The ONLY Facebook Ads Targeting Tutorial You Need for 2025

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Ben Heath
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Video Transcript:
I've been running Facebook ads for more than 11 years and during that time period Facebook ads targeting is probably the single element of Facebook ads that has changed the most now as a meta ads agency we have more than 500 Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns live for over a 100 clients at any one time and we have to stay at the very Cutting Edge of what's working when it comes to Facebook ads targeting and in this video I'm going to share and show you how to use all the targeting options that we're currently using for
our clients and get the best possible results and I'm going to explain which ones you want to use and when okay so to walk you through this I'm in an example Facebook ad account I'm in ads manager I'm going going to go ahead and create an example campaign click on this green plus create button and I'm going to go ahead and select leads as the campaign objective now what I'm about to show you can absolutely apply for sales campaigns um if that's more appropriate for your business or traffic campaigns if you can't track either um
leads or sales uh the targeting options we're going to go through can absolutely apply to those as well wanted to make that clear I'm just going to go ahead and use leads for demonstration purposes there are also going to be a number of things in this campaign adset Etc that I'm not going to touch this is very much a video focused on targeting so if you think oh you haven't changed this or you didn't I'm not addressing that we're just leaving those as the default this is very much targeting Focus so I'm going to go
ahead and select leads and then click continue and now what we see the next option A meta is trying to push us towards a tailored leads campaign again this uh variations of this will apply to other campaign objectives as well and what I'm going to do for this video and what I'd recommend you do is go ahead and click on manual setup when you go with a tailored leads campaign you are very restricted in terms of the targeting options effectively meta is going to decide it all for you that's probably not the best approach particularly
when you're a beginner and you need to learn the platform and how targeting works and what options to use and particularly if you've got a relatively new ad account where meta doesn't have much in the way of previous conversion data within your ad account to use to inform how to do the targeting and how to um get you the best possible results I think taking a bit more control makes a lot of sense so we're going to go ahead and select a manual leads campaign and I'd recommend um you do the same thing now this
we've gone into the campaign window here I'm going to go ahead and jump to the adset window as I said I'm not messing around with anything else of conversion location or performance goal or budget anything like that I have loads of videos about all that sort of stuff that you can uh find on my YouTube channel just have a have a search around now one of the really big changes has taken place over the last 12 months or so is this shift from original audience uh targeting options to this Advantage Plus audience an audience control
combo that you can see on screen in front of me now this was introduced then it became the default um and now a lot of Facebook advertisers when they do select a manual campaign they have to use um this setup they don't have the original options if I scroll down a little bit you can see that on this side account I can switch to the original um targeting options if I want to I'd recommend that most meta advertisers don't and I'll explain why I explain the differences so with original audience options original targeting options the
targeting inputs that you gave to meta they acted as hard constraints hard boundaries so let's say for example you wanted to Target a specific interest or a specific online online Behavior or a specific demographic meta would only advertise to those people they wouldn't go beyond that whereas with Advantage Plus audience you can see here these inputs the targeting inputs we give are audience suggestions so what meta will do is they will take that information they will go okay we get it you want to Target roughly these people that's who we'll start by targeting that's where
we'll focus but if we think we can get you better results by expanding that and targeting some other people that perhaps don't fit into that interest targeting criteria or don't fit into that demographic then we will do so that's the big shift and one of the things I like about advant plus audience is it stops meta advertisers from making big mistakes like targeting audiences that are too small because meta has that flexibility to override the targeting inputs that you have given now the reason why we've now got an Advantage Plus audience and audience control combo
is there are still certain elements that we need to use as hard boundaries and hard constraints things like location targeting obviously you don't want your ads being shown in other parts of the world if you can't serve customers there and there are a few other options as well so we're going to go through this now um and I'm going to start with the audience control section and then we're going to work our way through and I'll explain the various elements and the various targeting options that you need to use so the first thing is location
and that's an obvious place to start um and a really important thing to get right if you want your meta add campaigns to succeed now I'm based in the UK meta has given me the UK here um but we can add in other countries we can also get much more specific and just Target locally and going to walk through those options now the general rule of thumb here when it comes to location targeting on men better is to Target the areas where you can serve your customers don't artificially constrain your targeting options don't go smaller
than you need to but also don't go wider don't go broader than where you can actually realistically acquire customers from so us as a meta Ad Agency we have we have clients all over the world we have clients in UK we have major markets like the US Canada Australia but we also have clients in Dubai and Singapore and India and South Africa and Germany and literally all over the world so we can Target worldwide if we wanted to if I was new to advertising on the platform and I was advertising my own business metroad agency
I would stick to my core market so in that case it's going to be UK uh United States um let's say Australia and Canada those are going to be say 85% of our of our clients with other countries having other ones dotted around okay that's what I might look to add in now obviously if we only served only worked with customers in the UK we would just go with the UK if we only served customers in us we would just go with the US and let's say we had a business that operated only locally so
I live in a town in the UK called um chelham so if I go ahead and add that in here we've got chelam uh England and what we can see here is that meta has defaulted to this town plus a 25 mile radius around the town so if you're local business and you only serve customers locally you want to enter in wherever you are and then select the right area around that to Target and this is going to be a judgment called based on you as a business owner and as a marketer trying to work
out realistically how far are people willing to travel to come and work with us let's say you've got a gym or a restaurant or something like that to to come and be our customer uh or how far are we willing to travel let's say you're a landscaper or a roofer how far are we willing to travel um to service customers and that would be your target area so we can change this radius we could just do the current city only if we wanted to if we think ah you know only people that actually live here
are going to going to be interested in this that's a possibility you can do um a radius OB default is 25 we can go up to 50 Mi 10 Mi and that's going to be a judgment call as I said based on you know we think our customers only going to travel 15 miles or we want to expand it a little bit to include this extra um town here or something along those lines that's very much going to vary depending on your business what I see a lot of advertisers do is they will either think
oh I've heard that when you advertise on Facebook you want really large audiences so even though they only operate locally they go and add in a massive area around where they are that's not a good idea you can see this audience size has been reduced 440 to about 517,000 people um but if that's where you operate it's absolutely fine if you bring that audience right down and you've only got 50,000 people in your town but that's the only place that you operate that again that's absolutely fine prioritize your business and where you can do business
first over what's ideal in terms of optimizing a Facebook an Instagram ad Campaign which is typically larger audiences but only um where it makes sense I also see the opposite where let's say a business can adverti size nationally or even internationally but they decide to pick certain prospects so like let's say we could deliver our products to all of the UK but we think our best products are going to come from London therefore we decide to just advertise in London that's not a good idea if your best prospects are primarily in London met is going
to work that out for you and they're going to put your ads in front of people that are in London for the most part but if there are other prospects outside of London then if you only Target London you're going to miss out on those whereas if you target the whole of the country meta might think yeah 80% of the ads are being shown to people in London but here's someone in Manchester that is that is highly interested in these products we think they'd be a great Prospect let's put an ad in front of them
and there's lots of those people could be someone that visited your website for example could be retargeted so so the general rule of THM is wherever you can deliver um that's what you want to Target location wise I'm going to go ahead and just add in the UK for demonstration purposes uh for this video okay so now you can see that's the obvious thing that comes up here as the audience controls there are other options and it's really important to go through this so if you go ahead and click more you can set a minimum
age so this only goes up to 25 goes from 18 to 25 and it's only a minimum age so you can't cap the age range at the top end um but this is going to be really important for certain businesses if you're advertising certain things that you can't adverti to people under a certain age you can go ahead and add these criteria in it might be that you just want to set 25 as your minimum age if you're advertising something that you just know does not appeal to people under a certain age like for us
for example as a meta ads agency we are rarely going to get clients under 25 every now and then does happen but most of our clients are going to be probably average is probably in their 30s but we have clients in their 40s 50s 60s probably 70s uh we do have some in their 20s as well but we might set a criteria being like this is the majority of our but and again sometimes it's like a legal requirement you can't advertise certain products to anyone 21 for example so you might need to set that okay
you can also if you want to exclude custom audiences I'm going to show you exactly how to use custom audiences and what they are later on this video but just to say that a custom audience is effectively a warm audience so it's people that have interacted with business before you might decide that you don't want ads from a new campaign to be put in front of existing customers let's say you've got a special new promotion but only available for new customers you don't want your existing customers to see it you can go ahead and add
this in here um as an exclusion and then the last thing you can do with an audience control you can set as a hard boundary is languages you can set your languages now most advertisers are going to be able to leave this as all languages that's absolutely fine but it might be that for example you're running ads in Canada and you only or you find your best results you only really serve um french-speaking Canadians you only speak French perhaps um and therefore you might want to specify that within your languages and meta will put ads
in front of people that are far more likely to speak that language there are obviously other examples at different locations but just something to uh to be aware of most people can be find leaving that as all languages so those are the options that we have within audience controls and those are all going to act as hard boundaries so if we set a minimum age of say 21 our ads are not going to be shown to people under the age of 21 then we get down into the Advantage Plus audience section you can see here
that we've got audience suggestions optional I'm going to go ahead and open this up now I'll get to custom audiences in a minute um because that's a whole topic and and I want I want to go into that CU that's really important first I want to talk about age now because in audience controls we set the minimum age as a 18 as 21 we can see that the uh the age criteria has changed there if I go ahead and change that back to 18 that'll change to 18 but we can edit this age range now
you might be thinking why have you got an age range in Advantage Plus audience and in audience controls well the reason is very simple this here is a suggestion this is not a hard boundary so let's say you're like okay my target audience is people age 35 to 45 okay that's my call meta will take that information on board they will start by advertising primarily to those people but they will expand beyond that if they think it's appropriate so what I would recommend you do here is give meta some direction in terms of your typical
age range of of people that interest in your products and services but don't get overly specific I wouldn't go any more specific than 10 years and often we would shoot for more like a 20e um Gap um because again meta is really smart in working out who to Target based on your inputs I'd rather they had more flexibility than less I know they have lots of flexibility anyway but um yeah we would we would normally look to make this broader so for example to give an example if we're advertising for our Facebook Instagram advertising Services
we would literally Target 25 plus so we would leave it really broad just wanted to be clear on that okay genders is the next one so you obviously have all men or women if you have a business that is 80% on more skewed one way or the other then I would get more specific and say no look like 95% of our uh customers are women fine go ahead and entering women not got a problem with that if it's kind of 6040 6535 I'd recommend going with all again met is going to be able to to
work that out but if you are very heavily skewed one way or the other you can select men you can select women that's not a problem then we get into this detailed targeting section so here is where we're going to enter in interests uh demographics behaviors so what you want to do here is not overthink it you can either click in and search for various options to do with your products or services or you can click on browse if you have the time I'd recommend going through the various categories and finding the options of like
oh yes our our customers are parents and what kind of parents what kind of age children they have and going through all the various options and seeing what there there is available if you want the the quicker and easier version you can just search for things related to to what what it is that you're offering so again let's say we're advertising our our Facebook advertising Services we might start entering in things like digital marketing as an option okay so people interested in digital marketing we might enter in uh small business owners as a targeting option
right as a behavior in that case um we could enter in things like Facebook page admins you know if you're an admin of a Facebook page there's a good job that you um have a business and we could you can see the Facebook page admins when I added that in there is even a more specific one if we wanted that which is business page admins which is usually what we would go with as opposed to Facebook page ad because that's going to include a lot of people that are admins of pages to do with communities
and sports clubs and etc etc okay um so you just go through and you have a little search and you see what comes up we entered in something broader like marketing we can see there's going to be a bunch of suggestions right um there's marketing as interest there's uh viral marketing influencer marketing marketing strategy loads of different options that you could use now one thing I want to highlight here is we can see we've got a number of different marketings you might be thinking well why are there so many different options you can see over
here on the right hand side that's because they have different categorizations so one is field of study one is job title one is employer one is schools and there's marketing as an interest as well so that's just important to be aware of because you might be thinking I want to reach people that are interested in marketing that might be interested in hiring a marketing agency you don't want to go ahead and select marketing as a job title necessarily or as an employer because if someone actually works in the industry or they work for another agency
they're not going to hire us um for our services so just be aware of that make sure you reach um the right people when it comes to to that that sort of thing okay so when it comes to adding in these detailed targeting options I think this is the best place for beginners to start I would recommend you add some in and remember these are not hard constraints so it's very difficult to make a big mistake here meta has the flexibility and you can add in as few or as many as you want you could
add in none or you could add in a whole bunch um I would recommend usually starting with something like four or five if you wanted a rough guideline but um there's no right or wrong answer um on that and I think this is good particularly for new ad accounts because it does give meta that direction because as soon as you start running your ad campaigns the AI and optimization process is going to try and get you the best results possible it's going to be trying to work out all the various bits and Bobs and and
who to put ads in front of and what time of day and how many Impressions does someone need to to get conversions that they're going to try and learn all this stuff the more Direction you can give them at the beginning being like Oh and by the way instead of trying to work out from everyone who to Target start with these people we think this is where we're going to get the best results you can do that easily by adding in these detailed targeting options don't overthink it don't spend tons and tons of time on
it um just go ahead and and get those in okay now if you wanted to you could get more specific and narrow audience so let's say that you found some interest targeting options that you thought were kind of there but not quite let's say for example we had small business owners but you only worked with certain types of small business owners like you only worked with photographers you might want to say Okay I want someone to be a small business owner but I also want them to be interested in photography Ry okay so we could
have or we could have photography as a job title even which probably be a better example in there but there are circumstances where you think actually it's not those people and it's not those people it's actually the combination of two it's someone that fits into both categories like the you know the thenen diagram as it were like it they overlap it's those people that we want so you can do that by by narrowing down and adding in um extra criteria now you can see we've got some warnings on the right hand side saying the audience
is too narrow which doesn't surprise me that's likely to happen if you try and narrow down it's not something i' recommend most beginners do but I wanted to just highlight that this is an option and if you advertise to the whole of the US and you have really large broad audiences and then you want to get more specific you're probably going to be able to do this more just because of the the audience size and population size I'm going to go ahead and delete that out okay so in a second I'm going to go through
custom audiences and look alike audiences which can allow you to retarget and do all sorts of uh cool things with your Facebook ads targeting before I do just want to quickly let you know about my new course with Community called Facebook ads master now in this course myself and my team have packaged everything that we've learned spending more than $50 million on Facebook ads generating more than $200 million in revenue from those Facebook ads for our clients and we're literally sharing the the strategies the tips and the techniques that we use to train our staff
to get our clients the best possible results it also comes with a brand new school Community where there's tons of interaction in there from me and my team answering questions and engaging with the community live calls and trainings uh the starting price is just £97 per month we want to make this as affordable as we possibly can there is a link in the description you can click through and go ahead and check it out hopefully I'll see you on the inside now the next thing I want to explain when it comes to Facebook and Instagram
ads targeting is this custom audiences section which is a huge part of targeting on The Meta ads platform so just to explain what custom audiences are I briefly touched on it they are warm audiences people that have interacted with your business before there are a number of different examples and by creating a custom audience that allows you to retarget that allows you to put ads in front of people that already interacted with you which is obviously a hugely important part of any form of digital marketing strategy nowadays to get people from having interacted with you
a bit to over the line and a customer or buying again reactivating an existing customer that's a huge part of any digital marketing strategy we've all experienced clicking on products um not buying them going elsewhere online seeing ads for that business pop up and and that's what they're doing they are retargeting and I'm going to show you how to do um exactly that okay so to create custom audiences what we want to do is we want to leave ads manager for a minute and we want to go ahead and jump into audiences so if you
click on these three lines in all tools and then you can select audiences I've got it up here in the shortcuts if not you'll have it down here in the uh manage business menu and when we go into audiences this is like a hub where we can create all different types of custom audiences because there obviously different types of custom audien and different people that have seen and interacted with our business in different locations now because this is an example ad account there's already a bunch um in here don't worry about that we're going to
go through the process now your page your window that you see might look a bit different from this if you haven't created any custom audiences yet that's absolutely fine all you need to do to follow along is find the create audience button so we're going to go ahead and click on create audience and custom audience look like audience is going so something we're going to talk about afterwards so we go ahead and click on custom audience and we can see that there are lots of different types of custom audience remember custom audiences are people that
are warm they're not cold they've interacted with us before we've got two major categories we've got your sources so these are all the locations outside of meta outside of Facebook and Instagram where we've got interaction and then there are the meta sources okay so we're going to start with your sources and we're going to go through not every single one but the ones that we routinely use as an agency for our clients so the first one is going to be website so if you go ahead and click on website and then select next now in
order to create a custom audience from people that have visited your website you will need to have the metap pixel installed on your website that's the the thing that's the piece of code that actually is able to track people and work out who has visited your website who hasn't and work out who should be included in that retargeting audience and then who should be um retargeted if you haven't got the pixel installed you don't know how to do that I'll include a link in the video description below you can click on that go through to
another video that shows you exactly how to get uh the metap pixel um installed on your website so that's the first thing Source make sure you've got the right pixel selected you can see we've got a nice green tick there if you've got multiple pixels then you might want to just click on the drop down and select the right one then we've got events okay so a few different options in here so the default is all websit visitors and that's fairly self-explanatory right that's anyone that's visited the website within the time frame that we give
that's who we want to to retarget I'd recommend that most Facebook advertisers start there because it's the easiest one to understand it's going to give you the largest possible custom audience and in general larger custom audiences produce better results but you can if you want to get more specific so for example you could click on people who visited specific web pages now let's say you had two different product lines you had hats and you had shoes now you might want to create a separate customer audience for all the people that visited pages to do with
shoes in comparison to all the people that visited pages to do with hats and that will allow you to create different retargeting campaigns and different retargeting ads so you can put shoe offers in front of shoe people and hat offers in front of hat people and you'll probably get better results so that is something that you can do and we'll talk about audience retention sec in a second but once you've selected this here in events you want to come down to this URL um section you can do URLs contains and you could for example just
pop in shoes and then that any page on your website that has shoes within the URL I'm assuming that's how you've got your website URLs constructed it's going to include all those pages and therefore everyone in there cuz it's URL contains um you can change this to doesn't contain if you just wanted to exclude something or equals so let's say you know your ww. um sloes you know you only wanted specifically that URL um you didn't want any others you could go ahead and just enter in the URL there once you change that to
URL equals um that's fairly uh self-explanatory one thing you can do as well is so for example you could add in if we change this back to contains and say look we want to retarget anyone that has visited a page on our website with shoes in the URL but we want to you can click on exclude you know but we want to exclude people so again we get the same option now so we've got Source we've got events let's say people live us to specific web pages we want to exclude anyone that has actually bought
we don't want to keep advertising to them so we want to exclude any anyone that has visited a page that's got thank you on again assuming that's how you've got your url set up so that anyone that comes through to thank you page it has thank you know- you in the URL and therefore you create this custom audience for people that have theed your shoe pages but haven't yet uh checked out and purchased um because otherwise they would be disqualified from this custom audience using this criteria you could also create separate custom audiences um and
do this at the adset level but I'll explain a bit more about that um later on okay again most advertis aren't going to want to start by using people Vis web pages and they're certainly not going to want to add in exclusions or you can refine further by so we want people to visited this page and then another page it works similarly to what we talked about with the detailed targeting options these are more Advanced Techniques and not something that most people need to worry about but I just want to let you know that if
you did want to do it you can go ahead and um and include these here now there are other event options as well so we've talked about all website visitors we've talked about people who visited specific web pages and we can also select Visitors by time spent and we have different percentiles so people who have spent the most time on a website the top 5% of them the top 10% of them the top 25% of them um we don't use this as much typically this would be used on a website that gets say a lot
of organic traffic and people are consuming say blog content and you only want to be retargeting the very best prospects because it's a bit of a stretch from them reading your stuff to buying a relatively high-end product or service then we might come ahead and use um this sort of setup we also only normally do this if there are lots and lots of people in the customer Audi A lot of people had visited the website but again that is an option and you can also do so from events right so we've only got certain events
actually set up and firing because this is an example ad account but these are conversion events so people have so we could create a custom audience out of people who have triggered the purchase conversion event that would effectively be previous customers people who visited the ad to cart conversion event perhaps we want to use an add to cart custom audience so that we can retarget people that added to cart but didn't quite get over the line and purchase you can go ahead and click on add to cart and that would create exactly that custom audience
okay but like I said most Facebook Instagram advertisers are going to want to use all website listers part of the reason why and I'll tie this into this audience retention section is because meta knows all that other information anyway let's say we include all website visitors meta knows that perhaps 2% of those people have added to cart in the last 7 days but haven't yet purchased well meta is going to start by putting ads in front of them just just like meta knows who spent the most time on your website versus who hasn't so if
instead of using The Visitors by time spent and having all these separate intricate little custom audiences you could just then go actually we're just going to have one big custom audience of all web servs and let meta work it out because they have all this information for the exact same reason I would recommend changing the audience retention from the default which is um 30 days to the maximum time given which is 180 days because I like really big custom audience customer audiences in general perform better than cold audiences because these people have already interacted with
your business but there usually isn't as many people in there so it's more difficult to scale so we just want these things to be as big as possible and again the argument for shortening the audience retention is that if someone has interacted with your business in the last 3 days they're more likely to buy than someone who interact with your business 179 days ago and that is true but meta knows that so they're going to start by putting ads in front of someone that interacted with your business 3 days ago visited website in this case
um but meta also knows that let's say you offer bicycles and someone visited your website 5 months ago but has been searching around for bicycles they've been in Facebook Marketplace looking for bicycles they've they've their online activity shows that they are now primed and ready for an ad you don't want to miss out on that person met is going to realize that put that ad in front of that person even if they only visited your website 5 months ago and you might generate a sale because of that so in general nice big customer audiences is
what I'd recommend you start with then I wouldn't recommend adding in any um exclusions or anything like that and then we just give a name so I would just call this all website visitors uh 180 to denote the audience attention that's the max by the way if we could go longer than that I absolutely would and then we want to go ahead and click create audience and you can just go through that exact process of what I described you can um create the other types of custom audiences if you feel like that's appropriate for your
business I've walked through a few scenarios where that works don't worry about any of this we're going to get to that um later on okay so we've just created an audience of all website visitors in the last 180 days but there are other custom audiences that I want to show you how to use as well so if I click on create audience and custom audience so we've covered website and the various forms of website custom audience that we can use the next big category of um your Source customer audience that we use are customer list
we go ahead and click on customer list and click next and now what we can do depending on our on our setup is effectively take data that we have off platform of people that have either bought from us hence the name customer list but you could also use an email list here so people haven't bought from you but have just signed up to your email list so for example when we're advertising for our own products or Services we have about 35,000 people on an email list that is a tremendously valuable customer audience that we want
to make sure we put ads in front of so they know about our latest promotions our stuff like that so we make sure that we always use that in our as a customer audience in our retargeting campaigns now if you're using MailChimp which a lot of people will be um you can just import directly from MailChimp you just click on this um you just go ahead and follow the steps log into MailChimp once you've done that you will just be able to select which list you want to import you click like three buttons it gets
imported and that's it very very straightforward if you're not using MailChimp then what you want to do is export the list from whatever CRM you're using and then import that list um right here okay so you can see that the way this works is that meta uses identifiers so that what they're basically doing is they're going to take the data the the names the individuals that you have within your list within your exported file and they're going to try and match that with people's Facebook and Instagram profiles so they can work out a hat okay
this person's data that you have on this spreadsheet that correlates with this user therefore we know this is this person and we can include that in the custom audience and we can then retarget them so they're going to use things like email addresses phone numbers it depends what data you have to be able to go ahead and do something like this but that's just what meta is recommending in terms of adding in various um identifiers and the more information the more identifiers you have in the list that you upload the better okay I'm just going
to go ahead and click next for a second and then you can see we come through to this page here where we can go ahead and upload the list uh sported formats of CSV and txt files when you export your list from um your CRM you will probably be able to do so in either a CSV or txt file if not you can convert an Excel file um relatively easily so then you just want to go ahead and click on upload file and then I've got this example email list here um and what we can
see here is meta is asking us whether or not there's a column for customer value now this is really useful if you do have it it's not essential though so what that would look like is alongside each customer let's say this is a previous customer list not an email list alongside each customer you might have this person spent $80 this person spent $240 this person spent $600 and that's really useful information because meta can not only see that these are previous customers but they can work out amongst those which ones were previously more valuable to
your business and therefore which ones are likely to be more valuable to your business going forward and they were prioritized putting ads in front of people that spent more previously or people that are similar to people that spent more previously um I'll get more onto that in a minute now this example customers that I just created doesn't have a value column but if yours does you want to go ahead and select yes and then meta will be um will ask you which one is the value column you'll basically be able to identify that in the
next step but I'll show you how identifying Works anyway okay so we've got no we're going to continue with a customer list that doesn't include a customer value um name is example email list is absolutely fine then we can go ahead and click next and here's where we map the identifiers so for example mine just had um email in there as Ben uh that one's been mapped so Met has been able to match those they worked out that that is an email address and they've categorized that as email ma but this one here they've
got action needed they've got name as Ben meta wasn't able to work out what that was so I need to go ahead and tell them from the dropdown list that this one was in fact first name okay so that one's first name and now they're both mapped and you can do that like meta will try its best to map as many as it can but a lot of them might have actions but you can just go through and select and make sure they haven't got it wrong and this is also where if you have a
value column you would say this one's the value column so you can see exactly um how this operates then we just go ahead and click on import and create depending on the size of your list might take meta a little bit of time to to put that together but there you are done again don't worry about any of this stuff we're going to get to that in a minute you can click on done so I'd recommend that you do that for your customer list so all previous customers and then you also do that for your
email list so basically anyone that you have available there you want to go ahead um and get uploaded if you don't have a customer list you don't have an email list yet no problem when you do make sure you go ahead and and get these uploaded now if you use the import from MailChimp feature the one I showed previously meta will automatically update those audiences for you which is fantastic so as time goes on and new people get added you um you get those new people being synced if you're not using that feature um and
you've just uploaded a list like I have you will have to manually re-upload new lists to update them as obviously you get more people added to your customer list and more people added to your email list but it's worth doing because that data is really really beneficial and you can do that um the frequency of that depends on how many new people you're actually adding to your if you're only adding you know 10 people a week you don't need to do it very often if you're adding a th000 people a day you might want to
do that pretty pretty regularly oh I should quickly mention whilst we're talking about that that the website custom audience that we created um that will update automatically because it's based on Pixel data so that the audience retention was 180 days into the past but in 3 months time um that audience like half of that audience will have changed because obviously you know each day that goes past people that visited your website 180 days they drop off and new ones come in that updates all automatically I've talked about custom previous videos and I know that's been
a question so hopefully that helps clear things up Okay so we've added in website visitors uh customer list slail list I'd recommend you do both if you have them um and then we want to go ahead and create some metasource custom audiences so obviously you can use app activity if You' got an app um there's catalog activity most advertisers aren't going to um use those or they're not going to focus on them uh early on the two that I've talked about are ones we will look to use all the time and then again from these
meta sources certain ones of these we're going to use a lot more than others I'm going to focus on the most important ones so I'm going to start with video so select SE video and let's click next in here now we get to choose an engaging type if I click on this dropdown the first thing we need to decide is how much of our video or videos does someone need to have consumed to be included in this custom audience now obviously the larger the percentage or the the amount of time that someone's consumed the warmer
that person will be um but the smaller that audience will be so that's really the tradeoff here now where I talked about previously going with the largest possible customer audience and I do think that's a good idea as a default start point there may well be certain circumstances where you've been putting out videos that demonstrate how your product or service Works perhaps it's something that people aren very familiar with and they need to understand the process and how it works to want to to move forward and in which case you might want to try all
going with say 75% of your video or 50% of your video um but I think for the majority of people let's just start with with the largest audience the default and go with the biggest one again meta knows within all these people that watch 3 seconds who uh actually engaged with it more who watched 75% they're going to start with those people so once you make that selection then you want to go ahead and select videos and there are a number of different places where you can get video sources from right so you could for
example um have them from your Facebook page so I could select here my Ben Heath Facebook page and then we've got all these various videos right that we could be like okay anyone to watch this video video and you can go ahead and select them we could also get them from uh my Instagram account instead and be like right okay anyone who watch this video anyone to watch this video and and and so on and so forth you can also if we click in the drop down get them from a specific um ad campaign now
what should you choose here if your videos are all very much on the same topic and you want to retarget everyone I would just go ahead and select as many as you can but there may well be times where you're segmenting based on the topics of the videos and products remember we talked about hats and shoes or maybe you've got videos about in our case it could be our Facebook and Instagram advertising services so we create customer audience if anyone's with videos about that but we also offer Google ad services so maybe we create a
custom audience out of people that have consumed our Google ads related content um so we would have two separate customer audiences based on the video consumption and then we could retarget specific offers you know Google ads to Google ads people Facebook ads to Facebook ads people okay um so that's general rule of thumb of what I'd be looking to do a default of everyone if you talk about roughly the same thing is not a bad idea I've just got a few selected there for demonstration purposes then we go ahead and click confirm Now the default
audience retention here is 365 days you'll find that with meta sources things that take place on platform um you get much longer audience retention Windows um it's seen as a little bit less you know in invasion of privacy by tracking people around other places Internet it's like look you're on our platform we can see everything on here it is what it is okay so I would call this for example now uh video viewers 365 and if you had more specific criteria then you could obviously go ahead and add that in like video viewers Facebook ads
video viewers Google ads 365 okay that's our video viewers that's the first of the meta Source custom audiences so let's go into custom audiences we're not done yet now if you're using lead forms not everyone watching this video will be but I just quickly demonstrate in case you are then you can create a custom audience out of people who have engaged with your leads lead form what's referred to at the adset level now is instant form it's a little bit confusing having that distinction uh again we've got events so we can have anyone who opened
this form we could also have people who opened but didn't submit the form or opened and submitted form so you can think about the use cases for that right like everyone who opened this form is just like let's just get everyone people who opened but didn't submit is like they showed interest but we can probably put a retargeting ad in front of them to get them over the line and people who opened and submitted might be okay they've become a lead but we're struggling to now get them from lead to paying customer therefore we've got
retargeting ads that show client testimonials or proof that we can do a good job that sort of thing to help get them over the line uh most people I'd recommend going with the starting default option and then you can experiment with these more advanced options depending on the needs of your business and honestly how your sales funnel is going and where people are dropping off like if you're getting loads of leads but not many conversions then you want to go with this option here but if you want more leads then you want to go with
this option or this option right okay anyone who open this form I think is is usually fine make sure you got the right page selected then you've got multiple lead forms just select the uh lead form of choice or you could go ahead and select all and then when it comes to audience retention the maximum for lead forms is 90 days I know that's an on metasource and that sort of contradicts what I talked about with the video stuff um but lead forms the scene is a little bit different because you're sort of collecting someone's
information as opposed to just their activity on um the platform so you have the shortest possible retention Windows which is 90 days and that is a default and that's what it go with so then we would go ahead and call this uh like lead form engages 90 and then we click create audience okay so that's our lead our lead based um custom audience so if you are running campaigns with lead forms or instant forms you it's a no-brainer to go ahead and get that set up then we go ahead and select custom audience and there's
um a couple of others that I want to show you I'm not going to talk about instant experience shopping augmented reality the augmented reality in particular very much a fringe case events um this is not what most meta advertisers are going to use and if I go through all of these um this video would be 14 hours long um so I'm going to talk about the two others that we use most of the time and and and these ones I'm covering are really the ones that we use um very often with our with our clients
right um and that's Instagram account so if I go ahead and click on Instagram account and then once we come into here we can now create custom audiences based on people's interactivity with our Instagram account okay so the first thing we need to do here is obviously make sure that we've got the right Instagram account selected if you've got multiple Instagram accounts and then like previously we've got this event section so the default here is everyone who engaged with this professional account um that's going to be the largest uh custom audience option out of the
various Instagram custom audience Instagram account custom audience options you could change it to people who started following this professional account obviously that's a bit of a higher bar someone who's not just engaged but then gone ahead and followed people who visited your profile people who engaged with a post or ad um specifically you've got people who saved the post or ads probably really high bar dally people are really liking um your stuff so there are use cases where you want to get more specific and you think I only want to Target followers or I only
want to Target people who have engaged with a post or ad recently so I get the most engaged customer audience but once again for the same logic as I talked about previously I would go with everyone who engaged this professional account met is going to work out who are the most Keen um and then we can go ahead and add in here Instagram engages 365 okay and then we can go ahead and click on create audience and then what we just did for our Instagram account we can do the same thing for our Facebook page
right so go ahead and click next make sure you've got the right Facebook page selected events looks very very similar page followers you can people visited your page engage with a poster add click go to action button or save the post but I'd recommend most people go with everyone engag with your page for the same reason 365 is the maximum retention window that's what we want to use so I'm going to call this one Facebook page engages 365 okay and then we create that custom audience and click done so now we've got all the custom
audiences that we use very regularly created if we click back into custom W you see there are other options that you might want to play around with depending um on your business hopefully the logic of what I've been through there um will help you with those other ones that I'm not going to going to go through specifically in this video as well because a lot of the same thinkings and principles behind which options do you go with when it comes to retention windows or which options do you go with when it comes to um the
event selection uh still apply to a lot of the other stuff as well and some of these ones I created might not apply to your business like if you don't use uh lead forms you can't use that custom audience if you never advertise with video you can't use that custom audience if you only have a Facebook page and don't have an Instagram account you can't use that custom audience so you're going to have to adjust this to your specific business but then that's always the case no matter what content you consume online there's always an
element of um adjusting it for your specific circumstances right okay so now we've got a bunch of custom audiences if I close this down we will see that we've got a bunch of custom audiences here um and some of these are populating it'll take a little bit of time anything that is metas sourced or pixel base will update automatically the other ones need to be um updated manually and now what we can do with that custom audience is firstly add it into our campaign we can also use it to create lookalike audiences both of which
are things that I want to show you because they're both really important so let's start with actually using this within an ad campaign right so I'm going to go ahead and jump back into ads manager just clicked on the all tools button and then ads manager and we're going to add in these custom audiences into our um example campaign if I just go down here and click on edit draft and we'll come back into the sort of typical ads manager window we'll go to the adset level um and then we're going to scroll down to
our Advantage Plus audience section and then we're going to add in our custom audiences in here now assuming that this was a retargeting campaign and I would for the most part recommend that you separate your cold audience campaign from your ward audience campaign still typically if we're running the director offer strategy so we're directly advertising our product Services we will have two campaigns we'll have a cold audience campaign and a warm audience campaign yes there will be overlap yes with advant plus audience they're going to operate um similarly to some extent but I still think
it's worth having those um separate for being able to track how other parts of your marketing working in terms of building your audience and then converting those to customers using your Facebook Instagram advertising anyway so within the customer audience so we're just going to add all of these in right so we just type in the Nam we've got all website visitors we've got uh what else did we have we had lead for engages we had our example email list and you'd also want to add in your example um customer list if you had it we
have Facebook page engages doesn't seem to here we go Facebook page engages 365 we've got our Instagram account engages and any they missed uh yes video viewer custom audience as well and then of course if you created any others then you can add those in and you can just go ahead and pop these in here and create the largest possible um custom audience um I think for most Facebook advertisers that is going to deliver the best results you might want to have different campaigns if you're retargeting say a hat range to certain people and a
shoe range to other people you can separate those out into different campaigns but if you're advertising mostly the same product range the same service offering you can pop all these into one uh warm audience campaign now once you've added in your custom audiences this now becomes a warm audience uh campaign I would therefore leave everything else open so we wouldn't normally include for example these custom audiences and these detail targeting options we would take these out when we've got custom audiences added right um and and keep this really open and we might go with the
age range if this is pretty open already but we might go with the age range all the way down to to 18 if we had a gender selection of just uh men or women we would then um spread that out and because we've got those custom audiences we're already very much um targeting those we're happy for uh meta to not be constrained by other factors as well okay so this is now our warm audience adet our warm audience campaign so if I just go ahead and close this down I'm going to label things up to
make it um more obvious right so we've got new leads warm campaign and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and create a new leads Campaign which is going to be called you guessed it manual again remember um this is going to be called New Leads Cod campaign just to separate those out and demonstrate how we would typically look to do things and then if we jump to this adset level I'm going to call this as well New Leads Cod adset just so we can see and this is the one
now where we would be looking to add in you know those previous targeting criteria we talked about where we get more specific around um age or gender or the detailed targeting options like digital marketing um etc etc not going to add them all in now we've already been through that but you get the idea now one thing that you might want to do within your old audience ad set um now that we've created these custom audiences is exclude custom audience which I talked about previously so you might for example want to exclude uh have we
got any yeah we've got a purchase custom audience we didn't create that today by the way that was created I said this an example account so we have stuff in here um you might want to create a custom aiide people who have purchased via the website and you don't want to run ads to those people you add this up here in the audience control section underneath the exclude these customer audiences and that will allow you to run a campaign that say great for new potential customers but you don't want to put in front of previous
customers CU perhaps it's got a an introductory offer that just won't go down well with existing customers would be the the classic um example of of why you would use this I'm not a big fan of doing this in general and specifically I'm not a big fan of doing this to just save a bit of money unless you're in that scenario where you have a really good offer that's only available to new customers I wouldn't just go ahead and add this in thinking well my customers already know about me why would I spend money to
put my ads in front of them again um I only want to reach new people that's a little bit shortsighted people aren't walking around thinking about your business wondering uh I wonder when they release the next next product they need to be reminded there's a reason why all the big Brands run ads all the time is because they need the reminders um and your website purchases are going to be a very small percentage of your total audience size you're not going to spend much money on them it's definitely worth putting ads um in front of
those people just a quick aside by the way this is a website purchaser custom audience remember when we went through and created our all website visit to custom audience there was a section where you could select based on conversion event all I did to create this was select that purchase conversion event and everything else was the same um and that's how you create one of these and exclude it so not a big fan of doing this there are circumstances where you want to use it I wanted to highlight it in case that applies specifically um
to your business you would only want to add that into your cold audience campaign most likely as opposed to your warm audience campaign but I'm going to go ahead and delete that out anyway right right now in this cold audience adet if we scroll down to this advant plus audience we haven't got any custom audiences in here but there is a type of audience that I would use in a cold audience adset um that I think that we haven't covered so far and that can be really valuable and really useful and that's a lookalike audience
so I'm going to show you how to go ahead and create lookalike audiences now so if you click on these three little lines again all tools and jump back into audiences and once you've created custom audiences lookalike audiences are actually very very easy to create and just to explain what a lookalike audience is whilst that's loading up a lookalike audience is an audience a group of people that are very similar to another group of people so let's say we take our previous customer list that we've uploaded and I've shown you how to do that and
we say to meta look meta these are the people that have bought from us previously I would like you to find people that are very similar to them and put ads in front of those people because people who are very similar to those that have already bought from us previously are probably really good prospects for us and probably likely to buy going forward and meta can see based on your previous customer list that the average person is a 42-year-old female who's interested in um cycling great let's put our ads in front of more women in
their early 40s that are interest in cycling because that's likely to form really well so we could take for example uh you could do this based on any of your custom audiences but let's say we take our email list right let's say we've got our email list and we say look met I want you to find create a local like audience based on these people um you can go ahead and select the EM example email list like I've done with this little check box click on these three little lines up here and click on create
loal like audience now once this loal like audience window has loaded there's a few things that you need to decide the first thing is the audience location now you can't do this really specifically so remember we talked about local businesses like let's say I just wanted to advertise in cheltam um advertise locally you can't I can't put in chelum I can't get that specific here but that's fine you can create a local like audience that operates now Al um or or within a larger geographical area and then further specify at the adset level so select
audience location I could for example add in the whole of the United States as a local like audience now the percentage is the next thing that we need to choose so what percentage of the Facebook and Instagram users in the United States in this example do we want to be included in this loal like audience we've got 1% being 2.8 million because there are roughly 280 million Facebook Instagram users in the US and the percentage as it goes up will be um based on the percentage of Facebook and Instagram users within the location that you
have selected so if for example you're advertising locally you want to go with the largest possible custom audience and go up to 10% because it's 10% of the home of the US in this case which is 28 million people but then when you're just advertising in Dallas that's going to shrink massively because obviously you're only advertising to a small fraction of the total population so you want to go really uh broad with your local like audience likewise if you're advertising in a country with a small population you're advertising in Ireland for example where there are
5 million people roughly you're going to want to go with a large percentage look like audience to have a nice large audience if however you are targeting the whole of the US and you're targeting uh Nationwide that works for your business then going with a 1% is absolutely fine uh meta have released new information recently around ideal audience sizes and they're recommending 2 million plus with a lot of local businesses you won't be able to do that and that's absolutely fine we've already covered that but they're recommending 2 million plus um so just think about
it when you're selecting your audience size think about firstly what percentage of the country do I need to so if I'm targeting all the US 1% is fine because we've got 2.8 um but if we're targeting just I don't know just Eastern Time Zone in the US which I think is roughly 50% of the population then that's going to put you slightly under you need a 2% if you're targeting just California you can run the numbers you you might need something like a seven or an 8% if you're targeting just a city you're going to
going to go with 10% so hopefully that kind of makes sense in terms of the size ver specificity try and make sure that your resulting custom audience once you've added in your location targeting criteria plus factored in this percentage is over 2 million if you can local businesses often can't I'm going to go with 1% here which is fine then we go ahead and click create audience okay and now what we want to do now we've got that lookalike and you can create lots of different lookalikes by the way you can create a lookalike based
on your email list lookalike based on your website visitors look Alik based on um Faceook page engages Instagram engages and I'd recommend that you create a number of different lookalikes based on all of these options um so for example and we've got another one here based on website visitors so I just that's from a previous video that's great I'll use that as an example so now what we want to do is we want to jump back into ads manager and I'll show you how we would get this added into our ad set now a look
like audience very important I distinguish here is a uh Cod audience now because it's in the custom audien section it often seems like a warm audience and that can be very misleading a lot of people think it's a warm audience and that causes issues it's not the people in your look likee audience are similar to the people that have interacted with your business before those people themselves haven't actually interacted with your business before that's a that's a big distinction there um so they don't want to be treated like warm audiences and they don't want to
be added into the warm audience adset they want to be treated like they are which is cold audiences and we've come into our cold audience campaign I'm going to go to the adset level and I'm going to scroll down to the targeting section again and remember this is within Advantage Plus audience so the lookalike audience is only a suggestion we're saying to matter we think these people going be great but you have the flexibility that's what you want to do and then you just add in your look like audiences in here so I've got for
example add in example email list I could add in one based on website visitors I could add in one based on website purchases these are ones that have been created previously as I said because this is an example add account so add in all the loal ordan that you want to Target in here you could have them based on Facebook page engages Instagram account gauges all of that's absolutely fine get those in there and you can also have these alongside detailed targeting options so people that are interested in digital marketing and people that are interested
in social media marketing and things like that uh social media marketing I'm sure that comes up as an option interest yes it does now this is not how we would have run things under the original audience settings at all we would have segmented things out we' gone with one lookalike or one interest targeting option per adset and we would have worked out which one produces the best results and that would allow us to make decisions going forward and improve results and do all that really important stuff but with this Advantage Plus audience setup and I
think this a really good move by meta to have the flexibility it actually makes a lot more sense to include these together because if you didn't include these in together then um there will be so much overlap and you're going to end up with audience overlap and auction overlap not the topic of this video but just I'll tell you now not something that you want it's not going to help your results and this is a much easier and cleaner way of doing things you have less campaigns you have less adsets and that's how I'd recommend
you go ahead and set it up so look like audiences interest behaviors all in one adset in your cold adset and then your custom audiences the people have actually interacted with business before in a separate warm audience adset is what I'd recommend for most people now just quickly before moving on to the next thing one thing I want to highlight is we've added in our lookalikes here we've got a us-based and two UK based lookalike audiences so for this to actually work and run we need to make sure that the location targeting matches up so
we would need to make sure that we had uh both the UK and the United States selected um as locations and that's how it would work from a from a targeting standpoint now again if you created say a look like audience in the UK let's say you created a 5% look like audience in the UK and you're like yeah but we only operate locally how does that work that's absolutely fine that's when you just want to go ahead and add in like we talked previously uh chelham include your UK audience we would want to get
rid of the United States in this scenario and then we want to come down to this look alike and only include the UK based one ones um and then you would operate it that way right so it's functioning as people with it only within this area and then the lookalikes um operate within that um so that's how you combine the two because again I've created videos on lookalike ORD point where a lot of people question being like ah I only want to advertise this specific City but I when I create the lookalike it has to
be Countrywide or region-wide that's fine you can you can still make that work now one other thing I need to talk about when it comes to cold audience targeting not war audience targeting but cold audience targeting is open targeting it's something that's become more and more popular over the years and when we were operating under original audience options we were using open targeting uh very often open targeting is this right it is deleting out every single targeting criteria uh so let's make this as big as it possibly can be 18 plus um no interests behaviors
demographics no lookalike audiences um let's assume we were doing this you know uh Nationwide so we've got the whole of the UK and basically saying there's no targeting option whatsoever meta you figure it out this can work well but I think there are two scenarios two boxes you want to tick to actually use this and see it work well firstly does your product or service have Mass Appeal some do some don't cars have pretty Mass Appeal things to do with the home have pretty Mass Appeal a lot of food has pretty Mass Appeal but there
are really Niche things like fly fishing for salmon in coastal Scottish Waters that's really Niche right um that does not have Mass Appeal so if you have Master appeel open t can work well the other thing is how much data does your ad account have in it if it's a brand new ad account meta doesn't really know who converts where you get the best results is really difficult for meta to optimize uh whereas if you've been running ad campaigns for a while you've got a thousand plus conversions meta has a really good idea of who
converts anyway and you you're fine going with with the open targeting it used to be quite a decision previously with the original audience targeting options between do we go with a specific interest do we go with open targeting now with this advantage plus audience setup it's much more open and that's why I'm a fan of using it I think it's a no-brainer to give meta some suggestions like we've talked about with lookalike audiences with interest targeting options but meta has the flexibility to use open targeting it's kind of The Best of Both Worlds uh whereas
if you just go with completely open targeting particularly as a beginner particularly within your ad account it can struggle but there are lot we run loads of AD accounts because obviously the accounts we work on um typically operate with quite a bit of scale or we get them there at least so spending a lot generating a lot of conversions we often operate with open targeting U because it's appropriate for them uh so that really depends on your business and I just wanted to touch on that because I think it was important now I do get
a lot of meta advertisers asking if they should switch to this original audience option if we just click on this quickly you'll see that meta recommends that you don't they say that potential outcome is 30 up to a 33% lower cost per result by using Advantage Plus audience not switching over to original audience options and that does mirror um to some extent what I would expect now we still use original audience options sometimes as an agency we very much know what we're doing I would say that with original audience options you are far more likely
to make a mistake let's say for example you took a local business and you added in some detailed targeting options that's a killer because local businesses the population is so small you basically have to use open targeting if you go ahead and add in interest targeting options your audience is just going to be too small whereas if you're advertising a local business using Advantage Plus audience um and you add in some interest targeting options it's not the end of the world because meta has the flexibility to also advertise um to other people as meta has
got more sophisticated ad platform giving it more wiggle room more things to decide has yielded better and better results and I expect things to continue going that way so using original audience options is all about doing the opposite and maintaining control the use case where I would say using original audience options still works well is if you can't track the eventual conversion So Meta is not basically able to op for what you really want and learn properly because let's say they come through your website and then they click through to a third party booking page
where they book in for an event or a hotel room or whatever and you just you just can't track those um conversions then you need more controler as an Advertiser to direct meta to advertise to the right people because it can't meta can't learn by itself if you're forced to use a traffic campaign for example then you might want to get more specific um if you do do that by the way you do switch over to original audience options I'm just going to do that very quickly so I can show you um one thing you
need to be aware of still with the old school options and I would only recommend you do this if you were advertising before Advantage Plus audience came in place and you really know what you're doing but one thing you need to absolutely make sure you do if you do want to if you think you're switching over to this and you're getting more specific with your targeting criteria is deselect this Advantage detailed targeting because you can see even with the original targeting options the default is to reach people beyond your detailed targeting selections when it's likely
to improve performance you have to turn off that expansion again not all advertisers have the capability to do that I still do in this practice ad account but not everyone does but if you did want to get really specific and maintain control you come over here you set up your detail targeting like the old school way I have older targeting tutorials that show you how to do that I'm not going to run through that here because it's not where I'd recommend most advertisers do and I think this might go away fairly soon um but you
have to make sure you deselect that if if that's what you want to do I think most advertisers want to use Advantage Plus audience as I've been talking about for this video um hence why I've done a whole tutorial on um using this CU I think it will get you the better results now there's one other targeting area that I haven't um yet covered and I want to quickly uh discuss that so I've just jumped out to the campaign level I'm going to click on this green plus create button this time I'll use a sales
campaign click continue and you know how I talked about using a manual sales campaign and then being able to use everything I've talked about um in this tutorial and that absolutely applies there is this option Advantage Plus shopping and that is the default you can see that meta information underneath is maximize performance and reach valuable audiences with a simplified setup presets include placements a and more so what they're talking about here is with advaned plus shopping your options are limited advaned plus shopping can work great though and you you've got tailored lead campaigns as the
equivalent for um lead campaigns um slightly different name but effectively the same process it's a tailored campaign and these can work great because they give meta a lot of control and if you're an e-commerce business wanting to sell a product range I would absolutely recommend you test it I would still say for the most part we are using more manual sales campaigns than Advantage Plus shopping campaigns um just just a quick aside talking about strategy CU we still feel that's getting better results but we're using Advantage Plus shopping more and more and because it leverages
metas machine learning and AI I expect this to improve in performance um over time and I want to quickly talk about this video is about targeting I want to quickly talk about the targeting options with Advantage Plus shopping and you'll see something similar for the tailored leads campaign option so we go ahead and click continue for Advantage and plus shopping we can see we've got um the two options instead of the the three breakdown and that's because there are less options within Advantage Plus shop campaign the campaign and adset levels they're separate in manual are
basically squashed in together so if we scroll down again we're going to ignore the things that aren't related to targeting a lot of which are similar so then we've got this um audience location section now this is going to operate similarly to audience controls within the Advantage Plus audience um setup with within within the new setup within a manual campaign I should say um and audience location is going to allow you to select location but it is even far more limited within location so if we click on here you can see it says here um
specific countries or states to deliver ad ads to you can't get as specific with like the individual areas of like I just want to Target chelham plus 10 miles or anything like that so if you want to do that absolutely you need a manual campaign but if you're just wanted to advertise countries or um multiple countries or like specific states in the US which are like the size of other countries obviously that's allowed and you can do that and you also don't have um some of the exclusions that we talked about previously that you did
in the that audience controls um section and then beneath that you've got this reporting section which can impact your targeting a little bit but it's not really targeting why it's called Uh reporting just to quickly explain what this is so you've got Define your ad accounts audience segments in advertising settings to receive reporting breakdowns between your new audience engage audience and assistant customers now this is brought in to make uh Advantage uh plus shopping easier to understand from uh who you actually putting ads in front of is it just all my previous customers is it
people that are in my warm audiences is it new people I want to understand the split but you don't really get the option to decide I only want you to Target these people or I want you to favor new audiences over existing audiences is much more for reporting um setup than it is for actual targeting really you kind of just got your location targeting and then you're just leaving it up to meta the rest of the stuff and I think for most advertisers being able to have those suggestions and those inputs particularly at the beginning
with a manual sales campaign or a manual Le leads campaign um is much more significant but I just wanted to quickly cover this so you guys are aware of what you can and can't do uh within an Advantage Plus shopping campaign um now as Advantage Plus shopping becomes more and more sophisticated we will probably see more and more campaigns moving over to this and allowing meta to work out the targeting for us more and more often I don't think it's quite there yet in terms of all advertisers should just do that I think you should
test it and you should see which performs best this may well do so it may well do so once your campaign's been live for a while and you're getting great results uh and getting conversion volume So Meta can it's AI can learn and optimize but for now I think most people should not just run straight towards advant plus shopping you should at least have a play with manual campaigns learn the the basics there and you can look to move on to Advantage shopping and test it to and see which forms best and always be led
by the data so now that you know everything you need to know about Facebook ads targeting the next area of Facebook advertising I recommend you check out is AD objectives and in this video here I break down the six different Facebook ad objectives I explain what each one does and most importantly which ones you should use and when
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