy
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