a lot of people are worried about something called the Great reset it was a proposal from the world economic Forum that talked about things like you'll own nothing and you'll be happy talked about renting your appliances and your furniture talked about people living in more tightly knit cities and not moving around as much today I'm going to tell you some places where you can go if that's not the kind of life that you want to live and if you're afraid that the place you live is going to get [Music] worse now I've told you before
that for me I do not share as much concern about this as some other folks I'm not saying that I don't have concerns about heavy-handed government unelected bureaucrats I've been talking about that with my family and now with you for a quarter of a century long before many people were talking about it that the Western countries in particular were heading in the wrong direction that's why I left the United States in part it's why I gave up US citizenship in part I didn't want part of that system and not for entirely the same reasons as
this great recet but I just saw things were going in the wrong direction been talking about it for almost my entire life and yet number one I don't think we want to be miserable our entire lives and know what I'll tell you is from having spent a lot of time in over a hundred countries around the world having lived in quite a number of them and having homes around the world there is a difference between the world you live in in your country and possibly the similar countries that you go on holiday to and what
out what else is out there there and so we're going to go through some of those what else is out there places today and your first reaction might be yeah really I'm going to go there I'm a big believer in having plan BS if I can get second or third or fourth citizenship in another country that may be on the rise in the future if I can move some money to certain countries uh if I can do business in certain countries I want to be Diversified so that if something bad happens I have as many
options as possible because this idea of trying to you know call which place is going to be great and which place isn't going to be great is is futile is trying to call you know when's the top of the stock market so I can sell and buy in at the bottom it's hard to call tops and bottoms and so what you want is you want places where there's positive momentum they may not be the best places now they may not be places that you'd want to live now but if you get access now it's kind
of like moving to Singapore in the 1970s you wouldn't have done that look at the pictures of Singapore from the 1970s and then the 90s and 2000s and then now if you don't have millions to invest in Singapore you can't move there as an investor different story back in the 70s even in the 80s the 90s even the 2000s but eventually we got too good and they don't need people anymore and so these are the places that you might want to get some kind of tow hold in now if you want to learn how to
get tow holds into places go to nomad.com apply we help our clients put together portfolios of second third fourth passports residence permits bank accounts legal advice we've got a network of experts lawyers estate uh agents all kinds of professionals around the world that we work with to do everything Under One Roof so the first place uh is the entire continent of Africa now there's obviously about 54 countries uh in Africa and you have some obviously the C belt and kind of Western basically western Africa in the last couple years has not been a good place
to be uh I'm primarily talking uh about Southern and Eastern Africa and again even in that region not all the states or gems you do have places like Kenya and Rwanda and batswana and Namibia which are some of the standouts uh marous and the SE shells are are standouts not on Continental Africa uh so you've got a number of countries and would you live in Rwanda you know people who are there say it's very clean uh things run there's always somebody just like you see in El Salvador Singapore the UAE oh you know it's a
little heavy-handed that's how you keep it so clean you can't satisfy everybody and I'm sure no place is perfect but there are places in Africa not the entire continent but if you pick at some of the gems like the ones I've mentioned Namibia has a residence program you can go and and you can be a part of U maius has a residence program you can go and be a part of you know other countries are starting to come out with that Egypt uh in North Africa has a citizenship program buy property get a citizenship and
you might say ah and a come on it's less developed again this is not your your necessarily your plan for tomorrow this is a plan for you 10 20 years from now cuz I think that when people start to get upset about stuff like a great reset they start catastrophizing and they act like it's happening tomorrow yes some bad stuff has happened again I've been here telling you for almost uh about 11 years now uh guys worse and worse stuff is going to happen in the west and you know what happened back in 2012 when
I said some of this stuff not maybe exactly but basically the general Trend ah who's this crazy lunatic he wants to go to Cambodia and Malaysia instead of the grapefruited plane of the United States yeah don't regret it uh because you know they you know how they treat me in Malaysia a lot better than they treated me in the United States I'll tell you that and so you have places in Africa there's less infrastructure there's less enforcement and there's also a culture of enforcement if you want to get things done with the government it can
be extraordinarily bureaucratic we had Jim Rogers speak at the last Nomad calist live he rode a bicycle motorbike all over the world including through many African countries some of the hardest visas to get some of the the most you know pain in the butt some of those countries are trying to open that up you're seeing you're hearing kind of regional corridors uh as Africa is trying to push out especially um northern and western Africa they want to push out that that frankophone influence they want to get rid of France I follow a lot of news
from Africa and people have a throw the bums out attitude towards the West look at places like South Africa they are distinctly uh pro- Russia look at a lot of the countries that are now uh diplomatically working with China uh they are saying hey China comes they build us hospitals the US comes they give us a lecture you can agree or not agree in their mind they're doing what's best for their country and uh heaven forbid right you know America First was supposed to mean America First for everybody uh no rwanda's Rwanda first and so
I think the tide is turning away from the West to some extent I think that some of those countries were always very Pro Soviet Union Pro Russia and remain so to this day but you may not agree with that and that's fine I may not agree with that and that's fine but if you want someplace different they are trying to push away from the system that's in the west and I don't think they want anybody lecturing as they start to build a middle class in some of those countries they don't want people coming in lecturing
Nomad Capital live uh our event is in Malaysia again this year and one of their former Prime Ministers basically gave out to the United States and he said you know you guys had the chance to develop now it's our turn and now you guys going to put all your standards on us and stop us from developing because you polluted too much and you did too much of this and you did too much of that leave us alone and I think that's kind of an attitude that's happening from all the news that I read uh in
Africa so if you had a passport you could live there in that particular country I think the African Union which is I think pretty much all the countries in Africa is looking at slowly opening up to allow some sort of perhaps freedom of movement some sort of easier travel there could be greater opportunities now you don't want to get some crazy African passport um but there are some again or even a residence permit you could get that would allow you to have a place to go macius is interesting with their um real estate investment program
there's a possibility to get citizenship it's tax friendly and hey if you're concerned about other stuff happening in the world it's pretty far away from Where the Fur is going to be flying and so I think that uh there are some standouts on the continent uh of Africa and in the Indian Sea that could be interesting also in the South Pacific I was in vanatu a number of years ago this is and I say this in the nicest of ways one of the most disorganized places I have been to look at their citizenship program I
mean that's kind of the citizenship of Last Resort uh now I mean vanuatu's passport has lost Visa free access to the shenen area Europe to the United Kingdom and more recently to Ireland uh I mean it's not a great passport for traveling now if you want a tax-free place where there's basically like I mean like almost no taxes of any kind on anything then having a van watatu passport would let you live in Vana watu they also have a residence program which I feel a little suspicious of where you can allegedly naturalize 10 years from
now but you know this is a place where I'd be careful because you don't want somewhere that's too disorganized where you get caught up in their problems that they create because remember I'm the goody two shoes of the offshore business I like to live an upstanding ethical and legal life and I don't I don't want to get swept into some other some country's uh rubbish but you think in the South Pacific they've got a hard time organizing a lot of stuff down I mean okay fiji's a little bit better perhaps but like solemn Alliance is
better but a place like Vana watu I just think it's like hey you do you and that's uh what you're getting yourself into down there so that's another place you can go Eastern Europe another place you're seeing uh places like Serbia as the European Union gets more heavy-handed uh they push back in Albania if you guys want to have a citizenship program you're out don't plan on coming here now the EU is pushing back on Georgia uh for Visa free travel if they don't make some changes uh the EU is pushing back on the Caribbean
programs it'll be interesting to see the Caribbean passport programs are raising their price to satisfy the EU who told you that passport programs are going to go up in price for years oh I did and I think that places in Eastern Europe there's a culture of don't tell me what to do and with that a begrudging and I won't tell you what to do and that's why I've said go there we've had a number of clients over the last couple years that have gone to Serbia gone to Montenegro couple of us speakers for this year's
Nomad Capital live were in Albania when they interviewed me and they're loving it they're like oh my God you can just feel the freedom um so that region you can feel more freedom it's not perfect but it is a more free existence and I think that's in part because the people just like hey don't tell us what to do oh yeah Western Europe yeah we know what we're say you look at the president of Serbia you don't have to agree with him and everything but you know they go and interview him from the UK news
or the German news and they they really get in his case and he pushes back he's like do you ask these questions to Angela Merkel who's obviously gone now or any of these Western politicians and the answer is no they don't they get really upset with him because he's like listen we do things our way and that's the message I want to get across I think this almost feels like people get a guilty conscience about this like why shouldn't Serbia run its country the way Serbia wants to run its country because okay forget about the
government even forget what they do you can level all kinds of accusations if that's like set that aside the people are the people and that's what's going to drive things forward and I don't think they're going to stand for some of this stuff I've said that for years and I think the government in that case knows it I think and some of the stuff they probably agree we want to be to our own drum you're not going to tell us what to do and so uh hey I mean listen Hungary next door kind of does
that but they're in the European Union Poland to some extent has tried to do that looks like they're kind of pivoting back on the last few months but still in the European Union I'm not saying don't have a European Union passport I'm not saying don't spend time in an EU country or even live there uh there's plenty of tax friendly countries in the EU there's plenty of nice places to live in the EU if that's what you want but would it be not a bad idea to have a residence permit or a citizenship in some
Balkan country or some uh Caucasian country uh where they do think a little bit differently so if you're tired of all this talk from unelected bureaucrats of how they want to control your life one thing I've noticed is do you know you know who loves to sponsor them is like the big four accounting firms the big consulting firms they they need it up and so what NAD accomplice is is we are the antidote to the big four firms uh who rarely give any specific advice who rarely give you much of anything at all when you
hire them to help you lower your taxes or get advice on something I spoke to one of the wealthiest clients we've had he said you just kind of a cobbled together report is what they gave me about where I can move it's like oh you're a rich guy you can move to Switzerland it's like gee I never heard of Switzerland oh thanks guys and he and he invited me over and he said uh Hey used to make you know some places that most people don't talk about where are the places off the beaten path that
I can go to that that you know I'll be covered and that's what we do we help clients who have $1 million or more liquid assets or who have a high income figure out how to legally lower your taxes if you're willing to move how to Offshore your company protect your assets overseas whether it's with bank accounts trusts whatever it is all has to be done legally all has to be done to where it across multiple jurisdictions it works uh getting second citizenships getting second residence permits this is the kind of stuff you want to
do if you want to protect yourself because if all your bank accounts and your only passport and everything you have is in one place where are you going to go and if you had the chance wouldn't you want to not be that historical character that goes to a new country with you know $73 in his pocket and it's to start over with only the wits that he has wouldn't it be nice to have something waiting for you I'm not saying let me very clear we're not talking about hiding your money if you're an American for
example there are forms to be filed declaring foreign bank accounts companies trusts Etc people we work with are going to tell you to do that all the time we will not tolerate any deviants from that you got to be on the up and up but if you can legally move some money if you can legally have a second passport there's a few countries you're not allowed to be a dual citizen okay get a residence permit instead and wait perhaps for that law to change then you can naturalize but if you're allowed to have dual citizenship
you can generally have multiple citizenship get a couple second passports do it legally don't get this Mexico they do it in 14 days and they punch your name in the system that you see from some ticktockers don't do that but do it legitimately we help people figure out all the pieces of the puzzle uh we spend a lot of time researching this stuff you can go to nomad.com apply couple more places uh and these are not specific geographically but these are kind of cultural mindset uh anywhere where people have known some oppression what a lot
of these Western countries that are like yeah that sounds like a great idea take away all our freedoms what do they have in common I would say generally they've had it too good for too long and you've kind of disconnected what God has here from the people running the show I've told you many many times now gen Z 30% put cameras inside the house in case someone's abusing their spouse hey invade our freedoms the rest of the time for the small percentage of people I would hope who are doing that uh hey who needs Freedom
yeah they're kind of disconnected from what made the country successful in the first place so when you go people no oppression I like Underdog countries because they get this they're like hey we know where we came from there are a few Western countries that still have somewhat of that Underdog mindset and so somebody made a comment if the elite 1% of the world took control 99% of the population would likely resist how would they deal with that how successful were the Russian the French aristocracy at Staying Alive or at Liberty during the revolutions that tore
their countries apart the question is if you got gen Z 30% say put a camera in my bathroom at home to make sure I'm not you know roughing up my uh my girlfriend I don't think they're going to be part of the 99% pushing back so anywhere where they've known a pression where they've seen hey you know what I know where this is going that's where you want to go and so just look at the last you know look at the history of my lifetime I'll be 40 this year and look at the places that
in your lifetime have had it back it's not an entirely perfect indicator but I'm not looking for you to find one other place to go this is not buying a summer home and you're going to be married to the new place you want to have not a domatic travel mindset that you're always traveling but you want to have the mindset of if you are in abusive relationship you're going to go so if you live in your country now you live there for as long as you want until it gets abusive and then you should leave
now people keep saying when it gets bad enough I'll leave it's gotten progressively bad this entire Century like if you're hanging on to that you know with a claw if it when it gets bad enough I'll leave you probably would have triggered bad enough a number of times in the last 20 years but okay hang out until you feel like it's an abusive relationship and then go well what happens if I go to the next place and then like 27 years later then you leave again like hey what if I marry you know an abusive
person uh yeah you should probably leave what if the next person I marri you should probably leave again like don't be in abusive relationships and I say that with with love don't be in abusive relationships including with your country and if you go to the next one and you pick that one wrong okay so listen it's like have a couple you can pick from and then you're more covered the fifth place uh again more on the mindset basis is countries that are cooperating uh diplomatically with China which I go back to the Africa point I
get it lot of people who watch don't like China but listen I don't know China okay I don't know China I don't know Xi Jinping I don't know any of these people but what I'm telling you is these are places where they're bucking the trend because you've had since the fall of the Soviet Union you've kind of had this okay Russia's kind of there it's kind of like yeah the US is like the big superpower all right the EU does some things and Russia does some things now China's coming up as a superpower but the
US kind of had its own turf for a while and that's why I think they've gone pretty crazy on some of the sanctions there's some bad people in the world there's some bad countries and bad State actors in the world is it Forex since the since the of the century they Forex the sanctions uh and so I think that to you know for these countries we're like you know what yeah we don't get anything from you China's given us something we're going with them that's almost and it's becoming less and less so every day it's
almost kind of an active like uh Revolt because I think that the US government has this view that like everyone has to get with us NAA faraj is speaking at no M capitalist live I interviewed him two years ago and and I don't know we entirely agree with this I said why should all these countries that you know the Commonwealth why should they stick with the with the UK you see a few of the the Caribbean ones kind of doing a little bit more business with China he's like well we have shared values and I
don't know that that's how the US and UK governments look at it I can speak more for the US uh where I think they're like yeah we just want people to vote with us and and serve us and serve our needs and for me that's why and I'm not saying this is I mean I'm The Nomad capitalist I'm not some bleeding heart liberal I'm not some communist by any means but when Trump said America first I said to myself do other countries get to put themselves first and I ultimately left the US and and gave
up my citizens because I felt like being a guy who lives overseas in a world where everyone should put the US first and if you diplomatically choose to work with China you're thumbing your nose to the US and you're kind of like an enemy that we should maybe go and screw with I don't agree with that and I think that that same kind of attitude probably goes to citizens who live in other countries that you know aren't you know Al aren't paying taxes in the US and so I think you know just a country that
that has some kind of rebellion against this kind of uh unipolar system we're going to a multi-polar world we're there some of these places couldn't could end up being not worth that much but uh if you have a portfolio of different flags planted around the world you're going to be prepared that if some of these places do become the next South Korea the next Singapore uh even the next Georgia which did you know pretty well I mean a lot of countries have come up they may to be per they may to be Singapore level yet
but they're better than where they were if these places keep moving in the right direction I think you'll see a different mindset there people are going to scoff at it but if you want to change the things in your life you've got to change the things around you you can't move from the United States to Italy two Western countries that are very much connected and say why haven't things changed you have to look at places that are different and uh we'd be happy to help you figure out how that works uh in a very legal
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