look around you right now really look what do you see a room objects maybe light coming through a window here's what you're missing you're literally standing in heaven not a future heaven not some promised afterlife but right here right now and you can't see it your Consciousness that awareness absorbing these words exists in a state of infinite potential yet Society has conditioned you to perceive limitation scarcity and separation instead you've been trained to seek Paradise through religious devotion material success or death itself meanwhile the Eternal state of bliss surrounds you permeates you is you the
upanishads illuminate this truth that which is the finest Essence this whole world has that as its soul that is reality that is the self that you are picture a fish swimming frantically through the ocean desperately searching for water seems absurd right yet Humanity does exactly this seeking Heaven while existing within it your very ability to perceive think feel to be aware stems from your inherent divine nature the Consciousness experiencing this moment is Paradise itself but instead of recognizing this truth humans create suffering through through misperception we pollute the environment wage Wars and spread hatred all
while standing in the Garden of Eden we wait for salvation while salvation waits for our recognition we've created hell within Heaven through our own blindness think about your own life how many moments have you missed because you were waiting for something better the bird singing outside your window the rhythm of your breath the miracle of existence itself these aren't separate from Heaven they are Heaven expressing itself through the unique form of your experience the Zen Masters understood this perfectly when asked about the nature of Enlightenment Master wangpo said it is right here but you do
not see it your search for Paradise blinds you to its omnipresence your concepts of what heaven should be prevent you from recognizing Heaven as it is your brain creates reality based on what you believe is possible right now Paradise surrounds you yet you've trained yourself not to see it you've accepted a story of Separation a narrative that places Heaven somewhere else sometime else when it saturates every atom of existence notice your daily experience you wake up breathing without effort your heart beats without your conscious control Stars spin through space while gravity holds you perfectly in
place these aren't mundane occurrences they're expressions of paradise functioning through you as you your senses take in millions of bits of information each second yet you notice only what aligns with your current beliefs when you believe Paradise exists elsewhere your mind filters out its presence here you program yourself to overlook heaven while standing in it close your eyes for a moment feel the aliveness in your body notice the awareness watching your thoughts drift by that Consciousness observing your experience that's Paradise itself it never changes never diminishes never becomes less than perfect you've simply forgotten to
notice it reality exists as pure potential until observed by consciousness your beliefs collapse infinite possibilities into your experienced reality When You Believe in separation from Paradise you manifest that very separation you create the walls between yourself and Heaven through your own perception if you're starting to see how this all connects then give us a like And subscribe I'll continue to teach you about where the real you actually is right now [Music] your brain operates as a filtering system not a creator of Consciousness science shows your neurons fire in patterns that either reveal or conceal Paradise
based on your conditioning when you understand this mechanism you can start dismantling the filters that hide Heaven from your perception each neural pathway in your brain strengthens with use every time you overlook Paradise for a future promise you reinforce the circuitry of Separation your brain becomes more efficient at missing what's right here this isn't a flaw it's a feature you've programmed through repetition the brain's default mode Network activates whenever you're not focused on a specific task this network generates the story of me a separate self-seeking Paradise elsewhere yet brain scans of long-term meditators show reduced
activity in this network as the story of Separation quiets the reality of paradise becomes obvious your nervous system responds to perceived threats by Contracting creating tension in the body and narrowing your perception this survival mechanism served ancient humans well but now it perpetuates the illusion of separation from Paradise your body armored itself against the heaven it exists within Neuroscience reveals something remarkable about attention your brain processes information differently based on what you expect to find when you expect Paradise to be elsewhere your neural circuits actively filter out evidence of its presence here you're using the
most sophisticated technology in the known universe to hide Heaven from yourself the brain neuroplasticity means these patterns can change each time you notice the Perfection of awareness itself you create new neural Pathways each moment of recognition strengthens these circuits of realization you're rewiring your brain to stop overlooking Paradise your sensory systems process vastly more information then reaches conscious awareness of the millions of bits of data available each second your brain selects only what matches your current beliefs and expectations this selection process happens before conscious thought you never even see what you filtered out the reticular
activating system in your brain stem acts as reality's gatekeeper determining what information reaches Consciousness this system responds to what you believe is important when you believe believe Paradise must be earned or found elsewhere your Ras filters out evidence of its presence now brain Imaging studies show activity in the posterior singulate cortex decreases during experiences of nonu awareness when the sense of Separation dissolves this suggests your brain knows how to recognize Paradise it simply needs retraining to stop creating the illusion of Separation The prefrontal cortex responsible for planning and future thinking often overrides your natural capacity
to recognize Paradise while planning serves practical purposes constant future orientation blinds you to Heaven's presence now your brain's executive function becomes an executive dysfunction when it comes to recognizing reality gamma wave synchronization across different brain regions correlat at with experiences of unity Consciousness your brain harmonizes when you stop creating the illusion of Separation the neural Symphony plays paradise's song when you stop conducting the orchestra of seeking the architecture of your brain contains specific circuits dedicated to recognizing reality these neural networks activate when you stop creating the illusion of Separation brain Imaging studies show increased activity
in the posterior singulate cortex during moments of pure awareness when the veil between you and Paradise temporarily lifts your brain's default mode Network active whenever you're not focused on a specific task generates the persistent illusion of a separate self-seeking Paradise this network Burns through massive amounts of energy maintaining this illusion when activity in this Network decreases the recognition of paradise naturally occurs the hippocampus crucial for memory formation stores every moment you've overlooked Paradise these accumulated memories create a template expecting separation your brain references this template automatically filtering present experience through past oversight breaking this pattern
requires conscious intervention in this unconscious process neurotransmitters play a vital role in this process dopamine the reward chemical spikes during seeking Behavior your brain becomes addicted to the search for Paradise preferring the chemical Rush of seeking over the recognition of what's already here this creates a biological barrier to seeing reality the insula responsible for interception sensing your body's internal State can either reveal or conceal Paradise when operating from seeking mode it generates sensations of lack and incompleteness when allowed to function naturally it reveals the Perfection already present in every cell your brain's mirror neuron system
designed for learning through observation picks up others blindness to Paradise you unconsciously mirror the seeking behavior of those around you creating a collective reinforcement of oversight this neural mimicry perpetuates the illusion across entire societies comment below if you're starting to Inner stand how our brains play a huge role in seeking which constantly leads to dissatisfaction and dysfunction [Music] intellectual understanding won't transform your experience you can grasp every concept about Paradise memorize every spiritual teaching and understand all the Neuroscience but you still miss the actual living reality of heaven right here knowledge alone becomes another Veil
another way to postpone direct recognition the Mind loves to collect spiritual Concepts to build sophisticated models of enlight Enlightenment it creates beautiful maps of paradise while overlooking the territory beneath its feet notice how your mind might be doing this right now trying to grasp what I'm saying conceptually rather than checking your direct experience real recognition happens in the Raw immediacy of this moment when you touch a door knob feel the temperature against your skin when you drink water taste its subtle qualities when you walk feel each step making contact with the ground Paradise reveals itself
in these simple Sensations before thought divides experience into subject and object your daily life offers countless opportunities for recognition washing dishes becomes an opportunity to feel the warmth of the water the texture of soap bubbles and the sound of running water driving becomes a chance to notice the seamless coordination of perception and action even waiting in line at the grocery store becomes an opening to recognize the awareness in which impatience appears the mind will resist this Simplicity it wants something more spectacular more special it seeks dramatic experiences Altered States and mystical Visions but Paradise doesn't
need special effects it's the ordinary magic of being aware the simple fact of experience happening notice how suffering appears when you trade direct experience for mental Concepts physical pain becomes psychological torment through the story of why me relationship challenges become unbearable through narratives of blame Financial stress intensifies through beliefs about lack the mind's commentary creates a secondary lay of suffering on top of raw experience your body knows Paradise directly every cell vibrates with the intelligence that orchestrates billions of complex processes without conscious control your heart beats your lungs breathe your wounds heal all without consulting
your thoughts this innate wisdom doesn't need Concepts to function perfectly the senses perceive without interpret ation eyes see colors and forms without naming them ears hear sounds without categorizing them skin feel Sensations without judging them before thought divides experience into good and bad desirable and undesirable the senses receive reality purely even emotions before being labeled and resisted are simply energy moving through your body anger is sensation and movement fear is alertness and activation sadness is heaviness and contraction without the Mind story emotions flow naturally like weather patterns through the sky of awareness Paradise isn't a
concept to understand but a reality to live each moment offers a fresh opportunity to drop out of mental commentary into direct experience each breath invites you to notice is the awareness in which all experiences appear each sensation calls you back to the Simplicity of being the recognition I'm pointing to isn't something you can achieve through effort it's what remains when you stop overlooking the obvious when you cease trying to reach paradise and notice it's already fully present as your own aware nature when you allow experience to be exact exactly as it is without mental interference
your true nature as awareness doesn't need to be cultivated or improved it's already perfect already complete what needs attention is your habit of overlooking it in favor of Concepts beliefs and mental images your tendency to trade direct experience for secondhand knowledge so right now in this moment can you set aside everything you think you know can you meet this moment fresh without preconceptions can you allow experience to be as it is without trying to change it or understand it Paradise reveals itself in this simple allowing this direct recognition of what's already here the choice is
always now to recognize Paradise or continue seeking it to rest in awareness or chase Concepts to live from direct EXP experience or remain caught in mental abstractions no one else can make this recognition for you no teaching can give you what you already are only you can notice the heaven that's been here all along waiting patiently for your recognition