Learn To Act As If NOTHING Hurts You - C.S. Lewis Motivation

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Insight Motivation
Learn how to cultivate an unshakable mindset and emotional resilience in this powerful motivational ...
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imagine for a moment that you could go through life completely unbothered and unfaced by anything negative that happens to you what if insults setbacks rejections and failures didn't get under your skin or bring you down but instead rolled right off you like water off a Ducks back how much more peaceful content and in control would you feel this isn't some fantasy or unattainable superpower you can develop the ability to act as if nothing hurts you you can train yourself to be emotionally resilient mentally tough and unshakably confident no matter what life throws at you and
today I want to share some key insights and strategies to help you cultivate this unbreakable Spirit first understand that your emotions are a choice no one can make you feel anything without your consent things happen people say and do things but you get to decide how you interpret those events and what meaning you assign to them you can't always control what happens to you in life but you are always in control of your attitude and how you respond for example let's say someone harshly criticizes you if you tell yourself they must be right about me
I'm worthless and not good enough then of course you will feel hurt and deflated but what if instead you told yourself that person must be having a bad day to lash out like that but I know my own worth and I won't let their negativity dim my light suddenly you take back your power their words can't wound what you don't allow them to it's not that you become a robot devoid of all feelings but you get to consciously choose what you make things mean and how you let them impact you you can acknowledge your emotions
without being controlled by them or wallowing in negativity secondly build up your self-worth and self-belief independent of external validation or circumstances have you ever noticed how confident self assured people seem unfazed by criticism rejections or obstacles it's because they aren't relying on outside approval or Perfection to feel good about themselves if you base your whole identity and esteem on what others think of you or on always succeeding then you'll be on a constant roller coaster and feel hurt anytime something doesn't go your way but if you root your sense of self in your own values
efforts and growth then you'll have a stable Foundation that can't be shaken by the inevitable ups and downs of Life practice unconditional self-acceptance and self-compassion be kind to yourself and treat yourself like you would a good friend with understanding forgiveness and encouragement recognize your inherent worth as a person not because you're Flawless but because you're learning and evolving build yourself up from the inside out also reframe so-called negative experiences as opportunities to learn grow and become stronger if you see everything that doesn't go your way as a personal attack or a sign that you're doomed
you'll be easily discouraged and hurt but if you view challenges as chances to gain wisdom hone your skills and reveal What You're Made Of you'll be empowered I think about it like going to the gym and lifting weights in the moment your muscles may feel strained and fatigued but that temporary discomfort is what allows you to grow stronger similarly adversity is like a weights training program for your mind emotions and character it builds your fortitude and shows you that you can handle much more than you thought possible when You Face a setback rejection or failure
ask yourself how can I use this to become better wiser and more resilient what can I learn from this situation how is this happening for me instead of to me they say that the biggest breakthroughs often come wrapped in a problem look for the lesson and growth opportunity in everything along with that stop expecting life to be perfect or painfree many people subconsciously believe that if they're a good person work hard and do all the right things then nothing bad should ever happen to them then when it inevitably does they feel hurt shocked and like
a victim of unfairness but the truth is pain is simply part of the human experience at times life will be difficult losses will happen people will disappoint you and things won't go as plan this isn't because you're being cosmically punished but because you're living on Earth as a mortal being expecting a problem free existence is a recipe for frustration instead make peace with the fact that negative experiences are inevitable and not a sign that something has gone wrong in fact your trials are often portals to transformation think of a diamond it requires intense pressure to
be formed without that adversity it would remain a lump of coal similarly your strength and Brilliance are often forged in the furnace of hardships as the Japanese art of kinsui demonstrates you can be broken open by life's blows and put yourself back together as an even more beautiful Mosaic cracks gilded in Gold your healing can highlight your resilience so instead of saying why me when challenges arise remember the adage why not me you are strong enough to alchemize any adversity into an advantage additionally be careful not to let your happiness and inner peace be dependent
on things you can't control so often we tell ourselves I'll be happy when I have the perfect relationship job house body bank account balance but there will always be another moving goalpost and what happens if you get what you want but then lose it you're setting yourself up to be hurt yes it's great to have goals and things you're working towards but don't base your selfworth and well-being on outcomes outside your control root your joy in your own efforts growth passions and contributions focus on what you can control your thoughts beliefs actions and attitude external
situations will fluctuate but you can be the calm in the center of the storm speaking of external forces another key is to stop taking things personally when they're not we humans tend to be a bit egocentric and believe everything revolves around us so if someone's in a bad mood or something doesn't work out we assume it must be our fault or a personal attack but the truth is most things have nothing to do with you everyone is the main character of their own life story they're usually focused on their own struggles insecurities goals and responsibilities
not on plotting against you if someone lashes out acts rudely or even rejects you it likely has way more to do with their fears stresses and stories than anything you did dep personalize and don't let your mind spin tales that make you the victim along with not taking things personally also watch out for self-defeating assumptions and limiting beliefs our brains are meaning making machines wired to see patterns and problems but often our minds will take a negative experience and generalize it into a sweeping story like I'm a failure things never work out for me no
one likes me it's hopeless be careful not to draw broad conclusions about your worth and potential based on specific instances just because a relationship job or project doesn't work out doesn't mean you are fundamentally flawed or doomed it simply means that one thing didn't go as hoped isolate the incident rather than globalizing it to your whole life and look for evidence of your gifts rather than just ruminating on what's not ideal also so beware of self-fulfilling prophecies if you go around expecting to be hurt take everything personally and see all setbacks as proof that you
can't succeed well you'll subconsciously create more experiences that match that vibration what you focus on expands instead consciously look for evidence of how supported capable and resilient you are when you face a challenge remind yourself of all the times you've overcome hardships before collect real life examples of your strengths rather than just dwelling on your doubts build a case for your worthiness and potential in addition practice acceptance and non-resistance so much of our pain comes from fighting against reality when something unwanted happens we often resist it get angry about it complain and wish things were
different but this only amplifies our suffering what we resist persists denying what it only Keeps Us stuck but if we can accept what's already happened take responsibility for our role and focus on what we can control moving forward we take back our agency we say this is what is now what we cons serve our energy for positive action rather than draining it in negativity acceptance doesn't mean giving up or not working to make things better it simply means acknowledging current realities rather than being in denial or having a victim mentality it means making peace with
the present even as you're taking steps to create a new future fighting what is only creates War within yourself another powerful reframe is to see all pain as temporary rather than permanent when we're in the midst of a difficult experience it's easy to feel like it will last forever and we'll never be happy again our minds tend to catastrophize and imagine the worst case scenario but the truth is all things pass in time life is in constant flux no feeling or season is final the very nature of our existence is impermanent so if you're going
through a challenging time take heart knowing that it's not your Eternal fate remember all the times you felt hurt before and how you moved through it this too shall pass you have what it takes to alchemize this adversity and arise a new regularly zoom out and take a broader View will this problem still matter in a week a month a year probably not don't let temporary setbacks turn into identity labels pain is inevitable but suffering is optional trust in your resilience along those lines aim to become an observer of your experiences rather than feeling like
a helpless victim to them you can't always control what happens but you can choose how you perceive and respond to it no one can hurt you without your participation start to notice your thoughts and feelings rather than just instantly reacting from them become the sky not the storm the weather of life will change but your essence remains build that space between stimulus and response from that place of clarity and objectivity you're better able to choose an intentional path forward relatedly don't believe every thought or feeling you have our minds are often an unreliable narrator prone
to distortions exaggerations and assumptions just because you think something doesn't make it absolutely true feelings are not facts they are signals but not necessarily serving an accurate World viw notice your thoughts but don't automatically take them as gospel question them look for evidence that contradicts your negative conclusions are you falling into black and white thinking overgeneralizing mind reading fortune telling or other comute distortions don't let your mind unsupervised or it will run a mark with worst case scenarios be the gatekeeper of your inner World in addition to managing your mind it's crucial to be intentional
about what you consume and surround yourself with if you're constantly taking in negativity Doom scrolling social media watching rage inducing news hanging out with toxic be people and listening to disempowering messages don't be surprised if you feel like a magnet for misery be proactive about curating your environment and influences follow inspiring leaders and surround yourself with supportive people read books watch videos and taking content that upls you immerse yourself in Beauty laughter nature and art prend to what makes you feel expansive and Alive garbage in garbage out n nment in well-being out similarly watch your
words how you talk to yourself matters immensely if you're constantly berating yourself calling yourself names speaking as if you're doomed and incapable you'll believe it your subconscious mind is always listening and thinks that what you say is what you want more of talk to yourself like you talk to someone you love deeply speak in an empowering compassionate way use words that assume your worthiness your resilience your capability to figure things out and Forge ahead let your selft talk program you for peace and possibility on that note watch out for holding on to resentments and continuously
replaying your hurts it's totally valid to feel your feelings but there's a difference between acknowledging your emotions and endlessly recycling your woes overt telling the story of how you've been wronged and wounded can actually and keep you trapped in pain this isn't to minimize what you've been through your feelings are valid but at a certain point continuing to recite your tale of injury does more harm than good as the saying goes holding on to resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die unforgiveness is a burden you carry not them practice radical
acceptance and releasing the past forgive not necessarily because they deserve it but because you do free yourself from the chains of bitterness reclaim your energy for your own healing and growth you can't create a promising new chapter if you keep re reading the last one also find healthy outlets and coping strategies for your hurt when we feel wounded it's tempting to self-medicate with addictions like overeating alcohol drug abuse overworking overspending serial dating or other numbing out and destructive behaviors but these only provide a temporary dopamine hit while ultimately making us feel worse instead Channel your
pain into productive healing modalities go to therapy write in a journal make art move your body spend time in nature meditate confide in a supportive friend volunteer learn a new skill transmute your suffering into Soul enriching practices as the roomy poem says the wound is the place where the light enters you let your healing lead to your radiance above all Choose Love over fear so much of our pain comes from a tragic misunderstanding the belief that we are alone that there is something wrong with us that we are powerless victims at the mercy of an
unfair universe but the truth is although we will face hardships in human form we are indestructible at our core challenges are not here to break us but to build us we are loved supported and being Ed at all times even through the darkest of nights when you feel hurt ask yourself what would love do what would Faith do would love wallow in misery or choose to learn the lesson grow and glow would Faith give up and resign to despair or take heart knowing that this to shall pass and serve somehow when in doubt take the
next most empowering action do something kind for yourself look for evidence of what's working reach out for support rise remember your scars don't make you broken they make you a beautiful Mosaic cracks lined with resilience your trials don't make you a victim they make you a triumphant Victor forged in the fires of transformation your painful Seasons don't last forever they are portals to your greatest becoming Soul expanding teachers on this enlightening human Journey so act as it nothing can shake you because the trth truth is nothing can dull your True Divine Essence no insult can
diminish your indestructible worth no loss can lessen the infinite love available to you no setback can steal your power to pick yourself back up no shattered dream can keep you from imagining new more magnificent possibilities there is a brilliant Diamond within you that no external pressure can Crush there is a Wellspring of Faith inside you that no drought of dispair air can run dry there is an eternal light shining through you that no Shadow can snuff out all is never lost for you are more powerful than you can fathom Feel the fear and Rise anyway
do it trembling if you must but never stop Rising pain is inevitable but suffering is optional hurt is a feeling but hope is a choice failure is an event but Fierce Relentless courage is who you are rejection can bruise your ego but never undermine your boundless self-love adversity can bend you but never break your unbreakable Soul there is nothing that can happen to you that can destroy the wise compassionate creative Force within you so love yourself unconditionally and know that your worthiness is absolute take care of yourself impeccably and be your own best ally forgive
yourself and others readily and carry no bitter burdens see your scars as sacred art and Trust the story they're telling embrace all of life ecstasy and Agony Beauty and Brokenness as the Exquisite dance of your becoming let it all sculpt you into a resilient Masterpiece be gentle with yourself as you heal grow stumble and sore there's no Finish Line to cross no perfect bliss point to sustain only a brave brilliant bedazzling becoming unfolding one choice at a time just keep choosing thoughts beliefs and actions that assume your wholeness and summon your strength Moment by moment
day by day you'll take back to your power and alchemize all pain into peace purpose an Unstoppable presence act as if you are unshakable and you will become your own rock solid foundation act as if nothing can hurt you and gradually gloriously it will be so one Mountain Moving mindset shift one determined Decision One faithful baby step at a time you'll build an indestructible IDE identity and self- authorized reality so brilliant and brave that no storm can sway you when all things serve your Awakening just keep Rising
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