NEVER Have Another “Prayer“ Ignored AGAIN

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Nero Knowledge
They lied to you about the true nature of prayer it’s mental. How to pray correctly using the heave...
Video Transcript:
ever had a prayer ignored ever had a prayer that you really really needed to come through and it didn't come through it's because they lied to you about prayer and prayer really and truly is an esoteric thing and by the end of this video you will have every prayer answered again and that's not an understatement I'm quite literally being serious we need to be able to break this down from a mechanical point of view in How the Universe materializes reality now as you can see my boy here he's praying but I was told that he
looks like he's strangling himself this is double onand you see I'm an artist so I made it look like he was strangling himself while praying because like yeah anyways the topic of prayer now for most of us that grow religious we are taught that prayer is the way that we get God to give us what we want but if you're like me who grew up praying for a lot of things that never came through when you really needed it it can almost create this sense of confusion but the truth of the matter is is that
prayer is an entirely esoteric concept which I'm going to break down to you but in order to do that I'm going to have to give you a multidimensional view of how reality is materialized across all three Plains reveal the true definition of prayer which isn't talking or begging to God like you've been taught and then give you three esoteric scriptures that line up with exactly what I'm saying so you know I'm not just somebody who's trying to take you to hell as some spiritual [ __ ] would believe the craziest part about prayer is that
I grew up seeing a lot of [ __ ] pray for stuff whether new jobs Prosperity their struggles to be over their health problems and none of them [ __ ] had their prayer answered and it's it's it's just insane like when I began to understand the true nature of prayer which I'm going to break down to you like I said the esoteric version and for those who don't know what esoteric means esoteric comes from the eological origins of the Greek word esoterical which means the Inner Circle um chances are most of us are taught
the exoteric about exoskeleton the outside it's comes from the eological word in Greek EXO tericos which means the Outer Circle chances are niggaer you will Fed a bunch of stuff which I equate to slop like it satisfies your appetite but it gives you no nutritional benefit so in order for us to actually put you in a position where your prayers are never ignored again and every single prayer that you send out is materialized you got to lock in so make sure you take them notes now the first thing I want to say about prayer is
this prayer is not verbal now if you ask the average person how do you pray they'll probably say some [ __ ] like put your hands together close your eyes and just start talking to God I seen a lot of [ __ ] talk but they haven't materialized what they want and it's because the truth of the matter is that prayer is not verbal it is not verbal I'm going to say this again and again until you understand prayer is not verbal say it with me prayer is not verbal the reason being is because reality
isn't orchestrated the manner in which reality is materialized on a multi-dimensional level across all three planes of existence mental physical and spiritual isn't coming from anything necessarily that you say the true nature of prayer is that it is mental now I have a lot to say about this so stay with me and make sure you're taking them notes and drop them in the comments when you begin to see prayer as something that is mental it completely eradicates any instance of anything that could be said verbally for example you can pray for Prosperity but if your
mind is in a mental condition of poverty then that is what the universe that is the frequency that is going to be projected into the universe and then that frequency is going to be materialized down into the third dimensional realm also known as your reality and then that's a condition that you're going to experience unfortunately for most people they don't understand the way real is orchestrated they don't understand that the physical plane is a particular realm of effect and I'm going to break that down into linking it with the Hermetic law known as cause and
effect so just stay with me you're going to get some there's a lot of stuff I'm going to drop so make sure you're paying attention but if we just take the simple concept of the idea of prayer being something that is mental then I want you to think about every time that you have prayed for something and what you're going to find out whether you want to admit this or not and this is going to be something your family members go through and those people that you love their minds are out of alignment with what
they're saying they may be praying for prosperity but the truth of the matter is if prayer is mental what they're truly parent what you truly pray for is whatever is declared in your mind prayer is a mental declaration not a verbal declaration so you can say hey God I really really want that job I really really want that job but if mentally the frequency that's being projected to the universe is instability and a lack of confidence in your ability to actually attain this job then that's the frequency the universe is going to pick up on
and that's going to be projected out into your reality and you're going to fail to get that job then when your prayer doesn't come through you're going to Gaslight yourself and say God will give me the next one no he's not because God doesn't give you anything God has given you everything you've ever needed all you need to do to get whatever you want in this reality to become the vibrational alignment of it it's not about manifesting if you try to manifest then you actually hinder yourself from manifesting because manifestation as a topic is solely
focused the way most people explain it the way my definition of manifestation and make sure you note this down because this is the definition that took me 8 years and nearly 400 books worth of study to come to the conclusion of manifestation isn't about changing reality it's not about bending reality it's not about reality changing manifestation is about internally shifting to a degree where you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing your reality change manifestation is about internally shifting to a degree where you are no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing your reality change when you're good
with it and you're good without it if you're not good without it then it's not going to manifest because whatever you're good with and without has a particular type of frequency which allows things to materialize much more easier so of mentally you're in poverty but you're saying God I really really need you know I really really need this job I really really need and bear in mind this is what I saw those around me my loved ones going through this is something that I partook in when I was religious and for those people who may
be thinking you know this guy is demonic or whatever I need you to understand I have not only read the Bible I have the Apocrypha which was the gospels taken out of the Bible I had the nadii scriptures which were the texts also taken out the Bible I had the Book of Enoch the gospel of the Holy 12 the gospel of Eve the Gospel of Adam so bear in mind you're not talking to your average [ __ ] I know I may be dressed like one but believe me there's a difference and I say all
of that to say when you can come to the conclusion that prayer is a mental declaration then what you also come to a conclusion to is that you are always mentally declaring yourself yourself to be something so the truth is you are always praying you're praying right now but you is conceptualized and taught that prayer is something an action that you do but prayer is not something that you do it is being and what are you being right now you're always praying but because you don't see yourself always praying you actually hinder yourself to the
activities that take place mentally within you which eventually will be projected outside of you so now let me give you a multi-dimensional explanation of how all this takes place to make sure you really internalize the information I'm giving you I'm walking down lowely Highway asking God to please forgive me do you know that song AJ jaged there just walked out of Heaven that is that some church songs man said some church song You Don't Know Jagged Edge I actually don't what about my whole life has changed okay okay you're not you're not you're not a
complete lost course yeah yeah exactly all right so I need to give you multi-dimensional explanation of how reality is materialize because the truth of the matter is prayer is manifestation prayer is a mental declaration but in order for you to get to that point of mental declaration you need to understand the mechanics of how reality is materialized down from the mental plane down to the physical plane which is completely interl with one of the Hermetic principles called cause and effect so we have the physical plane mental plane and then the spiritual plane now I won't
touch on the spiritual as much because it's not necessarily a core component but I will touch on it very lightly so lock in like lock in now the physical plane is what we call our reality also known as the third dimensional realm it is the aspect of reality that constitutes 0.35% of the entirety of the electromagnetic spectrum through a process called refra is how you see things but you see visible light which as I said is 0.35% of the entirety of the electromagnetic spectrum meaning you see a small fraction of reality in the calistic traditions
this is what they call the realm of 1% but across prayer you have to understand reality is an effect now stop Hammer time now I'm joking but what most people do when it comes to reality is they want to change their circumstance you want to change your reality and move to a more favorable condition of reality so what most people think is I'm going to I want to get to where I want to go so I'm going to work and essentially what they're saying is I want to change an effect because real your reality is
nothing more than an effect nothing more than an effect reality is nothing more than an effect most people say oh I'm going to get to this by working really really hard that's like saying I'm going to change an effect by changing an effect that don't make sense that's [ __ ] mat it doesn't make sense you cannot change an effect by changing an effect if you want to change an effect you must change the you supposed to say cause so that takes us to the mental plane the mental plane is the mind and the mental
plane is the cause so by the time that you've experienced something in reality you are experiencing part two out of two out of the entire process because the cause is what will always produce the effect the cause will always produce the effect the cause will always produce the effect so let's say you're in a particular condition of reality or circumstance that you want to move out to let's say there's something you want to pray for and we can conceptualize that as your desired reality currently where you are whatever you're experiencing you're experiencing the effect of
a mental cause that you may be unaware of if you want to change your reality you don't change an effect by changing an effect and this is what the ego does see the ego makes a very dangerous mistake it equates action to result and don't worry this is all interconnected to prayer you're going to get some just relaxing me just relaxing me for a moment just take a deep breath take a deep breath the ego equates action to result so it thinks oh when I my teeth feel unclean I brush my teeth I take action
to get the result of my teeth being cleaned we do this so many times we don't even realize that our mind begins to think in order for me to get a result I need to take action but that's the thing doing will never manifest any think you need to be to manifest and that comes down to the realm of cause the truth of the matter is on a multi-dimensional level reality is generated from the mental plane through the mind cause up to the effect so if you do want to change an effect you must change
the cause so that's why most people actually don't ever get what they want to pray what they pray for because they may take the physical act of maybe praying working harder so on and so forth but then they reach a point of align out of alignment in their mind because their mind isn't align and spiritually most people are okay but mentally that's where the biggest disconnect is mentally because you can pray for prosperity and even work towards it but you're taking physical action that's the lowest level of Consciousness but if mentally [ __ ] you're
broke that is your cause producing your effect and until you change this cycle you will remain and you'll just be a hamst on the will over and over again and for some of us this is what we saw our parents go through we saw them work tirelessly hard as possible praying to God for more abundance more Prosperity so on but they didn't get it so let's cut the [ __ ] that we kind of gaslighted ourselves into thinking that you know oh God just maybe we don't I I've met [ __ ] that have said
you know oh I didn't get that job that I really really wanted that would have allowed me to make that amount of money to change my family life and they Gaslight themselves and say God God just wanted me to stay here no [ __ ] that's not the truth you just didn't send the right message because one other thing that I mentioned about one other thing that I forgot to mention about prayer is what is your definition of prayer now for most people they say talking to God but I can talk to this whiteboard hello
whiteboard how are you of course the Whiteboard did not respond back because true prayer is communication and once you begin to see as communication then you'll come to the understanding that communication requires a how do I say this it requires a back and forth not just the back pause and the issue is you haven't been communicating with God why cuz you look up at the sky and you say God please but there's no man sat up there dictating the course of human events you have to understand that God is within God the way you can
conceptualize God is an impersonal energy of reality hence why in Acts 10:34 it says God is no respector of persons because God doesn't necessarily care about how much work you you put in it doesn't God only responds to the mental declaration the frequency that you emit this is the reason why bad things can happen to good people because Acts 10:34 says God is no respector of persons it doesn't necessarily care about the physical acts you take what it cares about is the mental message you're sending out to the universe because that's the mental message that
going to be materialized down onto the physical plane through this entire process that I'm describing right here so it's about making sure that your mind is aligned to communicate and your message finally being heard cuz you just talk talk talk talk talk and that's what a lot of our people do they just talk talk talk talk talk without actually ever truly conceptualizing where God is because here's the thing you're talking to a niggaer that's outside of you but nobody's outside of you even AJ over there's inside of me pause that was crazy I'm sorry that
was crazy pause but you get the point that I'm making now as I said mind cause effect if you want to truly have a prayer be heard then this is the level you need to focus on in order for your prayer to be heard CU Anytime because in order for you to talk I'm talking right now the only reason I'm talking is because talking is a functionality and sound is a functionality of this third dimensional realm we're constrained by space and time which means anytime that I speak I'm limiting myself to the confinement of the
third dimensional realm and in order for you to go out and create the reality you want and extract it from the universe of the quantum field the aaric records the storehouse whatever you want to conceptualize as you need to go outside of this third dimensional realm to actually get what you want but so long as you're praying and thinking that anything you do within this physical plane is going to lead to a particular change no and that's not to say that words don't have frequencies and vibrations themselves but that's to say work smart [ __
] that's what I'm trying to say now let me touch on the spiritual part very very shortly now I'll spend less time on the spiritual because I could literally talk about this for another 40 minutes but to help you conceptualize the spiritual plane and how that is governed the easiest way to conceptualize the spiritual plan is Letting Go and letting God now this is quite a cliche saying but what you have to understand about letting go that comes to the understanding that you need to step beyond your ego you need to step beyond the physical
vessel which seeks to do everything you say I need to do this I need to do that I need to do this but like Jesus said Matthew with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible and understanding that God is within the untapped consciousness of infinite potential that is outside and gos outside the confinements in the third dimensional realm that is within you like it says in Corinthians you are the dwelling House of God you you are the temple of God it ain't a church [ __ ] where you walk in and
it's praise and worship and [ __ ] are shuing and driving and doing all of this there nothing to do with that that is externalization which is the true blasphemy anything that projects your inherent value of being a manifestation of God onto a building [ __ ] or a neck or a chain with Jesus on which doesn't even make sense that's like when [ __ ] kill each other and put their Ops on a t-shirt that's what the Catholic Church did and a lot of people wear that symbol without even realizing that they believe it
represents life but to your subconscious mind it hits it and recognizes death which is exactly why this is the particular frequency that we live on as a people listen to what I'm saying I was a bz make sure you write that down now anyways yes the spiritual plane comes with your ability to let go and let God and to actually get out of the way to get your conscious mind out the way in order for the subconscious to truly act now before I go down into the esoteric before I go down into the esoteric um
verses the esoteric scriptures directly from the Bible on prayer here's something that I just want you to think about something that I just want you to think about cuz you don't even realize what you've been doing this whole time I know I didn't realize this and a lot of people ask how did I get here well huh how did I get here I grew up here seeing those around me particularly I was raised by my mom and my auntie struggle two angels that I deem angels to struggle and go through a particular state of hell
I was thinking why ain't God answering these guys' prayers which led me to then ask myself the questions about the books that I was reading I was an extremely strict Christian don't look at me and think I got here and I'm some Heathen that was born like this it's just not the way that it was my grandparents Jehovah's Witness trust me trust me but what I wanted to mention before I get into this is that if we just take the physical act of Prayer most people when they pray they close their eyes and this is
actually linked to one of the verses that I'm going to be breaking down today they close their eyes why because when you shut your eyes where do you go you go within because when you want to talk to God inherently on an unconscious level you know God is within which is why you close your eyes and rid yourself of the illusionary realm because unconsciously you know that none of this is real and you shut your eyes and you go within and you're talking you're going within because God is within the inner Dimension and that's where
you're going to you every time you pray which is why in Psalm 4610 it says be still and know that I am God in order to be still in order for you to know God the prerequisite is that you must be still you're still when you go within to the inner Dimension listen there's a lot of esoteric [ __ ] across all religions trust me and I say that somebody who's got a Bible who's got gospels that were taken out the Bible who's got a Quran who's got a bav Gita who's got even Buddhist scriptures
on my bookshelf shelf right there so believe when I say there's a lot of esoteric knowledge Within These scriptures but there's levels to this because most people will look at religion and take it literally level two is for the really smart [ __ ] that say oh my God religion is control it slavery what I would conceptualize as level three is to see the esoteric wisdom within it and here's the truth you don't read the Bible what you read is your level of Consciousness one person can read the book and take something completely differently as
somebody else why because you don't read the same book as everybody because what you interpret is based upon your frequency there's one planet but there's eight different eight billion worlds eight billion frequencies and when you read the book what you're picking up is your frequency it reveals itself to you depending upon your frequency hence why you can read a book once and be like oh it was all right you come back to it and you're seeing stuff that you never even saw in the first place it's just hitting you coming left right and center pause
now to get into the actual versus I'm very excited for this let's go somebody somebody commented you know I saw you go from 4,000 subscribers to 10K to 100,000 in a month sorry without you even asking for subscribers or asking anyone to like or comment [ __ ] do you think this is all of a Twist do you think I'm going to be like please sir can I have some more I just know that those who want to tap into creating their desired reality without all the fluff the corny spiritual [ __ ] that people
do these days will lock in and those who don't don't I couldn't care for those who don't do I have to tell you to want to breathe no you're just locked in we're locked in it's that simple somebody says something to the effect of you know if I could have Dr jordis spender nearo on homelander on a spiritual panel I'd pay anything for that yeah I'd swap out Dr Joe dispenser with probably the Joker yeah probably the Joker somebody actually asked me why do you like villain so much and I think it's because I'm so
used to being a good guy that my shadow like really likes it like when I see like the Joker you know um homelander Ramsey Bolton from Game of Thrones um who else is like a mad character from the TV show can't think of anyone Franklin Franklin's yeah Franklin's say but yeah but like season 4ish like when his bread started to go and he started to lose it yeah all right cool so let's break down these esoteric scriptures first things first first one that we're going to do mark 11:24 mark 11:24 somebody was like how do
you have all of this stuff off the top of your head like I don't know Mark 11:24 it says whatever you pray for believe that you have received it now of course I'm paraphrasing but I'll get AJ to pull it up on the screen believe you have received it and you will and these will probably be verses that your pastors or Spirit religious [ __ ] would never want you to get because the moment you do that then you're no longer waiting for Christ you awaken Christ it's a different board game Philippians 2: 5-11 let
this mind being you that was also in Christ Jesus who didn't find it robbery to be equal with God John 10:34 is it not written in your law I've said you are Gods anyways whatever you pray for believe that you have received it now this is quite literally the Simplicity of reality essentially what this verse is alluding to is that there's a particular formula for receiving things and I'm somebody who likes receiving pause now in order for you to receive you must first believe in order for you to believe you must believe a lot of
people say seeing is believing but believing is seeing that's the difference another way of saying receive is physically and another way of believing is vibrationally before anything can exist physically first must exist vibrationally before anything can exist physically it first must exist vibrationally before you can receive anything you must believe it however you must understand the historical context to which the Bible is transcribed and transliterated so when we're talking about believing within the context of surrounding prayer it is talking about faith but when we're talking about faith you have to understand the eological origins of
the word faith comes from a Latin word called feeders feeders meant confidence what it was referring to is a state of conviction now let me ask you a question as you're flicking your light switch are you flicking it thinking oh my God it's going to turn on it's going to turn on no you flick that [ __ ] and you keep walking why because you know it's going to turn on important word in that entire sentence now let me ask you a question when you prayed for something and it didn't come through did you know
you were going to get it lesbo don't lie to me don't lie to me you didn't you didn't know and because you didn't know you didn't receive it because in order for something to materialize physically it first must exist vibrationally and how do I how does something exist vibrationally Nero well it first has to exist mentally because it all comes back down to the mental plane are you adopting the beliefs of what you're praying for are you adopting the thoughts of what you're praying for are you placing your attention only in places that somebody who's
received what you want would pray for do you have the emotional conviction in what you praying for do you have the res an identity as somebody I'm on my knees again no didy PA of what you're praying for chances are no but the moment you do it exists vibrationally then when it exists vibrationally it compounds into a frequency when it compounds into a frequency it then becomes a reality physically mark 11:24 just let this marinate I want you to begin to study like a monk monks will read one verse for months until it becomes them
and this is definitely one of those things because this is as simple as manifestation gets I could stop right here but I'm not going to stop I'm going to keep coming pause but that's the Simplicity of it all whatever you know you're going to get it's that simple and remember this isn't something that you this is an act this isn't an act that you do this is something that goes on 247 you've been conditioned to expect to know that you're going to receive a particular type of reality and you don't even realize it you need
to you need to shut up that's what you need to do it's not about talking to God it's about talking to the God within by becoming the vibrational alignment of whatever it is you want so it can materialize physically and you do that by tapping into the true definition of faith faith isn't trusting and thinking I have faith I trust God no because trust still holds the element of the potentiality for doubt it's about knowing it's about confidence it's about conviction I know you like that one didn't it make sure you're taking those notes and
leaving in the comments [Music] can't [Music] I don't know how she was holding them [Music] notes seen the guy I don't want guy sing that song bro what do you what do you what do you y say I ramp like that all right cool next verse so we just did Mark 11:12 the next one is Matthew 66 this one's a bit long so I'm only going to write the most important parts Matthew 66 something to the effect of going to your room depending upon the translation of the Bible that you're reading versus um ESV or
KJV or n KJV It also says closet sometimes but it says go into your room shut the door shut the door and pray to your father who is in the secret place and your father is who in the secret place shall reward you openly there's a lot of aspects of this verse to break down into particular so the first thing that I want to emphasize to you guys is that going into your room and shut the door now I want you to understand that what he's talking about shut the door is talking about the eyes
and why the eyes the doors because the eyes are either known as the windows or the doors to the soul it's talking about your eyes so go into your room which is a reference to your mind go into your mind shut the door close your eyes why because you need to remove the conception of this illusionary third dimensional realm around you to go into the inner Dimension which is the temple of God which is where God is which is what it was being spoken about in Psalm 4610 when it says be still and know that
I am God in order for you to know God you first must be still so in order to talk to your father who is God and when we're saying God we're talking about impersonal energy the highest level of Consciousness the most high frequency who is molded by your conception of whatever you believe God to be us who's in the secret place which is your mind cuz nobody can see your mind can they of course not so it's a secret place and then your father who's in the secret place will reward you openly that is the
manifestation reward you openly means m materialize on the physical plane and within this verse you have a step stepbystep formula on how to pray again combine that with Mark 11:24 so shut your eyes relax when you're in a state of relaxation enter a knowingness that whatever it is that you're praying for whatever your desired reality is it is something that you already have received believe that you have received it internalize as something that has taken place not something waiting for because if you projecting it as something that you're waiting for something that you're soon going
to get or one day going to get you're falling into the third dimensional constraint of time and in order for you to materialize anything you need to go outside of the confinements of the third dimensional realm now after doing so in your state of relaxation and entering a knowingness with Crystal Clear clarity as the Bible says in James a double-minded man is and stable in all his ways you need to have a single mind a single Focus point on that desire reality of whatever it is being something that already exists and you can whether you
want to do a mental affirmation of some sort I don't believe in physical affirmations for a multitude of reasons but that's for another video but for now pray and remember that's the definition of prayer from Mark 11:24 your father who's in The Secret Pace the impersonal Consciousness that is mored directly by you then will reward you openly but remember we're not waiting to be rewarded openly because manifestation is Shifting internally to a degree where you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change so if you need to be rewarded openly my my two cents to
this verse is if you wish to be rewarded openly then you haven't truly manifested cooking up here man we're cooking oh another bad guy like probably his SOA he's he's tapped from hunterx Hunter croo from hunterx Hunter he's hot as [ __ ] pause um Orochi Maru he was just tapped like he was just tapped but I prefer mder or Obito Obito is my favorite and for you lot who don't know who I'm talking about I don't even know what to say to you cuz why are you not watching anime I don't know I know
AJ don't watch anime I was showing him Boondock the other day for the first time ever don't be silly he said that he watched it I was showing him a pimp name slipback and he couldn't are you going to say that you knew the episode with the pimp name SLP Usher and Tom bro I knew Uncle Ruckus knowing Uncle Ruckus isn't knowing the episode I knew you did not know slickback did you know slickback in the way that the Bible's telling you to know that you are what you're praying for yeah no you didn't anyways
the final verse in particular that we're going to go to which is actually quite literally just after Matthew 66 is Matthew 67 let's look let's lur for those of you in the UK you'll know 67 let's lur if you don't know that then I don't know what to say Matthew 67 okay I can't remember this one joking it says something to the effects of When you pray I don't know why you looks like that listen that's just you you're just going to have to let that one go actually my OCD won't let me get rid
of that sorry I thought I could do it guys but I couldn't maybe I do have OCD it's calming me down a bit when you pray don't pray like the Heathen do do not pray like the heathen then who use vain repetition who use vain repetition because they think they will be heard by their many words now this this verse in particular is a complete mockery on how churches and how masses of people pray because in this verse Jesus was speaking specifically and he says of course I'll get a to pull it up when you
pray do not pray like the Heathen do who use vain repetition because they think they will be heard by their many words this is what [ __ ] do they pray and pray and pray and pray doing what vain repetition the issue with vain repetition is that it does not nothing because remember the moment that you speak or the moment that you attempt to use words to manifest you are confining yourself to the the illusion of the third dimensional real you're trapping yourself within this box that our reality is and in order for you to
manifest you need to go outside of the box but even more you're not understanding that true prayer is your mental declaration so as you're just vainly rep because that's what it is it's vain repetition you think that if you say it 369 times you're finally going to be heard by God all you need to be heard is once and I'll give you an example people say that you know there's languages of the subconscious mind there's only one language of the subconscious mind and this is my own personal conceptualization and no it's not repetition because for
example if I hit you with an extremely traumatic situation do I need to repeatedly traumatize you no it only has to happen once and the reason for that and and it only has to happen once to enter your subconscious because the only language of the subconscious is emotion that that's from the results that I've seen from my clients by the way if you're an entrepreneur who's stuck at a revenue ceiling and you want to break out in two to five extra Revenue in the next seven weeks then Link in the description but from the results
that I've seen from my clients they don't need to repeat themselves like robots do you not think it's disrespectful that you're just blowing up God's line again and again and again and again thinking that he didn't hear you the first time supposedly if we're seeing God through the conception of the egotistical um personified character that religion makes him out to be right but there's only one language of the subconscious mind and that's emotion and often times one thing that I forgot to say is that how can you pray for Prosperity while you're crying tears of
sadness what are you reinforcing into the subconscious mind sadness so then what does your subconscious mind do it emits the frequency of sadness and when you admit the frequency of sadness you then come across circumstances and conditions of reality that multip L and make you even more sad [ __ ] and that's the game that's the trick because as Jesus said they think they will be heard by their many words no you won't be heard by your many words you'll be heard about you'll be heard by the mental Declaration of whatever you determine yourself to
be make sense
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Simon Sinek's Advice Will Leave You SPEECH...
Alpha Leaders
How to Enhance Performance & Learning by Applying a Growth Mindset
How to Enhance Performance & Learning by A...
Andrew Huberman
528Hz + 741Hz + 432Hz - The DEEPEST Healing Frequency, Alpha Waves Heal the Whole Body and Spirit
528Hz + 741Hz + 432Hz - The DEEPEST Healin...
Healing Melody for Soul
Fall Asleep In God's Word: Bible Stories for Sleep - Abide Meditation
Fall Asleep In God's Word: Bible Stories f...
Abide Meditation App
Quiet Night: Deep Sleep Music with Black Screen - Fall Asleep with Ambient Music
Quiet Night: Deep Sleep Music with Black S...
Soothing Relaxation
The Metaverse, Using The Universe Laws For Success & Making 7,000% In A Month | Nero | 44 Podcast
The Metaverse, Using The Universe Laws For...
44 Podcast
How To OUTSMART The “Spirit” Of Self-Sabotage Once And For All
How To OUTSMART The “Spirit” Of Self-Sabot...
Nero Knowledge
31. Using The 7 Laws of Abundance with Preston Smiles
31. Using The 7 Laws of Abundance with Pre...
Ziva Meditation
How To Employ The Law Of Attraction To Get What You Want In Life In 2023
How To Employ The Law Of Attraction To Get...
Proctor Gallagher Institute
528Hz, Destroying unconscious blockages, Healing Frequency, Cleanse Negative Energy #31
528Hz, Destroying unconscious blockages, H...
Inner Peaces Music
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