5 True College Horror Stories

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Night Time Spooks
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Video Transcript:
my first year of college I had gotten close with a group of friends who were into urban exploring I had never done it before but most of my friends enjoyed exploring old abandoned buildings and as long as it wasn't a place which seemed super dangerous I would go there was a perfect opportunity right on our campus for us to explore an abandoned run down theater building that had been there for many years was finally getting demolished in a few months my friends decided that they wanted to check it out before it was gone the five
of us who were going to explore that night left at midnight for the theater we found some small back doors and after a couple hard pushes on the door it burst open and we had our way inside the theater I have no idea what year this theater was built or when it was abandoned but it was in pretty bad shape there was a ton of junk everywhere the audience area was filled with old theater props and other storage items which is what most of us spent our time exploring one of our friends I'll call him
Jake had wandered over to the storage area the stage had multiple gaping holes in it and we warned Jake to be careful up there suddenly we heard a loud cracking coming from the stage we looked over to see that a large portion of the stage had caved in and Fallen taking Jake down with it racing over towards the edge of the stage we were all relieved to see Jake standing up brushing dust off himself as he appeared uninjured he had fallen about 10 ft down into a hallway below the stage that had doors leading to
multiple dressing rooms and storage rooms before we could even ask Jake if he was okay we heard a loud banging echoing throughout the whole lower level of the theater shaking the walls we watched as a figure sprinted out into the hallway and out a door into the night outside the theater I was freaked out and ready to call it a night but the others wanted to explore the dressing rooms down the hallway I followed the group and we checked room after room eventually we opened a door leading into a room and Jake was the first
person to peek his head inside and he turned around gagging shining our flashlights through the door of the room it revealed a makeshift bedroom setup with a rickety old wooden bed and some chairs and other random items in the room on the ground there were remains of dead animals that could be seen mostly squirrels and rabbits the smell flowing from the room into the hallway was horrid and we quickly closed the door and we finally all agreed on heading back home for the night we left through the back door the same way we had seen
the figure run earlier and could see their Footsteps in the snow retreating away from the theater I'm sure they were hiding out there somewhere waiting for us to leave the theater the old theater got demolished a couple of months later I wondered to this day if that Critter eating dweller had moved on to somewhere else nearby or on the college campus one of my first weekends in college my newly acquired friends and I decided to go to a house party we hung out in the dorms for a majority of the evening then at around 10:30
we got dropped off at the address for the house party it wasn't quite what we were expecting when we thought of a party but there was enough people there for it to be a good time still we also knew many people there so that made it more fun also the focal point of the party was downstairs in the basement where there was loud music and drinking games being played personally I wasn't interested in playing any of the drinking games so the party was a little boring for me but I stayed downstairs and hung out with
my group of friends eventually though I got really hot and wanted to get out of the basement and grab some fresh air my plan was to go outside the house for a bit into the cool night but on my way out I walked through the upstairs living room area where there was a couple people hanging out on the couches talking I recognized a girl on the couch in the living room she sat near me in one of my classes I decided to go talk to her and say hi it ended up being a great conversation
and I sat down on the couch with her and we talked for a while about school and other random stuff it was a refreshing break from the noise and action of the party going on downstairs in the basement we had been talking for quite a while now when it came to my attention that a guy sitting on the other couch across the room was staring at me he wasn't talking to anyone and there was nobody really by him he was just sitting and staring I sneaked glances at this guy during my conversation and every single
time he was locked in on me I was getting a little weirded out by his intense gaze so I wrapped up the conversation with my classmate and decided to head back downstairs to my friends I had reached the top of the stairs heading down into the basement when I felt a cold hand grasped firmly onto the back of my arm it was the guy from the couch with no introduction or hello he simply stated want to go outside and get some air it was an unfriendly voice and I told him no and to please let
go of my arm and he was still grasping onto the back of it he stared at me for a couple of seconds and I was afraid he wasn't going to let go finally he slowly released me and I quickly went downstairs into the life of the party to join up with my friends at this point I was ready to go home back to the dorms but my friends were still playing games so we stayed longer I was scanning the basement looking for someone I knew when I saw the guy from upstairs again he was standing
in the corner of the basement keeping to himself and staring once again directly at me I kept TS on the creepy guy making sure that I knew where he was so that I wouldn't get close to him for the rest of the night I was relieved to say the least when one of my friends notified me that our ride was there and it was time to go we said our goodbyes and piled into the back seat of our rides car as we pulled away from the house I saw someone watching us through the front window
the curtains pulled open a bit and their head peeking through it had to have been the guy who was staring at me all night thankfully nobody followed us home that night the next week in my class I asked my friend if she knew who the guy was that had been sitting alone in the living room she said she had no idea but he had been sitting on the couch the whole night by himself not associating with anyone that guy had made my first party experience in college extremely creepy and I watched out for him for
the rest of my time at college but I never saw him on campus or in any classes either in college I was living in an old dormatory it was one of those buildings that had been around for ages full of creaky floors and strange noises I shared a room with with a guy named Dave we were both normal students just trying to get by one night about 2 weeks into the semester I was working late on a paper Dave had gone to bed early and the room was quiet the only sound was the soft hum
of the old radiator around midnight I heard a faint tapping noise coming from the window it was a little odd because the window was old and didn't close properly but the tapping was rhythmic and consistent I tried to ignore it thinking it was just the wind or or something but it kept going tap tap tap it was starting to get on my nerves so I went over to the window to check it out I pulled back the curtain and looked out into the dark Courtyard below there was nothing there the tapping had stopped as soon
as I looked outside I Shrugged it off and went back to my desk after about 10 minutes the tapping started again this time it seemed to be coming from inside the room I glanced around but saw nothing unusual and Dave was still asleep snoring lightly the tapping continued sporadically for the next hour or so starting and stopping without any clear pattern I tried to focus on my paper but the noise was making it hard to concentrate finally I decided to just go to bed and deal with it in the morning the next day I asked
Dave if he had heard anything strange the night before he looked at me funny and said no I thought maybe I was just imagining things or that it was some sort of stress related issue but it wasn't until a few days later when it got really weird that same week our dorm had a fire drill in the middle of the night everyone was groggy and annoyed but we went outside and stood in the cold while they checked things out as we were waiting I noticed that some of the students were talking about a rumor going
around they said that our dorm used to be a hospital and there were stories about it being haunted I didn't believe in ghosts but the tapping was starting to creep me out a few nights after the fire drill the tapping came back this time more insistent like something was trying to get in I was alone in the room that night because Dave had gone out for the evening the tapping was loud enough now that I could hear it clearly even over the hum of the radiator I went to the window again and saw nothing outside
I looked around the room and checked the closet and under the bed but everything seemed normal I tried to ignore it but the tapping wouldn't stop it was getting harder to concentrate on anything else so I decided to call Dave to see if he could come back early he answered and said that he was on his way while I waited the tapping grew louder and more frantic it sounded like it was coming from the walls or maybe the ceiling and I was really starting to get scared when Dave got back he said he didn't hear
anything unusual we stayed up for a while talking and trying to distract ourselves the tapping eventually stopped and we went to bed the next day I found out that Dave had heard the same thing but he didn't tell me because he thought it would freak me out more that night we both heard the tapping again but this time it was different it was more like scratching and it was coming from multiple directions we couldn't figure out where it was coming from it seemed to come from the walls the floor and the ceiling all at once
we were both too scared to sleep so we stayed up talking about it and trying to find a logical explanation after a few more nights of the same unsettling noises we decided to get some help we talked to the dorm resident at advisor but she just brushed it off as old building noises we tried to explain that it wasn't just the usual creaks and groans she promised to send someone to check but nothing ever changed the tapping continued for the rest of the semester though it seemed to get quieter after a while it was as
if whatever was making the noise had gotten tired or bored we never found out what caused it although some of the other students mentioned hearing similar things but no one really talked about it much when the semester ended Dave and I moved out of the dorm and into an apartment off campus the tapping stopped completely we both agreed that whatever was happening was tied to that old building even now when I think back on it I still get a chill I don't know if it was something Supernatural or just the result of an old creaky
building but the fact that nobody could explain it and it stopped as soon as we left still makes me uneasy I often wonder if the next person who moved into that dorm heard the same thing maybe they did maybe they didn't it's one of those Mysteries that will probably never be saw but I'll always remember those nights and the strange noises that kept me awake last semester at College I had a scary encounter in the library of all places it was towards the end of the semester only about 2 weeks left of school before finals
week and I was getting hit hard with assignments and tests that I needed to study for normally I would do my assignments at home in my room but the stuff I needed to complete was really piling on recently I had started going to the Campus library to do my studying and homework I had gone a couple of times now and gotten into a groove of going a few nights every week and staying for most of the night it was actually quite nice the way the library was set up the first floor looked like your classic
library with tons of bookshelves and books however the second floor was just a maze of hallways with a bunch of side rooms that students could rent out and study in all the rooms would be locked but all I had to do was show my student ID at the front desk and I'd receive a key and get a study room all to myself on this particular Wednesday night I got myself a room key and went upstairs to find my room number I walked through the hallways looking for my room number and eventually found it towards the
back of the second floor I got my laptop and everything else I needed set up and then went to work I've been working away on homework for many hours now and it was almost 10: p.m. the library closed at 11:00 so I knew I had a bit of time to do a little bit more homework however I needed a bathroom break first I made my way down the hallways towards the bathroom that was on the second floor when I had arrived at the library some of the other study rooms had been filled with other students
studying but they were all empty and dark now it appeared that I was the only one left at least on this floor of the library finished with my bathroom break I made my way back towards my study room when I turned the corner and saw my study room something was wrong I had left the door open and unlocked because I was only going to use the bathroom and didn't want to bring the key with me so that wasn't out of the ordinary however when I had left I definitely had left the light on through the
window I could see that all the lights were off in the study room and it was filled with Darkness I stood outside the door to my study room wondering what to do next I had most definitely left the light on but perhaps they were motion sensor lights and had turned off already I wasn't really sure I cautiously poked my head into the room fumbling for the light switch on the wall finally finding it I flicked it on Illuminating the study room I scanned the room to see if anyone was in there but it was empty
and I looked at my personal items and it appeared that nothing had been stolen or tampered with the only thing I saw was on the back wall written on the Whiteboard with dry erase marker was two words it said watch you I got chills as I read that going over to lock the door to my study room I also looked through the window out into the hallway and another study rooms nearby to see if anyone was there I barely knew how to comprehend what had just happened had somebody been watching me while in the library
or watching me outside of the library as well regardless I was extremely nervous and I wanted to pack up and go home for the night I normally walked from my house to the library but there was no shot I was doing that tonight I called the campus safety officers and ask if I could get a ride home from the library for the final two weeks of the semester I didn't study at the library and was always looking over my shoulder I never noticed anyone who seemed to be watching me and didn't have any more encounters
like that over the last 2 weeks that I was at school I never thought much of getting randomly paired with a college roommate I figured we'd be friendly share some laughs and maybe argue over something small but nothing out of the ordinary but when I moved into the dorm I was paired with a girl named Emily and from the start things felt off Emily was quiet not in a shy way but in a way that made you wonder if she had something to hide she didn't go out much and when she did she'd be back
in no time she kept to herself and barely spoke to me I tried to be friendly but she only gave short one-word answer ansers over time I started to avoid her as much as possible I felt bad about it but it was just easier that way one evening I was studying in our room when Emily came in looking more upset than usual she threw her bag on the bed and sat down heavily I tried to ignore her but she was pacing back and forth you okay I asked though I didn't really expect an answer yeah
just a lot on my mind she said then she fell silent again that night as I was about about to fall asleep I heard Emily's bed creaking I looked at the clock it was past 2: a.m. I tried to ignore it thinking she was just restless but then I heard a soft rhythmic thumping sound it was irregular like something heavy was being moved around curiosity got the better of me I got up and peaked out of my bed Emily's bed was moving slightly with each thumb and I saw her silhouette through the thin partition that
separated our beds she was sitting up her head bent forward I was too tired and scared to investigate further so I just went back to bed the next morning Emily was already gone when I woke up I didn't think much of it until the day after I was sitting at my desk when I noticed something odd the drawer of the nightstand next to Emily's bed was slightly open and I could see a piece of paper sticking out I pulled it out and found a list of names and dates written in Emily's handwriting it didn't make
sense at first but then I realized they were names of students in our dorm and the dates were all recent I started to feel uneasy I didn't know why Emily would have a list like this and I didn't want to confront her about it a few days later the list was gone and Emily acted like nothing had happened as the days went on Emily started acting even weirder than normal I started noticing that Emily was always home even when she said she'd be out I'd come back from class and her door would be closed but
I could hear her muffled noises from inside it sounded like she was talking or maybe arguing with someone but I never saw anyone else come or go one night after several days of this strange Behavior I was coming back from a late study session as I approached our room I noticed the door was slightly AJ jar I could hear Emily's voice but this time it was clear she was talking loudly and angrily her door was cracked open and I could see her in the room she was standing by the window her back to me she
was talking to herself but the way she was moving it was like she was addressing someone else I couldn't make out what she was saying but it sounded intense I didn't want to intrude too much so I quietly closed the door and went into the common area the next morning Emily was gone again I took the opportunity to look around her side of the room I felt a little guilty about snooping but she was acting so weird lately that I wanted to see if I could get a clue as to what was going on I
didn't find much just a few personal items and the empty drawer where the list had been but there was something else underneath her bed I found a small oldfashioned key it didn't look like it belonged to any of the dorm rooms I put it back where I found it and decided to stay away from her side of the room days went by and Emily's Behavior grew even more erratic one evening as I was studying late I saw her from the corner of my eye walking around the dorm with that strange intense look on her face
she had a heavy bag with her and she seemed to be looking for something or someone one I tried to avoid her but she noticed me and gave me a cold stare before quickly disappearing down the hallway things reached a Tipping Point one night I was awoken by a loud banging sound coming from Emily's side of the room I hesitated but decided to check it out when I opened the door the room was dark and Emily was nowhere to be seen her bed was a mess and the room looked like it had been ransacked I
went to the common area and saw Emily sitting alone her head in her hand she looked up when I approached and had tears in her eyes are you all right I asked trying to be supportive despite my own fear she nodded but didn't say anything so I decided not to press further the next day Emily was gone her things were packed up and a note was left on her desk saying she was leaving for personal reasons and wouldn't be coming back I never saw Emily again and I later found out that she had transferred out
of the college I still don't know what was going on with her but the whole experience left me shaken I learned to be more careful about who I lived with and trust my instincts sometimes I wonder if I will ever know the real story behind Emily's strange behavior and that unsettling list of names everything about the girl just seemed very strange and mysterious
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