[Music] hey kids I think we can all agree that there are a few pastimes more grotesque than competitive-eating the concept of a bunch of guys pushing their Anatomy to its limits just for sport leaves a bad taste in my mouth in more ways than one but imagine if these men didn't adopt this habit just for fun imagine if some gross biological error forced them to eat like this for their entire life introducing tari tari was born in France around 1772 to a poor farming family it said that his appetite was so voracious that by his
teens Tarara could eat an entire quarter of a cow carcass in a single day you think he'd be like mega obese but no he only weighed a hundred pounds by age 17 however there was still a few things that stood out about Tarara appearance-wise for one he had a huge stretched out mouth with horribly stained teeth he could reportedly fit 12 eggs in his cheeks at once much like a chipmunk keeping its chipmunk eggs warm additionally when terraria was full he'd get a crazy Octomom gut going and any other time he'd have a huge flap
of stretched out skin hanging around his waist he also stank to high hell even by 18th century French peasant standards he was described as reeking quote to such a degree that he could not be endured within the distance of 20 paces so between all this and is horrendous outhouse flooding dumps his family had had enough all right you're eating us out of house and home here you gotta go man you heard me cake bricks froggy wow he just called a French person a frog that's so racist no it's not they're all French the guy just
looks like a frog is all well well too late I'm already offended that's fair dislike after leaving home terraria was forced to beg and steal just to satisfy his gargantuan appetite inevitably people began to take notice of him and eventually he landed a job as a street performer in Paris people would hand Terraria entire baskets of apples eggs and even wine corks and watch in delight as he horked him down without the slightest hesitation normally this went off without a hitch except for one time when he suffered a severe intestinal blockage fortunately the crowd was
kind enough to carry him to the hospital where he was treated with the strongest laxatives the 18th century had to offer I would draw what happened next but it would probably get my channel deleted so let's just picture it for a few moments moving on cut to the Year 1795 the War of the first coalition ever heard of it me neither who was in it [ __ ] everyone anyway terraria decided to enlist in the war after all maybe that profound emptiness he was feeling was just a lack of purpose in life turns out no
he really was just psychotically hungry even after being granted quadruple rations terraria would still be digging through the trash pile whenever he got the chance after suffering extreme exhaustion he was sent off to the military hospital in Utah the staff they were so dumbfounded by the man's abilities that they decided to keep him there to run a few experiments the first of which involve putting two Rory in a room with a meal prepared for 15 people naturally he ate the entire thing and immediately fell asleep next they presented him with a raw eel in response
Tarara crushed the eels skull between his teeth before slurping down the entire creature in one go now this is hair crunching Lee horrifying for a couple of reasons firstly he put a whole freakin eel in his stomach but secondly there had to be some point during digestion where the meat was gone but the bone still remained now for those of you who don't know an eel skeleton looks like this that means Terraria had all of those needle sized ribs stabbing into the walls of a stomach at once and he was fine he also ripped a
live cat apart with his bare hands drank its blood and ate everything but its bones and then later gagged up the fur and skin like an owl but you know that's neither here nor there after reviewing our data I've come to the scientific conclusion that uh yeah we got a goddamn demon on our hands but as we all know with great devourer comes great responsibility since terraria was still technically enlisted the military decided to utilize his abilities for the greater good hates our RA it's me the general listen could you eat this box with a
note in it for me if you do it will give you a wheelbarrow full of bull organs oh lo and behold two days later he passed the container in mint condition and was given his reward as promised with this proof-of-concept they made him an official spy and sent him into Prussia with a document in his belly to be delivered to an imprisoned French colonel unfortunately there are a couple things Tariq couldn't do that are generally important when sneaking into another country hey he couldn't speak German and be it's pretty hard to maintain a low profile
when you're running around like a madman wolfing down garbage and mutilating small animals so he ended up being captured by the enemy initially he kept his mouth shut for once but after a whipping in a day in jail Tarara gave in after confessing that he did in fact have vital intelligence snaking its way through his GI tract the Prussians chained him to a latrine until lebackes emerged 30 hours later the note wasn't actually anything important so they just mock executed him give him a severe beating and sent him on his way after all that terraria
returned to life at the hospital desperate for a cure for his condition but nothing they ever tried worked meanwhile the man's endless hunger continued to get him into all sorts of trouble he'd often sneaked out of the hospital to eat the scraps behind the local butcher and fight stray dogs in the alley for their precious garbage he'd also seek out patients undergoing bloodletting in order to take all their life juice for himself on several occasions he was even caught attempting to eat bodies in the mortuary by this point my research I was so desensitized to
this guy that I didn't even bat an eye when I first read that I was just like all right I guess he must have been hungry anyway the hospital staff begrudging Lee tolerated Tiwari's buffoonery until one day when he went too far welter RA you've only had three mess-hall raids for miscellaneous trash related mishaps and one cadaver defiling so I'd say so far this week's been pretty good doctor we should probably inform you that a 14 month old child has gone missing from their room Tarara look at me did you eat a [ __ ]
baby kirari was promptly kicked out of the hospital and spent four years out and about doing you know whatever horrific [ __ ] you can imagine when he came back he was suffering from advanced tuberculosis and died shortly after arrival during his autopsy the surgeons found that when they looked into his mouth they could see all the way down his throat and into his stomach cavity as you can imagine his whole abdominal region was profoundly deformed basically if this is a normal human this is what they found inside to our RA just like the man's
mind we can see that around 90% is devoted towards food and 10% towards everything else so moral of the story here is that now you know what not even I can find anything resembling a moral here not all stories have a point to them sometimes they're just sad and disgusting from beginning to end and now a word from our sponsor as you can probably tell I'm a very visual person when it comes to learning I firmly believe that engaging visuals are an essential teaching tool that allows for much deeper comprehension than plain old walls of
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