How to film yourself! Romanticize your life .

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How to Film yourself: My favorite shotgun mic : ...
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so filming myself over the last couple of years is something I've grown to love and honestly learning how to film myself has made me a 100 times better at film making and filming other [Music] people I've become my own muse and a star of my own film and today's video we're going to be talking about some things I do and think about when filming myself and how it makes me a better filmmaker and hopefully you guys can take some of these tips and become better at filming yourself as well this is called romanticize your life
how to film yourself part [Music] two all right so hello hi how's everybody out there doing today it is of course your boy bandis back with another video and in today's video we're going to be talking about how to make your life look like a movie how to film yourself essentially now if you are not new to this channel you know that for one I always film myself and I have been filming myself for a very very very long time and you also know that I've already made a video about how to film yourself if
you want to go check that one out it is linked in the description below this video is probably just going to be an extension of that video well not probably it is an extension of that video now if you're like me and you don't have any friends or anyone to film you then you know the challenges that come along with filming yourself you know how frustrating exhausting both physically and mentally filming yourself could be and then clearly that comes with challenges of its own like not being able to move your camera or not being able
to Rack focus and those two things alone are very essential when it comes to storytelling and making films but for me personally I don't let not having friends deter me from making videos of myself it may take a little bit longer I may not be able to do certain things but I'm always going to film myself and make it look as cinematic as possible because that's what filming myself for me is all about it's making it look like I'm not filming it so so yeah in this video I'm just going to give you guys a
few tips and the things that I do and think about when I go forward with filming myself for these YouTube videos and whatever else the case may be so number one making your life a movie and for me that means a couple different things now if you're like me and you watch a bunch of movies and you're inspired by the movies that you watch also if you're not following me on letter box hit the hit the boy with a follow over there on letter box stay in touch let's talk about movies but if you watch
a lot of movies or films or videos on YouTube then you get inspired by directors and filmmakers and cinematographers then you try to take a little bit of all of those things and apply it to your own everyday normal life I think a lot of times people get in their heads and they think that everything that they f film may have to be the most inspirational most extravagant most interesting thing that anyone has ever seen but I'm here to tell you that that is not the case for me I can film anything in my home
and try my best to just make that cinematic and make these boring things and everyday things look as interesting as possible and I do that by one filming the things around me and not making the film just about me so whatever I'm doing whether that's cooking breakfast waking up and going to brush my teeth grabbing a drink from the fridge watching TV or playing the game whatever the case may be always try to make sure that the environment that I'm in and the things that I'm interacting with are also just important to film as is
me I feel like involving the world around you helps you not only take a little bit of pressure off of Just filming yourself but it also opens up the world that you're in and lets your audience into a world that they're not in for me filming the things around me in an environment around me also coupled with me inside of that environment helps me add motion into the frame as well now clearly you can't move your camera rack Focus or do anything that involves touching your camera when you're in the video and filming it so
adding motion and doing things within the video and not just having a still image it's going to help tremendously when it comes to making the life around you cinematic and just making your life look cinematic as well I also want to say to embrace still static shots static shots are one of my favorite shots ever I do a lot of static shots for obvious reasons but outside of that even when I am filming someone else I always use and Implement static shots into my videos because I think they're powerful and if done the right way
they can you know change a lot about the videos you're making so embrace the static shots as well so yeah implement the world around you and make sure you're filming more things than just yourself secondly I do think I mentioned this in my first video but I do think it's super important that since you can't focus on moving your camera camera movement any of those things it is very very important to focus on the things you can control like lighting composition sound design set design wardrobe whatever the case may be whatever extra things you have
to do to make sure your video looks better since you are at a disadvantage and a little handicap when it comes to moving your camera for me I love focusing on these other things and then implementing myself into the frame after these things are already taken care of because I feel like that helps me and gives me a little bit more of an advantage when I can't move my camera so so number three for me and that is the three shot Rule and for me the three shot rule is essentially an establishing shot a medium
shot and a close-up shot and a three shot rule is just something that I made up personally for myself it's not an actual film making rule because as we all know and as I've preached plenty of times there are no rules I Break The Rules all the time so so yeah essentially the three shot rule for me helps me establish my story and make the story and piece it together better for me and for some reason in my head that helps me push my story further along especially when I'm filming myself I feel like it's
easy to get these three different shots that way I can have three different looks and three different feelings and three different emotions kind of within the same thing that I'm filming and I think it overall just helps me be a better filmmaker and it's just a practice and rule that I gave myself to be a better filmmaker because I started filming [Music] myself [Music] d [Music] all right so number four is acting and actually being in a movie a lot of the times 100% of the time that you see me doing anything in these videos
whether it's sleeping brushing my teeth writing something down whatever I'm doing it's clearly 100% me acting and I'm not doing it for real but in these videos I do these things for real and I act because not only do I enjoy acting but I also just think that putting that extra little time and effort into these videos does a world of Wonders clearly if you're sitting there not moving not engaging with things that you're doing or not at all acting like these are the things that you are doing for the first time of that day
in that video then it's going to seem a little weird and it's going to come off a little not as fluent and believable for that matter now we watch people walk to and from the camera and away from the camera all the time in these videos and clearly you have to go back and grab your camera and take it with you to the next location or set up a new composition now doing these things can be exhausting but I think for the viewer when seeing these things they kind of forget that you do have to
go back and grab your camera or that this is not real at all but it puts them in a space and a mindset that these things are real and it makes them engage and interact and think about the video a little bit more when you do these things so yeah if you're opening a window on camera make it look like you're opening that window for the first time if you're brushing your teeth make it look like you just woke up and you brushed your teeth I hope y'all are actually brushing your teeth and not just
for videos but I digress if you're waking up make it look like and seem like it's the first time you woke up all day clearly these aren't this isn't the case but acting in your videos and actually engaging with the video and being present in in your video is good and it does wonders for the people in the audience viewing it so yes act be in a movie because your life is a movie another thing that I think is helpful for doing these videos and I think probably the most important thing and I might have
mentioned this in my last video about filming yourself but I still think it's the most important thing when it comes to filming yourself and that is being creative now clearly you can just set your camera up and step in front of it or whatever the case may be but I do think taking that little extra time to find interesting compositions or to film something in an interesting way or to make sure your light is interesting somehow and being creative in those ways helps push these videos for it especially when it's just a video of you
a lot of the times I like to do unconventional shots that sometimes aren't normal or what people would do all the time I think giving life to the lifeless things in your videos helps push those videos further and helps it seem like you're also filming more than just yourself even when these things have everything to just do with you a lot of the people that I watch here on YouTube and even the directors and filmmakers that I watch find amazing ways to be creative and that's why their videos and movies stand out to me it
also gives me inspiration to be creative and to find things on my own and to look at things differently and to view things in a different way than I normally would I think when it comes to filming yourself you are the director the movie star the gaffer the cinematographer and everything above so it is up to you to create your own movie of your own life and if your life is boring that's okay because everyone's life is boring somehow some way but it's up to you to make sure that boringness is interesting so be creative
so yeah that's really all I got I might make another how to film yourself video in the future because I have a lot more things written down but um I have no real time left to film it so I might be making another video like this in about a year or two or whenever I decide to do it but yeah with that being said I hope you guys enjoyed the video got something out of it if you didn't I do uh apologize if you are not subscribed to the Channel please do me a favor and
hit that subscribe button it would be truly and gratefully appreciated if you are already subscribed I'm not talking to you because you already did what you had to do so uh yeah with that being said I'm going get up out of here and I'm going to go do some [ __ ] so see y'all in the next one man you know the Vibes [Music] get
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