THINK and GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill | (Detailed Summary)

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Escaping Ordinary (B.C Marx)
This book is considered the "Granddaddy of all motivational books" and was the first book to ask the...
Video Transcript:
Think and Grow rich by Napoleon Hill. We're going  to be doing a detailed breakdown of this book and by the end of this video you're going to have  a super clear understanding of the Think and grow rich philosophy that could bring you a fortune.  This book asks the question "What makes a winner?
" For some people this book and its author are  considered controversial, but for so many others they swear that this book changed their  lives. We'll be going over topics like the seven positive and negative emotions, how to use auto  suggestion, sexual transmutation and much more. As well as delving into more abstract topics  such as the subconscious mind and the infinite intelligence.
Make sure you stick around until the  end of this video where we tie together everything that we've learnt and we go over all the action  steps that you can take to get started with the think and grow rich method immediately. Let's  jump into it! Introduction.
Thoughts are things. Truly thoughts are things and powerful things  at that when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose persistence and a burning desire for their  translation into riches or other material objects the inventor and the _____ Many years ago a man by  the name of Edwin Barnes had a burning desire to become a business associate of the great inventor  Thomas Edison. What began as just a thought became reality.
When this desire flashed  into his mind He did not know Edison nor did he have any plans or answers as to how he  would make it a reality. He did not even have enough money for the train ticket. All he had  was a burning desire.
Most would have given up at this point but Barnes hitched a ride on  a freight train all the way to New Jersey. He presented himself to Edison and proclaimed his  intentions of becoming Edison's business partner. Thomas Edison later said "He stood there  before me like an ordinary ______ but there was something about the expression  of his face which conveyed the impression he was determined to get what he had  come after.
I had learned from years of experience that when a man really desires  something so deeply that he's willing to stake his entire future on a single  turn of the wheel in order to get it. He is sure to win. I gave him the opportunity he  had asked for because.
I saw he had made up his mind to stand by until he succeeded subsequent  events proved no mistake had been made ". Although by no means was he made a partner on  that first day he was however given a role and slowly over the years did end up becoming Edison's  business partner and an exceptionally wealthy man. In other words thought impulses can be turned into  material rewards.
Three feet from gold. One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of  quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat before success in anyone's life is achieved  failures and temporary defeats are sure to arise all too often success comes just one step beyond  the point of which defeat has overtaken you. You just need to hold on and persevere  through these temporary defeats More than 500 of the most successful individuals  this country has ever known have told me that their greatest success came just one step beyond  the point at which defeat had overtaken them failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony  and cunning it takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost within reach.
You are  the master of your fate and captain of your soul Everyone has the ability to control their thoughts  so therefore they are able to control their fate Our brains become magnetized with the dominating  thoughts we hold in our minds. By means which no one fully understands these dominating thoughts  like magnets attract to us the forces, the people, the circumstances of life, which harmonize  with the nature of our dominating thoughts. Principle ONE desire the starting point of all  achievement.
It was not hope it was not a wish it was a keen pulsating desire which transcended  everything else it was definite. This is the first step towards riches Hill stresses that  desire is not just a wish or a hope it must be a burning desire such that it is a consuming  obsession backed by definiteness and persistence there is a legend of an ancient commander  in his army which was greatly outnumbered they sailed for miles and reached the  shores of the enemy he ordered his men to disembark onto the beach but the commander  knew that the greatest enemy of all was fear inspired by this belief he eliminated  the only possible source of retreat burn the ships he commanded you see the  boats going up in smoke that means that we cannot leave these shores alive unless we  win we now have no choice we win or we perish in order to be successful you must be willing  to burn the ships and eliminate all sources of retreat and surrender only then will you have a  state of mind that is conducive with a burning desire to win when Barnes visited Thomas Edison.  Barnes did not say I will try to induce Edison to give me a job of some sort he said I will see  Edison and inform him that I have come to go into business with him he did not say I will work there  for a few months and if I get no encouragement I will quit my unfulfilling job he said I will start  anywhere and do anything Edison tells me to do but before I am through I will be his associate he  did not say I will keep my eyes open for another opportunity in case I fail to get what I want in  the Edison organization he said there is but one thing in the world that I am determined to have  and that is a business association with Thomas Edison I will burn all bridges around me and stake  my entire future on my ability to get what I want.
Columbus dreamt of an unknown world staked  his life on the existence of such a world and discovered it Copernicus the great  astronomer dreamt of a multiplicity of worlds and revealed them Marconi dreamt of a system for  harnessing the intangible forces of the ether and revealed the radio to the world dreams are  the seedlings of reality no one is ready for a thing until they believe they can acquire it the  state of mind must be belief not mere hope or wish open-mindedness is essential for belief  closed minds do not inspire faith courage and belief remember no more effort  is required to aim high in life to demand abundance and prosperity then  is required to accept misery and poverty hill outlines six steps to achieving your desire  to be applied with the other 12 principles the method by which desire for riches can  be transmuted into its financial equivalent consists of six definite and practical steps one fixing your mind the exact amount of money  you desire this number cannot be vague it must be an exact amount two determine exactly  what you will give in return for that money three establish a definite date that you want  to be in possession of the money four create a definite plan for attaining your desire and  begin immediately five take steps one to four and summarize them into clear and concise statement  of the amount deadline and plan to achieve it six read this statement aloud twice a day when you  wake up in the morning and once again before you sleep when reading aloud you must visualize  yourself already in possession of that money wishing will not bring riches but desiring riches  with a state of mind that becomes an obsession then planning definite ways and means to acquire  riches and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure will bring  riches here is an example of a written statement by the first day of September i will have my  possession 250 000 which will come to me in various amounts during the interim in return for  this money i will give the most efficient service of which i am capable in my capacity as founder  of the XYZ startup i believe that i'll have this money in my possession my faith is so strong  that i can now see this money before my eyes i am awaiting a plan and i will  follow the plan when it is received tailor the written statement to match your  own desire and sign your name at the bottom you will be using this written statement when  it comes to the principle of auto suggestion creative visualization napoleon hill's  instructions to see yourself as you will be when you have already achieved your  goal is what modern day motivational experts call creative visualization you can  think of this process in just the same way as athletes visualize the outcome of a  game or a fight before it has occurred this method is explored in more detail  in the principle of auto suggestion the other you every failure brings  with it a seed of an equivalent success when you focus only on your failures in  life you attract more negativity to yourself try to instead cultivate a friendship  with what hill refers to as the other you you can think of the other you as an  alter ego that recognizes no defeat make this side of you an ally that  shares your goals and your desires principle 2 faith visualization of  and belief in attainment of desire faith is a head chemist of the mind when faith  is blended with the vibration of thought the subconscious mind instantly picks up the vibration  translates it into its spiritual equivalent and transmits it to the infinite intelligence  faith look around at some of the biggest companies in the world they all began as  thoughts in the minds of one or two people there are fortunes being made around you  every single day and those fortunes began as ideas only when you actually believe and have  faith that you can attain your desire will you be ready to do so your faith can be developed  through ongoing affirmations and visualization of your desire faith is one of the most powerful  positive emotions we have alongside sex and love through the power of these three emotions  we are able to reach our subconscious mind these thoughts can then be translated  and received by the infinite intelligence in reality faith is a state of mind which  you can foster through repeated signals to the subconscious mind hill refers to this  practice throughout the book as auto suggestion people eventually become their thought patterns  and when your thoughts are dominated by positive emotions and a burning desire all forces are  guided towards acts and deeds that accomplish that desire strange forces both poverty and  riches are the offspring of thought your thoughts are like a magnetic force that attracts  similar thought patterns that are in harmony with your own your thoughts begin to become real  in the physical world you manifest reality similarly the subconscious mind  cannot differentiate between positive and negative thought patterns so someone  who feels like they are destined to be poor and only fill their subconscious mind  with negative thoughts attract just that there are millions of people who believe  themselves doomed to poverty and failure because of some strange force over which  they believe they have no control they are the creators of their own misfortunes because  of this negative belief which is picked up by their subconscious mind and translated  into its physical equivalent planting seeds thoughts which are mixed with any of the  feelings of emotions constitute a magnetic force which attracts from the vibrations of the ether  other similar or related thoughts a thought thus magnetized with emotion may be compared  to a seed which when planted in fertile soil germinates grows and multiplies  itself over and over again until that which was originally once a small seed becomes  countless millions of seeds of the same brand the main idea is that any idea goal or purpose  can be planted into your subconscious mind through repetition again be careful what you  think about because the subconscious mind cannot in any way differentiate between  constructive and destructive thoughts principle 3 auto suggestion the medium  for influencing the subconscious mind your subconscious mind recognizes and acts upon only  thoughts which have been well mixed with emotion or feeling auto suggestion is a vehicle which we  can use to stimulate and guide our subconscious mind to work for us how you view the world  and view yourself as what your subconscious mind takes in it cannot differentiate between  positive or negative thoughts so if your thoughts are generally negative your subconscious mind will  get to work at manifesting those negative thoughts into reality we want to try and flush out these  negative thoughts and emotions and replace them with seeds of positive thoughts and emotions  we can achieve this through auto suggestion auto suggestion is the vehicle which we can use to  stimulate and guide our subconscious mind to work for us this process is achieved by repeated self  suggestions that use the five senses in order for our suggestions to the subconscious mind to have  an impact they first need to be mixed with emotion here is how you can stimulate  and guide the subconscious mind first go to a quiet place close your eyes and  repeat aloud the amount of money you intend to accumulate the time limit for its accumulation  and a description of the service or product you intend to give in return by the first day  of September I will have in my possession two hundred and fifty thousand dollars which will  come to me in various amounts during the interim in return for this money I will give the  most efficient service of which I am capable in my capacity as founder of the XYZ startup  I believe that I will have this money in my possession my faith is so strong that  I can now see this money before my eyes I am awaiting a plan and I will  follow that plan when it's received second repeat this statement night and morning  until you can see in your imagination the money you intend to accumulate lastly place a written  copy of your statement where you can see it in the morning and night read it just before bed and  again upon arising until it has been memorized these instructions at first may seem abstract  or even silly and skepticism is normal for all human beings do not let this disturb you stick to  the plan and soon skepticism will be overcome by belief you'll begin to notice your mind thinking  about how to make more money and everything else less and through repetition you voluntarily create  thought habits that can influence the subconscious mind and transmute your desire into its monetary  equivalent reading out your statement once is easy what is challenging is turning these into  thought habits by continual daily repetitions until the desire is achieved remember we can't  just read the statement once and expect results we need to be bombarding the subconscious mind  with positive thoughts directed towards our desire over time and we cannot allow any space  for negative thoughts and emotions to flourish continual repetition of the statement will begin  to open the universe to your thoughts you will have a heightened awareness of ideas and insights  that will come to you in the form of hunches and inspiration and the universe will guide you  towards the plan of achieving your desire your ability to use the principle of auto  suggestion will depend very largely upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire  until that desire becomes a burning obsession continual repetition of the statement will  begin to open the universe to your thoughts principle 4 specialized knowledge personal  experiences or observations wealth is often accumulated from having specialized knowledge  however knowledge in itself does not create wealth knowledge only becomes power when it is  organized into definite plans of action and directed to a definite end knowledge can be general or specialized general  knowledge is of little use in wealth accumulation specialized knowledge of the service or product  you intend to provide is required in return for wealth he'll suggest to identify the specialized  knowledge you need for your product or service and then to attain that knowledge instead of  just working with what current knowledge you have principle 5 imagination the workshop of the  mind the impulse the desire is given shape form and action through the aid of the imaginative  faculty of the mind if you want to make your desire a reality you need to add imagination with  specialized knowledge two forms of imagination hill explains there are two different forms of  imagination synthetic imagination and creative imagination our only limitation within reason  lies in the development and use of our imagination synthetic imagination is arranging  concepts and ideas into new combinations this type of imagination is primarily used  to attain wealth creative imagination is through the use of hunches and inspiration to  better read the subconscious minds of others great leaders become very good  at this type of imagination imagination is like a muscle both types of  imagination become stronger with use and weaker without use the infinite intelligence for  famed psychologist Carl Jung infinite intelligence was the collective unconscious psychologists  nowadays may refer to the infinite intelligence as being in the zone or in the flow state for most  people it is hard to imagine that thoughts can be something tangible but if everything in  the universe is made up of matter or energy and thoughts create energy by sending little  packets of photons throughout the brain are they not in some regard something tangible are they  creating small vibrations out into the universe with quantum physics the quantum realm  and theoretical science like string theory it has never been easier to imagine a world  where in fact our consciousness is somehow connected to the universe and others around  us in ways we don't yet fully understand ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes  ideas are the products of the imagination principle six organized planning the  crystallization of desire into action millions of people go through life in misery  and poverty because they lack a sound plan through which to accumulate a fortune our plans  are organized and planned in the workshop of our imagination you should become part of a group  otherwise known as a mastermind ally yourself with like-minded individuals that you will need for the  creation and deployment of your plans decide in advance what advantages or benefits you will offer  the other members be it monetary or otherwise meet with the mastermind group at least twice a  week until you have jointly perfected the plan maintain complete harmony between the mastermind  members and yourself a quitter never wins and a winner never quits if your first plans fail  replace them with other plans until you find plans which reach the desire this principle  rewards those who persist until successful and weeds out the people who want success but  only if it's not difficult leaders and followers it is no disgrace to be a follower on the other  hand it is no credit to remain a follower most great leaders began in the capacity  of followers they became great leaders because they were intelligent followers if you  find yourself under someone else's leadership make sure you use that opportunity to gain  knowledge the major attributes of leadership you need to evolve into a leader in your field  to acquire riches however in the beginning you may start as an intelligent follower napoleon  hill explains 11 important factors of leadership 1. unwavering courage no one will  follow someone without self-confidence 2 self-control if you can't control yourself  how can you control others 3. a keen sense of justice you need to be fair four definiteness  of decision no second guessing yourself five definiteness of plans plan  your work and work your plan six the habit of doing more than paid for do  more than your followers would be willing to do 7.
a pleasing personality respect is  linked to positive personality traits 8. sympathy and understanding 9. mastery of detail  get good at the small details 10 willingness to assume full responsibility take ownership of  your mistakes and don't shift the blame to others eleven cooperation ten minds working together  are better than one in the book this principle also covers the ten negative traits of leaders  however most of these are just the opposite of the successful leadership traits we just went over  moreover if you stick to these important factors of leadership you will avoid all these mistakes  reasons people fail hill also lists 30 main reasons people fail in life which includes things  like lack of purpose lack of education ill health lack of self discipline procrastination  over caution lack of capital and egotism principle 7 decision the mastery of  procrastination procrastination the opposite of decision is a common enemy  which practically every man must conquer procrastination must be conquered for success  to flourish successful people reach definite decisions quickly and change their decisions  slowly people who fail to accumulate wealth do the opposite and they are often too  easily influenced by the opinions of others close friends and relatives while not meaning  to do so often handicap one through opinions thousands of men and women carry inferiority  complexes with them all through their life because some well-meaning but ignorant person destroyed  their confidence through opinions or ridicule be careful when you heed the opinions of  others your desire needs to be your own desire but if you are influenced easily by  others you will have no desire of your own when you have a definite purpose with a  burning desire you can reach decisions in your life quickly and stand by those  decisions you have made indecisiveness is a habit it can begin to develop in your  adolescence and grow stronger as you age freedom or death on a decision tell the  world what you intend to do but first show it becoming definite in your  decisions requires courage people who talk too much tend not to do anything  else but just talk be a doer not a talker the book advises you to use your mouth  less and your eyes and your ears more just a quick interruption if you're finding this  content useful please don't forget to like comment and subscribe to the channel if you don't want to  miss out on more videos like this in the future principle 8 persistence the sustained effort  necessary to induce faith desire and willpower persistence is essential in transforming  desire into its monetary equivalent when you can combine desire with strong willpower  they become a formidable pair lack of persistence is very common among people without persistence  you will fail before you have even begun people who develop persistence know that every failure  carries with it a seed of an equivalent advantage for people with persistence they know that  failures are only temporary and that they will eventually reach their goal persistence has a  direct correlation to the intensity of your desire weak desires bring weak results just as a small  amount of fire makes a small amount of heat you can remedy a lack of persistence by  intensifying or building a stronger fire beneath your desire poverty  conscious verse money conscious fortunes gravitate to those whose minds  have been prepared to attract them just as surely as water gravitates to the ocean  in the absence of money consciousness driven by persistence and desire a poverty mindset will  naturally fill the void poverty consciousness will voluntarily seize the mind which is  not occupied with the money consciousness persistence is a state of mind persistence is  a state of mind therefore it can be cultivated here are eight ways to develop a persistent  state of mind one purpose know what you want two desire three self-reliance believe in  your abilities four definiteness of plans plans encourage persistence five accurate  knowledge guessing destroys persistence knowing encourages persistence six cooperation be willing  to work with others seven willpower eight habit persistence is the direct result of building  daily habits the fear of criticism people refuse to take chances in business because they  fear the criticism which may follow if they fail the fear of criticism in such cases is stronger  than the desire of success the fear of criticism is the opposite of persistence most people allow  others to influence their lives so much so that the fear of criticism outweighs the will  to be persistent fear of failure becomes stronger than the desire to be successful and  when fear is greater than desire you will fail most ideas are still born and need the breath of  life injected into them through definite plans of immediate action the fear of criticism is  at the bottom of the destruction of most ideas which never reach the planning and action  stage four steps to develop persistence one a definite purpose backed by a burning desire  knowing exactly what you want and having a desire to achieve it this can't be a vague desire  it needs to be crystal clear in your mind two a definite plan a written plan that  is expressed in continuous action three a mind closed to negativity a mind that  repels negative thoughts and influences four a friendly alliance with other like-minded  people to share encouragement and purpose developing persistence will allow you  to control your own economic destiny principle 9 the power of the  mastermind the driving force if you want to get where you're going faster  then you need to find people who can guide you towards that goal faster a speedier  arrival at your desire can be achieved through the power of the mastermind power  is required for the accumulation of money and then the retention of that money  organized knowledge is essential for success and it is achieved through the coordination of  effort of two or more people working in harmony no two minds ever come together without thereby  creating a third invisible intangible force which may be likened to a third mind napoleon hill  suggests to form a group of 12 or less people and the smaller the better principle 10 the mystery of  sex transmutation the 10th step to riches sexual desire the word transmute means the changing or  transferring of one element or form of energy into another sexual desire is the most powerful  of all the human desires and when you're able to harness this energy it can be directed  towards developing a keenness of imagination courage willpower persistence creativity and  the accumulation of wealth genius is developed through the sixth sense sex transmutation  will lift one to the status of a genius keep in mind that just having this energy  is not enough this energy must first be transmuted from a desire for physical contact  into another desire such as art literature or the accumulation of riches before  the status of genius can be achieved mind stimuli a mind stimuli is anything that makes  your mind vibrate on a higher frequency and gives you enthusiasm creativity and intense desire  the motivational power of sex is stronger than any other stimulant and it can lift your mind to a  higher plane which could otherwise not be accessed other stimulants include love a burning  desire for fame a desire for power music friendship a mastermind alliance mutual suffering  auto suggestion fear and narcotics and alcohol when left to its own devices sexual  energy can become detrimental uncontrollable and even destructive however if guided by the emotions of love and  romance it becomes a constructive force that can break down the barriers between the finite  mind of humans and the infinite intelligence principle 11 the subconscious mind the connecting  link the subconscious mind works day and night and consists of a field of consciousness in which  every impulse of thought positive or negative reaches the mind through any of the five  senses and is classified and recorded these records can be called upon at a later  time to retrieve thoughts the subconscious mind is the connecting link between the finite  mind of man and the infinite intelligence it is the intermediary through which one may draw  upon the forces of infinite intelligence at will you can think of your subconscious mind as the  gateway to the infinite intelligence you cannot fully control your subconscious mind however you  can plant seeds within it to help give rise to your desires and purpose the subconscious mind  will then begin to act upon your burning desires and manifest them into their physical form it is  more susceptible to thoughts mixed with feelings and emotions negative emotions automatically find  their way into your thoughts and positive emotions need to intentionally be injected into the mind  through auto suggestion positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same  time one or the other must dominate it is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions  constitute the dominating influence of your mind the major positive emotions are desire  faith love sex enthusiasm romance and hope the major negative emotions are fear jealousy  hatred revenge greed superstition and anger if you are repeatedly filling your mind with  positive emotions through auto suggestion there will be no room for negative emotions to  flourish principle 12 the brain a broadcasting and receiving station for thought the brains  of every human are like broadcasting stations capable of receiving vibrations of thought  which is sent out by other brains the creative imagination is the receiving side our subconscious  is the transmitting side in order to transmit your message out into the universe auto suggestion  is used these vibrations are like the intangible forces all around us that control our lives and  are completely unseen the power of your mind is like the unseen forces of gravity we can't  see or touch it but we know that it's there principle 13 the sixth sense the door to the  temple of wisdom this principle is the apex of the philosophy and it can only be applied once  you have mastered all of the other principles through this principle you can access the infinite  intelligence without any effort or demands the sixth sense is the part of the mind which gives  you insights and guidance towards your desires in the form of hunches and inspiration and it can  be better understood through meditation and mental development from within with the sixth sense  you will be warned of impending dangers to avoid and given advanced insight into opportunities  that you can embrace the sixth sense can be thought of as a guardian angel that will  open the temple of wisdom to you at all times epilogue how to outwit the six ghosts of fear  six basic fears there are six basic fears which all humans face at some point in their lives  the fear of poverty the fear of criticism the fear of ill health the fear of loss of love  the fear of old age and the fear of death the three enemies if you want to be successful and  achieve your desires you first need to eliminate three enemies from your life they are indecision  doubt and fear if any of these negative elements are in your mind it will suppress the sixth sense  and disconnect you from the infinite intelligence these enemies are closely related  and conspire to infiltrate your mind indecision stems from fear indecision creates  doubt and when the two are combined they create fear when you give into fear you  let other people's decisions guide you you let negative opinions influence you  you need to think and act for yourself you cannot control most things in life but there  is only one thing that you have absolute control over and that's your mind you either control your  mind or it controls you the most practical of all methods for controlling the mind is a habit of  keeping it busy with a definite purpose backed by a definite plan people who do not succeed have  one distinguishing trait in common they know all the reasons for failure and have what they believe  to be airtight alibis to explain away their own lack of achievement but you can't use your alibis  to pay for things and no one cares about all the reasons why you failed the world only wants  to know one thing have you achieved success if I had money if I had a good education if i  didn't have a wife and family if i could get a job if only I had time if times were better if the  economy was better if I'd been given a chance in life if other people didn't have it in for  me if only i were younger if i could only do what i want if i had been born rich if I  could meet the right people if only i had my possibilities if i could take something if  i could just get a break and on and on and on the worst part is people cling to these alibis  because they created them and a person's alibi is the child of their own imagination it is  human nature to defend one's own brain child how you can get started with think and  grow rich first have a burning desire what do you want to achieve in your life be it  monetary or otherwise weak desires bring weak results so what is your burning desire make your  desire your own don't live someone else's desire that is your first step second create a clear  written statement following the six steps that we covered in the video don't hesitate if you  currently don't have all the details or answers on how you're going to achieve that desire but  just get started now third begin using auto suggestion morning and night start planting the  seeds of your desire into your subconscious mind flush out all your negative thought patterns  replace it with a money conscious state we want our subconscious mind working in harmony  with us and not against us and don't forget that idle minds create the poverty consciousness fourth  what specialized knowledge do you need to attain your desire remember that nothing is for free in  this life so what are you going to give in return for the money that you desire get to work  seeking the knowledge that you need which is conducive to your burning desire are you going  to find the specialized knowledge on Instagram Facebook Netflix most probably not so make sure  you make more time for this specialized knowledge and less time for useless cat memes fifth start  working on your creative imagination muscles if you can't vividly imagine your desire  then how do you expect to achieve it you need to mix your auto suggestion with this  creative imagination see the money in your bank account see yourself already living that  desire make sure you go to that place regularly in your mind sixth persistence use the eight ways  we covered to build a persistent state of mind and persist until your desire is fulfilled  seventh don't forget that if you are someone that finds it hard to reach decisions easily it  could be contributing to your failures in life look at the people around you who end up living  their lives in ways that they never wanted to live and it's just because they fell into the habit  of indecision your decision making should be in alignment with your burning desire so if someone  is asking you to do something that is not in alignment just say no get comfortable with saying  no more often unless it is a hell yes eighth you can reach your desire faster by one forming a  mastermind two through positive mind stimulants or three sexual desire which is the most powerful  mind stimulant if you can harness this energy and not always seek it in its physical form you  can guide the energy towards your burning desire hill may have been referring to what some people  nowadays consider the benefits of the "nofap" theory which is heightened awareness more focus  lower levels of stress decreased laziness etc.
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