Why YOU Should NEVER Tell Anyone What You Are Up To (Christian Motivation)

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Journey To God
The world has gradually become a reality TV show, and everyone seems to be a character in the series...
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the world has gradually become a reality TV show and everyone seems to be a character in the series everything you do or plan to do is on social media for everyone else to see but have you ever considered how amazing it would be when you don't tell anyone what you are up to when you set goals smash them and move to Greater Heights in your career without making your moves public secret moves are the most powerful and they yield yield the greatest results in this video we'll examine why you should never tell anyone what you
are up to before we continue kindly subscribe to the channel if you have not done that thank you here are five reasons you should never tell anyone what you are up to not everyone has good intentions in your life not Everyone likes you or wants the best for you even amidst your friends and most trusted allies not all of them desire that you achieve your goals and reach the peak of success some individuals can go to any length to ensure you don't reach where God has destined you to be look at the life of Joseph
he shared his dreams with his brothers thinking they would be happy for him however they became envious of him they they didn't like him much before because he was their father's favorite and they resented him for reporting their misdeeds to their father when he shared his dreams their anger escalated even his father who loved him very much was not quite pleased when he heard about Joseph's second dream his brothers sold him to slavery to stop him from achieving his dream despite being his siblings they took drastic measures against him when he revealed his future aspirations
so imagine how terrible non- relatives can get yet some individuals will go to any length to pull others down even if you don't disclose your plans to them they may actively seek ways to hinder your progress and bring you down similar to the treatment other officials accorded Daniel now imagine if Daniel had shared his intentions with them they would have done worse this is not to say that you should go about suspecting people and not have anyone to talk to it's a caution to to allow the holy spirit to guide you in all your decisions
you should discern when to speak and when to refrain from sharing your plans because not everyone has your best interests at heart number two what the enemies don't know they can't destroy this is another powerful reason not to let people know what you are up to when they don't know or have the full details about what you are doing or what you want to do next they won't be able to destroy your plans even God used this strategy to protect the savior of the world the Bible says that the enemies didn't know that by Killing
Jesus they set him free to live in the hearts of all who believed in him and become the head of principalities and power the Bible further said that if they had known they wouldn't have crucified the Lord Of Glory they didn't know God hid it from them although there were prophecies about the birth of the Messiah and how he would save the world from sin the devil didn't know the details the devil thought Killing Jesus would stop the Redemption plan but he didn't know that God used him to Foster what he was doing the Bible
says God hides himself in light why do you think he does that it's simply because anything exposed is vulnerable to everyone and even the respect he deserves as God the honor and reverence won't be there if everything there is to know and see about him is open that is why no matter how long you stay with God even when you get to be with him in heaven you'll keep discovering more about him he is like an Endless Sea that you can't get enough of he also wants you to pattern your life according to this way
everything about you your past present and plans your revelation of your future prophetic message concerning your life and everything else should not be for public consumption you should be able to know what is not meant to be made public until it is done some people don't even share what they are up to with their friends and family instead they go to their social media handles to broadcast everything they do yet many of them wonder why their plans often fall through and they can't seem to achieve what theyve ' always wanted to achieve the reason most
Nations send spies into enemy territory during times of war is to gather crucial information and secrets the revelation of these secrets can make a nation vulnerable to attacks and potentially lead to its downfall this concept extends to individuals as well where keeping certain aspects of your life plans and strengths confidential can protect you from external threats look at the story of Samson a promised child and a powerful Warrior who greatly troubled the Philistines despite their efforts they couldn't defeat him they had to devise a strategy to discover the secret behind his strength if they had
not known that secret they wouldn't have been able to destroy him Samson got carried away shared the secret of his strength with Delila and the enemy brought him down don't let the enemy find the secret of your your strength through unguided exposure to your plans goals and everything God is speaking to you about your life and future never forget that as long as the enemies don't know what you are up to they won't know where and how to strike and once they don't know that you can keep moving forward in life why else should you
never tell people what you are up to number three because seeds grow underground you don't have to announce everything God shows you on the rooftop learn to work in silence when you plant a seed you often put it in the ground and cover it up whatever happens in the ground for the number of days or weeks the seed stays in the ground before budding is not something everyone would know or even see it's between the seed the ground and God eventually it Buds and everyone can see the result of whatever happened while the seed was
covered in in the ground you can liken the sea to what you are up to eventually everyone would come to know when the results are out but before the results are out you don't have to put the process in the public eye let the results be announced to you when the seed eventually buds no one would care about process or whatever happens in the ground because that is not what they are after concerning your dreams goals asp irations and everything God speaks to you about your life you need to treat them as seeds nurture them
under the ground and let them grow when they grow and become glaring you can share the process if necessary but the thing is many people are so eager to share everything before the right time and that is why they encounter many problems and put themselves through many unnecessary hardships they could have avoided if only they had learned to keep their mouths shut while teaching the Beatitudes Jesus also mentioned the importance of working in silence in Matthew 76 he says do not give dogs what is sacred do not throw your pearls to pigs if you do
they may trample them under their feet and then turn and tear you to pieces your pearls are your plans goals aspirations prophetic instructions Etc you should not throw them to pigs if you don't want the pigs to trample on them and cut them to Pieces referring to them as pigs or dogs is not to demean them rather it's a symbolic way of explaining things a pig does not care if something is precious or not all they know is to roll in the Meer and make a mess so if you give pearls to a pig you
should not be surprised when the pig handles it anyhow because it is not precious to them some things are too too precious to be on display for everyone are your dreams and goals precious to you do you value them enough to keep them from those who would not appreciate their worth like swine and dogs your dreams and what you are up to ought to be precious to you and you should treat them as such don't just throw them anywhere to anyone and expect those people to treat them the same way you treat them keep your
precious pearls to yourself and only share with worthy ones the time of building planning and cultivating your dreams is not for you to hold podcasts to share everything you are doing the more you share the more you water down what you are doing and the more you put yourself at risk of opposition and attack from those who don't want you to do well and you put unnecessary pressure on yourself rather than focusing on your dreams your focus will be on the the image you are trying to build since everyone knows what you are up to
you will be concerned with what people will say and think of you if you don't achieve what you have said you would achieve this is the number one reason why many people stay in toxic relationships and endure all sorts of wrong things from the very first day they met the person they've announced on all their social media handles flaunted pictures and all that only for it not to go well anymore but they can't opt out because of fear of what people will say number four sharing what you are up to with the wrong people can
bring discouragement how many dreams visions and great plans have been swept under the carpet or abandoned because the dreamer shared them with the wrong person many people get great ideas and out of excitement they share them with friends who in turn tell them they can't achieve it the friend talks down on the vision as an impossible task or foolish idea and because of the position that friend holds in your heart you also believe you are not good enough consequently you abandon your dreams David was in that situation but would not let anyone tell him he
wasn't good enough when he inquired about Goliath's threat his brother quickly told him not to think about defeating Goliath because he was not strong enough even the king looked at him and told him that Goliath had been a Warrior from his youth so what made David think he could defeat him thank God David was confident about his dreams that was the only thing that made him able to stand face to face with Goliath if he allowed those words of discouragement to get to him he would have gone back home without ever facing Goliath and maybe
no one would even know anything about him today people would often discourage you they may mean it or may not mean it even well-meaning people out of care and concern for you they might talk down on your dreams when you share them this is why if it is not necessary then you have no business sharing your dreams with anyone lastly oversharing can hinder your progress your dreams goals plans and aspirations are all focused on getting you to where you need to be however do you know that oversharing is like a rope pulling you back as
you try to climb the ladder of progress when you share what you are up to with anyone you open yourself up to unnecessary rivalry and competition if care is not taken your goal will shift from improving yourself and going higher to trying to outshine others indiscriminate sharing of your plans can be a distraction and all this excess baggage only hinders your progress from the examples of Samson Joseph and Eve you can see that oversharing does more harm to the person I'm sharing if you are determined to reach the future God has shown you or fulfilled
the dreams in your heart then you will be too busy working things out and implementing your plans you will have less time to discuss your plans with people so focus on doing everything you should do to fulfill your dreams don't waste your time explaining yourself to people even when people look at you would mention that your life does not seem to show any progress going on about what your peers have achieved while you seem to be wasting away that still is not a license for you to throw caution in the air and tell them about
the great things you are working on your responsibility is to keep working and not try to offer any explanation to people it is challenging to break the habit of constantly sharing every breakthrough or idea on social media however you should know that you can achieve it self-control is a fruit of the spirit and you can develop it with the presence of the Holy Spirit within you the whole world lies in wickedness and as God observed the thoughts of man's heart are only evil continually you cannot know the heart of men without the help of the
Holy Spirit therefore it's crucial To Tread with caution you don't know those who wish you bad or those who don't want to ever see you succeed they may be around you and waiting for the right time to strike if you then go to them to share your plans and dreams with them you've only given them the information they need to bring you down silence holds immense power and possessing the ability to control your speech is a virtue everyone should pray to have the psalmist prayed in Psalm 141 3 set a guard over my mouth oh
Lord keep watch over the door of my lips if you are unable to keep Vital Information to yourself always eager to share everything with people you know or even strangers you need to pray the same prayer when you pray this prayer you will have caution over your mouth and not only your mouth but your fingers as well it's wise to refrain from Loosely sharing personal details about your family business dreams and even personal Revelations from God and if you truly want to see their dreams come to pass then you need to make this commitment Proverbs
10:14 says the wise store up knowledge but the mouth of a fool invites ruin God has given you the holy spirit to guide you in the way you live your life with the help of the Holy Spirit you learn when to speak and when to keep quiet whom to speak to to and those with whom you should not share the details of your life the Holy Spirit guides you on what to say and what not to say in essence the holy spirit is the guide that will keep you from sharing what you are not supposed
to share as you go about your daily activities and encounter various people listen to the promptings of the spirit this will enable you to exercise caution when sharing too much or when about to share with the person let us pray dear father I come into your presence today with gratitude for all you have done for me through this message I have gained insight into the importance of discerning what I share with others I seek your grace to know when to speak and when to remain silent what to say and what not to say and to
discern with whom I should share the details of my life grant me the Wis wisdom not to use my words to scatter or hinder your work in my life help me refrain from sharing every aspect of my life on social media instill in me the wisdom to labor secretly and diligently on my goals so that the reward of my efforts will speak for itself Lord I ask for Mercy for every instance where I've shared what I wasn't supposed to I pray for the power of restoration to reclaim everything lost through moments of unguarded speech grant
me the courage to revive plans and goals that negative words and discouragement have thwarted Holy Spirit be my guide teach me what to do and show me how to work in silence show me the right actions to take at every juncture in my life I pray that you protect my dreams against the attacks and opposition of the enemy just as the psalmist prayed for you to set a guard over his mouth I offer the same prayer today I will not be careless in my communication because I know that not everyone means well help me be
cautious and Vigilant grant me the strength to resist the pressure of premature manifestation that may tempt me to announce my goals and dreams at the wrong time may I stay where you want me to doing all you want me to do until you are ready to announce me let my results speak for themselves thank you Lord for hearing my prayers I offer these requests in jesus' name amen if this message has impacted you please hit the like button also remember to subscribe to this channel for more Spirit-filled messages see you in the next video
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