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Neste vídeo você vai ver um resumo dos principais conceitos de Karl Marx - Trabalho, mais valia, val...
Video Transcript:
Hello In this video I bring some of Max's main theories such as work value-in-use and exchange-value, surplus value and alienation of work, all of this in a very summarized and objective way. So if we get a cup of coffee with this video it's so cool Let's go Hey there everyone Goody my name is Paulo geography teacher and you're here with me Nagel illustrate after a brief period of inactivity on the channel Due to the rush of daily life we're back to talk about Max good No more stalling Let's start talking about work Well, let's start talking about work Because to understand the other concepts You'll need to understand this one first So look at Marx's conception, work is all interaction between man AND nature with the aim of transforming -la in goods necessary for their survival So keep this information very well work in the design of Marx of the interaction between man and nature but from there arises a question if the work has to do with the modif ication of nature it is correct to imagine that animals work because they also modify nature and much in the same, using examples from Marques himself we can draw Parallels, for example, between the work of bees and an architect have you seen the bee hive, it is totally perfect and symmetrical these start so I used it lacked the ability to reproduce them perfectly in this drawing then another viable comparison is between the work done by a spider and a weaver that look very similar so what animals do is correct work wrong is not work at least not according to Marx's conception and here people will enter Another very important point of the concept of work by Marx, the author will say that for an activity, work is considered, it must start from the idealization, that is, it must be previously imagined in terms of ideas and subsequently be executed in practice humans do this not animals as they act purely by instinct c orreto Then look only at the design Marx only would work activity that promotes this interaction which interaction interaction between man and nature and would only be productive work which resulted in a product then bora there understand that there a little better job analysis made by Marx in capitalism part of the category value the value the social form of the product of work which was all day, don't worry, I'm going to try to simplify it for you, okay, think about it, all work will generate a type of product and this product for its instead it would generate value or rather it will generate values ​​because Marx defined two main values, they are the use value and the exchange value and what is each of them good the use value the name itself suggests a lot, doesn't it even have the to do with the utility with the satisfaction of human needs, whereas the exchange value has to do with the production, the reproduction AND the valorization of Capital In other words, it is the value of the product in relation to the market and ntão has to do with money money right which is what really makes the turn capitalism Let's think about imagines example you have a car there in your garage which will be the use value of that car it will take you to the places it will take it to work to go to the market anyway it will satisfy your personal needs now if you get tired of this car and want to come and it will have an exchange value against the market, which is really the value you can get on the sale of this car it would be the exchange value Remembering that I'm simplifying as much as possible, this is in case someone comes to call me names and in the comments now let's talk about two of Marx's main concepts, which are the surplus value and alienation of work, but before that I'm asking you like that, if you 've been enjoying the video, leave that comment saying you liked it and what you didn't like, your opinion is very important to me and if you liked the channel a lot here, enter and there also our social beauty networks Facebook and Instagram here in video beauty description Thanks so now bora towards the end asset Video What comes to be a good asset to understand this concept is necessary to detach what is work and what are the means of production who owns the workforce to proletariats workers right the dominated class and who owns the bourgeoisie the means of production ie the ruling class but even having the work force or the pain does not he holds the means of production, so he is forced to sell his labor power to the bourgeoisie, that is to the holders of the means of production and it is in this relationship that the key to understand what surplus value is. Look only the owners of the means of production buy the labor power of the proletariats, but this labor power generates much more value than it costs the capitalist.
Pay close attention to what I'm going to say now this difference between what the and work costs and what it generates of value is that it is the surplus Let's think of a simple example here if you have the work you get x but your workforce generates 10x value and this difference d9x is the surplus that is, the worker has only a measly part of the value that his work was and now finally the Worker's alienation good alienation according to Marx is the worker's estrangement in relation to the final product of his work. for example, each worker is responsible for only one stage of the service. The worker spends his whole life doing that same service and does not even know what he is producing.
Furthermore, the worker produces but the product does not belong to him. It belongs to the holders of the means of production and this relationship between producing and not even knowing what is being produced in addition to producing and not having access to the product of one's work is what alienation is according to Marx.
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