How Christianity Changed History

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one of the things I'll keep repeating until this audience can repeat it back to me from memory is that a fish in a pond cannot judge its place in the world that fish has no frame of reference outside of its own Pond and so can't compare it to anything in a lot of different ways that fish is completely indistinguishable from that pond given it was made up by the nutrients and water from the pond in most cases if you take the fish out of that context it's going to die if you read enough history the
things are Society criticizes itself over are so silly compared to what the rest of history is like however as I've gotten deeper into philosophy what I've consistently found is that people will try to make so-called new or original ideas and then once you dig a little bit you find that their arguments only make sense coming from Christianity an even greater irony is that these new philosophies often decry Christianity as cruel and primitive well the reality is that without coming from a Christian philosophic trajectory their worldviews don't make any sense Christianity has made the world we
inhabit we breathe Christianity throughout our system and Minds instinctively without even thinking it once people realize how much their worldviews are influenced by Christianity they just don't believe it it's hard to come to terms with an unemployed Carpenter's son completely rebuilding the World In His Image with just making a message so beautiful that others kept on repeating it this is a video to go through the ways Christianity has rebuilt the world in its own image for most of the audience whether or not they realize it they are functionally Christian I was trying to write an
episode for what are the strengths and weaknesses of each major world religion the problem I ran into was that it became indistinguishable from the civilizations they're a part of in my segment on the strengths and benefits of Hinduism Judaism or Islam I was basically just rewriting the civilization videos for them the thing is that each of those videos are between half an hour and an hour long so the episode was getting way too big as is there were two religions that were exceptions however maybe since they spread across multiple civilizations or maybe because I know
more about them where I could make a distinction between those religions and the civilizations they're a part of those were Christianity and Buddhism the Polish writer koneski made the interesting statement that Christianity asks the least of the societies it's a part of it has very few ritual tabos doesn't tell you what foods to eat how to wash who to associate with construct a legal code and as relatively simple belief structures however as we'll see Christianity reworks the civilizations it's a part of and their social structure more so than any other major religion as CS Lewis
said Christianity takes you in on a single principle like wanting support in a hard time and then it gradually reworks your entire personality Without You noticing in this video we're going to try to separate Christianity from Western Civilization which I've already made a video about an important point to make is that most Christians are not not in the west anymore and most of the West is no longer majority Christian the majority of Christians for the first couple hundred years of the religion were in Africa and Asia and now probably for the first time the third
world has more Christians in the west I think this is an important time to look at Christianity's impact on the world since for the first time in thousands of years large parts of the West are becoming minority Christian in the last couple years Britain Australia the Netherlands and more countries in what used to be the heart of Christendom and its dias don't even have populations even remotely defining themselves as Christian these societies haven't been IRL functionally Christian for decades but the fact that even that the tradition's gone means a seismic shift has occurred this is
after Eastern Europe or the other half of Christendom went for communism it's a remarkable shift that I'm shocked so few people are commenting upon given that for a lot of these countries this is the first time they are not majority Christian in nearly 2,000 years in this moment of great change I think it's important for us to look at how Christianity made these societies and what the decision of abandoning Christianity actually means although this video is pulling out a lot of sources and this is the case with all of my videos the sources are in
the description there is a single book that I recommend you all read that was a great source for this video that being Dominion by Tom Holland between dating Zenia and playing Spider-Man Tom Holland is a wonderful history writer and wrote a book on this topic if Tom Holland or any of his fans or viewers I'd love to interview him on Common [Music] Ground did you know that 77% of Americans suffer from daily Financial anxiety and here's the thing budgeting apps and investment platforms just aren't cutting it life's biggest financial decisions require a real human giving
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carpenter son is being crucified for supposedly disturbing the peace from Tiberius or even Pontius Pilate the governor of the province of judea's perspective this is a statistic an unremarkable event which even if unfair was necessary to maintain the stability of the greatest peace in history little did they know or anyone really except a handful of fanatical weirdos for the next 300 years realized that this would become the most important event in history there's a couple things to unpack here the first that the world Jesus lived in was in many ways very similar to where we
are today the German historian Oswald Spangler writes out civilizational life cycles in the Greco Roman classical civilization was in a pretty close place to where the West is today modernity is a mindset the societies reach once they have a certain level of development irrespective of when chronologically in history it is the Roman Republic but really dictatorship ruled the Known World all things considered the Romans were really good Governors and were widely liked by their empire they let the locals govern their own societies had religious freedom while the world was experiencing the most rapid economic growth
ever up to that point with the whole Known World at peace as dictatorships the r of this era were more like Thailand or Mexico and less like North Korea or Eritrea however the Romans in their own wealth had become decadent and flushed all their values down the drain the Romans earlier on had a reputation for being law-abiding moral honorable Brave and hardworking people many countries willingly let the Romans in rather than be led by their rulers however the Roman Elite lost any manly Vigor and became consumed by Insane luxury like eating peacocks and ice cream
in the summer brought in from the Alps watching elephants fight Arabs in the gladiatorial games or keeping harams of hundreds of slaves after the god Emperor Augustus died the Roman Imperial Court fell into complete degeneracy the Emperors tiberious Nero and Caligula did act so unspeakable I can't mention them on this puritanical kid-friendly app and get this video monetized so just go on Wikipedia and look them up one of the most interesting psychology books I've ever read is the Sorrows of the ancient Romans by Carlin Barton it breaks down why figures like Caligula or Nero went
crazy the short answer is much like child stars these people had immense pressure put upon them well no one would ever tell them no with infinite luxury comfort and more which all drives people crazy a Caligula did cruel and horrific stuff since it's the only way he could get an authentic reaction out of the people around him when you experience every kind of pleasure the only way to feel something real is pain and especially causing it the thing is that these rulers didn't really affect the provinces that much since the Roman Empire of that time
period was pretty decentralized where governance was largely local who were pretty competent however extremely conservative Judea would have heard stories of what was going on in the capital and have been disgusted when people read out the Book of Revelation about Satan ruling the world there's a theory that they're talking about Emperor Nero the Jews were the strangest people of the Roman Empire I'm going to keep this short since I'm working on a Jewish civilization video right now the Jews were around 13% of the Roman Empire's population and had a large diaspora around the Mediterranean the
Jews of that era were lot like the Taliban today they were religious fundamentalists who were out of line the secular world around them remember how I said this time period feels very modern the Roman Empire was a secular society and so the very religious were seen as weird leftovers much like how we view Islamic radicals with the Amish today the Jews survived 2,000 years up to that point in one of the worst starting points on the map by holding on to to a series of very hard beliefs about the world with countless ritual tabos this
was a way of weeding out Free Riders so the Jewish Community would be strongly tied together Jews kind of remind me of the Irish and how rebellious they were I'm half Irish and that culture was colonized by the English where the Irish developed a culture where rebelling was the highest aim of a society the Irish kept rebelling until they made a diaspora many times larger than their Homeland and that happened to the Jews as well into this context comes Jesus of Nazareth his real name was likely Yeshua or as we'd say in English Josh Jesus
Christ is a Greek translation of Josh the Messiah the reason I keep on bringing up these in Carpenter son is Jesus is one of the very first few non-upper class people in history for the entire historic period beforehand with a handful of exceptions like Socrates or Marius every figure in the historic record is from an upper class background it makes me wonder if If part of the reason why our society glorifies and likes the middle class so much is because our God is middle class we know Jesus was a real historic figure since we have
Roman Jewish and Christian records of him at the time this is really good evidence for a common person in the premodern era if you hear someone saying in a conversation they don't believe Jesus ever existed they just don't know what they're talking about we think he was probably born sometime around 4 BC and died at some point in the 30s decade keep in mind in pre-industrial societies numbers are less important for actually measuring things and are more often used for symbolic value Jesus did something really brilliant he fused the two most advanced philosophic schools of
his time Jewish and Greco Roman the Old Testament is a history of the Jews relationship with God as they fac constant threats they physically couldn't defeat the Jews were playing the game on extra hard mode and they used their God and religion to keep their culture alive this made Judaism an incredibly durable religion that was spiritually really Advanced since it was actively selected for survival so many times however the Jews built their religion to keep their group together which meant that there were loads of tabos that turned off the rest of the world such as
circumcision no por consumption bizarre weird kind of autistic tabos and more the Greeks were the Romans were part of their cultural umbrella had the most advanced logical and philosophic system in history up to that point and there own religion the Greeks also went through their own phase of multiculturalism they tried to convert the subjects of their Empires to Greek culture and use similar Gods like THS or Hermes or mithis in Hercules to convert them to greatek culture this kind of worked for the elite the Greeks and Romans were actively pushing towards a more universalistic religion
which included stuff such as worshiping the sun stoicism or Zeus but the problem was that the Greeks were so agnostic they didn't believe in their gods enough to pull off a new religion Jesus fused together this Greek universalism and The Logical system with the Jewish god and ethical code and as we can see it works spectacularly there was a Jewish teacher at around the time of Christ who we think might have been one of Christ's teachers who said all the Torah contained within the golden rule of treat your neighbor as yourself I might be biased
as a Christian but there are some thinkers where I say if they weren't there someone else very similar would have showed up I say that at Carl Marx Charles Darwin or even Columbus where there are loads of parallel figures that would have come to the same conclusion I'm not sure about that with Christianity I look around the world and I try to find other people who came to the same conclusion that love is the most important force in the world and I can't find any the closest parallel is a subset of Hinduism that holds that
love is the way to reach the Divine but due to Hinduism being Hinduism it was never able to evolve into its own complete ideology the idea of loving the meek and giving to others was completely alien to the world at the time as we'll see the Christians were seen as freaks Christianity sounds so intuitive in retrospect but at the time it was even as bizarre and disgusting as we'll investigate in the next segment most of the reasons Christianity won and became the Roman Empire in Europe's dominant religion are very relatable to us today when a
new religion is formed feels like an overpowering shower of beauty and energy that goes across your enti ire life rewiring your entire existence a religion in Decline feels like going to Christmas at your Presbyterian church so you don't break your grandma's heart that's what religion at the time felt like the Greco Roman world had gods that they would make public sacrifices to but eil didn't really believe in them in a complicated way that Fel de kange brilliantly explains in his book on the ancient city the social structure of the Greeks and Romans was based off
the idea that a city had shared Gods which were transmitted through blood this is a proxy for group cohesion a society without strong shared values or which doesn't respect the gods will fall apart this was a common intellectual theme for classical writers however these public State churches were incredibly stale and didn't fulfill people's spiritual needs thus they went to mystery Cults these were organizations normally either being or claiming to be from the Middle East which the members would do rituals together in secret these included stuff like taking psyched drowning your in Bull's blood breaking your
own test examples include the cult of Isis mithis civile or dionis Christianity was the boss level for these mystery Cults even if it didn't seem that way at the time where Christianity was less popular than many other Mystery Schools however if you look at modern Christianity took the best parts of every other mystery cult modern Christianity's theology is taken massive amounts from the stoics the betrayals of the Virgin Mary are a direct descendant of the cult of Isis December 25th or Christmas was mithros's birthday our betrayals of Christ come from a combination of dionis and
Zeus through this process Christianity evolved into being a religion that was palatable and popular for an entire civilization there's a book named the immortality Key by Brian mesu which argues that in the early church the Eucharist was a psychedelic this theory has been basically proven with records even in the Middle Ages showing the preparation of the Eucharist to be the creation of a psychedelic psychedelic consumption was normal in ancient religions for the priest class we have records from the Middle Ages of peasants being terrified of taking the Eucharist since the magic of the church was
so strong and the church demanding they do so once a year that doesn't sound like any wine I've had at church also saying you will be one with Christ or taking the Eucharist makes sense since by taking psychedelics you feel as if you are one with the Universe part of the genius of Christianity is that the religion that existed beforehand was purely for the priests as a normal person you sacrificed some goats and then the priests kept everything else secret Christianity took the Mysteries and then made them public so that the majority population could have
spiritual experiences that the previous Society only judged the anointed being capable of this made early Christianity seemed like an incredibly profound and beautiful spiritual experience as Christians spread their message they called it the good news which is what the gospel means since the knowledge of the Hidden Truths and of God's love was most beautiful news they had heard the priests and spiritual figures of that era often wrote out how the world felt spiritually empty they would read Homer or the Old Testament and see their ancestors in permanent conversation with the gods however in their modern
secular society everything's out sterile and ordinary some of the smartest figures such as Virgil and senica talked about how the world needed a spiritual savior the Jews were obsessed with their Messiah none of them were looking for Christ and honestly every era is looking for their Messiah but I find it to be somewhat ironic Christianity terrified the traditional authorities given it as a descendant of Judaism refused to honor the older Gods the Romans could tolerate the Celtic Egyptian or Berber Gods since they could say you know how the Morgan is kind of like Diana if
you sacrifice to the Morgan you're really sacrificing to Diana and so we're all part of the same Empire since we all honor kind of the same Gods however the Christians refuse to do this since they believed they had the one true God early Christians didn't think other gods didn't exist they just thought their God was better this created an Emperor's New Clothes moment when the Roman authorities thought wait if we really don't believe any of this if someone questions the system everything's going to fall apart remember their entire social structure for the previous 2,000 years
was based off this system so the Christians appeared to be complete anarchists the Romans would often call the Christians atheists since the Christian concept of God was so alien that it just didn't process as a real religion I'd make the claim that Marxism is the modern equivalent where it really is a religion but it's structured so differently from the religions that we understand that we call them atheists I once read a book by Harry Turtle do where a modern feminist woman time travels to live in the Roman Empire for a couple years around 180 ad
one of the interesting points is that the Christians were viewed as radical terrorists that's accurate the Christians were the outg group that normal God-fearing taxpaying Romans were supposed to hate what kind of people were attracted to Christianity with this kind of pressure against it the best example I can use is Imagine an overweight 35-year-old woman of mixed Korean Mexican British and German ancestry living in a suburb of Los Angeles who works at Walmart that person is completely cut off from her ancestral Roots if someone asks her her race religion meaning or more she can't pull
from a single route to explain it people in this category are prone to wokeness or new AG stuff in our Society Christianity was repelled across the Mediterranean by the forced Jewish diaspora Jesus was a Jew and for the first few centuries most Christians were former Jews however Christianity was an urban city concentrated religion mostly among workingclass people especially women who didn't have a traditional culture major break Christianity made was that it was universalistic while all previous religions were tied to blood and region the biggest social issue in the Roman Empire was slavery between 25% and
oneir of the Empire's population were slaves for a frame of reference that's roughly proportional to the foreign born and their children in America today we found from psychological surveys that one of the highest stressors for people is unpredictable work and economic conditions this is what slavery was like these people were completely powerless they could be worked every hour of the day starved worked to death raped beaten verbally abused and more with no legal recourse I'm a big fan of healthy gamer GG who gives Psych ological advice and one of the points he made is that
if you're in a horrible power relationship where you can't really do anything the only strategy is to kill with kindness this is what Christianity was for these millions of slaves the only way to gain power over their masters was to stun them with being so overwhelmingly kind that the Masters couldn't believe it and gave them better conditions the Roman world was stunningly brutal but because it felt modern advanced there was no vocabulary describe the brutality the Roman moral code descended directly from the Indo Arian put the highest value on courage and also prized rationality remember
this is a society that killed 2 million people in the gladiatorial games the code worked well when it was confined to ethnically homogeneous city states but when it spread to a giant Empire there were far more losers than winners in the Roman system an important thing to consider is that since the incentives against joining the Christians were so high including death many of the people that did become Christians were probably very faithful and good people in a society where the depersonalization of slavery and the breakdown of traditional cultures by Roman globalization caused a tremendous amount
of atomization and Trauma the church was a place where people could feel genuinely loved and supported one of the things that I don't hear people often talk about is one of Christianity's biggest appeals was its sex Protections in many ways our era is a reaction indirectly through Christianity to the toxic masculin of the Roman ERA this was a society where if a man owned female slaves they were automatically expected to provide him Sexes and his wife had no place to complain the price of a cheap in the Roman Empire was the same as a loaf
of bread prostitutes would walk the streets naked in nude graffiti spattered the walls one of the things I find ironic is that feminism pushes against Christianity sexual restrictions but they don't realize they exist to protect women against powerful men Christianity monogamy benefits women who finally get a relationship rather than being Chad's EXs slave number 13 and lower class men who can actually get into a relationship sexual restrictions protect women against men who will always use power to get sex when they can Christianity was very popular among women for this reason many of the most important
Christians notably St Augustine were converted by their mother's wives or sisters Christianity is the best thing to have ever happened in history to women the thing people don't realize is what the normal Baseline for sexual relations are in every other major civilization in the world outside Christendom in the year 1400 women were kept at home married off age 15 by their parents couldn't work often had Widow burning female genital mutilation or footbinding with no rights almost every Christian Society in the pre-industrial world treated women better than almost every non-Christian Society the reason that the Christians
won is that the Roman project was breaking down where taking in The Outsiders didn't seem like such a bad idea the Romans faced the crisis of the third century when the Empire lost a third of its population from a combination of plague Barbarian Invasion and War the Empire only barely pulled itself together under Dian and Constantine Dian tried to oppress the Christians and unify to the old gods that failed and I can imagine Constantine afterwards looked at that and thought why don't we just get the same result by doing the opposite Christianity made an AS
astronomic rise only really comparable to Communism in the Soviet Union or China of jumping from 5% of the population to State religion everyone follows in a matter of years Constantine made Christianity the official religion in the 330s over the next few decades it became the only tolerated religion and pagans were persecuted this happened so quickly since Roman official culture was so rotten that there was nothing to resist it Balan tribal Warlords with the Emperors of Rome when they pulled on similar tribal troops it's kind of similar to America today where no one supports the old
wasp East Coast establishment which built this country and the main stream is a combination of Appalachian rednecks nerds Catholics African-Americans Jews progressives and other groups which until recently were purposely anti-establishment before becoming the establishment Peter Brown who I know and he's a good man is the best writer on this topic of the bizarre rapid transition for Christianity from persecuted minority religion to majority culture the short answer is the church established itself as a bureaucratic structure modeled off the Roman Empire which is why the capitals were in Rome and later Constantinople rather than Jerusalem also Christianity
was rapidly adopted by the very most upper class who then percolated it downwards this was one of the most unequal societies ever in history so the emperor converting meant that the rich converted which meant everyone else converted interestingly my mom's maid name is pain from the Norman French for P from the Latin paganist since past a certain point the only people who followed the old gods were the very most Rural and primitive once the Christians sees power they started a series of moral reforms the gladiatorial games were banned Charities for the poor Groove massively so
much so that their sto being famine in the wealthier Eastern provinces of the Empire slavery was quietly abolished as the empire fell apart it didn't totally finish until around 1100 ad but Christianity abolished slavery in Europe debt slavery which is incred common in almost every civilization was banned partially through Banning debt paying interest but also inventing the concept of bankruptcy Christianity created the concept of the working class rather than the slave class Edward Gibbon has made the claim that the rise of Christianity destroyed the Roman Empire from inside out by weakening its manly Warrior character
I have a profound respect for Gibbon but I disagree the Roman Empire lost its moral fiber centuries before that by the time Christianity Rose to power the empire was already on its last legs also having read a decent amount of primary sources from this time period given it was my academic speciality when I briefly went to college Christianity was a breath of air in an otherwise terrible World remember this is one of the most unequal societies ever in which most people are in grinding poverty meanwhile The Barbarians are ripping the Empire apart plagues killing half
the population your cities haven't gotten bigger or built new buildings in more than a century in the primary sources people would go completely crazy at seeing a Saint's relics Christian monks would stand on pillars for years straight Saints would perform incredible rituals many of the wealthy families would donate all their money to the church the Christians were anti-intellectual and often incredibly angry we think the Library of Alexandria might have been burned by Christians and Christians just spoiled the temples and records from classical civilization as the empire fell apart people put their faith in the church
not secular authorities which leads us to the next segment over the 21st century we've gradually turned anthropology and is something much closer to an objective science given we have a bunch of different metrics we can use to try to figure out important cultural differences between societies one of the things we found is Christian societies are completely bizarre we've actually invented a term for this being weird since a problem psychologists run into is that when they test subjects that are Western educated industrial rich and Democratic they operate under very different results and principles than almost every
other Society in human history most people in weird societies have no comprehension of how strange they are and different from the rest of the Human Condition an example of this I ran into in my own personal study is that the red pill teachings that people like Andrew Tate Rolo tamasi or myON gains push are much more applicable to the rest of the world than the societies they live in if you read about dating in Russia or China it's almost exactly what the red pill teaches in China marrying a woman over 35 is taboo widows remarrying
is taboo until recently they had footbinding to show how submissive the women were and More in Russia our wealthy men have a mistress of the age of 22 as he is too old and women take courses on how to please their man however in California or Boston those kind of redpilled principles still are true but to a much lesser degree with women wanting to push for a career a man who's emotionally sensitive supports bipo won't judge her Etc this is a good place to get started with weird societies due to Christianity they have exceedingly High
social trust and often kind of break the rules of Darwinism Advantage Darwinism which allows them to have stunning technological economic and social growth what this means is one of the big differences between Christianity and other religions is Christianity puts a very heavy emphasis on stopping unnecessary cruelty which makes sense given the Roman Empire at Christ's time Islam Buddhism Confucianism Judaism Daoism or Hinduism agree that life is brutal but there's nothing you can do about it thus try to find Salvation through religion Christianity is the only religion which says that life is cruel but by following
Jesus we can remake it to be a softer Place let's compare Christianity to Buddhism most people act as if Buddhism is a kind of religion given its more pacifist and tolerant of descent however in Buddhist societies they still practice slavery treated women terribly and were often politically repressive given Buddhism says that the world will always be evil Christianity meanwhile looks to actively change the societies it's a part of Christianity popularized the idea that we're all equal before God something that didn't really exist before beforehand the idea what the different classes and types of people were
different and thus deserve different things this may sound strange to our ears but this is really the intuitive idea that almost all societies follow in the legal codes of most cultures including pre-christian Europe different social classes of people deserve different punishments for the same crimes committed or different privileges given they came from different circumstances in medieval Europe there's a secular law which governed property and a church law which governed morality under Church law there was absolutely no social class distinctions since all were equal in the eyes of God this then bled into secular law codes
and created the idea of equality which then led to Communism and liberalism and almost all of the philosophic foundations of our society today in most societies the upper classes grind the lower classes into the ground treating them as de facto slaves however the church consistently protected the lower classes against the nobility the church created protection against debtors and Meed the concept of bankruptcy which freed the west from debt slavery which had plagued and often destroyed most Societies in history The Church was a mass charity and since the church and state were almost always at odds
The Peasants could appeal to the church and the church would support them to weaken the nobility the amount of moral advancements pushed by Christians over history has been stunning in recent history look at Martin Luther King a minister and the end of Jim Crow the people who pushed the abolition of slavery in the 19th century were almost all Evangelical Christians the suffragette movement were also evangelicals as was much of the union workers Liberation movement half of the Healthcare in Africa today is provided by missionaries keep in mind these various endeavors where things of the rest
of the world like China India or Islam never did that the West pushing them first also this isn't a timeline thing given the Communists or fascists in the 20th century practiced the largest slaveries and genocides ever Christianity in the period after the fall of Rome which I call the Western Revolution since it sets up the values the modern West still has today did a series of social engineering which completely changed the course of history one of the biggest was the breakup of the clan beforehand for all of history hisory people lived in tribal Clans where
they would arrange marriage people would work with their families and more this was just common sense since people isolated from their families were weak and almost all pre-christian societies were collectivist Christianity was never really keen on the family and group identity there's a theory that Jesus was in fact at odds with his family who didn't support his ministry the Bible says that one is Justified in leaving their family to follow God on top of this Jesus was crucified by a colonial state and the social norms of his Society thus built into Christianity is a distrust
of the clan and group Authority besides the nobility and the very most rural people people started marrying through love rather than arranged marriages the Catholic church around 600 band cousin marriage which broke down the clan and created individualism in Italian documents at this point people stop being referred to by their Clan but rather as individuals this individualism was incredible advantage to the West once people were freed from their Clans they had to go into the rest of society for work friends spouses and more this created the West's massive social trust and people couldn't rely on
their families there's also free people for capitalism the church immigration side projects and more turning the West into incredibly adaptive and mobile Society Christianity helped create the modern Notions of Freedom that didn't really exist beforehand people talk about the ancient Greeks and Romans being democracies but they didn't have a concept for Freedom where instead every individual belong to the state and if you look over the history of freedom in just the modern world you see that Christians were really big forces in propelling it the argument for Religious Freedom in the 1600s came from Christians where
you couldn't Force someone to follow God and people should only follow God if it was in their heart alternately the idea of intellectual Freedom came out of Christians in the 1600s as well where God's truth would be abundantly clear to anyone who searched for it and if you let people have freedom to search for the truth they would find God and our society's concepts of Freedom stem from the Christian ideal that God sets us free to make mistakes and then the West started structuring its governments upon those Notions before we continue I'd like to say
that weird and Christian are not completely synonymous Christianity was so successful in Europe given it merged with very different societies which allowed a healthy balance to form the Pagan Societies in Europe before the Christians were obsessed with war and manliness look at the Norse who made the god of war and strategy Odin their top God and their heaven was for men who died in battle where they could fight forever the Celtic religion also said death in battle always brought glorious reincarnations it would be a mistake to attribute many or all of the West's positive traits
such as democracy manly Warrior Spirit Explorer mindset rational thinking and more to Christianity given those were all things that very clearly existed Europe before Christianity as said before with the Greeks and the Romans the problem with this pre-christian European model was that it created absolutely brutal societies Christianity's softness melded with these cultures really well and gave them balance this is why the West Was capable of waging the Crusades well at the same time the church pushed for the rights of the peasants women and prisoners of war the balancing a caring High trust Christianity and the
aggressive European Barbarian Spirit which was also very high trust was what made the West so successful if you look at Christian societies outside of the West we see these Trends being partially pushed in Ethiopia the Balkans and Russia the clan was partly broken down which signifies this is a part of Christianity but was also Amplified by conditions in Western Europe and by the Catholic Church which isn't surprising Because by the standards of their day the Kelts and Germans were already some of the most individualistic people in the world as said before Christianity combined with Western
Europe in a very powerful way we'll get into this more with the section on the flaws in Christianity but Christianity's pacifist slave mentality when not combined with a warrior culture made the society weak it's not a coincidence that every Christian area that wasn't part of an Indo-European culture was conquered by the Muslims a more aggressive religion in a matter of decades where every Indo-European cultural area which has a more Warrior Society was able to resist the Muslims given Christ died due to the corrupt Moray of his Society Christianity is the movement in history which is
the most doubtful of social Authority and Conformity ever Christianity created a moral axis called guilt based morality which I cover in more depth in this video guilt-based societies are unique in they put the moral onus on the individual who is meant to judge themselves against an objective moral standard most other societies in history derive morality from whatever tradition and social mors say this means that Christian societies are capable of self-criticism and introspection that other societies just don't do Christianity merged with the Greek speaking world at the time with its Advanced theological tradition as well as
it critical thought in itself allowed the church to be the biggest driver of technological progress for nearly 2,000 years this isn't something we give Christianity any credit for at all today the monks kept the classics alive during the Dark Ages and for centuries the only schools in Western Europe were run by the church the church created modern science the scientific method was invented by monks in the 1300s aam's razor came from the medieval English monk William of aam Francis Bacon a monk in the 13th century invented the idea of technological progress techn futurism and the
concept for the helicopter and steamship in fact the idea that you can use rationality to determine natural laws out the world is philosophically dependent upon assumptions in Christianity the reason other cultures didn't make science is that they didn't have a worldview that created a context where the assumptions that feed into the creation of modern science exist one of the assumptions in Christianity is that God's creation is good followed by a breakthrough in medieval Catholicism that by Understanding God's creation we understand God the Christian belief in an abstract truth created science Islam had a similar belief
in truth but they made a turn in the 11th century that the Quran was Superior to knowledge of the outside world thus studying the outside world was irrelevant however in societies like India China or Babylon the world is inherently subjective and chaotic and thus trying to develop principles to explain and control it is silly arrogant and delusional the Greeks and Romans had incredibly Advanced logical systems but they never created science given they didn't have Christianity's belief in humility in the Greek worldview rationality was Superior to actual evidence from the base outside world however in Christianity
which made humility the greatest virtue we know nothing and thus have to test every single claim to the highest level for all these reasons the scientific method in empiricism are built fundamentally on Christian philosophic premises such as humility a rational universe and objective truth and self-criticism almost all of the great early scientists were devout Christians Isaac Newton was studying angels in the esoteric as well as physics Pascal and deart were trying to develop logical proofs for God Francis Bacon was a devout Anglican even the concept of progress comes from Christianity previous societies either thought time
didn't really exist or that time was cyclical however with Christianity with the concept that Jesus brought the good news and totally Chang the world and we're waiting for Revelation creates the idea of linear time pushing towards heaven this created the concept of progress and once that happened Society started to actually see progress a based point to make is that science is still dependent upon Christianity you can correlate Christianity and technological innovation until today a society can go around two generations ations with technological innovation after it stopped being socially Christian we saw this in Europe which
before World War II was the Beating Heart of philosophic and technological innovation but has since collapsed the same thing happened in the Soviet Union with technological innovation collapsing two generations after the secularization of society the United States Remains the world's technological Powerhouse partially since it has a later history with Christianity as we've seen once you remove Christianity you remove the philosophic undercurrent that support science with the decline in Christianity we've seen the collapses in belief in an idea of Truth humility and more to be replaced by secular religions that don't allow any self-criticism as a
final point to throw out people often use Galileo as an example of how Christianity held back science the reality is the Catholic church was the biggest funer of Science in that era and is still a massive one today the church didn't really care about Galileo's stuff out the Sun but rather he fell a foul of internal politics in the church the church also did didn't kill him which most other similar regimes would have done let's compare that to today if you study race gender or genetics you will face as much if not more discrimination than
the church ever doled out most of the criticisms People level against Christianity if you turn them against modern atheist ideologies people propound make atheism look really bad persecuting critics check committing genocide check overly the rigid moral codes check I mean marxists love to criticize Christianity but marxis killed more people than every other ideology in history combined and easily four times as many people as Christianity in a much shorter time frame I've said a lot of positive things about Christianity in this video but I've got to keep things real nothing is perfect and whenever I talk
about a subject in these videos I want to give them a fair shot with both their positive and negatives Christianity has a series of negatives which have helped perpetuate its decline over the last few centuries one point I want to throw in before we get started is that people normally criticize things for the opposite reasons of what they deserve something I love just for its sheer irony is that whenever a society is falling apart they push the things that are killing their society in the first place even harder for complicated reasons I have to explain
in another video the Aztecs were able to predict the exact year the entirety of Mesoamerican civilization would collapse decades in advance they responded to this by massively increasing the amount of human sacrifices they did when Hitler knew was going to lose World War II he ramped up the amount of Jews he was killing since he viewed it as the most positive contribution he could make to world history most people criticize Christianity for being too controlling old-fashioned and dogmatic the reality is that it's too soft and open to change as compared to other religions the basis
of Christianity which no other religion has is that God sets us free to make mistakes but he does that since he loves us this is why Christianity had science while no other cultures did other societies aren't willing to have honest debates and search for the truth since every worldview is imperfect and thus opening that up for criticism destabilizes the society and the ruling class and Chaos has seen as the worst thing in most other civilizations if you look at Hinduism Confucianism or Islam they prioritize the survival of the religion at the expense of truth I
read a story at a journalist asking a British official in 1950s Africa why they educated the Africans if the second they did so they started supporting Independence the answer was since it's the right thing to do this could only happen in a Christian Society the abrahamic believe in a single truth which excludes other religions which makes them very intolerant religions have to externalize aggression somewhere this belief in a single goal has allowed abrahamic societies to mobilize their cultures more which allows more social cohesion and thus moral advancement ins their societies however when you look at
non-abrahamic Eastern religions that are more tolerant of other religions they also have more cruelty inside their cultures given they don't have a single moral stance to enforce we see this in India with the cast system or the brutal tyrannies and wars in China again these are trade-off with costs and benefits societies need psychological balance and Christianity's rigid Dogma in saying we are the only true religion allows intellectual freedom and openness in other forms meanwhile when you look at Eastern religions that allow much more subjectivity in their value system they end up with Society that're incredibly
constrictive of individual freedom and choice because there has to be balance Christianity's high social trust gave the West The Edge it did but it also opens it up to delusionality the social engineering that was so successful in the Middle Ages has since been ramped up to the point of insanity Christian societies have trouble distinguishing what they want to be true from what is this creates delusion our current society and wokeness are the final end point of this logic communism is another great example of this communism is the direct child of Christianity none of communism's intellectual
views make sense without Christianity including a belief in equality progress a new spiritual truth that once we realize it we can create heaven on Earth however communism could only start in Christian Society given only they are open enough to it if Karl Marx was born a Jew in Iraq the local Ula would tell him to shut up and get back to the ghetto this leads me to the point that Christianity created its own descendants liberalism also doesn't make sense except through a Christian philosophic framework it assumes the equality of people that by letting go and
letting people be free they will find the right way that by trusting God in an implicit system we will get the best results in fact as I've mentioned in this video liberalism is completely dependent upon Christianity and once Christianity grows weak societies stop being classically liberal again I'm not saying Christianity should be more restrictive Christianity has become the most successful religion in history from being so open however like a video game there are strengths and weaknesses to every strategy and even though it was very successful Christian societies have to still bear the cost of their
decisions there are masculine and feminine sides of The Human Experience the feminine inspires and gives hope and stability and creativity while the masculine provides order discipline and achievement Christianity is a very feminine religion and works well when paired with the masculine European Indo Arian Spirit however since Christianity is based on psychological stability and what should be true rather than often what it really is it often creates silliness a martyr complex and preachiness the biggest turnoff from Christianity for most people today is Christians are too busy trying to Signal how virtuous they are and compete with
each other over how righteous they are rather than dealing with the world as it actually is Christianity's murder complex annoys me Christians in America often act like they're an oppressed minority and I'll think you guys completely ran Society for nearly 2,000 years the fact that Society is secular is your fault you managed a society where people wanted to be secular Christians are often not willing to sacrifice their values for survival which again is a strategy with benefits but also drawbacks it's the origin of how Western Society can be committing social suicide to attain woke goals
today I don't know else to say this but modern Christianity is cringe as hell it's completely disconnected from the modern world and when it tries to catch up it does so in some of the least effective ways the fact that Christians will criticize me for criticizing them rather than adapting situation proves my point Christianity doesn't need youth counselors it needs another Reformation to survive Christianity's combination of rigid ideological Dogma with openness to criticism has been a difficult combination over the last few Centuries with secularism because if you have ideological Dogma without openness to criticism you
get Islam and your Society survives continues being Islam and if you have openest or criticism without rigid ideological Dogma you get the enlightenment which has not really become an ideology but instead is an open ended series of tools that have been used for countless other ideologies like communism liberalism fascism scientism whatever however the combination of ideological rigidity means that modern secular people don't like the things that Christians do hold on to but the openness to criticism means that Christians won't crack down and Destroy denters modern Christianity largely motivates through shaming and guilting which is ineffective
Christian to survive needs to Pawn off the creative and educated classes in a society to create a Higher Culture that reasons with people rather than purely through faith Christianity also pushes softness and effeminacy Christianity without a active manly culture basically becomes Buddhism and you can see that with the popularity of narcissism or manism in the pre-islamic Middle East both of which religions are basically a midpoint between Christianity and Buddhism even the social crusading against stuff like slavery demands an active manly culture to go outside of the house and push those Christian values the West has
kept this critical balance between its Arian Warrior Spirit and the Christian feminine side and with World War III we made it taboo to have that Warrior spirit and then that ended up corrupting the left hand of Christianity and the feminine side where it turned toxic into social shaming lack of any standards and trying to commit social suicide the problem a lot of reformers of Christianity and I include the left which is an basically an abrahamic religion as I've said in other videos is that once you remove Christianity's moral standards you just have Vibes of oh
be kind and don't stress but because there's no moral standards there that just turns into tyranny because people look for psychological stability but the worldview provides no standards so they tear down those who have standards who are judging them for not doing the right thing this video is already way too long and I wanted to throw in a lot more content about Christianity's expansion in the third world or the secularization of society and I've got to make some videos and I really want to make a video about why Christianity's gone into decline but I read
an interesting book called A secular age by Charles Taylor which talks about this topic he says Christianity after the Middle Ages basically removed the fun aspects like feast days Mystic lore The Cult of the Saints Etc which drove away the very most intelligent and stupidest members of the church making Christianity a religion of middle class Buzz kills and moral policing pre-industrial Christianity was a much more Dynamic Force for example there was an advanced esoteric lore that people like Shakespeare Isaac Newton or the founding fathers were deeply steeped in and explained all the questions Normie atheists
have around religion like how was Earth really formed in seven days or how come there are other religions that say different things this is a separate topic I really want to write a video of soon about however once the smart people in the Western World were taken in by science business politics or philosophy Christianity had a massive brain drain leaving moral policing as the biggest thing left the Christianity as practiced today has cut itself off from the Mystic forces chaos and divine which made it so appealing to early Christians during the Roman Empire much like
the old Roman religions of the time of the Roman Empire people attend their Episcopalian Services as a sort of social tradition they don't really believe in even those who are religious by our society standards aren't experiencing the Ecstasy that is very clearly big part of the culture around the fall of Rome as spenler cycle would say we've gone full circle where the world we live in today has a lot of similarities to that which Christ lived in people feel isolated spiritually empty exploited in the spiritual Divine World feels like something distant something our ancestors experienced
or we don't even believe in at all and we're completely disenchanted today humans need God the historic record suggests that in that almost every society ever is religious and those that aren't rapidly collaps this state of affairs can't last can Christianity adapt and form a new Reformation I actually think yeah Christianity has proven its adaptability Vitality toughness and creativity too many times to count over history for Christians in the audience what could launch a spiritual Revolution to bring the holy back onto Earth if the Christians don't do it some other religion will a big reason
I wrote this video is is that I've been staring in the same void n talks about where once you remove Christianity you realize how little you really have where it's the foundation of almost our entire worldview and I look at the Godlike technology we have now in AI or genetic engineering that we have the potential to do crazy stuff with in the future and I look at people who are wielding this technology and they lack even a concept of what wisdom is and through my study of genetics I found the blank slate and the idea
that all humans are the same is just scientifically Incorrect and No One Believes it and I've always circled back to Christianity where I found that you cannot rationally choose what assumptions you want you have to pick an irrational assumption and then use rationality to come out with what you want to get and as we achieve this Godlike technology in the next couple centuries will be a real test for Humanity for what we are and are not capable of doing and we'll have many Temptations from Evil and I just found that Christianity will have to be
one of our best friends if we don't want to lose our Humanity through my studies I've come to the conclusion that rationality barely exists people may feel that they are rational with the reality on the surface they're controlled by a series of emotions and subconscious drives that they barely understand and rationality is a very limited tool set that is almost never applied correctly and then once you get past that point and this is especially true with my study on emotions over history you realize that it's a false God you choose what emotions do I want
to have in my life and through what emotions do I base my existence and as a young guy you kind of want to get rich and have a Herm and Conquer territories but also when you get kicked in the face for the 9,000th time by life you think to yourself why can't we just love each other and why can't we just try to make the world a place that is beautiful and that is why I'm scared of throwing away Christianity the great thing at the Christian God is that we can royally mess up over the
next couple Centuries with the Godlike technology that we are using as children and when all said and done he'll still be here to love us
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