Complete Story of Simon Peter the Apostle of Jesus Christ | Incredible Stories From Birth to Death

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Quoracles Digital Gospel
The Complete Story of Apostle Peter from birth to death. You think you know the life of Apostle Pete...
Video Transcript:
from birth to death the complete story of apostle Peter why do you hate Peter so much because his claims are ridiculous the life of apostle Peter was one of intrigue and transformation Peter born Simon the son of Jonah started life in the backdrop of the Galilean sea in Betha a bustling fishing Village intersec Jewish and Gentile territories Simon lived a life of obscurity and anonymity in this Roman Outpost by the Sea of Galilee however all that would change when he met a man whose message he would latter dedicate his life to spreading around the year
30 CE Simon's name and value would change but not so much by the work of his hands but by his connection to the man who would later redeem the world about 3 years after the birth of Jesus to the virginy Mary Simon who later become his Rock was born to a simple peasant named Jonah and his wife like most Jewish babies born at the time there was no expectation for this child Beyond a life of peasantry and subsistence under the iron rule of the Roman Empire when Simon was born around 1 BCE it was into
a world of frenetic political and religious tension which was to shape his character and life profoundly Simon was by no means docel he was highly temperamental raised in a culture dominated by fishing and trade Simon adopted a robust and assertive demeanor from an early age necessary for survival in his world when Simon was still a boy his father Jonah started an informal fishing partnership with zebede zebede is related to the woman who would later become Simon's wife zebede was also the father of Simon's close friend John another prominent disciple of Jesus Jesus these relationship shows
the interconnected nature of their Community the fishing industry in Betha was not a smallscale operation it was an important industry under heavy Roman control and Taxation fishermen like Simon were viewed with suspicion and often categorized as unsavory around the age of 25 Simon married a woman from his hometown to meet the demands of the Roman fishing industry he reloc ated with his wife and children to capernium a vibrant Port Town it was here around 27 CE that Simon his brother Andrew and their in-laws first encountered the Revolutionary teachings of John the Baptist on the banks
of the Jordan River Simon and many who heard the Baptist found him intriguing but Simon's obligation as a fisherman afforded him little luxury of being taken in by a message with a primary focus on the afterlife his reality was was the present how to survive the harsh truth of the Roman oppression but it was different for Andrew his brother Andrew was deeply moved by John's message and joined the movement leaving Simon and others to manage the fishing business little did Simon know at the time that his lukewarm attitude towards God and religion was about to
be radically transformed the turning point in Simon's life came with the arrival of Jesus of Nazareth one day as Andrew was following John he witnessed the arrival of Jesus who was baptized by John and declared the Lamb of God Andrew was astounded perhaps Andrew recalled Genesis 22 in which The Binding of Isaac foretells the Gospel of Jesus Christ in that story when Isaac asked his father Abraham where is the Lamb for the burnt offering Abraham responded God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering my son son Genesis 227 to8 and now here in
the presence of the world John the Baptist and a foremost prophet of God is declaring this unassuming man to be the Lamb of God no wonder Andrew was stunned so Andrew followed Jesus for a while and listened to his teachings what he heard convinced him that John the Baptist was on to something not longer after Andrew convinced his brother Simon to meet Jesus Simon skeptical at first did not take too long to see Jesus's Divine Authority in action when Jesus first met Simon he was disappointed and downcast with an empty fishing boat after many hours
in the deep sea he was to go home empty-handed The Book of Luke described what happened next when he had finished speaking he said to Simon put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch Simon answered Master we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything but because you say so I will let down the Nets when they had done so they caught such a large number of fish that their Nets began to break so they signaled their Partners in the other boat to come and help them and they came and
filled both boats so full that they began to sink when Simon Peter saw this he fell at jesus' knees and said go away from me Lord I am a sinful man for he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken Luke 5: 4-9 it was not only Simon that recognized the authority of Jesus in that first encounter Jesus also recognized the strength of Simon he invited Simon to follow him and promised to make him fisher of men Simon hesitation was all gone by now he laid down his fishing net
and followed Jesus not long after Jesus will make a major pronouncement on his vision for Simon when Jesus came to the region of cesaria Philippi he asked his disciples who do people say the son of man is they replied some say John the Baptist others say Elijah and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets but what about you he asked who do you say I am Simon Peter answered you are the Messiah the Son of the Living God Jesus replied blessed are you Simon son son of Jonah for this was not revealed to you
by flesh and blood but by my Father in heaven and I tell you that you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it I will give you the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in heaven Matthew 1613 to20 this incident signaled the ascent of of Simon now Peter the rock of Jesus into leadership and prominence but the journey would not be straightforward and easy it will
be full of turbulence and it will require the utmost of perseverance Peter's transformation was profound as he left his fishing business family and security to follow Jesus he was effectively aligning himself with a new Revolution that opposed the oppressive Roman regime as well as the unbending Orthodox Council of the Sanhedrin Peter witnessed and participated in numerous Miracles with Jesus from the wedding at Canaan where water was turned into wine to the healing of his mother-in-law these events solidified his belief in Jesus as the Messiah however Peter's Journey was not without trials and doubts the first
was his experience of a brief but significant crisis of faith during a storm on the Sea of Galilee it happened after the miracle of Jesus feeding the the 5000 Jesus sent Peter and the other disciples ahead in a boat while he remained to pray however later at night the disciples rode into a storm on the Sea of Galilee as they struggled Against the Wind and Waves they see a figure walking towards them on the water terrified they believed it to be a ghost sensing Their Fear Jesus immediately reassured them saying it is I do not
be afraid it was then that Peter asks Jesus saying Lord if it's you tell me to come to you on the water Jesus grants his request and invites him Peter then steps out of the boat and begins to walk on the water towards Jesus however in the middle of the Walk Peter notices the strong wind he becomes frightened quickly begins to sink in the water he cries out to Jesus Lord Save Me Jesus immediately reaches out his hand and catches Peter it is on this occasion Jesus offered the famous word he said to Peter you
of little faith why did you doubt after this incident they then climb into the boat and the wind ceased for Peter this incident was a critical lesson in faith and trust another pivotal moment for Peter in his time with Jesus is his experience of the Transfiguration it happened when one day Jesus Takes Peter James and John to a high mountain often identified as Mount Taber by historians while on the mountain Jesus is transfigured before them his face Shone like the sun and his clothes become as white as light suddenly Moses and Elijah appear and began
to talk with Jesus this symbolizes the law Moses and the prophets Elijah bearing witness to Jesus as the Messiah Peter often impulsive reacts by offering to make three shelters or Tabernacles one for Jesus one for Moses and one for Elijah while Peter is still speaking a bright Cloud envelops them and a voice from the cloud says this is my son whom I love with him I am well pleased listen to him the disciples are terrified and fall face down to the ground afterward Jesus comes to them touches them and tells them not to be afraid
as they look up they see no one except Jesus he instructs them not to tell anyone what they have seen until after his resurrection from the dead there are many reason for this instruction however the main reason is because Jesus had not finished preparing the disciples for what would follow after the Revelation despite these profound experiences Peter's understanding of Jesus mission was still evolving he struggled to reconcile his expectations of a liberating Messiah with Jesus's predictions of suffering and death one day towards the end of his Earthly Ministry Jesus begins to explain to his disciples
that he must go to Jerusalem suffer many things at the hands of the elders Chief priests and teachers of the law and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life Peter taken aback by this Revel takes Jesus aside and begins to say to him saying never Lord this shall never happen to you then Jesus turns to Peter and says Get Behind Me Satan you are a stumbling block to me you do not have in mind the concerns of God but merely human concerns now it is important to note that
Jesus was speaking to whatever Spirit was instigating Peter to say those words Jesus knows that Peter was no Satan Peter's reaction was out of love and concern concern for Jesus but it was also based on a misunderstanding of Jesus's mission and the nature of his kingdom the climax of Peter's discipleship came during the Last Supper the last meal Jesus shared with his 12 disciples Jesus announces that one of them will betray him this creates a sense of unease and questioning among the disciples then Peter felt the need to assert his unwavering loyalty to Jesus he
told Jesus that he would never betray or deny him even if it means death for him in response Jesus tells Peter that before the rooster crows the next morning Peter will deny knowing him three times not long after Jesus was arrested the incident occurs in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus went to pray after the Last Supper Judas es scariot one of the disciples arrives with a Detachment of soldiers and officials from the chief priests and Pharisees to arrest Jesus again giving in to his impulsivity as the soldiers move to arrest Jesus Peter takes a
sword and Strikes the high priest's servant by the name of malchus cutting off his right ear Jesus immediately rebukes Peter telling him to put away his sword it was here he uttered the profoundly revealing statement all those who draw the sword will die by the sword Jesus then touches the servant's ear and heals him demonstrating his commitment to nonviolence and compassion even in the face of betrayal and arrest that same night Peter along with other disciples followed Jesus at a distance as he is taken to the high priest's house for trial while in the courtyard
of the high priest a servant girl recognizes Peter as one of Jesus followers and said so to him Peter however denies it saying I don't know him this happened on two other occasions and Peter had similar response immediately after the third denial a rooster crows fulfilling what Jesus had predicted at the Last Supper this realization strikes Peter profoundly as he remembers Jesus words struck by guilt and sorrow Peter leaves the scene weeping bitterly we do not know where Peter was when Jesus was on the cross after the incident of Peter denying Jesus the gospels do
not mention him again until after the resurrection of Jesus this suggests that like most of the other disciples he may have been in hiding for fear of being arrested or persecuted for his association with Jesus while this may seem cowardice but this period was a period of extreme fear confusion and despair for the disciples who were grappling with the arrest and crucifixion of their leader 3 days after Jesus was crucified and buried Mary Magdalene and the other women went to the tomb early in the morning to anoint anint his body but found the stone door
rolled away from the tomb and the body of Jesus missing Jesus later appeared to Mary Magdalene and instructs her to tell the Disciples of his Resurrection Mary did as she was instructed upon hearing the news Peter accompanied by John runs to the tomb to see for himself but Jesus was not there later Jesus appears to the disciples including Peter on various occasions one significant encounter took place by by the Sea of Galilee Peter and several other disciples had gone fishing overnight but caught nothing at dawn Jesus stood on the shore of the sea at first
the disciples did not recognize him then Jesus spoke to them he told them to cast their net on the right side of the boat this resulted in a large catch of fish the disciples were stunned it was at this moment that John recognized Jesus he then told Peter saying it is the Lord upon hearing this Peter in his characteristic impulsive manner wrapped his outer garment around him and jumped into the water to swim to shore while the others followed in the boat once on Shore they found Jesus with a fire of burning coals with fish
on it and some bread Jesus invited them to bring some of the fish they had caught and then gave them bread and fish to eat this was one of the post-resurrection appearances where Jesus shared a meal with his disciples after they had finished eating Jesus had a significant conversation with Peter he asked Peter three times Simon son of John do you love me each time Peter affirmed his love and Jesus responded with a command feed my Lambs take care of my sheep and feed my sheep this conversation highlights the forgiveness and restoration of Peter and
sets the stage for his leadership role in the early Christian church after his resurrection Jesus appeared to his disciples including Peter over a period of 40 days in one of these appearances he gathered them together and gave his final instructions he told them to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit he also commissioned them to be his Witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the Earth after giving these instructions Peter and the other disciples watched in awe as Jesus was taken up before their
very eyes eyes a cloud hid him from their sight as he ascended into heaven while they were gazing upward two angels dressed in white appeared beside them and asked men of Galilee why do you stand here looking into the sky this same Jesus who has been taken from you into heaven will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven following this Peter returned to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives as instructed by Jesus there they joined together in prayer and preparation awaiting the coming of the Holy Spirit marking the beginning
of his leadership of the early Christian church after Jesus Ascension the disciples including Peter returned to Jerusalem and gathered in an upper room they were United in prayer as they awaited the Holy Spirit not long after suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the entire house and then what appeared to be tongues of fire rested on each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit which enabled them to speak in different languages afterward Peter stood to address the faithful he delivered a powerful sermon explaining
that what they were witnessing was the Fulfillment of God's promise and prophecy he spoke of Jesus life death and Resurrection declaring him to be both Lord and Christ that day about 3,000 people accepted his message and were baptized this marked the birth of the early Christian Church Silver and Gold Have I None but such as I have give I Thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk the complete story of apostle Peter after the Ascension of Jesus the story of Jesus's Ministry on Earth cannot be complete without the mention of
Simon who l became Peter after the Ascension of Jesus the role of the leader and nurturer of the early church fell on Peter Peter's many stumbles notwithstanding after his leadership began he was exemplary and steadfast in his commitment to spreading the message of Salvation with which he was tasked by Jesus one of Peter's first acts of leadership was to fill the vacant position of Judas es scariot who committed suicide after infamous ly betraying Jesus Christ as reported in Acts 1:13 to 26 Peter took the lead in selecting Maas as the 12th Apostle early in his
ministry Peter performed a miracle at the temple called beautiful that put him on notice among the Jewish leadership as acts 3: 1:10 reports Peter and John were going to the temple for prayer when they encountered a man lame from birth who was being carried to the Temple Gate called beautiful where he would beg daily on seeing the apostles the man asked Peter and John for money Peter instead of giving money said to him silver or gold I do not have but what I do have I give you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
walk Peter then took the man by the hand and helped him up instantly the man's feet and ankles became strong and he jumped up began to walk and then enter entered the temple courts with them walking jumping and praising God this miracle caused Great amazement among the people in the temple area providing Peter with an opportunity to preach about Jesus Christ and his resurrection at Solomon's porch hearing the teachings of Peter and John the priests the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees were greatly Disturbed Peter and John were arrested and put in jail
until the next day as it was evening the next day Peter and John were brought to be questioned by the high priest about their actions specifically they wanted to know by what power or name they had healed the lame man filled with the Holy Spirit Peter fearlessly addressed the Sanhedrin he declared that the healing was done in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom they had crucified but whom God raised from the dead Peter asserted that salvation is found in no one else but Jesus these were the last things the council wanted to hear
but the Sanhedrin seeing the healed man the evidence of God's power in action standing with them could not really say or do much in opposition they could not deny the miracle but they wanted to stop the spread of the Apostles teaching they decided to command Peter and John not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus however Peter and John replied that they must obey God rather than human beings and that they could not help but speak about what they had seen and heard after further threats the Sanhedrin released them as they
could not decide on a punishment largely due to the presence of the crowd that witnessed the miracle Peter was Central in decision- making teaching and the administration of the early church one of such was dealing with ananas and saf Acts 5: 1-1 ananas and saf a married couple in the early Christian Community sold a piece of property instead of contributing the full sale price to the community as was the custom among the Believers they conspired to withhold part of the money while pretending to donate the entire amount ananas presented a portion of the money to
the apostles however Peter Guided by Divine Insight confronted ananas about why he had lied to the Holy Spirit and kept back part of the money Peter explained that while the property was theirs they were not compelled to sell it or donate the proceeds the deceit was not against humans but against God upon hearing Peter's words ananas fell down abruptly and died about 3 hours later unaware of what had happened to her husband saf came in Peter questioned her about the amount of money giving her a chance to be truthful however she told the same lie
Peter then told her that she had tested the spirit of the Lord and that the men who had buried her husband were at the door and she would be carried out as well immediately she fell down at his feet and died she was buried alongside her husband great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events not long after Peter and the apostles again caught the attention of the Jewish leadership where wored over the apostles growing influence the high priest ordered the arrest of Peter and the other Apostles they were put in
jail intended to be held for trial however during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and instructed them to go to the temple courts and continue teaching the apostles obeyed when the high priest and his associates convened the Sanhedrin and sent for the apostles in jail they discovered the apostles were gone they were later found teaching in the temple they were brought back and the high priest questioned them reminding them of the previous orders not to teach in jesus' name Peter and the apostles replied we must obey God rather
than human beings the Sanhedrin Furious wanted to put them to death right there and then but they were counseled by gel a respected Pharisee and teacher of the law to be cautious gel advised them to let the apostles go suggesting ing that if their work was from God it could not be stopped the Sanhedrin took gal's advice but not before having the apostles fogged after the fogging they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus and then released them Peter and the apostles left the Sanhedrin rejoicing and counted themselves worthy of suffering for
the name of Jesus they continued to teach and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ shortly after Peter had a strange encounter cter with a sorcerer named Simon Simon was a sorcerer in Samaria who had amazed the people with his magic he became a Believer and was baptized when Philip preached the gospel in Samaria Simon followed Phillip observing the signs and miracles performed when Peter and John arrived Samaria they prayed for the new Believers to receive the Holy Spirit immediately the Believers received the Holy Spirit upon seeing this Simon offered the apostles money asking to
buy this power so that he too could lay hands on others to receive the Holy Spirit taken aback Peter rebuked Simon sharply telling him that his heart was not right before God and that he could not buy the gift of God with money Peter is now ready to face another important test that would have implications for all Gentile Christians Cornelius a centurion and a devout man in cesaria saw an angel in a vision telling in him to send for Peter who was staying in japa at the time however while cornelius's Messengers were on Route Peter
had a vision he saw the sky open and something like a large sheet being let down to earth containing all kinds of animals reptiles and birds a voice told him get up Peter kill and eat Peter a Jew objected because the animals were unclean according to Jewish law The Voice replied do not call anything impure that God has made clean this happened three times and then the sheet was taken back to Heaven while Peter was pondering the vision the spirit told him that cornelius's Messengers were looking for him and that he should go with them
without hesitation Peter met The Messengers and went with them to cornelius's house in cesaria Cornelius had gathered his relatives and close friends to meet Peter Peter explained that it was against Jewish law for a Jew to associate with Gentiles but that God had shown him he should not call anyone impure or unclean Peter shared the gospel with them explaining that God accepts people from every nation who fear Him and do what is right he spoke of Jesus Christ's Ministry death and Resurrection while Peter was speaking the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message
the Jewish Believers with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles Peter then ordered that Cornelius and his household be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ they were the first Gentile converts to Christianity Peter and the apostles hardly had any respit soon enough he was facing arrest again this time from King Harold himself King Herod Agrippa had begun persecuting members of the early church he had James the brother of John executed and and seeing this pleased the Jewish leaders he proceeded to arrest Peter as
well during the Festival of unleavened bread Peter was imprisoned and guarded by four squads of Four soldiers each Herod intended to bring him to trial after the Passover seeing their leader arrested the church embarked on prayers on behalf of Peter on the night before Herod was to bring him to trial Peter was sleeping Between Two Soldiers bound with two chains suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light Shone in the cell the angel struck Peter on the side to wake him up told him to get up quickly and the chains fell off Peter's
wrists the angel instructed Peter to dress and follow him Peter thought he was seeing a vision and didn't realize what was happening they passed two guards came to the Iron Gate leading to the city which opened for them by itself and they went out and walked down a street suddenly the angel left left him once Peter realized what had happened he went to the house of Mary the mother of John Mark where many people had gathered and were praying when Herod found out Peter had escaped he ordered the execution of the guards following the work
of apostle Paul with the Gentiles the early church faced a significant debate about whether Gentile converts to Christianity needed to follow Jewish law particularly circumcision as per Mosaic law the apostles and Elders met in Jerusalem to discuss this issue this Council included key figures like Peter Paul Barnabas and James after much discussion Peter stood up and addressed the assembly he reminded them of the time God chose him to preach the gospel to the Gentiles so that they might hear and believe Peter pointed out that God knew the hearts of the Gentile Believers and had shown
his acceptance by giving them the Holy Spirit just as he had to the Jewish Believers Peter argued against putting a yoke referring to the Mosaic law on the necks of the Gentile Believers which neither the ancestors nor the Jewish Believers had been able to Bear he affirmed the belief that both Jews and Gentiles are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus Peter's speech had a significant influence on the council's decision James who spoke after Peter echoed his sentiments and recommended not to burden Gentile Believers with unnecessary Jewish Customs the council agreed and decided to
write a letter to Gentile Believers emphasizing exstension from idolatry sexual immorality and eating blood or meat of strangled animals but not imposing circumcision or the full Mosaic law Apostle Peter's early work is extensive and is not fully documented although specific details are scarce Peter continued to travel preach and spread the Christian faith some early sources suggest he may have ministered in various regions including Asia Minor Peter also wrote letters or Epistles documenting some of his teachings in the first Epistle of Peter or first Peter he addressed the Exiles scattered throughout pontis galatia capid dohia Asia
and bethenia the book of First Peter offers encouragement and guidance to Christian suffering persecution emphasizing the themes of Hope the enduring word of God and living a holy life amidst trials in The Second Epistle of Peter or second Peter he warns against false teachers and encourages Believers to grow in faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ importantly he emphasized the certainty of Christ's return and the importance of living a Godly life like many of the Apostles Peter was also killed for his service to God according to early Christian tradition Peter was martyred in Rome under Emperor
Nero's Reign around ad. 6468 he is said to have been crucified upside down at his own request feeling unworthy to die in the same manner as Jesus Apostle Peter is widely accepted to be buried in the Vatican Hill where St Peter's Basilica now stands archaeological and historical studies particularly those conducted in the 20th century have supported this belief excavations under St Peter's Basilica in the 19 1940s revealed a necropolis dating back to Roman times within this area a tomb was discovered which many scholars believed to be that of apostle Peter the tomb contained bones that
were later subjected to forensic examination and were found to be those of a robust man in his 60s which aligns with what is known about Peter the Catholic Church views the pope as the successor to St Peter who is considered the first Bishop of Rome leadership of all Christian denominations agrees on how God used Peter to build and shape the Church of Christ Peter's life from a Humble Fisherman to a foundational Apostle of Christianity embodies transformation Faith leadership and Redemption Peter's letters have been integral to Christian doctrine and ethics and his leadership and martyrdom have
been inspirational to generations of Christians thank you for watching this work required detailed analysis of several sections of the Bible however please note that we are not perfect if we have made a mistake please be gentle in your brotherly correction please help us to continue this work by subscribing to our Channel and liking this video God bless you [Music] amen
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