THE most valuable funnel training you'll ever watch (10,000 hours experience)

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I've made millions in sales and generated hundreds of thousands of leads for myself and my clients all by following one extremely simple funnel building principle that I'm going to share with you now this funnel building principle is so powerful that I made a $110,000 bet with a professional web designer to see if they could beat my conversion rates and my funnel won with over $300,000 in sales plus I won the $110,000 bet with a massive 60% conversion rate and I'm going to give you this funnel on this video my name is Mike killan and I'm
about to save you years of your time to help you build High converting funnels that generate qualified leads fill your calendar with appointments and more importantly drive up the number in your bank account with my 10,000 hours of funnel building experience and to get started you need to think about your funnels a bit like a surfboard so this is going to save you a ton of money and it's going to give you a funnel that you can deploy over and over and over that's going to outperform 90% of the new complex stuff that everyone else
is teaching this is the funnel that I used to generate hundreds of thousands in sales millions and win that $10,000 bet with a professional web designer and it's my surfboard funnel so I've got a large collection of surfboards uh they're all designed for different conditions different waves how you want to surf that type of stuff and as I've got older I've come to rely on one board more than any other now that board is my 76 mini M as in 7' 6 in mini M now a mini m is not a high performance board it's
kind of what most people picture in their mind when they think surf board it's considered a bit of a beginner board now I've got other boards I've got really really short boards I've got long boards boards for tricks and for cruising and for showing off I've got boards for different types of brakes and swell and my mini Mau it's big it's long it's heavy comparatively it's not the fastest it's not the easiest to maneuver but without question it is the absolute most fun to ride and that's sort of 99% of what I want now when
I get on the water it doesn't require a lot of skill to have fun on which is often why it's looked down on and it will do okay for about 80 to 90% of conditions and my point is that if you can build a funnel like my 7' 6 minial which is suitable for most situations even on a bad day it'll perform really really well and something that you can rely on over and over that doesn't require a lot of skill and yes there are more sophisticated and more detailed funnels that can do well and
yes some of your peers and other marketers might look down on you for using something so simple but if it works it works and a simp simple funnel that does $10,000 or $50,000 a month sometimes in passive recurring sales well I will take that over a fancy showoff YouTuber Guru hype funnel model any day so this funnel can be used to sell Services as a consultant as an agency you can use it for your clients to sell everything from products to memberships and more it'll capture leads it will generate sales it'll book calls it'll qualify
people and it will work passively in the background 24/7 and it'll upsell people so we're going to start off with three pages and I'll take you through what each stage does on the left hand side here we have what's known as your optin I'll talk about that in a second and then we have an offer and then we have what's known as a oneclick or an upsell and this here is where you're going to generate your leads this here is where you can generate calls you can generate booked appointments you can generate sales definently and
then this here is where you basically build profit and I'll show you how this method works it's it's crazy simple I'm going to go into all of this so if you're already like yeah but what do I put on each page I'm going to go over absolutely every single part of that now on the opt-in page when we drive traffic and I'll show you where we can drive some traffic from later in a lot of cases we like to offer what's known as a lead magnet and that could be something like it could be a
PDF it could be a small course it could be a cheat sheet again I'll talk about what you should do as a lead magnet in a minute and what a lot of people do is they'll drive traffic to an opt-in page I'll show you what it looks like and when the person signs up they'll do one of two things which are incorrect In fact I'm going to draw them in red cuz they're wrong when people do them they either leave them on the same page and it says something like thank you for registering your lead
magnet is on its way or they'll take them straight to the document they'll redirect them to the document and that is not good that's not like a good thing to do the correct thing to do is to redirect them to a page with an immediate offer one of the things that I like to do is keep this super super simple and I'm going to show you some examples these are real Pages here you can use the link down below or head to go. sellou service10 checklist you can see here the page is literally this there's
nothing else on the page it's super super minimal very very basic and I'm saying here's what you could get in this case it's a checklist to find out how to add 10K a month to your revenue and when people click this button it opens what we call a click pop or a two-part optin the psychology here is that if someone immediately sees a form they might be a bit turned off but if they click a button they've put just a tiny bit of skin in the game and so they think oh well I might as
well put in my name my email address and you'll also notice I also ask for their phone number as well a lot of people watching this will go oh I would never ask for a phone number I never give a phone number try it just try it the the one of the biggest mistakes marketers tend to make is they say oh well I wouldn't do that right but you're not your customer and the thing is you do put your email address and phone number in because you watching are in my demographic and I have a
database of tens of thousands of email addresses and phone numbers so people do put their phone number in if the offer is good enough the reason that most people don't put their phone number in isn't because they don't like putting their phone number in it's because the offer isn't good enough and I'll talk about that in a minute would you give a phone number for the chance to see like what it takes to get to $10,000 a month $120,000 a year I would personally so anyway it's a really really simple easy to understand low maintenance
website page and that's this first page up here is we go to an opt-in page and we collect their email address we collect their phone number we collect their name and what we then do is we redirect them to an offer page and now the offer page in my opinion the easiest format to create is what we call a video sales letter so let's say that on your opt-in page maybe you work with like like Fitness coaches or something and your opin page with something along the lines of like lose 5K belly fat you know
within six weeks or whatever it is the offer is basically this again faster and easier so hey if you've got the checklist why not join our program or join our course or book in for a call or book in for a free consultation or something along those lines now like I said you can offer a call you can offer a product that's a really good thing to do a lot of people will offer like a low ticket product like a a $21 book or even lower like a $7 book or they'll offer a free call
and the point is is you have a video sales letter at the top and it's positioned as training and again you know that someone is now interested in whatever this offer is I know that when people sign up to the 10K checklist they're interested in adding five figures a month so I'll then say why not watch this training for example here this isn't a brilliant example it comes from a slightly different funnel but watch our free training Below on how to find sell cloth and deliver $25,000 clients you can see it's just a video they'll
click play and when they if they're interested in the offer they'll click this button now sometimes I'll take people through to a call booking page sometimes it'll be a sales page like literally like a checkout page my advice would be to test it I quite like booking people on calls this is whenever you see people like on YouTube saying this is how I book 50 calls a month or whatever this is a big part of that process and what I love about this is it works in the background and then what we do is only
about 1 to 2% of people are going to buy this or or sign up calls tends to be slightly higher call tends to be around 5% if you get way higher than that great you know I've always said I'm not the world's best Market so let's say it's between 1% and 2% for a purchase and around 5% for a call now I'm not going to go into detail on like the types of like qualification sessions and things that you should be running I'll do that in another video but what I'm trying to get to here
is 1 to 2% or 1 to 5% of people will take some kind of action the others won't they will either leave or I think on that page you saw there's a button I know this one here says yeah just click here to read the like click here to go straight to your offer anyway as in go to the lead Magnet or skip this that's fine but you are still collecting email and phone leads now if I were you I would then be taking those email addresses and those phone numbers and I would be offering
them again either a call or a product via email marketing one of the biggest misconceptions that we make as marketers is we believe in nurturing and nurturing is a ginormous waste of time your customer or your leads are never more likely to buy than here this is when they are most likely to buy because they've taken some kind of action as their interest is currently Sky High if we look at this on a graph if we look at their interest and over time their interest is peaked right there's clearly some kind of pain which is
meant I need to address this if you like I bite my nails it's disgusting habit I apologize but I bite my nails and it's got to the point where I'm like I'm sick and tired of biting my nails so my pain is at an absolute height so I'll do something like opt in or take action on something now the mistake we make is that we then go well I'll leave it to a little bit a time like over here and I'll try to make another offer but actually people's attention and their interest drops over time
the best time to make an offer is immediately after they've taken an action which is why we then say to people hey look you've got this far you clearly are interested in adding five figures or losing 5K why not jump on a free 45 minute call or a 10-minute call and let's have a talk and see what your your position is and if they confirm and they book or they buy and they buy the product or they buy some people call it a splinter product if they buy something like that we then want to immediately
try to upsell them into a larger and more expensive product so what we used to do I'll do this in a few I'll kind of split this out if it was an optin and then we had something like a book and let's say the book was $7 I would then want to try and sell them something along the lines of like a $500 course I would say why not get our training to do the same thing and again what's our Mantra faster and easier faster easier and it's exactly the same faster easier looks like I've
put uh Easter but I probably does say faster so if the optin is 10K a month why doesn't the book take you through a comprehensive like how to get to 10K a month like a to zed and then the $500 program could be how to get to 10K a month we have a six- week like training program with all the worksheets and we'll hold your hand throughout the process if I'm asking them to opt in and then I offer them a call and let's say I person like to do like really quick 10minute like Discovery
calls which are actually qualification calls I'm sure some of you have even been on my qualification calls of me I will then immediately offer them and I'll say hey thanks so much for booking why didn't you go ahead and check out our $997 product lifetime access some people even like to go through this before they jump on the call and again this might be to do with like how to get to 10K or whatever it is there's a bunch of different ways to go over this I'm not going to go into the specifics and the
details but there's one killer thing that you have to remember throughout all of this process the key to making sure that this funnel converts is having killer copy and that means having a really really really solid tight offer otherwise this whole thing falls apart now the good news is I'm going to show you exactly how to write killer marketing copy in about 10 minutes not in 10 minutes time but it'll take about 10 minutes and I'll also walk you through how to get traffic for your funnels and you should avoid ads for the time being
and go over the number one reason that most of these funnels fail so if you've ever built marketing funnels either for yourself or for your clients and maybe you felt that they're kind of always converting really poorly this will help you avoid low converting funnels it's also going to help you stop wasting a ton of time and money on ads and on traffic that doesn't convert if you've ever struggled or felt that you can't like explode a funnel blow up a funnel and you are struggling to see any kind of results it's probably because of
what you're doing with the copy now this entire copywriting process is what has made me millions and millions of dollars with books podcasts videos products courses if you can understand this you will never need to buy another marketing course or copy course ever again so I want to show you what not to do if we take a look at these three ads this is hilarious right I would like you to you can pause it if you want and try to figure out what are these products what do you think they are one of them slightly
easier than others got three products in here they do three completely different things what do you think they do so if you paused it hello welcome back can you imagine releasing an advert like this where you don't even know what they are now if you know what the brand is then you're likely to go oh well I know what this does this here Suns it's kind of interesting actually this here is hair loss I'll leave this one for a minute this one here you can just about see here is collagen I think they spell it
like that for some reason I know what collagen does but I don't know what this does this one here this is mental this is to replace shaving so for if you want to like remove hair on your legs and arms particularly if you're a woman this is a thing that you rub on your arms and it gets rid of it but at no point can you understand who it's aimed at what it does and why want to click on it and yet so many of you create offers and pages and copy exactly like this I
see your websites I see your campaigns I see your adverts I see your social media channels I see your videos I see your content and it all does this you talk about the brand as if you are a brand and and as if anyone knows who you are we used to have an offer that in my mind was the Pinnacle of what I've created it was called Apex campaigns some of you have probably bought it and it sold okay but it never sort of like it sort of did this whereas I wanted it to kind
of like go crazy and kick off and I couldn't figure out why and so I came back to it years later and I changed it to calling well I changed it to $225,000 clients that was the name of the program now can you tell me what Apex campaigns does and can you tell me what $25,000 clients does sure enough 25k clients flew off the shelves like we actually had to reduce the number of times we sold it because the community was just getting too full and so here's how to create an unbelievably killer offer this
question is like copyrighting extraordinaire explosive Mega powerful what would your ideal client want to point to on a report that goes up or down more specifically what number would they want to point to on a report that is either going up or down case in point right two really easy examples I think earlier we've used weight loss so we say well they would want their uh body fat and weight to go down and specifically we're then able to like get even better by a specific amount in a specific time okay go down so we say
5 kilg in 6 weeks would you like your body fat to go down by 5 kilos in 6 weeks yes please great you should buy this because I can point to it and if you can point to it that's when you've understood exactly what the customer wants that's the offer the offer is not your PDF pages and Page speed and upload speeds and login details in the platform that you use and the types of funnels that you build for customers or the web design software that you use it's none of that it's this another one
is use 25k clients this is basically the amount of money that you make per client and in our particular case we even say we can help you find a 21 a $25,000 client in 21 days this one they can literally point to their scales this one they can point to let's say stripe for example you need to know what does your client look at to judge the success of their business what report do they go to which is like a scorecard or a report that says this is where you're doing well or this is where
you're doing badly this is the critical piece of information everyone misses and there's a few more pieces that I want to kind of take you through now this funnel here is not a regular funnel it's kind of like a I suppose it's a qualification funnel I'm trying to show you like how do you know at the bottom that you've got a really killer offer that people want so the first thing is do you have a number can it go up or down and do you have a time scale is this something they can point to
on a report and then the other piece is would they pay $5 for this information would they give you five bucks to watch a video about this now in my experience if you don't know these three things here you will bulk out your delivery with extra work one of the reasons that people say that they are especially agency owners that they're overworked and they're trying really hard and they've got lots of clients but they're also like really really busy all the time is usually because they don't know these numbers here and specifically if I gave
a free loom video kind of like this would they be willing to pay $5 for that video it means I haven't got a clear enough idea or they haven't got a clear enough idea what the client wants so they bulk out the rest of their work with tons of extra stuff like extra social media posts and copyrighting and SEO and AI stuff instead would they be willing to pay you essentially for this thing to just happen a really good example is if they came to you and they said I really like your offer and you
said great here's a an envelope with five things of this you know amount in it here's an envelope with five details of five different clients would be willing to pay 25 Grand would they be willing to just buy that from you and all of a sudden you think well I don't need to do web pages and landing page redesign and funnels and redirects and email marketing and social media marketing and content management and all this stuff you don't need to do any of that now the technical term for this is called a current another thing
that people call it is a function once you start seeing this you'll start seeing it everywhere and this is why it's so critical to understand it because the copy comes from the offer the offer is not what you do too many people and agencies try to bulk out what they're doing and justify what the offer is by all the stuff they do and all the skill they've got or an actual fact if you can figure out that the clients that you work with for example their white label battery suppliers right like this type of stuff
yeah this is like an off-brand white label Sony camera battery cuz I'm filming on a Sony and let's say you work with this particular company what's the number that they want to see go up or down in a certain amount of time a really kind of simple example of this might be something like let's say that we would help them increase by a th000 sales uh a month in 90 days will help you generate a thousand new sales for your batteries in 90 days if I just gave them that would they be willing to pay
for just like a packet you know like in a box of course they would now if you're anything like me you're probably a little bit eager to actually get building a funnel now and I'll take you through that I've got something to share with you that's going to cut all your building time in half but before that you've seen this fun now and you're probably thinking of new products that you can use with it like fantasizing about this beautiful new Clean Slate brand new offer that you could create and build and like this would be
the perfect funnel to use with it and I'm here to tell you that if you want to make money and make a lot of money you have to be extremely careful about this one massive mistake that I see thousands of gurus and agency YouTubers and funnel builders and agencies make that kill products before they've even had a chance to get off the ground so as you can probably see I got high level behind me full disclosure I am an affiliate of high level so if you click any of my links or buy any of the
stuff through the stuff that I promote I'll probably get a small commission uh however I wanted to let you know that I've actually built this funnel and a ton of others so all like the screenshots and stuff that I've shown you of this type of stuff I can just give to you and you could have ready to go through signing up for a 30-day free trial down below now you can cancel you can downgrade you can upgrade at any time it literally does everything I don't have time to go into it right now but what
I will say is if you're serious about building funnels like this and having it as a process and having it productized and ready to roll out I've done the bulk of the work for you in the 30-day free trial which you can use down below there's a bunch of different prices no money is taken um but you can downgrade cancel at any time there's loads of different options just let me know if there anything like any questions that you've got but if you want to get all of my funnels plus my campaigns plus a bunch
of free training just use the link down below or head to sellou highle or use the link down below anyway let's get back to the video right so I'm now going to outline why your products never seem to sell and why you constantly seem to have to relaunch all the time this will also prevent failed launches it's going to save you a ton of time it's going to save a lot of wasted money and it's going to get you paid faster than ever this is the strategy for figuring out where do I get traffic
how do I test an offer how do I get paid faster than ever and when should I start using ads so if you're like me or anything like me you've built a product in the past and then you've attempted to sell it and you see no sales and so you think well it must be the product and so you start again and then you launch something new I used to do this all the time I would come up with something that I thought was really clever and really cool I'd create all the product and do
all the the work for it and then I would try to launch it I wouldn't see any sales and I think well it must be the product so I'd try and start again or you've launched and it goes okay and you think you then need to come up with a new hook and a new angle to make it fresh and interesting let's say you let's say that you do start to get sales in you then think well if I promote it next month I need to find something else to talk about or something else to
promote and I'm going to tell you that's completely wrong so I'm going to show you the entire traffic completely brand new funnel no spend on ads all the way through to sales and when you should start using ads and when you should use social media and and uh organical content marketing and stuff like that the kind of golden rule that I want you to remember is ADS scale what's working already they are basically the equivalent of fuel if you haven't got a fire going already don't add more fuel yet the other thing I want to
say is and I talked about this earlier with the PDF in the lead magnet don't create really complex detailed lengthy value packed lead magnets it will kill your business and kill your productivity in fact don't create anything until you get your first conversion right just you got to trust me I know it sounds counterintuitive they like well I have to have a product to sell I have to have a lead magnet to give away just trust me I don't want you doing any work until the thing has been proven I don't want you to create
products I don't want you to create courses I don't want you to create any training or anything until we get a sale so this is my entire process right so first of all I'll come up with the offer now I know who my market is it's agencies agency owners marketers funnel Builders and let's say that currently the number one thing on their mind the number one number that they want to see go up or down in a certain amount of time is they want to have $10,000 recurring Revenue per month and they want to see
that within 90 days so I would then put together a package saying hey agency owners I know how I can help you get $10,000 recurring Revenue per month within 90 days simple what I would then do let's say I was starting from absolute scratch is I would find a bunch of different forums and groups and podcasts and books and pages and YouTube channels um this is like a forum and I would hopefully have maybe a bit of an email list if I don't that's fine but regardless I would find communities of these people and I
would start to connect with them there's two ways I'd do this either literally on some platforms like Facebook I would physically add them as friends and then on other stuff I would just know that well people are searching for this type of thing so I will create video content or posts for free on these platforms to start getting organic traffic and start building followers now again this is from brand new from scratch you haven't got any money I'll talk about ads in a second and you might say uh Mike Sam ovens and Iman Gody and
Charlie Morgan they say you've got to use ads yeah ads work really well when you've got a proven offer the problem is that most people kind of like how we explored above will create an advert for an offer that doesn't convert I happen to know the conversion rates for these and they are abysmal and the worst thing is is not only do they have a very low click-through rate in the first place but because people are only clicking out of curiosity when they see what it is it drops even further instead of being uh up
high because they're qualifying people at the front if you said complete hair loss solution for men with a free consultation that will immediately eliminate anyone who's not interested in it instead these don't convert re because people click on them for curiosity sake and then they realize oh this is actually isn't for me so I'm not interested in going further so here's what we're going to do we're going to find a bunch of communities if you say I don't know where to find any communities do more research because whatever Niche or Market you're in I'll guarantee
you that across all of the social media platforms and every website ever built there will be thousands of these communities either start connecting people with with people in real life or create social media content or ideally both in order to build a little bit of a following here's what you then do you then are able to across your feed so bearing in mind you now have followers and maybe you have a bit of an email list all you do is put a post out that says something like this looking for your first five high level
clients there we go like that immediately tells you a number that's going to go up and even a dashboard and I'll say hey I've got this very very simple approach that'll allow you to show you how to do it this is the lead magnet now in this particular case I actually did have a video already but you don't have to have that you can just post this as text and the idea is when people start engaging with it and they start saying yes I want to get access to this you'll redirect them to the landing
page just like we designed up above it'll have a really simple headline it'll have three bullet points and it'll have an opin page and high level you know bearing in mind as a disclaimer I am an affiliate so I do get paid to promote them and I get paid an affiliate fee but they can do all of this high level can do all of this and when you start seeing optins and conversions that's when you create the lead magnet now all that's going to happen is you then think oh my god I've got my first
optin comeing in I can see it on my email I better go and record this optin great go ahead and record the optin go ahead and create the lead magnet just say to people really really sorry something wrong with our email automation but the point is is we are testing first we're being very scientific in our approach and we're making sure that people are willing to test it first and then we do the same now that we know that that offer converts and we're redirecting them then to a video sales letter the easiest thing in
the world is to offer a call because you don't have to create a product I wouldn't charge for the call personally I would just do it as a quick 10-minute Discovery call and I would position it as a free you know roadblock remover or something like that and when you start getting people booking for the calls that's when you think great this offer is clearly converting and then you create a sales page and you say I'm going to help you do exactly the same thing exactly the same as this offer up here it's the same
across all of them you're just helping them what's our Mantra faster and easier if you think that there's something else I need to add to this or if you like this mantra then just put it in the comments down below but that faster and easier here we go make more money faster and easier it's that is the uh Post-it not I have on my monitor and then we'll create a sales page and we'll create a product for like 997 or Hell $25,000 or 2,000 a month it doesn't really matter I'll go into more depth about
pricing on another video but the point is you don't create anything until you have physically made a sale now for the first like the process that I would use is let's say you've built up a little bit of a following and you don't want to launch a product just yet that's absolutely fine still offer people calls maybe offer them Consulting some coaching calls stuff like that if you have a service then go ahead but if you want to launch something like big and scalable and immediately get to that 10K a month what I would do
is I would wait until you've built a little bit of a list and a little bit of a following I would then promote a really big result or something that people could get for example it might be I'm going to show you how to land five $25,000 clients or what was our other one like how to lose 5 kilos in 21 days or was it sell a th000 batteries or something in 90 days or something like that I would have that I would go through this exact same process I would then say to people uh
on Facebook and via email why don't you book in a call with me and I wouldn't bu anything until I've taken $2,000 deposit from them and I say it's then going to be $2,000 a month we're going to work together for a year and I would wait until I get five people to sign up and then I would just make sure that they all jump on calls and I would start to build it as I have sold it when I have sold five of them getting them all on a group call having conversations with them
that's when I would start to continue to build the product I would document what I'm doing to help them and I would keep it all focused on the offer the currency now the problem is that while you now have to build this killer funnel which is relatively simple the critical part is obviously finding more traffic and leads to flow through this which is why I have this video here talking about how to find more leads and going into more depth on that Facebook process and that organic social media process and by the way when you
want to start doing ad ads that's when you've started making those initial sales so start spending money on ads after you've begun making those sales sorry I should have said that but anyway if you want to watch that video go ahead and click that here
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