4 Ways To Get Your First 10 Customers (41mins Full Class)

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hey what's up everybody it's Chris and Chris you may remember him from a recent podcast or an episode I did with him where he's having a thriving business some of challenges have hit him and he's regressing his business and we're going to help him get back on track currently he's at $150,000 we wanted to get him to 300 400 500,000 and Beyond and stick around for the entire video this is a master class that we break down his problems helping him to understand where he needs help especially as it relates to lead generation so Chris
the last time I talked to you what year was that so we can have a this was the this was 2021 okay so we'll get no I'm so sorry 2022 what's the name of your company uh Biv this b b i okay so what's the year 2022 22 okay in 2022 business is going well you're moving upward right and you had like one really big client right which is always scary for all of us cuz we don't want to become overly reliant on one client so that year at the end of the year what did
you grow uh 300 300 flat it was like 297 so it was very close we we'll do that people like really specific numbers absolutely okay and so last year 2023 what' you guys do um 151 okay that's a really big drop a tremendous 50 50% drop 151k so Something's Happened in these two years let's just quickly bullet point what has happened so we can understand so everybody understands this is 2022 and this is 2023 okay go ahead so our main discrepancy between the two years was the loss of a really large Financial client and the
stunt of growth when it comes to acquiring new clients because I got super comfortable okay that one client of this building what percentage did they represent 50 okay so 50% of your Revenue came from one client that's the danger zone usually shouldn't be more than 10% there are some and I think I might have mentioned this to our audience last time which is some companies won't hire you if any one client represents more than 20% because it's too unstable really big clients like hundred million dollar clients they they asked to see who your client's list
are and what percentage of your Revenue because you represent a financial risk for them okay okay because they they are aware of what we're all aware of right now which is too too much Reliance on one client can be very problematic so 50% that means roughly 150k and they disappear for a number of different reasons nothing to do with you maybe they hate you whatever often times what people don't realize is there's a change in management or they decide our priorities are going to be totally different and whole departments get wiped out so we don't
want to get into that part so what month did that happen that you lost that client it was May okay so in May of 2022 okay you lose as client so that means you now know already alarm Bells Are Ringing smoke detector blasting there's a problem we need to get into we need to solve that and so throughout the rest of the year from May to the end of December you were trying to acquire someone to replace this one big client what was the challenge there the area I'm in is exceptionally like small when it
comes to um our client pool of potential clients and what I've learned to do is what I've learned as going through business is I'm terrible at sales I love the creative I love the production I love the Hands-On but when it comes to sales that is my biggest challenge um I just it's my biggest weakness when it comes to a lot of things okay um so there was hardly any effort there put towards acquiring something that could fill that could fill that void because what happened was I didn't expect the big CLI to be forever
so we had made preparations just in case um and those preparations lasted for a good bit throughout the year and it helped out and we were still getting consistent income and I was still pretty positive overall but that Runway started running a bit slim when I started making a good bit of personal U purchases kind of setting myself up for the future I just used it as a a full restart to start my business flat again and it just didn't pan out it just didn't pan out for the when it came to 2023 okay so
I'm going to try to translate that into visual so people can understand this a little bit okay so it's usually a a a diamond like this right so I'll break it up into four pieces I'm not sure it's quite for but I'm freestyling it here so generally speaking what we would consider is like the efforts of marketing generating new leads and then the qualified leads become prospects and leads to sales which is sales is like there's two ways of looking at sales like literally going out and doing cold calling or or or warm Outreach that
would be the effort of sales marketing is something that's scalable that's the difference between marketing and sales okay sales is like finite constraints in terms of time and day and people that you can actually call and the resources that you have but ideally what you do is you you turn leads into prospects and Prospects are the ones that you want to get on the phone on and then you go through this process and there's a whole bidding process and you close the client okay and then at this point you're going to start the onboarding process
that's like this is how the project going to work uh files uh checks terms contracts all that kind of stuff they're getting onboarded and then what we'll just call delivery it's a nicer way of saying production like everything you have to do to give the clients what they paid for okay and then afterwards is uh any kind of followup customer service that kind of stuff so I'll just put customer service for Cs and just general followup like after Sal stuff which this is where you're gonna start to see the problem is if I were to
say 100% of your time where did where would you allocate percentage wise in May 22 where you were spending your time I was spending my time in the delivery how much percentage it's okay to say it's like like 90 like 95 almost yeah 99.9 yeah I mean yeah I mean let's just be real you say 95 but I know yeah and this is um going to sound it's going to ring true for almost everybody who's going to watch this video cuz when we say you're working in your business versus on your business so this is
in your business okay and this is on your business because if you do great customer service and you do followup that turns them into clients and they begin the process again and this is where a lot of us myself included I I recognize the pain because I've been a perpetrator of this to my own business so we we're grateful for the client but we we don't really focus too much on them to ask them for referrals for New Leads or to tell their customer success stories or to ask them what else you got if you
enjoyed working with that's just there something else I can work on or I notice um that you're doing this with the videos or content we're making or I see another application are you open to that how open-minded are you about this thing so we're want to kind of feed them back in now most of us can do really well if we just execute it on this bottom part I'll just put in blue here really well and the reason why I want to focus on this just for half a second here is because this is the
most natural thing for you to do so when the customers somewhere in here says thank you to you that's when you ask them cuz they're in a state of gratitude and you say I really appreciate thanks for sharing that you wouldn't happen to know one or two people who could use our services in content creation social media management or marketing would you and then they're like oh yes I do I says well don't worry I'm not going to ask you for that information now but if you were to think of something who who did who
came to your mind and they might say say Bob and Mary you're right great it's like would you mind would it be too much for me to ask you if you could U mention my name and tell them your experiences with us and then I'd love to follow up with you in a week it it doesn't have to be more complicated than that so I'm getting this straight from exactly what to say Phil Jones book I read it recently so it's very fresh in my mind how just to ask for referrals a new business if
you could just do that when they say thank you when they are appreciative they're at an emotionally High State highest state of gratitude and we'd like to reciprocate so if you were to literally I say hey Chris you look really tight right now you want a backrub I'm like dude that'd be awesome you give me back R I'm like Chris Franklin thanks so much like hey would it be horrible for you know would it be horrible if I could run a business Problem by you right now and I'm in that state right now I'm like
of course you just gave me a backrub for no reason now I know there's a reason that's what you want to ask you want to ask me 3 weeks later after like I got the knots again you're like yo bro how about a free business coaching session I'm like I'm a little busy right now I wouldn't say that to you but most people i' say that too because we have a relationship right so when they say thank you we don't ask them a couple of no questions questions are the negative because people are it's much
easier for them to say no than it is to say yes we know when we say yes we're giving up control to someone and we don't like that when we say no and this is a Chris Vos concept we're in control or we have the perception of control which is very important so you would happen to know someone so it's a negative question would you right so it's we just say would it be crazy no it wouldn't be crazy right would it be horrible of me to follow up with you in a week no so
there are a bunch of no questions you can ask so then what you do is in a week you put on your calendar you call them up and and Phil Jones says this begin the conversation like this I bet that you haven't made that call yet and that's like oh you're right I didn't no problem do you think you can do it soon like no no you know what it's my bad I gave you my word I was going to do this you're an awesome person I'm gon to take care of it for you right
now fantastic that's when you can follow up okay so that's a whole sequence if you like that read Phil Jones book exactly what to say there's a whole chapter on how to ask for referral and and in that sequence I'm chaining a bunch of different things that he teaches in the book he actually puts it all together so the principles are there then he gives you the example okay so if we can just do this you can fill the pipe up again and you just go through this process over and over again and you'll do
just fine this other stuff is much harder to do it's the things that designers do not like to do so you know we'll we'll figure out that kind of stuff okay so you are now like Panic state I'm I'm going to show you panicking it's like okay that's you like oh my God I have to do sales I don't have new sales what the heck okay and you try for the for the I guess more more than 6 months and you can't replace this client right what is the challenge there it it was more of
where to even start okay cuz we don't know right yeah okay I don't necessarily 100% do I don't at all do cold calls yeah I just I I just know I've I've usually been relationship Leed um there's always been some kind of foundation um some kind of relationship as an opportunity it's almost like the doors open and you just walked in okay so have you read her 's book $100 million offers or $100 million leads I have not okay cool I will tell you what you need to know in a nutshell okay he calls it
the core four so in the course of our conversation I'm going to make references to a bunch of things we'll include them in the notes so just kind of pay attention to that okay so there's there's cold I'm going to draw a little ice cube here that's an ice cube everybody and then there's there's warm okay so when you do cold there's literally um advertising CU I don't know my audience I'm going to run ads and I can also purchase lists and if I can acquire list for target market and then I can just literally
call cold email cold DM so it's it's called cold Outreach and this is going to be the most difficult thing to do for Creative people because this this feels like door to- door salesman time okay well if there's cold Outreach and there must be warm Outreach warm Outreach and I'll tell you what that means in a second um it's like there there is like um a familiarity with you somehow yes right a friend uh somebody in town a friend of a friend there's some kind of way that they know about you so it doesn't feel
so awkward to talk to them that's what I spend most of my time probably right so how does someone who doesn't know you become aware of you so that it becomes easier for you to reach out for I I always look through everything to like a YouTube lens but it's just making them more aware of who I am and what I do how you know how do you know me oh yeah that's fair it's it's it's putting in the effort and like reaching out like reaching out almost no because if you reach out then it's
already warm Outreach it's Outreach how did you find out me before you knew about me our research like we we research and I we I met through we met through Mo researching what you're almost there it's not a trick question I promise you I think Mo already knows how does anybody find out about anybody these days that's very it was it was literally I'll give you a letter it begins with the letter c and it rhymes with moment what so we com comment no no no you're so you're so close what is you know what
I love about this you know I love this I'm not in this SE right now I love this and I'm like I'm the YouTube I'm the YouTube audience in the background like is it is it compliment no we're getting we're getting there I'm not this is not an act at [Laughter] all C rise with moment or's something with tent in it you just got out of jail you're an ex convict convict no there going to be rewinding on this video it's not it's not who cuts this Dead face emoji Dead face emoji not the SM
good you guys thinking this is a scripting it's not scripting I I am all right I'm going to help you all right appreciate you going to phone a friend phone a friend phone a friend content that content B that thing I do so obvious that you don't know it's like literally in your blind spot you're like who's married no me see I started off with the I make YouTube content YouTube you were dancing around it and then I just looped around the wrong way you're so on it okay now this is the most natural thing
and we we have all these great platforms to get our content out so when we look at it is like there's people who don't know who you are they're unaware they find out about you through your content if it's not through some other version right or referrals and other kinds of things but these are the four things that we can focus on okay okay and what we're trying to do is we're trying to generate leads and Alex def finds leads in a very simple way somebody that you can get in touch with that's it so
if you can get with them they're not a lead so all the people watch our YouTube channel we can't really get in touch with them because I don't have their personal information right I suppose I can try to DM them somehow but that's a phone guys okay um or SMS so if we can get in touch with them we're good so we can email them we can call them we can see them in person let me let me try and draw a person's face here right then we know that we can get in touch with
them okay this is perfect so we know we need to do something here and the way that we can create leads and we're going to simplify this is we need to do one of three things Mo you read the book right offers I've read I haven't read leads yet okay that's all right I'm going to help you out there's like three things that we can do if I remember things correctly okay number one is we can highlight the problem when somebody knows their problem it agitates the pain they desire the solution more okay so if
you talk about uh something I didn't know about so for example uh there's all this bacteria and junk that's living inside your kitchen sink in your drain and I didn't know about it you educate me on like the these kinds of like health issues and people getting sick now I desire a solution for a problem I didn't know then I'm going to go and figure out like I need to like run some kind of chemical or do it naturally somehow with disinfectants I can keep my family my kids safe so you just highlight the problem
let me know what the problem is that's important the next one is you can give them a sample okay so let's say that you have like eight things that you do to make Banger videos let's just call it like that right if you give them steps one and two for free that's a sample this is also kind of known as the Costco model okay those endc caps when you walk in the grocery store they give you a little something and something you didn't even know you wanted and cuz it's free this is awesome right and
there's this is also known as like the freemum model so there's the software and apps market is filled with this kind of stuff because we want to take the risk away from you give you a trial of something and you love what it is that you try and then that way you're like okay I want something but we get back to another idea in in his book influence the psychology of persuasion Dr cini talks about this this say law of reciprocity mhm you know what reciproc right it's like you you give something you get something
you give you get it works so when you get a free sample or a free massage I feel all of a sudden indebted to you such that I want to kind of act you know like uh return the favor so to speak so I noticed something I went to get a car wash that I overpaid for I'll be honest and the the guy told me about all the things he had to fix when he was like detailing my car and I noticed for the first time ever cuz this is a very personal service he included
several microfiber cloths inside my car for me to use and I was like that's pretty cool that wasn't expected and so when I was like I need to give a tip now and how much of it already cost me too much to wash my car the first place and now I have to reciprocate right so heroi talks about this too that restaurants are doing this as well and it's not like cuz you're special good-looking or they like you or anything like that at the end of your meal they're like oh this is on the house
it's in a little like a little Savory or or a sweet thing to kind of freshen your palette you're like fudge and they always do this right before they give you the bill that's very true and this has proven to increase the tip amount by quite a bit this is why they do these things okay and even though we know they're doing this thing we can't help it because this is how the fabric of our society is glued together because our we look out for our neighbors I look out for you you look out for
me so we're going to tap into reciprocity okay so there's a lot of things a sample and there's a last thing it's called the LW aversion bias if I have something in a premium model and it expires in 30 days even though I don't love it I'm like oh I need this I'm going to just do this here's another example this is the last example I want to give so that people can understand there's lots of ways to apply this model in whatever business that you're in okay um uh you notice like uh you'll get
articles sent to you from whatever publication you like or right now I'm reading a lot of business of fashion so every 20th article is free Harvard Business Review does something like this all basically every news Outlet does this where they send you a bunch of headlines and headlines are written really well because I want to read the article and I go and they they allow me to read a certain part and it blocks it they keep doing this and eventually make fudge I'll just pay you the 30 bucks a month or 30 bucks a year
so I can continue reading this I got enough and and chances are after you pay you don't even read it at all it was so intriguing to you so these are things that you want to think about so in your business how can you give a sample okay this is a rhetorical question I don't want you to answer it right now the last thing that you do is you give a tool a tool almost implies a digital thing that's very scalable um it could be a calculator it could be a script generator it could be
um a diagnostic tool that you create that analyzes people's videos and points out four things they they didn't do well okay a tool can also be uh in the form of a quiz and where we're partners and friends with score app let me just write that up here Link in the description below okay score app it allows you to create a quiz do you remember like in it's it's height BuzzFeed yeah they would say oh you know what Game of Thrones character are you and you're like or what house are you most aligned with and
they would ask you all these kinds of questions and then it would give you a piece of information that's a tool and those are fun we did those right and then they gave you tools to share that on social media I'm like I'm house landerer because I'm I'm a dag and all I care about his money you know or something like that they would do that um and what you can do is create a quiz using something like score app I don't care about the app that you use but that's what I recommend where at
the end of it they get a resource or they get information like this is where we think you're broken in terms of like why your videos aren't effectively communicating and generating sales for you so these are all things that you can do so basically I've tried my best to sum up most of what you're going to read in $100 million leads I'll write that up here $100 million leads by her Moi I do recommend that you buy books of things that ideas that you like cuz we want to support authors and their Endeavors so they
can write more okay so when you don't know where to start you call Uncle Chris first of all if you have a relationship with me and I I help you with these kinds of things or you join a community like the future progroup this these are things we talk about all the time how to generate leads so when you have leads then you have to learn how to do the sales part the hand toand stuff that you've seen me do that dance with Mo and others uh all the time so they're interested you've created the
interest now they want to sign up but if you do this really well it's going to lead to the next thing which is what is your offer okay so now we have somebody live on the line and we need to them give them an offer I'm going to pause here because giving them an offer requires me to explain a whole bunch of other things I want to teach you a little bit about what else you could be doing from a Content point of view that can generate leads for you so that your pipe starts to
get full on the top we know there's this thing it trickles down there's something called attrition so if 100 people are are activated because of some marketing campaigns that you did only so many of them are qualified prospects let's say 10% that number sounds High to me but and then the 10 10% 10 Prospects from 100 I guess I will um switch colors here so if you have say a 100 leads 10 may move down to this place that are qualified prospects who have a problem that you can solve who have the money and there's
urgency behind the request someone is not a prospect to me if their timeline is so far out that it's three years later it's like I might not even be here in three years okay and of those you you're going to onboard and you might close at 50% so that means five of them are going to go into the bidding closing process right and then then you go through delivery at that point so now we know if we work backwards from our conversion rate and our uh our leads to to prospects then you know how many
people you need to reach out on a regular basis so the way I like to look at this is on a monthly basis how many leads do you need to generate so leads so it's a question of how many X leads multiplied by um some kind of conversion to prospects right and then there's then um multiplied by the percentage that in which you hope to convert if I were to put a live lead in front of you that has the money who desires the solution that you create in a timeline some urgency what is your
close rate do you know I don't okay it's okay what would you guess it to be how good are you at closing new clients one out of two one out of four those who those who find me because it's usually a warm out reach and it's usually either warm out reach or content it's traditionally pretty high because they've sought me out it's like a layup for you that yeah because they sought me out for the content that I put out okay so let's say 75% yeah that's right very good number Okay so so we now
know that warm referrals and people are familiar with what you do convert a much higher rate than some person you're cold calling that those are the most difficult your your percentage might drop down to 10% right and that means that you have to generate so much so we understand there's something called attrition right and as they go down this is why the the the triangle or the funnel is designed this way because it get smaller and smaller conceptually makes sense it's a framework that people use all the time to show you that it's a winwing
down process okay now you can say okay what kind of content are you going to create because the content in in this scenario is king or queen is royalty so the more content that's aligned with what you do that either touches on one of these three things for all three at the same time because you can give a piece of content that has a problem here's a free sample a PDF downloadable something that I provide and then take this quiz to see if we're a good fit you can actually run it all through one thing
if you want to right okay so right now what we need to do is we have to put on our teacher hat and think about how to educate our prospects or our leads into understanding that they have a problem that we'd like to solve okay so now we get into offer design a little bit so what is um a pain point that your your um Prospect have that we could possibly solve so we can get into I think more of the emotional pain and one of the things that we can think about and I just
learned about this from talking to Noah Kagan who runs appsumo he's the CEO of appsumo he's got a new book out called million dooll weekends okay he gave me this really cool prompt which is what kinds of things are they avoiding that's good it's a really good one that's good yeah it's like I talked to him for an hour and a half like I need to share this to my community what are they trying to avoid and I'll tell you something right now what is the prospect trying to avoid yes your prospect what are they
trying to avoid right now they're trying to avoid negative outcomes they're trying to avoid some things there's already Financial emotional professional personal pain attached to things that we're trying to avoid okay and people are not unlike ourselves so we try to like use a little bit of what we know map it on to them use a little bit of empathy and use our imagination creativity we can think through this and I'll give you an example what I mean okay you shoot produce and edit videos for people right is that something I'm trying to avoid not
necessarily not necessarily that's the problem with people who sell video okay this is really important and it's going to help out a lot of people right now the Smart Ones if you're not smart go and comment that you don't understand this and if you're smart light bulets will be firing off in your head right now okay check this out this is pretty much the problem with anyone who provides a creative service okay and I'm going to draw draw a camera here um I think it looks like this okay this is what a traditional film camera
looks like are we trying to avoid shooting video not really not really and video is one tool like are we trying to avoid becoming a photographer I don't think so either okay now let's make it easier for us cuz you're not a photographer are you no okay good it's it'll be much easier for us to see industries that we know nothing about okay if you're a photographer and you want to sell photographic services like say at an event or something either a speaking event or uh like let's say speaking event this is good because speaking
events come up all the time right whereas weddings hopefully not people are not getting remarried all the time but I mean you might you might get married two or three times but you might be at an event three times a month so let's focus on events Okay so if you run an event or you speak at an event what kinds of things am I trying to avoid if I'm a photographer I'm trying to look into that world what kinds of things am I trying to avoid let's just spitball some ideas and I'll show you how
I'm just freestyling everybody sometimes people think these things are scripted why am I so angry what is the person who's hosting the event trying to avoid so you're an event organizer okay okay or you're a public speaker what kinds of things are you trying to avoid looking cheap okay you it want look cheap you want everything this I think this is a great exercise because I just want to share what my head went through when you asked this question I immediately went to what are they trying to avoid as it relates to photography you're saying
what are they trying to avoid as it pertains to their business in general correct yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're just going to go through a list uh we can automatically connect it through that lens but we don't need to attendees having a bad time okay uh a poor experience yeah um low ticket sales yeah uh lame speakers well you know a lot about this oh yeah bad speakers I'm not I'm saying you're a bad speaker but you're involved with events so you know uh the food is bad okay we'll just put this under the
umbrella exp um there's a lot that goes under poor experience though like the the organization we've talked about this a lot Chris like the actual organization of how the event has run like there's not enough value people get huh curriculum yeah the curriculum is not is not deep enough I hope I spelled this correctly internet thinks they're always so smart when I misspell things what else it's not I guess it's not making money from it truthfully for me okay um true yeah L low ticket sales so they're trying to avoid losing money is there things
that they know they need to do but they don't want to do usually when I use the word avoidance like for example they don't want to I mean they the organizer let me give you a clue okay you and the rest of the world can't see all the camera equipment I have I have a lot of equipment I have more equipment than a normal person should have okay but all that equipment ain't working together set up so why didn't I set it up because I'm trying to I'm avoiding that cuz it's technical it's like I
want to do my work right so those are the kinds of things we going tap into like those are simple things that someone can solve that if somebody were to put their energies and efforts behind it like I should have a three camera setup that's automatically tied to a a macro kind of um touchpad that just fires off things right I should have that I should have a camera that focused on me wherever I want to be for me to be able to walk around the studio and still speak to people so not tied to
a chair right so those kinds of things I'm trying to avoid as a content creator so we get back to someone who's a speaker or event organizer what are they trying to to avoid what avoidance what what do they know they need to do but are just kind of like H I just don't want to deal with this right now yeah it's it's one is even think about the photography aspect is capture the event but they would have to buy a camera they would have to become familiar with it and learn the gear yeah that's
true if they I mean if we're talking like from scratch like set up the stage set up the lights set up the audio set up the soundboard uh set up the seating area okay so now I want you to put on your different thinking cap CU I'm running out of space here we would go through this exercise we start to map things out but now try to think of it like your photographer what can you do okay that they're they're trying to avoid here well I'm going to help you out here okay cuz running out
of time too um they would help uh they need testimonials don't they yes and it's kind of like oh I'm busy running around and I think in order to prevent um we're going to combine a couple of problems together here and and I'll show you how how to do this okay um they want High ticket sales right so ticket sales are important they want a good experience they want it to not look cheap and not to lose money to capture the event and there's they're almost all related what would they need to do in order
to do this okay so what do they need not what you do what do they need to prevent some of this stuff they need marketing materials yep yep okay they need to be able to have attendees s on share on social media yep they want to avoid people taking pictures with their iPhone instead they can have a professional photographer to shoot people and set up stepping repeats right so that they can stand there and it's a branded thing you guys know what step and repeat is okay so there's like backdrop so so the event feels
branded and in case there are famous people speaking they can set these things up and you've been a part of this where people feel like oh God I got to get my photo it's my opportunity so what they're doing is they're helping people achieve status through proximity like I was in EV event I took a picture of Tony Hawk I took a picture with Grant Cardone I took a picture with Gary vaynerchuk and that means something to people okay so if you say let's go back to us right now and I'll probably end it here
if you say hey I take photos do you want to buy photos no you want to abouty the convenience of it all no nobody cares yeah no no I I can my own photos cuz you're not tying your solution to a problem or a paino they feel so you can say hey I shoot videos and I edit them do you need videos not really we're okay but if you say how is your marketing going are you generating enough sales for your next event do you think having assets to Shar during before and after would help
you in your Endeavor to sell more tickets and create a more premium experience for people they're great how do I do that well let me tell you package that does a b c d that translates to X yeah that's how you would do it you have to tap into the things you're trying to avoid because that's super direct I have people in my DMs all the time trying to sell me something like hey you want to do this you want to do this no I don't want to do that because they haven't understood that I'm
trying to avoid this other thing the reason why we contract out our social media content editing and production is because I'm trying to avoid not doing that yeah right I'm trying to avoid not managing a whole internal team who doesn't specialize in doing this who isn't up on the latest trends right I'm trying to avoid and this is going to be very helpful for you to have overhead uh liability insurance uh workers compensation I'm trying to avoid all that stuff those are all kinds of problems I'm trying to avoid so people are really smart will
ask you do you produce lots of videos yes how do you do this currently I do it in house what does that cost you on an annual basis they're well I pay this what about insurance what about bonuses what about vacation time off sick leave maternity leave you go through all that stuff workers come what happens when they're not up to speed oh you have to pay for them to train what if I could take that away from you give you exactly what you want more of what you need for a price that's super palatable
on an atwi basis on a month-to-month basis is that something that would interest you they're not having the right conversation the destination is exactly the same but how you get there changes everything mhm right I'll give you an example as a visual metaphor okay if we had to go from one town to like another town like say from Tokyo to Kyoto you can take a speed train and I put you in a sensory deprivation chamber for the time it takes let's say takes an hour and a half you would go bananas you would arrive all
the same but what if when you got in a train I put you in a premium suite you can recline someone comes and ask you what do you want to eat it's all inclusive you get to look at the window you see Mount Fuji and you're like experiencing all of this journey the destination changes for you your memories change and and if you just say I'm going to sell you a ticket to get from Tokyo to Kyoto right you're selling the wrong thing right that's good you're trying to create a memory and an experience to
touch into what I really want I'll get there nevertheless but that's how you can sell it so I hope I was able to answer this question Chris I know it's a lot for you to process yeah no this is fantastic this is this is I I've only as of like last week I had two or three meetings with clients and we switched our positioning around as from being the guys who we do high quality video and one of the most recent clients that Mo was helping me coaching me through for like the last month to
land it was positioning ourselves as they don't have a video team they want to do video but they were like we're going to have to hire like 4 Five Guys this is that and that I was like well what if you could have access to you know literally the 100 grand gear that we have the production Dame that we have the things that we do um and and basically pay one employee and so this is this is helpful because this helps me lean into that even harder and be the person who truly sales the solution
while emphasizing their problems CU that's what I don't do I don't emphasize the pain points um and I and that that's probably a lot help that's very helpful especially with warm out reads and people people who enjoy the content and it's even helpful for code Outreach because going into it the discovery meeting feels more just like do you have a problem whether than me trying to just sell you video yeah I think you're trying to tap into what it is that I want what motivates me and then it's almost like you're just thinking about what
could the solution be oh by the way I I do this and it seems pretty much aligned so it's like we're listening to the clients problems we're trying to understand it and we're communicating to them on things that they care about and then it won't feel so much like it's a a predetermined destination right and that's a really important thing but I do have a question just to contextualize the problem sample tool Chris he he hasn't said it he mentioned it kind of in passing but he has a very successful YouTube channel with almost 30,000
followers on there or 30,000 subscribers do you recommend Chris that problem and Sample and Tool could actually be the the the context of the content that he makes like that become the material that he that he talks about you're asking a really good question and I was ready to tee it up so I gave you guys a 30,000 foot view to answer the biggest question which is I don't even know what I'm doing here so now you have a lot of things to think about and I think in the next episode we'll try to record
this so that we can talk about what is the content that you can create that's going to be aligned with the solutions that you create so that new leads are aware of the problem a sample what it is that you do and you can create a tool or resource for them so that they're right into your funnel I just gave you an example of how to generate leads by highlighting the problem the sample and Tool and to get super meta about it this is a sample of things that we do all the time in the
future PR group and the future PR group is run by me it's their their bi-weekly coaching calls and we also have subject matter experts to help round out the skill set so when you need help with a specific problem you're going to get it what we're doing as a deliberate effort this year 2024 is to focus on lead generation specifically via Hot Seat coaching you bring what you're doing you present it to me and the entire group often times there are 70 or 880 people on a call I don't always have the answer somebody super
smart will be in there and they'll help you and this is community- based learning accountability and really focus on what you need if you found this video to be valuable if you got some insight some light bulbs popped off I'm going to strongly encourage you to check the link in the description below it's going to tell you what the future Pro group is about in Greater detail and you have an opportunity to book a call with someone to make sure it's a good fit for you that's going to give you a little bit of the
tool and the sample and then we've just highlighted some of the problems that's it see you guys next time
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