See? Didn't I tell you these pillows would be a good idea? Oh, God.
Here we go. [sighs] For the first time in my life I'm gonna say, "Hi, birth father. " - We love you.
- Yeah, good luck. - We're here for you. - Good luck.
Thanks. Hey, Rach, you, uh, you want some sandwich? Oh!
What is in that? Olive loaf and ham spread, no mayo. No, no, 'cause mayo, that would make it gross.
[dog barking] Hey! Hey, No! Oh!
Oh! - Run, Phoebe! - Run, Pheebs.
No, doggie! No, please! I do so want to love all animals.
Please, no! Get him a bone! Get a bone.
You got a bone? - Are you kidding me? - Look!
Kibbles! Bits! Oh God, alright.
Get the hell off my leg, you yippity piece of crap. [dog growling] Ohh! [barking] Okay.
Alright. We have a problem. Why don't you just reach out and take his trampoline?
Okay, here, I know what we can do. Hey, hey. Hey, no!
Okay, doggie! Get the-get the sandwich! [screams] Okay.
Go get the sandwich, get the sandwich, doggie! 'Good doggie! Get the sandwich!
' Okay, Joey, the dog will lick himself but he will not touch your sandwich. What does that tell you? Well, if he's not gonna eat it, I will.
Are you crazy? Pheebs, he's just a little dog.